850 Bryant - Recipient Project Summary
850 Bryant - Recipient Project Summary
850 Bryant - Recipient Project Summary
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG): The City & County of San
Francisco will apply funds to four priority areas: (1) Prosecution and court programs
(2) Prevention and education program (3) Corrections and community corrections
programs and (4) Planning, evaluation and technology improvement programs.
Specific fund uses include: Hire 3 FTE prosecutors; hire 2 FTE probation officers;
expand collaborative courts housing and substance abuse treatment slots in adult
drug court; increase case management capacity at Juvenile Drug Court; Further
improve coordination and communication between law enforcement, victims and
high-crime communities; invest in JUSTIS technology which will enable near
real-time flow of defendant and offender information between criminal justice
agencies. The Collaborative is comprised of the following:(1) San Francisco District
Attorney's Office (SFDA) will use designated zone strategy prosecutors to improve
outcomes of complex, high-intensity cases including process 35% more zone
specific felony cases; joint track homicide and nonfatal shootings in target zone
neighborhoods. (2)San Francisco Adult Probation (ADP) will use funds to provide
intensive supervision of high risk/high need offenders including maintain a maximum
caseload of 80 probationers; monitor and track percentage of probationers who are
employed, attend school or job training; monitor and track number of times grant-
funded probation officers contact probationers.(3) San Francisco Superior Court will
fund the Collaborative Justice Courts including increase case management capacity
at the Juvenile Drug Court and Plan/Implement Adult Drug Court transitional
housing program. (4) Subcontracts to non-profits to provide street level outreach to
high-risk youth and adults in zone neighborhoods and provide timely Crisis
Response following homicides and shootings and partner with criminal justice
partners and non-profits to help stabilize families. Performance Measures include
the following: Number of Local Initiatives planned,Number of people/individuals
receiving services, Number of program participants who completed intended
programming, Number of program participants who exhibit a desired change in
target behavior, Costs savings as a result of new systems, Number of new jobs
created; Amount of award expended for technology improvements for criminal
justice system and Percent change in number of individuals arrested in a targeted
group by crime type.
Clarification Of Codes
Department of
Award Number 2009-SB-0817 Funding Agency
Project Location -
Total Award Amount $3,000,314 San Francisco
Project Location -
Award Date 08/04/2009 CA
Project Location -
Project Status Not Started 941034600
Jobs Reported 0.00 08
Place of
Performance USA
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Recipient Project Summary http://www.recovery.gov/transparency/pages/RecipientProjectSummary.a...
Sub-awards to Organizations 0
Sub-award Amounts to Organizations $0
Sub-Awards to Individuals 0
Sub-Award Amounts to Individuals $0
Number of Sub-awards less than $25,000/award 0
Amount of Sub-awards less than $25,000/award $0
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Recipient Project Summary http://www.recovery.gov/transparency/pages/RecipientProjectSummary.a...
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