About This Releaseoooo
About This Releaseoooo
About This Releaseoooo
After a long winter, here is a new all-new chess ebooks compilation. As usual th
e books were collected from various sources, notably Ru-Board, Lionroad Chess Fo
rum, Demonoid, eMule, Usenet, Russian and Spanish websites, personal aficionado
blogs etc. A warm thanks to all persons involved.
I checked the books one by one and did some editing myself. Not every book in th
is compilation is totally "new". Sometimes an existing scan is improved with bet
ter resolution, smaller size, cover, index, right page order, missing pages etc.
And it happens also that someone does a new scan from an existing book.
For the first time, I'm including a COMPLETE TUTORIAL ON HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN
CHESS EBOOKS. It consists of the program ScanKromsator 5.91 by "Bolega", with ac
companying help files by "filchess" and others. Also, don't miss Darkseed's "How
to Make Ebooks for Dummies", a very instructive piece of work by a guy who crea
ted dozens of chess books in top quality (and totally for free).
The books are written mainly in English, but also in other Western languages (Ge
rman, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese). Books in Russian were included ONLY
when they can easily be understood by non-Russian speakers.
I didn't include any password-protected chess books from Caissa Lovers. Their lo
gos are enough advertising. This kind of thing infringes Demonoid's policy and i
s against the spirit of free P2P sharing. I cannot agree with that.
And here is the complete list for Part 2:
Graeme Buckley - Easy Guide to the Queen's Gambit Accepted (single pages).pdf
Graeme Buckley - Multiple Choice Chess, Vol. 2.pdf
Graham Burgess - The Taimanov Sicilian - Detailed Coverage.pdf
Graham Burgess & Steffen Pedersen - Queen's Gambit for the Attacking Player (sin
gle pages).pdf
Gyozo Forintos & Ervin Haag - Easy Guide to the Nge2 King's Indian (Hungarian At
Hanon W. Russell - Russian for Chessplayers.pdf
Hans Kmoch - Die Kunst der Bauernfuehrung - Ein Beitrag zur Schachstrategie (Ger
Hans Kmoch - Die Kunst der Verteidigung (4th edition, German).djvu
Hans Mueller - Angriff und Verteidigung - Strategie und Taktik im Schachspiel (G
Hans Schaffer - Internationale Galerie Moderner Problem-Komponisten 1930 (German
Harry Golombek - J. R. Capablanca - 75 seiner schoensten Partien (German).djvu
Helmut Wieteck - Caro-Kann - Die Verteidigung der Weltmeister (German).djvu
I. A. Horowitz - How to Win in the Chess Openings.pdf
I. A. Horowitz - The Golden Treasury of Chess.pdf
Igor Stohl - Instructive Modern Chess Masterpieces.pdf
Iossif Dorfman - The Method in Chess - Critical Positions (2007, Russian).djvu
Iossif Dorfman - The Method in Chess - Dynamics and Statics (2007, Russian).djvu
Jacob Aagaard - Excelling at Chess Calculation - Capitalising on Tactical Chance
Jacob Aagaard - Starting Out - The Gruenfeld (small size).pdf
Jacob Aagaard - Stonewall II (German).pdf
James Eade - Chess for Dummies (2nd edition).pdf
James Mason & W. H. K. Pollock - St. Petersburg Tournament 1895-96.djvu
James Plaskett - Sicilian Grand Prix Attack.pdf
James Rizzitano - Chess Explained - The Queen's Gambit Declined.djvu
James Rizzitano - Chess Explained - The Queen's Gambit Declined.pdf
James Vigus - The Pirc in Black and White - Detailed Coverage.pdf