Cosmopolitan Justice, Responsibility, and Global Climate Change
Cosmopolitan Justice, Responsibility, and Global Climate Change
Cosmopolitan Justice, Responsibility, and Global Climate Change
C Foundation of the Leiden Journal of International Law Printed in the United Kingdom doi:10.1017/S0922156505002992
Cosmopolitan Justice, Responsibility, and
Global Climate Change
It is widely recognized that changes are occurring to the earths climate and, further, that these
changes threaten important human interests. This raises the question of who should bear the
burdens of addressing global climate change. This paper aims to provide an answer to this
question. To do so it focuses on the principle that those who cause the problem are morally
responsiblefor solvingit (thepolluter pays principle). It arguesthat whilethishasconsiderable
appeal it cannot provide a complete account of who should bear the burdens of global climate
change. It proposes three ways inwhichthis principle needs tobe supplemented, andcompares
the resulting moral theory with the principle of common but differentiated responsibility.
Key words
ability to pay; common but differentiated responsibility; cosmopolitanism; global climate
change; the polluter pays principle; Rawls; rights; Shue
Its exciting to have a real crisis on your hands when you have spent half your political
life dealing with humdrumthings like the environment.
The worlds climate is undergoing dramatic and rapid changes. Most notably the
Earth has been becoming markedly warmer and its weather has, in addition to
this, become increasingly unpredictable. These changes have had, and continue to
have, important consequences for human life. In this paper I wish to examine what
is the fairest way of dealing with the burdens created by global climate change.
Who should bear the burdens? Should it be those who caused the problem? Should
Professor of Political Theory, University of Birmingham. Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the
Department of Politics, University of Leicester (16 February 2005 the day the Kyoto Protocol came into
effect); a Conference onGlobal Democracy, the Nation-State and Global Ethics whichwas held at the Centre
for the Study of Globalization at the University of Aberdeen and which was funded by the Leverhulme
Trust (1820 March 2005); the Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (57 April 2005);
the Symposium on Cosmopolitism, Global Justice and International Law organized by the Leiden Journal
of International Law and the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (28 April 2005); and, nally, as
a Plenary Lecture at the Seventh Graduate Conference in Political Theory at the University of Warwick
(7 May 2005). I am grateful to those present for their questions and comments. I am particularly grateful to
RolandAxtmann, Marcel Brus, MatthewClayton, JohnCunliffe, Lorraine Elliott, Carol Gould, James Pattison,
Fabienne Peters, Roland Pierik, Thomas Pogge and Kok-Chor Tan. Special thanks are due to Wouter Werner
for his suggestions and to my commentator at the Symposium at the Grotius Centre for International Legal
Studies at The Hague, Peter Rijpkema, for his response to my paper. This research was conducted as part of
an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) research project on Global Justice and the Environment
and I thank the AHRC for its support.
1. Margaret Thatcher in 1982 during the Falklands War. Quoted in S. Barnes Want to Save the Planet? Then
Make Me Your Not So Benevolent Dictator, The Times, 9 April 2005.
it be those best able to deal with the problem? Or should it be someone else?
In this paper I defend a distinctive cosmopolitan theory of justice, criticize a key
principleof international environmental law, and, moreover, challengethecommon
but differentiated responsibility approach that is afrmed in current international
environmental law.
Before considering different answers to the question of who should pay for the
costs of global climate change, it is essential to be aware of both the distinct kind
of theoretical challenge that global climate change raises and also the effects that
climate change is having on peoples lives. Section I thus introduces some prelim-
inary methodological observations on normative theorizing about global climate
change. In addition, it outlines some basic background scientic claims about the
impacts of climate change. Section 2 examines one common way of thinking about
the duty to bear the burdens caused by climate change, namely the doctrine that
those who have caused the problemare responsible for bearing the burden. It argues
that this doctrine, while in many ways appealing, is more problematic than might
rst appear and is also incomplete in a number of different ways (sections 38). In
particular, it needs to be grounded in a more general theory of justice and rights.
The paper then presents an interest-based account of global environmental rights,
and fromthis derives four principles whichdetermine who should bear the burdens
of global climate change (section 9). This account is then compared and contrasted
with an alternative approach, namely the principle of common but differentiated
responsibilities that is articulated in a number of international legal documents on
the environment (section10). Finally, insection11I observe that normative analyses
of climate change tend to oscillate between individualist and collectivist principles.
Prior to beginning the normative analysis, it is necessary to make three preliminary
1. The topic of this paper is one instance of what might be termed global environ-
mental justice, by which I mean the global distribution of environmental burdens
and benets. As such, it is worth making some methodological observations about
the utility, or otherwise, of applying orthodox theories of distributive justice to cli-
mate change. How relevant are the normal theories of justice to this topic? Indeed,
are they relevant at all? If they are relevant, in what ways, if any, do they need to
be revised or adjusted? To answer this set of questions we may begin by observing
that the standard analyses of distributive justice tend to focus on how income and
wealth should be distributed among the current members of a state. To construct
a theory of global environmental justice requires us to rethink three assumptions
underpinning this normal analysis.
2. See, in this context, Rawlss discussion of the problems of extension and in particular, his discussion of
the issues surrounding how justice as fairness is extended to deal with the international domain, future
generations, duties to the environment, and non-humananimals (as well as its extensionto the ill): The Law
of Peoples, Collected Papers, ed. S. Freeman (1999), 531 (and, more generally, 5313). See also J. Rawls, Political
Liberalism(1993), 201.
First, distributive justice concerns itself with the distribution of burdens and
benets. Nowconventional theories of distributive justice tend to focus on benets
suchas wealthand income. It is important, then, to ask whether this framework can
usefully be extended to include environmental burdens and benets. In particular,
we face the questionof howtovalue the environment. Shouldit be valuedbecause of
its impact on what Rawls terms primary goods, by which Rawls means goods such
as income, wealth, liberties, opportunities, and the social bases of self-respect?
shouldit bevaluedbecauseof itseffectsonwhat SenandNussbaumcall capabilities,
where this refers to a persons ability to achieve certain functionings?
Here we
should be alive to the distinctive aspects of the environment that might mean that
its importance (for a theory of justice) cannot be captured by the orthodox liberal
discourse of resources, welfare, capabilities, and so on.
Second, whereas conventional theories of distributive justice concernthemselves
with the distribution of burdens and benets within a state, the issues surrounding
climate change require us toexamine the global distributionof burdens andbenets.
An appropriate analysis needs, then, to address whether the kinds of principle that
should be adopted at the domestic level should also be adopted at the global level.
Perhaps the two are relevantly analogous, in which case the principles that should
be implemented at home should also be implemented abroad. Perhaps, however,
they are so completely different that we cannot apply principles t for the domestic
realm at the global level.
Either way, a theory of justice that is to be applied to
global climate change must, of necessity, address the question of whether the global
dimensions of the issue make a morally relevant difference.
Third, global environmental justice raises questions of intergenerational justice.
This is true in two senses. First, the effects of global climate change will be felt by fu-
ture people, sothat anadequate theoryof global environmental justice must provide
guidance on what duties to future generations those living at present have. It must
consider whether future people have rights, and whether there should be a social
discount rate.
It must, further, explore whether the principles that apply within a
generationwill necessarily apply to future generations. Do the principles that apply
withinonegenerationdiffer fromthosethat applyacross timeintothefuture? Some,
3. See J. Rawls, ATheory of Justice (1999), 545, 7881, 348, and Justice as Fairness: ARestatement, ed. E. Kelly (2001),
5761, 16876.
4. See M. C. Nussbaum, Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach (2000), and A. Sen, Capability
and Well-being, in M. Nussbaumand A. Sen (eds.), The Quality of Life (1993), 3053. For an excellent analysis
of several different accounts of what should be distributed and an assessment of their implications for
our evaluation of global climate change see E. Page, Climate Change, Justice and Future Generations (2006),
ch. 3.
5. In what way might the environment be a distinctive kind of problem? I shall not explore this question fully
here, but note that possible answers might be that: (i) some natural resources are non-renewable and hence
their consumption is irreversible; (ii) the value of some natural resources cannot adequately be captured in
monetary terms; or (iii) many environmental benets and burdens are essentially public in nature (that is,
for a contiguous group of people either all are exposed to an environmental hazard such as air pollution or
none are).
6. For more on this, and for my defence of a cosmopolitan approach, see S. Caney, Justice Beyond Borders: A
Global Political Theory (2005). See also the defences of a cosmopolitan approach in T. Pogge, Recognized and
ViolatedbyInternational Law: TheHumanRights of theGlobal Poor, andK.-C. Tan, International Toleration:
Rawlsian versus Cosmopolitan, both in this issue.
7. For an analysis of the latter see D. Part, Reasons and Persons (1986), Appendix F, 4806.
like JohnRawls, clearly thinkthat they do, for he holds that the difference principle
(that the basic structure should be designed to maximize the condition of the least
advantaged) should govern the distribution of resources within one generation but
should not be applied intergenerationally. Another principle, that of just savings,
determines the obligations persons have to future generations. According to the
principle of just savings, societies should save enough so that succeeding genera-
tions are able to live in a just society. They need not pass on any more than that and
certainly need not seek to maximize the condition of the least advantaged persons
who will ever live.
Second, and furthermore, topics such as climate change require
us to explore the moral relevance of decisions taken by previous generations. For
example, some of the deleterious effects of industrialization are being felt now. This
prompts the question of who should be responsible for dealing with the ill-effects
that result fromearlier generations. Inshort, then, a theory of justice that is to apply
to global climate change must address the question of how the intergenerational
dimensions of the issue make a morally relevant difference.
Drawing on these, then, we can say that an adequate theory of justice in relation
to climate change must explain in what ways global climate change affects persons
entitlements and it must do so in a way that (i) is sensitive to the particularities
of the environment; (ii) explores the issues that arise from applying principles at
the global rather than the domestic level; and (iii) explores the intergenerational
dimensions of global climate change.
2. Turning now from methodological considerations to more empirical matters,
an adequate analysis of the ethical dimensions of global climate change requires
an empirical account of the different ways in which climate change is affecting
persons fundamental interests (by which I mean those interests that a theory of
justice should seek to protect). In what follows I shall draw heavily on the ndings
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), set up in 1988 by the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO).
It has now issued three assessment reports in 1990, 1995
and 2001. For our purposes the key report is The Third Assessment Report published in
2001. This includes four volumes Climate Change 2001: The Scientic Basis, Climate
Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Climate Change 2001: Mitigation,
andasummaryof all threereports, ClimateChange2001: SynthesisReport. Thendings
8. For Rawlss claimthat the principles that apply across generations are distinct fromthose that apply within
one generation and for his afrmation of a just savings principle, see J. Rawls, A Theory of Justice (1999),
2518 and Rawls, Justice as Fairness, supra note 3, at 15960. We should also note that Rawls does not simply
propose two different principles to govern justice to contemporaries and justice to future people; he also
adopts two different methods for deriving these principles. As is well known, his derivationof the principles
of justice to govern contemporary members of a society invokes what persons seeking to advance their own
primary goods would choose in the original position. His derivation of the principles of justice to govern
future generations also invokes the original position but, in its last form, stipulates that parties should
choose that principle that they wouldwant preceding generations tohave honoured. (Onthe latter see Justice
as Fairness, supra note 3, at 160.) So Rawls treats intergenerational justice very differently from justice to
contemporaries both in the method he employs and in the conclusions he reaches. (Note that Rawlss
method for deriving the just savings principle has changed over time: see ibid., at 160, n. 39.)
9. See, further, S. Caney, Global Distributive Justice and the Environment, in R. Tinnevelt and G. Verschraegen
(eds.), Between Cosmopolitan Ideals and State Sovereignty: Studies on Global Justice (forthcoming).
10. See the IPCCs website:
of the IPCC have, of course, been criticized by a number of people including, for
example, Bjrn Lomborg and there have, in turn, been replies to those critics.
am not qualied to enter into these debates and so I shall report the IPCCs claims
without assuming that those claims are incontestable. The IPCC reports most fully
on the impacts of global climate change in its report entitled Climate Change 2001:
Impacts, AdaptationandVulnerability. Inthelatter it claims that global climatechange
will result, inter alia, in higher sea levels and therefore threaten coastal settlements
andsmall islandstates. It will alsoresult inhigher temperaturesandasaconsequence
will generate drought, crop failure, and heatstroke. The rise intemperature will also
lead to an increased incidence of malaria and cholera. To this we should also add
that global climate change will result in greater weather unpredictability. This is,
of course, only the briefest of summaries.
A fuller account will be introduced
later on.
3. Having noted various ways in which climate change has harmful effects, I
would nowlike to clarify what I mean when I refer to the burdens of global climate
change. As is commonly recognized, there are two distinct kinds of burdenimposed
by recent changes to the climate what I shall term mitigation burdens and
Mitigationburdens, as I amdening that term, are the costs
toactors of not engaginginactivities that contribute toglobal climate change. Those
who engage in a policy of mitigation bear an opportunity cost: they forego benets
that theycouldhavehadif theyhadengagedinactivities whichinvolvetheemission
of high levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs). To make this concrete, mitigation will
involve cutting back on activities like the burning of fossil fuels and, as such, it
requires either that persons cut back on their use of cars, electricity, and air ight
or that they invest in other kinds of energy resource. Either way, mitigation is, of
course, acost for some.
Thesecondkindof burdenis what I havetermedadaptation
11. B. Lomborg The Sceptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World (2001), ch. 24. For one critical
responseseeM. A. Cole, Environmental Optimists, Environmental PessimistsandtheReal Stateof theWorld
An Article Examining The Sceptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World by Bjrn Lomborg,
(2003) Economic Journal 113, 488, esp. at 3736.
12. See J. J. McCarthy, O. F. Canziani, N. A. Leary, et al. (eds.), Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and
Vulnerability Contribution of Working Group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (2001).
13. The distinction between mitigation and adaptation comes fromthe IPCC. So, e.g., vol. 2 of the 2001 report
of the IPCCfocuses onadaptation: see, inparticular, B. Smit and O. Pilifosova, Adaptationto Climate Change
in the Context of Sustainable Development and Equity, in McCarthy et al., supra note 12, ch. 18. Vol. 3, by
contrast, focuses more on mitigation: see B. Metz, O. Davidson, R. Swart, and J. Pan (eds.), Climate Change
2001: Mitigation Contribution of Working Group III to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (2001). See also Henry Shues illuminating analysis of the different ethical questions raised
by global climate change: Subsistence Emissions and Luxury Emissions, (1993) 15 Law and Policy 40; idem,
After You: May Action by the Rich be Contingent upon Action by the Poor?, (1994) Indiana Journal of Global
1 Legal Studies 344; and idem, Avoidable Necessity: Global Warming, International Fairness, and Alternative
Energy, in I. Shapiro and J. Wagner deCew(eds.), Theory and Practice: NOMOS XXXVII (1995), 240.
14. The mitigation costs incurred by an actor A are not restricted to cases where A minimizes As own GHG
emissions. Consider, e.g., the Clean Development Mechanism policy enunciated in Art. 12 of the Kyoto
Protocol ( Under this proposal certain countries (those
listed in Annex I) may be given credit for cutting GHG emissions if they support the use of development
projects that enable developing countries todevelopina way whichdoes not emit highlevels of GHGs. Since
what they do has the effect of lowering GHG emissions and it has a cost for them (the cost of supporting
clean development) then, in principle, this cost should be included under the heading of mitigation costs:
they are making a sacrice which enables there to be a reduction in GHG emissions.
burdens. These are the costs to persons of adopting measures which enable them
and/or others to cope with the ill-effects of climate change. For there are ways in
whichpeople canadapt to some of the predicted outcomes of global climate change.
They might, for example, spend more on drugs designed to minimize the spread of
cholera and malaria. Or they might spend more on strengthening coastal regions
against rising sea levels. These too should obviously count as a burden, for they
require resources that could otherwise be spent on other activities.
My focus in this article is on the question who should bear the costs caused by
climate change? I shall not explore the difcult question of how much we should
seek to mitigate and how much we should seek to adapt. This is, of course, a key
questionwhendetermining what specic concrete policies shouldbe implemented.
It is also the subject of some controversy.
However, I wishto set that practical issue
aside and simply focus on the more abstract question of who is morally responsible
for bearing the burdens of climate change where the latter is silent on the choice
between adaptation and mitigation.
Let us turn now to a normative analysis of the responsibility of addressing these
problems. On whose shoulders should the responsibility rest? Who is duty-bound
to bear the burdens of global climate change? One common way of thinking about
harms, including both environmental and non-environmental harms, maintains
that those who have caused a problem (such as pollution) should foot the bill.
In other words the key principle is that the polluter should pay. This principle
has considerable intuitive appeal. In everyday situations we frequently think that
if someone has produced a harm (they have spilled rubbish on the streets, say)
then they should rectify that situation. They as the causers are responsible for the
The polluter pays principle (hereafter PPP) is also one that has been afrmed
in a number of international legal agreements.
The Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD), for example, recommended the adoption
of the polluter pays principle in Council Recommendations of 26 May 1972 and
14 November 1974.
In addition to this, on 21 April 2004 the European Union and
Council of Ministers passed a directive afrming the polluter pays principle.
15. See, e.g., Lomborg, supra note 11, at 30518, esp. 318. Lomborg takes the highly controversial view that it
would be more cost effective to focus on adaptation rather than mitigation. For a contrasting view see J.
Houghton, Global Warming: The Complete Brieng (2004), 242321 and M. Maslin, Global Warming: A Very
Short Introduction (2004), 13643.
16. For two excellent treatments of the role of the polluter pays principle in international environmental law
to which I am much indebted see P. Birnie and A. Boyle, International Law and the Environment (2002), 925,
3835; and P. Sands, Principles of International Environmental Law (2003), 27985.
17. The documents for both Council Recommendations can be found in OECD, The Polluter Pays Principle:
Denition, Analysis, Implementation (1975).
18. See Directive 2004/35/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council (passed on 21 April 2004)
on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage.
The text can be found in the Ofcial Journal of 30 April 2004 (L143) at
en/oj/dat/2004/l 143/l 14320040430en00560075.pdf.
principle has also been recommended by the Commission on Global Governance.
Inadditionto this, a number of academic commentators onthe subject have applied
this principle to the costs of global climate change. Henry Shue, for example, has
drawnonthe principle that those who have caused pollutionshould clear it up, and
has argued vigorously that members of industrialized countries have caused global
climate change and hence they, and not members of developing countries, should
bear the burdens of climate change.
Furthermore, others in addition to Shue have
argued that this is the right way of thinking about bearing the burdens of global
climate change. Eric Neumayer, for instance, argues that the costs of global warming
should be determined according to historical accountability.
We might further
note that the IPCC has addressed the question in Climate Change 2001: Mitigation.
It sought not to recommend any one course of action but it did cite the polluter
pays principle, along with various others, as a possible principle of justice. How
appropriate, then, is the polluter pays principle for determining the responsibility
to bear the costs of climate change?
Let us begin our analysis by noting two claricatory points.
First, the principle that the polluter pays usually means literally that if an indi-
vidual actor, X, performs an action which causes pollution, then that actor should
pay for the ill-effects of that action. Let us call this the micro-version. One might,
however, reconstruct the PPP to mean also that if actors X, Y, and Z perform actions
which together cause pollution, then they should pay for the cost of the ensuing
pollutioninproportionto the amount of pollutionthat they have caused. Let us call
this the macro-version. This says that polluters (as a class) should pay for the pol-
lution that they (as a class) have caused. So, whereas the micro-version establishes
a direct link between an agents actions and the pollution suffered by others, the
macro-versionestablishes anindirect linkbetween, onthe one hand, the actions of a
groupof people (e.g., emitting carbondioxide) and, onthe other hand, a certainlevel
of pollution.
This distinction is relevant because the micro-version can be applied only when
one can identify a specic burden that results from a specic act. It is, however,
inapplicable in cases where one cannot trace specic burdens back to earlier in-
dividual acts. Now climate change clearly falls into this category. If an industrial
plant releases a high level of carbon dioxide into the air we cannot pick out specic
individual costs that result from that particular actor and that particular action.
The macro-version can, however, accommodate the causation of such effects. Even
if one cannot say that A has caused this particular bit of global warming, one can
19. Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighbourhood (1995), 208, 212.
20. See H. Shue Global Environment and International Inequality, (1999) 75 International Affairs, 5337. Shue
writes that his argument is not equivalent to the polluter pays principle because he interprets the PPP to
be a forward-looking principle that says that future pollution ought to be paid for by the polluter (at 534).
However, I shall interpret the PPP to refer to the view that past, current, and future pollution ought to be
paid for by the polluter. Shue is therefore afrming a polluter pays approach, given the way in which I am
dening that term.
21. See E. Neumayer, InDefence of Historical Accountabilityfor Greenhouse Gas Emissions, (2000) 33Ecological
Economics, 18592.
22. See F. L. Toth and M. Mwandosya, Decision-Making Frameworks, in Metz et al., supra note 13, ch. 10,
s. 10.4.5, 669 (for mention of the polluter pays principle) and 66873 (for general discussion).
say that this increase in global warming as a whole results fromthe actions of these
actors. Furthermore, note that the macro-version can allow us to ascribe greater
responsibilities to some. Even if it does not make sense to say that we can attrib-
ute a speciable bit of global warming to each of them we can still say that those
who emit more carbon dioxide than others are more responsible than those oth-
ers. In principle, then, if one had all the relevant knowledge about agents GHG
emissions it would be possible to make individualistic assessments of just how
much each agent owes. In the light of the above, then, we should interpret the PPP
(when it is applied to the case of global warming) along the lines suggested by the
Second, to apply the polluter pays approach to climate change we need to know
who is the polluter? What is the relevant unit of analysis? What kinds of entity
are the polluters? Are they individuals, states, or some other entity? Furthermore,
which of these entities plays the greatest role? Suppose that the relevant actor is, in
fact, states; we then face the empirical question which particular states contribute
the most? Our answer to the question who pollutes? is, of course, essential, if we
accept the PPP, toenable us toallocate responsibilities andanswer the questionwho
should pay?
Many of those who adopt a PPP approach to climate change appear to treat coun-
tries as the relevant unit. Shue, for example, makes constant reference to countries
and states.
Similarly Neumayer refers always to the pollution caused by emit-
ting countries, referring, for example, to the Historical Emission Debt (HEDi) of a
As he says, his view
holds countries accountable for the amount of greenhouse gas emissions remaining in
the atmosphere emanating from a countrys historical emissions. It demands that the
major emitters of thepast alsoundertakethemajor emissionreductions inthefutureas
the accumulationof greenhouse gases inthe atmosphere is mostly their responsibility
andthe absorptive capacityof nature is equallyallocatedtoall humanbeings nomatter
when or where they live.
In their view, then, the polluters are countries. But is this an appropriate analysis?
Consider the following possibilities.
(a) Individuals. First, we might observe that individuals use electricity for heating,
cooking, lighting, televisions, and computers, and, of course, they consume fossil
fuels bydrivingcars andbytakingaeroplane ights all of whichare responsible for
carbon dioxide emissions. The Third Assessment Report of the IPCC, moreover, says
in its prescriptions that individuals must change their energy-intensive lifestyles.
Should we say, then, that individuals should pay? If so, it would seem that instead
23. Here it is interesting to note that the European Unions recent directive on environmental liabil-
ity (2004/35/CE) expressly rejects what I am terming the macro-version of the polluter pays prin-
ciple and afrms the micro version. See para. 13 and Art. 4 s. 5, available at
lex/pri/en/oj/dat/2004/l 143/l 14320040430en00560075.pdf.
24. See, e.g., Shue, supra note 20, at 534, 545. Shue elsewhere refers to nations (or other parties) ( After you,
supra note 14, at 361), but generally assumes that the polluters/payers are nations.
25. Neumayer, supra note 21, at 186.
26. Ibid., at 186.
27. See Toth and Mwandosya, supra note 22, at 6378.
of stating simply that each country should pay its share we should ideally, and in
principle, claim that each individual should pay their share.
(b) Economic corporations. Perhaps, however, it might be argued that the primary
causesof greenhousegasemissionsarethoseeconomiccorporationswhichconsume
vast amounts of fossil fuels and/or bring about deforestation. If this is so, then
presumably the primary responsibility should accrue to them.
(c) States. Maybe, however, the relevant unit of analysis is the state. As noted
above, this is what many commentators on the subject assume. Since they think
that states should either cut back on GHG emissions or devote resources to cover
the costs of adaptation they must think that states are the primary cause of global
climate change.
(d) International regimes and institutions. However, it might perhaps be argued that
onerelevant factor issupra-stateinstitutionsandthenatureof international law. One
might, for example, think, like Thomas Pogge, that the explanatory nationalism
adoptedbyposition(c) isuntenable, for it failstorecognizetheextent towhichweare
part of a globally interdependent order and that this gives rise to events oftenseenas
domestic in nature.
Drawing on this, might one argue that the causes of pollution
are not accurately seen as countries or states but rather international institutions
or the international system. Perhaps, it might be argued, existing international
institutions (such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF)), by promoting economic growth, encourage countries to
engage in deforestation and the high use of fossil fuels, both activities which lead to
climate change.
With this taxonomy in mind, let us make three points. The rst is that the
likely answer to the question who is the polluter? will involve reference to several
different kinds of actor. The aim of the taxonomy above is not to suggest that the
appropriate answer lies at one level alone. Second, we should observe that to reach
the standard conclusion (namely that certain countries should pay) we need to show
that options (a), (b), and (d) do not hold. It might, for example, be argued against
(d) that international lawand regimes do not have any autonomy they are merely
the creations of states and, as such, the relevant level of analysis is the actions of
states. And it might be argued against (a) and (b) that it is not possible to ascertain
the GHGemissions of individual persons or individual corporations. Given this, we
should refer to the GHGemissions of a country as the best approximation available.
Alternatively, it might be argued against (a) and (b) that the GHG of individuals or
corporationsiswhat hasbeenpermittedbytherelevant state, sothat thelattershould
be held liable. My aim, here, is not to canvass any of these options, it is simply to
point out that the only way to vindicate the conclusionreached by Neumayer, Shue,
and others is to establish that the relevant unit of analysis is the state and that the
other options collapse into it. Of course, further empirical analysis may reveal that
28. As notedabove, Shue maintains that industrializedcountries shouldpay. Notwithstandingthis, he alsorefers
to the actions of the owners of many coal-burning factories (supra note 20, at 535) a level (b) explanation.
29. For Pogges discussion of explanatory nationalism see his World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan
Responsibilities and Reforms (2002), 15, 13944.
it is simply implausible to hold that states are the appropriate entities and we need
a ne-grained analysis which traces the contributions of individuals, corporations,
states, and international actors and which accordingly attributes responsibilities to
each of these.
Having made these two claricatory points, let us turn now to consider some
of the problems faced by the polluter pays approach to allocating the burdens of
climate change.
One problem with applying the polluter pays principle to climate change is that
muchof thedamagetotheclimatewas causedbythepolicies of earlier generations. It
is, for example, widely recognized that there have beenhighlevels of carbondioxide
emissions for the last two hundred years, dating back to the Industrial Revolutionin
western Europe. This poses a simple, if also difcult, problemfor the polluter pays
principle: who pays when the polluter is no longer alive? And the proposal, made
by Neumayer and Shue, that the industrial economies of the rst world should pay
seems, on the face of it, unfair, for it does not make the actual polluters pay. Their
conclusion, then, is not supported by the PPP: indeed it violates the PPP.
This is a powerful objection. However, at least three distinct kinds of response are
available to an adherent of the argument under scrutiny.
3.1. The individualist position
One reply is given by both Shue and Neumayer. Both raise the problem of past
generations but argue that this challenge can be met. In Shues case, his response is
that the current inhabitants of a country are not completely unrelated to previous
inhabitants and, as such, they can still bear responsibility for the actions of their
ancestors. In particular, says Shue, they enjoy the benets of the policies adopted by
previous generations.
As hewrites, current generations are, andfuturegenerations
probably will be, continuing beneciaries of earlier industrial activity.
The same
point is made by Neumayer, who writes,
The fundamental counter-argument against not being held accountable for emissions
undertaken by past generations is that the current developed countries readily accept
the benets frompast emissions inthe formof their highstandard of living and should
therefore not be exemptedfrombeing heldaccountable for the detrimental side-effects
with which their living standards were achieved.
Let us call this reply the beneciary pays principle (BPP). Put more formally, this
claims that where A has been made better off by a policy pursued by others, and
the pursuit by others of that policy has contributed to the imposition of adverse
effects on third parties, then A has an obligation not to pursue that policy itself
(mitigation) and/or anobligationto address the harmful effects sufferedby the third
parties (adaptation).
30. Supra note 20, at 536.
31. Ibid., at 536; see also 5367.
32. Supra note 21, at 189. I have omitted a footnote (n. 4) which appears after the word achieved.
So if the current inhabitants of industrialized countries have beneted from a
policy of fossil-fuel consumption and that policy contributes to a process which
harms others, then they are not entitled to consume fossil fuels to the same degree.
Their standard of living is higher than it otherwise would have been and they must
pay a cost for that.
This line of reasoning has some appeal. Two points, however, should be made
about it. First, we should record that the BPP is not a revision of the polluter
pays approach, it is an abandonment of it. It would justify imposing a burden
on someone who cannot, in any conceivable sense, be said to have brought about
an environmental bad but who nonetheless benets from the policy that caused
the environmental bad. In such a case that person is not a polluter but they are a
beneciary. Thus, according to the PPP, they should not be allocated a duty to make
a contribution to cover the environmental bad; according to the BPP, however, they
should. My second point is that the application of the BPP in this instance is more
problematic than it might rst seem. The reason for this draws on what Derek Part
has termed the non-identity problem in his seminal work Reasons and Persons. We
need therefore to state this problem. In Reasons and Persons Part drew attention to
an important feature of our moral duty to future generations. Part begins with the
statement that whois born(whichparticular person) depends onexactlywhentheir
parents mated. If someones parents had mated at a different time, then, of course,
a different person would have been born. It follows from this that the policies that
persons adopt at one time affect who will be born in the future. So suppose that
we build factories now which have no immediate malign effects but which release
poisonous fumes in 300 years. Now Parts point is this: the policies adopted now
led to the birth of different people than would have been born if these policies had
not been adopted. The future generations whose lives are threatened by poisonous
fumes would not have been born were it not for the factory construction. So they
cannot say that they were made worse off or harmed by the policy. The policy,
according to Part, is bad but it has not made anyone worse off than they would
have been if the policy had not been enacted.
Now I think that a very similar point could be made against the use of the
beneciary pays principle by the argument under scrutiny.
For it claims that the
policies of industrialization beneted people who are currently alive. But in the
same way that using up resources did not harm future people so industrialization
33. A similar position is defended by Axel Gosseries in his illuminating and interesting paper, Historical
Emissions and Free-Riding, (2004) 11 Ethical Perspectives, 1, at 3660. I came across Gosseries paper after
completing this article and hope to address it more fully subsequently.
34. Part, supra note 7, ch. 16.
35. This claim about the impossibility of beneting future people, we should note, has also been made by
Thomas Schwartz. In a pioneering paper published in 1978 he presented reasoning like that given in the
last paragraph to showthat the policies of present generations do not benet future generations. Schwartzs
argument is directed against population policies that are justied on the grounds that they would make
future people better off. His argument, though, also tells against claims that current individuals have been
made better off by industrialization (and hence that they have a duty to pay for the GHG emissions that
were generated by this benet-producing industrialization). See T. Schwartz, Obligations to Posterity, in
R. I. Sikora and B. Barry (eds.), Obligations to Future Generations (1978), 313. I came across Schwartzs paper
only when I had nished this article and was making the nal revisions. My debt here is to Parts work.
did not make an improvement to the standard of living of currently existing people.
We cannot say to people, You ought to bear the burdens of climate change because
without industrialization you would be much worse off than you currently are. We
cannot because without industrialization the you to which the previous sentence
refers would not exist. Industrialization has not brought advantages to these people
that they would otherwise be without.
And since it has not we cannot say to them,
Youshouldpayfor thesebecauseyour standardof livingis higher thanit wouldhave
For this reason the BPP is unable to show why members of industrialized
countries should pay for the costs of the industrialization that was undertaken by
previous generations.
3.2. The collectivist position
While the rst response to the question as to why later generations should pay for
the industrializing policies adoptedby their ancestors is a rather individualistic one,
asecondresponsetotheintergenerational challengeafrms acollectivist position.
This approach argues that the problem we are addressing arises only if we focus on
individual persons. If we focus on individuals then making current individuals pay
for pollution that stems from past generations is indeed making someone other
than the polluter pay. Suppose, however, that we focus our attention on collective
entities like a nation or a state (or an economic corporation). Consider a country
suchas Britain. It industrialized inthe late eighteenthand the nineteenthcenturies,
thereby contributing to what would become the problem of global warming. Now
if we take a collectivist approach we might say that since Britain (the collective)
emitted excessive amounts of GHGs during one period in time then Britain (as a
collective) may a hundred years later, say, be required to pay for the pollution it has
caused, if it has not done so already. To make this collective unit pay is to make the
polluter pay. So to return to the original objection, one might say that the premise
of the objection (namely that the polluter is no longer alive) is incorrect.
36. Hereweshouldnoteonecomplicationtomyargument. InanappendixtoReasons andPersons Part entertains
the possibility that bringing someone into existence canbe saidto benet them. He does not commit himself
to this view but he does think it is a potentially plausible view. To this extent there is an asymmetry in his
treatment of harmtofuturegenerations(onecannot harmfuturepeoplebecausethedangerouspoliciesaffect
who is born) and his treatment of benet to future generations (one can benet future people by bringing
theminto existence). See Part, supra note 7, Appendix G(at 48790). See, in particular, Parts discussion of
what he terms the two-state requirement, where this states that We benet someone only if we cause him
to be better off than he would otherwise at that time have been (at 487: see further 4878). I am grateful to
EdwardPage for bringing this asymmetry to my attentionandfor a number of very helpful discussions of the
issues at stake. I shall not seektochallenge Parts arguments tothe effect that bringingpeople intoexistence
may benet them (the arguments he musters in Appendix G). I would, however, maintain that to sustain
the disanalogous treatment of future harm and future benet, Part needs to confront the possibility that
the non-identity problemundermines the claimthat we can benet future people and also needs to explain
why that is not correct. Without such an argument, the non-identity problemwould (as I have argued in the
text) appear to undermine the BPP. Note: Schwartzs account can be contrasted with Parts on this point for,
unlike Part, Schwartz explicitly claims that one cannot either harmor benet future people: supra note 35,
at 34.
37. We might, of course, say you should pay because you are so much better off than others, but this appeals to
a quite different principle and will be taken up later in the paper.
38. Acollectivist account is suggestedbyEdwardPageinaningenious discussionof Parts non-identityproblem.
See E. Page, Intergenerational Justice and Climate Change, (1999) 47 Political Studies 1, at 616. (See also
J. Broome, Counting the Cost of Global Warming (1992), 345.) Page, however, is not addressing the argument I
am making. Rather he employs a collectivist approach to rebut Parts non-identity problem.
Prior to evaluating this argument we should make three observations. First, note
that althoughinthis instance I have usedanexample of a nationas a collective there
is no reasonto assume that it must take this form. Suppose, for instance, that there is
in existence a long-standing corporation. We might argue, in a collectivist vein, that
if this entity has emitted highlevels of carbondioxide inthe past thenit should foot
the bill now. The individual decision-makers of the time might be long gone but the
corporation persists. Second, we might observe that the collectivist response is also
relevant to the preceding discussion of the BPP. My objection to the use of the BPP
above was that the acts which led to a higher standard of living (in this case indus-
trialization) did not make the standard of living of currently alive persons higher
than it would have been had industrialization never taken place. The collectivist
perspective adds a different dimension to this for, as Edward Page has rightly noted,
the identities of nations are less changeable over time than those of individuals. In-
dustrializationmay have affected whichindividuals get born: because of it different
people are born than would have been born without it. And is because of this it is
inaccurate to say that currently alive individuals have a higher standard of living
than those same individuals would have had if industrialization had never taken
place. However, the acts of industrialization did not (let us assume) bring different
countries into existence than would otherwise have existed.
So to turn to the ob-
jection to the BPP: whereas we cannot say that industrialization has bestowed (net)
advantages oncurrently existing individuals that they would otherwise be without,
wecansaythat industrializationhas bestowed(net) advantages oncurrentlyexisting
countries (such as Britain) that they would otherwise be without. The collectivist
response thus enables us to defend the BPP against my Part-inspired objection.
Third, and nally, we might observe that the collectivist response coheres with the
way that some political philosophers have recently argued. For example, in The Law
of Peoples John Rawls gave two examples which appealed to a similar kind of reason-
ing inorder torebut a cosmopolitanpolitical morality. Inone example Rawls asks us
tocompare a society whichindustrializes withone that eschews that path, choosing
instead a more pastoral way of life. For his second example Rawls again asks us to
compare two societies. One, by granting women greater reproductive autonomy,
results in a more controlled population policy with fewer children being born. The
other society, by contrast, does not pursue this kind of population policy. In these
scenarios, concludes Rawls, self-governing peoples (liberal or decent) should take
responsibility for their policies. So to take the rst example, Rawlss view is that
justice does not require that the wealthy industrialized society should assist the
poorer pastoral society.
Similar reasoning is adduced by David Miller, who argues
that self-governing nations should be held accountable for their decisions.
39. Page, supra note 38, at 616.
40. See also Schwartzs discussion of this position. Schwartz briey considers the collectivist position described
in the text. He rejects it on the grounds that what matters are benets to individuals; benets to collectives
have no moral weight. Supra note 35, at 67.
41. See J. Rawls, The Law of Peoples with The Idea of Public Reason Revisited (1999), 11718.
42. D. Miller, Justice and Global Inequality, inA. Hurrell and N. Woods (eds.), Inequality, Globalization, and World
Politics (1999), 1936.
Let us nowevaluate this collectivist response to the problemof past generations.
It is vulnerable to two objections. First, it is not enough to draw attention to the
possibility of afrming a collectivist position. We need to ascertain whether we
have any reason to prefer a collectivist to an individualist approach. To vindicate
the collectivist perspective we need an argument that can show when and why it
is accurate to say that a collective caused an environmental bad and hence that
that collective must pay. Indeed, we need an argument as to why this description
is better than a more individualistic one (individuals a, b, and c polluted, and so
individuals a, b, and c should pay). Second, a collectivist approach is vulnerable to a
troubling problem. The root problemis that it seems unfair to make individuals pay
the costs generated by preceding generations. In taking a collectivist route are we
not being unfair to individuals who did not make those decisions and who might
have objected violently to those decisions? Can they not reasonably complain that
they were not consulted; they did not vote; they disapprove of the policies and, as
such, should not be required to pay for decisions that others took. Normally, they
might add, individuals cannot inherit debts from parents or grandparents, so why
should this be any different? For this reason, then, a collectivist response to the
problems raised by the excessive GHG emissions of earlier generations is not an
attractive position.
3.3. Athird response
Thus far we have examined two responses to the intergenerational objection. The
rst contends that people currentlyliving inindustrializedcountries have beneted
from pollution-causing economic growth. The second contends that the relevant
causal actors are collectives which still exist today (either corporations or countries
or collective units such as the industrialized world). A third response would be
to argue that all the burdens of human-induced climate change should be paid for
by existing polluters. The suggestion, then, is that current polluters should pay
the costs of their pollution and that of previous generations. In this way, it might
be said, the mitigationand adaptationcosts of climate change are shouldered by the
polluters (and not by non-polluters). But this seems unfair: they are paying more
than their due. The intuition underlying the PPP (about which more later) is that
people should pay for the harm that they (not others) have created. It is alien to the
spirit of the principle to make people pay for pollution which is not theirs. So even
if the proposal does, in one sense, make polluters pay (no non-polluters pay), it does
not make sure that the costs of polluters are traced back to the particular polluters
and that is what the PPP requires.
The rst objection has not challenged the claimthat the polluter should pay (ex-
cept for Shues revision of the principle). Rather it has shown, rst, that proponents
of the PPP are not entitled to conclude that current members of industrialized states
43. See also Gosseries, supra note 33, at 412 on this. For a nice discussion of the way in which collectivist ap-
proaches are insufciently sensitive to the entitlements of individuals see K.-C. Tan, Justice Without Borders:
Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Patriotism (2004), 734. More generally, see S. Caney, Global Equality
of Opportunity and the Sovereignty of States, in T. Coates (ed.), International Justice (2000), 1423, for a
discussion of the principle at issue.
shouldpayfor thecosts of global warming. And, second, it has moregenerallyshown
that the PPP cannot say who should bear the costs of climate change caused by past
generations. We might, however, raise questions about the polluter pays principle
itself. I now want to consider several challenges to the fundamental principle.
One doubt about the polluter pays principle is that it is too crude and undiscrimin-
ating in its treatment of the relevant duty-bearers. What if someone did not know
that performing a certain activity (such as burning fossil fuels) was harmful? And
suppose, furthermore, that there was nowayinwhichtheycouldhave knownthat it
was harmful. Insucha situationtheir ignorance is excusable and it seems extremely
harsh to make them pay for something that they could not have anticipated. This
raises a problem for the polluter pays principle in general. It also has consider-
able relevance for the issue at hand, for it is widely accepted that many who have
caused GHG emissions were unaware of the effects of their activities on the earths
atmosphere. Furthermore, their ignorance was not in any way culpable: they could
not have been expected to know. This objection, note, applies in different ways to
the individualist and collectivist approaches considered earlier. To the collectivist
version it says that even if we can deal with past generations because the fossil fuel
consumption was due to the past actions of a collective (Britain, say), this collective
entity was, until the last two or three decades, excusably ignorant of the effects of
fossil fuel consumption. To the individualist version it says that even if we forget
about previous generations and focus simply onthose currently alive, some of those
individuals responsible for high emissions levels were (excusably) unaware of their
effects. The objectionfromignorance, thus, has more signicance for the collectivist
than the individualist position. Whereas the individualistic position has to explain
howwe deal withthe GHGs emittedby currently living persons whowere in(excus-
able) ignorance of their effects, the collectivist position has to deal with the GHGs
that were emitted by both past and present members of collectives who were in
(excusable) ignorance of their effects.
To this argument we might further add that Neumayers version of the historical
approach to climate change is particularly vulnerable. For Neumayer would make
current generations of a country pay for all instances where a previous generationof
that country emitted more than their equal per capita entitlement.
But howcould
they be expected to know that this was the entitlement? This kind of retrospective
justice would seem highly unfair.
Consider now some replies to this line of reasoning. One response to it is that
this point no longer has any relevance because it has been known for a considerable
period that fossil-fuel consumption and deforestation cause global climate change.
This is howPeter Singer, for example, responds; for himthe objectionof ignorance is
44. Supra note 21, at 186.
inapplicable for post-1990 emissions.
Neumayer takes the same tack, but for him
the relevant cut-off point is the mid-1980s.
But what of high GHGemissions that took place before 1990 (or the mid-1980s)?
This rst response leaves pre-1990pollutionuncovered. Individuals before that time
causedcarbondioxideemissions whichhavecontributedtoglobal warmingandthis
rst response cannot show that pre-1990 polluters should pay for global warming.
It therefore leaves some of the burdens of global warming unaddressed. As such it
should be supplemented withanaccount of who should bear the burdens of climate
change that result frompre-1990 GHGemissions.
Given this, let us consider a second reply. In his Global Environment and Inter-
national Inequality, Shueargues that it is not unfair tomakethosewhohaveemitted
high levels of GHGs bear the burden of dealing withclimate change, even thoughat
the time they were not aware of the effects of what they were doing. Shue maintains
that the objection of ignorance runs together punishment for an action and being
held responsible for an action. His suggestion is that it would indeed be unfair to
punish someone for actions they could not have known were harmful to others.
However, says Shue, it is not unfair to make thempay the costs: after all, they caused
the problem.
In reply, it is not clear why we should accord weight to this distinction. If one
should not punish ignorant persons causing harm, why is it all right to impose
nancial burdens on them? More worryingly, Shues proposal seems unfair on the
potential duty-bearers. As Shue himself has noted in another context, we can distin-
guishbetweentheperspectiveof rights-bearersandtheperspectiveof duty-bearers.
The rst approach looks at matters from the point of view of rights-holders and is
concernedtoensurethat peoplereceiveafull protectionof theirinterests. Thesecond
approach looks at matters from the point of view of the potential duty-bearers and
is concerned to ensure that we do not ask too much of them. Now, utilizing this ter-
minology, I think it is arguable that to make (excusably) ignorant harmers pay is to
prioritize the interests of the beneciaries over those of the ascribed duty-bearers. It
is not sensitive tothe fact that the allegedduty-bearers couldnot have beenexpected
to know.
Its emphasis is wholly on the interests of the rights-bearers and, as such,
does not adequately accommodate the duty-bearer perspective.
Neither of the two replies, then, fully undermines the objection that an unqual-
ied polluter pays principle is unfair on those people who were high emitters of
GHGs but who were excusably ignorant of the effects of what they were doing.
45. P. Singer, One World: The Ethics of Globalization (2002), 34.
46. Neumayer, supra note 21, at 188. Shue also makes this kind of response but does not specify a key date after
which one cannot claim excusable ignorance: Shue, supra note 20, at 536.
47. Shue, supra note 20, 5356. Neumayer makes a similar but distinct reply, arguing that the objection runs
together blame andaccountability. Blaming those whocouldnot have knownof the effects of their actions
is unjustied, but they are nonetheless accountable: see supra note 21, at 188, 189 n. 4.
48. H. Shue, Basic Rights: Subsistence, Afuence, and U. S. Foreign Policy (1996), 1646.
49. Asimilar position is defended by Gosseries. See his nuanced and persuasive treatment of what he terms the
ignorance argument, supra note 33, at 3941.
50. This emphasis is evident in Neumayers discussion: see, e.g., supra note 21, at 188.
51. We might note a third response. Someone might reply that even though there was not incontrovertible
evidence prior to 1990/1985, there was reason to think that GHGs caused global climate change. And
drawing on this, they might argue that pre-1990/1985 emitters had a duty to act on the precautionary
Let us turn now to another worry about taking a purely historical approach to dis-
tributingenvironmental responsibilities. Theworryis simplythat suchanapproach
may be unfair on the impoverished. Consider, for example, a country that has in
the recent past caused a great deal of pollution but that remains poor. Since it is
poverty-stricken we might argue that it should not have to pay for its pollution.
In this kind of situation the polluter pays principle appears unfair, for it asks too
much of the poor.
These concerns are powerful, but we must be careful in drawing conclusions
here. This argument does not establish that the polluter pays principle should be
abandoned. Rather it suggests (if we accept the claim that countries should not be
required to pay whenthey are extremely impoverished) that we should supplement
the PPP with an additional (and competing) principle (the poor should not pay).
One can, that is, take a pluralist response. Insupport of this conclusion, consider the
following scenario. Suppose that a country that is poor creates considerable pollu-
tion. Drawing on the preceding argument we might think that they, the polluters,
should not pay. But then suppose that they suddenly become very wealthy (and, for
simplicitys sake, do so for reasons absolutely unconnected with their pollution).
Since they can nowafford to pay for the costs of their pollution we surely think that
they should pay and the polluter pays principle (PPP) should now be acted upon
because it can, in all fairness, be required of the polluters. Given their new-found
wealththey shouldcompensate for the environmental bads they generated. The key
point here is that the argument from poverty does not entail that a polluter pays
approach should be abandoned. Rather it entails that we should reject a monist, or
purist, approachwhich claims that the responsibility for addressing environmental
harms should only be assigned to those who have caused them, and it argues that
the PPP should be supplemented by other principles.
Another point is worth making here, namely that the objection under consider-
ation suggests that an adequate account of peoples environmental responsibilities
cannot be derived in isolation froman understanding of their economic rights and
duties. It illustrates, that is, the case for not adopting an atomistic approach which
separates the task of constructing a theory of environmental justice from a theory
of economic justice and so on.
Let us turnnowtothe rationale oftenadducedinsupport of adoptinga PPPapproach
to deal with the intergenerational aspects of global climate change. Those who
principle and therefore should have eschewed activities which released high levels of GHGs. Since they did
not adopt such a precautionary approach, it might be argued, they should shoulder a proportionate share of
the burdens of climate change. The argument thenis neither that they did know(response 1) nor that it does
not matter that they did not know(response 2): it is that they should have adopted a cautious approach and
since they did not they are culpable. Howeffective this reply is depends onwhenwe think the precautionary
principle should be adopted.
52. For further discussion of this methodological point see Caney, supra note 9.
canvass a historical approach to allocating the responsibilities for addressing cli-
matechangeofteninvokeegalitarianprinciplesof justiceinsupport of theirposition.
Shue, for instance, argues that current members of industrialized countries should
bear the burdens of climate change on the grounds that
Once . . . aninequalityhas beencreatedunilaterallybysomeones imposingcosts upon
other people, we are justied in reversing the inequality by imposing extra burdens
upon the producer of the inequality. There are two separate points here. First, we are
justied in assigning additional burdens to the party who has been inicting costs
upon us. Second, the minimum extent of the compensatory burden we are justied
in assigning is enough to correct the inequality previously unilaterally imposed. The
purpose of the extra burdenis torestore anequalitythat was disruptedunilaterallyand
arbitrarily (or to reduce an inequality that was enlarged unilaterally and arbitrarily).
In a similar vein, Neumayer argues that historical accountability is supported
by the principle of equality of opportunity.
And Anil Agarwal, Sunita Narain, and
Anju Sharma make a similar point:
some people have used up more than an equitable share of this global resource, and
others, less. Through their own industrialization history and current lifestyles that
involve very high levels of GHG emissions, industrialized countries have more than
used up their share of the absorptive capacity of the atmosphere. In this regard, the
global warming problem is their creation, so it is only right that they should take the
initial responsibility of reducing emissions while allowing developing countries to
achieve at least a basic level of development.
What are we tomake of these relatedlines of reasoning? I shouldlike tomake two
points inreply. First, the egalitarianargument canworkonly if we take a collectivist,
as opposed to an individualist, approach; second, a collectivist approach is, in this
instance, implausible. Consider the rst point. The egalitarian argument maintains
that countries such as the United States and Britain should pay for the excessive
emissions of their ancestors. So the idea is that since the United States, say, used
more than its fair share at an earlier period in time it must use less now to even
things out. But, this, of course, is taking a collectivist approach. It is claiming that
since a collective entity, the UnitedStates, emittedmore thanits fair quota, this same
collective entity should emit a reduced quota to make up. The egalitarian argument
thus works if we treat communities as the relevant units of analysis. It does not,
however, if we focus on the entitlements of individuals. To see this imagine two
countries which now have an identical standard of living. Now imagine that one
of them, but not the other, emitted excessive amounts of greenhouse gases in the
past. It is then proposed that members of the one country should, in virtue of the
pollution that took place in the past, make a greater contribution to dealing with
global climate change than members of the other country. The rst point to note is
that this policy is not mandated by a commitment to equality of opportunity. It may
53. Shue, supra note 20, at 5334.
54. Neumayer, supra note 21, at 188.
55. A. Agarwal, S. Narain, and A. Sharma, The Global Commons and Environmental Justice Climate Change,
in Environmental Justice: International Discourses in Political Economy Energy and Environmental Policy (2002),
be true that some people in the past will have had greater opportunities than some
currentlyliving people, but that simplycannot be altered: making their descendants
have fewer opportunities will not change that. In fact making their descendants
pay for the emissions of previous generations will violate equality, because those
individuals will have less than their contemporaries in other countries. So if we
take an individualist position, it would be wrong to grant some individuals (those
in country A) fewer opportunities than others (those in country B) simply because
the people who used to live in country Aemitted higher levels of GHGs.
Whichpositionshould we take a collectivist or anindividualist one? This leads
to my second point. I believe that we should favour the individualist one. To see
why consider anexample, of two families eachwitha son. Nowsuppose that several
generations ago one of the families (family A) sent their child to a prestigious and
distinguished public school (Eton College, say), whereas family B sent their equival-
ent child to a quite ordinary school. Now on an individualistic approach, the fact
that someones great-great-great grandfather enjoyed more than fair opportunities
does not give us any reason to give them a less than equal opportunity. But the col-
lectivist position is committed to claiming that we should penalize the descendant.
It must say that since one family had a greater than fair allocation of educational
opportunities in the past this must be rectied now by giving it (or, rather, one of
its current members) a less than equal opportunity now. But that seems just bizarre
and unfair.
In short, then, the egalitarian argument for ascribing responsibilities to current
membersof industrializedcountriesisunsuccessful: it couldworkonlyif weadopted
a collectivist methodology that I have argued is unfair.
Let us turn now to two further general limitations of the polluter pays principle
(limitations whichalso undermine its treatment of global climate change). The rst
point tobemadehereis that thepolluter pays principleis incomplete, for it requires
abackgroundtheoryof justiceand, inparticular, anaccount of persons entitlements.
To see this we should observe that the polluter pays principle maintains that if
persons have exceeded their entitlements then they should pay. Given this, to make
the claim that someone should pay requires an account of what their entitlement
is. In addition to this, to ascertain how much someone should pay also requires a
precise account of their entitlements, for we need to know by how much they have
exceeded their quota. What we really need, then, is an account of what rights, if
any, people have to emit greenhouse gases. Is there no right to emit? Or is there a
right to emit a certain xed amount? In short, then, the polluter pays principle
must be located within the context of a general theory of justice and, on its own, it
is incomplete.
56. My argument, here, is analogous to Rawlss discussionof legitimate expectations. Rawls argues that we can-
not dene persons entitlements (their legitimate expectations) until we have identied a valid distributive
principle and ascertained what social and political framework would best full that ideal: only when we
have the latter can we work out what individual persons are entitled to. In the same spirit, my argument
It is worth recording here that the language used by Shue, Neumayer, and
Agarwal, Narain, andSharma illustrates the point at stake. Shue, for example, argues
that those who have taken an unfair advantage of others by imposing costs upon
them without their consent (my emphasis) should bear the burdens of climate
change: his account thus presupposes an understanding of peoples fair share.
And Neumayers analysis is predicated on the assumption that each person has an
entitlement to an equal per capita allocation of carbon dioxide emissions. He main-
tains that agents that have exceeded this quota therefore have a responsibility to
pay extra later.
Note that this last point is not an objection to the PPP. It is simply pointing out
that the PPP requires supplementation.
There is one nal query that one might raise about the polluter pays principle (and
its application to global climate change). This is that the principle is incomplete
in an additional sense. It assigns primary responsibilities the polluter bears the
primary responsibility to bear the burden. Often, however, primary duty-bearers fail
to comply with their duties. In such circumstances we might not know who the
non-compliers are. Furthermore, even if we do know who they are, we might be
unable to make themcomply. This prompts the question: what, if anything, should
be done if primary duty-bearers do not perform their duties? One option might be
to leave the duties unperformed. In the case of global climate change, however,
this would be reckless. In light of the havoc it wreaks on peoples lives we cannot
accept a situation in which there are such widespread and enormously harmful
effects on the vulnerable of the world. In the light of this, we have reason to accept
a second option, one in which we assign secondary duty-bearers. And the point
here is that the PPP is simply unable to provide us with any guidance on this. Since
it says only that polluters should pay it cannot tell us who the secondary duty-
bearers should be when we are unable to make polluters pay. In this sense, too, it is
It may be appropriate to sum up. I have argued that the PPP approach to climate
change is inadequate for a number of reasons. It cannot cope with three kinds of
GHG, namely GHGs that were caused by
(i) earlier generations (cannot pay);
(ii) those who are excusably ignorant (should not be expected to pay); and
is that we cannot dene peoples responsibilities until we have identied a valid distributive principle and
seen what social and political framework realizes that ideal. See Rawls, A Theory of Justice, supra note 3, at
889, 2737.
57. Supra note 20, at 534.
58. Supra note 21.
59. The terminology of primary and secondary duty-bearers comes fromShue, supra note 48, at 59 (see also 57
and 171 for relevant discussion).
(iii) those who do not comply with their duty not to emit excessive amounts of
GHGs (will not pay).
Furthermore, the egalitarian argument for the historical application of the
polluter pays principle does not work. Finally we have seen two ways in which
the historical approachis incomplete: it is silent onwhat should occur whenpeople
do not performtheir duty and it needs to be embedded in a theory of justice.
Two other points bear making here. First, it is interesting to returnto the method-
ological preliminaries introduced in section 1, in particular the point that a theory
of global environmental justice must be able to cope with the intergenerational
dimensions of global environmental problems. For the upshot of the rst objection
to the PPP (the past generations objection) is that the PPP cannot easily be extended
to apply in an intergenerational context. To elaborate further: it is much easier to
insist that the polluter should pay when we are dealing with a single generation
in which both the polluter and those affected by the pollution are contemporaries.
But, as the past generations objection brings out, the principle that the polluter
should pay becomes inapplicable when the pollution results frompeople no longer
Second, although I have argued above that the polluter pays approach is incom-
plete and unable to deal with various kinds of activity which contribute to global
climate change, this, of course, does not entail that it should be rejected outright. In
the rst instance, it rightly applies to many actors who are currently emitting ex-
cessive levels of GHGs or have, at some stage since 1990, emitted excessive amounts.
So even if it should not be applied to the distant past it can apply to the present and
near past. Furthermore, even if we reject its application to the past we may still use
it for the future. That is, we can inform people of their quota and build institutions
that ensure that if people exceed it then they must make compensation.
Having argued that a purely polluter pays approach is incomplete in a number
of ways, we face the question of how it should be supplemented. How should the
burden of climate change be distributed?
Inthis sectionI wishtooutline analternative wayof thinkingabout global justice
and climate change, an account that avoids the weakness of a purely polluter pays
approach. The argument begins with the assumption that
(P1) A person has a right to X when X is a fundamental interest that is weighty
enough to generate obligations on others.
This claim draws on Joseph Razs inuential theory of rights. And it follows him
in claiming that the role of rights is to protect interests that we prize greatly.
60. J. Raz, The Morality of Freedom (1986), ch. 7.
The next step in the argument maintains that
(P2) Persons have fundamental interests in not suffering from:
(a) drought and crop failure;
(b) heatstroke;
(c) infectious diseases (such as malaria, cholera and dengue);
(d) ooding and the destruction of homes and infrastructure;
(e) enforced relocation; and
(f) rapid, unpredictable and dramatic changes to their natural, social and
economic world.
Yet, astheThirdAssessment Report of theIPCCrecords, all themaligneffectslisted
in (P2) will be generated by climate change. The predicted temperature increases
are likely to result in drought and crop failure. They will also lead directly to more
deaths through heatstroke. Furthermore, with increased temperatures there is a
predicted increase in the spread of malaria, cholera and dengue fever. In addition to
this, the increased temperatures are predicted to melt ice formations and thereby
contribute toa rise insea level whichwill threatencoastal settlements andcountries
suchas Bangladeshwhichare at and close to sea level. As well as simply destroying
buildings, homes, and infrastructure, a known effect of climate change will be to
force some inhabitants of small island states and coastal settlements to relocate.
Finally, we should note that the IPCC maintains that global climate change is not
simplyamatter of global warming: it will leadtohighlevels of unpredictableweather
patterns. This jeopardizes avital interest instabilityandbeingabletomakemedium-
and long-termplans.
Given this, it follows that there is a strong case for the claimthat
(C) Persons have the humanright not to suffer fromthe disadvantages generated by
global climate change.
Having adduced this argument, note that it (unlike a polluter pays approach)
does not necessarily rest on the assumption that climate change is human-induced.
Its insistence is that persons pre-eminent interests be protectedandit is not, initself,
concerned with the causes of climate change. Suppose that climate change is not
anthropogenic: this argument would still hold that there is a human right not to
suffer fromglobal climate change as long as humans could do something to protect
people from the ill-effects of climate change and as long as the duties generated are
not excessively onerous. The duties that follow from this right could not, of course,
be mitigation-related duties but there could be adaptation-related duties.
61. For acomprehensive account of the effects of climate change andempirical support for the claimthat climate
changecauses phenomena(a) to(f) seeMcCarthyet al., supranote12. For instance, chapter 9onhumanhealth
provides data on the links between climate change and drought (a), heatstroke (b), and malaria, dengue and
cholera (c). Chapters 6 and 17 detail the ways in which climate change results in threats to coastal zones and
small island states (and thereby results in (d), (e) and (f)).
62. The argument sketchedabove couldbe generalizedtoaddress other environmental burdens. For anexcellent
analysis of the human right not to suffer from various environmental harms, the grounds supporting this
right and the correlative duties, see J. Nickel, The Human Right to a Safe Environment: Philosophical
Perspectives on its Scope and Justication, (1993) 18 Yale Journal of International Law, at 28195. Nickel does
not discuss climate change.
With this account in mind we face two questions: who has the duty to bear the
burdens of dealing withglobal climate change? and what are peoples entitlements
in terms of emitting GHGs? Let us consider the rst question. Drawing on what has
been argued so far I would like to propose four different kinds of duty:
(D1) All are under a duty not to emit greenhouse gases in excess of their quota.
(D2) Those who exceed their quota (and/or have exceeded it since 1990) have a duty
to compensate others (through mitigation or adaptation) (a revised version of
the polluter pays principle).
But what of GHG emissions arising from (i) previous generations; (ii) excusable
ignorance; and (iii) polluters who cannot be made to pay? These, we recall, were the
kinds of GHGemission that could not adequately be dealt with by a purely polluter
pays approach. My suggestion here is that we accept the following duty:
(D3) Inthe light of (i), (ii), and (iii) the most advantaged have a duty either to reduce
their greenhouse gas emissions in proportion to the harm resulting from (i),
(ii), and(iii) (mitigation) or toaddress the ill-effects of climate change resulting
from(i), (ii), and (iii) (adaptation) (an ability to pay principle).
These rst three principles are, however, inadequate. For we need also to accept
(D4) In the light of (iii) the most advantaged have a duty to construct institutions
that discourage future non-compliance (an ability to pay principle).
We should not take pollution as a given and then act in a reactive fashion: rather,
we should be pro-active and take steps to minimize the likelihood of excessive
pollution. And for that reason we should accept (D4). Let us call this the hybrid
The key point about this account is that it recognizes that the polluter pays
approach needs to be supplemented and it does so by ascribing duties to the most
advantaged (an ability to pay approach). The most advantaged can perform the
roles attributed to them, and, moreover, it is reasonable to ask them(rather than the
needy) to bear this burden since they can bear such burdens more easily. It is true
that they may not have caused the problem but this does not mean that they have
no duty to help solve this problem. Peter Singers well-known example of a child
63. For an emphasis on constructing fair institutions see Shue, supra note 48, at 17, 5960, 15961, 1646, 1689,
17380, and C. Jones, Global Justice: Defending Cosmopolitanism (1999), 6672, esp. 689.
64. For a general discussion of the different kinds of duties generated by human rights see S. Caney, Global
Poverty and Human Rights: The Case for Positive Duties, in T. Pogge (ed.), Freedom from Poverty as a Human
Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? (2006). For an account that is similar to the hybrid account see Darrel
Moellendorfs brief but perceptive discussion in Cosmopolitan Justice (2002), 97100. Like the hybrid account,
Moellendorfs account brings together a polluter pays approach with an ability to pay approach. There
are, however, several important differences: (i) Moellendorfs view does not take into account excusable
ignorance; (ii) he does not address the question of what to do if people do not comply with their duty not to
emit excessive GHGs; and (iii) he does not propose a principle akin to (D4).
drowning in a puddle brings this point out nicely.
Suppose that one encounters a
child face down in a puddle. The fact that one did not push the child in obviously
does not mean that one does not have a duty to aid the child.
It should be noted that this account of persons duties is incomplete, for we
still need to ascertain what counts as a fair quota. As we saw above, it is only
with reference to the latter that we can dene what counts as unfair levels of GHG
emissions. It is not possible, in the space available, to answer the question what is
a fair quota?, but I should like to suggest that any credible answer to that question
must draw on the interest-based account presented above. That is, in ascertaining
the appropriate emissions levels we need to balance persons interests in engaging
in activities that involve the emission of GHGs, on the one hand, with persons
interests in not suffering the harms listed in (P2), on the other. We also need to
employ a distributive principle. I have argued elsewhere that we have good reason
to prioritize the interests of the global poor.
For this reason I would suggest, here,
that the least advantaged have a right to emit higher GHG emissions than do the
more advantaged of the world. As Shue himself argues, it is unfair to make the
impoverished shoulder the burden.
So my account would entail that the burden
of dealing with climate change should rest predominantly with the wealthy of the
world, by which I mean afuent persons in the world (not afuent countries).
As such (D1)(D4) may, in practice, identify as the appropriate bearers of the
duty to deal with global climate change many of the same people as a polluter
pays approach. It does so, though, for wholly different reasons. We might, speaking
loosely, saythat the contrast betweenmyhybridaccount andahistorical approachis
that a historical approach is diachronic (concerned with actions over time and who
caused the problem), whereas mine has a diachronic element but is also synchronic
(concerned with how much people have now and who can bear the sacrice). It is
also important to record that (D1)(D4) will target different people from a purely
polluter pays approach in a number of situations. The two accounts identify the
same duty-bearers only in cases where both (i) all those who have engaged in
65. P. Singer, Famine, Afuence, and Morality, (1972) 1(3) Philosophy and Public Affairs 22943. I am grateful to
Kok-Chor Tan for advice about how to bring out the normative appeal of (D3) and (D4).
66. Caney, supra note 6, at ch. 4.
67. InGlobal Environment and International Inequality, Shue defends not just the polluter pays principle but
also an ability to pay principle (supra note 20, at 53740). In addition to this, he argues that there should
be a guaranteed minimum threshold below which people should not fall and hence that the very poor
should not pay (ibid., at 5404). Shues claimis that all three principles yield the same conclusion afuent
countries are responsible for meeting the burdens of climate change (at 545). For further discussions where
Shue has argued that the wealthy should bear the mitigation and adaptation costs of climate change and
that the poor be given less demanding duties see After You: May Action by the Rich be Contingent upon
Action by the Poor?, Avoidable Necessity: Global Warming, International Fairness, and Alternative Energy,
2507, and Subsistence Emissions and Luxury Emissions, especially 423, all supra note 13.
68. One common principle suggested is that all persons have an equal per capita right to emit carbon dioxide
(see, e.g., R. Atteld, Environmental Ethics (2003), 17980; P. Baer, J. Harte, B. Haya, et al., EquityandGreenhouse
Gas Responsibility, (2000) 289 Science 2287; T. Athanasiou and P. Baer, Dead Heat: Global Justice and Global
Warming (2002), esp. 7697; Neumayer, supranote 21, at 18592; andS. Bode, Equal Emissions Per Capita over
Time A Proposal to Combine Responsibility and Equity of Rights for Post-2012 GHG Emission Entitlement
Allocation, (2004) 14 European Environment 30016.) For the reason given in the text, however, this seems
to me unfair on the poor. (See, too, Shue Avoidable Necessity: Global Warming, International Fairness, and
Alternative Energy, supra note 13, at 2502, and S. Gardiner, Survey Article: Ethics and Global Climate
Change, (2004) 114 Ethics 5845).
activities whichcause global climate change are wealthy and also (ii) all those who
are wealthy have engagedinactivities whichcause global climate change. But these
two conditions may not apply. Consider two scenarios: in the rst, a unit emits high
levels of GHGs but is poor and not able to contribute much to bearing the costs
of climate change. In such a case the PPP would ascribe duties to them that my
hybrid account would not. Consider now the second scenario: a unit develops in a
clean way and becomes wealthy. If we adopt a purely polluter pays approach then
this unit should not accrue obligations to bear the costs of global climate change
but according to the hybrid account they would.
So the Hybrid Account and the
polluter pays account differ in both theory and practice.
Thus far I have introducedthe hybridaccount andshownhowit remedies defects
from which the polluter pays approach suffers. Some, however, might object to
(D1)(D4), and to strengthen the hybrid account further I wish to address one
objection that might be pressed against it. The objection I have in mind takes issue
with (D3) in particular. It runs as follows: (D3) is unfair because it requires those
who are advantaged but who have complied with (D1) and (D2) to make up for the
failings of those who have not complied with their duties. And, it asks, is this not
unfair? Why should those who have been virtuous be required to do yet more (as
(D3) would require) because some have failed to live up to their obligations?
Several comments canbe made inreply. First, it shouldbe stressedthat the hybrid
account explicitly seeks to address this concern by insisting, in (D4), that institu-
tions should be designed so as to discourage non-compliance. It aims, therefore, to
minimize those demands on people that stem from the non-compliance of others.
Second, we might ask the critic what the alternatives are to asking the advantaged
to address the climate change caused by non-compliers (as well as that stemming
frompast generations and excusable ignorance). One option would be to reject (D3)
(and (D4)) and ask the impoverished and needy to pay but, as we have seen, this is
unfair. A second option would be to let the harm to the climate that results from
the excessive GHG emissions of some go unaddressed. But the problem with this
is that the ill-effects that this will have on other people (drought, heatstroke, crop
failure, ooding) aresodirethat this is unacceptable. Suchapositionwouldcombine
neglect (onthe part of those who have exceeded their GHGquota) withindifference
(on the part of those who could address the problems resulting from the high GHG
emissions of others but choose not to). And if we bear in mind that those who are
adversely affected by climate change are frequently poor and disadvantaged,
69. Note that evenif (a) and(b) holdandthe PPPandthe hybridaccount identifythe same people as duty-bearers,
they may well make different demands on different people. They would converge exactly only if (a) and (b)
hold, and if (c), there was a perfect positive correlation between how much GHGs persons have emitted, on
the one hand, and how much wealth they possess, on the other. Since the PPP allocates duties according to
how much GHGs persons have emitted and since the hybrid account allocates duties, in part, according to
howmuch wealth persons have, (c) is necessary to produce total convergence in their ascription of duties.
70. For further on this see the following: J. B. Smith, H.-J. Schellnhuber, and M. M. Q. Mirza, Vulnerability to
Climate Change and Reasons for Concern: A Synthesis, in McCarthy et al., supra note 12, esp. at 916, 9401,
9578; R. S. J. Tol, T. E. Downing, O. J. Kuik, and J. B. Smith, Distributional Aspects of Climate Change
Impacts, (2004) 14(3) Global Environmental Change 25972; and D. S. G. Thomas and C. Twyman, Equity and
Justice in Climate Change Adaptation Amongst Natural-Resource-Dependent Societies, (2005) 15(2)Global
Environmental Change 11524.
have yet further reasonto think that the advantaged have a duty to bear the burdens
of climate change that arise from the non-compliance of others. If the choice is of
either ascribingduties tothepoor andneedyor allowingserious harmtobefall people
(many of whomare also poor and needy) or ascribing duties to the most advantaged
it would seemplausible to go for that third option.
One nal thought: there is, we
can agree, an unfairness involved in asking some to compensate for the shortcom-
ings of others. The question is: how should we best respond to this? My suggestion
is that we respond best to this as suggested above, by seeking to minimize those
demands and by asking the privileged to bear this extra burden. To this we can add
that the virtuous are being ill-treated but that the right reaction for them is to take
this up with non-compliers (against whom they have just cause for complaint) and
not to react by disregarding the legitimate interests of those who would otherwise
suffer the dire effects of climate change. For these three reasons, then, (D3) can be
defended against this objection.
Having outlined and defended the hybrid account I now want to compare it with
a related doctrine that is commonly afrmed in international legal documents on
the environment the concept of common but differentiated responsibility. By
doing so we can gain a deeper understanding of the hybrid account, its relation to
international legal treatments of climate change, and its practical implications.
The concept of common but differentiated responsibility was given expression
in the 1992 Rio Declaration, and it is worth quoting Principle 7 of the Declaration. It
afrms that
States shall co-operate in a spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and restore
the healthand integrity of the Earths ecosystem. Inviewof the different contributions
to global environmental degradation, States have common but differentiated responsib-
ilities. The developed countries acknowledge the responsibility that they bear in the
international pursuit of sustainabledevelopment inviewof thepressurestheirsocieties
71. For a similar line of reasoning see Moellendorfs persuasive discussionof who should deal withthe ill-effects
caused by the GHG emissions of earlier generations. Moellendorf convincingly argues that it would be
wrong to ask anyone other than the most advantaged to bear the burdens of the GHG emissions of earlier
generations. See Moellendorf, supra note 64, at 100. My claim is that the same reasoning shows that the
advantaged should also bear the costs stemming fromnon-compliance.
72. As Wouter Werner has noted, the Hybrid Account may also encounter a problemof non-compliance. What,
it might be asked, should happen if some of those designated by (D3) to deal with the problems resulting
from some peoples non-compliance do not themselves comply with (D3)? Three points can be made in
response. First: we should recognize that even if this is a problem for the Hybrid Account it does not give us
reason to reject it but rather to expand on it. The PPP, for example, fares no better: indeed, it fares worse, for
the Hybrid Account, unlike the PPP, at least addresses the issue of non-compliance. Second, if some of those
designated to perform(D3) fail to do so thenone reply is that at least some of their shortfall should be picked
up by others of those designated by (D3). The third and nal point to make is that there will be limits onthis.
That is, one can ask only so much of those able to help, though where we draw this line will be a matter of
judgement and will depend on, amongst other factors, how much they are able to help and at what cost to
themselves. For further pertinent enquiry into persons moral obligations when others fail to do their duty
see Parts pioneering discussion of collective consequentialism (supra note 7, at 301), and LiamMurphys
extended analysis of this issue in L. Murphy, Moral Demands in Non-ideal Theory (2000).
place on the global environment and of the technologies and nancial resources they
The same idea is also afrmed in Article 3(1) of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change.
In addition to this, the concept of common but
differentiated responsibility is evident in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. For example, the
Preamble stipulates that the Protocol is guided by Article 3 of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (which, as we have just seen, includes
a commitment to common but differentiated responsibility) and the principle of
commonbut differentiatedresponsibility is explicitly afrmedinArticle 10.
account of the responsibilities generated by climate change has some similarities
to the hybrid account, for they both insist that duties fall on all (compare, for ex-
ample, (D1) and (D2)) and yet both also insist that different demands can be made
of different parties (as in (D3) and (D4)). Furthermore, both accounts allow that the
duties to which a party is subject depend on (i) what they have done and (ii) what
they are able to do. For example, the hybrid account maintains, in (D2), that those
who have exceeded their quota should make upfor that. Inaddition, it maintains, in
(D3) and (D4), that those who are able to do more should bear more onerous duties.
The same two reasons for afrming differentiated duties are contained within the
notion of common but differentiated responsibilities.
This can be seen in the last
sentence of Principle 7 of the Rio Declaration quoted above, which claims that The
developed countries acknowledge the responsibility that they bear in the interna-
tional pursuit of sustainable development in view of [i] the pressures their societies
place on the global environment and of [ii] the technologies and nancial resources they
Having noted these commonalities, it is worth stressing some key differences.
First, the principle of common but differentiated responsibility refers to the re-
sponsibilities of states. This is apparent, for example, in Article 7 of the Rio Declar-
ation quoted above. The same is also true of Article 10 of the Kyoto Protocol.
hybrid account, however, does not restrict its duties to states. Furthermore, given
the considerations adduced above in section 2 in particular, we have no reason to
ascribe duties only to states. A second key difference is that the principle of com-
mon but differentiated responsibility tends to be interpreted in such a way that
73. added).
74. See
75. For the Preamble and Art. 10 of the Kyoto Protocol see
My understanding of the principle of common but differentiated responsibility is indebted to Lavanya
Rajamanis instructive discussion of that principle as it appears in the Rio Declaration, the UNFCCC, and
the Kyoto Protocol: see her The Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility and the Balance
of Commitments under the Climate Regime, (2000) 9(2) Review of European Community and International
Environmental Law at 12031. See also the useful discussions by P. G. Harris, Common but Differentiated
Responsibility: The Kyoto Protocol and United States Policy, (1999) 7(1) New York University Environmental
Law Journal at 2748, and Sands, supra note 16, at 556, 2859, 362.
76. See, on this, Rajamani, supra note 75, esp. at 1212, 130, and Sands, supra note 16, at 286.
77. added).
states are held accountable for the decisions of earlier generations.
But such a
positionis, I have argued, unfair oncurrent generations and (D1)(D4) do not accept
these kinds of historical responsibilities. Another difference is that the principle of
commonbut differentiatedresponsibility, unlike the hybridaccount, does not take
into account what I have termed excusable ignorance. In the light of these three
differences (as well as others), (D1)(D4) would have quite different implications
from the principle of common but differentiated responsibility as that principle
is conventionally interpreted. In short, then, we might say that the hybrid account
is one way of interpreting the general values afrmed by the principle of common
but differentiated responsibility but that it departs considerably from the standard
versions of that principle afrmed in international legal documents.
It is time to conclude. Two points in particular are worth stressing one method-
ological and the other substantive. The methodological observation takes us to an
issue that has run throughout the paper namely whether we should adopt an
individualist methodology or a collectivist one. This issue has cropped up in three
different contexts.
First, who are the polluters? If we take anindividualist approachthenwe will say
that for some pollution (that of earlier generations) we cannot make the polluter
pay, for the individual polluters are dead. If, however, we take a collectivist approach
we will say that collective A polluted in an earlier decade (or century) and hence
that it should pay for the pollution now.
Second, who has beneted from the use of fossil fuels? Because of the non-
identity problem we cannot say to the particular individuals who are alive today,
Youenjoy a higher standard of living thanyouwould have done ina world inwhich
industrializationhad not occurred. We can, however, make this claimto, and about,
Third, who is the bearer of the right to emit greenhouse gases (individuals or
collectives)? The rationale given by Shue and Neumayer, and by Agarwal, Narain,
andSharma for a historical approachworks onlyif we assume that the answer tothis
question is collectives. On an individualist approach, however, the rights-bearers
are individuals and it is unjust to impose sacrices on some current individuals
because, and only because, of the excessive emissions of earlier inhabitants of their
This paper has argued for an individualist account, but the issue requires a much
fuller analysis than has been possible here.
79. See Rajamani, supra note 75, esp. at 1212. Rajamani goes further than this and writes that the principle of
common but differentiated responsibility requires that states that have emitted high levels of GHGs in the
past have a duty specically to pursue a policy of mitigation and that this duty falls on them (ibid., at 125,
126, 130). The hybrid account, by contrast, is not, of necessity, committed to this claim.
The second point worth stressing is that if the arguments of this article are
correct, then one common way of attributing responsibilities (the PPP) is more
problematic than is recognized. In the light of this, I have suggested an alternative
view which overcomes some of these difculties. It should be stressed that much
more remains to be done. Further theoretical and empirical analysis is needed to
answer the question raised earlier on as to who is (causally) responsible for global
climate change. Furthermore, much more is needed on the appropriate distributive
criterionand onhowwe ascertaina fair quota. However, what I hope to have shown
is that the account I have outlined provides the beginnings of an answer.
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