George Bacal provided testimony in a judicial affidavit regarding a murder case against Pedro Cargo. Bacal stated that he witnessed an argument between the victim and Pedro Cargo's wife on March 2, 2014 over the property where Pedro's vulcanizing shop was located. The next day, Bacal heard loud banging and a commotion at the vulcanizing shop and footage from his security camera showed the victim arriving in his car.
George Bacal provided testimony in a judicial affidavit regarding a murder case against Pedro Cargo. Bacal stated that he witnessed an argument between the victim and Pedro Cargo's wife on March 2, 2014 over the property where Pedro's vulcanizing shop was located. The next day, Bacal heard loud banging and a commotion at the vulcanizing shop and footage from his security camera showed the victim arriving in his car.
George Bacal provided testimony in a judicial affidavit regarding a murder case against Pedro Cargo. Bacal stated that he witnessed an argument between the victim and Pedro Cargo's wife on March 2, 2014 over the property where Pedro's vulcanizing shop was located. The next day, Bacal heard loud banging and a commotion at the vulcanizing shop and footage from his security camera showed the victim arriving in his car.
George Bacal provided testimony in a judicial affidavit regarding a murder case against Pedro Cargo. Bacal stated that he witnessed an argument between the victim and Pedro Cargo's wife on March 2, 2014 over the property where Pedro's vulcanizing shop was located. The next day, Bacal heard loud banging and a commotion at the vulcanizing shop and footage from his security camera showed the victim arriving in his car.
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Republic of the Philippines
11th Judicial Region Branch ______ Davao City People of the Philippines, FOR: MURDER - versus Pedro Cargo Accused. X-----------------------------X JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT I, GEORGE BACAL, Filipino, of legal age, married and with address at # 9 R. Castillo Street, Davao City, City Philippines, after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say that: 1. I was examined by Atty. Christian Bryan S. Arias, who is holding office at ARIAS, GENOLOS, QUIBOD, YANTO Law Offices, Door 1, 4th Floor, Abreeza Corporate Center, Bajada, Davao City, in the said office; 2. I answered the questions the examining lawyer asked fully conscious and I do so under oath knowing fully that I may face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury. The questions he asked and my corresponding answers are the following: 1. Q: What is your relationship with the respondent? A: He is my neighbor. He owns the vulcanizing shop next to my hardware. 2. Q: Can you tell this Honorable Court when and where did you first meet the respondent? A: We first met sometime on 2012 when he first inquired regarding the sale of the lot he is occupying now, just next to mine. Page 1 of 6 Judicial Affidavit George Bacal
3. Q: How about the victim, do you know him?
A: I did not know the victim until he approached me on March 2, 2014 at around four oclock in the afternoon (4:00 p.m.). 4. Q: When he approached you what did he tell you? A: He asked me who is occupying the property where the vulcanizing shop of the accused is situated now. 5. Q: What happened on the day March 2, 2014? A: The victim approached me around 4:00 p.m. and asked me who is occupying the property next to mine. 6. Q: Is that property, the property where the vulcanizing shop of the accused is situated? A: Yes sir. 7. Q: So what happened after that? A: I told him Pedro Cargos name. 8. Q: What happened next? A: The victim left and went to the vulcanizing shop of the accused. 9. Q: After that what happened? A: The victim was apparently angry. There was an argument ensued between Pedro Cargos wife and the victim. 10.Q: What happened during the argument? A: The victim was cursing and calling the accused and his wife, thieves. 11.Q: What else? A: Pedro Cargos wife warned the victim that if they would not leave, she will call the police. 12.Q: What else? A: Since the victim appeared to have no intention of leaving, the workers at the vulcanizing shop slowly pushed the victim away and told him never to come back. 13.Q: What else did you find out? A: The victim angrily left the premises and continually cursing and calling Pedro Cargo and his wife, thieves. Page 2 of 6 Judicial Affidavit George Bacal
14.Q: When the victim left, what happened next?
A: After several minutes, Pedro Cargo arrived. 15.Q: And then what happened? A: I approached the accused and told him what took place before his arrival. 16.Q: What else? A: I told him that the victim was asking about the property and the name of its occupant. 17.Q: What was the reaction of the accused? A: He asked me what I told the victim. 18.Q: What did you say? A: I answered that I simply gave his name, Pedro Cargo, and nothing more. 19.Q: What else? A: I told him to be careful, since I was thinking that the victim was armed with a gun at that time and that he might come back anytime. 20.Q: How can you tell that the victim was armed with a gun? A: When he approached me, I was wondering who he is and observed him. I am a business man, so I was cautious. 21.Q: So? A: I noticed a bulge in his waist as if a gun was tucked in there. 22.Q: What else did you tell Pedro Cargo? A: I told him that I overheard the victim telling his companion, a woman, that he will get the property back no matter what it takes, and that the victim uttered the words, Bantay lang na sila. 23.Q: What else? A: I also told the accused that the victim was seriously angry and furious. Page 3 of 6 Judicial Affidavit George Bacal
24.Q: And then what happened?
A: The accused silently left and went to his vulcanizing shop. 25.Q: Is that it? A: Yes, that is what happened on the 2nd day of March 2014. 26.Q: Is there anything else that happened after that? A: Yes. On the next day or on March 3, 2014, around nine (9) in the evening, there was a loud noise around the neighborhood. It was like a metal banging against metal. It was non-stop. It was already annoying. 27.Q: What did you do? A: I tried to ignore it. After a few minutes, it stopped. 28. Q: What else did you do? A: I tried to go back to sleep. But before I fell asleep, I heard a commotion that lasted for some few minutes. I was suspecting that the victim was back again. 29. Q: What did you do next? A: I stayed on my bed. I did not bother to find out what was happening outside since I would not want to get involved in the altercation. I was afraid that there might been gun shooting. 30.Q: Do you have a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera installed in your establishment? A: Yes sir, I do. 31.Q: Where is it placed or installed? A: There is a CCTV camera in front of my store covering the sidewalk and a portion of the shop of the accused. There is also a CCTV camera inside my store, placed overhead the cashier. 32.Q: Did the camera outside your store capture what happened next door, at the vulcanizing shop? A: No sir, it did not. However, everything on that day and the day before was recorded. 33.Q: What exactly was recorded? A: The arrival of the victim in his car and when he got out of the car. Page 4 of 6 Judicial Affidavit George Bacal
34. Q: What else?
A: That the woman who was accompanying the victim went out of the car appearing to be in panic. NOTE: NOT SURE 35.Q: When was that? A: On March 2, 2014 in the afternoon and March 3, 2014 in the evening, when the incident took place. 3. I also attest that the attachments in this Judicial Affidavit are faithful reproductions of their corresponding original copies.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature this 21st day of July
2014 at Davao City, Philippines.
George Bacal Affiant-Witness
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 21st day of July 2014, at
Davao City, Philippines. The affiant-witness presented to me his Community Tax Certificate numbered 123456789 as his competent evidence of his identity. Witness my hand and seal. Doc No. ______; Page No. ______; Book No.______; Series of 2014.
PTR No. 31888568 IBP No. 935086 Roll No. 72872 MCLE Compliance Cert No. II -1085688 ATTESTATION
Law Offices with office address at Door 1, 4th Floor, Abreeza Corporate Center, Bajada, Davao City, under oath hereby states that: Page 5 of 6 Judicial Affidavit George Bacal
1. I conducted and supervised the examination of George Bacal as witness of
the above-entitled case; 2. I faithfully caused to be recorded the questions I asked and the corresponding answer that the said witness gave and; 3. Neither I nor any other person then present or assisting me coached he witness regarding her answers. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature this 21st day of July 2014 at Davao City, Philippines.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this July 21, 2014 at Davao
City, Philippines. Atty. Christian Bryan S. Arias presented to me his valid passport with Passport No. EB1931276 issued on November 26, 2011 at the Regional Consular Office Davao City bearing his photograph and signature as competent evidence of his identity. Witness my hand and seal.
Doc No. ______;
Page No. ______; Book No.______; Series of 2013.
Atty. Jennifer Kristine Yanto
PTR No. 77481; 1/4/13; Davao City IBP No. 83205; 1/4/13; Davao City Roll No. 55522 MCLE Compliance No. II-12/15/2013