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2011 Taxpayers League of Minnesota Scorecard

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2011 Heroes of The Taxpayer

15 t h A n n u a l

Legislative Scorecard 2011

2011 Best Friends of the Taxpayer
The legislators pictured below committed to vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes by signing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. They also received a score of 92% on our 2011 Legislative Scorecard. They deserve special recognition for their efforts to balance the state budget without a tax increase.
Representative Bruce Anderson R-Buffalo Township (19A) 11th award Representative Steve Drazkowski R-Wabasha (28B) 1st award Representative Kathy Lohmer R-Lake Elmo (56A) 1st award Representative Duane Quam R-Byron (29A) 1st award Representative Linda Runbeck R-Circle Pines (53A) 3rd award Senator Gretchen Hoffman R-Vergas (10) 1st award




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Party/ Dist, Name

6 DFL Bakk Thomas M. 49 R Benson Michelle R. 61 DFL Berglin Linda 43 DFL Bonoff Terri E. 16 R Brown David M. 4 R Carlson John Cohen Richard J. 53 R 64 DFL 21 R 38 R 25 R

(HF=House File / SF=Senate FIle) 1) ACCOUNTABILITY IN EDUCATION The K-12 funding bill will require school districts to earn grant funds through student reading test scores and holds public employees accountable by requiring districts to develop and implement a performance-based system for evaluating school principals. The taxpayer friendly vote was to vote for this bill. (HF26 / SF11) 2) HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ON THE ROAD TO SUSTAINABILITY The HHS bill paves the way for reform of our public health care programs in Minnesota. The legislation creates significant reforms; including the phase out of the provider tax and adds protections against fraud by strengthening welfare eligibility requirements and placing greater restrictions on the use of EBT cards. The taxpayer friendly vote was to support this bill. (HF25 / SF10) 3) MINNESOTA DOESNT NEED MORE DEBT In the final budget agreement Gov. Dayton insisted on a bonding bill that required the state to borrow half a billion dollars for construction projects. The bill is a potpourri of wasteful spending. Adding to the states debt was unnecessary and contributed to more wasteful spending. The taxpayer friendly vote was to oppose this legislation. (HF23 / SF9) 4) NO TAX INCREASE! The original tax bill passed by the legislature contained several tax reductions but Gov. Dayton vetoed the bill. However; the final tax bill did provide direct tax relief to homeowners, farms and small businesses and tax incentives for job creation. The taxpayer friendly vote was yes. (HF20 / SF8) 5) PENSIONS CREATE TAXPAYER TENSION For decades, city leaders in Minneapolis have escalated pension promises without resources to fund the plans. Now, state taxpayers have been asked to come to the rescue. The omnibus pension bill puts the state taxpayers on the hook for Minneapoliss pension problem. The taxpayer friendly vote was to oppose this bill. (HF14 / SF7) 6) GOVERNMENT FINANCE BILL STREAMLINES SERVICES The reforms contained in the omnibus state government finance bill lay the foundation for long-term costs savings and start to change how state government operates. Reforms include: a pay-for-performance pilot project, required performance reviews and a cost-saving reward program. A vote for this legislation would help reduce the size of government. (HF27 / SF12) 7) ARTS AND OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT PORK This bill allocated $449.8 million to pork projects lobbied for by special interests. The Legacy bill included $35.2 million in taxpayer funding for the arts, including funding to overcome barriers to accessing arts and subsidies for attendance fees for youth to visit art museums. It also included dozens of other pork laden programs. A vote to oppose this bill was the taxpayer friendly vote. (HF6 / SF6) 8) HIGHER EDUCATION BILL EARNS PASSING GRADE The Higher Education bill contains double-digit percentage reductions for the states public institutions of higher learning. The legislation includes reforms that will require the U of M and State Colleges and Universities to meet performance benchmarks before they can receive a portion of their funding. A vote in favor of the bill was the taxpayer friendly vote. (HF4 / SF5) 9) A SMART WAY TO SPEND ON NATURAL RESOURCES The Environment Finance bill made a 16% reduction in forecasted growth without any fee increases. It addresses critical issues including aquatic invasive species and chronic wasting disease, as well as providing budget flexibility to maintain Minnesotas strong tradition of outdoor heritage. A vote for this bill was the taxpayer friendly vote. (HF5 / SF3) 10) JOBS BILL ENDS EARMARKS This bill accomplished reform in the area of economic development with the creation of competitive grants rather than the bureaucratic process of pass-through grants (legislative earmarking). It also provides funds targeted toward small businesses for start-up capital. A vote for this bill was the taxpayer friendly vote. (HF3 / SF2) 11) DRIVING RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT The transportation bill cut $41 million from current funding levels and put the brakes on light rail expansion. This bill requires transit corridor development planners to provide the total cost of proposed transit systems, including both capital and long-term operating expenses. The taxpayer friendly vote was yes. (HF2 / SF4) 12) PUBLIC SAFETY REQUIRES PRISONERS TO PAY The public safety bill made a 3% reduction from current level spending. It included reforms such as allowing judges to consider a persons entire financial status and requiring appropriate payment for court services. It also required a co-pay for inmate initiated health care and prioritizing the use of state funds on state cases over federal cases. The taxpayer friendly vote was to support this bill. (HF1 / SF1) 13) FIRST STEP TO A BALANCED BUDGET The phase one budget bill outlined difficult but necessary measures to start bridging the states budget gap. It would have reduced state spending by $76.9 million in the current fiscal year and approximately $824.3 million in 2012-2013. The budget bill passed the House and Senate, but was vetoed by Gov. Dayton. The taxpayer friendly vote was to support this bill. (HF130 / SF60)

0 18 85 85 0 7 31 23 77 77 77 77 85 85 15 10 77 77 85 85 85 85 8 9 69 72 85 85 77 87 77 58 8 8 77 77 85 91 15 15 8 92 77 77 69 0 77 77 8 15 8 85 77 8 77 0 8 0 77 77 77 77 85 77 77 15 77 77 0 15 31 77 77 15 0 77 8 0 0 8 23 92 8 8 85 8 77 8 92 77 71 79 2 85 77 22 13 15 85 91 5 77 18 14 12 78 77 77 77 78 75 88 6 83 77 7 15 26 76 60 11 12 69 8 12 20 17 15 92 14 3 86 21 77

Chamberlain Roger C. + Dahms Gary H. + Daley Theodore J. "Ted" + DeKruif Al + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * + * + + +

60 DFL Dibble Scott 14 R Fischbach, Michelle L. 12 R 37 R Gazelka, Paul E. Gerlach Chris

13 R Gimse Joe 50 DFL Goodwin Barb 40 R 42 R 58 10 28 11 48 63 19 47 20 9 44 56 32 8 22 54 66 39 41 31 30 18 17 33 34 65 26 15 59 7 45 35 24 3 46 29 23 57 2 27 1 36 5 62 52 55 51 DFL R R R R DFL R R DFL DFL DFL R R DFL R DFL DFL DFL R R R R R R R DFL R R DFL DFL DFL R R DFL DFL R DFL DFL DFL DFL DFL R DFL DFL R DFL R Hall, Dan D. Hann David W. Higgins Linda Hoffman Gretchen M. Howe John Sterling Ingebrigtsen Bill Jungbauer Michael J. Kelash Kenneth S. Koch Amy T. Kruse Benjamin A. Kubly Gary W. Langseth Keith Latz Ron Lillie Ted H. Limmer Warren Lourey Tony Magnus Doug Marty John McGuire Mary Jo Metzen James P. Michel Geoff Miller Jeremy R. Nelson Carla J. Newman Scott J. Nienow Sean R. Olson Gen Ortman Julianne E. Pappas Sandra L. Parry Mike Pederson John C. Pogemiller Lawrence J. Reinert Roger J. Rest Ann H. Robling Claire A. Rosen Julie A. Saxhaug Tom Scheid Linda Senjem David H. Sheran Kathy Sieben Katie Skoe Rod Sparks Dan Stumpf LeRoy A. Thompson Dave Tomassoni David J. Torres Ray Patricia Vandeveer Ray Wiger Charles W. Wolf Pam

67 DFL Harrington John M.

LEGEND: += pro-taxpayer vote = anti-taxpayer vote *= did not vote

Party/ Dist,
48B 38A 13A 43A 19A 03A 39B 15B 17B 35A 43B 30B 37B 23B 35B 45B 58B 61A 24B 08B 17A R R R R R DFL DFL R R R DFL R R DFL R DFL DFL DFL R R R


2011 77 0 77 85 77 23 0 0 0 8 92 77 77 0 8 15 77 77 77 77 77 0 8 8 8 0 69 77 8 77 23 77 8 0 92 0 77 23 0 92 8 92 77 15 77 85 77 8 8 8 69 77 77 0 0 77 77 77 8 0 85 85 8 77 77 LIFE


Abeler Jim Anderson Diane Anderson Paul Anderson Sarah Anderson Bruce Anzelc Tom Atkins Joe Banaian King Barrett Bob Beard Michael Benson John Benson Mike Bills Kurt Brynaert Kathy Buesgens Mark Carlson Sr. Lyndon Champion Bobby Joe Clark Karen Cornish Tony Crawford Roger Daudt Kurt

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77 77 77 77 92 0 0 69 77 77 23 77 85 0 8 8 8 8 77 77 85

54 77 74 80 96 2 8 69 77 77 12 77 85 2 88 19 5 11 68 77 85

57A 50A 09A 34A 12B 40B 66A 30A 55A 59A 56A 42B 37A 67A 65B 09B 41B 19B 03B 53B 57B


Kriesel John Laine Carolyn Lanning Morrie Leidiger Ernie LeMieur Mike Lenczewski Ann Lesch John Liebling Tina Lillie Leon Loeffler Diane Lohmer Kathy Loon Jenifer Mack Tara Mahoney Tim Mariani Carlos Marquart Paul Mazorol Pat McDonald Joe McElfatrick Carolyn McFarlane Carol McNamara Denny

77 0 62 85 77 37 14 17 8 9 92 74 77 14 8 26 77 77 77 63 65 0 8 3

Davids Greg 31B R 62A DFL Davnie Jim Dean Matt 52B R Dettmer Bob 52A R 06A DFL Dill David 47A 33B 41A 28B 02A 16A 01A 20A 11B 26B 36B 07B 15A 60A 54A 25A 24A 48A 22B 02B 39A 66B 61B 46B 08A 36A 34B 60B 47B 14B 04B 07A 67B 59B 26A 28A 56B 01B 16B 50B 20B DFL R R R DFL R R DFL R DFL R DFL R DFL DFL R R R R R DFL DFL DFL DFL DFL R R DFL DFL DFL R DFL DFL DFL DFL R R R R DFL DFL Dittrich Denise Doepke Connie Downey Keith Drazkowski Steve Eken Kent Erickson Sondra Fabian Dan Falk Andrew Franson Mary Fritz Patti Garofalo Pat Gauthier Kerry Gottwalt Steve Greene Marion Greiling Mindy Gruenhagen Glenn Gunther Bob Hackbarth Tom Hamilton Rod Hancock David Hansen Rick Hausman Alice Hayden Jeff Hilstrom Debra Hilty Bill Holberg Mary Liz Hoppe Joe Hornstein Frank Hortman Melissa Hosch Larry Howes Larry Huntley Thomas Johnson Sheldon Kahn Phyllis Kath Kory Kelly Tim Kieffer Andrea Kiel Debra Kiffmeyer Mary Knuth Kate Koenen Lyle

77 77 8 11 77 84 85 86 0 15 92 92 92 8 77 77 0 85 8 77 0 77 8 8 85 77 85 77 77 8 8 8 0 8 77 77 8 0 0 77 0 8 15 15 77 77 69 77 23 8 9 21 74 79 91 19 86 77 2 85 9 73 0 77 8 19 85 69 78 68 77 9 9 5 14 15 87 83 10 9 12 58 12 12 11 28 77 77 69 86 5 11

05B DFL Melin Carly 65A DFL Moran Rena 23A DFL Morrow Terry 58A DFL Mullery Joe 10B R Murdock Mark 64A 06B 27A 40A 46A 10A 29B 14A 64B 31A 32A 04A 49B 45A 27B 29A 05A 53A 51A 54B 22A 49A 18A 44A 55B 63B 33A 42A 21A 63A 51B 21B 18B 13B 62B 12A 38B 11A 44B 25B 32B DFL DFL R R DFL R DFL R DFL DFL R DFL R DFL DFL R DFL R R DFL R R R DFL DFL DFL R R R DFL DFL R R R DFL DFL R R DFL R R Murphy Erin Murphy Mary Murray Rich Myhra Pam Nelson Michael V. Nornes Bud Norton Kim O'Driscoll Tim Paymar Michael Pelowski Jr. Gene Peppin Joyce Persell John Petersen Branden Peterson Sandra Poppe Jeanne Quam Duane Rukavina Tom Runbeck Linda Sanders Tim Scalze Bev Schomacker Joe Scott Peggy Shimanski Ron Simon Steve Slawik Nora Slocum Linda Smith Steve Stensrud Kirk Swedzinski Chris Thissen Paul Tillberry Tom Torkelson Paul Urdahl Dean Vogel Bruce Wagenius Jean Ward John Wardlow Doug Westrom Torrey Winkler Ryan Woodard Kelby Zellers Kurt

8 16 77 72 2 12 69 77 11 70 20 77 16 26 92 0 77 17 10 92 17 84 84 18 77 88 89 9 19 3 77 77 77 11 0 79 64 77 9 0 85 75 6 77 87


Party/ Dist, Name


2011 Heroes of The Taxpayer

or six months the Republican House and Senate leadership opposed Governor Daytons demand to raise taxes on Minnesotas job creators. It was their commitment to fiscal discipline that led to a positive outcome of the 2011 legislative session. Because of the determination of these four caucus leaders through the longest state shutdown in history a balanced budget agreement was reached that didnt raise taxes!
House Speaker Kurt Zellers R, Maple Grove (32B)
Entering his fifth term; Rep. Zellerss good-nature and down to earth attitude made him the pick of his caucus peers to serve as Speaker of the House. His common sense approach and cooperative demeanor was just the right combination to keep his caucus unified during the state government shutdown. His unflappable style was key to reaching a budget agreement without a tax increase.

House Majority Leader Matt Dean R, Dellwood (52B)

An architect by trade; Rep. Dean utilized his talents to help reform health care during the 2011 session. Serving in his 4th term, Representative Deans experience earned him the position of House Majority Leader. It was his commitment to fiscal restraint and a solution-oriented approach to health care reform that led lawmakers to phase out the 2 percent provider tax in the final budget agreement.

Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch R, Buffalo (19)

Elected to the Senate in 2005, Senator Koch has risen through the ranks quickly and was chosen as the states first woman Senate Majority leader. In a previous position she served as a Russian linguist in the U. S. Air Force. Smart and outgoing, Senator Koch provided strong communication skills for her caucus. Her aptitude for building relationships through effective communication was a critical element during budget negotiations with the governor.

Deputy Senate Majority Leader Geoff Michel R, Edina (41)

Spending years interpreting the law as a corporate attorney; Sen. Michel brought a unique perspective on job creation to the capitol. He helped lawmakers better understand the relationship between business regulation and economic growth. With his third term came the leadership position in the Senate and a larger role in policy development and political strategy. Sen. Michels commitment to private sector job creation brought focus to the Senate jobs bill.

Taxpayers Win in 2011

he tax-and-spend tug of war started even before the first day of the 2011 legislative session in January. Newly elected Governor Mark Dayton had campaigned rigorously on raising taxes in order to balance the states projected $6 billion budget shortfall.

bills, hoping to start budget negotiations with the governor, but Dayton resisted engaging in any meaningful negotiations. After weeks of unsuccessful deliberation with the governor on budget issues the legislature passed a balanced budget and adjourned on May 23rd. Their budget increased state spending by 12% over the previous biennial budget without a tax increase. Upon receiving each of the budget bills, Gov. Dayton vetoed every one of them and then refused to call a special session to deal with the budget. Throughout the month of June, Republican leadership tried to work with the governor to avoid a government shutdown and offered several budget compromises. Nothing, however could dissuade Gov. Dayton from his agenda to Tax the Rich. He rejected every offer made by the legislature and frequently reiterated his demand for a tax increase. On July 1st, as state buildings went dark and 22,000 state workers were laid off; Dayton expressed little interest in continued negotiations. He again refused to call

a special session to pass a temporary funding bill in order to provide for a continuation of state services. As the state government shutdown dragged on, Republican leaders continued to press Gov. Dayton for a solution. Dayton however was stuck on his desire for more tax revenue to close the budget gap. Two weeks into the shutdown; under mounting public pressure Gov. Dayton finally conceded and accepted a budget outline without a tax increase that Legislative leaders had offered prior to July 1st. Three weeks after the state shutdown began; Gov. Dayton signed a balanced budget agreement that didnt raise taxes. After six long months the budget impasse ended without a tax increase. Minnesota taxpayers should thank all the legislators who endeavored over many months to produce a fiscally responsible budget without an additional tax burden on Minnesota families.

But to the dismay of Democrats, Republicans had regained control of the Minnesota House and to everyones surprise captured the majority of seats in the Senate for the first time in 38 years. While the Democrats had toiled to capture the governors office for the first time in twenty years; they lost control of both houses in the legislature. The election outcome would result in a partisan divide that lasted more than six months and led to the longest shutdown of government services in state history. Early signs of a protracted budget battle began to emerge when Gov. Dayton vetoed the legislatures first attempt of a budget reduction measure and insisted on a total budget package before he would sign any of the budget bills. By mid-April both houses of the legislature had completed work on their finance

2011 Foe of The Taxpayer

uring the 2011 legislative session, no one was a greater threat to the economic prosperity of Minnesota and individual economic liberty than Gov. Mark Dayton. His proposed $3.6 billion tax increase was the largest in state history and would have destroyed our economic recovery.

he will continue his effort to take more money from hard working Minnesotans to fuel runaway government spending.

When he failed to brow beat Republicans into voting for his tax proposal he orchestrated a government shutdown that idled 22,000 workers, closed state parks and discontinued many state services. Thanks to Republican legislators who stood firm, Gov. Daytons tax increase plan failed. But he has made it clear that

I'm not going to give up on this, Gov. Mark Dayton said of his tax increase proposal I'm going to come back, if not next year, the year following, he said. I'll advocate for it, campaign for it, press for it for as long as I'm drawing breath. Star Tribune, July 28th 2011

Our Mission

Phil Krinkie
Taxpayers League of Minnesota President

he Taxpayers League of Minnesota is a nonpartisan, nonprofit grassroots advocacy organization which fights for lower taxes and limited government.

We work to inform and activate citizens on the principles of a free market and individual economic liberty. As a 501 (C4) nonprofit The Taxpayers League relies solely on voluntary contributions from individuals who believe in reforming tax policy, reducing government waste and eliminating duplication in government.

Over the last 15 years we have been able to establish ourselves as the principle voice of limited government in Minnesota. Since our founding we have been successful in achieving tax reductions which have taken Minnesota out of the top ten in state taxes. We have also been successful in preventing billions in additional taxes because of our No New Taxes pledge. Thanks to thousands of supporters like you, we are ready to help conservative legislators defend the pocket books of hard working Minnesotans. With our conservative legislators; we stand ready to fight any tax increases in 2012. Our success in the past has been based on involved taxpayers and with your help we will prevail in the future. Our experience and influence will defeat the tax-and-spend agenda, but we cant do it without your support. Please join us in the fight to limit the growth in government and hold the line on taxes.

Join The Taxpayers League of Minnesota and Help us Fight the Liberal Tax-and-Spend Agenda!
Thank you to the thousands of Minnesotans who have supported us in the fight to lower taxes and limit the growth of government. Your generous support has time and time again helped us hold back the liberal tax-and-spend agenda. As we prepare for the 2012 legislative session please remember that Governor Dayton is deeply committed to raising taxes in Minnesota. We need your continued support to stop him! Here is what you can do today to ensure Dayton doesnt get his tax increase. Contribute today; $200, $100, $50 or even $25 A gift of any size will help defeat a tax increase! Get Involved; sign up at www.taxpayersleague.org to receive our weekly updates and legislative alerts.

Taxpayers League of Minnesota 1402 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104

www.taxpayersleague.org 651-789-0092

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