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MIS Manual Section MIS

Sprite v1.0 Page 42 18 March 1988

misII - Multiple-level Combinational Logic Optimization Program
misII [options] [file]
MIS is an algorithmic multi-level logic synthesis and minimization program. MIS starts from a descrip-
tion of a combinational logic macro-cell and produces an optimized set of logic equations which pre-
serves the input-output behavior of the macro-cell. The program includes algorithms for minimizing
the area required to implement the logic equations, and a technology mapping step to map a network
into a user specied cell library.
MIS can be run in interactive mode accepting commands from the user, or in batch mode reading com-
mands from a le or from the command line. If no options are given on the command line, MIS will
enter interactive mode. Otherwise, MIS will enter a batch mode. When running in batch mode, MIS
reads its input from the le given on the command line, or from standard input if no lename is given;
output is directed to standard output, unless -o is used to specify an output lename.
When MIS starts-up, it performs an initial source of the le ~octtools/lib/misII/lib/.misrc. Typically this
denes a standard set of aliases for various commands. The last command in this le is a 'source ~/
.misrc' to allow the user to dene his own aliases at startup.
-c cmdline
Run MIS in batch mode, and execute cmdline. Multiple commands are separated with semicolons.
-f script
Run MIS in the batch mode, and execute commands from the le script.
-t type
Species the type of the input when running in batch mode. The legal input types are: Berkeley PLA
Format (-t pla), Berkeley Logic Interchange Format (-t blif), eqntott(1CAD)-format equation input (-
t eqn), Oct logic view (-t oct), and suppress input (-t none). The default input type is blif.
-T type
Species the type of the output when running in batch mode. The legal output types are: Berkeley
PLA Format (-T pla), Berkeley Logic Interchange Format (-T blif), bdnet(1CAD)-format net-list (-T
bdnet), Oct Logic View (-T oct), and suppress output (-T none). The default output type is blif.
-o le
Species the output le when running in batch mode. For Oct output, this is a string of the form
cell:view. The default for the output is the standard output.
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Suppress sourcing the commands from the standard startup script (~octtools/lib/misII/lib/.misrc).
For batch mode operation, suppress reading an initial network, and suppress writing an output net-
work. Equivalent to -t none -T none.
The commands are summarized below according to their function (network manipulation, input-output,
network status, command interpreter, and miscellaneous).
Network Manipulation commands
act_map do a mapping into "actel" blocks of pld gates
add_inverter add inverters to the network to make all gates negative
atpg perform combinational atpg using SAT approach
buffer_opt inserts buffering trees for high fanout gates
collapse collapse a network or a set of nodes
cspf_simplify two-level minimization of each node using CSPF's
decomp decompose a node into a set of nodes
eliminate eliminates nodes whose value falls below a threshold
espresso collapse network and minimize with a two-level minimizer
factor determine a factored form for a node
gcx extract common cubes from the network
gkx extract common multiple-cube divisors from the network
invert invert a node, and toggle the phase of all of its fanouts
map technology mapping to find an implementation for the network
phase phase assignment to minimize number of inverters
resub perform resubstitution of a node into other nodes in the network
red_removal perform redundancy removal via atpg
simplify two-level minimization of each node
speed_up speed up of nodes in the network
sweep remove all inverters and buffers from the network
tech_decomp decompose a network for technology mapping
wd re-express a node using another node
xl_cover global cover of nodes by "xilinx" blocks of pld gates
xl_k_decomp Karp-Roth decomposition for mapping into "xilinx" gates
xl_merge merge "xilinx" blocks
xl_partition local cover of nodes by "xilinx" blocks of pld gates
xl_split decompose a network (using routing complexity as cost)
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Input-Output Commands:
read_blif read a network in BLIF format
read_eqn read a network in eqntott(1CAD) format
read_oct read a network from an Oct Logic view
read_pla read a network in PLA format
read_library read a library description file
plot do a plot of the network (only for X11)
set_delay set delay parameters for primary inputs and outputs
write_bdnet write the current (mapped) network in bdnet(1CAD) format
write_blif write the current network in BLIF format
write_eqn write the current network in eqntott(1CAD) equation format
write_lif write the current network in LIF format
write_oct write the current network into an Oct Logic view
write_pla write the current network in PLA(5CAD) format
Network Status Commands:
constraints print the delay constraints for a set of nodes
print print logic function associated with a node
print_altname print the short (and long) names for anode
print_delay timing simulate a network and print results
print_factor print the factored form associated with a node
print_gate print the library information associated with a gate
print_io print the fanin and fanout of a node (or the network)
print_kernel print the kernels (and subkernels) of a set of functions
print_level print the levels of a set of nodes
print_library list the gates in the current library
print_stats print statistics on a set of nodes
print_value print the value of a set of nodes
Command Interpreter:
alias provide an alias for a command
chng_name switch between short and long forms for node names
echo merely echo the arguments
fanout_alg select a fanout optimization algorithm (to be used by map)
fanout_param set some parameters for fanput algorithm (to be used by map)
help provide on-line information on commands
quit exit MIS
reset_name rename all of the short names in the network
save save a copy of the current executable
set set an environment variable
source execute commands from a file
time provide a simple elapsed time value
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unalias remove the definition of an alias
undo undo the result of the last command which changed the network
unset unset an environment variable
usage provide a dump of process statistics
bdsyn special command used by bdsyn(1CAD)
simulate logic simulation of the current network
sim_verify verify networks equivalent via simulation
verify verify equivalence of two networks
Most commands which take a node also take a list of nodes as an argument. This is referred to as a
node-list in the documentation below. This list of nodes includes * to specify all nodes in the network,
i() to specify the primary inputs of the network, o() to specify the primary outputs of the network,
i(node) to specify the direct fanin of node, and o(node) to specify the direct fanout of node.
When MIS starts, it executes commands from a system startup le (usually ~octtools/lib/misII/lib/
.misrc). This denes a standard set of aliases, and then sources the le ~/.misrc to allow users to dene
their own set of aliases. The default alias set includes the following aliases which have proven useful.
Note that many of the aliases are intended for compatibility with MIS Version #1.3.
Standard Aliases:
alias command description
ai add_inverter add inverters to a network to correct the phases
alt print_altname print both long and short names for a node
asb resub -a algebraic resubstitution
c chng_name toggle between long and short names
clp collapse collapse network
el eliminate eliminate nodes below a threshold
exit quit terminate program
gd decomp -g good decomposition (i.e., best kernel decomposition)
gf factor -g good factoring (i.e., best kernel factoring)
gp phase -g good phase assignment (i.e., more expensive)
inv invert invert a node keeping network function consistent
nts print_stats print network status (including factored form)
p print print sum-of-products form of a node
pat print_delay -a print node arrival times
pd print_delay print delay
pf print_factor print factored form of a node
pg print_gate print gate information for a node
pgc print_gate -s summarize gate information for the network
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pio print_io print inputs and outputs of a node or the network
pk print_kernel print kernels of a node
plt print_delay -l print output loading for each node
pn p -n print nodes in 'negative' form
prt print_delay -r print node required times
ps print_stats -f print network status (including factored form)
psf print_stats print network status
pst print_delay -s print node slack times
pv print_value print node values
qd decomp -q quick decomposition (i.e., any kernel decomposition)
qf factor -g quick factoring (i.e., any kernel factoring)
qp phase -q quick phase (i.e., simple greedy algorithm)
re read_eqn read equations from a file
rl read_blif read blif network from a file
rlib read_library read library in genlib format
ro read_oct read network from an Oct view
rp read_pla read PLA in espresso format
rsn reset_name reset all short names starting from 'a'
sim simulate logic simulation on a network
sim0 simplify -d quick minimization of a node (no don't cares)
sim1 simplify -m nocomp -d complete minimization of a node (no don't cares)
sim2 simplify single pass minimization with fanin DC-set
sim3 simplify -m nocomp complete minimization with fanin DC-set
so source source a script file
sw sweep remove buffers, inverters from a network
td tech_decomp decompose network to meet AND/OR constraints
u undo undo last command which changed network
wb write_bdnet write mapped network in BDNET format
wl write_blif write network in blif format
wp write_pla write network in Espresso PLA format
wo write_oct write network as an Oct view
Add inverters into the network wherever needed to make each signal (including the primary inputs)
used only in its negative form. After this command, every literal in a node is in the negative form.
This is the appropriate starting point for the technology mapping step.
alias [name [string]
unalias name ...
The alias command, if given no arguments, will print the denition of all current aliases. If given a
single argument, it will print the denition of that alias (if any). If given two arguments, then the key-
word name becomes an alias for the command string string, replacing any other alias with the same
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name. The unalias command removes the denition of an alias.
atpg [-a] [-r] [-n] [-b] [-t] [-f] [-c] [-i] [-d] [-l]
Perform combinational test generation using random test generation, deterministic test generation,
and fault simulation. Random test generation is done by using parallel fault simulation. Deterministic
test generation is accomplished by using Boolean satisability.
The -l option sets the give up level of the rtg. The current default is 1 which means that the atpg will
exit the rtg if a parallel simulation of 32 patterns did not detect any faults in the fault list. A value of
2 would set it to 64 and so on.
The -a option removes active clauses. Active clauses are used to accelerate the deterministic test gen-
erator by minimizing the search space of the boolean satiser. Removing active clauses will dramati-
cally degrade the performance of the dtg.
The -r option causes the atpg not to do random test pattern generation.
The -n option removes non-local implications. Non-local implications are done for both good and
bad circuits. The boolean satiser also does non-local implications by binding the variables and then
noting the direct implications.
The -t option traces through the test generation process.
The -T option traces through the Boolean satisfy process.
The -f option causes the atpg not to do fault simulation after each deterministic test generation. It
should be noted that as a self-check whenever fault simulation is being done, the fault begin tested
for in the dtg is also given to the fault simulator.
The -c option removes critical clauses. Critical clauses forces gates on the active path to have inputs
not on the active path to take on values that will allow the fault to be propagated.
The -i option removes additional critical clauses. These critical clauses involve two signals that both
belong to the transitive fanout of the fault site.
The -d option adds dominator clauses. The current implementation does not include the improved
improved unique sensitization procedure that includes multiple gates.
Perform combinational redundancy removal using random test generation, deterministic test genera-
tion, and fault simulation. Random test generation is done by using parallel fault simulation. Deter-
ministic test generation is accomplished by using Boolean satisability.
Options used are -acni -l 20
A special command exported for use by bdsyn(1). Not for general use.
Toggles the network between long-name mode (user supplied names) and short-name mode (auto-
matically generated single- character names).
collapse [n1] [n2]
Collapse nodes in the network. With no arguments, the entire network is collapsed into a single-level
of functions (i.e., two-level form). Each output will be expressed in terms of the primary inputs.
Given a single node, that function is collapsed until it is represented entirely in terms of primary
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Given two arguments, it is assumed that the second node is a fanin of the rst node. In this case, this
dependency is removed (the rst node is expressed without the second node as a fanin).
Please note that this command negates any mapping that may have been done at an earlier time.
Caution should be taken when collapsing network to two levels because the two level representation
may be too large. The alternative is to use eliminate (selective collapse). Refer to eliminate for the
constraints [node_1] ... [node_n]
Print the values of the various delay constraints for the nodes in the argument list, which must be
either inputs or outputs. Also prints the default values of the default delay parameters for the net-
work. Used to check the values set by set_delay.
cspf_simplify [-d] [-i <num>[:<num>] [-m method] [-f lter]
Simplify each node in the network using method with a subset of the observability and satisability
don't-cares generated at that node. The observability don't care subset is computed using the compat-
ible set of permissible functions (CSPFs). An ordering is given to the nodes of the network and
CSPFs for the nodes are computed according to that ordering. Each node is simplied using its
CSPF and an appropriate satisability don't care subset.
method species the algorithm used to minimize the nodes. snocomp (default) invokes a single pass
minimization procedure that does not compute the complete offset. nocomp invokes the full minimi-
zation procedure (ala ESPRESSO) but does not compute the complete offset. dcsimp invokes single
pass tautology based minimizer.
dctype species how the don't-care set is generated. This option is not used at this point.lter speci-
es how the don't-care set is ltered. This option is not used at this point.
decomp [-gqd] [node-list]
Decompose all the nodes in the node-list. If the node-list is not specied, all the nodes in the current
network will be decomposed. Decompostion will factor nodes and make the divisor a new node
within the network, re-expressing other nodes in terms of this newly introduced node. It is one of the
transforms used to break down large functions into smaller pieces, usually at the cost of introducing a
few more literals.
If the -q option (the default) is specied, the quick decomp algorithm is used which extracts out an
arbitrary kernel successively. Because of the fast algorithm for generating an arbitrary kernel,
decomp -q is very fast compared with the decomp -g. In most cases, the result is very close. This
command is recommanded at the early phase of the optimization.
If the -g option is specied, the good decomp algorithm is used which successively extracts out the
best kernel until the function is factor free, and apply the same algorithm to all the kernels just
extracted. This operation will give the best algebraic decomposition for the nodes. But, since it gen-
erates all the kernels at each step, it takes more CPU time. In general, decomp -q should be used in
the early stage of the optimization. Only at the end of the optimization, should decomp -g be used.
If the -d option is specied, the disjoint decomposition is preformed. Currently, the disjoint decom-
position is limited to the following simple algorithm: It partitions the cubes into sets of cubes having
disjoint variable support, creates one node for each partition, and a node (the root of the decomposi-
tion) which is the OR of all the partitions.
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echo args ...
Echoes the arguments to standard output.
eliminate [-l limit] thresh
Eliminate all the nodes in the network whose value is less than or equal to thresh. The value of a
node represents the number of literals saved in the literal count for the network by leaving the node in
the network. If the value is less than (or equal to) the threshold, the node will be eliminated by col-
lapsing the node into each of its fanouts. A primary input or a primary output will not be eliminated.
The value of the node is approximated based on the number of times the node is used in the factored
form for each of its fanouts. Note that if a node is used only once, its value is always -1.
limit is used to control the maximum number of cubes in any node. The default is 1000. Using a
very large limit may result in collapsing the network to two levels. In general, if the circuit is col-
lapsible, the command collapse is more efcient.
Collapse the network into a PLA, minimize it using espresso, and put the result back into the multi-
ple-level nor-nor form.
factor [-gq] node-list
Throw away the old factored forms and factor each node in the node-list, and store the factored forms
with the nodes. If the -q option is specied, the quick factor algorithm is used to factor the node. If
the -g option is specied, the good factor algorithm is used to factor the node.
fanout_all [-v #] alg_list
Activates selectively one or more fanout algorithms. For a list of fanout algorithms known to the sys-
tem, use the -v 1 option. The algorithms activated are the ones specied in the list. One algorithm,
nnooaallgg, is always active. A two_level is a fast, area efcient algorithm. The best results are
obtained with fanout_all bottom_up lt_trees mixed_lt_trees.
Fanout optimization itself is performed using the mmaapp command.
fanout_param [-v #] fanout_alg [property value]
Changes the default parameter values associated with specic fanout algorithms. For a list of these
parameters and their values, do not specify the last two arguments.
gcx [-bcdf] [-t threshold]
Extract common cubes from a network, and re-express the network in terms of these cubes, and in
the process cutting down on the number of literals needed in the network.
The -b option chooses the best cube at each step when exa mining possible cubes to be extracted; oth-
erwise, the more efcient ping-pong algorithm is used to nd a good (but not necessarily the best)
cube at each step.
The -c option uses the complement of each cube as well as the cube when dividing the new cube into
the network.
The -f option uses the number of literals in the factored form for the network as a cost function for
determining the best cube to be extracted.
The -t option sets a threshold such that only a cube with a value greater than the threshold will be
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extracted. By default, the threshold is 0, so that all possible cube divisors are extracted.
The -d option enables a debugging mode which traces the execution of gcx.
gkx [-1abcdfo] [-t threshold]
Extract multiple-cube common divisors from the network. The -a option generates all kernels of all
function in the network when building the kernel-intersection table. By default, only level-0 kernels
are used.
The -b option chooses the best kernel intersection as the new factor at each step of the algorithm; this
is done by enumerating and considering each possible kernel intersection, and choosing the best. By
default, the more efcient ping-pong algorithm is used to nd a good (but not necessarily the best)
kernel intersection.
The -c option uses the new factor and its complement when attempting to introduce the new factor
into the network.
The -d option enables debugging information which traces the execution of the kernel extract algo-
The -f option uses the number of literals in the factored form for the network as the cost function
when determining the value of a kernel intersection; by default, the number of literals in the sum-of-
products form for the network is used.
The -o option allows for overlapping factors.
The -t option sets a threshold such that divisors are extracted only while their value exceeds the
threshold. By default, the threshold is 0 so that all possible multiple-cube divisors are extracted from
the network.
The -1 option performs only a single pass over the network. By default, the kernel extract algorithm
is iterated while there are still divisors whose value exceeds the given threshold.
help [-a] [command]
Given no arguments, help prints a list of all commands known to the command interpreter. The -a
option provides a list of all debugging commands, which by convention begin with an underscore. If
a command name is given, detailed information for that command will be provided.
invert node-list
Invert each node in the node-list. It is used when the complement of a node is to be implemented.
Note that it does not change the logic function of the current Boolean network, but will have an effect
on the structure of the network.
map [-i] [-f #] [-m #] [-n #] [-f] [-a] [-r] [-s] [-v #]
Perform a technology mapping on the current network. A library must be read using the 'read_library'
command before mapping can be performed.
The -m option controls the mode used for the technology mapping. A mode of '0' (the default) mini-
mizes the area of the resulting circuit. A mode of '1' minimizes the delay of the resulting circuit
(without regard to the total area). This does not take into account the actual load values in the mapped
network. An intermediate value uses as cost function a linear combination of the two, and can be
used to explore the area-delay tradeoff. A value of '2' minimizes the delay on an estimate of the crit-
ical path obtained from a trivial 2-input nand mapping, and the area elsewhere.
The -f option enables the fanout optimizer. The fanout optimizer inserts inverters at multiple fanout
points to reduce the delay through the circuit.
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The -a option recovers unnecessary buffers inserted by the fanout optimizer. This is just an area opti-
mization. It does not increase the delay.
The -n option allows the access to the new tree mapper. With area mode performs worse than -m 0.
With '1.0', it optimizes for delay only, and with an intermediate value, produces an intermediate
result. The minimum delay mode performs better than -m 1. Specifying -n .9 provides a circuit with
equal or less delay as -n 1.0 does, but for less area and more cpu time. Unfortunately, the new tree
mapper has not been integrated with the fanout optimizer yet, so the effect of both optimizations do
not always add up.
The -f option controls the internal fanout handling. The value is interpreted as a four bit mask:
[b0,b1,b2,b3], where b0 is the least signicant bit of the mask. For example, a value of 3 means that
b0 and b1 are set, b2 and b3 unset. 'b2' is not currently used. Setting 'b3' allows the mapper to use
gates with internal fanout, like XOR's or MUX'es. Setting 'b0' enables a heuristics used in minimum
area mode to approximate the cost of a tree rooted at a multiple fanout point. The heuristics estimates
the area of the tree by dividing the actual area by the number of fanouts. If 'b0' is not set, the area of
the tree is estimated to be 0. Setting 'b3' is ineffective in area mode if 'b0' is not set. Finally setting
'b1' enables the mapper to introduce overlaps between gates (i.e. to duplicate logic). This wastes a lot
of area in delay mode. The default value is 11 in area mode (i.e. b0, b1, b3 set) and 0 in delay mode.
The -i option disables the 'inverter-at-branch-point' heuristic. Intended for experimentation with dif-
ferent mapping heuristics.
If -r is given (raw mode), then the network must already be either 1- and 2-input NAND gates, or 1-
and 2-input NOR gates, depending on whether a NAND-library, or a NOR-library was specied
when the library was originally read. If -r is not given, appropriate commands are inserted to trans-
form the network into the correct format.
The -s option prints brief statistics on the mapping results.
The -v options is for development use, and provides debugging information of varying degrees as the
mapping proceeds.
phase_assign [-qgst] [-r n]
Decide for each node whether to implement the node of its complement in order to reduce the total
cost of the network. If the network is mapped, the cost is the total area and the network will be kept
mapped, otherwise, the cost is the total number of inverters in the network assuming all the inverters
are already in the network. At the end, all the necessary inverters are inserted into the network and
all the extra inverters are removed from the network.
The default algorithm, which can also be specied by -q option, is a greedy algorithm called quick
phase. The -g option uses the Kernighan-Lin type algorithm called good phase. The -s option
chooses the Simulated Annealing algorithm. The -r n chooses a random-greedy algorithm which
does a random assignment rst and then uses a greedy approach to get to a local minimum, and iter-
ate n times. If -t option is specied, some tracing information is printed as the assignment proceeds.
plot [-n name] [-k]
The plot command creates a window with a abstract representation of the network, at its current level
of optimization, labeling all nodes, including primary inputs and outputs. Vectors are used to show
relationships between the various nodes.
The -n option gives the graph a name which the user may refer to in future uses of the plot command.
If a graph by the given name already exists then the plot will appear in that window, otherwise a new
window is created. If a name is not specied then a NULL name, or the name of the data le which
was read is defaulted to.
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The -k option "kills" (removes) a plot of a given name (using the -n option), or the window with the
plot of the current network if the -n option is omitted.
print [-n] [-d] node-list
Print all the nodes in the node-list in sum-of-product form.
If -n option is specied, the nodes are printed in the negative form. (i.e. a' + b' will be printed as (a +
If -d option is specied, the nodes in the external don't care network are printed.
print_altname node-list
Print the alternate name of all the nodes in the node-list. If the current name mode is short (mis inter-
nal name), the alternate name will be the long name (user specied name) and vice-versa.
print_delay [-alrs] [-m model] [-p n] n1 n2 ...
Do a delay trace on the network depending on the specied "model" and print the delay data. Without
any arguments the routine will use the "library" model which assumes that the network is mapped
and will print the arrival times, required times and the slack for all the nodes in the network.
Specifying an optional node list (n1 n2 ...) will print the delay data only for the specied nodes.
The user can selectively have portions of the delay data printed. The option -a will cause the arrival
times to be printed. The option -r will cause the required times to be printed. The option -s will cause
the slacks at nodes to be reported. The option -l will cause the load driven by the node to be printed.
The option -p n when specied with one of the options -[alrs] will print out the delay data so that the
rst n nodes with the most critical values are printed. The critical portion of the delay data is deter-
mined by the rst of the options -[alrs] specied. Thus specifying -p n -[al] prints the nn nodes with
the greatest arrival-time/load. For the -[rs] option the nodes with the smallest required-time/slack are
The delay model can be specied by the -m option followed by one of the following keywords --
"unit" ,"unit-fanout", "library" or "mapped". Specifying "unit" results in delay being computed as 1
unit per node in the network. "unit-fanout" adds an additional delay of 0.2 per fanout. If a library has
been read in using the read_library command one can use more accurate models ,"mapped" and
"library", by using data stored in the library. Using the model "library" assumes that the network has
been mapped. The "mapped" model does not make this assumption and will do a mapping of the
nodes on an individual basis to compute a delay model for use during the delay trace.
print_factor node-list
Print all the nodes in the node-list in the factored form. If a node has not beed factored, factor-q will
be used to factor the node.
print_gate [-ps] node-list
Prints the information provided in the library for the list of mapped gates.
The -p option prints the pin information of the gates.
The -s option prints summary of the gates and their area.
print_io [-d] [node-list]
Print both fanin and fanout list for each node in the node-list. Absence of node-list implies all the
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nodes in the current network.
if the -d option is specied, the nodes in the external don't care network are considered.
print_kernel [-ass] node-list
Print kernels and corresponding co-kernels of all the nodes in the node-list. If -a option (default) is
specied, all kernels, including the function itself if it is a kernel, are printed. If -s option is speci-
ed, only the sub-kernels are printed.
print_level [-l] [-c] [-m model] [-t value]
Prints the nodes of the network according to their level. The primary inputs are assigned level 0, and
the level of a node is the length of the longest path from it to a primary input. The -l options prints
only the number of levels in the network.
If the -c option is specied, only critical nodes are printed according to their level. The delay trace is
done according to the -m model option (default is the unit-fanout model) and all the nodes with a
slack within a -t value of the smallest slack are considered to be critical.
print_library [function_string]
Print the contents of the current library. If the optional string is given, only the gates with the same
logic function as the string will be printed. function_string is in the format of read_eqn. For exam-
ple, print_library "f=!(a*b);" will print all gates with a nand2 logic function.
print_stats [-f] [-d]
Print the current network status, which includes the network name, number of primary inputs (pi),
number of primary outputs (po), number of nodes (nodes), and number of literals in the sum-of-prod-
uct form (lits(sop)).
If -f option is specied, the number of literals in the factored form (lits(fac)) is computed. This could
be slow when the factored form for some network takes too long to generate.
If -d option is specied, the statistics of the external don't care network is printed.
print_value [-a] [-d] [-p n] node-list
Print the value of all the nodes in the node-list. The value is currently dened as the number of liter-
als increased if the node were eliminated from the network. Since the value of a node depends on the
particular factored form of the node and its fanouts, all the nodes which don't have factored forms
will be factored using factor_q.
The -a option prints the values in ascending order.
The -d option prints the values in descending order.
The -p takes an argument n, and directs print_value to only print the top n values.
Stop the program. Does not save the current network before exiting.
read_blif [-a] lename
Read in a network from the le lename which is assumed to be in blif format. The network name is
given by the .model statement in the le. If a .model is not given, the network name is the lename
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with any trailing extension removed.
Usual lename conventions apply: - (or no lename) stands for standard input, and tilde-expansion is
performed on the lename.
Normal operation is to replace the current network with a new network. The -a option species that
the new network should be appended to the current network. Functions are associated between the
two networks using the long names of each network. Name conicts (where two functions attempt to
dene the same name) generate warning messages and are resolved by renaming the signal from the
new network.
The -s option, though accepted, has no effect on read_blif, and is instead reserved for the read_pla
read_eqn [-a] [lename]
Read a set of logic equations in the format expected by eqntott(1). Each equation becomes a node in
the logic network.
INORDER and OUTORDER can be used to specify the primary inputs and primary outputs for the
network. If neither is given, then primary inputs are inferred from signals which are not driven, and
primary outputs are inferred from signals which do not have any fanout.
The equations are of the form "<signal> = <expr> ;". For reference, the equation format uses the
() grouping
!= (or ^) exclusive-or
== exclusive-nor
! complement
& (or *) boolean-and
| (or +) boolean-or
As a simple extension to eqntott, juxtaposition of two operands stands for boolean-and, and ' used as
a post-x operator stands for complement. Hence, F = a*!b + c*!d ; and F = a b' + c d' ; represent the
same equation.
Note that eqntott and read_eqn treat the intermediate nodes of a network slightly differently.
read_eqn will not make an intermediate node a primary output unless it also appears in the OUT-
ORDER list. Also, the resulting network is a multiple-level network with all of the intermediate sig-
nals preserved. Finally, eqntott is order-dependent in that it requires signals to be dened before they
can be used again; read_eqn relaxes this condition.
The -a option species that the new network should be appended to the current network. Functions
are associated between the two networks using the long names of each network. Name conicts
(where two functions attempt to dene the same name) generate warning messages and are resolved
by renaming the signal from the new network.
The -s option, though accepted, has no effect on read_eqn and is instead reserved for the read_pla
read_oct cell[:view]
Read in a network from the Oct facet `cell:view:contents'. If `view' is not specied, it defaults to
`logic'. The network name is set to `cell:view'. Oct nets without names are given machine generated
unique names. All primary inputs and output are named the same as the equivalent Oct formal termi-
nals of the facet.
This operation replaces the current network with the new network.
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read_pla [-a] [-s] lename
Read in an espresso-format PLA from the le lename (see espresso(5) for more information). The
network name is derived from the lename with any trailing extension removed.
Usual lename conventions apply: - (or no lename) stands for standard input, and tilde-expansion is
performed on the lename.
Normal operation is to replace the current network with a two-level network of NOR-gates (and
inverters) which implements the PLA. This preserves the multiple-output nature of the PLA. The -s
option replaces the current network with a single-level network of complex gates with the same logic
functions as the PLA outputs. This makes each PLA output a separate single-output function.
The -a option species that the new network should be appended to the current network. Functions
are associated between the two networks using the long names of each network. Name conicts
(where two functions attempt to dene the same name) generate warning messages and are resolved
by renaming the signal from the new network.
read__library [-ainr] lename
Read a MIS-format library for future technology mapping. The -a option appends the library to the
current library; otherwise, any previous library is discarded. The -i ag suppress adding extra invert-
ers to all of the primitives. Intend for debugging only. The -n ag requests that a library, if it is gen-
erated, be made using NAND gates rather than NOR gates. The -r ag reads a raw library format
(given in BLIF) rather than the normal genlib format.
Perform combinational redundancy removal using random test generation, deterministic test generation,
and fault simulation. Random test generation is done by using parallel fault simulation. Deterministic
test generation is accomplished by using Boolean satisability.
atpg command options used are -acni -l 20
reset__name [-ls]
Resets either the short-names (starting again from the single letter a) with the -l option, or the MIS-
generated long-names (starting again from [0]) with the -s option.
resub [-a] [-b] [-d] [node-list]
Resubstitute each node in the node-list into all the nodes in the network. The resubstitution will try
to use both the positive and negative phase of the node. If node-list is not specied, the resubstitu-
tion will be done for every node in the network and this operation will keep looping until no more
changes of the network can be made. Note the difference between resub * and resub. The former
will apply the resubstitution to each node only once.
The -a (default) option uses algebraic division when substitute one node into another. The division is
performed on both the divisor and it's complement.
The -b option uses Boolean division when substituting one node into another. NOTE: Boolean
resubstitution has not yet been implemented.
The -d option directs resub not to use the complement of a given in algebraic resubstitutions.
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save lename
Save a copy of the current executable to a le which can be restarted. This can be used to freeze the
current network or the current library for later optimization. When the executable 'lename' is exe-
cuted, execution returns to the top-level of the command interpreter.
NOTE: The save command is very operating-system dependent and may not be implemented on your
system. If this is the case then the save command is unusable on your system.
set [name] [value]
unset name ......
A variable environment is maintained by the command interpreter. The set command sets a variable
to a particular value, and the unset command removes the denition of a variable. Set, if given no
arguments, prints the denition of all variables.
Different commands use environment information for different purposes. The command interpreter
makes use of the follow ing:
Denes a command string to be automatically executed after every command processed by the
command interpreter. Useful for things like timing commands, or tracing the progress of opti-
Standard output (normally stdout) can be re-directed to a le by setting the variable misout.
Standard error (normally stderr) can be re-directed to a le by setting the variable misout.
open_path (in analogy to the shell-variable PATH) is a list of colon-separated strings giving
directories to be searched whenever a le is opened for read. Typically the current directory (.)
is rst in this list. The standard system library (typically ~cad/lib/misII/lib) is always implicitly
appended to the current path. This provides a convenient short-hand mechanism for reaching
standard library les. prompt denes the prompt string
set_delay [-a|r|l|d f] [-s f] [-W f] [-a f] [-r f] [-d f] [-l f]
[o1 o2 ... | i1 i2 ...]
Set various delay parameters for the inputs and outputs of a network. Capitalized options set defaults,
lower-case options set the parameters for the nodes in nodelist, which is either a list of output nodes
or a list of input nodes.
The option -a sets the default arrival time for primary inputs to f. The option -r sets the default
required time for primary outputs to f. The -d option sets the default drive on a primary input to f,
and the -l option sets the default load on primary outputs to f. The -s option sets the wire load per
fanout to f. One can get more fancy and specify the wire loads for a given number of fanouts by
specifying the -W option. With the _ith use of the -W option, the load for a gate driving _i outputs is
set to the value f. There is no undoing of these settings in the current session.
The -a,, -d,, -l, and -dR options perform specic functions, but only on the node arguments given.
The -a (-r) option sets the default arrival (required) time to f if the node list given is a list of primary
inputs (outputs). The -d option sets the drive on each node in the list to f; if there is a non-primary-
input in the list this is an error. The -l option sets the load on each node in the list to f; if there is a
non-primary-output in the list this is an error.
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simplify [-d][-i <num>[:<num>]] [-m method] [-f lter] [node-list]
Simplify each node in the node-list using method with the don't-care set generated according to
method species the algorithm used to minimize the nodes. snocomp (default) invokes a single pass
minimization procedure that does not compute the complete offset. nocomp invokes the full minimi-
zation procedure (ala ESPRESSO) but does not compute the complete offset. dcsimp invokes single
pass tautology based minimizer.
dctype species how the don't-care set is generated. default don't care set generated is a subset of the
fanin don't care set. -d option species that no don't care set is used. -i m:n species that the fanin
don't cares of nodes within mm levels of transitive fanin and nn levels of transitive fanout of these
transitive fanin are to be generated.
lter species how the don't-care set is ltered. exact (default) uses the exact lter. disj_sup used
the disjoint support lter.
simulate in1 in2 in3 ...
For the current implementation of the network, given a value ('0' or '1') for each of the primary inputs
of the network, simulate prints the value produced at each of the primary outputs. The correspon-
dence of the input values and the primary inputs can be determined by the order in which the primary
inputs and outputs are printed using the write_eqn command.
For example, for a three-input AND gate, the command simulate 1 1 0 will produce a 0
sim_verify [-c root] [-n # pats] lename.blif
Verify that two networks are equivalent using random-pattern simulation. That is, generate a random
input vector, simulate the logic network, and check that the outputs between the two networks agree.
The rst network is the current network, and a second network is read from the le 'lename.blif'; it
must be a BLIF format le. (This restriction will be xed when the command interpreter is expanded
to handle multiple networks.)
-n gives the number of random patterns to simulate.
-c root generates a C program root.c to simulate each network, and verify that the outputs are equiv-
alent. This is automatically compiled into the program root and run for the specied number of vec-
tors. This is much faster than the default interpreted mode.
NOTE: the -c option to sim_verify has not yet been implemented.
source [-psx] lename
Read commands from a le. The -p option prints a prompt before reading each command, and the -x
option echoes each command before it is executed. The -s silently ignores an attempt to execute
commands from a nonexistent le. Eventually source will allow arguments with the standard $1, $2,
... convention.
speed_up [-m model] [-d #] [-w #] [-t #.#] [-i] [-c] [-t] [-vD]
Speed-up the nodes in the node-list. If no nodes are specied selects the nodes to be speeded-up in
order to speed-up the entire network. The best decomposition seen so far is accepted (except with the
-c ag).
The -m model option selects the delay model according to which the delay data is computed. The
values allowed for model are "unit", "unit-fanout" and "mapped". the "unit" delay model counts the
MIS Manual Section MIS
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level of the circuit as its delay. the "unit-fanout" model is intended to capture a technology indepen-
dent model and it assigns a delay of 1 unit to each gate and 0.2 units to each fanout stem. the
"mapped" delay model uses the delay data in the library to compute delay.
The -d # option selects the distance upto which the critical fanins are collapsed in order to do the
speed-up. A fast value is 3, a good one is 6.
The -t #.# option determines which nodes are considered critical. The critical nodes are those with a
slack within #.# of the most negative slack.
The -w # option selects between the area mode and the pure timing mode. A value of 0 selects pure-
timing mode while a value of 1 will conserve as much area as possible.
The -i option species that only the initial 2-input NAND decomposition be carried out.
The -c option species that one pass be carried out. The new decomposition is always accepted, even
if it results in a slower circuit.
The -t option displays the delay as the iterations progress.
The -v,-d option display debugging information.
Note: Invoking speed_up on a mapped network may cause the network to become unmapped.
Successively eliminate all the single-input nodes and constant nodes (0 or 1) from the currently net-
work. NOTE: Successfully invoking a sweep command on a mapped network can possibly "unmap"
the network.
tech_decomp [-a and-limit] [-o or-limit]
Decompose all the nodes in the current network into and gates or or gates or both depending on
whether -a, -o, or both ags are specied. The fanins of and gates will be no more than and-limit and
that of the or gates will be no more than or-limit. and-limit and or-limit, if specied, must be at least
two. The default option is -a 2.
Prints the processor time used since the last time command, and the total processor time used since
misII was started.
alias [name [string]]
unalias name ......
The alias command, if given no arguments, will print the denition of all current aliases. If given a
single argument, it will print the denition of that alias (if any). If given two arguments, then the key-
word name becomes an alias for the command string string, replacing any other alias with the same
name. The unalias command removes the denition of an alias.
A simple 1-level undo is supported. Reverts the network to its state before the last command which
changed the network. Note that interrupting a command (with ^C) which changes the network uses
up the 1-level of undo.
set [name] [value]
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unset name ...
A variable environment is maintained by the command interpreter. The set command sets a variable
to a particular value, and the unset command removes the denition of a variable. Set, if given no
arguments, prints the denition of all variables.
Different commands use environment information for different purposes. The command interpreter
makes use of the follow ing:
Denes a command string to be automatically executed after every command processed by the
command interpreter. Useful for things like timing commands, or tracing the progress of opti-
Standard output (normally stdout) can be re-directed to a le by setting the variable misout.
Standard error (normally stderr) can be re-directed to a le by setting the variable misout.
open_path (in analogy to the shell-variable PATH) is a list of colon-separated strings giving
directories to be searched whenever a le is opened for read. Typically the current directory (.)
is rst in this list. The standard system library (typically ~cad/lib/misII/lib) is always implicitly
appended to the current path. This provides a convenient short-hand mechanism for reaching
standard library les.
denes the prompt string
Prints a formatted-dump of processor-specic usage statistics. For Berkeley Unix, this includes all of
the information in the getrusage() structure.
verify [-m method] [-v] le1 [le2]
Verify the Boolean equivalence of two networks. le11 is compared with the current network when
le2 is not specied, otherwise, le1 is compared with le2. The input and output variables from
two networks are associated by their names.
The -m option species the verication method. If 'method' is 'clp' (default), two networks are col-
lapsed and compared as PLA's. If 'method' is 'bdd', the BDD's are contructed for both networks, and
The -v option engages the "verbose" mode of verify, where the user can see the progress that verify is
wd [-c] node1 node2
The wd command (which stands for "weak division") is very similiar to resubstitution (resub com-
mand), except that instead of operating on the entire network, wd simply re-expresses node1 in terms
of node2.
The -c directive further allows re-substitution in terms of the compliment of node2.
write_bdnet [lename]
Write the current network to le lename in the format fo a net-list dened by bdnet(1). This is
MIS Manual Section MIS
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allowed only after the network has been mapped into a nal implementation technology.
The environment variable OCT-CELL-PATH denes where the cell library is located. If a cell does
not have a leading '~' or '/' in its name, then OCT-CELL-PATH is prepended to the lename.
The variable OCT-CELL-VIEW denes the viewname to be used if the cell does not have a ':' in its
name to separate the cell name from the view name.
The variables OCT-TECHNOLOGY, OCT-VIEWTYPE, and OCT-EDITSTYLE dene the technol-
ogy, view-type, and edit-style properties for the Oct cell.
write_blif [-s] [-n] [lename]
Write the current network to le lename in the Berkeley Logic Interchange Format (BLIF).
The -s option uses the network short-names rather than the network long-names for the BLIF le.
This can be used to encrypt the names of a net-list.
The -n option uses the net-list format of BLIF when a node has a gate implementation in the library.
write_eqn [-s] [lename]
The write_eqn command prints out the equations from the current network according to format spec-
ications laid out in the documentation for read_eqn. Both primary inputs and outputs are indicated.
The -s option uses the network short-names rather than the network long-names for the output.
If lename is not specied the equations will be outputed to stdout, otherwise they will be written
into the given le and may be read by read_blif at a later time.
write_lif [lename]
Write the current network to le lename in the Logic Interchange Format (LIF) dened for the
"International Workshop on Logic Synthesis", Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, May, 1987.
write_oct [-m] cell[:view]
Write the current network to the Oct facet `cell:view:contents'. If `view' is not specied, it will
default to `logic'.
If the `-m' ag is specied, the network is merged into an existing network. All of the logic elements
and internal nets are ripped up and replaced with the new network. Oct net names are used to deter-
mine how to merge in the network, so if the net names at the interface of the logic are not dened the
merge will fail.
The environment variable OCT-CELL-PATH denes where the cell library is located. If a cell does
not have a leading '~' or '/' in its name, then OCT-CELL-PATH is prepended to the lename.
The variable OCT-CELL-VIEW denes the viewname to be used if the cell does not have a ':' in its
name to separate the cell name from the view name.
The variables OCT-TECHNOLOGY, OCT-VIEWTYPE, and OCT-EDITSTYLE dene the technol-
ogy, view-type, and edit-style properties for the Oct facet.
write_pla [lename]
Write the current network to le lename in the Berkeley PLA Format. No optimization is done on
the PLA.
xl_cover [-n numberr] [-h heuristic number]
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For mapping onto xilinx architecture. The initial network should have all intermediate nodes with
fanin less than or equal to number (Default is 5). Uses Mathony's binate covering algorithm to mini-
mize the number of nodes in the network. Uses different heuristics to solve the covering problem.
The heuristic number can be specied by -h option. Heuristic number can be 0, 1, 2 or 3:
- 0 (exact),
- 1 (Luciano's heuristic),
- 2 (For large examples),
- 3 (default)(automatically decides between 0 and 2)
xl_k_decomp [-n number] [-p node_name]
Uses Karp_Roth disjoint decomposition to decompose recursively nodes of the network having fanin
greater than number to obtain nodes each having fanin of at most number. If -p node__name is spec-
ied,, only the node with name "node__name" is decomposed. Else, all the nodes that have fanin
greater than "number" are decomposed. in the present implementation, the rst bound set is selected
and no attempt is made to have the best decomposition.
xl_merge [-f MAX_Fanin] [-c MAX_COMMon_Fanin] [-u MAX_UNION_Fanin]
For mapping onto Xilinx architecture. Selects nodes of the network that can be merged so as to min-
imize the number of nodes in the network. Solves an integer program, using package Lindo. In the
end it lists the pairs of nodes that were merged.
MAX_FANIN is the limit on the fanin of a mergeable node(default = 4)
MAX_COMMON_FANIN is the limit on the common fanins of two mergeable nodes(default = 3)
MAX_UNION_FANIN is the limit on the union of the fanins of two mergeable nodes(default = 5)
Does not change the network.
xl_partition [-n value]
Collapses nodes greedily using the number of nets as a criterion.
The -n option takes an argument, value, which sets the limit on fanins of the node.
xl_split [-n value] [-d ]
Ensures that every node in the network has number of fanins less than or equal to value. Does so by
using kernel extraction and AND-OR decomposition. -d debug facilities turned on.
espresso(1CAD), espresso(5CAD), eqntott(1CAD),
MIS Manual Section MIS
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Richard Rudell
Albert Wang
Rick Spickelmier (Oct read and write)

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