Sunset Experiment
Sunset Experiment
Sunset Experiment
Physics 2021
There are many fundamental aspects of astronomy that can be observed and studied on your own
with little or no optical equipment. Many of these phenomena are so common you may have
taken them for granted. By making these observations, you will see with your own eyes some of
the most basic and important motions of astronomy, around which our very lives are organized.
The purpose of this program is to observe the variation in the sunset position along the horizon
and to interpret this variation in terms of its effects on the seasons.
The spirit of this observation is captured by Henry Beston in his book The Outermost House.
All these autumn weeks I have watched the great disk going south along the
horizon of moorlands beyond the marsh, now sinking behind this field, now
behind this sedgy hillock dappled with snow. We lose a great deal I think, when
we lose this sense of feeling for the Sun. When all has been said, the adventure
of the Sun is the great natural drama by which we live
To follow the seasonal motion of the Sun in this way, it is necessary that you pick a good
observational site -- one that gives a fairly clear view to the West in the evening (or East in the
morning). Parking lot structures and rooftops are usually good locations. Use a digital camera to
photograph the sunset position with respect to ground features (wait until the Sun is low enough
to do this accurately and safely). Your observations are of the Sun setting in different places
along the horizon as the season progresses, as is indicated in the following hypothetical figure.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Degrees 0 5 10 15 20 25
In addition to photographing the sunsets, make a sketch of them and estimate the number of
degrees the Sun has moved from a fixed landmark. Your ruler is your fist, held out at arms
length, which, for most people, is about 10 degrees wide. The zero point is an arbitrarily chosen
ground feature, such as the edge of a tall building.
You must observe and photograph the sunset from the same location throughout the semester.
Your observations should be compiled in some sort of notebook you will regret not recording
your data as you obtain them. For every entry you should record (1) the date, (2) the time, (3) the
number of degrees the Sun has moved from the reference point, (4) your place of observation, (5)
the condition of the sky, and (6) any other pertinent information. Other comments about the
weather, unusual conditions, etc., might turn out to be very valuable later. Observations should
be conducted on the average of once per week. Get one observation during August, at least
two observations each during September and October, and at least one during November.
Example Entries from an Observations Notebook
Aug 30, 2004 8:03 pm EST 12 deg S Tech Tower Clear
Sep 8, 2004 7:32 pm EST 21 deg S Tech Tower Light Haze
Sep 19, 2004 7:05 pm EST 30 deg S Tech Tower Clear
Required Questions
1. Which way was the Sun moving along the horizon? Was its motion uniform or did the rate
of motion change with time? Explain.
2. From your observations what can you say about (a) where the Sun rises or sets and (b) the
length of the day?
3. From your observations, what can you infer about the position of the Sun at noon during the
4. How does the altitude of the Sun affect the seasons? Was this affect evident during the
semester (e.g., temperature, weather, etc.)?
5. What surprised or impressed you the most as you performed this observational project?
Your report must be typed and well presented. Do not plagiarize, fabricate data, or cheat
in any manner. You report must include a description of the observing program, the table
of observations, your photographs of the sunset positions, and the questions (with answers)
from above.
Final Comment
Lest you forget, the spirit of the exercise is to learn something about the Solar System and the
Universe by using your own eyes and logic, not by depending on the textbook. The questions
herein are meant to guide you toward an awareness of what you are observing and what it means.
These questions should be addressed directly. That is, it is not expected that you turn in a page
with questions 1, 2, 3, etc., followed by their answers. Also, do not think that the questions
cover all that is in your data. Your instructor will certainly appreciate deeper insight on your
part! Do not be intimidated by making your own observations and including them in your
notebook/report. This observing program barely touches the surface of what you can see, if only
you were to look! Meteors, comets, auroras, lunar eclipses, the Milky Way, open star clusters,
variable stars, and even a galaxy over 2 million light years away are all within the realm of
your naked-eye Universe!
Note: This observing project and its description is taken from the University of Michigan Introductory Astronomy
Lab Manual.