Vodafone Code of Conduct 2012
Vodafone Code of Conduct 2012
Vodafone Code of Conduct 2012
Code of Conduct
Trust is fundamental
to everything we do.
Insider dealing
Competition laws
Bribery and improper payments
Compliance with the law
Financial integrity
Committing to contracts and expenditure
Social and environmental considerations
Protecting our brand and other assets
Public policy 14
Being an admired
company is not just
about our performance
and achievements, its
also about acting in
a responsible, ethical
and lawful way.
Vittorio Colao
Vodafone Group Chief Executive Officer
Why we have a
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct sets out what we expect from every single
person working for and with Vodafone. It also underlines our
responsibilities to our people, partners and shareholders.
The Code of Conduct helps us all make informed decisions
and tells us where to go for more information.
The Vodafone Way
The Vodafone Way sets out our core values for how we work
so we can be admired by our customers, shareholders,
the people we work with and the communities we work in.
What customers
Because we
work with
Ambitious and
Is it legal?
Does it feel right? Am I being
fair and honest?
Will my action stand the
test of time?
How will I feel about it
How would it look on the front
page of the newspaper?
Could I justify it to my family?
If you answer no or Im not sure
to any of these questions then
you should seek support.
You can speak to your line
manager or another colleague you
trust, they might be able to give
you the guidance and advice you
need. You can also ask your local
compliance team.
How customers
see us
One company,
local roots
Our Business
Individual conduct
We will act with honesty, integrity and
fairness in our dealings both internally
and externally. We will not tolerate any
form of bribery, including improper offers
of payments or gifts to or from employees.
We will avoid any contracts that might lead
to, or suggest, a conflict of interest between
personal activities and the business. We will
neither give nor accept hospitality or gifts
that might appear to incur an obligation.
We will pursue mutually beneficial
relationships and seek to promote the
application of our Business Principles
with our business partners and suppliers.
Financial integrity
We will provide the best possible return
for our shareholders over the longer term.
We will base our investment decisions,
acquisitions and business relationships
on economic criteria but will also take
into account social and environmental
Public policy
We will voice our opinions on government
proposals and other matters that may affect
Vodafone and our stakeholders. We will not
make gifts or donations to political parties
or intervene in party political matters.
We will base relationships with and between
employees on respect for individuals and
their human rights and will not tolerate child
labour. We will not accept any form of
discrimination, harassment or bullying.
We will pursue equality of opportunity and
inclusion for all employees through our
employment policies and practices.
Communities and society
We will engage with local communities
to help us understand and respond to any
concerns they may have, for example in
relation to network deployment. We will
always provide our stakeholders with access
to correct, relevant and current information
and build trust through integrity, transparency,
honesty and objectivity. We will invest in
society in a way that makes effective use
of our resources, including support for
charitable organisations.
We will value the trust our customers place in
us and will safeguard the information provided
to us.
We will commit to protecting the environment.
We will minimise our use of finite resources
(such as energy, water and raw materials) and
the release of harmful emissions to the
environment (including waste, air emissions
and discharges to water). We will seek to
improve the environmental performance of
the products and services we provide, as well
as support those that offer environmental
and social benefits to our customers.
We will communicate openly and transparently
with all our stakeholders within the bounds of
commercial confidentiality. We will protect
confidential information from improper
disclosure, and any authorised communication
of confidential information should be limited to
individuals who need it to carry out their work.
Speak Up
Speak Up
Q: I am a supplier working
on a Vodafone contract and
I have a concern to report.
Can I use the Expolink
reporting line?
A: Yes. The Expolink line
is for the use of employees
and contractors as well as
suppliers, business partners,
joint venture partners and
agents of Vodafone.
The contact details are the
same as those set out for
employees in this section.
Q: I am concerned
that my colleagues
will find out if I raise
a concern. Will it be
kept confidential?
A: Protecting the identity
of innocent people is our
priority. Vodafone will not
tolerate retaliation against
an employee who raises a
genuine concern. We will
keep what you tell us private
throughout the investigation
process, subject to our legal
obligations. All of the reporting
lines allow a confidential report
if that is your wish. In addition,
anonymous reporting is
available through Expolink.
Global number: +44 (0)1249 661 795
Click Speak Up on the intranet to see local
free phone numbers.
Click on Speak Up on the intranet to make
a report online.
Q: What if I report
something suspicious that
turns out not to be a breach
of compliance?
A: As long as your report was
made because of a genuine
concern, we will not take
any action against you.
Q: I have a concern
about the actions of a
colleague. How should
I report this?
A: The most important thing is
that you report your concern.
Ultimately, it doesnt matter
which route you choose.
If you feel comfortable talking
to your line manager, do that.
Your line manager is there to
support you and can help
you choose the correct
course of action.
Individual conduct
S ecurity of our people,
property and information
Vodafone handles vast amounts of
information every day. The systems
and networks which hold our customers
and employees data must be secure.
The information we use (whether written
or spoken, digital or physical) needs to
be protected so that we can be sure of its:
Confidentiality: our information is not
disclosed to unauthorised people.
Q: A colleague is covering my
role while I am on holiday and
needs access to the systems
I use. Its a lot of hassle to get
them a log-in and password,
can I just give them mine?
A: No. You should never give
your login details to other
people. We need to keep
accurate records of who
has access to our systems.
Everyone who has access
to our systems must
be authorised.
Individual conduct
Follow these simple steps to safeguard and
protect the information provided to us:
1 Value information and classify it
C4 Vodafone Secret: critical information
that could affect our share price
C3 Vodafone Confidential: sensitive
information that will only be shared
on a need-to-know basis
C2 Vodafone Restricted: day-to-day
information that we share with colleagues
and authorised third parties
C1 Vodafone Public: information we share
with the public although this still requires
External Communications approval
2 Clear your desk and lock your screen
Lock your screen if you leave your
computer unattended and ensure
classified information is securely
stored if you leave your desk
Switch off your computer at the
end of the day and lock laptops away
Clear your desk when you leave
for the day
Store classified information correctly
and dispose of it securely when it is
no longer needed
3 Protect your password
Do not share your password with anyone
or write it down
Do not let your computer remember
your passwords
Choose passwords that contain at least
eight characters with a mixture of upper
and lower case letters, numbers and
special characters
Individual conduct
Avoiding conflicts
of interest
If you find yourself in a position where your
personal and business interests come into
conflict, you are required to discuss this
with your local HR team.
To help you decide whether you are facing
a conflict of interest, imagine you are explaining
your actions to friends, a colleague or the
media and consider whether you would
feel comfortable.
3 Political involvement
Using any Vodafone resources such
as time, property, cash, equipment
or branding for political activities
could cause a conflict of interest.
Q: I work part-time in my
family business. Do I need
to declare an interest?
A: Yes. Even if the business
is not related to Vodafone.
In some countries there are
restrictions on the number of
hours you can work. Breaching
these rules might affect your
health and the quality of your
work. It could also result in
a fine for Vodafone.
Q: A close friend is
applying for a job in
Vodafone, is this OK?
Q: I am a member of a
political party. Do I need
to declare an interest?
A: We encourage you to
recommend Vodafone as
a great place to work.
However, you must ensure
that you are not involved in
the recruitment process and
the job role in question is not
reporting to you.
Individual conduct
with the law
Competition laws
You should never seek, accept or discuss
confidential information with competitors.
Anti-competitive practices can damage
our business.
Q: My friend is thinking
about selling some Vodafone
shares in the next few days.
I know Vodafone is due to
make an announcement that
will have a positive impact
on the share price. Is it okay
if I drop hints to my friend
that he should wait to sell?
Sherif Elnaggar
Health and
Absolute Rules
We always drive safely and legally:
we always wear a seatbelt.
We always drive safely and legally:
we always obey the speed limit.
We always drive safely and legally:
we never use a handheld mobile
device when driving.
We never work under the influence
of alcohol or drugs.
Never carry out work on any electrical
equipment unless youre qualified.
When working at height, always wear
protective gear, attach a safety harness
and use fall protection equipment.
Financial integrity
Code of Conduct Xxxxxxxx
Financial integrity
Q: I think my colleague
is regularly claiming taxi
fares for working after
hours but actually takes
public transport home.
What should I do?
A: You should speak to
your line manager in the
first instance. Alternatively,
follow the other Speak Up
routes if you feel it is more
Colin Richard Menzies
Financial integrity
Committing to contracts
and expenditure
You must not commit Vodafone to a
contract or incur expenses without
appropriate authorisation.
Vodafone needs legally binding contracts,
with agreed terms and conditions before it
commits its resources. Without these
agreements Vodafone is open to financial,
commercial, tax and legal risk.
The Delegation of Authority (DoA) shows what
level of authority you need before you can
commit Vodafone to a contract or expense.
Everyone is expected to understand how
the Delegation of Authority rules apply
to their work.
What does this mean for me?
We expect you to commit Vodafone only
where you:
Are authorised to do so in accordance
with your local approval process
Have sought legal and other relevant
advice where appropriate
Have carefully reviewed the contract,
understood its terms and decided
that entering into it is in Vodafones
best interests.
Code of Financial
Conduct Xxxxxxxx
Stephen Deadman,
Melanie Johnson
& Andre Ballista
Q: In my team we discuss
extensions for existing
products and services but
have not found a place
to capture our ideas.
Does such a place exist?
A: Yes an ideation tool is
on the intranet which makes
it very simple to share an idea,
a new concept or a proposition.
Public policy
We will voice our opinions.
We will voice our opinions on government
proposals and other matters that may
affect Vodafone and our stakeholders.
We will not make gifts or donations to
political parties or intervene in party
political matters.
We will build Vodafones reputation through
proactive engagement with government
policy makers and other stakeholders such
as the media, NGOs, industry analysts and
international institutions.
Public policy
We will communicate openly and transparently
with all our stakeholders within the bounds of
commercial confidentiality.
We will protect confidential information from improper disclosure
and any authorised communication of confidential information
should be limited to individuals who need it to carry out their work.
Speaking on behalf
of Vodafone
We must communicate relevant information to our teams quickly
and clearly. Internal communication should always be professional,
even when it is informal.
No one should make comments on behalf of Vodafone unless
they have prior approval, in accordance with the Public and Media
Relations Policy Standard.
We must always be aware that we are all representatives of
Vodafone and that whatever we do and say in public represents
the company.
We all have a duty to protect Vodafones confidential information.
Refer to the Security of our people, property and information
section on page 6 for more help.
Any unsolicited confidential information you receive should be
returned to the sender or deleted. It must not be used. If
appropriate, you should contact the sender to ask them
to stop sending confidential information.
Privacy is central to
earning and sustaining
trust in Vodafone.
Our Privacy Commitments
Privacy is central to earning and sustaining
trust in Vodafone, and being a responsible
and ethical corporate citizen.
When we are required to balance the
right to privacy against other obligations
necessary to a free and secure society,
we work to minimise privacy impacts.
Laws and standards
We comply with privacy laws, and we will
work with governments, regulators, policy
makers and opinion formers for better and
more meaningful privacy laws and standards.
We are accountable for living up to these
principles throughout our corporate family,
including when working with our partners
and suppliers.
What does this mean for me?
We must all live up to the Vodafone Privacy
Commitments. Depending on your role, some
commitments may be particularly important
for you. For example:
If you are involved in marketing, base
management or business development,
look at: Openness & Honesty and Choice.
If you are involved in product
development, R&D or technology and
engineering, look at: Openness &
Honesty, Choice and Privacy by Design.
If your role involves working with
governments, regulators, policy makers
and law enforcement, look at: Balance
and Laws & Standards.
Everyone should pay particular attention
to the first and last of our commitments;
Respect and Accountability. They are
especially relevant to CEOs and Group
Function heads, who are responsible for
making sure Vodafone is run according
to our Privacy Commitments.
Your local Privacy Officer
Your Privacy Officers can help you
understand how to apply our Privacy
Commitments. They can explain:
What the Privacy Commitments mean
for you and your team
Particular processes and guidelines
you need to follow
How to get training and where to find
other support materials
Go to the Code of Conduct page on the
intranet to find out who your local Privacy
Officer is.
You can become an advocate for privacy
by joining our Privacy Community.
Q: Im working on a project
involving a use of customer
information that is not
covered by law. Do I still have
to think about privacy?
Ashley Peck
Preventing harassment
and bullying
Claire Hammond
Steven Jebb
Q: My colleague regularly
arrives at work appearing
to be under the influence
of alcohol. I know he is
having difficulties at home.
What should I do?
and society
We are commited to
protecting the environment.
Wherever possible, we will reduce our use
of resources and cut any harmful emissions
we are responsible for. We will reuse and
recycle telecommunication equipment
and other waste.
We will comply with relevant environmental
legislation and international standards.
In countries where environmental legislation
is not evident or enforced, we will ensure
that responsible practices for managing
environmental impacts are in place.
Q: W
hat does reasonable and proportionate
mean? (p8)
A: As a general rule it covers low-value,
Vodafone branded items in connection
with promoting, demonstrating or
explaining our products and services.
It can also cover some hospitality which
is done for a clear business purpose,
for example inviting a group of
prospective clients to an event, and
which is not lavish or over the top.