HydroVision Brochure Q Eye PSC 2014

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Stationary Flow Meter

for Pipes and Open Channels


The Q-Eye PSC permanent velocity area flow meter is
designed for applications in full or partially full pipes
100 - 2000 mm (4 80 inches) in diameter, or open channels with flow depths 40 2000 mm (1,5 - 80 inches).
It uses advanced Doppler profiling technology to directly measure velocity profiles making it the best choice
for sites with non-uniform, rapidly changing, backwatered, near zero, negative or reverse flow conditions.
This eliminates the need for on-site calibration, thereby
reducing significantly the cost of installation. Combined
with an integral upward looking ultrasonic or a secondary external pressure sensor (optional) for determining
the depth, the meter is using a numerical model for averaged velocity in the entire cross section and the continuity equation to calculate flow.

Profiling Technology
Pulsed wave Doppler systems use a transducer that transmits short acoustic pulses. The received echo is rangegated to provide velocity measurements selectively from
a small segment along the acoustic beam, step by step
over the entire velocity profile.

Flow Meter

Reflections of particles in other areas do not have any

influence on the velocity measurement. Additionally the
1 MHz sensor provides higher data resolution by detecting smaller particles.

Type Q-Eye PSC

The system can be equipped with up to 8 analoguous

inputs, up to 4 analoguous outputs and 2 pulse (relay)
outputs as well as with Modbus digital output control
for greater application versility.

The Q-Eye PSC is ideal for permanent

flow monitoring studies/surveys:
Wastewater collection systems
(Infiltration studies, hydraulic model calibration,
event notification, long term trend analysis)
Combined sewer systems (Characterize combined
sewer overflow (CSO) impacts)

Data Transmission
Automatic data transmission via GPRS communication is an
option and can be used worldwide. The logged data can be
sent to any host computer (FTP-Server) or to HydroVisions
web-based HydroCenter at a user-selectable frequency
(typically 24/7, 4 times a day, once a day or once a week).

Wastewater treatment facilities

(Influent measurement, real-time process control,
effluent measurement)
Irrigation channels (Supply management)
Industrial flows (Flow measurement, process optimization)
Storm water runoff monitoring

Technical Information


HydroVisions Q-Vision SetUp software lets you easily program

the unit, view current and download logged data. Drop-down
menus allow even unexperienced users to quickly learn the
program. The software communicates via a serial connection.
Q-Vision evaluation is HydroVisions flagship graphing and
analysis software package for Q-Eye PSC logged data.
Both software tools run on Windows computers.

The submergible depth and velocity sensor, which measures

only 15 x 20 x 108 mm (H x W x L) (0,60 x 0,78 x 4,24 inches) is
the smallest sensor of its type currently available.
A low profile means less interference, which results in more

Low Profile Velocity Area Sensor

accurate velocity measurements, especially in low-flow situations.

This type of sensor is used, when the pipe is accessible from

the outside only. For use in full pipes or partially full pipes
when used in conjunction with an ultrasonic pressure depth

Insertion Sensor

Mounting Systems
Mounting Plate, Spring Ring and
Scissors Rings

sensor. These sensors can be installed into existing pipework

through an 2 ball valve.

All sensors can be attached to a mounting plate, spring and

scissors rings to install the sensors in minutes and reducing
time in the manhole. The sensor is first attached to a carrier and can than slide onto any of the compatible mounting
systems. This maintains a height, suitable for measuring flow
rates and velocities at very low water levels. To install the sensors in rectangular, trapezoidal or earthen channels, we recommend the sensor mounting plate. Stainless steel spring
rings simplify sensor installation in cylindrical pipes. 6 standard
diameter sizes from 200 mm (8 inches) to 600 mm (24 inches)
are available. You can install the sensor and fasten the cable
to the downstream edge of the ring in place before you enter
the manhole. The self-expanding device is tight by expanding
the band for a friction fit inside the pipe. The adjustable scissors ring is installed in large diameter pipes from 500 mm (20
inches) to 1450 mm (57 inches) in diameter. It consists of a base
section, one or more pairs of extensions to fit the size of the
pipe and a scissors mechanism.

Web-based data logging

HydroVisions web-based data logging system enables realtime remote access to your data.

WEB Data
hosted via the HV HydroCenter

HydroCenter is our web-based graphing and analysis platform that provides 24/7 web access to data collected with your
flow meter. Go to www.hydrocenter.de

Technical Data
Sensor - Mouse Type

Sensor - Insertion Type

Area Velocity Sensor

Specifications Transmitter


1x velocity, 1x water level


1 MHz


velocity 5,3 m/s

water level (ultrasonic) 0,04-1,3 m
expandable via external
4-20 mA sensor


1% of measured value
for v and h (ultrasonic)
2% for flow


1 x velocity
1x water level


1 MHz

Number of Cells:

mean value


4 lines, 20 characters

Cable Length:

10 m incl. (max. 80m)


4 keys

Particle Concentration:

> 50 ppm


Compact Flash card

up to 2GB



Protection Class:

IP68 (NEMA 6P)




108 x 20 x 15 mm (LxWxH)


max. 8 x 4-20 mA


max. 4 x 4-20 mA
2 x Relay
2 x Pulse

Insertion Sensor

1D velocity for full-filled pipes incl. 2 ball valve


1 MHz


5,3 m/s


< 0,5 % FS (for v > 1 m/s)

< 0,5 % FS 0,0025 m/s (for v < 1 m/s)


Power Supply:

100-240 VAC (47-63 Hz) or 12 VDC


ATEX (option)


Aluminium, wall mounted

Cable Length:

10 m incl. (max. 80m)


265 x 241 x 104 (WxHxD)


Stainless steel


8,2 kg


diameter: 2 ; length: 350 mm

HydroVision GmbH

HydroVision ASIA Pte. Ltd

Gewerbestrae 61A

1 Cleantech Loop

87600 Kaufbeuren

#03-05 CleanTech One


Singapore 637141

tel. +49 - 8341 - 9662180

tel. +65 - 93299015

represented by:

fax +49 - 8341 - 9666030

[email protected]

[email protected]



11/2012 HydroVision GmbH. Specifications are for instruments at the time the literature was printed.
Due to continuous product testing and improvement, all specifications are subject to change without notice.

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