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This document is an overview of a system that can be implemented for

automating the electoral process. The purpose of the document is to provide the
reader with an understanding of the benefits that an automated election system
can deliver with a glance into the underlying architecture of the system and
examples of experience of governments that have used these systems in the past.
This solution makes used of the latest technologies that allow electoral
authorities to complete counting and canvassing process in a matter of hours, a
task that traditionally took days. The system automates the scanning, counting,
consolidation and transmission of the votes, in a secure and traceable manner,
reducing the chances of human error; tampering or fraud attempts and increases
the integrity of the elections.
This is the computerization of election process. Its where people used a
specialized computer to vote their candidate instead of the usual

ballot boxes

where people cast their votes by way of writing on the ballot. This process
provides much more efficiency and reliability than the conventional way of voting.
This method is faster and can give out result of the election in a matter of days
instead of the secret balloting where it will take weeks or even months before a
result could be presented to the public.


General problem
Manual Election System or paper-based voting system used in colleges where votes are
cast and counted by hand, using paper ballots. Also with the advent of electronic
tabulation came systems where paper cards or paper sheets could be marked by hand,
but counted electronically. The problem is:

What are the integrity & improvement needed?

Specific Problems
1. How to speed up slow processing of Transaction in voting proper?
2. How to secure data?
3. How to eliminate inaccurate result?


General Objective
The General Objective of the proposed system is to lessen the time consume
during the election process. Also this system aims to provide accurate results in every

Specific Objective
1. To lessen the transaction in doing transaction manually.
2. To secure data.
3. To provide accurate result.

Student- The transaction in Election using Automated System is such a great thing
because it lessen the time consume in doing transaction manually, because the
Automated Election has the following features.
1. Speed - They can process information much more quickly than humans. This
means they are good for controlling machinery that might need to be adjusted
2. Repetition Automated systems can do the same task over and over again
without getting bored, needing breaks or making mistakes.
3. Accuracy They can do very detailed work and follow precise instructions without
School School wants to provide quality learning experiences while cutting costs, saving
energy and doing more with less. They get more done than humans but cost less to
operate. This because they do need breaks, wages, holidays, canteens, heating and
lightning. The quality of the work done is always of the same standard being materials are
not wasted due to human error. A well-conceived and implemented automated election
system can reduce the costs of handling the paperwork associated with record keeping.


The researchers have made the following scope of the study:
A. Scopes
1. Data Entry/Maintenance:
a. Candidates Information Maintenance: Candidate maintenance contains
the list of candidates available for the voting process of the system. It is
where the Administrator updates the information. It can also search the
information stored in the database. It adds information that is necessary
for the voting module.
b. Section Data Entry: It contains the list of sections available for the voting
process of the system. The Administrator updates the information. It can
also search the information stored in the database. It adds information
that is necessary for the voting module.
c. Students Information: This section is used to register the enrolled
student. Only the registered students can proceed to voting proper.
d. Position Maintenance: This section is used to add available position for
registering the candidates.
e. Year Maintenance: Add Year form contains the list of Years available for
the voting process of the system. It is where the Administrator updates the
information. It can also search the information stored in the database. It
adds information that is necessary for the voting module.
f. Course: The administrator will add course available for registering
2. Voting Proper: The system is responsible of determining the authentication of the
voter including for his/her student ID and password. Only the registered students
can proceed to voting proper.
3. Report: Reports such as tally of Votes and reports of winners are immediately
available after the last voter.

B. Limitations
1. The Automated Election System is design only for the College Department.
2. Other transaction not related to Election System is beyond the scope of the
3. Cant generate Voters ID.

This chapter indicates the ideas that are relevant to the present subject relating to
the other studies and is briefly discussed to provide the foundation of the proposed
In order to develop a new method and procedures, careful review of literature and
studies must be done for the development of the system.

A. Candidates Info
a. Name
b. Year
c. Section
d. Student No.
e. Party List
B. Student Info
a. Name
b. Course
c. Section
d. Year
Voting Proper
Students No.
Candidates Name


List of Candidates

List of Students

Automated Election System

Tally of Votes


Operational Definition of Terms

Registration/Preparation: In this phase it is compiled the list of eligible voters; the ballots
are prepared and all the logistics arrangements needed for the election are made. This
phase also includes any other activity that must be done before the election start.
Validation: Before allowing the voter to vote, the voters credentials must be verified.
Only the registered voters should be authorized to vote, and only once.
Collection: The collection phase consists in collecting the voters ballots.
Verification: In this phase it is verified the validity of the ballots. Only the valid ballots are
used in the tallying phase.
Tallying: The tallying phase consists in counting the valid ballots. At the end the tally is
Claiming: This is the phase in which all the claims should be made and investigated. At the
end of this phase the final results are published.
Accuracy: It is not possible for a vote to be altered; it is not possible for a validated vote to
be eliminated from the final tally, and it is not possible for an invalid vote to be counted in
the final tally.
Privacy: neither authorities nor anyone else can link any ballot to the voter who cast it
and no voter can prove that he voted in a particular way.
Verifiability: Anyone can independently verify that all votes have been counted correctly
accuracy, democracy, and verifiability is in most cases of todays electoral systems,
assured by the presence of representatives of opposite parties. The privacy property is
currently assured by the existence of private voting booths, allowing voters to cast their
votes in secrecy.
Availability: The system works properly as long as the poll stands and any voter can have
access to it from the beginning to the end of the poll.
Data Manipulation: Data manipulation is the way in which data can be manipulated and
Code: Is any collection of statements or declarations written in some human-readable
computer programming language. Source code is the mechanism most often used by
programmers to specify the actions to be performed by a computer. The software is
composed of set of codes to perform different tasks.

Database: Is an integrated collection of logically related records or files combined into a

common pool that provides data for one or more multiple uses. Here is where all the
records are kept and retrieved.
VB6: Visual Basic 6.0 is a programming language used in developing the system.
Debugging: Is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, errors, or
defects, in a computer program thus making it behave as expected.
Programmer: Is the one who does the software coding for the execution of different
System/s architecture: Is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and
more views of a system.

This chapter presents the project description and specification, methods and
technique of the study, research instruments, data statistical treatment, development
method, project design, system structure, fabrication procedure and data gathering
procedure used to develop the study.


Election is a process at the heart of a democratic society. Voting schemes have
evolved from counting hands in early days, to systems that include paper, punch card,
mechanical lever, and optical-scan machines.
Internet census takes precautions to prevent people from stuffing the ballot box;
they generally do so at the expense voter privacy. Recent democratic elections using
voting machines have shown that the winning margins could be less than the error
margins of the voting systems themselves, making election an error prone task.
Automated voting system provides some characteristic over traditional voting technique.
Highlights of Automated Election System:
Fast Results. Voting results are delivered from all of the polling sites in a matter of hours.
Security. Highly secure platform that addresses all potential flaws of IT networks
Control and Reports. Full control over all elements of the system throughout the entire
election process and real-time status of every site.
Efficient Operations. The automated elections system is managed by a group of dedicated
professionals that are specifically trained to be able to tackle any malfunction or event in
the most efficient way.


Hardware Client/User System Specification Requirements
Recommended Hardware Requirements:
Processor: Pentium Dual-Core CPU or equivalent
Installed Memory: 2.00 GB RAM or better
System Type: 32-bit operating system
LAN Connection
Base Resolution Monitor
DVD-ROM Optical Drive (Optional)
Recommended Software Requirements:
The system is platform independent of any of the following operating system:
Any Linux Distribution and UNIX based Operating system
Microsoft Windows Operating System (Windows XP or higher)


Hardware Requirements




Software Requirements
Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic (VB) is the third-generation event-driven programming language and

integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its COM
programming model. Visual Basic is relatively easy to learn and use.
Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application
development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, access to
databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data
Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects. Scripting languages such as
VBA and VBScript are syntactically similar to Visual Basic, but perform differently.
A programmer can put together an application using the components provided
with Visual Basic itself. Programs written in Visual Basic can also use the Windows
API, but doing so requires external function declarations.
The final release was version 6 in 1998. Microsofts extended support ended in
March 2008 and the designated successor was Visual Basic .NET (now known
simply as Visual Basic).

Adobe Photoshop CS3

Adobe Photoshop is a graphic editing program developed and published by Adobe
Systems Incorporated.
Adobes 2003 Creative Suite rebranding led to Adobe Photoshop 8s renaming to
Adobe Photoshop CS. Thus, Adobe Photoshop CS5 is the 112th major release of
Adobe Photoshop. The CS rebranding also resulted in Adobe offering numerous
software packages containing multiple Adobe programs for a reduced price. Adobe
Photoshop is released in two editions: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop
Extended, with the Extended having extra features available. Adobe Photoshop
Extended is included in all of Adobes Creative Suite offerings except Design
Standard, which includes the Adobe Photoshop Edition.
SQL Server
SQL Server is a large, complex product. It didnt start out that way, having only a
relation database engine (more on that in a moment) and a set of graphical
management tools which in itself differentiated it from other databases such as
Oracle and IBMs system. At the time, those were managed primarily using text.
Having a graphical interface made SQL Server easier to use for a lot of people.
This guide has a lot of information on all of the other features SQL Server has
added over time, such as Reporting Services and Analysis Services. But before you
dive into those sections, you need to understand just what a Relation Database
Management System (RDBMS) is and why it is different than storing data any
other way, such as in a word-processing or just plain text (ASCII) document. This
section of the guide will help you do that, along with how you can access that data.
At this bottom of this overview Ill show you the other articles contained in this
section of the guide.


In order to come up with a reliable and sensible result for the study, the
researchers conducted several researchers. Online research about the existing project
and a simple survey from those who used this kind of monitoring and security system
helps the researchers to determined and found out the usefulness and effectiveness
of the said study.
The researchers applied the step by step procedure in order to construct the LAN
Based Election System. The developers used the different phases to show the
construction criteria: A process model show the flow of information through a system.
Each process transforms inputs into outputs. The model generally starts with a context
diagram showing the system as a single process connected to external entities outside
of the system boundary. This process explodes to a lower level DFD that divides the
system into smaller parts and balances the flow of information between parents and
child diagrams.
In developing the software, the researchers had chosen to use the waterfall
model. Waterfall model is a software development process where in there are phases
to be completed sequentially. It is composed of seven phases, which are requirement
specification, design, construction, integration, testing and debugging, installation and
maintenance. Each phase has to be completed before getting into the next phase. For
example, requirements.

Bulacan State University

Bustos Campus

SG Automated Election System for Bulacan State University Bustos Campus

An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Industrial Technology

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor in Industrial Technology
Major in Computer Technology

Presented by:
Dayandayan, Jim Cyrus
Delos Santos, Rommel
Feliciano, Marjorie
Mananghaya, Jojiemar
Pajarillo, Cristopher
Santos, Edmundo

December 2014

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