Museum architecture :
beyond the temple
. . . e . . . . . . .
Quotable quotes
'What a strange time we live in:
museums are turning into churches,
and churches into museums!'
Jean Cocteau
The Unesco Press,
Sales Division,
7 place de Fontenoy,
75700 Paris, France
Each issue: 48 F. Subscription rates
(4 issues or corresponding
double issues per year): 156F
Copies of individual articles may be purchased
from: Institute for Scientific Information, (Att.
Publication Processing), 3 SOI Market Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104(UnitedStates of America).
Printed in Belgium
@ Unesco 1989
o), f
MHseHm ur-chitecture:
Yani Herreman A new canvas for new creative talent: contemporary trends in museum
architectttye 196
Dinu Bambam Ten Commandments for the museum architect
Fidelis T. Masao Museum architecture in the United Republic of Tanzania:
living with a mixed legacy 204
Vladimir Reviakin New trends in Soviet musettm architecture
A Museum report The low profile of the Israel Mttseum
Dominique Pilato Sowe controversial cases-the
example of France
Mounir Bouchenaki The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Museum: afirst in the Arab world
Patrick OByrne and Programming: a tool that stands the test of time 233
Claude Pecquet
Marco Fdippi with Auditing the museum environment: a project in Italys
Chiara Aghemo, Piedmont region 235
Giancarlo Casetta,
Carla Lombardi
and Marco Vaudetti
Eiji Mizushima What is an intelligent tntrseum? A Japanese view 241
Theft of culturalproperty called epidemic at sixth
session of Unescos Intergovernmental Committee 248
WFFM Newsbrief
Extracts from an interview Architecture and exhibitions: new settingsfor new art 249
Wolf Tochtermann Museums-fiom the ground
ISSN 0027-3996
Mrisertm (Unesco, Paris),
No. 164(Vol. XLI, No. 4, 1989)
., *
I9 5
A new can
tive talent:
contemporary trends
in museum architecture
Yani Herreman
Born in Mexico. he holds a degree in architecture,
museology and history of art and is a teacher at the
Manuel del Castillo Negrete Restoration Centre.
he was previously Director of the Department of
Museology of the Museo de las Culturas (Museum
of Cultures) and co-ordinator of museographical
projects for the Instituto Nacional de Antropologa
(National Anthropological Institute), he has participated in the planning, design and co-ordination
of a large number of important museographical
projects in Mexico and is currently Director of the
Museo de Historia Natural (Natural History
Museum), Chairwoman of ICAMT (ICQM International Committee on Architecture and Museum
Techniques) and Executive Secretary of the Permanent Secretariat of ICOM for Latin America. Member of Mttseum's Advisory Board.
Drawing by Julien
Ten Commandments
for the museum architect
Dinu Bambaru from Canada
gleaned these messages working
at home and abroad
Forget that there might be such thiigs as
useurn architecture
in the United Republic of Tanzania:
start. soon).
Museum architecture in the United Republic of Tanzanid: living with a mixed legacy
Architecture of buildings
convevted into museums
The Arusha Declaration Museum and
the Natural History Museum, both of
which are at Arusha, are examples of
museums using buildings designed for
other purposes.
The Arusha Declaration Museum is
now housed in a small building which,
until 1967, was used as the social welfare
hall for the Kaloleni Community in Amsha. In the absence of a more convenient
place to hold the historical meeting from
which Tanzanians' political and economic blueprint, the Arusha Declaration, emerged and was publicized, the
modest meeting hall was chosen for this
auspicious function. Consequently, the
building attained an unusual historical
significance whose perpetuation led,
logically, to converting it into a small
political history museum on 5 February
1977.This coincided with another major
historical event, the merging of the two
political parties, the Tanganyika African
National Union or TANU (mainland)
and the Afro-Shirazi Party or ASP (Zanzibar) to for as a single political party,
Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), for the
United Republic of Tanzania.
The building is constructed of stone,
concrete and glass, with timber windowand door-frames. The floor is composed
of a compressed bed of stone and rubble
over which a layer of about IO centimetres of concrete has been cast. The
walls are built of stone rising over half
way to the eaves, after which 5-mm-thick
glass, held in place by wooden frames, is
used throughout the building. The castconcrete roof is multitriangular in cross
section, and both on the side and front
elevation is supported by reinforced
concrete pillars. The original partitions,
which had created three small rooms and
two meeting halls, have been maintained.
The three rooms are now being used as
offices for the principal curator, his
secretary and the museum's education
officer. The larger of the big rooms is
used for exhibition purposes while the
smaller has been converted into a library
and also for occassionalstaff meetings. In
planning the building, the architect provided for a courtyard, which now leads
to the exhibition lid. In the courtyard
are facilities for toilets and an $-purpose
Obviously, the architecture of this
buildldg, while quite appropriate for a
social welfare hall, was bound to create a
number of problems when used as a
museum. For example, it lacks a workshop for preparing exhibits and other
functions, storage space for collections
and objects not on display, space for
conservational and curatorial facilities,
etc. Technically, the building has also
been found to be faulty and incompatible
with sound museum conservation principles. The lavish use of transparent
glass all over the building allows too
much light into the exhibition hall. Consequently, the exhibits (mostly photographic and archival) deteriorate quickly
and have to be replaced at a greater frequency than we can cope with.
The wooden window-frames also
cause a serious problem, allowing water
to leak into the room, especially during
the rainy season, which encourages devellopment of damp conditions conducive
to the growth of mould and acceleration
of decay. The cast-concrete slab roof has
also contributed to the already damp
conditions: over the years, the slab
has-due to expansion and contraction-developed cracks which despite its
steep gradient has let in water during the
Fidelis T. Masa0
Scale 1 500
Final extensan
The building has, however, exceptionally thick cement walls and very high
ceilings, features which have been found
to be advantageous. The thick walls keep
out disturbing noises from outside mush
better than more modem constructions
and do not easily allow rain-water to seep
in to cause dampness. High ceilings also
render the rooms cooler especidy durhg
the day, when it is hot outside.
Our hands are tied, to a large degree,
when it comes to ex+rimenting with efficient use of space for museum purposes
in such buildings; after all? they were not
built as museums. Hovever, with the
IOW priority accorded to museums, especially in an African context where they
are sometimes looked down upon as m
imposition of the earlier ~ ~ l ~ npower,
We hQddSOunt QUreh3indeed lUCkJ'
to have inherited such basically sound
structures for museums, and luckier still
that we have at least a few structures
designed as museums. The two buildings
which form the headquarters of the
Museum architecture in the United Republic of Tanzania: living with a mixed legacy
Built as a museum
For the so called old building of the
National Museums headquarters, the
architect was instructed in July 1938 to
design a building not costing more than
E8,ooo, the architecture to be Arabic in
character but not too ornate. The architect was also shown the site where the
proposed museum was originally intended to be built, but he advised against
the choice of the site because, as he
argued, all government offices are situated on this front and in the event of new
ones being erected in the future, their
design could not be in conformity with
the museum, which would be overshadowed. He therefore recommended that
the building be erected in the Botanical Gardens. The suggestion was accepted by the managing committee
which also proposed the requirements of
the building for the architect to consider.
Without overlooking the question of
cost, the architect presented two
schemes, with some variations but resulting in the same overall space of about
5,090 square feet (473 m).
At the building rates of the time, either
of the two schemes could have been built
for the specified sum of E8,ooo, but the
first plan was chosen simply because it
allowed for two exhibition halls rather
than one long one as in the second. Other
details of the building were as follows:
The two exhibition halls would have
overhead lighting, cross ventilation
would be provided by the high louvred
windows, wall space to be used for exhibitions in cases and on shelves, an
entrance porch leading into a large vestibule in which exhibits such as maps could
be displayed, the height of the vestibule
to be 24 feet (7.3 m) from floor to ceiling,
an Arab door from another building to
form the entrance to the vestibule, offices
for the curator, a library which could also
be used as a committee room, a workroom, and a staff lavatory as well as a
public lavatory to be provided. Alldrainage was to be concealed in the walls and
floors, the floor of the entrance was to be
tiled, the floor of the vestibule was to
have mahogany wood blocks and those
Fidelis T. H a a o
New trends
in Soviet museum architecture
Born in 1939, graduated from the Moscow Architecmre Institute in 1962. Candidate in sciences
(architecture). Author of more than forty plans for
museums, including those built for regional ethnography in Omsk (Siberia) and Blagoveschensk
(Soviet Far East), and fine arts in Arkhangelsk
(northern RSFSR), Izhevsk (Udmurt Autonomous
Republic) and Tambov (central RSFSR) and the
Ho Chi Mi& Museum in Hanoi (Viet Nam).
Author of Fine Arts Museums (1974), Exhibitions
(Architecture and Expositions) (1975), Architecture
of Museums for the 1980s (1979), Historical and
Regional Ethnopaphy Museums (1983), Architecture of Lenin Museums (1986) and Recommendations on Museum Design (1988). In press: World
Museum Architecture and Museums of Science and
Vladimir Revidkin
SmaEEer m m e ~ m ~
braad7 mmeams aad
mmegm &o&d~om
In recent years, researchers CQnducted
various studies aimed at determining the
types of interests XIlOng different groups
Of IT1USmm YkkQrS.
lXUTled O u t that to
every museum corresponds a certain type
of visitor. This fact is now taken into
account when creating different types of
museums, or m a h g them more specialized. New museums are as a d e rather
s m d , since intimacy makes for better
layout and understanding of an exhibit.
In the city of Penza, &ere was even
created a One-Picture Museum.' mere
is thus a strong tendency to turn single
large museums into a several smallerscale institutions, and to open new
branches to cater to weu-dehed groups
of visi" Small museums xe tending to
band together in specialized museum
associations, of which more than thirty
now eit.
yfienprepxing constmction plans, architects haw traditionally worked on the
assumption that a museum is an autonQ~QUS
body with special but immutable
needs. n e COT& of &he a~ChXeblrdmd
decorative concept was, quite rightly,
formed by the type of ~ollection,the
status of the museum md its f o m s of
activities. However, plans never took
into account that, in ten 011 fifteen years'
timG the museum's collections, hnctions and staff w ~ u l dgrow md change,
which has resulted in real d i f f i ~ ~ l t k
Sooner or later, reconstruction of the
building becme unavoidable, but was
hanapered by the rigid scheme of the
original design, md by lack of land. EXtblIlately, this situation is now changing.
Take, for example, the collection of the
Kaunas Fine Arts Museum in Lithuania.
me first tag$ of ~~CQnStlnacdQn
produced a n e building
intended to exhibit
works by M. R. Ghurlieis, a Lithuanian
&st md composer. "hen the basic collection of the m u s e u grew, and there
appeared a need for additional space,
which led to the constmction near by of
a new picture gallery of CQI-CQ~~X configuration. h o n g the d w e h g houses
in the ancient part of the city has recently
risen yet mother new building for the
still-expandhg ~ ~ l l e c d o na, structure
that draws one's amendon through the
vivid character of its architecture.
of an kdepelldent buading which can provide CQI-IX-IIQ~ storage
and workshop facities for several
museums is another possible sohion to
Dominique Pilato
A miweam iB a
At the end of the 1990s~the municipality
of Mwsedes decided to build &e Centre
Bourse (shopping centre, offices and a
residential budding covering 40,000 m)
between &he maikm CaIlbnebkke th%aorQUghfare and the Old noa.
In 1967, xchaeobgical discoveries
brought construction work to a halt.
Excavations continued for ten years, culminating in the listing of an area of nearly
a hectare as a protected site. It was here
that the remains of a Roman vessel dating
from the third century A.D. were discovered. In 1979, the Centre Bourse
was inaugurated. On the ground floor of
the shopping centre an area set aside for
an Ulldefined C U l t u r d pUpXX!, pQibly
a cultural centre, was f i n d y docated
for the construction of a museum, the
Museum of History of Marseilles. The
museum had to be fitted into an already
built-up area. The first section, of
of ~
The Museum of astory
View of the site showhg the archaeological garden and the Centre Bourse.
collections f r ~ m
&e Wddle Ages to the
present days displayed on five of the
seven levels of &e building, a h1l rmge of
ancdary fac&~es(resemes, a lecmre Bad,
a documenta~oncentre, a Lbrary, etc.), a
well-defined itinerary, starting from the
top on the s e ~ ~ floor,
n d accessible by a
lift, and proceeding down to &e lower
levels, with efficient signgosting inside
the museum.
The arcktects self-imposed design of
the fasades has, h~wever,heedered with
&e intemd organization. There is no
need for a pllethora of widows in a
museum in which pantings by Old Masters predominate. As &e s p m e t r y of
the rows of
governs the 10cation of the f l ~ ~ rthe
s , architects had
to p r o d e fQH.&e bSelTbKl Of Spk-kVek
to offset the strictly determined height
of the intervening areas md so g i n additional Boorspace. Christian Langlois
wanted no alteration in the design of the
~KU-~-ROQParcades to install a I ~ ~ d i ~ g bay; QbjeCts have thus t0 be UdOXkd
with the inevitable security
problems involved. Fmally, there we no
relaxation areas (cafeteria, bar) in the
III1IS&UPz1, though &S
WQdd haVC? beell
an asset for a project ~f this size and
~ ~ haved provided
a BQCUS ~f conyiyi&ty in a square where it is sadly laskimg.
n e s e few exaples highlight the sometimes difficult rdations bemeen architects and cwatorse n e aivabay sterns
from mistakes made after the Second
World Wa, wkch were p d y due to a
lack of my precise replations concerning museums. To that may be added each
sides i@K9rmCeOf &e Q&&rS p~OfeSSion.
The subject itself is a seed-bed of conflict
bemeen sden6sts compIyy1Lg with precise d e s for conssemation and at times
reluctant to accept new ideas, and architects prompted by equdy l e g h a t e
aesthetic concerns. A & ~ ~ g h &prol
spective consideration of &e issues inV Q ~ V V &conducted
jdintly by both parties, w ~ u l d
have been the o d y way of reducing misunderstandings m
d bdding
Up the CQnfidelaceneeded for th2 Success
of the projects undertaken.
Museum architecture
in Latin America:
what future?
An interview with Jorge Gazaneo
of people like architects, museum pro- ing is wedge-shaped to suit the flat-iron
fessionals and so on. I see a real crisis in plot of land on which he had to work; its J.G,: Well certainly not the architects!
faculties of architecture, to take but one height is in tune with the earlier gallery And, to be frank, I not sure Id
example. Architects training doesnt b u i l h g next door and with the neigh- leave such a crucial task to museum protake account of the fact that our world is bourhood, of which Pei did a very cae- fessionals either, at least not alone.
moving beyond the culture of the ma- ful survey, by the way; and its form,
c h e and into the post-industria! era, while contemporary, in no way contra- J.@. [brzghteningj: Well, perhaps it
where the coming together of architec- dicts the classical style of the city as a should be done by those with a finger on
ture and other specializations is abso- whole.
the pulse of public concerns and tastes, I[
lutely essential. It is simply no longer Museum: You have been critical (and mean by communicators, by people like
possible for an architect to cope alone, self-critical) of architects and their train- YOU.
particularly when the structure to be ing. What about museum professionals Museum: I thought you said you wanted
built is as c~mplexand varied as a mu- role in museum architecture?
to aVQid-llQt coulrt--$iater!
J.G.: &, 1thought you might be going
to ask me that! WeU, of course, one cant
expect museohgists and museographers
Context apd scaE+hand
Understand all th!? in and O u t and
what may seem to be foibles of us archiMuseum: What other developments tects. w h a t can be reasonably asked of
WOdd YOU !&e to encourage?
them, however, is that they formulate
J. G.: Context and scale need to be taken and explain fyom the outset a very dear
much more fully into account when idea of what they want their museums to
museums are designed. Latin America is do and how they want them to do it. We
not only a coUlection of huge urban need clients who h o w what theyre
centres; but there are also vast tracts of a s h g for. We need a hand that is not
space that are sparsely populated-think
going t~ change shape and function every
of Patagonia and the north-eastern part five minutes as we struggle to design md
of Brazil-with distances SO great as to make a glove for it.
defy the imagination of most Europeans. Museum: A few years ago, you took pape
Hn these under-populated but seemingly in an Argentine scientific expedition that
endless reaches of land, museums can spent four long months ira Antarctica. If
play a vital role in preserving and pro- you had to do that again, what museum
moting a sense of histQry, identity and would QU want to take along with you?
dignity--aaad, more prosaically, in main- J.G.: None, none at d;
at least none that
taining the fabric of everyday life and 1know.
h o t h e r point about context concerns 1.G.: Because you cant transplant a
local building materials. To take a hypo- museum; youve got, as Ive already said,
thetical example, how would we react if it to look at the context first. In the event,
were propposed to build a glass-and- there are rock and permanent ice, and
aluminium museum in one of k g e n - temperatures varying from minus ten to
tinas northe~~~most
cities, Jujuy?
minus fifty degrees, not counting the
The aluminium, glass, air-condition- wind-chill factor. %ere is also the fact
ing equipment, and so on, would prob- that the m ~ u m
working period
ably have to be brought in from overseas, during which the museum ccpuld be
perhaps Europe 01 North h e r i c a . 1s c
is only three to four mod^
that really mcessary?
her point is &at the means of
attractive and t h e - t e s t e
transport-even the giant Hercules airwhich much of Jujuy is built? They craft-would severely limit the maxiwould be stmcturally sound, ecologi- mum volume and weight of each stmctucally appropriate and a good deal ral element that cod$ not be built in sitg
cheaper, and, if the architect were and would have to be brought in.
creative enough, could produce a very Museum: Our Antarctic museum is
beautiful museum indeed.
beginning to sound like a f o k d a b l e
ith no facetiousness intendodd you like to be its architect?
YOU! f i e le SO since
ed: would you also advise adobe bricks J.G.: NO
for a museum in, say, Buenos Aires?
-and I probably should have said t h i s
. [h~gbs]:WeLI, certainly not for earlier-long before you consider the
ashington D.C.! There, H. M. Peis conditions in which, and the materials of
new east wing of the National Gallery is which, a museum is to be built, its messa wondefil example of how the architect age must be defined. Even if its visitors
can take context and scale into account are to be mainly penguins, its message I . See article on page z33-Ed.
and use modern materials. Feis build- has got to be defined.
2. See cover-Ed.
Charles Correa
Born in 1930;studied architectureat the University
of Michigan and the Massachussetts Institute of
Technology; has been in private practice in Bombay since 1958.His work may be seen in various
parts of India. In 1974,Time magazine nominated
him as one of 150persons around the world in its
cover story on new leadership. He was awarded the
Padma Shri by the President of India; in 1979 he
was made an Honorary Fellow of the American
Institute of Architects; in 1980he was awarded an
Honorary Doctorate by the University of Michigan; in 1984the Royal Institute of British Architects Gold medal by the Prince of Wales; and in
1987the Indian Institute of Architects Gold Medal.
AU illustrations by courtesy of
Charles Cowea
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interested in d y a portion of the material; yet they have to drag their weary
feet though endless corridors to reach
the particular collection in which they are
interested. In fact, since a major cultural
centre like the Louvre, in Paris, actually
consists of several large-size museums
strung along in a TOW, .like pearls in a
necklace, why could not these units be
organized in a m m e r which ~ O W S
independent access to each one? Futhermore? 3 the open-to-the-sky space is
conceived as a pedestrian spine2then the
spectrum of ~ h ~ i cavailable
to the visitor can be ma.xfized-and experienced
with delight!
These various ideas have gradually
~oalescedin my mind over the years into
a particular typology of museum architectllre, one which seems to have
considerable advantages in the Indian
context. It is Uustrated here by four
projects. The first, a Memorial to Ma-
Charles Correrc
Progressing caaal&
Charles Conea
earlier, of crucial relevance
to architecture in warm clim~~tes.
Crafts Museum, casual tmd accepting of
the artisan's vernacular, is organized
around such a central pradakshina. As
one travels down this veritable spin%one
catches glimpses of the principal exhibits
displayed on either side, e.g. the Village
Court,the Temple Court and the Darbar
Goun. One can visit any particular
exhibit 01, alternatiyely, progress
through abl the various sections in a
~ ~ n t i n u o sequence.
At the end of the sequence, one exits
via the roof garden, which foms an
amphitheatre for folk dances, as well as
an open-air display area for large terraa m a horses and other haradicrdts. n e
images of these scdeless non-buddings
echo the old bathing ghats, such as those
at Vamasi, or at the incomparable
Sxkhej in Ahmedabad.
The initial stage of the Crafts Museum
was completed in 1977. The final stage is
CUrlWltly Under cQntructiQn. In it,
ancient buildings of extraordinary merit
(for instance, an old wooden hazreli from
Gujarat and a stone temple from Tamil
Nadu) are being incorporated into the
new construction to make the architecture a collage as varied and pluralistic as
India herself.
Mounir Bouchenaki
A member of Unesco's Division of Cultural Heritage. Historian and archaeologist, former Chief
Curator of he~~~~i~ Antiquities Department.
*Worked on various sites in the Mediterranean
basin. Publications: Cits antiques d'Algyie (1978),
Fouilles de la ncropole occidentale de Tipasa (1976),
and a variety of articles in specialized journals.
An original architectural
The citadels location in the old city of
Tripoli and its position in relation to the
modern town certainly had a decisive
influence on the choice of site for the
Museum of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
Overlooking the esplanade and the piers
of the harbour, the citadel walls now
form one of the boundaries of the famous
Green Square, the citys forum and
gathering place for all the countrys
major festivals.
This was the site chosen for the
National Museum, in spite of doubts
about the adequacy of parking space,
which has since been considerably expanded through new developments along
the coast on the access route to the citadel. There were also doubts about the
appropriateness of the--_architectural
conception, which entailed the construction of a new building in a historical
zone, with no possibility of further
expansion in the future. Another source
of concern was the cost of the project,
given the constraints imposed by the
nature of the ground in the vicinity of the
coast and by the pre-existing buildings.
The originators of the project set about
devising a most fitting and innovative
solution to these difficulties, primarily
by turning to account the citadels exceptional location and the many sites available around the new museum.
Scrupulously following ICOMs
recommendations concerning scientific
and hence architectural planning, the
directors of the national project carried
out a great deal of preparatory work
between 1976 and 1981, compiling
inventories, making collections of objects
for the scientific programme, and drawing up architectural plans-in
working on a conception of a national
museum that would be more than merely
a spruced-up version of the Museo
Archeologico. This new conception was
worked out with assistance of Unesco
and ICOM specialists.
Mounir Bouchehaki
a tool that stands the test.of time
Patrick O'Byrne
Architect and programmer: four years specializing
in operational research (programming, planning,
standardization) in Montreal, Canada. Developed
the architectural programme of the Georges Pompidou Centre, Paris, then appointed by the French
Ministry of Cultural Affairs to co-ordinate, with
Claude Pecquet, the programming of several
museums, including the Museum of the Nineteenth
Century in the Former Gare d'Orsay and the Louvre Museum, Paris, and the Museum of Modern
Art, Lille (donated by Masurel). Co-operated in the
creation of the Pierre Levy Museum, Troyes.
Member of the ICOM International Committee on
Museum Security (ICMS).
Claude Pecquet
Museologist and the programmer responsible for
the planning of the operational programme at the
Georges Pompidou Centre, Paris. Developed the
programme of the Museum of the Nineteenth Century in the Gare d'Orsay and the Louvre Museum,
Paris, the Pierre Levy Museum, Troyes, the Universities of Bouak and Khorogo and the Cultural
Centres of Yamasoukro (Cte d'Ivoire) and Thann
(France). Member of the ICOM International
Committee on Museum Security (ICMS). Contributes to the work and publications of ICMS.
Exactly ten years ago, we produced a and its interaction with other factors that
special number of Museum on museum makes programming a profession.
programming. It was divided into two
We shall not go back over the question
parts. The first' clarified the function of programming as a tool, as we termed it
and importance of programming as the in our previous article, but we shall try to
basis preliminary to any design project, answer the question Museum has asked
whether it be the reorganization or re- us today: How has programming develmodelling of an existing museum or the oped in the ten years since the special
creation of a new one. In the second part, number? First and foremost, what
different authors presented actual cases, impact did that number have? The reply
national and international, of program- is, as ever, a complex one, both optimisming applied to museums. We were tic and pessimistic.
fortunate to be among those who deIt is optimistic in that since we decided
veloped the programmatic approach to to specialize in the programmirig of
the Pompidou Centre project, and have museums and cultural facilities we have
subsequently improved the method's had a constant flow of work in France
effectiveness through other projects of all and abroad. This implies that numerous
sizes, from the Muse d'Orsay and the projects have had this logical approach as
Louvre to the many small projects of the the basis of their development. OptimisFonds Rgional d'Art Contemporain tic also because we know that the special
(Regional Contemporary Art Fund).
number was a great success interIn each case we have been able to nationally, and we still receive frequent
confirm the relevance and usefulness of requests for copies. Optimistic, finally,
the approach, both to large and complex because in museum circles, and particuprojects and small simple ones, because larly at ICOM, there is more and more
programming is simply the logical talk of the need to develop a programme
necessary thinking that must precede . before undertaking a museum project,
any project. What should be done? For even if this talk too often remains just
whom? How? What means are available? that, due to lack of funds.
These are the questions that the programInversely, our reply is pessimistic
mer must adequately answer.
because even now too many museums
and cultural infrastructures are designed
or converted without any serious preOptmsm/pessmsm
liminary study. Pessimistic, equally,
Needless to say, if this were simply a because too many planners at every level,
case of common sense anyone could pro- from the state to small bodies, are ungramme; but there is more to it than that. aware of the existence of programming or
It is necessary to take into consideration consider it superfluous, expensive and, in
several different and often complex disciplines: town planning; architecture;
cultural facilities; management; conserI . 'Programming: A Tool at the Service of the
vation; lighting; security; and many Curator,
the CommissioningAuthority and the
more. It is the weighing of each factor Architect', Museum, Vol. X X X I , No. 2, 1979
Marco Filippi
There is no such thing as a dead building. Every house or office block has a
Engineer and full professor at the Depamnent of
life of its own as the materials of which
Energy of the Polytechnic of Turin. Also teaches
is built age and change, both intrinsiphysics of installation, and the problems of lighting, acoustics and climate control in buildings at the cally and in response to the internal
Turin Faculty of Architecture. Was principal and external environments. The need to
researcher in the project reported on here.
monitor structural and environmental
variations over time is of particular
Chiara Aghemo
concern in museums, given that: (a) they
Architect, Ph.D. in energetics; specializes in issues must shelter and protect objects that
of the internal physical environment of buildings. themselves are often very fragile or
otherwise vulnerable, and (b) they are
Giancarlo Casetta
places of considerable public traffic.
Accurate museum monitoring is esEngineer concerned with designing the installations pecially important when additions to
of civil and industrial buildings.
buildings or other structural changes are
and architects require conCarla Lombardi
siderable amounts of diverse data.
Associate professor in the Department of Energy at
Conservators and architects can take
the Polytechnic of Turin and teaches physics at the steps against deterioration of collections
Turin Faculty of Engineering.
they are in charge of only if they know
which factors cause deterioration and
Marco Vaudetti
how they cause it. The most important of
Architect and associate professor in the Depar- these factors are now well known:
tment of Architectural Planning at the Polytechnic The humidity of the surrounding
of Turin; teaches, inter alia, museum design at the
environment (which varies through
Turin Faculty of Architecture.
time) and the materials capacity to
absorb moisture are responsible for dimensional variations, not to mention
dangerous movements from one point
of the object to another of elements
dissolved in water.
Electromagnetic radiation from the sun
or other light sources, by causing
chemical change, causes fading of the
surface colour and a general change in
the matter of which the object is made.
Moreover, radiation, by increasing the
temperature of the surface hit by light,
can cause harmful mechanical tensions
between different points of the object.
23 6
Marco Fiilippi, Chiara Aghemo, Giancarlo Casetta, Carla Lombardi, Marco Vaudetti
noms of the several disciplines concerned (architecture, furnishings, en-
A%ditingmmegm ~ v i ~ o n m e n %
qH6zlity: problems and m e % ~ o d
ises cgnsidered to a satisfactory stantation and technical assistance facilities to
of data
be used at the planning and execution
stages in the physical and b c t i o n d reorenvirorgnentand ~f the institution as a
suweying the physicd-envirolament
ganization of the museums which already
whole, according to preestablished
exist. It was intended, in addition, tg
make the staff in the field of cultural To create a new prof~ssionalis~
by on=going t r h i n g characterized The organization of the data obtained in
grQperty consemation aware of new
such a way that they cm be compared
by a yder; more interdisciphary
more generally to deand assessed according tQ established
oach requkd by technicians in
velgp scientific research in. this field. By
ultural property field.
identifying h e environment as the link
h ~ d and
s the techno- The judgement of the present condition
bemeen &e objects to be conserved and The ~ ~ ~ t adopted
of a museum, f i n h g the interrelationtheir co~~t&er,that is, the collectias logical expertise gahed through the exships existing between requirements of
and &e budding installations, the team ecution of this project will be made
the building and needs of the museum,
WOrhg h the PQl~~~Chnih:
LUldertQQk available to a regional back-up facility for
and pointing out the inevitable ~ ~ n t r a research about the museum environment documentation and tecltanical assistance
dictions between them,
quality, as regards not only climate and (Fig. 1).
On the basis of these considerations, an
lighting bur alsa display and security.
o gbeen
y devised.
operative p d ~ ~ d ~ l has
h interdsciplinary scientific apIt involves two successive steps of invesproach which conformed to needs and
23 7
Direct tasks
Training bodies
Research bodies
4! I\
o -s
W -.
o e
CD 3
tigation: a qualitative survey (first-level
auditing) and then a quantitative survey
(second-level auditing). In the phases of
the qualitative survey there is first an
investigation into the environment quality of the museum in its widest sense.
This is done by analysing the facilities
linked to the type of building, to the
provision of installations of different
kinds, to the scientific organization, to
display techniques in storerooms and
exhibition halls, to the visitors safety and
to the security of the collections and of
the building itself, etc. Information such
as that regarding climate control, natural
and artificial lighting, noise, vibration,
size of the environment and furnishing,
visitors safety, deterioration of containers and objects exhibited is particularly useful in underlining the seriousness
and frequency of critical situations with a
view to reaching the minimum quality
levels set for these facilities.
These phases are accompanied by
the creation of thematic drawings, developed on the basis of the previous
Fia. 1
TKe operations of a regional institution for
display and conservationin museums.
23 8
Marco Filippi, Chiara Aghemo, Giancarlo Casetta, Carla Lombardi, Marco Vaudetti
Qmnbtative assessment
nroughout the quantitative survey
stages, data are collected in order to give
numerical support to the qualitative survey already carried out. At this stage, the
actual measurements of deterioration and
comfort are taken and compared with an
overall requirements reference sheet displaying universally recognized threshold
values. This is done with the help of
carefully prepared survey sheets on
which the variables are described and
By listing and cataloguing the characteristics of the building arad its various
By t a h g measurements of the values of
the physical environmental variables,
for example, luminance, relative humidity and air temperature, surface
temperamre and humidity content of
the wds.
By investigating ~ ~ ~ d i tunder
i ~ nwhich
the objects are displayed, and facities
of the exhibition halls and storerooms.
In this way a data bank is created, showing the actual situation by mems of
quantitative data grouped under the
headings already used in the qualitative
survey. The first-level auditing (without
measurements of physical variables) and
the second-level auditing (measurements
of the physical variables suitably correlated and compared) come thus together
to give a picture of the complex display
and conservation situation existing in
Using and processing the qualitative
and quantitative data obtained, it is ~ Q S S ible to go on to evaluate the levels of
functioning, comfort, safety and security, and to define building quality indicators (for the evaluation of the reliability
of display techiques and technological
installations) and environment quality
indicators (for the classification of the
environment in relation to single values
and evolution over time of the physical
variables measured) and provide a judgement of the actual situation (Fig. 2). For
the definition of judgements about the
situation, Table. I shows a suggested
check-list of a museum's requirements;
the judgement could be in the form of a
diagnostic table showing in summary
f o m the .incidence both of shortcomings
in respect of the overall requirements
reference sheet (index of spread) and of
the gravity that these shortcomings
present (index of seriousness).
I. A suggested check-list of a
museum's requirements
Compatibility of the building with its
museum functions
Structural suitability of the premises for a
change in their function
Possibility of enlarging the premises to s u i t
the museum's programmes
Organic unity Othe collections and the architectural style and type
Level of interrelationship between the building and the display system
Typological flexibility of the budding to accommodate different display types h o u g h
Obstacles to access by handicapped people
Building deterioration
Architectural and historic environmental
Assessment of the decorations and furnishings which are integral p m o the
Devices for the control of a
k velocity in the
Protection against physical and chemical
deterioration agents
Flans to safeguard the collections in case of
emergency (e.g. fire, natural disaster, etc.)
Devices for the safety of visitors and operators
Number of surveilh.ce personnel
Anti-intrusion devices
Fire-detection and fire-extinction devices
su Ney
Thematic drawing of
the first level
(qualitative survey)
23 9
Measurements phase
level of
(quantitative survey)
Report on the
actual situation
Building and
quality indicators
Judgement of the
actual situation
Minimum values of
(check-list of
Remedil action
Fig. 2
Logical diagram of an environment
Fig. 3
The conservators suitcase.
Marco Fil@pi, Cbkra Agbemo, Giancarlo Casetta, Carla Lombardi, Marco Vaudetti
+.Technid specibicatknsof the instruments in the conservator's suitcase
Autonomy of
Measure range
Thermometer with:
probe for air temperature
probe Sor surface temperature
- IO/+
0.1 Yo
IO h'
Io lx
- IO/+
20 hx
4 h'
Luxmeter with:
v\i meter
50/1600p W / h
- 15/+ 45 "C
Humiditygaugeinsidethe waP
Dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature.
3. Reative humidity.
4. This apparatus, by showingvariations of electrical resistance inside the material according to its humidity content,
allows a differentialqualitativeevaluation of the content itself.
3. Technicd specifications of the instruments the data-acquisition system
Air temperature
Relative humidity
Wind velocity
Wind direction
Measure range
- 20/+
I Yo
o/yo m/s
Air temperature
- 20/+
Relative humidity
Surface temperature
I Yo
- 20/+ 52 "C
What is an intelligent
The central control-room of the
Yokohama Science Centre.
A Japanese view
Science museums are undergoing dramatic transformation today. The British
Born in 1916 in Yokohama. Graduate of Tokyo Museum in London and the Deutsches
University of Science, in systems engineering.
Joined Japan Science Foundation in 1981and has Museum in Munich early became models
since been responsible for exhibition system design for our National Science Museum,
for science museums. Planned and designed the Japans leading museum in this area.
Japan History Pavilion at Tsukuba International Both European forerunners were orienScience Expo in 198f.Leader of Display Engieerted towards collecting the heritage of the
ing Study Project and Museum Engineering Study
Group. In 1987/88,visited the Cit des Sciences et Industrial Revolution. Prominent disde lIndustrie (Paris), and the Centre National de la coveries and inventions that altered lifeRecherche Scientifique (Atelier de Bellevue), on styles and life itself are exhibited along
scholarship from Japan Science Foundation.
with portraits of celebrated figures.
Naturally, they focused on their collections. Thus, Madame Curies experimental equipment, Newtons reflecting
telescope, and Watts steam engine provide
perennial pleasure to people who
appreciate their historical significance.
In Japan today, a radically new type of
science museum is being built in several
places, referred to more often as science
centres rather than museums. My involvement in science-centre construction
and exhibit design has led me to propose
a special construction system, which is
now eliciting interest and which aims to
produce what I call the intelligent
museum. In t h i s connection, a museum
engineering study group was formed
severalyears ago and is now engaged
8 Photos by courtesy of t h e author
in research on and evaluation of exhibit
Eiji Mizushima
The background
E@ Miaushima
for mxsexm
The b e d r ~ ~ofkmuseum architecture is
p d y the same as that for living space
and shelter designed for human beings:
to protect and preserve artefacts, paint-
The third element is the airconditioning system inside the museum.
Maintenance of an air-conditioned environment is intricately linked to qualitative and quantitative fluctuations and
the needs of visitors, museum staff, and
artefacts and specimens easily affected by
humidity and temperature, not to forget
generally sensitive computer equipment
itself, For this reason, architects must
gay special attention to the themal
quality of the structure, heat emission
from equipment, change hl the number
of visitors, exhibition enviroments and
conservation environments, and perceive
them in a comprehensive general framework SO as to design in detail airSQrl$i~bIl.bg and other Shate-SQntrol
The fou& element is, of CQU~SS&,the
security system. Here, information is &e
vergr Lle of an intelligent museum. n e
weakness of information and coanmunication systems designed to ensure security is discussed frequently. To overcome
it, basic solutions can be built into &e
system itself, and many-sometimes
conflicting-architectural measures must
be considered as well. For example,
installation of sprinklers (claimed to be
the most effective protection against fire)
has been known to cause deterioration of
electrical insulation in communication
systems, and even serious secondany
damage. Needless to say, measures
es must also be taken in
vulnerable regions to protect the stmcture and exhibits against such dangers as
disruption of wiring, destruction of
fhX.9, Wall and c!2hg, and r Q S h g
and falling of electronic equipment.
There is, in adslieion, the installation of
security cmeras for detection of fire,
unauthorized entry and burglary. Palong
the same lines, devices to gauge automatically the environment are used.
The devices can inspect eight items, such
as temperature, humidity, carbonmonoxide and CdXXI-dioide density,
dust quantity, wind speed, luminescence
and noise. A museum that can literally
I L JllUUlU L c I I U L L A I
L I l L
L L U L l l U rl.
L l l b
Mojz Habovgtiak
Alojz Habovjtiak
n e ~~~~~~~~~~5~~~
&Plleof th62 Very first mUSeumS hl ShVaha, the Municipal Museum of Bratislava
was created in 1868.Its first sokctiions
were housed in the Old Town Hall (built
bemeen 1326 and 1373and,though subsequently remodelled, is the oldest secular building in the city) and the Apponyi
Palace (a ~ Q C Q C Q building erected
in 1761/62). This, too, is a decentrabized
institution since most of its 85,000
objects are located in twelve speciabized
exhibitions throughdut the entire city,
m a d y in kstoricd buildings. %us, the
history of Bratislava until the eighteenth
century is covered in the Town H
(now being restored) as are records of
feudal justice, while &e story of wine and
wine merchants in Bratislava is told in the
nearby Apponyi Palace. A bit farther
afield is the exhibition on Bratislavas
applied arts at a rebuilt citizens house
near the castle, and the clock museum hl
mother old building At the ign of the
Good Shepherd, not to forget At the
Sign of the Red Crayfish, which has the
furniture and equipment of an early nineteenth-century apothecarys .hop.
Very popular among visitors is the
exhibition on weapons and t o m fooptifdcations at the Michael Tower. Then, too,
the classical composerJohann Nepomuk
H u m e l has a museum devoted to him
in his Old d b ~ h ga, does the hj?3r&ant
Slovak writer J d o Jesenskf (18741945). Fhe Ml-UliSipd Eddblebmaa also
manages, m o n g other activities, a Room
of Revolutionary Traditions, and, rec&g
resistance activity in the years
1941and 1942 when Bratislava was QCCUpied by the Nazis, the Iflegal House of
the S l ~ ~ a h Communist
Party. Complementing these Sontemporary concerns-and. yet one of &e Municipal
Museums newest exhibitions-is
antiquities exlibition at the
where are ~ h o ~remains
of Roman
buil&g from the first to fQUITh Sellmuries A. D.
Hn addition to other sites it oversees,
&e Municipal Museum manages Bevin
Castle, where archaeological research
continues, and puns a diversi&d educational programme that features attractive &bits and other topica events. Its
library holds 20,000 volmes, it issues a
yearbook, and has mounted exRibitions
in Finland, the German Democratic
Republic, atdy, POland and the Uh&im SSR.
The Bratisha City Art Galley Sports, etc. As far as the arts are conDrawing on earlier efforts, the BCAG
was formally created in 1968, when
Bratislava became capital of the Slovak
Socialist Republic. Its home, the mideighteenth-century Mirbach Palace, is
remarkably well suited for an art gallery.
Its collections cover European art (including seventeenth-century English
tapestries) and feature Gothic paintings
and sculpture, as well as Dutch, Flemish
and Italian masters. As part of its out,;reach efforts, the BCAG set in motion,
-in 1975,the Small Art Gallery at Slovnaft, Bratislavas largest industrial works.
There, permanent exhibitions are designed for the firms workers, including
discussions with artists and visits to their
studios. What distinguishes the BCAG is
its extraordinary activity in the field of
exhibitions, accompanied by a multicoloured palette of educational, cultural
and public-relations action. In addition,
this was the first museum in Czechoslovakia to computerize its collections, now
comprising some 30,000 works of art.
Since 1945,Bratislavas museum life has
surged forward remarkably from a quantitative; but more especially a qualitative,
point of view, with no precedent in the
history of Slovak museology. Naturally,
this development will continue. For the
years to come, we have on the drawing
board, in addition*to improving the
museums that already exist, a Museum of
the Revolutionary Workers Movement,
a Theatre Museum, a Business Museum,
a Museum of Physical Education and
cerned, there will be a Gallery of Architecture, Applied Arts and Design, and
a permanent collection of plaques and
medals at the Slovak National Art
For Bratislava, and for all of Slovakia,
a priority common task is now to work
out a central system of information on
the holdings of all museums, and to
introduce all staff concerned to a
computerized system of processing
museum holdings.
This being said, Bratislavas museums
are now receiving something like
900,000 visitors a year, which-by
law of averages-means the equivalent of
about two museum visits per year by
resident of the city. Compared with the
Louvre in Paris, where the figure is about
one resident-entry per year, we are not
dissatisfied. But we also know that much
remains to be done, so that Bratislava
may grow as a museum city.
'The theft of culeblral property has secret 'digs', a network has sprung up of Federation of Associations of h t i q u e
become a kind of epidemic and there are specialized'middle-men' highly skiued in Dealers), Unidroit (the International
few measures avdable to codront it. &sit art traffic and in crossing borders kwxiation for undying Standards in
The work of this Committee is leading with artefacts stolen from museums, C i d Law)? as well as the Council of
toward the beginnings sf a solution.' places of worship, libraries and xchae- Europe. The latter is presently studying
ways md means of preventing a new
%-mesewere the t e m s used by Professor ological sites.
H e n i Lopes, Unesco's Assistant flare-up of illegal art trafficking with the
Suat Sinagolu, President of the Turkish
National CQSTUIIission for Unesco, to DireStQr-Generd for CUhre and creation of a unified European market
sum up the present situation and perspec- 6 h " k a t i o n , stated in his opening begiI3l-ling in 1993.
states have ratified 01 adtives for action to bring culturd property remarks: 'Last October, the Thai police
back to its countries of origin or t~ pro- ended the activities of a gang which had h e r d to the Convention Concerning
vide recourse for restinaeion in the case of invested $~00,000 in an effort to c q Measures to Forbid or Prevent the
out the systematic pillage of L s t ~ ~ i c a lImport, EXPOIT O r TEUlfZOf Cdeblrd
illegal acquisition.
He was speaking to the sixth session sites difficult to safeguxd because of h e f a c t s adopted by Unesco in I
of the Intergovemmental Committee for their distance from major urban centres.' The United &gdom is not a party to
~ P Q S n O t k gthe Remm Of Cbnltburd PropHe noted that these practices '=e berter this Convention. However, one sf the
e r t y to its Countries of Origin or its and better organized, and take the f o m qUeS"iOll being aCtiQdyfobwed by the
Restitution Case of Ifisit- Appropri- of real profit-mahg enterprises. Indeed Corrunittee involves Greece's claim for
ation, which was held at Unesco Head- certain Q ~ S ~ I - We~sSt h a t e their profits as the return of the Papthenon Marbles prequarters from 24 to 29 April 1989.
comparable to those resulting from drug served in &e British Museum. The 1982
One of the cases studied by the traffichg'.
~ o d e r e n c eon ~ u l t u r d~ciliciesorganC o m i ~ e concerns
a clairn by Turkey
These remarks show the extent of the ized by Unesco, ITXQKImended she reconcerning the Geman Democratic problem that the Committee is dealing turn to Greece of these marble
Republic on the subject of more &an With. me reSQlTUllendatiQnfQlTllUhted artefacts. To this end, the Greek author7,000 cuneiform tablets recording the by it c ~ n c e mboth international co- ities are proposing to build a museum
accounts md corresp~ndenceof Hittite operation and the promotion of bilateral in Athens that meets the highest promerchants, as well as a sphinx from negotiations. The C o m ~ r t e egives im- fW&XXd lX?~UbXmentsto house these
the s m e civiliza~on.The tablets have portance to encouraging sound museum- relics, should h e y be returned. n e
already been remrned to Turkey and the conservation practices, to inyentories, to design for this %nueUmW d be studied by
German Democratic Republic has ~ Q Wrequiring certificates of provenance and the C Q K U T ~and
X by neutral experts
accepted the idea of sending a anission to exportation of d purchases involving who, having made a comparative study
h k a r a in order to examine the remain- artefacts of unclear origin as well as to of the ~ W Omuseums' consewation caing problem of the sphinx.
the sharing of a professional code estab- pacities, will be able to give rigorously
T h i s case is one example of she ways in lished by the hternationd CQUnd of researched advice.
which this C~mmitteehas explored lines Museums and informing she public at
of action since it was created by Unesco. large-all fastors which can at least slow
The Committee taabes steps to promote down the &sit traffis in artnegotiations between counties that representatives of countries that are not
hprt and those that export works of members of the C ~ ~ ~ ~ - d tseveral
art. This is no easy task. Between private inter-governmental md non-governor public ~ ~ l l e ~ t ooften
r s , very rich, and mental organizations participated in this
goor communities who sell the f i t s of work: ICOM, Interpol, CINOA (&e
i r l i r l ~ ~b l C
~ X~nil D~ l U O n KI
Architecture ar
as le muse
museum, w h
departure frorr
museum, and which came about because
a growing number of young curators
began working directly with artists.
Dont forget that in the nineteenth century there were six art movements and
that now there are more than forty. We
should also bear in mind the rapid pace of
change, the example being set for us here
by the United States where each autumn
there had to be something new. As a
result, curators were led to see huge
numbers of artists, discuss exhibitions
with them and visit their studios.
At the end of the 1960s~you might say
after kinetic art and abstract expressionism, a revolutionary new form of art
made its appearance which consisted of
gestures that could be confused with the
gestures of everyday life. The museum
then became a place that served to justify
the gesture of the artist as a work of art,
whereas outside in the street it ceased to
be art. That was perhaps the crowning
moment in the life of the museum as an
institution. Sanctified by the institution,
gestures became artistic. It was also the
most dramatic moment for us, the organizers. We were criticized, for instance,
for letting Beuys bring grease into the
exhibition rooms; it wasnt Beuys who
was criticized-he was the artist-but we
who allowed him to do it. But at the same
time we had the most amazing experiences. I have always said that in the final
analysis art, the Utopia of art, consists in
changing the sense of property, in introducing into materialism a Utopian side
which very gradually alters thinking.
That which is useless then becomes extremely useful in arousing the imagination. And in my case, as the director of
a Kunsthalle, with a public monument
at my disposal, I felt that it was my educational task to use a public facility to
arouse the individual imagination. Such
was the anarchistic idea to which one
subscribed at the time.
Its a wonderful fact that art dos not
relate to an immediate goal. It is there,
perhaps, that its basic political value lies,
but also its fragility in a consumer society
where, side by side with mass-produced
articles and mechanized forms of work,
there exist lone individuals who are bent
on engaging in fragile pursuits. And for
that there is a place, the museum, the
Kunsthalle. This aspect of art-apolitical
where the immediate future is concerned,
but highly political in the long runcreated a kind of tacit agreement, and I
Architect, graduated from the Faculor of Architecture at the University of Stuttgart; since 1969 has
worked with Unescos programme on human
settlements. Has published various articles on traditional dwellings and earth architecture.
Coming up..