Contract of Lease (Condominium Unit)

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines the terms and conditions of a lease agreement for a condominium unit between a lessor and lessee. It specifies the rental amount, deposit, association dues, use of premises, improvements/alterations, facilities, obligations, and remedies in case of default.

The terms of the lease specify a duration of 1-2 years, monthly rental amount, number of months rent paid in advance, deposit amount, association dues payment, and option to renew.

The lessee cannot make any structural changes or improvements to the leased premises without prior written consent of the lessor. At the end of the lease, the lessee must restore the premises to its original condition.

(Contract of Lease - Condominium Unit)

This Contract of Lease, mae an entere into !" an !et#een:
_____________, a omestic cor$oration %&" or'ani(e an e)istin'
%ner an !" *irt%e of the &a#s of the Re$%!&ic of the Phi&i$$ines, #ith
$rinci$a& office at _____________, Phi&i$$ines an re$resente in this act
!" its __Positition__, __Officer__, +hereinafter referre to as the
/ an /
_____________, of &e'a& a'e, 0i&i$ino, +sin'&e 1 marrie 1 #io#-, an a
resient of _____________, Phi&i$$ines, +hereinafter referre to as the
W2TNESSETH: that /
WEREAS, the LESSOR is the o#ner of a conomini%m %nit &ocate at _____________,
more $artic%&ar&" escri!e as fo&&o#s:
+Technica& 3escri$tion of Cono 4nit-
WEREAS, the LESSEE esires to occ%$" the a!o*e/name conomini%m %nit an the
LESSOR is #i&&in' to &ease the same %nto the LESSEE, s%!5ect to the terms an conitions
herein!e&o# set forth6
NOW, TEREFORE, for an in consieration of the fore'oin' $remises an the co*enants
hereinafter sti$%&ate, the $arties here!" a'ree as fo&&o#s:
!" Term# This LEASE sha&& !e for a %ration of _________ +____- "ear commencin' from
_____________ an to en on _____________, rene#a!&e at the o$tion of the LESSEE at
s%ch ne# terms an conitions as ma" a'ree %$on !" the $arties6
$" Renta%# The LESSEE a'rees to $a" the LESSOR the month&" renta& fee of Pesos:
__________________________ +P_____________-, Phi&i$$ine c%rrenc"6 4$on si'nin' of this
Contract of Lease, the LESSEE sha&& $a" the LESSOR __________ +_____- months7 renta&s in
a*ance to !e a$$&ie on the &ast __________ +_____- months of the term of this LEASE6 The
LESSEE sha&& a&so iss%e ________ +8888- $ost/ate chec9s co*erin' the month&" renta&s
for the %ration of this LEASE6
&" 'e(osit# The LESSEE sha&& a&so $a" the LESSOR the s%m of __________ +_____- months
e$osit of Pesos: _____________ +P___________-, Phi&i$$ine C%rrenc", to '%arantee the
$a"ment of an" ama'e to the &ease $remises, %n$ai %ti&ities an other o!&i'ations to thir
$arties !" the LESSEE %rin' the term of the a'reement, #hich e$osit sha&& !ear no interest6
4n&ess a$$&ie to sai ama'es, %n$ai %ti&ities an other o!&i'ations to thir $arties, sai
e$osit sha&& !e ret%rne to the LESSEE #ithin _________ +_____- a"s after the termination
of this a'reement: Pro*ie, ho#e*er, that the e$osit cannot !e a$$&ie to %n$ai !ac9
renta&s o#e !" the LESSEE $rior to the e)$iration of this a'reement6 0%rthermore, if the
LESSEE *acates the $remises !efore the e)$iration of the $erio of &ease, the tota& amo%nt of
the e$osit an a*ance renta&s sha&& !e forfeite in fa*or of the LESSOR6
)" Association 'ues# Association %es $er month of Pesos: _____________ +P___________-,
Phi&i$$ine C%rrenc" or as ma" !e etermine !" the Association from time to time, inc&%in'
interest or $ena&ties that ma" !e im$ose for &ate $a"ment, sha&& !e for the acco%nt of the
*" Use of t+e ,remises# The $remises sha&& !e %se e)c&%si*e&" for resientia& $%r$oses on&" of
the LESSEE an the immeiate mem!ers of +his1her- fami&" an sha&& not in an" #a" !e %se
for an" i&&e'a& or %n&a#f%& acti*it" or to 9ee$ materia&s, chemica&s an other matters consiere
as fire ha(ars or n%isance to the !%i&in'6
-" .m(ro/ements# The LESSEE sha&& not ma9e an" a&teration, str%ct%ra& chan'es or
im$ro*ement in the &ease $remises #itho%t the $rior #ritten consent of the LESSOR6
Ho#e*er, at the termination of the &ease, the same not ha*in' !een rene#e !" the $arties,
the LESSEE sha&& restore the &ease $remises in its ori'ina& state e)istin' at the
commencement of the a'reement6 Restoration of the LEASE3 PREM2SES sha&& !e for the
e)c&%si*e acco%nt of the LESSEE6 An" im$ro*ement after the &ease is terminate an after the
LESSEE sha&& ha*e *acate the $remises sha&& !e&on' to the LESSOR6
0" Faci%ities# A&& char'es for #ater, e&ectricit", te&e$hone, association %es an other $%!&ic
%ti&ities %se in the &ease $remises as #e&& as 5anitoria& an sec%rit" ser*ices or an" other
char'es as ma" !e im$ose !" the !%i&in' aministrator of the conomini%m !%i&in' sha&& !e
for the acco%nt of the LESSEE6 The LESSEE here!" '%arantee the $rom$t $a"ment of an"
an a&& char'es heretofore mentione as the" fa&& %e6 An" e&a" in the $a"ment thereof sha&&
constit%te a materia& !reach of this a'reement6
1" .nsurance: The LESSOR sha&& ins%re the &ease $remises a'ainst fire6 Sho%& the &ease
$remises !e ama'e !" fire, earth:%a9e, storm or an" fort%ito%s e*ents to the e)tent that the
same !e renere %ntena!&e this a'reement sha&& !e a%tomatica&&" cance&e an the e$osit
as #e&& as the %n%se $ortion of the a*ance renta&s !e ref%ne #ithin _____________
+_______- a"s, min%s an" %n$ai o!&i'ation6
2" Re(airs# The LESSEE sha&&, %rin' the %ration of the &ease, ma9e a&& minor re$airs on the
&ease $remises to $reser*e the same in ser*icea!&e or tenanta!&e conitions at the LESSEE7s
e)$ense e)ce$t re$&acement of $arts %e to nat%ra& #ear an tear6 The LESSEE, ho#e*er,
sha&& 'i*e a*ance #ritten notice to the LESSOR of Ten +;<- a"s $rior to %nerta9in' an"
minor re$air6 A&& ama'es ca%se to the &ease $remises %e to the fa%&t, mis%se,
care&essness, an1or ne'&i'ence or on acco%nt of the %se thereof !" the LESSEE an other
occ%$ants therein sha&& !e mae 'oo an re$aire !" the re$airs one6 Sho%& the LESSEE
fai&s to ma9e the necessar" an a$$ro$riate re$airs #ithin fi*e +=- a"s from eman, the
LESSOR sha&& %nerta9e the neee re$airs an sha&& char'e the costs thereof to the
!3" .ns(ection of t+e ,remises# To ens%re that the &ease $remises is !ein' maintaine in 'oo
an tenanta!&e conitions, the LESSOR or his a%thori(e re$resentati*e is here!" 'i*en the
ri'ht after %e notice, to enter an ins$ect an" $art of the &ease $remises %rin' reasona!&e
ho%rs an as the occasion thereof mi'ht re:%ire6
!!" Assi4nment and Su5-Lease# The LESSEE here!" sha&& ha*e no ri'ht to assi'n or transfer its
ri'hts, interest an o!&i'ations %ner the &ease contract or s%!/&ease contract $remises or an"
$ortion thereof to an" $erson or entit" #itho%t the $rior #ritten consent of the LESSOR6
!$" .n6ur7 or 'ama4e# The LESSEE here!" ass%mes the f%&& res$onsi!i&it" for an" ama'e #hich
ma" !e ca%se to the $erson or $ro$ert" of an" thir $erson in the &ease $remises %rin' the
%ration of the &ease6 LESSEE f%rther !ins himse&f to ho& the LESSOR free an harm&ess
from ama'es as a res%&t thereof, %n&ess s%ch ama'e or &ia!i&it" arose o%t of str%ct%ra& or
other inherent efects in the &ease $remises or is %e to the fa%&t of the LESSOR, his a'ent or
!&" Sa%e of Leased ,remises# The LESSEE reco'ni(es the ri'ht of the LESSOR to se&& or
other#ise con*e" o#nershi$ of the &ease $remises to an" other intereste $art", $ro*ie the
LESSEE7s ri'hts %ner the &ease are res$ecte6
!)" a8ardous and ,ro+i5ited 9ateria%s# The LESSEE sha&& not 9ee$ or store in the &ease
$remise an" ha(aro%s an o!no)io%s s%!stance or inf&amma!&e materia& or s%!stance that
mi'ht constit%te a fire ha(ar or other chemica&s an materia&s or $rohi!iti*e r%'s in *io&ations
of the &a#s of the Phi&i$$ines6
!*" Ru%es and Re4u%ations# The LESSEE !ins himse&f to com$&" #ith the e)istin' r%&es an
re'%&ations $rom%&'ate !" the !%i&in' aministrator an1or association an an" other
en*ironmenta& or other &a#s, orinances, r%&es an re'%&ations a$$&ica!&e to the &ease
!-" :io%ations# The LESSOR ma", at this o$tions, consier this a'reement a%tomatica&&"
rescine an cance&e, #itho%t nee of an" co%rt action, %$on ten +;<- a"s notice 'i*en to
the LESSEE !ase on an" of the fo&&o#in' 'ro%ns:
a6 0ai&%re of the LESSEE to $a" t#o +>- months a*ance renta& an other !i&&s or char'es
therefore mentione as the" fa&& %e for an" reason #hatsoe*er #ithin the $erio to $a"6
!6 0or an" *io&ation mae !" the LESSEE or its a'ents an re$resentati*es of an" of the
terms an conitions sti$%&ate in this contract6
c6 2n case the &ease $remises sha&& !e *acate or a!anone for a $erio of thirt" +?<- a"s
#itho%t $rior #ritten notice to the LESSOR6 Conse:%ent&", the LESSOR is here!" $ermitte
a%thori(e !" the LESSEE to enter the $remises, either !" force or other#ise, #itho%t
!ein' &ia!&e to $rosec%tion therefor6
4$on termination of the contact of &ease !ase on an" of the fore'oin' 'ro%ns an %$on
eman, the LESSEE sha&& immeiate&" *acate an $eacef%&&" s%rrener $ossession of the
&ease $remises to the LESSOR or his %&" a%thori(e re$resentati*e6
!0" Remedies# 2n aition to the $ro*isions of the $roceein' $ara'ra$h, the LESSEE here!"
ac9no#&e'es an reco'ni(es the ri'ht of the LESSOR to a*ai& or resort to an" or a&& of the
fo&&o#in' remeia& meas%res #itho%t nee of co%rt action:
a6 2n case of fai&%re of the LESSEE to $a" or sett&e an" %e an %n$ai o!&i'ations +renta&s,
e&ectricit", #ater, te&e$hone, association %es etc6- as $ro*ie for %ner this &ease contract
, the LESSEE here!" a%thori(es the LESSOR, #ho is here!" 'i*en the ri'ht, to isconnect
a&& faci&ities s%ch as !%t not &imite to isconnect a&& faci&ities s%ch as !%t not &imite to
e&ectricit", te&e$hone, #ater in the &ease $remises #itho%t nee of f%rther notice to the
!6 Li9e#ise, %nti& the aforesai %n$ai o!&i'ations are $ai or sett&e, the LESSEE here!"
'i*en the ri'hts, to re/renter the &ease $remises, remo*e a&& $ersons therefrom, ta9e
$ossession of an" of a&& f%rnit%re, fi)t%res an e:%i$ment7s fo%n thereon or therein an1or
$a&oc9e the oor of the $remises6
c6 Moreo*er, !" #a" of a sec%rit" or to sec%re the $a"ment of an" of the %n$ai o!&i'ations of
the LESSEE , the LESSEE consents an a%thori(es the LESSOR to retain $ossession of
an" of a&& the f%rnit%re, fi)t%res an e:%i$ment7s that ma" fo%n on the $remises as
!e&on'in's to the LESSEE %nti& s%ch time that a&& the %n$ai o!&i'ations of the LESSEE are
$ai or sett&e6
6 2f after ten +;<- a"s from the ate the LESSOR sha&& ha*e ta9en $ossession of the
aforesai f%rnit%re, fi)t%res an e:%i$ment !" #a" of sec%rit", the LESSEE sti&& fai&s to $a"
or sett&e its %n$ai o!&i'ations to the LESSOR the LESSEE here!" consents an
a%thori(es the LESSOR to se&& !" #a" of $%!&ic or $ri*ate sa&e an" or a&& the f%rnit%re7s
fi)t%res e:%i$ment as ma" !e s%fficient to $a" or sett&e the &essee7s %n$ai o!&i'ations $&%s
the accr%e interests an attorne"7s fee e:%i*a&ent to >=@ of the tota& amo%nt %e an
%n$ai6 A&& e)$enses that ma" !e inc%rre in the sa&e sha&& !e for the acco%nt of the
0or $%r$oses of se&&in' the aforesai $ro$erties, the LESSEE here!" irre*oca!&" a$$oint the
LESSOR as its attorne"/in/fact to se&& an is$ose of an" or a&& of the aforesai the $ro$ert" of
the LESSEE in a $ri*ate or $%!&ic sa&e at a $rice as ma" !e etermine to !e 5%st an
reasona!&e !" the LESSOR an to a$$&" the $rocees therefrom to an" or a&& the %n$ai
o!&i'ations of the LESSEE6
2f the sa&e $rocees sho%& $ro*e to !e inae:%ate to f%&&" $a"er sett&e the %n$ai o!&i'ations
of the LESSEE, the LESSEE sha&& remain &ia!&e to the LESSOR for an" of the eficienc"6
Sho%& the $rocees of the sa&e of an" of the aforesai $ro$erties !e s%fficient to $a" or sett&e
a&& of the &essee7s %n$ai o!&i'ations, the LESSEE ma" 'et !ac9 its other $ro$erties not so& !"
the LESSOR6 2f after thirt"+?<- a"s from #ritten notice of the LESSOR irecte to the &ast
9no#n aress of the LESSEE, the LESSEE sti&& fai&s to 'et !ac9 the remainin' $ro$erties,
sai $ro$erties sha&& then !e eeme a!anone in fa*or of the LESSOR6
The a!o*e en%merate remeies o$ro*e for the LESSOR sha&& not !e e)c&%si*e, !%t sha&& !e
c%m%&ati*e an #itho%t $re5%ice to an" co%rt action that ma" !e instit%te !" the LESSOR for
an" ca%ses of action that ma" arise %ner this contract of &ease6
!1" Attorne7;s Fee# 2n case the LESSOR resorts to 5%icia& action !ase %$on or in connection #ith
this &ease contract, the LESSEE here!" a'rees to $a" attorne"7s fee e:%i*a&ent to
_____________ +_______@- $ercent of the tota& amo%nt in*o&*e $r c&aime !" the LESSOR
as a'ainst the LESSEE $&%s a&& co%rt e)$enses an1or costs of &iti'ation6
!2" :enue# A&& co%rt actions from this contact of &ease sha&& !e fi&e on&" in the $ro$er co%rts of
_____________, Phi&i$$ines to e)c&%sion of a&& other co%rts6
$3" Time of Essense# Time is the essence hereof an" #ai*er !" the LESSOR of a !reach of an"
term, co*enant or conition herein containe, #hether e)$ress or im$&ie, sha&& not constit%te
of a #ai*er of an" s%!se:%ent !reach thereof, or a !reach of co*enant to $a" the rent so
acce$te6 No #ai*er !" the LESSOR sha&& !e eeme to ha*e !een mae %n&ess e)$resse in
#ritin' an si'ne !" the LESSOR6
.N W.TNESS WEREOF, the $arties ha*e here%nto set their hans, this _____________ at
_____________, Phi&i$$ines6
888888888888888888 888888888888888888

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