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The key takeaways are reduction of quality cost, process validation, and assurance of quality and safety.
The purpose of validation is to provide a high degree of assurance that specific processes will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specification and quality attributes.
The mechanisms of mixing are diffusion, convection, and shear.
Roll no- 23 Pages -
Aim :- To prepare validation protocol of a mixer and perform its validation of mixing performance wit respect to low dose dr!g" P!rpose :- #$ Red!ction of %!alit& cost" 2$ Process validation" 3$ Ass!rance of %!alit& and safet&" References :- #$ Lac'man" L ( Li)erman *Te teor& and practice of ind!strial parmac& (+ ,argese p!)lication page no" #-2-" 2$ Potdar A". *Parmace!tical /!alit& Ass!rance (+ 2--0 1irali p!)lication page no" 2"32" 3$ 4aider 5"I *,alidation standard operating proced!re (+second edition page no 363-366" Re%!irements :- #$ Cemicals- 5r" 1o 1ame of Cemical /!antit& Ta'en # Calci!m car)onate 7CaCo3$ #--gm 2 Potassi!m paramagnet 78m1o3$ #gm 3 Cr&stal violet 2$ 9lasswares - 5r " 1o 1ame Of 9lassware Capacit& /!antit& # ,ials #- ml #- 2 5tirrer ----- -# 3 :ea'er #--ml -2 3 ,ol!metric flas' #--ml -# 6 ,ol!metric flas' #-ml -6 3$ Instr!ments ; 5r" 1o 1ame of Instr!ment .odel .a'e # Colo!rimeter Potocal -<62 =%!ip-tronics 2 >o!)le cone )lender Teor& :- ,alidation :- A doc!mented programmed wic provides a ig degree of ass!rance tat specific processes will consistenc& prod!ce a prod!ct meeting its predetermined specification and %!alit& attri)!tes" Importance of validation #$ Red!ction of %!alit& cost" 2$ Process validation" 3$ Ass!rance of %!alit& and safet&" .ixing :- A process tat tends to res!lt in a randomi?ation of dissimilar particles ( witin a s&stem or to p!t togeter in one mass or assem)lage wit more or less tro!g diff!sion of te constit!ent elements among one anoter" .ecanisms of mixing #$ >iff!sion :- random action of individ!al particles in te mixer" 2$ Convection :- transfer of ad@acent particles gro!ps in te mixt!re " 3$ 5ear :- config!ration cange tro!g slip planes" A$ =%!ipments !sed for mixing :- 7powder$ T!m)ler mixer >o!)le cone )lender Agitated powder mixer Air mixer
:$ =%!ipments !sed for mixing :- 7li%!ids$ Propeller mixer T!r)ine mixer Paddle mixer C$ =%!ipments !sed for mixing :- 7semisolid$ Triple roller mill Agitator mixer Planetar& mixer >o!)le cone )lender :- It is developed in an attempt to overcome some of te sortcoming of rotating mixer" Te mixing of powder in do!)le cone )lender is d!e to t!m)ling and searing action wit )lade " Te efficienc& of )lender depends mainl& on speed of rotation " Te rate of rotation so!ld )e optim!m wic depends !pon te si?e and sape of t!m)ler as well as nat!re of material" Te common range is 3--#-- rpm" Te material to )e )lended is loaded approximatel& 6--<-A of te total capacit& of )lender " As te )lender rotates te material !ndergoes t!m)ling motion and mixes te material" Te do!)le cone )lender is an efficient design for mixing powder of difference densities and is !sed mainl& for small %!antit& of powder"
Proced!re:- 7 Cali)ration c!rve of cr&stal violet $ #$ >issolve #-mg of cr&stal violet in # . 425O3 to prod!ce #--ml " 4eat te sol!tion for 6-#-min 7!ntil )oil$" 2$ Cool te )ea'er sol!tion at room temp" and filter wit te elp of cotton pl!g in f!nnel" 3$ Prepare dil!tion from te a)ove stoc' sol!tion #--mgBml to prod!ce conc" #- CgBml and also prepare te 2(3(<(2(#- CgBml !sing #. 425O3" 3$ .eas!re te a)sor)ance on colorimeter"
O)servation Ta)le:- Concentration A)sor)ance 2 3 < 2 #- Proced!re :- #$ Deig #--gm of CaCo3 and #gm of cr&stal violet and pass tem tro!g sieve no <-" 2$ Load tose powder in do!)le cone )lender and note down te rpm of do!)le cone )lender" 3$ Ta'e te samples from top( middle( and )ottom" >issolve tem in #-ml #. 425O3 in vials" 3$ Eilter it and meas!re te a)sor)ance !sing colorimeter" 6$ >etermine te conc" Fsing cali)ration c!rve and calc!late te std" deviation of eac five interval( predict te optim!m time of mixing" O)servation ta)le 7 I $ :- 5r" no Time Top .iddle :ottom # 6 2 #- 3 #6 3 2- 6 26 < 3- O)servation ta)le 7 II $ :- 5r" no Time Conc" Erom grap G dil" Eactor 7#--$ 5tandard deviation Top .iddle :ottom mean # 6 2 #- 3 #6 3 2- 6 26 < 3- Res!lt :- .ixing of cr&stal violet wit CaCO3 was carried o!t and validation parameter of mixing were as )elow 5r" no Parameter .ixing metod 7 do!)le cone )lender$ # i) CaCO3 #--gm ii$ Cr&stal violet #gm 2 Optim!m mixing time 3 Conc" of optim!m time
5OP 1O -#23 =ffective date- ddBmmB&& Approved )&- .r"a)c Title - :lender 7 do!)le cone $ A!tor - 1ame B title B department 5ign date Cec'ed )& - 1ame B title B department 5ign date Approved )& - 1ame B title B department 5ign date Revisions :- 5r" no 5ection Pages Initials B date 5OP 1O -#23 =ffective date- ddBmmB&& Approved )&- .r"a)c 5!)@ect :- :lender 7 do!)le cone $ P!rpose:- To descri)e te proced!re for validation of )lender to ens!re tat it meets installation( operational( and performance %!alification re%!irements" Responsi)ilit& :- It is te responsi)ilit& of te prod!ction manager and tecnical services manager to follow te proced!re" Te %!alit& ass!rance manager is responsi)le for 5OP compliance" Proced!re :- #" ,erif& approved p!rcase order 2" ,erif& invoice 3" Cec' man!fact!rer and s!pplier 3" ,erif& model n!m)er and serial n!m)er 6" Cec' for an& p&sical damage <" Confirm location and installation re%!irements per recommendation of man!fact!rer" 0" ,erif& tat te re%!ired !tilities are availa)le 2" Installation sall )e cond!cted per instr!ction provided in te man!al" H" =ns!re tat all relevant doc!mentation is received i$ Fser man!al ii$ .aintenance man!al iii$ List of cange parts iv$ =lectrical drawing v$ .ecanical drawing