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Maintenance Manual

HDD Disk Management

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i. Determining File Type 11
ii. Deleting Non-executable Files 13
iii. Deleting Executable Files 15
iv. Defragmenting Your Hard Drive 17
i. Installing WD Smartware 26
ii. Performing a Backup 28
iii. Scheduling a Backup 31
iv. Restoring from a Backup 32
b. UPDATE 46

HDD Disk Management

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The purpose of this manual is to maintain your Windows 8 PC with basic
computer skills and knowledge required such as turning the computer on
and off, using the internet, keyboard skills, etc. Ideally this is intended for
young adults.
This manual does not need to be read in order.
Warnings will be in orange/red. Other notes or tips will be in standard
black; others will be labeled accordingly.

HDD Disk Management

~ 4 ~

Description of the HDD Optimization
Interface and Optimization Methods

The hard disk drive optimization interface is the interface for the user to conduct drive
optimization. Drive optimization is the collection of methods for improving a
computers hard disk drive efficiency. The interface lets the user check a drives status,
analyze it for defragmentation, and optimize it using the defragmentation process. Also
the user can change settings for general drive optimization features. The interface is a
standard window that can be opened by searching defrag in the Start buttons search
box and selecting Defragment and Optimize Drives (Figure 1).
Dissecting the Interface (Top to Bottom)
HDD Disk Management Description of the HDD Optimization Interface Cont.

~ 5 ~

[Figure 1 - The interface window]
Section I
The first segment of the interface will list out the current drives connected to the
computer (Figure 1.1) and its status relevant to disk optimization. First column shows
the name of the drive, the second column shows the type of drive (hard disk drive or
external), the third column shows when the drive was last optimized, and the fourth
and final column shows percent defragmentation. Click once on the drive of interest for
optimization options.

[Figure 1.1 All current drives connected to the computer are listed]
Section 2
The next segment allows the user to select to analyze or optimize a specific drive
(Figure 1.2).

[Figure 1.2 The analyze and optimize buttons]
Analyze and optimize are the main function of the interface. Analyze scans the drive
and reports back to the third and fourth column of the previous section updated
information. Optimize does the disk defragmentation. The topic is covered after the
interface topic titled Describing the Optimization Process on the following page.
Section 3
The next segment gives a couple of options for general drive optimization processes
(Figure 2.5). Here the user can set up for the optimization process to occur
automatically in set intervals of time and establish popup notes for when a scheduled
optimization process was missed on a specific drive(s).
HDD Disk Management Description of the HDD Optimization Interface Cont.

~ 6 ~

[Figure 2.5 (Top) Summary of options. (Bottom) Set the options opens up by clicking Change
At the bottom of the interface window, clicking close is the same as closing a window
by clicking the X at the top right of a window. All progress done up to that point will
be saved.
Describing the optimization process
Consider the following analogy to explain analyze and optimize:
When a computer is used for the first time or a new external drive is used it will have
all of its storage space available for usage, analogous to an empty bookshelf (Figure 2.1).
HDD Disk Management Description of the HDD Optimization Interface Cont.

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[Figure 2.1 A new computer is analogous to an empty bookshelf.]
As files are created and deleted disorganization follows as the drive does not have a
full-fledged automatic cleanup process, analogous to a disorganized bookshelf (Figure

[Figure 2.2 Disorganized storage from file creation and deletion is like a disorganized
When storage space is spread sparsely future files added may be fragmented resulting
in inefficient file usage (Figure 2.3).

[Figure 2.3 Disorganization can lead to fragmentation, denoted by the red torn book.]
HDD Disk Management Description of the HDD Optimization Interface Cont.

~ 8 ~

What clicking Analyze does is review the current status of a drive and reports back
the drives fragmentation as a percentage and a word describing the status. Based on
the results it may be appropriate to follow up with the actual optimization process.
What clicking Optimize does is organize files currently found on the selected drive as
efficiently as possible (Figure 2.4). The more the drive is fragmented and disorganized
the longer the process of organizing and defragmenting the files will take.

[Figure 2.4 Optimization organizes files appropriately.]

Wrap Up
The interface is a convenient all-in-one window for having your hard disk drive and
other drives function efficiently in the long run. Using this interface is the easiest way
to optimize storage space on the computers hard disk drive.

HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Definition

~ 9 ~

Hard Disk Drive Definition

The hard disk drive, or commonly called just the hard drive, is the hardware
component of a computer that stores data to be accessed at any time. It is composed of
magnetic disks rigidly (hard) built into the device that is capable of storing data (drive).
An arm with a needle called the head makes contact with its respective disk to read and
write data in a circular fashion. A typical hard disk drive has multiple disks with its
respective arm and head (Figure 1).
[Figure 1 A typical hard disk drive]

Prior to the invention of the hard disk drive in the mid-1950s, data was stored on
magnetic film in a linear fashion. The circular design of a magnetic disk offered
advantages over magnetic film. Storing data on magnetic disks allowed for a higher
capacity of data storage and quicker reading and writing on a circular disk over a linear
film tape at a lower cost.
In the mid-1960s the floppy disk emerged to provide a very low cost solution to storing
small amounts of data. It utilized a relatively smaller disk encased in plastic that was
very practical for PC use. As disk technology improved, the hard disk drive and
compact disk became more practical and by the early 2000s replaced the floppy disk for
storing more and more data.
Larger data storage and faster data access called for methods to efficiently organize that
data. Disk defragmentation is the primary method that organizes data found on a hard
disk drive.
HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Definition Cont.

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Often not understood or confused with the computers RAM (random access memory),
the hard disk drive stores data while the computer is off (nonvolatile, does not loss all
its data off) while RAM does not (volatile, loses all data when off). The hard disk drive
was developed after the RAM in response to RAMs volatility. When identifying the
hard disk drive component of a computer, it is denoted by its storage space in common
sizes ranging from 160 gigabytes (GB) to single digit terabytes (TB).

HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions

~ 11 ~

Hard Disk Drive Storage Management

This section will explain how to manage storage on a computers hard disk drive. Hard
disk drive storage is the component of your computer where all your files are stored to
be used at any time. Storage space is finite so knowing how to manage it will benefit
you in the long run where users tend to suffer from limited space later in their
computers life cycle.
There are two procedures for managing storage: deleting files and hard disk drive
defragmentation. All procedures will be done in desktop mode, not
metro.Instructions cover versions 8 and 8.1 of Windows.

Deleting Files
Deleting files is a quick fix for freeing up storage space. An executable file is a
computer program while a nonexecutable file is a resource that stores information to
run on a certain computer program. You need to know how to handle deleting
different file types.
Time: few seconds to one hour

Determining file type
Before deleting a file the file type needs to be known to know what the appropriate way
to delete the file is. Here is how to determine a certain files type.
1. Right click on the icon of the file (Figure 1) you want to delete.

[Figure 1 Examples of icons]

HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions Cont.

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2. Select properties. A window will pop-up showing the properties of the file (Figure 2).
If the tab that the pop-up window starts in is labeled Shortcut and/or the target type
is Application refer to Deleting Executable Files on the following page. If the tab that
the pop-up window in is labeled General and/or the type of file is not .exe refer to
Deleting Non-Executable Files on page 15.
Close the properties window before continuing.
Note: Icons of the executable files can be deleted like a nonexecutable file but only the icon will
be deleted, not the program itself.

[Figure 2-Properties for a non-executable file (left) and executable file (right). Not following the
correct procedure will not properly delete the file.]

HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions Cont.

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Deleting Executable Files

1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard (designed with the symbol ).
Alternatively, press the start button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

2. Search uninstall a program in the search bar and select the corresponding result
(Figure 3). Let all results in the following window load before proceeding. Searching
for uninstall a program and pressing the Enter key will do the same if the search
returns one result (Figure 3).

[Figure 3 Pop-up options for your search.]

3. Locate the file you want to delete in the window (Figure 4).

4. Select the file you want to delete and click Uninstall or Uninstall/Change.
Alternatively, select the file you want to delete, right click, and select uninstall (Figure
4). The corresponding window will begin the uninstallation process.

[Figure 4 - Locate your file you want to delete then go through its uninstallation process]
HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions Cont.

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Each program you uninstall may vary in its uninstallation process. Generally it will be
a multistep process confirming what you want to uninstall and if you are sure if you
want to finalize the uninstallation process (Figure 5).Proceed attentively. Once the
program uninstalled successfully all files, references to the files, and icons of the
uninstalled program will be removed.

[Figure 5 The uninstallation process varies across programs. Review what is being uninstalled
before finalizing the uninstallation to avoid uninstalling the wrong thing(s).]

HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions Cont.

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Deleting Non-Executable Files

1. Locate the files icon you want to delete.

2. Right click and select delete (Figure 6). The file will automatically go to the recycling
bin. If not and a window pop ups asking for your confirmation, select yes.

[Figure 6 Right click on a non-executable file and select delete.]
3. Double click on the Recycling Bin located on your desktop. The shortcut has been
located in the top left corner of your desktop since the first time you have used your
computer. Alternatively, right click on a blank spot on your desktop, select
personalize, select Change Desktop Icons, checkmark the Recycling Bin, and click
Apply and then Ok. The shortcut should now be found on your desktop. Review
your items in the Recycling Bin before proceeding (Figure 7).
Note: If you want to restore a file you do not want to delete click on the file and select Restore
the selected items. The file will be restored to its original location before being deleted and will
not be deleted once you empty the recycling bin.

[Figure 7 - Navigate through these windows to acquire a recycling bin onto your desktop.]
HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions Cont.

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4. Click Empty Recycling Bin to permanently delete ALL files in the Recycling Bin.
There is no special method to deleting a file like for executable files so at this point the
file is permanently deleted.

HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions Cont.

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Defragmenting your Hard Drive
Hard disk drive defragmentation is the more long term fix to dealing with storage
Time: few seconds to several hours

1. Click start.

2. Search defrag in the search bar and select Defragment and Optimize Drives
(Figure 8).

[Figure 8 Pop-up options for your search.]

3. Select the hard disk drive where you store your files. For most it should be labeled
OS (C:) or something very similar.

4. Click Analyze. If you are asked for permission to do so select yes or run as
administrator. Under current status your selected drive will be analyzed and return a
status statement and percentage of fragmentation (Figure 9). If the status message is
positive and your percentage of fragmentation is close to 0 you may stop here and close
the window. If otherwise continue.

5. Close all open application and do not use the computer once continuing.
Note: For laptop users connect it into an outlet to not risk losing power to the computer.
HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions Cont.

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[Figure 9 Results of the analyzing will be found under the current status tab.]

6. Click optimize. The process will defragment your hard drive. The time spent will
depend on how much defragmentation needs to be done where the more that needs to
be defragmented the longer the process will take.

Deleting files should be done as soon as needed. If files are left undeleted it will
become harder and harder to manage all of the files as their numbers grow and hard
disk space runs low. Disk defragmentation is recommended to be done at least once a
month but with the analyze feature the user can get a feel for how often it should be
done. The need for defragmentation depends on how often files are created and
deleted. The more files are created and deleted the higher the need for disk
HDD Disk Management Hard Disk Drive Storage Management Instructions Cont.

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defragmentation. These two processes work hand in hand to encompass hard disk
drive memory management.
BackupDescription of a WD MyPassport 500 GB Hard Drive

~ 20 ~

Description of a WD MyPassport 500
GB Hard Drive

A WD MyPassport 500 GB hard drive is an external hard drive with a cable and manual which is
used to perform data backups to a personal computer and/or laptop. A backup is a copy of the
data on the computer saved to an external source, in this case the WD MyPassport hard drive,
usually for safe keeping. When the original data on a computer become corrupted and no longer
accessible, restoring from a backup will ensure that no information is truly lost.

Each external hard drive contains its own software which the device uses to perform the
backups. The program can be accessed through either the shortcut created during the
initial installation process or through the search button. For this manual the software
being used will be WD Smartware, which comes with the WD MyPassport 500 GB hard

The Outside of an External Hard Drive
The package for the WD MyPassport hard drive will contain the device, the connector
and a set of instructions. See Figure 1. The standard shape for the device shown in
Figure 1 is a rectangle with the physical size and weight varying on the amount of
memory that is purchased.

[Figure 1]

The Port
BackupDescription of a WD MyPassport 500 GB Hard Drive Cont.

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The only port in the device is where the cable will be inserted during use. The port will
have several small, thin, pins on the inside; this is where the information will be sent
through. Each pin has a designated read or write function. The read pins will only read
the data from the computer, which will then be sent through the write pins to be written
in to the device.

Be careful not to force the connector in; forcing the connector in could bend or damage
some of the very thin, very small pins on the inside and prevent the device from
working properly. See Figure 2.

[Figure 2]

The Connector
The cable has two connectors. On one end, the cable has a standard USB connector and
on the other a flatter M-shaped connector. This M-shaped connector is the one that
connects into the external hard drive itself. See Figure 3 for an image of both connector

BackupDescription of a WD MyPassport 500 GB Hard Drive Cont.

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[Figure 3]

The USB connector cable provided will have a sticker saying USB 3.0 Compatible with
USB 2.0. The number on the sticker will have to do with the version of the USB; like all
other electronics USB ports and connectors also have a version. The only differences
between the versions are the speeds at which they transfer information. Most
computers and laptops today have a standard 2.0 USB port, making them compatible
with all 2.0 and below USB connectors. This is also true for a 3.0 connector.

The Light
The light is next to the M-shaped port.When the WD MyPassport is connected a white
light will flash and then stay on, indicating that the device is working.

The Inside of an External Hard Drive

The inside of an external hard drive is very similar to a hard drive found on the inside
of a computer. For a more detailed description of a hard drive please see page 9.

The Sound
The hard drive being used in these instructions has a small disk spinning inside,
making a small whirling sound when the device is connected. This also means that you
must be careful not to drop the external hard drive which could damage the disk inside
and corrupt the data, rendering the information and any backups saved to it useless.
The device should never be opened for the sake of the disk accidentally getting
scratched or damaged.

BackupDescription of a WD MyPassport 500 GB Hard Drive Cont.

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Writing to the Hard Drive
When writing to the hard drive (i.e. performing a backup) the information is copied
from the computers own hard drive and sent to the USB port, through the cable and
through the M-shaped port, and finally written to the disk inside. The whole process
takes only a few milliseconds but a large number of files, images and videos slow the
process down making the process last an hour or more for the whole computer to be
backed up despite the up-to-date connector.
BackupTechnical Definition of an External Hard Drive

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Technical Definition of an External
Hard Drive

An external hard drive isa device that is used to store data to an external place usually
through a USB connection. Hard drives are usually rectangles with their weight and
size depending on how much memory was purchased. Some of the more popular
brands include Western Digital (WD), Seagate, LaCie, Samsung and so on. Western
Digital and Seagate are known for being more reliable with few problems, while LaCie
are more known for being durable albeit more expensive.
Some of the older hard drives only include the software and the device itself, along with the
connector, newer hard drives are also including a cloud storage (memory stored on the
companys servers to be accessed remotely) option with the hard drive. This function works
similarly to a backup done to an external hard drive with the destination being cloud storage.
External hard drives come with two different options for storage, a hard disk drive
(HDD) or a solid state drive (SSD).

Hard Disk Drive
A hard disk drive is a device that can read and write data for the computer to use. See
page 9 for more details.
One of the main differences between an internal hard drive built into a computer and an external
hard drive is that an external hard drive will never physically open; instead the CD on the inside
will remain covered and protected inside the device. This protection prevents dust and other air
particles from interfering with the device which might prove harmful to it and prevent it from
performing properly.
Having a physical disk inside can also be risky, meaning that HDD's (Hard Disk Drives)
can stop working correctly if they receive too much damage, for example, from falling
to the ground. This will damage the disk inside and prevent the device from

Solid State Drive
A solid state drive, however, has no disk inside or any moving parts, allowing it to
withstand a bit more damage. A SSD (Solid State Drive) is comprised of microchips
BackupTechnical Definition of an External Hard Drive Cont.

~ 25 ~

which then write to the available memory through the copper lining in the chips. In
Figure 1, the chips are found in the center of the device.
The absence of a physical disk makes a solid state drive much faster than a hard disk drive and
lighter in weight. Computers with a solid state drive are known for turning on much faster than a
computer with a hard disk drive. However, since solid state drive are still relatively new to the
market, SSDs cost more today than the average hard disk drive and so far top out at only 1TB
(TB = Terabyte, 1 TB ~ 1000 GB) of memory.

[Figure 1 - Solid State Drive]
BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive

~ 26 ~

Backing Up to an External Hard Drive

Setting up a backup can be a little time consuming at first but is usually hassle free and
simple to install and perform. Once a backup has been done all current data will be
saved for future use in the event that the data on your machine becomes unusable.
These instructions will explain how to: install the software necessary for a WD
MyPassport 500 GB hard drive, perform a backup, schedule a backup, and also how to
restore from a previous backup. Note: These instructions will be given using the
Desktop feature on a Windows 8 machine.

Installing WD Smartware
WD Smartware is the software program that the device itself contains in order to
perform the backups. If your device says something different this instruction set might
not be able to help you. This section will go over the steps necessary for installing the
software for the backup.

1. Open the box and remove its contents. Connect the non-USB port to the
corresponding port. Then connect the other end to the USB port on your laptop or
computer. See Figure 1 for reference.
*DO NOT force the connector in if it
doesnt fit; instead, turn it over and try
again. Forcing the connector in might
damage the pins on the inside and
prevent the device from working properly
in the future.

BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive Cont.

~ 27 ~

2 .Connect WD MyPassport hard drive to your computer or laptop through the USB
port, wait a few moments then click next to install the software. See Figure 2 for

[Figure 2]

3) Check the box and click next to accept the End User Agreement form.

4) Check or uncheck the boxes on the left to select the applications you wish to
install. Make sure WD Smartware is selected; this is the software that will run the
backup. See Figure 3 for reference.

BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive Cont.

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[Figure 3]

*Note: clicking on the names will give you a small description of what the application does

5) When the installation is completed click Finish.

6) Once the WD Smartware program starts, select Category Backup and click on

When the program is done categorizing your files, you are free to start a backup and
ready to make changes for customization.

BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive Cont.

~ 29 ~

Performing a Backup
In the previous step the window showed a prompt of starting a backup immediately or
skipping it. These next steps will start under the premise of skipping the initial backup
the installation process would have asked for.

Attention: Performing a backup can be time consuming, please anticipate an hour or more for
the backup to be complete; please make sure your laptop is fully charged or charging.

1. Starting from the WD Smartware homepage click on the Backup tab at the top. By
selecting Advanced Viewyou can choose which files to back up. See Figure 4.

[Figure 4]

* If you make any changes to the selected files, make sure to click on Apply Changes in order to actually
make the changes. See Figure 3.

BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive Cont.

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2. Start the backup by clicking on Enable Backup. This process will take a while; in
the mean time you are free to utilize your computer or laptop while this finishes. See
Figure 5.

[Figure 5]

3. When the backup is complete the status bar at the top left-hand corner will
disappear and say __MB out of __MB were copied. As shown in Figure 6.

BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive Cont.

~ 31 ~

[Figure 6]

Once you have finished, your backup is stored in the hard drive in case of future
necessity. However, this backup is only a onetime thing and will need to be manually
redone in order to perform a backup.

BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive Cont.

~ 32 ~

Scheduling a Backup
Unless you are manually performing a backup every time you make a change on your
machine, scheduling an automatic backup is the most beneficial way to making sure
your information is safe.

Attention: This option is best utilized when the external hard drive is always connected to the
computer or laptop. Since this will take a couple of hours make sure that your laptop will have
enough charge to finish.

1. From the homepage click the Backup tab. In the lower left-hand corner click on the
button Set Backup Frequency. This option will let you set when and what time
your will be automated.

*Here, I have a weekly
automated backup for every
Friday at 5pm. Clicking on the
Set Backup Frequency again
will let you adjust the time

[Figure 7]

*Once the schedule is set there will be a clock next to the Set Backup Frequency that will tell you when the
next backup is scheduled, any missed backups and the last time your machine was backed up.

Now, that you have a schedule set you can continue to use your computer or laptop
with an ease of mind of having a backup of your files and documents.
BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive Cont.

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Restoring from a Backup
Setting up a backup for a computer is easy and worry free for when you encounter
software problems. However, having a backup is unpurposed without knowing how to
restore that information.

Attention: Retrieving from a backup can be time consuming, please anticipate an hour or more
for the retrieval to be completed.

1. From the WD Smartware home page, click on the Retrieve tab. This will take
you to a window that looks like this:

[Figure 8]

1. From the two choices, you can choose whether to restore all files to their original
locations or to retrieve a specific folder. If you choose to retrieve all files to their
original locations simply click next and wait for the process to finish. If you chose to
BackupBacking Up to an External Hard Drive Cont.

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retrieve a single file, choose the desired file location by selecting Browse and then

2. Lastly select Start Retrieving and wait. Once done you have succeed in
retrieving your files and/or documents.

Now that you can retrieve your files you can be worry free when encountering technical
difficulties or simply looking to retrieve a previous version of a file or document.
Antivirus Software

~ 35 ~

Antivirus Software
Antivirus software helps protect, detect and remove malware from the users computer.
It is one of the most important pieces of software a computer should have for security.
Every antivirus software scans for malware such as viruses, trojans, worms and
spyware. One function users should look for is real time scanning. The scanner goes
deep into the operating systems core functions in similar way how malware would
attempt to operate. The scanner checks if the file is legitimate or harmful. The scanner
also scans any downloaded file the user has downloaded. Most antivirus software gives
the user two choices of scanning; the quick scan and the full system scan. Avast! free
antivirus software does exactly that (Figure 1).

[Figure 1]
A firewall is another function that antivirus software should have. A firewall can
prevent unknown programs and processes from accessing the system or the network.
Antivirus software should also have a browser cleanup tool. This function removes all
annoying browser toolbars from your computer and deletes old/unnecessary files.
Studies have shown that antivirus softwares does help and does serve security the best
it can. However no antivirus programs provide 100% protection it is definitely
beneficial of having one. Some antivirus softwares provided as high as 99.6% detection.
No antivirus software is 100% because there is hundreds of new virus being created
daily. Being aware of websites youre going to, legitimate download links and carefully
opening emails can go a long way too.
Avast! Antivirus
~ 36 ~

Avast! Antivirus
Avast! is a free antivirus software that has unique interfaces that is very user friendly.
Antivirus is a program that protects against different types of malware. Avasts unique
interfaces has 6 different types of shields that guard against scripts, P2P networks,
instant messaging, and potentially dangerous program behavior; a silent/gaming mode;
on-demand boot scanning; and a healthy output of statistics for easier view. Avast! puts
it all in one management pane makes it easy to use (Figure 2).
[Figure 2]
Real time
and other
URLs and
data for
viruses and
s to the site
if one is

s and
ents in


P2P files
from file

scripts and
them from
the users

Avast! also has statistics view of the shields. It displays the statistics for each of the
various avast components. It shows you the scanned files and infected files if any.
Similarly it gives the user to see a complete security report for the last 30 days.
Avast! Antivirus
~ 37 ~

Table 1.1 shows the types of malware that Avast! protects against.
[Table 1.1 Types of Malware]
A virus is a program that can duplicate itself and spread from one computer to another.
Almost all viruses are attached to a downloadable file, once the file is opened, only then
is when the users computer will be infected.
A worm is similar to a virus by design and is considered to be a sub-class of a virus.
Worms also spread from one computer to another but unlike a virus, it has the capability
to travel without any human action.
A Trojan horse can appear to be desirable valid software from a reliable source. In order
for a Trojan horse to spread, the user must invite (download) these programs onto the
users computers. For example, by opening an email attachment or a link that appears to
be something else the user wanted.
Spyware that is installed on computers gathers information about users without their
knowledge. The presence of spyware is usually hidden from the user and can be difficult
to detect. It can collect any type of data for example the users internet surfing habits,
browsers history, the users login and passwords and bank account information.
How To Download Avast! Antivirus Software
~ 38 ~

How to Download
Avast! Antivirus Software
The internet is not a secure place at all. With all our data, pictures and important files
on our computers it is important to keep our information safe. To keep our computers
secure it is vital to have antivirus software.
Avast Antivirus is the software we choose because it has some of the same benefits as
the more expensive antivirus software and its easy to use. These instructions will help
you download and install Avast! antivirus software.
1. Go to www.avast.com to learn more about Avast!
2. Scroll down and click the button on the home page (figure 3). Next, it gives you
the option of installing it for 19.99 or downloading it for free.

[Figure 3]
3. Click the button that says download free antivirus. From there, it will take you
to download.cnet.com.
4. Click the Download Now button (figure 4). The download will take about 5-7
minutes depending on your internet speed.
[Figure 4]
5. When you are prompted to download Avast, click YES. Then the software should
ask if you want to allow avast to download, click yes. Then the software should
open and the set up will begin.
6. The program gives you two options express install or custom install.
How To Download Avast! Antivirus Software
~ 39 ~

7. Click custom install circled below (figure 5).
[Figure 5]
8. Enter the destination directory by clicking the white box. Make sure you put it
somewhere easy to remember and easy to get to. Then click Continue (figure 6).

[Figure 6]

Warning: When downloading
make sure to only click the
download buttons that is from
the websites I included and
not ads. Ads clicked can cause

How To Download Avast! Antivirus Software
~ 40 ~

9. Now it will let you pick what components you need. Select all the Real-time shields,
all the Components and the Language, click next (figure 7).
[Figure 7]

10. Then it will show you the components you selected to install (figure 8), click

[Figure 8]

To learn what each Real-Time
Shield does, refer back to
figure 2 in the Avast Antivirus
How To Download Avast! Antivirus Software
~ 41 ~

11. Then avast will show you its End User License Agreement, after reading it click
12. It will then start installing, it will take about 5-10 minutes again based on your
internet connection.

[Figure 9]

13. Click next, and then you will have to register your information by typing in your
14. Once youre done registering, click next. Once you click next your installation is
complete. Then Restart your computer.

Congratulations! You now have successfully downloaded Avast! Antivirus software.
This gives your computer security and makes it less vulnerable to malware. Once you
start your computer open up avast and run a full system scan.

Software Updates

~ 42 ~

Software Update

A software update is a change or addition to an application that changes how software
behaves. Updates are released after a program is released in order to fix issues with the
software, known as bugs, or add new features that did not exist prior to the update. An
update takes the form of a part of a software application that is usually smaller than the
rest of the software application in bytes.
Why are Updates Important?
Updates can be important for various reasons, including: security, user interface
issues(what one sees), crashes (fatal errors), added utility, software breaking bugs, etc.
Security updates are important in order to maintain a computer free of viruses and
other harmful programs created by people who found and used the security issue to
their advantage. Crashes are when programs stop functioning due to a software issue;
these are often fixed in small updates. Added utility is often found in updates where the
program is getting new features to make it more useful. The most important updates
are the ones that fix software breaking bugs that make the software completely useless
to the user.
When do updates take place?
Updates take place when the software issues or functionality requests become apparent
to the software developer (the one who created the software). The developer then
creates the part of the software that becomes the update and sends the update to the
computer with the software on it.
How do updates work?
The software code written by the developer is released and installed into the client
computer. The fixed and updated code takes the place of or adds on to the existing
program's code. This changes the behavior of the program thus fixing bugs or adding
What are its parts?
An update usually comes as a program that places the updated software into the correct
location on the computer, the raw software (which needs to be placed manually), or the
Software Updates

~ 43 ~

software to be updated automatically retrieves the update and installs it, possibly with
human confirmation/instruction to do so.

Windows 8 Start Screen

~ 44 ~

Technical Description of Windows 8's
Start Screen

Windows 8 is the newest version of the Windows family of operating systems released
by Microsoft Corporation. The newest iteration is Windows 8.1. When the Windows 8
operating system was first introduced in 2012, the largest change were the drastic
changes to the Start menu. The new Start menu is now the Start Screen, a touch friendly
and modern user interface.

What is the Windows 8 Start Screen?
The Windows 8 Start Screen is the result of a redesign meant to bring the Metro UI to
the Windows operating system family. The Metro user interface is new way to interact
with Microsofts product lines. Metro is the product design of having large informative
rectangles on the screen from which you can select a rectangle to us e a software
product. The Metro UI is seen in the Windows 8 Start Screen and applications that are
available from the start screen. The Windows 8 Start Screen is where a user can access
various applications and menus within their PC. The Start Screen replaces the Start
Menu from previous iterations of the Windows Operating Systems.

What does it look like?
The new Start Screen can be seen in Figure 1. In Figure 1 the Metro UI is visible. Every
rectangular button is a link to an application when selected.
Windows 8 Start Screen

~ 45 ~

[Figure 1]
This new Start Pagediffers greatly from the Start menus of previous Windows operating
systems, such as Windows 7's Start Menu.

How does it work?
The Start Page works by providing a page that presents live tiles in an organized
manner. The live tiles are rectangles that display information from an app and the tiles
are also links to their respective applications.

What are its parts?
The parts of the Start Screen are the back ground , the live tiles, and the profile button.
The tiles are the rectangular buttons on the page. The background is the image behind
all the tiles and profile button. The background is non-functional and only serves as a
stylistic choice. The background image is customizable as well as the buttons and color
scheme. Finally the profile button is in the upper right hand corner and it provides the
ability to log out, switch accounts, lock the PC, and change the profile picture. The
profile button is shown in Figure 2.

Windows 8 Start Screen

~ 46 ~

[Figure 2]

Installing Updates for Microsoft Windows 8

~ 47 ~

Installing Updates for
Microsoft Windows 8

This installation guide will go through the process of installing system updates and
application updates for Windows 8. In order for a PC or Personal Computer to run
properly and ensure security, it is important to keep everything up to date.

An update is a revision to the software of your computer that is supposed to improve,
utility, performance, security, or another function of the software.

All procedures will be done in metro mode, not desktop mode. If you are on the
desktop press the Windows key on your keyboard to get to the Start Screen.The
procedures consider both mouse and hand gestures.

WARNING: Do not power off system while update is in progress. Powering off may result in
data loss.

1. From the Start Screen. Swipe in from the right side of the screen or place your mouse on the
right edge of the screen to open the sidebar. Sidebar shown in figure 1.
[Figure 1]
2. While the sidebar is open click or press the settings button as seen in figure 2.

Installing Updates for Microsoft Windows 8

~ 48 ~

[Figure 2]
3. From the settings menu press or click the Change PC Settings button See figure 3. Your
window will change to the window pictured in figure 4.
[Figure 3]

Installing Updates for Microsoft Windows 8

~ 49 ~

4. From the PC Settings menu click or press the Windows Update category on the left side; as
seen in figure 4.
[Figure 4]
5. From the Windows Update menu press or click the Check for Updates button as pictured
in figure 5.
[Figure 5]

Installing Updates for Microsoft Windows 8

~ 50 ~

6. If you have an available update you will see X Updates Available where X is the number
of updates available for the PC as pictured in figure 6. Click the text stating X Updates
Available and the updates will begin.
[Figure 6]
7. After the updates have occurred you will be prompted to restart. Press the restart now
button and your updates will be completed. When it has restarted you will return to the Start
Screen pictured in figure 7.
[Figure 7]

Installing Updates for Microsoft Windows 8

~ 51 ~

Your Windows 8 Updates are now complete. You have successfully performed an
essential task to keeping your PC use as secure and enjoyable as possible. You should
perform the tasks outlined in this instruction sheet regularly, at least every 2 weeks.

Installing Updates for Microsoft Windows 8

~ 52 ~

Technical Backgrounds

Carl Kruk - C.S. Major at DePaul University, experience in troubleshooting
various computer and television issues.
Colin Cruse - C.S. Major at DePaul University,Intern in a municipal IT
department with a police, fire, and administrative systems;personal
experience maintaining PCs for 10 years.
Karen Cardenas - C.S. Major at DePaul University, Experience
troubleshooting cell phones and using external hardware for backups at US
Cellular as Service Technician.
Victor Udeshi - I.T. Major at DePaul University, Experience in
troubleshooting various forms of technology, removing viruses from
computers and installing software at TCF Bank.

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