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Dental Ventilation

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The following article was published in ASHRAE Journal, February 1998. Copyright 1998 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
Inc. It is presented for educational purposes only. This article may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or in paper form without permission of ASHRAE.

Dental Ventilation
Theory and Applications
By Paul T. Ninomura, P.E.

George Byrns

ental facilities need special ventilation considerations because of

the work typically performed at such
facilities. Bioaerosols and particulates
are routinely generated by most dental
procedures, e.g., teeth cleaning, scaling,
drilling, etc., and are (potentially) at
concentrations of concern. Analgesia
with nitrous oxide is another concern.
Unfortunately, guidance on ventilation design for dental offices is limited.
ASHRAE does not offer guidance on
ventilation for dental spaces. Neither
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-1989: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air
Quality1 nor the ASHRAE Handbook
HVAC Applications2 address this space
utilization. The lack of a national design
standard leads to the presumption that
many dental offices have ventilation
designs suited for nominal office usage.
This may contribute to marginal indoor
air quality (IAQ) in the dental setting.
The published literature6,7,8,9,10,11,12
documents the potential exposure to airborne contaminants at levels of concern.
A well-engineered ventilation design
should provide acceptable indoor air
quality for the dental professionals in the
office, as well as the patients.
This article deals with areas typically
associated with dental units within institutional facilities, e.g., medical centers,
health clinics. These dental units typically consist of areas as listed below:
Dental operatories (individual and
multiple chair areas).
About the Authors
Paul Ninomura is a senior mechanical engineer with the U.S. Public Health Service/
Indian Health Service, Seattle. He served on
SSPC 62 (Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality) from 1992 to 1995.

ASHRAE Journal

Indian Health Service

Dental Space

Total1 (ACH)




Dental Operatory


or N

Clean Up Alcove



Laboratory Room





Orthodontic X-Ray





Department of Defense




Oral Surgery






X-Ray Film Proc




Dental X-Ray


1. Minimum total air changes per hour.
2. Minimum air changes of outdoor air per hour.
3. ASHRAE dust-spot efficiency.
4. Relative (room) pressurization
N = negative
P = positive
= neutral
V = variable

Table 1: Ventilation requirements for dental areas.

Reception/waiting area/office
Clean-up alcove.
Laboratory/dental technician area.
Restrooms and janitors closets.
Nationally, the ventilation criteria
appear to be limited to criteria of two
federal agencies, i.e., Public Health Service (PHS)/Indian Health Service
(IHS)3 and Department of Defense
(DoD).4,5 Table 1 shows the ventilation
George Byrns was formerly the principal
institutional environmental health consultant with the Indian Health Service,
Rockville, Md. He is currently pursuing a
Doctor of Public Health degree at John
Hopkins University.

criteria for both agencies. (The DoD

documents lists criteria for many more
dental space categories than are listed in
Table 1.) There is only limited corroboration between the IHS and DoD ventilation requirements. For example, the
Indian Health Service (IHS) recommends 10 ach for a dental operatory.
This is 67% more than the DoD standards (depending on the DoD room
type). Another significant difference is
the less stringent filtration requirements
of DoD for the general/prophylaxis
and laboratory areas.
The IHS criteria indicate both neutral
and negative pressurization for the dental
operatory. The dental operatories are usually designed to be of neutral pressure.
However, enclosed operatories are usually designed to be of negative pressure to
afford containment of nitrous oxide,
February 1998

infectious airborne contaminants, etc.
Most local jurisdictions do not address dental spaces. Consequently, the de facto design for dental spaces is commonly the
same as ventilation considered satisfactory for office environments.

Rate of
(cfu per min)





Wash teeth (water stream)


Prophylaxis (pumice)



Cavity preparation (air turbine

hand piece, air coolant)



Dry Teeth (air spray)



Cavity preparation (air turbine

hand piece, water coolant)



Polish restoration
(bristle brush)



Dental Operatories
Several studies have shown the nature and magnitude of bioaerosal contamination in dental operatories. Table 2 indicates
the characteristics of bacterial aerosols generated from the oral
cavities of patients by selected dental procedures as reported by
Miller and Micik.6 Dental aerosols and splatter are of considerable concern.6,7,8,9,10,11 Fine aerosols generated by highspeed dental equipment consist of moisture droplets and debris
usually five microns in size.9 Splatter consists of particles,
usually of a visible size, e.g., 50 microns or larger. The particles
are generated during dental procedures and remain airborne
only for seconds.6
A recent study conducted at a University of Michigan dental
clinic concluded that aerosols produced during caries excavation contain high proportions of Streptococci mutans and S.
sanguis. This study revealed peak measured bacteria levels of
200 colony forming units (CFU), per 10 seconds of drilling, at
the breathing zone of the operator.10 (This was in comparison
to measured bacteria levels of 4 cfu, per 10 second period, in
the ambient air prior to the dental drilling.)
Dusts generated during restorative dentistry have also
been studied.20 Research12 indicates that 15% of the dust
mass generated during high-speed finishing of composites is
respirable, which is sufficient to warrant concern for the
health of dental personnel. . .
It is important to be aware of some special devices/equipment used in dental operatories such as:
1. High volume evacuators (HVE): These devices are characterized by a volumetric flow of approximately 6-15 cfm (37 L/s). The proper/judicious utilization of the HVE provides a
highly efficient method for capturing the contaminants generated during dental procedures.6 Source control is an efficient
process to manage IAQ.
2. Air drills: These drills operate at 400,000 rpm and are
known to be a dominant source for aerosol generation. Air
drills, which do not exhaust spent air, have been advocated for
some time.6 Nonetheless, air drills, which exhaust spent air (at
24 L/min), are still common.
3. Saliva ejectors: These are not considered to have any
appreciable effect on the containment of aerosols.
Mickelsen, et.al., report that waste anesthetic scavenging
systems, by themselves, have not proven to be effective in controlling nitrous oxide (N2O) in the operatory.13 They suggest
that auxiliary ventilation systems can provide effective control. (Their research indicated that a 3-in. (76 mm) diameter
duct with a 3-in. (76 mm) diameter non-flanged hood opening and 250 cfm (118 L/s) was one effective arrangement.)
Current filtration technology can not provide effective control of nitrous oxide at the concentrations encountered in dental operatories.
A consideration for air distribution/general ventilation
includes placing return (exhaust) grilles low. Generally, it is
good practice to design the ventilation in dental operatories to
incorporate exhaust grilles located low in adjoining walls. The
February 1998

*median value

Table 2: Characteristics of bacterial aerosols generated

during dental procedures.6

basis for this design revolves around the higher density of

nitrous oxide and is an effort to remove that nitrous oxide leaking past the scavenging system. (At least one study indicates
that the leaking of nitrous oxide from the delivery system does
not appear to be a significant issue.13) The specific gravity of
nitrous oxide at 24C (75F) is 1.53 (whereas air = 1). Additional benefits include: 1) the avoidance of short circuiting the
supply air to the return grille14 (which is exacerbated by small
room sizes) and 2) the provision of a pseudo-displacement
ventilation effect.
In the late 1960s, (HEPA-filtered) laminar airflow systems
were studied and their performance was affirmed to be effective in this application.15 Their benefit-to-cost ratio, however,
has not enticed many dentists to adopt these systems.
Clean-Up Alcove/Area
These areas serve a similar function as a hospital central
sterile supply suite. However, in the case of dental clinics, the
cleanup/sterilization area is often located in an alcove in close
proximity to the patient care area. The cleaning and sterilizing
of dental instruments may result in exposure to glutaraldehyde
or other toxic chemicals.
The American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for glutaraldehdyde is at a ceiling level of 0.2 ppm, which is the concentration that should not be exceeded during any part of the working
day. Reports of adverse health effects to employees at levels
below 0.2 ppm convinced the ACGIH to publish a new ceiling
level of 0.05 ppm in the 1995-1996 Notice of Intended Changes.
Glutaraldehyde has the following physical characteristics:
2% Glutaraldehyde solution:
Specific Gravity: 1.06
vapor pressure: 0.0012 torr at 20C
vapor density (with reference to air at 1) = 0.64
Glutaraldehyde is a high level disinfecting solution utilized
especially for instruments which are intolerant of steam sterilization temperatures. Glutaraldehyde is a known respiratory
ASHRAE Journal


Fig. 1: Dental lab exhaust reduces exposures and captures contaminants.

sensitizer and the ACGIH has established a TLV as indicated above. Source
control is a good approach to addressing
this chemical. One effective measure is
to store the solution in containers with
tight fitting lids. However, additional
(ventilation) controls are necessary to
reduce employee exposure. A design
with a slot exhaust located behind the
sink (similar to the ACGIH design for
welding hoods16) is more effective than
an overhead exhaust unit. This design
pulls the vapor away from the dental
The most important factor for an efficient exhaust system is securing sufficient capture velocity, e.g., 150 fpm (.76
m/s). The exhaust must be discharged
directly outside. Qualitative assessments
indicate that performance has been satisfactory on a number of designs based on
an exhaust of approximately 600 cfm
(283 L/s).
Glutaraldehyde usage is declining in
the dental setting, due to development of
instruments that can be sterilized by
heat. As a matter of policy, some institutions do not use glutaraldehyde to avoid
the potential toxicologic concerns.
In lieu of glutaraldehyde, some clinics use gas-claves to sterilize instruments. These units use a heated mixture
of formalin and methanol or isopropanol. Because of the rising effect of the
warm vapors, a canopy design is effec50

ASHRAE Journal

tive in capturing fugitive emissions from

the units.
Dental Laboratory
Dental laboratories can be freestanding separate facilities, separate spaces
from the dental office, or integral with
the dental space. The IAQ in dental lab
areas is problematic and suspected to be
a source of occupational airway disease,
e.g., pneumoconiosis.17,18,19
Dental lab technicians are potentially
exposed to various dusts such as silica, silicon carbide, ceramics (such as porcelain),
and metallic alloys, e.g., beryllium. Dust
arises from cutting, grinding, polishing,
centrifuge casting (gold), soldering and
gypsum and investment works.18 (Dental
casting investments are often made from
silicate or phosphate bonded materials.)
Over the past 30 years, numerous scientific papers have associated respiratory
disease with the dental lab environment.17,18,19 Brune,et.al.19 characterize
the particle size distribution and report that
the predominance of dust particles generated are of a respirable size, i.e., less than
5m. To reduce exposures and capture the
contaminants, increasing numbers of
facilities are being constructed with slottype exhausts installed on the wall, above
the countertops, approximately at bench
level (see Figure 1).

film development processing chemistry

are acetic acid (a respiratory irritant),
glutaraldehyde (used because of its propensity to harden the emulsion), hydroquinone (a suspected carcinogen and
dermal sensitizer), as well as approximately eight other chemicals. Traditionally, dedicated exhaust systems have
been provided. The exhaust should
always be ducted directly outside.
Ventilation System Overall
Dental spaces need a separate system
from adjacent spaces. Central systems
with constant volume are the simplest
solution to maintain the desired pressure
relationships. Even then, most dental plans
provide considerable openness between
spaces. Even when doors are provided,
such as for individual operatories the doors
are often kept open. Consequently, space
pressurization may not be feasible, which
may necessitate a ventilation design with
increased ventilation rates.
Segregation of discrete areas, including construction of sealed slab-to-slab
walls, is necessary to prevent undesired
cross contamination. The types of dental
procedures determine the viability of recirculating the air, as well as the amount
of air re-circulation that may be allowed.
The location for the direct exhaust must

X-Ray Development/Darkroom
The major chemical hazards in x-ray

See Ninomura, Page 52

February 1998

Advertisement in the print

edition formerly in this space.

February 1998

ASHRAE Journal


Ninomura, From Page 50

6. Miller, R.L., Micik, R.E. 1978. Air pollution and its control in
the dental office. Dental Clinics of North America, 22:453-476.

be carefully considered. Lab spaces should have a negative

pressure with respect to other spaces.
Eighty to ninety percent filters are recommended for this
application, based on their reported high efficiencies for particulate removal in the range of 1m to 5m.21 The minimum
should be filters rated at 60-80%. The higher total ventilation
rates indicated in Table 1 are beneficial only when filtered to
the level appropriate for the particulate sizes.
ACGIH recommends a TLV for N2O exposure of 50 ppm at
an 8 hour TWA. A recent report from NIOSH proposed a recommended exposure level (REL) of 25 ppm during the administration of the analgesic.14 However, they concluded that
scavenging systems need to be augmented by auxiliary
exhaust systems that keep the exposure below the REL.

7. Micik, R.E., Miller, R.L., Mazzarella, M.A. and Ryge, G. 1969.

Studies on dental aerobiology: I. Bacterial aerosols generated during
dental procedures. Journal of Dental Research. Vol 48, No. 1.

Use of ventilation criteria recommended by the previously
referenced federal agencies has provided generally satisfactory
results. But, considering the particulates/contaminants that are
present, it seems prudent to equip the ventilation system with
filters rated at ASHRAE dust spot 60% or higher. (Note: The
ventilation design, for a closed operatory where nitrous oxide is
to be used, should be capable of providing outside air ventilation of at least 50 cfm/person [25 L/s]equivalent to 10 ach.)
The use of N2O, the selection of sterilization methods, and
dental procedures such as the use of HVEs can significantly
impact the IAQ in dental spaces. These issues have been
largely beyond the ken of (HVAC) designers. Yet, acknowledging these factors is critical to designing an effective HVAC
system for a dental facility.
A national standard for ventilation requirements for dental
areas would be a valuable reference for designing such spaces.
Research needs to be conducted to provide data to support the
development of such a standard. ASHRAE should consider
inclusion of dental areas within their Handbook chapter for
healthcare facilities.
This paper reflects the views of the authors and does not
necessarily reflect those of the Indian Health Service.
1. ASHRAE. 1989. ASHRAE Standard 62-1989, Ventilation for
acceptable indoor air quality. Atlanta, American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
2. ASHRAE. 1995. ASHRAE HandbookHVAC applications.
Atlanta, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
3.Indian Health Service, 1980. Health facility planning manual,
vol 2: environmental/ room layout criteria. Rockville, MD.
4. Department of Defense, 1991. Military handbook, medical and
dental treatment facilities (MIL -HDBK - 1191 FA).
5. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1987. Medical Clinics,
Dental Clinics: Design & Construction Criteria. Naval Facilities
Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA. Design Manual 33.03.


ASHRAE Journal

8. Miller, R.L., Micik, R.E., Abel, C. and Ryge, G. 1971. Studies

on dental aerobiology: II. Microbial splatter discharged from the oral
cavity of dental patients. Journal of Dental Research. Vol 48, No. 1.
9. Bentley, C.D., Burkhart, N.W., and Crawford, J.J. 1994. Evaluating splatter and aerosol contamination during dental procedures.
Journal of the American Dental Association. Vol. 125, 5: 579-584.
10. Earnest, R. and Loesche, W. 1991. Bacteria in dental aerosols.
Journal of the American Dental Association. Vol. 122, 12: 55-57.
11. Weber, T.C. 1993. Cleanroom applications for hazardous dental aerosols. CleanRooms 93 West, Proceedings.
12. Collard, S.M., McDaniel, R.K. and Johnston, D.A. 1989. Particle size and composition of composite dusts. American Journal of
Dentistry. Vol. 2, No. 5, 247-253.
13. Mickelsen, R.L., Jacobs, D.E., Jensen, P.A., Middendorf, P.J.,
OBrien, D.M., Fischbach, T.J., and Beasley, A.A. 1993. Auxilliary
ventilation for the control of nitrous oxide in a dental clinic. Applied
Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol 8, No. 6.
14. McGlothlin, J.D., Crouch, K.G., and Mickelsen, R.L. 1994.
Control of Nitrous Oxide in Dental Operatories. National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Pub. No. 94-129.
15. Williams, G.H. III, Pollok, N.L. III, Shay, D.E., and Barr, C.E.
1970. Laminar air purge of microorganisms in dental aerosols: prophylactic procedures with the ultrasonic scaler. Journal of Dental
Research. Vol 49, No. 6.
16. ACGIH. 1995. Industrial ventilation. American Conference of
Government Industrial Hygienist.
17. De Vuyst, P., Vande Weyer, R., De Coster, A., Marchandise,
F.X., Dumortier, P., Ketelbant, P., Jedwab, J., and Yernault, J.C. 1986.
Dental technicians pneumoconiosis. Am Rev Respir Dis. 133:316320.
18. Brune, D., and Beltesbrekke, H. 1980. Dust in dental laboratories. Part I: Types and levels in specific operations. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Vol 43, No. 6, 687-692.
19. Brune, D., Beltesbrekke, H. and Strand, G. 1980. Dust in dental
laboratories. Part II: Measurement of particle size distributions. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Vol 44, No. 1, 82-87.
20. Collard, S.M., Vogel, J.J. and Ladd, G.D. 1991. Respirability,
microstructure and filler content of composite dusts. American Journal of Dentistry. Vol. 4, No. 3., 143-151.
21. ASHRAE. 1996. ASHRAE HandbookHVAC systems and
equipment. Atlanta, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and

Air-Conditioning Engineers. p. 24.5.

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February 1998

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