This document provides a protocol for performing a double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) to detect plant pathogens. It describes the assay principle, required reagents which are available from ADGEN Phytodiagnostics, sample preparation steps, incubation times and temperatures, washing steps, substrate addition, and reading and interpretation of results. It also provides formulations for recommended coating, wash, extraction, conjugate and substrate buffers.
This document provides a protocol for performing a double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) to detect plant pathogens. It describes the assay principle, required reagents which are available from ADGEN Phytodiagnostics, sample preparation steps, incubation times and temperatures, washing steps, substrate addition, and reading and interpretation of results. It also provides formulations for recommended coating, wash, extraction, conjugate and substrate buffers.
This document provides a protocol for performing a double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) to detect plant pathogens. It describes the assay principle, required reagents which are available from ADGEN Phytodiagnostics, sample preparation steps, incubation times and temperatures, washing steps, substrate addition, and reading and interpretation of results. It also provides formulations for recommended coating, wash, extraction, conjugate and substrate buffers.
This document provides a protocol for performing a double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) to detect plant pathogens. It describes the assay principle, required reagents which are available from ADGEN Phytodiagnostics, sample preparation steps, incubation times and temperatures, washing steps, substrate addition, and reading and interpretation of results. It also provides formulations for recommended coating, wash, extraction, conjugate and substrate buffers.
The double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS) uses antibodies (IgG) which are bound to the surface of a microtitre plate to capture the antigen (A) of interest. A specific antibody-enzyme conjugate (E) is then used to detect the trapped antigen. The presence of enzyme (in this case alkaline phosphatase) is detected by a colorimetric substrate (S) reaction.
Reagents required for DAS ELISA
Coating antibody (codes in the ADGEN catalogue ending in - 01/-02). Conjugate (ADGEN codes ending in -03/-04) Coating buffer (ADGEN codes 02-001/02-002) Phosphate buffered saline + Tween 20 (ADGEN code 02-003) Extraction buffer (ADGEN codes 02-004 - 02-016 depending on antigen of interest) Conjugate buffer (ADGEN codes 02-008/02-009) pNPP tablets (ADGEN code 03-001/03-002) Substrate buffer (ADGEN code 02-010/02-011)
Alternatively, for your convenience ADGEN supply a DAS ELISA buffer pack (02-017/02-018) and prepared liquid substrates which are stable, convenient and easy to use (03- 003/03-004) and for enhanced detection in your assay choose ADGEN Blue liquid substrate system (03-005/03-006).
Additionally, positive and negative controls are available from ADGEN (-11/-12) for a wide variety of pathogens, these allow you to have increased confidence in the performance of the assay.
To cover all of your ELISA requirements ADGEN supply ADGEN Total sets which contain all of the antibodies, reagents and controls that are required for testing. ADGEN Total is available in 500, 1000, 2500 and 5000 unit sizes.
Protocol (please read before starting the assay)
1. Dilute coating antibody in coating buffer as recommended on the bottle label and add 100l to the required number of wells for your test.
2. Wrap the plate tightly in cling film or place in a plastic box with some damp paper towels and close the box. Incubate the plate at 37 0 C for 4 hours.
3. Wash the plate three times with phosphate buffered saline + Tween 20 (0.05%) - PBST. To do this fill the wells of the plate with PBST and invert to remove the buffer. Repeat twice, pat the plate dry on paper towels.
4. Extract the samples by grinding 1g of tissue with 10ml of general extraction buffer in a mortar and pestle (or an alternative method of grinding). Then filter the sample through a layer of muslin (or similar fine cotton gauze). If this is not available then allow the plant material to settle and use the supernatant in the test. In some cases the recommended ratio of sample to buffer may have to be reduced to allow a clear signal to be obtained if the plant material is not highly infected.
5. Add 100l of each sample, positive and negative control to the coated wells. ADGEN recommend that all samples and controls are tested in duplicate. Remember, 1 ADGEN UNIT = 2 TEST WELLS. ADGEN positive and negative controls are reconstituted by adding 2ml of distilled/deionised water and gently shaking. Any unused reconstituted control may be stored at - 20 0 C.However, the performance of the positive controls may decrease when stored in this manner.
6. Wrap the plate as described in (2) above and incubate at 4 0 C overnight (at least 16 hours).
7. Wash the plate as described in (3) above.
8. Dilute the antibody-enzyme conjugate as recommended on the bottle label in conjugate buffer and add 100l to each test well.
9. Wrap as in (2) above and incubate at 37 0 C for 1 hour.
10. Wash four times as described in (3) above. An extra wash is included at this stage to ensure that all unbound antibody- enzyme conjugate is removed from the wells.
11. Prepare the substrate just before use - add pNPP at 1mg/ml to substrate buffer (one 5mg tablet in 5ml of buffer). Alternatively, use one of the ADGEN liquid substrates. All of these substrates may change colour when exposed to light and should be protected from light to prevent this occurring.
12. Add 100l of prepared substrate to each test well.
13. Wrap the plate as in (2) above and incubate in the dark at room temperature for 1 hour.
14. Read the absorbance using a spectrophotometer at 405nm (for pNPP and ADGEN Yellow) or 595 - 650nm (for ADGEN Blue). Alternatively, positive and negative samples may be scored visually although this may not be as accurate as using a spectrophotometer. A positive sample may be determined as one which gives an absorbance value which is greater than the absorbance values of the negative control. A negative sample is one which gives an absorbance value which is the same as, or less than, the negative control. Visually, a positive sample will give a darker colour than the negative control and a negative sample will give a similar, or lighter, colour to the negative control.
1. ADGEN antibodies and conjugates are sold in units of 500, 1000 and 5000. When they are diluted as indicated in the protocol each unit provides sufficient for each test to be conducted in duplicate wells containing 100l of each reagent. That is, 1 ADGEN UNIT = 2 TEST WELLS.
2. ADGEN recommend that, whenever possible, positive and negative controls be run during all tests to ensure that all of the test components are working properly.
3. The antibodies/conjugates should be stored at 4 - 6 0 C on receipt.
Recommended buffers for DAS ELISA
ADGEN Phytodiagnostics - Protocol 1 1 ADGEN UNIT = 2 TEST WELLS
Make up to 1 litre with distilled/deionised water. This buffer can be difficult to get into solution and it is easier if the PVP is mixed into a "paste" with a small volume of water before adding the other components and the remainder of the water.
Make up to 1 litre with dH20. The pH of this buffer is 9.8 and it does not require to be adjusted. (The diethanolamine and diethanolamine-HCl are liquids however, it is easier to weigh them out than to measure their volumes as they are extremely viscous.)
pNPP is added to the above buffer at 1mg/ml to make up the substrate for alkaline phosphatase.
Trouble Shooting Guide
A uniform high level of colour appears in all wells.
The plate may not have been washed properly. The substrate solution may have been contaminated. pNPP tablets can be contaminated by touching them, using ADGEN Yellow removes this potential source of contamination. The substrate solution may have been exposed to bright light. One of the buffers may have been contaminated by conjugate. The plate may have been coated with antibody-enzyme conjugate. The plate may have been coated with coating antibody which has been contaminated with antibody-enzyme conjugate.
All wells are coloured but to different degrees
The plate may not have been properly washed. The plate may have been exposed to bright light.
Colour appears in all of the outer wells of the plate
The outer wells may not have been properly washed. You may be experiencing 'edge effects'. This is a problem associated with the cooling procedure employed when the plates are being moulded. Newer, high quality plates such as those used at, and supplied by, ADGEN do not cause this problem.
Some colour appears in a negative control well, while some of the other wells are clear.
A positive sample may have been added to the negative control well. During washing some positive control sample may have been washed into the negative control well. Contamination of the negative control well may have occurred by carry over of a positive sample if the same pipette tip was used. New tips must be used for every sample.
All of the wells, including the positive control, are clear.
The antibody-enzyme conjugate may not have been added to the conjugate buffer. The positive control may have gone off. The pNPP substrate tablet may not have been added to the substrate buffer.
The colour in the positive control wells is very low
One of the buffers that have been used may be too old. The positive control may be starting to go 'off'. The substrate buffer may have been diluted with PBST and not water as recommended. Phosphate in PBST reduces the amount of colour produced.
If you still have a problem then prompt and comprehensive technical advice regarding ADGEN Phytodiagnostics products is always available from Neogen Europe Ltd.