SEC. 4 Strategic Environmental Plan. - A Comprehensive Framework For
SEC. 4 Strategic Environmental Plan. - A Comprehensive Framework For
SEC. 4 Strategic Environmental Plan. - A Comprehensive Framework For
preparedness, rehabilitation, respond to natural calamities
solve customs delay to foreign nationals in helping disasters
Geneva Convention:
a.) 1976 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of
Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD)
b.) 1977 Additional Protocol (on protection of victims) to the Geneva
Conventions of 12 Aug 1949 (Protocol 1) International wars; prohibition
on indiscriminate attacks and environmental collateral damage
c.) 1977 Additional Protocol Relating to the Protection of Victims of NonInternational Armed Conflicts (Protocol 2) internal armed conflicts
Hague Conventions governing weapons
right to choose weapons is not unlimited
restricted or banned weapons:
o exploding munitions
o poisonous gas
o chemical and biological weapons
o blinding lasers
o land mines
o lead ammunition tungsten and tin / nylon
Deficiencies and Current Challenges
Geneva Convention 1949 no mention of environment
Hague Convention 1907 did not address specific environmental
o Constitutes? widespread, long term and severe damage
Kosovo wartime
pollution of Danube river
bombing of industrial facilities
Yugoslavia filed a case before ICJ vs US and Spain (did
not recognize ICJ; jurisdiction)
o Obligation not to cause far reaching health
and environmental damages
o Obligation not to use prohibited weapons
Vatican State
o Protected area; avoid destruction; military to take all
necessary measures
o 1954 Convention for the protection of cultural property in the
event of Armed Conflict
o list 1971 Ramsar Convention
protection in times of Armed Conflict
protected areas free of weapons; no military activities
X Vietnam War, Gulf War, Kosovo War/Conlict
Difficult to discern contamination due to
a. evolution of the concept of environmental crime
b. widening liability law for environmental damage
c. application of Polluter Pays Principle
Problem: states are inherently reluctant to relinquish sovereignty and expose
themselves to legal proceedings
Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
- jurisdiction is not compulsory
- competence only from agreement to arbitrate
a. ICJ
b. Apellate Body of the WTO
c. Tribunal of the Law of the Sea
handed down decisions in disputes related to the protection of the
d. ICJ environment chamber
e. Permanent Court of Arbitrations Environment Facility
Regional Forums
b. Inter American court of HR
c. Court of Justice of the European Community
Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA)