This document is a special power of attorney granting Atty. Emmanuel E. Sandicho legal representation for Ellen Roasa Cortez. It allows Atty. Sandicho to [1] sign compromise agreements for two legal cases on her behalf, [2] submit necessary motions and manifestations, and [3] perform other relevant acts. Ellen Roasa Cortez appointed Atty. Sandicho as her attorney and representative with full authority to act on her behalf regarding the legal matters described.
This document is a special power of attorney granting Atty. Emmanuel E. Sandicho legal representation for Ellen Roasa Cortez. It allows Atty. Sandicho to [1] sign compromise agreements for two legal cases on her behalf, [2] submit necessary motions and manifestations, and [3] perform other relevant acts. Ellen Roasa Cortez appointed Atty. Sandicho as her attorney and representative with full authority to act on her behalf regarding the legal matters described.
That I, ELLEN ROASA CORTEZ, of legal age, American citizen (former natural- born Filipino), married and resident of 23241 West Vail Drive, West Hills, California, U.S.A., after having been sworn in accordance with law, do hereby name, designate and appoint as my attorney and representative, Atty. EMMANUEL E. SANDICHO, likewise of legal age, Filipino, a lawyer by profession and with office address at Unit B No. 0758 National Road, Calios, Santa Cruz, Laguna 4009 Philippines, on my behalf to do the following acts:
1. To sign on my behalf and submit for approval and judgment by the Regional Trial Court of Santa Cruz, Laguna - Branch 28 a Compromise Agreement in Civil Case No. SC-5164 entitled Ellen Roasa Cortez, Plaintiff versus Felicisimo B. Esperanza, Defendant;
2. To sign on my behalf and submit for approval and judgment by the Municipal Trial Court of Santa Cruz, Laguna a Compromise Agreement of the civil aspect, and my Affidavit of Desistance in the criminal aspect of Criminal Case No. 34046 entitled People of the Philippines, Plaintiffs versus Spouses Felicisimo B. Esperanza and Ireneta C. Esperanza, accused;
3. To sign on my behalf and submit for approval and resolution all necessary motions, stipulations and/or manifestations in connection with the foregoing compromise agreements and affidavit of desistance.
4. To perform other incidental and relevant acts in connection herewith.
HEREBY GIVING, GRANTING to my said attorney all the foregoing authorities and functions. And hereby AFFIRMING and RATIFYING all my said attorney shall do in connection herewith with the force and effect of binding civil acts, as if I myself am present and doing so by these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, I have hereunto affixed my signature this ________ day of _______________2014 before an appropriate consular officer and administering officer of the Consulate General of the Philippines in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
ELLEN ROASA CORTEZ Principal Conform:
At t y. EMMANUEL E. SANDI CHO Attorney
Signed in the presence of witnesses:
_________________________________ ________________________________ (Printed Name & Signature) (Printed Name & Signature)