Unit 4 Sound and Hearing
Unit 4 Sound and Hearing
Unit 4 Sound and Hearing
4.0 Wave
4.1 Sound
4.2 Speed of sound, frequency and wavelength
4.3 Sound intensity and sound level
4.4 Resonance
4.5 Hearing
4.6 Effect of noise
4.0 Wave
A progressive or traveling wave 行波 is a disturbance which carries energy from one place to
another without transferring matter.
There are two types of progressive waves: transverse 橫波, and longitudinal 縱波.
In a transverse wave, the disturbance of the particles is perpendicular to the direction the wave. In
a longitudinal wave, the disturbance of the particles is parallel to the direction of the wave.
Wavelength 波長
Wavelength, represented by the Greek letter lambda (λ ), is the distance between two adjacent
Frequency 頻率
The speed (v) of the wave is the distance moved by the crest or any point of the wave in 1 second.
Amplitude 振幅
The amplitude (a) of the wave is the maximum height of the crest 波峰 , or the maximum depth of
the trough 波谷, as measured from the resting (or equilibrium) position of the medium.
Phase 相位
The arrows at A, B, C, and D show the vibration direction of the wave at these points. A and C are
moving in the same direction at the same speed. They are in phase with each other. So are B and
D. However, A and C are out of phase with B and D since they are moving in different directions.
4.1 Sound
The amplitude of a sound wave decreases as it travels, because its energy is being spread out over a
larger area. The sound wave is also absorbed by objects, as well as being converted to heat by the
viscosity of air.
The compressions and rarefactions of a sound wave exert a net force on the eardrum, since it causes
a pressure difference between atmospheric pressure and the pressure behind the eardrum. This
causes the eardrum to vibrate. The vibrations are converted to nerve impulse, which are transmitted
to the brain and allows the person to “hear” the sound.
T (K )
vw = (331 m / s )
273 K
The intensity of a wave is its power per unit area. It is measured in watts per meter squared (W/m2).
The intensity of a wave is related to the square of its amplitude. The amplitude of a sound wave is
related to the maximum pressure of the sound wave.
The intensity level of sound is quoted in decibels 分貝(dB) instead of W/m2. This is related to how
we perceive sound. Our ears respond proportionally to the changes in dB (or the logarithm of
intensity), rather than the change in intensity itself.
The sound level β (unit: dB) of a sound wave having an intensity of I (unit: W/m2) can be
calculated by the following equation.
β (dB ) = 10 log 10
I0 = 10-12 W/m2 is a reference value. This is the smallest intensity (or the threshold intensity) of a
1000 Hz sound that can be detected by the human ear. The equivalent in dB is 0 since 10log101=0.
Find the dB value of a sound that has an intensity of 5.00×10-4 W/m2 (five times as intense as an
80.0dB sound)
I 5 ×10 −4
β (dB ) =10 log 10 =10 log 10
I0 1×10 −12
= 87 .0dB
Show that if a sound has twice the intensity as another sound, it is 3 decibels higher in intensity.
β2 − β1 = 10 log 10 = 10 log 10 2 = 10 × 0.301dB = 3.01dB
Since I2 and I1 can be replaced by any numbers, this result is true for any sound intensities that
differ by a factor of two. For example a sound that is 53 dB is twice as intense as a sound that is
4.4 Resonance 諧震
When two or more waves arrive at the same point, they are superimposed on each other. If they
arrive at the same point exactly in phase, they produce constructive interference 相長干涉. If they
arrive at the same point exactly out of phase, they produce destructive interference 相消干涉.
When two waves coming from opposite directions are superimposed on each other, they produce a
standing wave. A standing wave 駐波 alternates between destructive and constructive interference.
A standing wave has nodes 波節 (places without movement or zero amplitude) and antinodes 波腹
(places of maximum amplitude).
If a tuning fork is placed in front of the open end of a tube, sound waves produced by the fork will
travel into the tube, bounce off the closed end, and come back out. If the frequency of the tuning
fork is just right, the waves going in and the waves going out will superimpose on each other to
create a standing wave. The wavelength of the standing wave is 4 times the length of the
tube(λ =4L). The node of the wave is at the closed end of the tube, and the antinode is at the open
Standing waves with higher frequencies can be produced in the same tube. The frequencies of the
standing waves which can be produced in a tube closed at one end can be found by the following
f n = n w , n=1, 3, 5, …
The lowest frequency which produces the standing wave is called the fundamental 基頻 . The next
lowest frequency that produces a standing wave is called the first overtone 泛音. All the resonant
frequencies are called harmonics 諧音.
All the fundamentals and overtones produced in a tube with one closed end have their nodes at the
closed end, and their antinodes at the open end.
(a) What length should a tube with one open end have if its fundamental frequency is to be 128
Hz (the C below middle C). Assume the temperature is 22.0°C.
(b) What is the frequency of its fourth overtone?
T (K ) 295 K vw 344 m / s
vw = 331 m / s = 331 m / s = 344 m / s L= = = 0.672 m
273 K 273 K 4 f1 4(128 Hz )
f9 = 9 = 9 f 1 = 1152 Hz
The fundamental and first three overtures of a tube with ends open at both sides are shown.
Antinodes occur at both open ends. A tube open at both ends has different resonant frequencies
than a tube closed at one end.
4.5 Hearing
The ear can detect sounds within a certain range of frequencies and intensities.
Frequency response
The frequencies which an ear can detect depend on the sounds that can be resonated within the ear.
The shorter hairs in the cochlea resonate at higher frequencies, while the longer hairs in the cochlea
resonate at lower frequencies. The frequencies between which the hairs can resonate are from about
20 Hz to 20 kHz. This is the range of human hearing, although the upper limit decreases with age.
The dogs can hear sounds of up to 30 kHz which is considerably higher than what humans can hear.
Dog whistles generate high frequency sounds which can only be detected by dogs. Sounds with
frequencies above 20 kHz are called ultrasounds超聲波, and sounds with frequencies below 20 Hz
are called infrasounds亞聲.
The middle ear is a resonant cavity with resonances between 700-1500 Hz.
A standing wave can be generated within the ear canal (auditory canal) of the outer ear. The ear
canal is similar to a tube with one closed end. It is approximately 2.5 cm long and can contain a
standing wave with a wavelength of 4 × 2.5 cm =10cm. Its node will be at the ear drum and the
antinode at the pinna耳廓. Waves with this particular wavelength can be heard at lower intensities
since a greater pressure difference is generated due to resonance.
Since the speed of sound is about 330m/s, the frequency of the standing wave will be around
v 330 m / s
f = = = 3300 Hz
λ 0.1m
The different resonant frequencies in the ear mean that the lowest intensity that can be heard by the
ear is not the same for all frequencies. For example, because of resonance in the outer ear, sounds
with frequencies of about 3 kHz can be heard at lower intensities.
Intensity response
An increase in the intensity of the sound being heard is perceived by the brain as an increase in
How loud a sound seems to a person is affected by many factors. How loud a sound seems may
vary from person to person. Loudness is subjective. However, intensity is a measurable physical
quantity defined by the energy per second per m2 of cross-sectional area.
Noise is made up of many sounds of different frequencies, each with different amplitudes. Noise
can have different effects on different people. A particular noise may be too loud for one person,
but acceptable to another. The total absence of noise can also be very disturbing.
The level of damage to the ear increases with the noise level. A noise level of 85 dB and above is
generally unacceptable.
Hearing ability naturally decreases with age. This is called presbycusis 老年失聰. The green curves
show the hearing losses at different frequencies of a forty year old and a sixty year old.
The people with the hearing losses represented by the green curves have not been exposed to
excessively loud noises. Note that there is a greater hearing loss for the higher frequencies. A
hearing loss of 20 dB means that the threshold of hearing for that particular frequency is 20 dB
greater than that of a normal person. This would be marked on the graph as -20dB on the y-axis.
The red curves show the hearing losses of two people, aged 40 and 65, who have been exposed to
noise levels over 95 dB in their work. This shows why there is legislation that limits the noise level
in workplaces. Ear protection (earplugs and/or earmuffs) should be worn when the noise level
cannot be kept down. Discos and clubs should have health hazard warnings.
Loud noises may also cause tinnitus耳鳴, which is a temporary or permanent ringing sound in the
ears. A person with tinnitus may find it hard to hear what other people are saying, especially if
there is background noise.
4.0 Wave
• describe the production of pulses and progressive transverse wave on ropes, springs and
ripple tanks
• recall the meaning of wavelength, frequency, speed, amplitude and phase
• represent a transverse wave on a displacement-distance graph and extract information from
• recall the wave equation v=fλ and use it to solve problems
4.12 Sound
• recall the properties of sound and how sound is generated and received.
4.4 Resonance
• sketch the resonance of air in a tube closed at one end and open at both ends
• recall the definition of fundamental, overtones and harmonics
• calculation related with the wavelength and the length of a tube when resonance is happened
4.5 Hearing
• state the relationship between perception (pitch, loudness and timbre) and their corresponding
physical quantities.
• understand the base of frequency response of the ear
• why at 3 kHz frequency, sound can be better heard?
• recall the frequency range for the normal hearing
• recall the frequencies for ultrasound and infrasound
• understand the difference between loudness and intensity
• understand the loudness vs. frequency curves
• recall measurement of and unit of loudness