Montgomery Ward &, Co.'s Catalogue No.

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Range of 3.2,34,
regular 38, 39,
sizes. ve, insi
Norn.-A ived fo are
not in aecordance with above scale we will be oblieed to
make to special measur:e, for which there will be ar."addi-
tional cost of 10 per cent and a delay in fiIling order of about
a wcek's time; allowance for ,both should -be made. The
r?aistband for all skirts to suits comes exactly 10 inches less
than bust measure.

all over with tailor stitchirrg, making it of a doublo thick-

ness. A very fastrionable suit at much below the usual
ht, 56 ourrces. -Each. . ....$f p.gfi
IRing Suit, loageof all-wool Cassimere;ttris
very _egte_n g_ivgly_f or men's wear ; colors, irtr,v y
hionable faII shade of brown with white hair.
line stripes; style same as illustration; the fashionable
jacket is made with a peplum stitched all over with tailor
stitching;velvet collar; cuffed sleeves; Iirred with taffeta
silk, skirt is made with lapped seams with a band of same
material 6 inches wide at bottorn and stitched with tailor.
stitching making it of double thickness; fashionably fLrll.
A very swell suit for golflng, bicycling and all outdoor
sports, ordinarily sold at $20.00. Weight, 50 ounces.
Our price only, each ..$14.95
Missest Suits.
t$hl b, +o inches.
Norn.-Any orders received with measurements that are
notin accordance with above scale of sizes we will be obliged
to make to special measure for which there will be an addi-
tional cost of 10 per cerrt. and a delay irr filling order of a
week's time; allowance for both should be made. The waist-
band. for all skirts to suits comes exactly 10 inches less than
bust measure.

X tst$Pp Suit, rnade of all-woo colors,

cadet blue or castor'; style sam e fash-
ionable little blouse jacket clo t about
4 inches above waist line; can be worn open clear to the
belt or to a poirrt about 4 inehes above belt; made with
ttre LtAiglorr collar; revers, collar, front and back are
trimmed with
is made fashio
seams are lap
quality Iining
at a moderate price. Weight, 44 ounces. Ilach ....${).95

Missest Skirts.
Regular ( Waistband,22,23,24,26, 26,27, 28 inches.
siZes. l Length, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 inches.
Norn.-We ean only furnish these skirts within the range
of above scale of sizes; larger waistbarrd or longer lengths
we refer to our line of,women's skirts.
2g 668() Skirt, made of brtrcaded brilliantirre; colors,
brown, cardinal or blue;style same as illustration; made
fashionably full;.Iined with a good quality lining and well
made. W'eight, 20 ounces. Each. :. . . .. .$1.44
)( (i68P Skirt, made of a good quality Repellarrt suitirrg;
colors, btack or navy blue;style same as illustratiorr; made

down to a point outlining a flourtce' givirtg it the kilted

eftect; lirred
effect; lirrecl with a gooo
line-d wrtn goo-i oualitv [nlng
sood quarlty linins ano
linin_g_ bound
Douno wl[l)
and bo^und with
velvei. Splendidly made throughout. Weight, 24 ounces.
Each '..$l}.45

lining and bound

Irnrll g aIIO DOLln0 WltnVeIVe[. pleI]'(Irtrly_Ilr4us
withvelvet. DSpletrdidly made throughout;
uguu ttti ;
high graoe
a nrgn grade sllrr[ moderate price.
at a In()oet'aue
skitt a[ pt'rce. Weight,
v] ulgftut ,27r lrurlLrtj\it.
Each . ... .. ...$4.P5

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