Style Sheet For Dissertation

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Style sheet for M.A.


1. Length: The dissertation has to be written between 7000 and 10,000 words excluding
titles, sub-titles and annexes
2. Format: It will be as follows:

Margins of one inch all around

The dissertation is to be typed in Times New Roman, 12 points with double


The dissertation is to be printed on both sides. i.e. recto verso

3. Abstract: Every dissertation should include an abstract in both English and the target
4. Research areas: These will include all areas of study offered by the Department e.g.
Translation, Literature, Cultural History and will cover the optional papers as well.
Students can also opt for areas covered under Common Course papers. E.g.
Linguistics, History of Western Thought, Perspectives in Theory and Criticism.
5. Language of Dissertation: All dissertations must be written in the Target language.

Certificate Page: Students are required to sign an undertaking countersigned by the

supervisor declaring that the dissertation work is original. The format of the
declaration is to be procured from the department office. Any instance of plagiarism
will invite strict disciplinary actions including rejection of the dissertation.

7. References: All dissertations should provide proper references from reliable sources,
such as:

Published articles and books

Internet resources e.g. Government and university websites, blogs of authors

While citing Internet sources, the date of access to the website must be mentioned.

The following sources will not be accepted


Wikipedia, blogs except where blogs themselves are the object of investigation,
as in case of blogs maintained by authors or institutions on which the
research is carried out.

8. Citations:

All citations are to be put in inverted commas

Where a citation exceeds 3 lines the following format is to be followed: Single

spacing, 10 points and indented.

Citations in English may be included in the body of the text. No translation to be


9. Footnotes/Endnotes: References should be clearly mentioned in the footnotes. For

references, the following format is to be followed.

Authors SURNAME, Name/INITIALS., Title in Italics. Edition (if not the first). Place of
publication: Publisher, Year of publication
Bourdieu, M. and Passeron, J., Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture. 2nd ed,
London: Sage, 1984.
Reference to a Chapter
Spencer, J., Nationalism. In: A. Barnaud and J. Spencer, eds., Encyclopaedia of Social and
Cultural Anthropology, London: Routledge, 1996, pp.500-515.
Reference to a Journal Article
Van Leeuwen, T. and Wodak, R., Legitimizing Immigration Control: A Discourse-Historical
Analysis. Discourse Studies, 1(1), 1999, pp.80-120.
Reference to a Newspaper Article
Cohen, N. (or NEWSPAPER TITLE, if author is not available), Messing with the Feds, The
Observer, 26 August, 2001, p.20a.
Reference to a Public Document
Refugee Council Briefing, The Development of Refugee Settlement Policy in the UK, Paris:
UNHCR, Report number 12, 1998.
Reference to web pages /sites and e-books/ e-journals
Kellner, D., Critical Theory, Poststructuralism and the Philosophy of Liberation [online].
from:, 1996, [Accessed 27
February 2002]/consult le 27 fvrier 2007/consultado el 27 de febrero de 2002/accesso al
27 febbraio 2002,pl add the German version
Reference to a video, film or broadcast
Birds in the Garden, Video, London: Harper videos,1998.

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