New Media - Syllabus - 2009 EN
New Media - Syllabus - 2009 EN
New Media - Syllabus - 2009 EN
4. Cyberculture
the new frame for symbolic communication /convergence / new sense of time, place and interactions /
> Dyson E., Gilder G., Keyworth G., Toffler A., Cyberspace and the American Dream: A Magna Carta for the
Knowledge Age, Release 1.2, The Progress & Freedom Foundation 1994,
> Levy P., Cyberculture, University of Minnesota Press 2001, s. 13-115.
> A Special Report on New Media, “The Economist”, April 22, 2006.
> Person of the Year 2006, “Time”, January 1, 2007.
9. Free culture
open source / creative commons / copy vs. original / pirates
> Lessig L., Free Culture, Warszawa 2005, passim.
> Lessig L., Open Code And Open Societies: Values of Internet Governance, passim.
12. Wrap-Up
Individual presentations of final projects.
Each student will develop a final project that critically examines an aspect of digital media of the
student's choice.
Course Description:
This course studies key concepts and interdisciplinary theoretical approaches to the new media ontologies.
Students will learn to critically investigate the provenance of the claims of new media theories, as well as to
confront the claims made by new media theorists with the practices and uses of new media. We will try to
answer questions like: what are new media? How do they requires us to rethink cultural, social and political
paradigms and to develop new ones? How digital technologies reshape and redefine our relations with culture
and with others? Course will focus on defining and critically analyzing fundamental ideas and concepts of new
media ontology, such as: interactivity, hypertext, virtual reality, interface, web, cyberculture, interactive
art, visual culture, simulation.
Aarseth E., Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature, Johns Hopkins University Press 1997.
Baudrillard J., Simulacra and simulation, New York 1994.
Bolter J. D., Grusin R., Remediation: Understanding New Media, MIT Press 2001.
Bolter J. D., Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print, Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates 2001.
Burnett R., How Images Think, MIT Press 2004.
Castells M., The rise of the network society, Oxford 1996.
Davis M., The Universal Computer: The Road from Leibniz to Touring, W. W. Norton and Company 2000.
Dijk, van, J., The network society: Social aspects of new media, London 1999.
Electronic Culture, red. T. Druckery, New York 1996.
Fidler R. F., Mediamorphosis: Understanding New Media, Thousand Oaks 1997.
First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game, red. N. Wardrip-Fruin, P. Harrigan, MIT Press
Fiske J., Understanding Popular Culture, London 1989.
Flusser V., Towards a Philosophy of Photography, London 2000.
Gender, race, and class in media. A text reader, red. G. Dines, J. Hume, Sage 2003.
Glynn K., Tabloid culture, London 2000.
Habermas J., The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, Cambridge 1989.
Hansen M. B. N., New Philosophy for New Media, MIT Press 2004.
Hyper/Text/Theory, red. G. P. Landow, The Johns Hopkins University Press 1994.
Internet Culture, red. D. Porter, New York 1997.
Johnson S., Interface Culture: How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate,
Perseus Books Group 1999.
Kellner D., Media Culture, New York 1995.
Kroker A. & M., Hacking The Future – stories for the flesh-eating 90’s, Montreal 2001.
Lévy P., Cyberculture, University of Minnesota Press 2001.
Lister M., Dovey J., Giddings S., Grant I., Kelly K., New Media: A Critical Introduction, London 2003.
Manovich L., The Language of New Media, MIT Press 2001.
Mayer P., Computer Media and Communication: a Reader, Oxford 1999.
McLuhan M., Understanding Media, New York 1964.
Multimedia. From Wagner to Virtual Reality, red. R. Packer, K. Jordan, London, New York 2001.
Nelson T., Literary Machines, Sausalito 1980.
New Media. 1740-1915, red. L. Gitelman, G. Pingree, MIT 2004.
Rheingold H., The Virtual Community, Massachussetts 1993.
Rheingold H., Virtual Reality: The Revolutionary Technology Of Computer-Generated Artificial Worlds - And
How It Promises To Transform Society, New York 1992.
Rush M., New Media in Late 20th-Century Art (World of Art), Thames & Hudson 1999.
Stevenson N., Understanding Media Cultures. Social Theory and Mass Communication, Sage Publications
Storey J., An introduction to cultural theory and popular culture, Prentice Hall 1997.
The Cybercultures Reader, red. D. Bell, B. M. Kennedy, Routledge 2001.
The Digital Dialectic. New Essays On New Media, red. P. Lunenfeld, MIT 2000.
The New Media Book, red. D. Harris, London 2002.
The New Media Reader, red. N. Wardrip-Fruin, N. Montfort, MIT 2003.
The Virilio Reader, red. J. Der Derian, Blackwell 1998.
Vilém Flusser. Writings, red. A. Strohl, University of Minnesota Press 2004.
Virilio P., The Information Bomb, New York 2001.
Virilio P., The Vision Machine, Bloomington 1994.