1993 City Report
1993 City Report
1993 City Report
Montgomery Watson
August 3, 1993
Page No.
INTRODUCTION ...............................
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Table of Contents
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CHAPTER 7 - IMPLEMENTATION PLAN .......................
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Table of Contents
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The Santa Ana River Wetlands Enhancement Project ( WEP) is an innovative project to
combine polishing of the nitrified and tertiary treated effluent from the Riverside Regional
Water Quality Control Plant ( RWQCP) with environmental enhancement and public use. Recent revisions to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) permit for
the RWQCP implementing the California Inland Surface Waters Plan ( ISWP),
require the
plant to meet increasingly more stringent nitrogen discharge limits over the next two years.
Modifications can be made to the plant treatment processes to meet the new nitrogen limits
for final effluent. However, in lieu of making capital improvements at the plant, the City has
a unique opportunity of using the existing wetlands in the Hidden Valley Wildlife Area HVWA) to provide the additional treatment for nitrogen removal. With over 1, 500 acres,
over 200 of which are wetlands, the HVWA provides the City a feasible location to develop
a wetlands treatment system.
Incidently, the final effluent from the RWQCP has been the
only source of water for the existing wetlands in the HVWA for a long time.
The cost of developing the WEP site for wastewater treatment could be significantly less than
the cost to modify the plant, and the WEP provides greater benefits to the environment as
well as to the public.
The public will benefit directly from public use and the improved
wildlife habitat in the HVWA and indirectly from improved water quality in the Santa Ana
The City was planning to develop the wetlands in the HVWA for polishing of the final
effluent from the RWQCP over the past three or four years. The following are the major
milestones towards the development of the WEP.
In 1990, the City awarded a project to the University of California at Riverside to conduct
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a study on the nitrogen removal in four existing wetlands ponds. Dr. Lanny Lund headed up this study. These four ponds, and several other ponds in the HVWA, have been supplied
with water from the RWQCP for many years.
Water is diverted to the wetlands in the
HVWA from the plant outfall channel before it discharges to the Santa Ana River.
results of the scientific study provided some evidence that the wetlands were capable of
In August 1991, John Carollo Engineers prepared a draft concept plan to develop the
wetlands in the HVWA to provide effluent polishing for the plant.
The concept focused on
the development of nearly 500 acres of wetlands to provide effluent polishing for total inorganic nitrogen removal for 48 mgd nitrified and tertiary treated effluent. The report
recommended construction of approximately 20 wetlands ponds and a 56 -inch diameter pipeline to convey the water from the plant to the HVWA. The estimated cost for the project
23, 300,000.
permitting required for construction of the wetlands in the Santa Ana River flood plain, the
feasibility of the wetlands project was, at that point, questionable. Pilot Study Plan
To further investigate and refine the idea of using wetlands for denitrification, the City
retained Montgomery Watson to prepare a pilot test plan so that better design data could be
obtained and the estimated size of the wetlands refined.
completed, the opportunity for the City to include the pilot study as part of a larger wetlands
enhancement project arose, and Montgomery Watson assisted the City to prepare a grant
application package.
A $ 250,000
Agency for the development of the Santa Ana Wetlands Enhancement Project (WEP),
In November, 1992, Montgomery Watson completed a pilot project (Phase I) report and grant
application package for the State of California, Transportation Commission, Resource Agency.
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The purpose of this effort was to draft a good size initial phase project for a meaningful
demonstration of the wetlands application.
around the existing four duck ponds was considered. This report was oriented to meet the
Resource Agency grant application and U: S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) 404 permitting
This project obtained wide political as well as institutional support. Almost all the relevant
agencies supported this project. As a result of this overall effort, the WEP Phase I was
qualified for a $ 250,000 grant by the Resource Agency. The Regional Water Quality Control
Board, Santa Ana Region, Riverside issued a 401 waiver for this project because of no
potential adverse impact on the " Waters of the United States."
Several investigations were made of the HVWA while the grant application package was
being prepared. It was found that there are over 200 acres of existing wetlands in the HVWA.
If these existing wetlands can be used instead of constructing wetlands, there will be a substantial cost saving to developing the WEP and the permitting issues will be much less
Furthermore, if the area requirements for the wetlands can be refined based on
the pilot testing data, it may be found that fewer or no additional wetlands are needed. will even further reduce the cost to develop the WEP.
Reliable conveyance of the plant effluent to the HVWA is an important consideration in the
development of the WEP. The plant effluent is currently conveyed by a open channel ditch
that runs from the plant parallel to the river. The channel is constructed of river sediments.
A portion of the channel near the confluence of the Hole Lake outfall and the Santa Ana
River is frequently washed out and must be repaired to keep water flowing to the HVWA.
The John Carollo wetlands report recommended construction of a 54 -inch outfall pipeline to
replace the open channel.
Because the pipeline is in the flood plain, it is still subject to flood damage, although much
less so than the existing open channel. One emphasis of the WEP is to reduce the cost of
the project by identifying ways of improving the reliability of the effluent outfall open
The purpose of this report is to describe in general the scope of the overall WEP to be
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developed in the HVWA by restoring existing wetlands with the primary purpose of providing denitrification to the nitrified and tertiary treated 40 mgd annual average dry weather flow
from the RWQCP and its environmental enhancement and public image aspects. The ultimate goal is to achieve the total inorganic nitrogen ( TIN) limits in the final effluent prior to its
discharge into Santa Ana River.
Considering the little information available on the HVWA and the design of wetlands for the
This report
defines the concept for development of Phase I and Phase II of the WEP and outlines the
benefits, limitations, environmental concerns, permitting issues, financial, and other aspects
affecting the development of the project.
The HVWA has been operated by the County of Riverside Parks and Open Space Department
since 1974.
Commission, and is operated by the County under a 50 -year cooperative management agreement with the State. The HVWA encompasses approximately 1, 500 acres, about 200 acres of which are wetlands ranging in depth from 6 inches to over 5 feet deep. Because of
flooding of the Santa Ana River, some area that were once wetlands have been filled in with
Dikes around some of the wetlands have also been damaged leaving the areas
dry. A map of the HVWA is shown in Figure 1 - 1. As indicated earlier, these wetlands have
been using the final effluent from the RWQCP as the only source of water for along time.
Prior to becoming the HVWA, the site was known as the Hidden Valley Gun Club. The gun club was founded in 1957 and remained active until 1974 when the property was purchased
by the State and converted to a public use area. The gun club promoted pheasant and duck
hunting in the area and is responsible for the development of much of wetlands in the HVWA
that still exist.
The HVWA is used for many purposes both privately and publicly. There are many miles of trails and paths that are used for hiking and horseback riding. Approximately 150 acres of land is privately farmed under a lease with the County. The farmer produces two crops
a year, one corn crop and one fodder crop. In exchange for the use of the land, in lieu of
cash payments, the farmer provides the county labor, equipment, and fuel for up keep and maintenance of the HVWA. In addition to agriculture, the area is grazed by sheep several
1- 4
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Until last year, when the lease expired, there was the Wild Life Training Center which housed exotic and native animals used of television and motion picture filming. The Center
also served as a way station for sick and injured animals.
Existing facilities include the park rangers office, a staging area for the farmer, a public parking lot, and building associated with the Wild Life Training Center. Access to portions
of the site is controlled by gates and fencing.
Much of the HVWA is overgrown with Arundo Donax, a hearty bamboo type plant. Arundo
is not a native plant species and out competes other plants in the area. Because it grows so
thick, it provides only limited habitat for birds and small animals. Also, in the summer
months, the arundo becomes a fire hazard. There have been several outbreaks of fires in past
There are feral hogs living in the area. They have caused some problems including attacking
people and other nuisances.
The City and County are currently negotiating an agreement (memorandum of understanding)
for supervision and general maintenance of the WEP project.
1- 5
The WEP, a multi -purpose project, is designed to provide denitrification to the nitrified and
tertiary treated effluent of the RWQCP, significant environmental enhancement of the
enhancement of public uses of the HVWA. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
regulatory agencies are thoughtfully encouraging use of natural treatment processes being simple, cost effective, and having multiple environmental enhancement functions.
Revisions to the NPDES permit for the RWQCP require that by May 1, 1995 the plant meet
a TIN limit of 13 mg/1 for flows up to 38 mgd and 10 mg/ l for flows over 38 mgd on an
annual basis and chronic toxicity limit of 1. 0 TUc. Thus, the RWQCP currently rated to 40
mgd capacity has to meet 12. 1 mg/l of TIN limits. To meet these limits both nitrification and
denitrification of the final effluent is required. Apparently, the following two alternatives are
viable under current situations for the RWQCP to meet these requirements.
The upgrade of existing biological treatment at the RWQCP is a viable alternative to meet
the nitrogen limits. The plant consisting of Plant 1 and Plant 2 systems, is currently designed
to provide complete nitrification for 40 mgd annual average dry weather flow.
The Plant 2
demand ( BOD) removal and nitrification to an about 20 mgd annual average dry weather
flow, is currently under upgrade for denitrification process without any tankage addition. The
upgrade of Plant 2 is planned for completion during 1993.
biological treatment process were planned.
Similar modifications to Plant 1
Project Description
The restoration of the existing wetlands for denitrification in the HVWA is an another viable
alternative to meet the nitrogen limits. Both natural and constructed wetlands are used for
secondary and tertiary treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater throughout the United
States and in other parts of the world.
nutrient removal although sufficient data on denitrification is not available. This report will
stand -by capacity to the WEP. The RWQCP effluent is conveyed to the WEP site by an
open channel flowing through the Santa Ana River plain ( see Figure 1 - 1).
channel and the WEP are subject to flooding of the Santa Ana River.
when the WEP may not provide full denitrification to the final effluent.
Case 1.
In the event the wetlands are not providing full denitrification, the Plant 2 could be
operated in denitrification mode which could provide nitrogen removal for an about 16 mgd
By blending the denitrified effluent from Plant 2 with nitrified effluent from Plant 1,
Case 2. If the effluent channel is washed out and flow can not reach the wetlands or if the
2 -2
Project Description
denitrification mode and its denitrified effluent will be blended with the nitrified effluent from
Plant 1. The total plant effluent will be partially denitrified. The current TIN limit is an
annual average limit, so the permitted limit can be exceeded for a short period of time
without having a permit violation. By using the denitrification capacity of the RWQCP to
reduce TIN concentrations, and making repairs to the WEP as quickly as possible, a permit violation can be avoided even though the actual TIN concentration in the effluent may exceed
the permit limits for a short period of time.
There are approximately 200 acres of existing wetlands in the HVWA surviving on the
RWQCP effluent. Most of the wetlands are man- made ponds that have existed at the site for
20 or more years.
Originally used for duck hunting, when the property belonged to the
Hidden- Valley Gun Club, the ponds are now maintained by the County as wildlife habitat and
as irrigation reservoirs. There is a system of unlined irrigation channels flowing through the
site which convey RWQCP final effluent to and from the wetlands ponds.
The focus of the
WEP is primarily the 200 acres of existing wetlands and the system of irrigation channels.
The existing wetlands and irrigation channels within the HVWA are shown in Figure 2 -1.
The project
has multiple benefits of water quality improvement, restoration of high -quality riparian habitat
for native and transient migratory wildlife species, groundwater recharge, and other wildlife
and public benefits.
Many resident and migratory waterfowl use the existing wetlands area
in the HVWA for wintering and nesting including the endangered Ieast Bell' s vireo.
WEP will improve and restore wetlands making it a major site on the waterfowl migratory
corridor with site diversification.
2 -3
LU cr
Project Description
The natural capabilities of wetlands to simultaneously purify and upgrade the quality of
treated wastewater discharged to the Santa Ana River by the RWQCP is another major benefit
to the project.
The wetlands will help the City to reduce nitrogen concentrations in the
wastewater treatment for nutrients removal with environmental enhancement will mean lower
operational and maintenance costs than conventional treatment facilities and offer aesthetic
benefits for the public.
The groundwater recharged provided by wetlands will benefit the growing population in the
Riverside area by helping to replenish groundwater aquifers.
The project is planned to ultimately include the following benefits to the community:
An access road off the planned Jurupa Avenue extension, with a public
parking area and observation point located at the top of the southern bluff,
providing a scenic overview of the project
The existing
Project Description
The project will be completed in two basic steps. The first step, Phase I, is a 55 -70 acre pilot
project funded, in part, by a grant from Caltrans. Phase I is primarily an environmental enhancement and mitigation project associated with the widening of a four mile section of
State Route 60.
the project.
The second step, Phase II, is expansion of the pilot project to full scale system designed to
treat 40 mgd of tertiary treated effluent. Phase II will encompass all of the existing wetlands
areas within the HVWA and will include restoration of former wetlands and the development
The implementation of Phase II will depend on the results of the pilot testing in Phase I.
The nitrogen removal data will be used to determine if wetlands are a suitable and reliable
means of the nitrogen removal and to determine the total wetlands area needed to treat all the
flow from the RWQCP.
project, the pilot project area will remain as an environmental enhancement area.
the boundaries of the WEP site including the pilot project area and the area for the full scale
The WEP has three major components: conveyance of water, restoration of ponds, and site
development works.
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Project Description
All water for the WEP will be provided by the RWQCP.. The plant is located upstream of the WEP site and discharges nitrified tertiary treated effluent to the Santa Ana River.
significant part of the final effluent has been diverted to the HVWA for several years to
provide water for agricultural irrigation and to keep water in the existing wetlands.
Additional flow, up to as much as 15 mgd, will be diverted for the Phase I
is implemented.
discussed above, the entire flow will ultimately be diverted to the site, if the full scale project
The existing open channel that conveys effluent from the RWQCP to the WEP, is constructed
from sediments. in the river bed and meanders in the flood plain from the plant outfall to the
diversion structure for the WEP. A portion of the channel just west of the Van Buren Bridge
along the southern bluff of the flood plain is frequently washed away by the river and by a
tributary stream from Hole Lake. Hole Lake receives flow from an irrigation canal system.
During rainy weather and when the lake is being drained, flow is discharge from the lake to
the Santa Ana River. The outfall from the lake crosses the effluent outfall channel from the
plant washing away part of the effluent channel dikes. During normal weather when the flow
from the lake is low, Hole Lake effluent mixes with the plant effluent and flows to the WEP
Phase I of the WEP includes short-term, low cost improvements to the effluent outfall
Phase II includes
permanent solutions which may include construction of concrete spillways, siphons, or other
There is a system of irrigation channels that flow through the HVWA. The channels carry
water into the area for agriculture irrigation and wetlands water supply and ultimately back
to the Santa Ana River. Improvements and modifications of the channels are an integral part
2 -6
Project Descrip
of the WEP.
widened, if required.
II be installed
n eeded '
d new channels
and the
constructed as
Wetlands Area
To provide
process through wetlands, a redundancy for maintenance is essential. Proper sizing with adequate Wetlands are,
a reliable denitrification
of design information available is for BOD and TSS removal available on design available is for
gy and sizing criteria is stil the subject ofmuch research and debate. The majority
is little information of the systems for nitrogen removal. The nitrogen ammonia nitrogen and total removal data that is nitrogen removal and
specifically for nitrate
and t
still and
total nitrogen
The WEP wil receive a full nitrified effluent; therefore, the data for ammonia nitrogen and
removal are not
kinetics of
the design of
for nitrification and denitrification_ nitrification, aerobic For conditions would be optimized, and for denitri fication would be optimized. The anoxic conditions design criteria
lfairly slowly while demtrification is In general, the size of a system designed of nitrification wilwetlands be muchwill larger than for a system designed for only denitriication. also be different
that occurs
P y. rapidly
removal and d
In order to estimate the potential size ofthe WEp, the data from the wetlands pilot study
The study showed approximate)
rate was 14 Ibs TIN
g wetlands in the HuWA 30 nitrogen through the surface flow of ponds. Based n the averagereduction in total inorganic concentrations, Influent flows and nitrogen the average loading
per acre of wetlands.
Project Description
average daily flow, and an effluent nitrate concentration of 15 mg/l, the daily nitrogen loading
for the Phase II WEP will be 5, 000 lbs per day.
therefore, be approximately 360 acres.
subsurface flow.
It is believed that the pilot study will show that 25 to 35 percent less wetlands area will be
and shallow marsh wetlands. The shallow marsh ponds will have cattails, bulrush, and other
emergent vegetation.
This will provide a higher removal efficiency than in the open water wetlands.
the results, develop a nitrogen control concept that includes both flow through the free water
surface and percolation for treatment.
The Phase I project, also called the pilot project, includes the restoration and improvements
to approximately 55 -70 acres of wetlands and to approximately 8, 000 linear feet of irrigation
Between 7 and 10 mgd of the RWQCP effluent will be diverted to the WEP for
A layout of the WEP site is shown in Figure 2 -2.
Improvements of Existing Wetlands There are approximately 30 acres of existing wetlands in the WEP.
There are four ponds
ranging from 3 to 9 feet deep and 7. 5 acres in size. The dikes and perimeter of these ponds
will be cleared and improvements made to the flow control and measurement facilities. The
ponds are currently operated in series, but modifications will be made so that they can be
operated in either parallel or series.
Project Description
The ponds were used previously in a nitrogen removal study sponsored by the City of
Riverside and conducted by the University of California at Riverside.
The lysimeters and
groundwater monitoring wells were installed as part of that study will be located, rehabilitated
if possible, and used to monitor groundwater water quality beneath and around the perimeter
of the ponds.
In addition to these four ponds, there are five wetlands ponds in approximately 7 acres
located along the southern edge of the WEP pilot project site. The perimeter of these five
ponds will be cleared and the irrigation channels feeding these ponds improved to provide
better flow control and measurement.
Restoration of Wetlands
Approximately 20 acres of the WEP pilot project area is currently used for agriculture. This
area was formerly a wetlands, but it has been filled in over the years and is now used to grow
corn and fodder crops. This area will be divided into eight shallow marsh type ponds ranging from 6 to 36 inches deep, and into two to four open water wetlands areas ranging from 3 to
6 feet deep. The shallow marsh ponds will be planted with emergent wetlands vegetation like cattails and bulrush. The vegetation will be transplanted from other areas in the HVWA, and from outside sources if necessary. The open water ponds will be deep enough to prevent
emergent vegetation from growing. Flow control and measurement structures will be installed
so that the ponds can be operated in either series or parallel.
Five to ten acres of the 20 acre site will be developed as a pilot test area.
The Phase I project incudes pilot testing of wetlands for denitrification. Pilot testing includes
both open water wetlands 3 to 6 feet deep with little emergent vegetation and shallow marsh
wetlands 6 to 24 inches deep planted with emergent wetlands vegetation.
Denitrification in
2- 9
Project Description
bottom sediments.
Samples will be collected and analyzed to determine the denitrification rates through the
the depth and quality of the surrounding groundwater.
water quality and flow from the wetlands will be measured.
of the wetlands and in the bottom sediments throu h ercolat' l be evaluated. Lysimeters will be installed throughout pilot testing wetlands atyariousde
at various location and depths within the wetlands. The water quality data will be used to model denitrification in the wetlands, and the effects of temperature, pH, and other parameters on the system performance.
flows will be used to determine loading rates and to determine percolation rates.
A detailed pilot testing plan was prepared in November, 1992 and presented in a separate This plan which considered use of two southerly small ponds located along the southern edge of the WEP Phase I
project site.
of ponds to be created in the 20 acres of land will provide more representative information.
and widened.
obstructions will be removed from the channels and the bottoms and side slopes of the channels reshaped and graded. New channels will be constructed to convey flow to and from the restored wetlands
2 -10
Project Description
The Phase II project will expand the pilot project to a full scale wetlands treatment system.
providing complete denitrification of all flow from the RWQCP. On completion of Phase II,
the WEP will provide capacity of denitrifying 40 mgd of flow.
Improvement/Restoration of Existing Wetlands
The wetlands area required for the full -scale project will be determined based on the findings
of the pilot project.
wetlands will be required to treat 40 mgd average daily flow. There are approximately 200
acres of existing wetlands and areas of former wetlands in the HVWA. These areas will be
As discussed earlier, the effluent channel is damaged every year during storm events. Permanent restoration is needed for the reliable operation of the WEP. Permanent restoration
may include construction of concrete spillways, siphon, or other structures to protect the
effluent outfall channel.
permanent facilities for a public education center will be developed on the southern bluff
2 -11
Project Description
Public access to the site will be enhanced by construction of an access road and scenic
of the wetlands site.
proposed extension of Jurupa Avenue and will have parking and rest room facilities for
There will be access to the pedestrian trails from the overlook area.
rest rooms below the bluff in the Hidden Valley Wildlife Area.
Other public use facilities will include parking for cars and horse trailers, day use areas, and
2 -12
Site development will consist of primarily clearing and grubbing, cut and fill, and grading to
improve and restore existing and former wetlands areas. Emergent wetlands plants, taken from local wetlands sites, will be transplanted into some wetlands ponds, and improvements will be made to the existing irrigation channels that carry water to and from the project site.
Bulldozers, dump trucks, and scrapers will be used for clearing, grubbing, and grading the
Grade -all equipment and backhoes will be used for irrigation channel improvements.
Dikes for the restored and new wetlands areas will be constructed of non -engineering fill
material, similar to the existing dikes. Engineered fill would require the mining and gradation
of select fill material and the installation of the dike to stringent requirements for compaction
and moisture content.
permeability of the dikes, the cost for this type of construction is significantly higher than for
non engineered fill.
For a non -engineered fill, the dikes are constructed using available fill
to achieve than the 95 to 98 percent required for an engineered dike fill. requirement for the fill is that it contain a minimum amount of organic material.
The only
The dikes around the existing wetlands have been in place for over 20 years and work well
at the site.
They have been subject to flooding and have experienced only minor damage.
Since any dike constructed at the site will be subject to flooding of the Santa Ana River,
there is no guarantee that a dike, no matter how well it is constructed, will survive a large
flood event.
Therefore, to save on the capital cost, the dikes will be constructed of non
engineered fill recognizing that there will be a slightly higher maintenance and slightly
greater permeability of the dikes.
3 -1
Site Development
Phase I of the WEP includes clearing and grubbing of approximately 14 acres of land and
moving approximately 45, 000 cubic yards of earth for dike construction.
Clearing and
grubbing includes removal of the Arundo and other plants within the project
All trees
6 inches in diameter and greater will be preserved, unless there is no practical way to
complete the project and preserve the trees.
It is anticipated that the cut and fill required for the restoration and improvements of the
wetlands will be balanced so that no material will be hauled into or out of the project site.
This is important since special requirements and approvals from the United States Army
Corps of Engineers is required to remove or haul material into or out of the river flood plane.
The depth of cut in the wetlands restoration area will be adjusted so that cut and fill is
There is 6 to 12 inches of top soil material in * the agricultural area that will not be suitable
for dike construction. This material will be stripped and stock piled while the wetlands ponds
are being constructed. The material will then be spread in the bottom of the ponds to support
the growth of the wetlands vegetation.
not suitable for dike construction will be spread around the perimeter of the site.
Provisions will be made in the restoration of the wetlands ponds so that the Mosquito
Abatement District has the access they need to treat the wetlands ponds.
There are areas within the Phase I site that are overgrown with Arundo. These areas will be
cleared to the limits of the Phase I site.
Department and the State Department of Fish and Game have a project to clear Arundo
throughout the HVWA.
as much as possible.
The Arundo clearing will be coordinated with the County and State
3 -2
Site Development
The irrigation channels that flow through the site will be cleaned to remove vegetation and
other flow obstructions.
as needed to carry flow to and from the wetlands areas, and flow control and measurement
station will also be constructed so the flow into and out of each portion of the wetlands area
can be monitored and controlled.
Other miscellaneous improvements will be made as part of the Phase I project. The service
roads around the site will be graded, and fencing and gates installed to control access to the
A project trailer will be setup in the farm equipment area and utilities ran to the trailer.
set up at the site.
Day use
and public rest rooms will be constructed and a project sign will be put up.
The development of Phase II will be similar in scope to Phase I. The area around the
existing wetlands will be cleared, the irrigation channels cleared and graded, improvements
made to the service roads, and if necessary, new wetlands will be constructed. The goal will
be to balance the cut and fill to minimize the permit requirements to implement Phase II.
Phase II will, however, include improvements for flood control, water conveyance, roads, etc.
that will require concrete, gravel, rip rap, and other materials be imported in the river flood
A permit to construct from the Corps of Engineers will therefore be required for
Phase II.
Of particular importance are improvements to the effluent outfall channel from the plant. As
previously discussed, the channel is constructed of river sediments and is typically washed
away by the Santa Ana River and the outfall from Hole Lake. Phase II will implement
improvements to the channel to provide greater reliability and survivability from flood events.
This will require the import of concrete, rip rap, and other construction materials.
3 -3
Site Development
3 -4
There are several agencies involved in the development of the WEP. The City is the lead
The City is working closely with the Riverside County Parks and Open Space
The County has operated the HVWA as a public use area since 1974 under an
agreement with the State of California Fish and Game Commission. Due to budget cutbacks,
however, the County had planned to turn the property back over to the State. The City is
working on a cooperative agreement with the County. Under the agreement, the City will
fund the County to continue to operate the HVWA and in turn the City will use a portion of
the HVWA to develop the WEP-
WEP. The project was funded as environmental mitigation project connected with a Caltrans
project to widen a four mile portion of State Route 60 north of the project site.
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service also have a related role in the development of
the project.
They are proponents of the project, and they support a related environmental
Since the primary goal of the WEP is to provide effluent polishing for nitrate removal, plans for the project must be reviewed with the Regional Water Quality Control Board. They must
approve the concept of using a natural system included as part of the treatment processes. It is important to understand the WEP will be within the Santa Ana River flood plain and
therefore subject to flooding during major storm events. Depending on the magnitude of the
flood and the damage to the system, the ability of the RWQCP to meet effluent water quality
requirements could be affected.
4 -1
A Categorical Exemption has been obtained under the California Environmental Quality Act
CEQA) for the Phase I WEP. The Phase II WEP will also require environmental compliance
under CEQA, and perhaps also under the National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA) if a federal agency is involved by resource jurisdiction or permit authority. Potential federal lead
agencies for NEPA compliance for this project are the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers if a 404
or nationwide permit is required and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service if the project impacts
listed endangered species.
Under CEQA, the Phase II project requires either a categorical exemption, a negative
declaration, or an environmental impact report.
exemption would be appropriate.
decided after an initial study is completed to identify potential significant impacts and
mitigation which can be incorporated into the project itself. If all potential impacts can thus
be mitigated to a level of less than significant, then a negative declaration can be prepared.
An EIR is needed if significant impacts are anticipated. With respect to NEPA compliance,
the documents parallel
It is recommended that the need for and the type of NEPA compliance be determined as early
as possible in the project, so a joint CEQA/ NEPA document can be prepared. This will save
considerable time and cost.
The potential environmental issues we see at this time include the following:
Listed species.
habitat is not directly affected by any earth moving, mitigation may consist of
limiting construction and maintenance activities to the months when the bird
approximately three mile reach the Santa Ana River, reducing the flow by
20 mgd in that a reach of the river.
downstream of the WEP.
biology, beneficial or adverse, of altering river flow in that reach, will need
to be addressed in the environmental document.
The temporary impacts on local recreational use - h - orse and hiking trails, etc.
not expected to be significant.
Permits needed for the project will likely include the following. This is a preliminary list,
there may be other permits not listed below:
5 -2
Permit Agreement:
Only category 2 candidates found in the area to date, but the habitat is suitable for
listed species.
5 -3
Permit Agreement:
5 -4
The system of wetlands ponds for both the pilot and full scale project are designed to be operated in either parallel, series, or a combination of both. The irrigation channels and the
planned system of flow control and diversion structures provide the flexibility for many flow
control scenarios.
The wetlands will be operated to ensure the most reliable nitrogen removal efficiency. Water
will flow through the wetland ponds in combined pattern of parallel and series operation.
The actual pattern of which will be based on operational experience gained during pilot
testing and full scale operation of the system.
The system is designed so that small portions can be periodically taken out of service for
maintenance. It is anticipated that every three to five years, the ponds will have to be drained
to thin the wetlands vegetation of the shallow marsh ponds and to till the bottoms of ponds
designed to percolate.
6 -1
The pond dikes and the other areas around the WEP site will be mowed routinely to maintain
clear access to ponds.
significant rainfall.
The pond dikes will be check at least quarterly and after periods of
Mosquito control is a very important aspect of the operation of the WEP. Wetlands are a
natural breeding ground for mosquitos. The Northwest Mosquito Abatement District will be
contacted to discuss their requirements for mosquito control. Their normal methods will be
used provided they don' t adversely affect the operation of the wetlands from a water quality
stand point.
Regardless of the requirements of the mosquito abatement district, mosquito fish (Gambusia) will be stocked in the ponds.
effective mosquito control particularly= during the summer months when the water
temperatures are high.
Public use is one of the primary benefits of the WEP. With a continuous supply of tertiary
treated effluent, the wetlands in the HVWA will provide excellent habitat for fish, water fowl,
and other wildlife.
The area around the ponds will be kept mowed and a system of trails
developed and maintained around and through the site. The public will be able to fish, hike,
and horseback ride around the site and enjoy a quiet, natural surrounding. Day use facilities
and rest rooms will be constructed and maintained at the site.
6 -2
With the public having access to the site, security of the site will be an important concern.
Certain portions of the site may be determined off limits to the public. Fencing and gates
will be installed to control access into these areas. Flow control and measurement facilities
6 -3
project funded by Caltrans and combines the restoration and enhancement of existing
wetlands with a pilot testing program to evaluate total inorganic nitrogen removal in the
Phase II is expansion of the Phase I project into the full scale project which will
treat up to 40 mgd. The data collected from the pilot testing in Phase I will be used to
determine the area required to treat 40 mgd in Phase H.
For both Phase I and II, the
emphasis is on restoration of existing wetlands in the Hidden Valley Wildlife Area and not
the creation of new wetlands.
The overall project schedule is driven in part by the compliance deadline of the NPDES
permit. The Phase I project should be on -line, ready to treat flow by May 1, 1995.
the permit requirements.
With the
combined in plant and wetlands denitrification capabilities, the plant should be able to meet
Given the permit deadline of May 1, 1995, there are only 22 months available to construct
the Phase I project and have it ready for operation. Plans are to start construction of the
wetlands improvements for Phase I by the winter of 1994 and to have start-up the system by
late summer of the same year.
Design of Phase II will begin after sufficient data has been collected from pilot studies to
determine the wetlands requirements to treat 40 mgd. It is anticipated that design of the full -
scale system will begin by late summer 1995, construction will begin by the winter of 1996,
and start -up of the full-scale system will be completed by late fall 1996.
7 -1
Implementation Plan
The major tasks of the project schedule are presented in Table 7 -1. A more detailed time line
schedule will be developed as the scope of the project is refined and based on input from the
agencies involved with the project.
from a permit compliance standpoint and from the United States Army Corps of Engineers
from a construction permits standpoint can have a significant effect on the schedule.
It is important to realize the factors that will affect the actual project schedule.
Because the
project site lies within a wildlife area, the migration and breeding of wildlife area will affect
construction activities at the site. The State Fish and Game Commission will not allow construction during certain times of the year. Being in the flood plain of the Santa Ana
River, weather can affect completion of construction. Construction activities during the rainy
season (
The Regional Water Quality Control Board must review and approve plans for the City to
develop the wetlands in the Hidden Valley Area as a wastewater treatment process.
Timeliness of their review and approval will affect the design of the project. Construction
and environmental permits required for the project by the Corps of Engineers and other
agencies can affect the construction schedule for both Phase I and II.
7 -2
c t
3 C m
Staffing Costs:
1 Full Time Ranger II, Benefits Included $ 1 Full Time Naturalist, Benefits Included * ( Optional at 3 years)
45, 027
38, 590
83, 617
Vehicle $ Uniforms
5, 000
Special Dept. expenses ( misc)
House Keeping
Maintenance of Grounds Professional Services
1, 000
4, 000
Overhead at 20 %
132, 180
Option can be reviewed in three years from the executed date of the Agreement. If
the program is deemed successful, the one full time naturalist position will continue
to be maintained
Payment Options
Exhibit E Continued
3% inflation factor
Endowment 3. 4 million
Current CPI)
General Manager
July 7, 1994
Gail McPhearson, Manager
Riverside, CA 92503
Dear Gail:
Ridden Valley Arundo Removal Project " Aft and " B"
The following is our proposal to remove Arundo from up to 50 acres at Hidden Valley as
part of your wetlands enhancement project.
The areas are broken into site " A" and " B." Site A is a 15 -acre area along the boundary of the project and site B is a 35 -acre area within the remainder of the
will use both hand labor and machinery to remove the cane.
The cost per acre for site A is $ 4, 000 and site B is $ 5, 500. The total cost of the project is 252, 500. The project includes: cutting the cane, removing biomass ( burning and
spraying EPA approved herbicide ( Rodeo) for two years to combat the regrowth,
be used.
The difference in price per acre is because Project A is easier to remove and machinery will
Project B will be done with more hand labor.
We will also assist you to find trees ( pole cuttings) to paint as part of the revegetation project, provide native trees from the area, paint them and help protect the new trees and
replant, where necessary.
term maintenance.
Assistance refers to our joint efforts and that the Park District will
not be solely responsible for all aspects of the revegetation element of the project or longRevegetation is time consuming and will require a coordinated effort.
Please understand that this proposal is not part of Team Arundo and the cost per acre is
for a five year commitment. The planning and experience for removal of cane is a direct offshoot of the Team effort. We may also call on members to assist us with
the project.
To acquire. protect, develop, manage and interpret for the inspiration, use and enjoyment of am people,
a well -balanced system of areas of outstanding scenic, recreation
and historic importance,"
Gail McPherson
July 7, 1994
Page 2
Please verify when you can so we can mobilize for next month' s starting date.
We will need
an agreement that must go to our County Counsel and then accepted by the Board of Also, time is of the essence in order to get our staff lined up.
If you have questions, please call me at 909/ 275 -4312. I am looking forward to working
Paul Frandsen
PF /mg
c : \alpdoc s \arundo\ mcphersn l . itr