CT Internal Structure

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e n e r g i ze - October 2012 - Page 40


The four basic types of high voltage current
transformers are:
Hair pin tank type.
Cascade/eye bolt.
Top core.
Combined current-voltage.
The first stage in the manufacture of a
high voltage current transformers consists
of making the secondary coils. A core is
made from grain orientated silicon steel
wound in a toroidial shape. This core
is then annealed at 800C. This is then
covered with insulating material. Copper
wire is then wound around the core
depending on the specified burden, ratio
and accuracy required. The windings are
then covered with insulating material and
the unit is sent to the test department for
checking that the ratios are correct and
within specification.
Te stin g o f se c o n d a ry c o ils
The ratio of each secondary coil is tested
for turn accuracy. This is done by injecting
the full load current (1000 A, 1200 A etc)
through the coil and measuring the output.
The accuracy must be better than 0,25%
for type X CTs and 0,2% for metering CTs
or it is rejected.
The primary winding is made from
annealed copper wire bent into U shape.
This is then covered with purified crepe
paper. This paper has a high mechanical
and dielectric strength and has low losses.
Aluminium foil screens are then layered
onto the paper at strategic levels. These
screens are to reduce and control high
voltage stresses.
The primaries are then dried out in a
special oven where moisture is trapped
externally for monitoring.
The secondary coils are then placed over
the primary windings and installed into
steel enclosures. When fully assembled
the complete current transformer is placed
into the secondary oven and dried out.
Once fully dried out the insulator is
mounted on a base plate and is attached
to the tank. The primary conductors are
then bolted onto the copper connection
The completed current transformer is filled
with highly refined pre-heated insulating oil
whilst in a vacuum, after which it is sent to
the test department.
Pa rtia l d isc h a rg e te stin g
Partial discharge (PD) is an electrical
discharge that occurs across a portion of
the insulation between two conducting
electrodes without completely bridging
the gap and is caused when there is
a discontinuity in the insulation. Partial
discharge can often be observed with
the commissioning of new equipment
High voltage current transformers
by Robin Coombs, Eskom
Th e re a re fo u r b a sic typ e s o f h ig h vo lta g e c u rre n t tra n sfo rm e rs. Th e h a ir p in ta n k typ e is typ ic a lly m a d e in So u th Afric a fo r vo lta g e s u p to a n d
in c lu d in g 1 3 2 kV a n d is o il fille d . Th is re p o rt lo o ks a t th e 1 1 kV to 1 3 2 kV h a ir p in ta n k typ e m a d e in So u th Afric a .
Fig . 1: The fo ur typ e s o f hig h vo lta g e c urre nt tra nsfo rm e rs.
Fig . 2: The c o re is m a d e fro m g ra in o rie nta te d
silic o n ste e l.
Fig . 3: C o p p e r wire is the n wo und a ro und the
c o re d e p e nd ing o n the sp e c ifie d b urd e n, ra tio
a nd a c c ura c y re q uire d .
Fig . 4: Te sting o f se c o nd a r y c o ils.
e n e r g i ze - October 2012 - Page 42
due to improper installation, poor design
or poor workmanship. It is known that poor
workmanship can lead to infant mortality
of MV/HV networks with a disproportionate
percentage of insulation failures being
observed within the first one to three years
of service.
After initiation the PD can propagate and
develop into electrical trees and interfacial
tracking until the insulation is so weakened
that it fails completely with breakdown
to earth. This can take anything from a
few hours to several years to break down
completely. Early detection is essential
if this breakdown is to be averted thus
the need for a PD test early in the testing
phase. Voltage is applied to the current
transformer primary and raised in steps
up to the rated operating voltage. The
amount of discharge is measured and
must be less than 10 pC (picocoulombs) .
If any discharge is detected at any stage
the test is aborted and the CT returned
to the oven for further drying out. If it fails
again it is rejected.
Once the CThas passed the PD test it is
then subjected to a tan-delta test.
Ta n d e lta te stin g
Tan delta, otherwise known as loss angle
or dissipation factor testing, is a diagnostic
method of testing transformers, cables etc.
The object of the test is to determine its
life expectancy by checking the dielectric
strength of the insulation. If the insulation is
free from defects, like water trees, moisture
and air pockets, the unit approaches the
properties of a perfect capacitor.
= Capacitive current. I
= Resistive
By measuring I
we can determine the
quality of the insulation. The tangent of
the loss angle will indicate the level of
resistance of the insulation. The greater
the angle the greater the contamination.
If the angle is greater than 0,5% then the
CTis rejected and sent back for re-drying.
If it again fails it is totally rejected.
Fig . 5: C urre nt g e ne ra to r.
Fig . 6: Se c o nd a r y c o ils o n the
te st rig p rim a r y wind ing .
Fig . 8: So lid c o p p e r c o nd uc to rs
b e nt into U sha p e .
Fig . 7: So lid c o p p e r c o nd uc to rs
wra p p e d to g e the r.
Fig . 9: Insula ting ta p e b e ing
wra p p e d o nto c o p p e r.
Fig . 10: Prim a r y d r ying o ve n.
Fig . 11: Se c o nd a r y wind ing s p la c e d
o ve r p rim a r y wind ing s.
Fig . 12: Po rc e la in insula to rs.
e n e r g i ze - October 2012 - Page 43
Fig . 13: Oil filling rig .
Fig . 14: Pa rtia l d isc ha rg e d e te c to r.
Fig . 15: Ta n d e lta m e a suring se t.
Fig . 16: Ta n d e lta re a d o ut.
Fig . 17: Hig h vo lta g e te st b a y.
Wa te r tre e s
Water trees are small tree shaped channels,
found within the insulation, caused by the
presence of moisture. These channels,
in the presence of an electrical field,
eventually lead to the inception of partial
discharge (PD), which eventually leads to
the formation of electrical trees, which
grow to a point where insulation failure
occurs. The tan-delta test shows the extent
of water tree damage.
Fin a l a sse m b ly
Once the current transformer has passed
all of the Quality checks and tests it is taken
to the spray painting booth where a final
coat of paint is applied.
The finished product is then inspected
by the quality c ontroller where the
secondary resistances are checked with
an Ohmmeter to ensure that no internal
connections have been lost and the paint
thickness is also checked. The oil level is
checked and topped up if required. Any
abnormalities are recorded and an internal
non conformance report (NCR) is raised.
These abnormalities have to be corrected
and the NCR closed out before the client is
Fig . 18: Typ ic a l wa te r tre e s.
Fig . 19: Finishing b a y.
invited to inspect. The client is then invited
to carry out a final inspection and all test
reports are made available.
Tra n sp o rt a n d h a n d lin g
Current transformers must be handled with
care. The porcelain insulator can easily
crack and a hairline crack is very hard to
see but can lead to catastrophic failure
with oil leakage and moisture ingress.
The two connection stubs are a very
convenient lifting aid but must not, under
any circumstances, be used for lifting or
manoeuvring as this will cause distress to
the porcelain insulator. The correct, and
only, method of lifting is to use the lifting
lugs mounted on the oil tank. Due to the
now out of balance unit the CTcan easily
tip over so long slings must be used to
increase the height of the balance point.
Care must be taken when moving as the
CTcan now sway and get damaged.
If care is taken with the handling and
storing the life of the CT is extended
Bib lio g ra p h y
[1] Instrument Transformer Application
Guide. ABB.
[2] IEC 60044-1, Edition 1.2,2003-01.
[3] Trench Current Transformers, Germany.
[4] Tan delta testing. high voltage Inc, USA.
Ac kn o wle d g e m e n t
Thanks to ACTOM High Voltage Division in
Knights for all their assistance and advice.
Contact Robin Coombs, Eskom,
Tel 011 849 -1527,
[email protected]
Fig . 20: Lo ng sling s a tta c he d to a ll fo ur lif ting
p o ints with a sing le a tta c he m e nt to a c ha nne l
fitte d to the fo rklif t is re c o m m e nd e d .

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