Easypic3 Features
Easypic3 Features
Easypic3 Features
To o l s - C o m p i l e r s - B o o k s
Development tool for Microchip PIC MCUs
Key features:
9. You can connect LCD if you need it for your application i 4-bit mode.
10. You can connect Graphic LCD if you need it for your application or
LCD in 8-bit mode.
11. EasyPIC2 supports microcontroller in DIP8, DIP14, DIP18, DIP28
and DIP40 package, which makes you ready for almost the entire
scope of Microchip Microcontrollers.
12. 32 buttons allow you to control every pin on your microcontroller.
13. You can chose how pressing the button will affect the pin, high state
or low state.
14. See all the signals - each pin has LEDs.
15. Seven segment digits in multiplex mode for displaying the results.
16. Turns ON/OFF LEDs on A, B, C, D and E ports. You can chosewhich
port you want LEDs to be connected to. Also, you can choose which
digit you want to be on. In certain applications, it is important to
remove all unnecessary connections from pins - DIP switches let you
disconnect all LEDs and digits from MCU pins.
17. Set LCD contrast according to your needs.
18. Power supply control.
19. USB communication for MCU
with USB support.
20. PC keyboard connector.