Page References: "#/#" Is Player's Basic Rules/Players Handbook, "DM" Is DM Basic Rules, "Alpg" Is Adventurers League Players Guide

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D&D 5E Quick Reference

(Page References: "#/#" is Player's Basic Rules/Players Handbook, "dm" is DM Basic Rules, "alpg" is Adventurers League Players Guide)
YOUR TURN (Chapter 9: Combat)
Your Turn: move+action+bonus action (69/189)
move can be any mode/combo and split up during turn (70/190)
bonus actions are class/feat/etc. specific (69/189)
interact with 1 object for free (more req your action) (70/190)
Reactions: 1 reaction per round (reset at start of your turn) (70/190)
MOVE (Chapter 8: Adventuring and Chapter 9: Combat)
Movement: On your turn, mv distance up to your speed. Some action/
terrain change how much movement you have (70/190). Can move
thru non-hostile space or hostile space if 2+ larger/smaller (71/191)
Climb: +5' per 5' and ability chk if difficult (64/182)
Crawl: +5' per 5' (71/191)
Difficult Terrain: +5' per 5' (incld creature space (friend/ foe)) (70/190)
Drop Prone: 0' (70/190)
Grapple Move: spd/2 (unless 2+ larger) (74/195))
Jump, High: running (10'+) 3+StrMod feet, standing StrMod feet (min
1), extend arms to 1.5x height (64/182)
Jump, Long: running (10'+) Str feet, standing Str/2 feet,
10SC(Athletics) to clear low obstacle (height 1/4 jump distance),
10DC(Acrobatics) to land on feet in difficult terrain (64/182)
Mount/Dismount: 1/turn, spd/2, cannot if not enough mv left (77/198)
Stand Up: spd/2, cannot if not enough mv left (70/190)
Swim: +5' per 5' and ability chk if difficult (64/182)
Multiple Speeds: When switching mode, subtract amount already
moved from new spd (70/190)
ACTIONS (Chapter 9: Combat)
Attack: attack (71/192)
Cast a Spell: cast spell (72/192)
Dash: mv 2x spd (after mods) for turn (72/192)
Disengage: mv does not provoke for rest of turn (72/192)
Dodge: DA atk v you (if see atk); AD DS (lose if incap/spd 0) (72/192)
Grapple Escape: SC(Ath)/DC(Acr)>SC(Ath) (74/195)
Help: AD nxt chk/atk v target in 5' of you before your nxt turn (72/192)
Hide: DC(Stealth)> WC(Per) (half+ cover/ hvy obscur) (60,72/173,192)
Ready: Specify perceivable trigger and action (can mv up to speed
instead); use reaction after trigger (optional); spell req concentration
and 1 action cast time max (72/193)
Search: Search (72/193)
Use Object: Use special abil/interact w/ more than one object (72/193)
Improvise: Improvise an action not on this list (72/193)
ATTACKS (Chapter 9: Combat)
Attack If you're making atk roll, counts as atk for other rules (73/194)
Natural 1 or 20: Nat 1 miss, Nat 20 hit (+crit) (73/194)
No Proficiency: no proficiency bonus (73/194)
Attack Unseen: DA (73/194)
Attack From Hidden: AD, lose hidden after atk (hit or miss) (73/195)
Melee Atk: Str mod atk/dmg (finesse wpn special) (73/194)
Ranged Atk: Dex mod atk/dmg (thrown wpn special); DA long range
or if hostile cr that can see you and not incap in 5' (73/194,195)
Opportunity Atk (OA): target you can see exit reach, use reaction,
teleport/forced/falling move does not provoke (74/195)
Two-Weapon Fighting: w/ 2 light melee wpns, use BONUS action for
off hand atk. No + abil mod to dmg for 2nd. Can throw. (74/195)
Grapple: 1atk (free hnd); SC(Ath)>SC(Ath)/DC(Acr), end free (74/195)
Shove: 1atk; SC(Ath)>SC(Ath)/DC(Acr) (+1sz max); knock prone or
push 5' (74/195)
Damage vs Mult Targets: Make 1 dmg roll (75/196)
Critical Hit: roll dmg dice (wpn/ spell/ SA) 2x then add mods (75/196)
COVER (Chapter 9: Combat)
Creatures: provide cover (friend/ foe) (74/195)
1/2 Cover: 1/2+ blocked; +2 AC/Dex sv (74/195)
3/4 Cover: 3/4+ blocked; +5 AC/Dex sv (74/195)
Full Cover: All blocked; no direct targeting (74/195)
Determine Cover: Cover is left to DM discretion. I will use the
following: choose 1 corner of 1 square you occupy. Draw line from
that to every corner of 1 square target occupies. 1/2 cover if 1-2
obstructed. 3/4 cover if 3+ obstructed. Line that runs along
edge/corner of obstacle is unobstructed (but does not provide line of
sight) (this is the same as the rules from 3E and 4E)


Resistance: dmg/2 after mods, only once (75/197)
Vulnerability: dmg x2 after mods, only once (75/197)
Instant Death: If 0hp and remaining dmg > hp max (76/197)
Unconscious: 0hp unconscious, end if regain hp (76/197)
Death Save: start turn at 0hp, roll d20 (no ability mod but benefit from
items/spells that improve saves), 1=2xfail, 2-9=1xfail,
10-19=1xsuccess, 20=regain 1hp; die on 3rd fail, stabilize on 3rd
success, #fail/success don't need to be consecutive and reset when
regain hp or stabilize (76/197)
Damage at 0hp: death roll fail each dmg (2xfail if crit); if 1 atk dmg =
max hp, die (76/197)
Stabilize: ACTION, 10WC(Medicine) (auto Healer Kit) (48,76/151,197)
Stable: no death save, unconscious; end if take dmg; regain 1hp in d4
hours (76/197)
Knock Out: reduce to 0hp w/ melee atk, unconscious, stable (76/198)
Temp hp: lost first to dmg, healing no restore, no add, no restore
concious/ stabilize but can absorb dmg, last until long rest (76/198)
Short Rest: 1+ hr; spend HD (gain HD+ConMod for each) (67/186)
Long Rest: 8+ hr; 1+hp; regain all hp and HD/2 (1 min) (67/186/twitter)
SPELLCASTING (Chapter 10: Spellcasting)
Spell Components: 1 free hand for S/ M components (79/203)
Casting in Armor: must be proficient with the armor (79/201)
Long Casting Times: require concentration (79/202)
Range: Target/Initial effect location, area can extend beyond (79/202)
Touch Range: can affect caster (79/202)
Concentration: lose if start other conc spell/ incap/ killed/ take dmg
and fail CC (higher of 10 or dmg/2). End any time (FREE) (80/203)
Bonus Action Spell, no other spell xcpt 1 action cantrip (79/202)
Ability Chk, Atk Roll, Saving Throw different (57/173)
AD/DA: apply only 1x, cancel even if not equal, reroll only 1 (57/173)
Proficiency 1 time only (57/173)
Contest Tie: No change (58/174)
Passive Check +/-5 for AD/DA (59/175)
Falling: d6 bludgeoning/10' (20d6 max); prone if take dmg (65/183)
Initiative Tie: PCs only, players decide, otherwise DM does (69/189)
Surprised: no mv/action 1st turn, no reaction til 1st turn end (69/189)
Blinded: AD atk v you; DA your atks; auto fail chk req sight (106/290)
Charmed: No atk/target charmer w/ harmful ability/effect; AD charmer
social chk v you (106/290)
Deafened: auto fail chk req hearing (106/290)
Frightened: DA ability chk/atk while source of fear in sight; can't
willingly mv closer to source of fear (106/290)
Grappled: spd 0 (no bonus); end grappler incap/out of reach (106/290)
Incapacitated: no actions/reactions (106/290)
Invisible: impossible to see w/o magic/special sense; hvy obscured for
hiding; DA atk v you; AD atk (106/291)
Paralyzed: incapacitated (no action/reaction); no mv/speak; fail
SS/DS; AD atk v you; any hit critical if attacker in 5' (106/291)
Petrified: transformed with nonmagic obj worn/carried; 10x weight; no
aging; incapacitated (no action/reaction); no mv/speak; unaware of
surroundings; AD atk v you; fail SS/DS; resist all dmg; immune
poison and disease (only suspened if already in system) (106/291)
Poisoned: DA atk/abil chk (106/292)
Prone: mv by crawl/teleport/forced mv; DA atk/atk v you if not in 5'; AD
atk v you if in 5' (106/292)
Restrained: spd 0 (no bonus); AD atk v you; DA atk/DS (106/292)
Stunned: incapacitated (no action/reaction); no mv; faultering speech;
fail SS/DS; AD atk v you (106/292)
Unconcious: incapacitated (no action/reaction); drop held items; fall
prone; no mv/speak; fail SS/DS; AD atk v you; any hit critical if
attacker in 5' (107/292)
Exhaustion: 1-DA abil chk; 2-spd/2; 3-DA atk/sv; 4-maxhp/2; 5-spd 0;
6-dead; cumulative; reduce 1 with extended rest (107/291)
SKILLS (Chapter 7: Using Ability Scores)
DC Guidance (58/174)
DC5: Very Easy, DC10: Easy, DC15: Medium
DC20: Hard, DC25: Very Hard, DC30: Nearly Impossible
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D&D 5E Quick Reference

(Page References: "#/#" is Player's Basic Rules/Players Handbook, "dm" is DM Basic Rules, "alpg" is Adventurers League Players Guide)
MOUNTED COMBAT (Chapter 9: Combat)
Ride: Willing creature 1+ larger (77/198)
Mount/Dismount: 1/turn, spd/2, cannot if not enough mv left (77/198)
Mount Forced Move: 10DS or fall, land prone in 5' (77/198)
Rider Knocked Prone:10DS or fall, land prone in 5' (77/198)
Mount Knocked Prone: REACTION to land on feet, otherwise
dismounted and prone in 5' (77/198)
Controlled Mount: Must be trained, initiative change to match rider.
Move as directed, 3 action options: Dash, Disengage, Dodge. Can mv
and act on turn mounted. (77/198)
Independent Mount: Retain initiative, no action restrictions, mv and
acts as it wishes (77/198)
OA: If mount provokes OA, can target you or mount (77/198)
UNDERWATER COMBAT (Chapter 9: Combat)
Resist: resist fire if completely immersed in water (77/198)
Melee Wpn Atk: DA (xcpt swim spd, dagger, javelin, shortwsord,
spear, trident) (77/198)
Ranged Wpn Atk: Long range auto miss, normal range DA (xcpt
xbow, net, javelin, spear, trident, dart) (77/198)
MAGIC ITEMS (DM Basic Rules)
Determine if item magic by touching/ detect magic (dm59)
Identify: Scroll by reading, Potion by tasting, Other w/ Identify spell or
by touching and concentrating on it during short rest (dm59)
Attune: touch + concentrate during short rest (not same one ID'd in).
Item can attune to 1 creature. Creature can attune to 3 items. End if
>100' away for 24h or if die or voluntarily during short rest (dm59)
CHARACTER CREATION (Chapter 1: Step-by-Step Characters)
Rules: Basic Rules, PH, and Hoard Dragon Queen App. A (alpg3)
Race: Variant human trait allowed (alpg3)
Class: Cleric domain: Suggested or Life (can't choose Death) (alpg3)
Abilities: Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) or Point Buy (27 points; 8=0,
9=1, 10=2, 11=3, 12=4, 13=5, 14=7, 15=9)
Equipment: choose starting equip by class/background or take max
gp for class (alpg4), Can begin play with 1 trinket of your choice.
Alignment: CG, NG, LG, CN, N, LN, LE (Lord's Alliance/Zhent) (alpg4)
Faction: 1 only, lose all renown if switch (alpg4)
AC = 10+armor+shield+Dex Mod (if have multiple features that give
different ways to calculate AC, choose one (9/14))
Character Advancement (10/15)
XP Level




CALENDER (Forgotten Realms - Current Year 1489DR)

Days: 3 weeks of 10 days (unnamed)
Hammer-Alturiak-Ches (Jan-Mar)
Tarsakh-Mirtul-Kythorn (Apr-Jun)
Flamerule-Eleasias-Eleint (Jul-Sep)
Marpenoth-Uktar-Nightal (Oct-Dec)
Midwinter (between Hammer and Alturiak)
Greengrass (between Tarsakh and Mirtul)
Midsummer (between Flamerul and Eleasias)
Shieldmeet (during Midsummer once every four years)
Highharvestide (between Eleint and Marpenoth)
Spring Solstice (19th of Ches)
Summer Solstice (20th of Kythorn)
Autumn Solstice (21st of Eleint)
Winter Solstice (20th of Nightal)


Replay: Players/DM's can replay adventures if use different PC (alpg5)
Phandelver/HotDQ: get downtime days at end of episode rather than
each session (alpg5)
Divine Aid: Spells at Valhingen Graveyard (only spot in Phlan) (alpg8)
Gain Level: Can at end of long rest or session if enough xp (alpg7)
Faction Rank: Advance at end of an episode or adventure (alpg7)
Downtime Activities (use before/after adventure (alpg5))
Reduce raise dead penalty 1 per day in addition to activities (alpg11)
Crafting: No combining efforts
Practice Profession
Train: New language or set of tools
Catch Up: 4>5) 20 days; 10>11) 100 days (pay full lifestyle)
Spells: 3/d (even if own party). Acolyte 1free(xcpt Comp)/d (alpg11)
Change with 1 day lower or 30 days higher.
Wretched: free, Squalid: 1sp/day, Poor: 2sp/day, Modest: 1gp/day
Comfortable: 2gp/day, Wealthy: 4gp/day, Aristocratic: 10+gp/day
Gems, jewelry, art objects, trade good sell for full value
Arms, armor, other equip sell for half. But worthless if obtained from
monsters but can be used during session. (alpg6)
Wealth can't be exchanged except to help pay for services (must be in
same party (table) to do this). (alpg6)
Magic Items cannot be sold, can be traded with cert (1 for 1 of
equivalent rarity only), can be lent during play.
Tiers (can't play adventures outside your tier (alpg7))
First (1-4), Second (5-9), Third (11-16), Fourth (17-20)
Rebuilding (during first tier only (alpg7))
Keep: Name, experience, treasure, equipment, magic items,
downtime, and faction renown Replace: race, class, other options
Raise Dead Options (alpg11)
1.) New first level character
2.) 1250gp dead PC and other party members can contribute
3.) Faction charity, level 1-4 only, member of faction, forfeit all xp and
awards from that session (even those earned prior to death), can't
replay that episode or adventure
Empowered to make adjustments to adventure and how group
interacts with world.
300xp/tier/episode for home and encounters
200xp/tier/adventure for expeditions/epics (some may be more)
10 down time days per episode/adventure
Harpers is a scattered network of spellcasters and spies who advocate
equality and covertly oppose the abuse of power.
Order of the Gauntlet is composed of faithful and vigilant seekers of
justice who protect others from the depredations of evildoers.
Emerald Enclave is a widespread group of wilderness survivalists who
preserve the natural order while rooting out unnatural threats.
Lord's Alliance is a loose coalition of established political powers
concerned with mutual security and prosperity
Zhentarim is an unscrupulous shadow network that seeks to expand
its influence and power throughout Faerun.
Resources including Free D&D Basic Rules and Adventurers League
Players Guide, Adventure Logsheet, and Character Sheets:

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