ConQuest Rules (English)

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The key takeaways are that players should stay in character, react to other players, and accept the actions of others. Gamemasters' decisions must be followed for the game to run smoothly.

Special terminology is used like 'Time In' (in game), 'Time Out' (out of game), and calls like 'Stop' and 'Time Freeze' to pause the game in certain situations.

A character can die by bleeding out if not healed in 15 minutes, being assassinated and not healed in 1 minute, receiving a 'death blow', from untreated poison or infection from untreated wounds.

1. PREFACE AND INTRODUCTION Dear player, welcome to ConQuest.

The rule-set of the ConQuest Event is structured in order to allow many players from different Countries to play together. We knew that we had to avoid to shape this rule-set too comple so that the chance to participate could !e given to !eginners as well as e pert players of all nations. "ro!a!ly we missed or forget a few skills, spells or rule-sets somewhere along the process. The idea !ehind was to find a good !alance to make it easy to convert an e isting Character and#or create a new one. This of course leads to the $uestion of how many rules are needed for a %&'" anyways. (ince this set of rules is supposed to apply to Con$uest of )ythodea a!ove all, it is our opinion it should contain an a!solutely necessary minimum of a!ilities and frameworks that are to !e followed strictly* +n top of that, the most important rule applies, "lay along* -f someone interacts with you, react* -t doesn.t matter how you react, !ut stay in character and react to the other player.s actions in game. &t the same time do not e pect a specific reaction to your own actions from your fellow players. &ccept other people.s actions and continue playing on the !ase of that. &s long as all participants adhere to this simple course of action, everything doing will contri!ute to an e citing game for everyone. Enough introduction, en/oy reading and memori0ing these rules and most importantly have a lot of fun at ConQuest, we1re glad you1re here with us* 2our ConQuest Team

2. ESSENTIALS 2.1. THE GAMEMASTERS (GM, IN GERMAN: SL) To ena!le a smooth flow of the ConQuest Event and to help you in every possi!le way, e.g. with Questions a!out 'ules and playing, you can always contact the Team of 3amemasters that are present on the whole &rea. & mem!er of the ConQuest +rgani0ation is easy to recogni0e, They wear nota!le +ut-time clothes with a special design, for e ample a white T-shirt with a ConQuest logo and a !adge. This is done for security reasons, and to make it easy to recogni0e them in any possi!le 4dangerous5 situation. 2ou may also contact them with $uestions or pro!lems not related to the game itself, e.g travel informations, parking and so on. Decisions of a 3) within the game are o!ligatory and have to !e followed 6 it is necessary for a game that is played together !y so many participants. -n some cases mem!ers of the ConQuest +rgani0ation participate in the game.

They will of course !e dressed up, !ut are still recogni0a!le !y a red passport.

2.2 TERMINOLOGY To handle (ituations regarding the game for all in an easier way, there is a special terminology that we will use on the ConQuest Event. The follo !"# $%ll& %"' &!#"& e(!&) : T!*e I" (C%ll): &lso known as 7-n 3ame7, or 7-T7 for short. 8sually, when the game has !egun, any location in the designated gaming area is 7in time7. Conse$uently, every participant is e pected to !e in character anywhere and at any given point of time during the game. +nly e ceptions to this rule will !e designated 7out time7 areas 4see !elow5 T!*e O+) (C%ll): Everything that is la!elled 7+T7 does not !elong to the ongoing game. 9y decision of the gamemasters and#or CQ-officials or in cases of emergency the game can !e put on hold in a chosen area for a certain amount of time 4see !elow 7Time +ut- Time -n7# 7 (topp7 # 7Time :ree0e7 5. &lso, there are permanent 7+T7- 0ones clearly and visi!ly marked, such as the paramedics. areas or the ;"C camp, for e ample. S)o, (C%ll): -n dangerous situations or when some!ody is in/ured 4really in/ured5 the game must !e stopped immediately. To this effect the call <(top= is used, meaning every!ody should immediately stop the game. &ll actions must stop and only the person who has issued the call or a referee can re-start the game. This is a very important safety aspect and one should not use it lightly, only in dangerous situations. T!*e F-ee.e (C%ll): +nly an official of the ConQuest +rgani0ation can us this call. When called it means that the game <free0es= for a short period of time, meaning that all players should close their eyes and hum. This stops when the call <Time -n= is issued again. &t this point the game re-starts as if it had never stopped. ;e t to the calls we use different colours with each colour having a specific meaning during the ConQuest event. :or e ample different coloured !ands e ist, which can !e attached to weapons for e ample. Yello C%-' (S!#" /0 GM): -f someone reacts within a game or fight situation in a too harsh way, the 3amemasters can issue a yellow card on them. This means, that the participant should take some minutes to rethink the whole situation and cool down. &s e ample, yellow cards are issued under following conditions, & player hits too hard, too fast, not in a controlled way or, especially, targets deli!erately head, neck or groin. -n the end, this is only a game and we are all there to have fun.

Re' C%-' (S!#" /0 GM): & red card shown to a player means that this participant has to leave the fight immediately, or game situations for a limited amount of time and is out of game until the 3) allows him to play again. -f a player does not react accordingly to this penalty, he or she can immediately !e !anned from the Event. :or e ample, this is issued when a player !reaks rules a few or more times, ignores weapon hits in a fight or fights without safety foam weapons.

2.1 COLOUR CODES There is a code of different colours worn as sash or !and on the !ody, o!/ects or weapons that have a special meaning on the ConQuest Event. 2l+e: & Character that is visi!le wearing a !lue !and is protected !y a magical armour. Yello : "ersons or o!/ects with a yellow scarf or !and are invisi!le, !ecause they are in another plane of e istence. They can sometimes influence the game, !ut cannot !e detected !y normal means. G-ee": The o!/ect 4knife, drink etc5 is poisoned. P+-,le: (omeone or something can !e seen only in its ghostly form, thus it can not !e taken#picked up or carried with.

2.3 A22RE4IATIONS 8sed terms#a!!reviations, EP: E perience points, "oints that you can earn through participating in games. 2ou can convert them into a!ilities given !y the rule-system. 43ame-days#> ? E"5 D!-e$): @it points that are inflicted on a target with the addition =DirectA are not stopped !y armour and have to !e deducted directly from your %ife points 4%"5. LARP: %ive &ction 'ole "laying LP: %ife points 4(ee Chapter B =(killsA and CC =:ightA5. MP: )agic "oints, those are points you gain for every learned magic spell that you have =!oughtA with your E". These add to a pool from which you can draw the cost of every cast spell. NSC (!" e"#l!&h NPC): ;on-player character, these are players that get a specific role from the +rgani0ation of the ConQuest Event and have a role as e tra 4walkon5 for the game. O-#%: (hort for +rganisators, these run the whole event and are the persons in charge. They wear khaki shirts with an Event logo. "lease do not contact them with

rule or game $uestions. RP: &rmour "oints 4'"5 which you get for wearing &rmour and which protect you from inflicted damage on you, see Chapter CC =:ightA. SC (!" e"#l!&h PC): "layer Character, these are all the players that participate in the event with their own self-made Characters. SL (!" e"#l!&h: G%*e*%&)e-&): The referees and contact persons of the game 6 They are there for you to answer any $uestion around the game and the event. They wear a white T-(hirt with an Event %ogo and the %etters =(%A.

1. SAFETY E5e-0 P%-)!$!,%") of )he E5e") h%& )o %5o!' '%"#e-o+& &!)+%)!o"& fo- h!*&elf %"' o)he-&. (afety is the first priority in %ive 'ole-playing. &ll game actions stand second place to this and in case of real danger the game should !e stopped immediately. 6e h%5e follo !"# -+le& )h%) 0o+ &ho+l' follo : - Every participant is responsi!le for his e$uipment and needs to make sure that it is following the general safety standards. -n case you dont, we will hold you accounta!le for putting other peoples health to /eopardy. - -f any piece of your e$uipment is no longer safe, you have to make sure that neither you nor others 4even !y accident5 are a!le to use it. "8T -T &W&2. - The 3amemasters will do spot tests randomly during the whole event, especially on Check--n, !efore and during !attles, at the entry of camps and else places. - @aving unsafe e$uipment with you while anywhere on the eventgrounds, this can lead to instant e pulsion from the event. - -n case of $uestion, you can always ask any 3amemaster to help or classificate things. - Every participant has to !ring his weapons and armour to a 3amemaster for a general control !efore the event starts. This will /ust !e a visual check - !eginning with >DDE, we will no longer hand out check stickers to place on your e$uipment. - -n case you are using self-!uild pro/ectiles 49ow#Cross!ow#Throwing Things5, you have to !ring them to the Event @Q to get them checked and marked safe on your character-sheet. Weapons that fail this check will under no circumstance !e allowed in the game. -t is mandatory and the "layers1 own responsi!ility to have the +rgani0ation check his or her weapons. Weapons that got unsafe due to a partial damage during the game can !e taken out from the game through the 3)s at every time of the Event. 'eal weapons 4even smaller ones, like knives for e ample5 have no use in the game and may not !e worn at the !ody during the event. Therefore, personal items like knives or forks or any cooking utensils must remain in a tent or house and may not !e carried around at any time. I" f!#h)!"# &!)+%)!o"&: @its on the head or !etween the legs are strictly for!idden, like any form of unarmed fighting is. During !attle a lot of caution is re$uired, this is a game and real in/uries should !e avoided at any costs* 2-e%7!"# )he&e R+le& le%'& %+)o*%)!$%ll0 )o % ,e-*%"e") /%" f-o* )he E5e").

3. THE RULES The ma im of this rule system is, to !e a mutual !asis for every gamer and their play on this event. This !asis wants to !e understood easely and to !e fair in every situation that might occur during the game. (tarting from the motto of =2ou can do what you can act outA, this rule-set delivers some !alance modificators through a point system fitting for the dimension of this Event 4e.g. for &rmour or (pells5. Within this rule system, every Character-class or 'ace is allowed in principle. &top of that, there is no restriction a!out what the character could choose from magic, alchemy or other skills as long as it is in the rule-set. This means, that every character, regardless if Warrior, )agician, "riest, (haman, 'anger or something else, can choose from the complete set of skills, spells and mi tures. There are no advantages or handicaps for races or classes within the rule system, !ut every player is free to play out self given downsides and disadvantages of his character. (uch an act is not awarded with e tra points 4E"5, !ut we en/oy watching every player to do so and raise the fun for himself and others to act out within the game. 2ou can generate a complete new character within this system or convert your old character from other systems. Within this set of rules all character races and classes will !e treated e$ually. @owever, there can !e severe inhi!itions during the game to some characters due to their individual !ackgrounds. Therefore we strongly advise those players to contact the gamemasters !efore the game 4p.e. for players of ;ecromancers, 8ndead, Fampires, &ngels, Demons, 3ods, etc.5 -n connection to this issue we would like you to again consider the !asic rule of 7 2ou can only do in game what you are a!le to convincingly act out7 ahead of time and check your concepts for impossi!le features. Th!& -+le &0&)e* !& *%"'%)o-0 fo- e5e-0 $h%-%$)e-8 E5e" % % +"'e%'9'e*o"!$ h%lf9 $%) %"#el9*e'+&% &)%-)& !)h 1: EP %"' $%" o"l0 h%5e )he &7!ll&, &,ell& %"' *!()+-e& #!5e" !" )h!& -+le9&e)8

;. E<PERIENCE POINTS - Every Character has CD e perience points 4E"5 to his or her disposal during Character creation. - With these it is possi!le to !uy (kills or )agical spells 4depending on the personal !ackground of the character5. - :or every > days this character has played or plays at a %&'" event an additional e perience point is gained. - & Character that has already participated at %&'" events for a total of GD days has HG e perience points at his or her disposal. 4CD E" for (tart plus >G E" for GD survived days on an event5. - "oints are only counting for every full > days played. E"s gained on the ConQuest Event only count after the end of the actual event.

=. CHARACTER CREATION -f you have never created a character !efore, you should consider first what kind of character you would like to play and are a!le to play. There is a great range of possi!le characters you can play and also e otic races, like elves or dwarves. &ll these possi!ilities are only limited !y the players1 imagination. 9ecause of the e isting literature we have a certain image of a typical :ighter, Dwarf, )agic-8ser, Elf, "riest, (haman etc. 2ou can however !reak with these traditional images, as a long a you play a credi!le character. To this effect make-up, masks, costumes, unusual accessories are used with no limits put upon the imagination and resourcefullness of the player. ;ever forget, The rule system only controls the a!ilities of your character, ;+T the culture, history or !ackground of it. This is up to yourself to decide. -f you are looking for ideas a!out costumes or advices for make-up you can visit the forum on the we!site of .l!5e9%'5e")+-e.'e at any time and contact other players there.

>. S?ILLS -n general the following rule applies in %ive 'ole-playing, Yo+ $%" 'o e5e-0)h!"# !" )he #%*e )h%) 0o+ $%" 'o !" -e%l l!fe. 'unning fast or invisi!ility, for e ample, are never written in any %&'" rules, !ecause they !elong to one of the many things that are very hard to act out. +n this ground every player has a huge responsi!ility to play his character truthfully and in a credi!le way. There are only a few skills that represent the knowledge a character has gathered that need to !e e plained detailed in the rule!ook. (ome of the skills have to !e restricted through a point system for !alancing. -n the following list a player can choose skills that fit his Character and that he would like to !e a!le to use during the game. These skills need to !e =!oughtA with e perience points. Theoretically every player can choose all skills and magical spells freely, however we ask everyone to only choose those skills and spells that fit the characters1 class and !ackground and deliver a truthful and credi!le Character* ;e t to technically !uying the skill with e perience points the learning or receiving of every gained skill or spell should !e earned in play* :ighters that learn a higher level of 9attleskill should spend a large amount of their time training to achieve this goal delivering a realistic gaming e perience. )agic-8sers on the other hand should not only =!uyA a spell from the list !ut should, for e ample, spend time in an academy or with a teacher that will train him or her the new spell. -t is possi!le as well that you find another player to train you in the new arts. The !elow listed skills and spells represent the full repertoire that are theoretically availa!le to each player. 8nder Chapter CD.I you will find a list of additional ;"C spells and mi tures that cannot !e used !y players !ut are used within the game nevertheless. This list is /ust for a !etter understanding of actions inflicted on the players !y ;"Cs . 8pon that, you may meet very special ;"Cs 4like the &vatars5 that use nonlisted spells and skills, in such cases, the effects will !e e plained !y a !ystanding 3). A"0 Ch%-%$)e- h%& %) )he ,o!") of h!&@he- $-e%)!o" 1 H!) Po!")&. That means he#she can suffer H wounds to his#her !ody and !y this gets unconscious and will <die= if no!ody helps the character. (ee chapter C>, <The death of a character=

>.1 S?ILL LIST ;ote, -n the following list the word =cumulativeA is used many times on skills, spells or potions. The term is used with the following meaning, in order to !e a!le to =!uyA an higher level of a skill, you need to have the lower level4s5 of that the skill, spell or potion. E ample, To get (urgeon a Character has to spend > E" to get :irst &id, then J more E" to get @ealings &rts and finally B for (urgeon. That means CJ "oints total. (kills cost a certain amount of e perience points N%*e :irst &id @ealing arts 4cumulative, re$uires :irst &id5 (urgeon 4cumulative, re$uires @ealing &rts5 Tales and %egends 4can !e levelled > times5 'eading K Writing 'epair &rmour, %evel C 'epair &rmour, %evel > 'epair &rmour, %evel H 'epair shields "roduce "ro/ectiles +pen#9uild locks 4can !e raised to any level desired5 :ind#'emove#9uild traps 4can !e raised to any level desired5 -mmunity Ge-*%" N%*e Erste @ilfe @eilkunde &r0tkunde 3eschichten und %egenden %esen und (chrei!en 'Lstung reparieren, C 'Lstung reparieren, > 'Lstung reparieren, H (childe reparieren 3eschoss herstellen (chlMsser Mffnen#!auen Co&) of EP > J B > 4per %evel5 > H H H H H C per %evel

:allen finden # entschNrfen # !auen

C per %evel


H times the cost of the effect 4e.g. spell, potion5 against which the immunity is desired. 2ou only can immunise against certain effects. C >D

Onock unconscious &ssasinate 4re$uires 7Onock unconscious75 E tra %ife "oints 4cumulative, the lower level is mandatory for the

;iederschlagen )eucheln PusNt0licher %e!enspunkt

ne t additional life point desired5 &dditional %ifepoint C &dditional %ifepoint > &dditional %ifepoint H &dditional %ifepoint J &dditional %ifepoint G &dditional %ifepoint I E tra )agic "oints (hoplifting 4cumulative, needs Thievery5 PusNt0licher %e!enspunkt C H PusNt0licher %e!enspunkt > G PusNt0licher %e!enspunkt H Q PusNt0licher %e!enspunkt J CD PusNt0licher %e!enspunkt G >D PusNt0licher %e!enspunkt I JD PusNt0liche )agiepunkte Warendie!stahl C per single )" J J

Thievery 4(ee Chapter E.C5 Die!en

:riendship of the Element :reundschaft der 4special, see Chapter E.>5 Elemente )agic and &lchemy )agie und &lchemie

CD 4see a complete %ist of all spells and mi tures in chapter CD.G with cost5

Co"$e-"!"# )he %$A+!&!)!o" of &7!ll&, -e*e*/e-: -t is not enough to only !uy skills from the list. The character needs to get these skills in a logical way within the game. The character generation or conversion at the !eginning of the game is e cluded from this rule. "lease !e aware that the ac$uisition of a new skill always re$uires an amount of time and should !e played out in an logic way within the event.

>.2 S?ILLS DESCRIPTION F!-&) A!' 4> E"5 +nly stops the !leeding of a character to death. & wound treated !y :irst &id will not infect 4see Chapter C>, <The Death of a Character=5, !ut it is not healed either. -f it is not magically healed, treated !y a Character with the skill @ealing &rts or if the Character who has the wound doesn1t have 'egeneration, the wound will remain. )ore to that in Chapter CC <:ight=. He%l!"# A-)& 4J E"5 Cumulative, needs :irst &id (kill. With this skill the Character can cure a wound. The wound will heal within in > hours. The )-e%)*e") of e%$h o+"' )%7e& 1: *!"+)e&, after which the treated Character can perform normal activity again. -f the so treated Character fights within less than > hours or carries a very heavy load, the wounds open again. 9andages, needle and thread, ointments, etc. must !e availa!le. When administering potions or salves, one is o!liged to ask the person precautionary if he#she suffers possi!le +uttime allergies. S+-#eo" 4B E"5 Cumulative, needs @ealing &rts and :irst &id This skill allows a Character to set !roken !ones and to re-attach cut-off !ody parts or treat inner woundings in a correct way. The treatment of such wounds takes an individual amount of time, depending on the form and amount of wounds. 9andages, needle and thread, knives and other necessary tools must !e availa!le. When administering potions or salves, one is o!liged to ask the person precautionary if he#she suffers possi!le +uttime allergies. T%le& %"' Le#e"'& 4> # J # I E"5 The Character receives additional information from the ConQuest +rgani0ation, a!out the land where the game is held. This information can !e in different forms, myths and legends, rumors and tales, !ut also ha!its and laws. The amount of invested E"s affects only the Quantity, not the Quality of received informations at the start of the Event 4handed out in printed form !y the 3) on Check -n5. Re%'!"# B 6-!)!"# 4> E"5 & character generally possesses the a!ility to read and write independent of font and language. What the player is a!le to understand, the character will !e a!le to understand if the player so chooses.

Re,%!- A-*o+-, Le5el 1 4H E"5 The Character can repair &rmour of %evel C (trength. :or every lost 4damaged5 &rmour "oint CD minutes repair time is re$uired. :itting working tools and materials are necessary. Re,%!- A-*o+-, Le5el 2 4H E"5 The Character can repair &rmour of %evel > (trength. :or every lost 4damaged5 &rmour "oint CG minutes repair time is re$uired. :itting working tools and materials are necessary. Re,%!- A-*o+-, Le5el 1 4H E"5 The Character can repair &rmour of %evel H (trength. :or every lost 4damaged5 &rmour "oint CG minutes repair time is re$uired. :itting working tools and materials are necessary. Re,%!- Sh!el'& 4H E"5 The Character can repair shields of different si0es and styles. S*%ll &h!el'&, not !igger than GD !y GD cm, take %/o+) 1: *!"& -e,%!- )!*e, %ll /!##e- &h!el'& %" ho+-. 4(ee Chapter CC.J, (hields5 P-o'+$e P-oCe$)!le& 4H E"5 The Character has the skill to make up &rrows, 9olts or 9allista "ro/ectiles or any other ammunition for 3uns, Cannons or siege weapons like catapults. To produce one single pro/ectile or piece of ammunition, you need a certain amount of time, 9 A--o , 2ol), 2+lle): 1: M!" 9 M+"!)!o" fo- %"0 /!##e- S!e#e 6e%,o": 2: M!" &de$uate tools and materials for producing 4like, for &rrows, Cutting Onife, thread, glue and feathers5 have to !e availa!le and used. Course of &ction, :inding the raw materials 4please do not clear the woods, it is +O to use old wood from the ground5 and then act out 7!uilding ammo7 for the time needed. O,e"@2+!l' lo$7& 4CR E"5 9y ac$uiring this skill, the Character is a!le to open and !uild locks. %ocks are represented !y a sealed envelope with a stamp of the ConQuest +rgani0ation and the word =(chlossA on the outside and the level of the lock inside. The desired level of a lock is given !y the !uilder of this lock. 4&mount of invested E" in your level of the skill is the ma imum level of the lock you can !uild.5 Fo- e%$h le5el 0o+ "ee' 1: M!"+)e& )o /+!l' %& )he $-%f)e- 6 the stronger the lock, the more time you need. To o,e" % lo$7, 0o+ "ee' ; M!"+)e& ,e- Le5el of )h%) lo$7. To !e successful in this task, your level in that skill has to !e either the same or higher than the level of the lock. To !uild or open an in-game lock, you need materials and tools for your game, like wires, pincers, picklocks or else. E(%*,le: To create a level B %ock the !uilder has to spend B E"s and B CD 4BD5 minutes. To pick it with dedicated tools will !e needed at least B E"s and JD minutes. F!"'@Re*o5e@2+!l' )-%,& 4CR E"5 9y ac$uiring this skill the Character is a!le to find, remove and !uild traps. Traps are represented !y a sealed envelope with a stamp of the ConQuest +rgani0ation

and the word =:alleA on it. To find the trap, the Character should role-play the fact that he is actively searching for a trap and off course has to have the skill itself. To !uild a trap a Character must have invested at least one E" on this skill. Then he is a!le to !uild a trap that can only !e found and removed !y a Character with at least the same skill level as the creator1s. &n envelope containing a paper stating the strength of the trap represents this trap. This paper must !e signed !y the ConQuest +rgani0ation and must carry its1 stamp to !e valid. The strength or difficulty of the trap is determined !y the skill of the Character !uilding it 4num!er of E" ? strength or difficulty5. Fo- e%$h EP 1: *!"+)e& %-e -eA+!-e' )o /+!l' )he )-%,, meaning that more time is needed to !uild a !etter and stronger trap. To 'ef+&e % )-%, ; *!"+)e& %-e -eA+!-e' fo- e%$h '!ff!$+l)0 le5el. The !uilder of the trap with the consent of the ConQuest +rgani0ation can determine the effect of the trap. Whoever !uilds a trap must take care that it cannot hurt anyone in reality. -t must look like a trap and doesn1t have to !e really functional. +ff course, to !uild or remove it, the necessary tools are re$uired, like metal wire, pincers, screw drivers, release mechanisms etc. E(%*,le: To create a level G Trap the !uilder has to spend G E"s for this skill and G CD 4GD5 minutes to !uild it. To find and disarm it, at least G E"s and >G minutes are re$uired. I**+"!)0 4(pecial5 (pending )h-ee )!*e& )he EP& Co&) of the effect desired to !e immune against, Characters can get an -mmunity against the following effects, 9erserk, Coma, (leep, Weakness C and >, (ilence, Deafness, ;ausea, :orget, (low C K >, "etrify and Truth. -t is not important wether the effect is coming from a potion or a spell. :or the Costs, see Chapter CD 6 )agic. E(%*,le: 9erserk costs J E"s, so, to gain the immunity against 9erserk, a Character must spend C> E"s. -n this way he#she will !e protected from such an effect, no matter if coming from magical or alchemical sources. The Character is also immune if he or she tries to create the effect himself. ?"o$7 +"$o"&$!o+& 4C E"5 To successfully knock the victim unconscious, the attacker may not !e noticed !y the victim or the attack fails. The attacker therefore needs to !e a!le to move silently. Onocking some!ody unconscious is done !y simulating a hit with the !utt of a weapon on the !ack of the head and emitting a sound such as ="ompfA that has to !e heard from the victim. -n no case may the weapon really touch the victim.s head. -f someone is knocked unconscious he will remain so for CG minutes and will have a severe headache when waking up. 9ecause it is /ust a normal <out cold=, the unconscious character can !e woken up at any time !y shaking him or !y other means. There is no universal protection against !eing knocked out 4like @elms, magic#alchemical &rmour5, !ecause the one inflicting the knock-out knows more than one way to do this to send his target into unconsciousness.

A&&%&&!"%)e 4>D E", re$uires (kill 7Onock unconscious75 E5e-0 %&&%&&!"%)!o" %))e*,) h%& )o /e $o**+"!$%)e' /efo-eh%"' )o % GM %"' /e &!#"e' off /0 )he*8 The e perience points that are invested in this skill represent a profound knowledge of the anatomy of different races. & Character with this skill is a!le, independent of the victim1s race, to silently and instantly kill another Character. The victim must !e completely taken !y surprise for this skill to have effect. The victim is considered murdered when a Character with the assassinate skill slits the throat of the victim cleanly with a dagger 4only a dagger may !e used and this dagger may not have a hard core5. :or security reasons the dagger may not touch the victim1s skin, and especially with this skill one must !e e tremely careful. Through this cut, the attacked person will not loose any %ife points, !ut is unconscious instantly. -f the victim does notice the murder attempt, the attack is considered !locked. The victim still receives a wound to the neck however, which must !e treated as a heavy wound, although it is not deadly. 4(ee Chapter CC, :ight5 -f the attacker doesn1t have the assassination skill, the a!ove effect still takes place meaning the victim sustains a wound similar to a !locked assassination attempt. If % Ch%-%$)e- !& &+$$e&&f+ll0 %&&%&&!"%)e' he o- &he &+&)%!"& % o+"' of &+$h #-%5!)0 )h%) !f !) !& "o) )-e%)e' !)h!" )he *!"+)e )he Ch%-%$)e- '!e&. -t is not possi!le to wear an universal protection against an assassination attempt 4;eck "rotection, magical or alchemical &rmour, or else5, !ecause an assassin knows more than one way to fulfil his task. (leeping or unconscious characters can !e assassinated at every time !y a person having this skill. &n instant death !low can only !e inflicted, when the person has a!solutely no %ife points left.

A''!)!o"%l L!fe ,o!")& 19= 4H # G # Q # CD # >D # JD E"5 Cumulative, lower levels of this skill have to !e taken for the higher ones &dditional %ife points represent that this character has a a !etter physical condition and is not that easy to kill - the so-called <9ruce Willis Effect=. With <&dditional %ifepoint C= a character has one more lifepoint than normally, meaning a total of J %ife points. @igher levels accordingly. & character, owning such additional %ife points, has these %ife points the same way as the normal H !asic %ife points. Wounds decrease the amount of %ife points, and to get them !ack, the additional received and survived wounds have to !e treated. (ee Chapter CC <:ight= and C> <The death of a character=. A''!)!o"%l M%#!$ Po!")& 4C E" ? C )"5 -t is possi!le to ac$uire additional )agic "oints with this skill. +ne additional )agic "oint 4)"5 costs one E". With this skill it is possi!le to increase the si0e of a Characters1 )agic pool. O"e %''!)!o"%l M%#!$ Po!") (MP) $o&)& o"e EP. With this skill, it is possi!le to increase the si0e of a Characters1 )agic pool. This gives e.g. a healer character, who only has the =)agical @ealingA spell, the possi!ility to !oost his )agic pool, so he can cast this spell several times per day instead of !eing

a!le to only cast it once. 4(ee Chapter CD.C )agic5 Th!e5e-0 S7!ll& 4see Chapter B.C Thievery (kills5 F-!e"'&h!, of )he Ele*e")& 4see Chapter B.> :riendship of the Elements5

D. COMPLE< S?ILLS D.1 THIE4ERY S?ILLS E5e-0 %$)!o" 'e&$-!/e' !" )h!& $h%,)e- !& o"l0 %'*!&&!/le fo- !" #%*e $+--e"$0 %"' &,e$!%l ,lo) !)e*& (*%-7e' /-!#h) -e'). A"0 o)he- )h!e5!"# of ,e-&o"%l !)e*&, e5e" !f )he0 /elo"# )o )he #%*e (&+$h %& ,.e. e%,o"& o- /%""e-&) !& &)-!$)l0 ,-oh!/!)e' %"' !ll le%' )o !"&)%") e($l+&!o" f-o* )he e5e"). Th!e5e-0 4J E"5 The character is allowed to loot characters for in game currency which are helpless in game 4 acting unsonscious, or dead, !eing held captive etc.5 The search has to !e acted out 4+nly in accord with the 7victim7 * 5 The victim has to !e asked for consent to hand over found in game currency and should usually agree. Sho,l!f)!"# 4J E"5 4cumulative, needs Thievery5 The character is allowed after receiving a mission from the Thieves 3uild to steal specially marked o!/ects from the shops of traders within the City Camp. To get a contract from the guild of thieves, the character has to esta!lish in game contact with the guild.

D.2 FRIENDSHIP OF THE ELEMENTS F-!e"'&h!, of )he Ele*e")& (6%)e-, F!-e, E%-)h, A!-, M%#!$) This special skill can only !e o!tained during game and has to !e checked in at the &rtefact-Check-+ut "oint in the @Q of the Event. These a!ilities are e perience point free, nevertheless, they are marked on your character sheet. Effects within the game are possi!le, !ut not steera!le !y the "layer itself. 3amemasters and ;"Cs will react on this skill depending on situations during the game as they see fit. We recommend to inform the 3amemasters of your own camp during Check--n and inform the 'ulemasters via email 4artefakteSmythodea.de5 if you already own this skill. 2ou can have only one elemental a!ility at once, !ut you are allowed to change them if you change the friendship with one element. Every player using this skill have to wear special painted signs of this element on their wrist.

E. MAGIC AND ALCHEMY -n this chapter we want to clear up why we standardi0ed the effects of spells and alchemical )i tures. 'egardless whether the effect comes from )ages, "riests or Elementalists, "otion makers, &lchemists or pharmacists, they all have something in common, They create different Effects on other !eings or themselves. :or us it.s completely clear that any of these Classes are trying to get an effect in many different ways, and that they can e plain it with several Theories. ;evertheless, the effect stays the same. -n order to keep track of the effects, regardless through whom they are created, we unified them. 4(ee chapter CD.G, %ist of all (pells and )i tures5. This offers some new possi!ilities to magical and alchemical skilled characters. &ll the effects have a mandatory way of action, duration and a word of command. 4see chapter CD.G %ist of all the (pells and )i tures5 The o-' of $o**%"' *+&) /e &,o7e" %f)e- )he ,-e,%-%)!o" of )he &,ell o- ,o)!o". The word of command is always the name of the spell or mi ture. & player who is only a!le to understand the word of command 4;ot the entire spell or preparation5 , e.g in a !ig !attle, can !y this !e sure to play out the correct effect. This way, we are sure to stop discussions without restraining the characters in their individual gameplay. Effects with the same name in different values need all the weaker versions to !e known !efore the mightier can !e learned. Effects that are created !y )agic, can not !e neutrali0ed through &lchemy and !ackwards. &s long as you cling to the frame and mode of action of the 'ules for )agic and &lchemy, the way how you act it out is completely of your choice. 2ou can choose the components and way of representing the spell during play freely !y yourself. (till, the corner points have to !e fulfilled. )eans, the magician has to use after his spell the word of command and at least the minimum count of words for the spell, the alchemist has to o!ey the !rewery times and !oth of them need to act out the activators of the effect 4throwing a component and hit the opponent, drink or get one into contact with the !rewed mi ery, etc.5 2elo , % $l%-!f!$%)!o" of )he &,e$!%l '+-%)!o"& of )he '!ffe-e") effe$)& D+-%)!o" l%&)& +")!l &,e$!%l $o"'!)!o"& %-e *e) This means, that the effect will last until the caster fulfils special conditions. During this time, the caster is not allowed to take part in fighting or to cast other spells. E ample for usual conditions to meet, C. (pell endures as long the caster holds a special o!/ect in his hand and does something special with it. >. &s long as he concentrates and points with a finger on his spell target. !ll /e #!5e":

O"e LARP E5e") The effect works for the whole Time--n of one event, no matter how many days the event lasts. Pe-*%"e") The effect lasts forever and has to !e neutrali0ed through another spell or effect.

E.1 MAGIC When we talk a!out <)agic= or <magic a!ilities= within the conte t of a %arp, we want to print out that %&'" is /ust a 3ame, a made up play and that no!ody really !elieves that such powers e ist outside the game in reality. M%#!$ Theo-0: The word magic is only a generic term for all the diversity of arcane powers that a Character potentially has at his disposal during a %&'" event. There are, of course, a lot of possi!le classes other than the typical )agic-user, (hamans, every kind of "riest, Witches, Druids etc. are for the sake of ease all classified as =)agic-usersA. ;aturally every Character should have his own personal idea of the working of magic, and even when every!ody is using the same spells 4see further down5, the used Components and formulas may differ, and we also encourage magic-users to do so. A &,e$!%l "o)e fo- ,-%$)!$!"# FM%#!$G !" )he f!$)!o"%l $o+")-0 of M0)ho'e%: (ome Characters receive their power from <higher 9eings= like 3ods or (pirits. :or e ample, clerical powers that are used !y "riests, "aladins, Templars or others, or demonic magic that is called up !y Witches, Evocators or others. &ll these <higher 9eings= have no direct contact to their mortal person or !eing as long these dwell within the !orders of )ythodea. & priest can feel the presence of his god, !ut cannot access his power directly. :or such players, this means to contact a 3amemaster and ask what happens when they try. De*o"&)-%)!o"@Pl%0: Technically, every spell stays the same whatever Character casts it, even when differences would make the game richer. & traditional )agic-user, who learned his spells at an academy will use a fan or similar component for the spell =3ust of WindA whereas a (haman would use feathers or something similar. The )agic-user has to !e a good performer, !ecause he has to convince the other players of the presence of unnatural powers, although they do not e ist in reality. ;o matter whether he tries to achieve that in a secretive, wise, a!sent minded, low profile or e travagant way, he always has to have a certain talent and capacity to perform his magical gift convincingly. S,ell9*%#!$: The most common and used form of casting magic. With this method, the caster com!ines a component apt to the spell with a fitting spoken phrase 4there are no restraints to the individuality of what language to use. (ome use german, some latin or greek or even fantasy languages to cast5. Thus the caster creates a

connection to a source of magic and is then a!le to channel the power of this energy. +ther theories are accepted too 6 it is all up to your own fantasy. The Term <(pellmagic= refers to all spells casted in a <normal way=. The ta!les 4Chapter CD.G %ist of all (pells and )i tures5 mark a certain amount of words that have to !e spoken as <magic phrase=for every spell and its level. We do not present any wording, !ecause of all the different magic concepts of our players. 2ou can decide freely your own spell, you only have to stick to the amount of words uttered for a given spell. This means, too, that you &%W&2( have to cry out the command word of that spell 4;ame of the (pell5 after you have finished casting, so that every other player understands you and can correctly react to what you have done. M%#!$ Pool: Whenever a Character wants to perform magic, this is not done without mental strain, !ecause the casting of (pellmagic also costs a lot of strength. This strength is technically represented !y a so-called )agic pool, from which the )agic-user can draw his strength to cast spells. -t represents his magical potential. The )agic pool consists of E"1s that have !een invested in the )agic pool and that have there!y !een converted in )agic "oints. &dditionally, one may invest points in the skill &dditional )agic "oints and those invested E"1s are transformed into )agic points. & Character that knows the )agical spells 3ust of Wind 4> )"5, )agical &rmour C 4> )"5, )agical &rmour > 4J )"5, )agical )issile C 4C )"5 and additionally has invested > E"1s in the skill &dditional )agic "oints has a total )agic pool of CC )agic "oints. This means that he or she can use a total of CH )agic "oints per day to cast spells. @ow many times he casts a certain spell in his spell !ook is his own choice. The )agic pool can !e regenerated in three different ways, The first method is to sleep. 3 ho+-& of +"'!&)+-/e' &lee, -e#e"e-%)e 3:H of the ma imum of his magic pool, ; ho+-& 'o =:H and when sleeping lo"#e- )h%" = ho+-& 1::H. The second possi!ility is to find a master in &lchemy who can create a special potion called Energy :luid that allows a )agic-user to $uickly regain )agic "oints. Re&)-!$)!o"&: To stay true to the classic image of a )agic-user, "riest, (haman, Druid etc. a magically gifted Character cannot cast spells anymore when wearing metal &rmour. This is also true for a chain mail shirt. The same is valid for !attle, -f a )agic-user doesn1t cast any spells !ut actively gra!s a weapon and starts fighting or if he is physically attacked 4or wounded5 he has interrupted his casting !ecause he !reaks his concentration. ;aturally a fleeing )agic-user cannot concentrate enough anymore to cast a )agical spell. %earning new spells is not a mere =!uyingA from a list. The "layer has to ac$uire them in a logical way within the game. 4+f course there is some e ception during the creation.5 &s e ample, new spells could !e ac$uired through a visit at an &cademy, through meeting up with a teacher, finding and studying scrolls and other methods. &s

stated !efore, learning a new skill#spell takes an amount of time and should !e played out accordingly. &ll possi!le (pells and )i tures can !e found in Chapter CD.G. +thers than those are not allowed on the ConQuest Event.

E.2 ALCHEMY &lchemy is the lore of analysing and !rewing different kinds of su!stances, potions or poisons. &lso, similar to )agic-users, the role-playing of the preparation is e tremely important. (tarting with the collection of the specific her!s, and continuing with the preparation itself 4light the fire, !oil water, crush the her!s, use phials and filters etc.5 the preparation ends with the analysis, heating up, distillation, filtering and !rewing. 8nlike )agic users, the alchemists have no limit in performing their arts !y spending points, !ut they are limited !ecause of the preparation time re$uired for each potion or salve. The alchemists also have to rest at least I hours with undistur!ed sleep !efore !eing a!le to have the necessary concentration to perform new tasks the ne t day. :or e ample, an alchemist that knows the recipe for <Truth (erum= would !e a!le to !rew it around JB times a day 4>D )inutes per "otion and I hours of sleep5, as long he or she would do a!solutely nothing else than that. 2ou may !rew more than one portion at a time 4like, in the same cauldron5, !ut then the potion takes more time to !rew. &s e ample, H "ortions at the same time in one process take C hour to !rew 4H >D mins5. 9asically, there are two ways for the potions to affect someone, <(wallow= and <Contact=. These have differences in preparation times. D+-!"# % /%))le, $o")%$) ,o!&o"& $%" /e effe$)!5e o"l0 !f +&e' !)h A-*o+- ,!e-$!"# *!&&!le e%,o"&. The use of drinka!le )i tures must go through a previous agreement with the player or 3), in order to avoid pro!lems or dangerous situations 4no alcohol for underaged players, allergies etc.5.

The '+-%/!l!)0 of %ll $-e%)e' *!()+-e& !& l!*!)e' )o )he '+-%)!o" of )he e5e").
%earning to !rew new mi tures is not a mere =!uyingA from a list. The "layer has to ac$uire them in a logical way within the game. 4+f course there is some e ception during the creation.5 :or e ample, new recipes could !e ac$uired through a visit at an &cademy, through meeting up with a teacher, finding and studying scrolls and other methods. &s stated !efore, learning a new skill#spell takes an amount of time and should !e played out accordingly. &ll possi!le (pells and )i tures can !e found in Chapter CD.G. +thers than those are not allowed on the ConQuest Event.

E.1 RITUALS Where the limited effects of (pellmagic, &lchemy or other skills reach their limits, the wide field of con/uring in rituals !egins. Whether the )agic-user is trying to con/ure a creature from another plane, resurrect a friend that died too early in a !attle, curing a group of Characters from the effects of a magical disease, or create very strong magic effects to !e a!le to win an important !attle, The possi!ilities of 'itual )agic are virtually limitless. -n general, one can say that 'itual magic is performed when one or more Characters want to do such special tasks that normal <Tools= cannot reali0e them. (ince )ythodea is a land ruled !y Elements and their &vatars, with special preparation and full effort even nonmagic Characters could do rituals in the name of the Elements. &lthough such people should keep in mind that they are not trained with the use of magic. Which means, that it is easier for a magician to do such tasks than for a warrior. 9ut if the warrior does the ritual in such a considerate way that it does not e ceed his mental a!ilities, it is possi!le that he is successful. & !asic principle for every 'itual, -f there is a good e planation -nTime, the acting and playing comes always first. E(%*,le: & group of +rc Warriors that dance three hours around their totem post, play the drums, sing along and scream on top of their lungs could con/ure up a powerful effect of the same magnitude than a group of magicians chanting a while in a ritual circle. &lways keep in mind that you have to !e careful with rituals 6 their ending and result is mostly incalcula!le. -t is good to group skilful people under your flag that are a!le to do such tasks !efore you try something adventurous like this. & ritual means an even !igger effort of acting than the performance of (pellmagic. Depending on what you want to do and parameters given !y the 3)s, a ritual could have a duration !etween minutes and several hours. Thus, you need a good concept, components and ideas how to do it. &nyhow, you have nearly limitless possi!ilities in what a powerful ritual could con/ure up. 9ut, (ince a participant has to concentrate really hard during a ritual and it re$uires strength and stamina to do such tasks, )h!& $h%-%$)e- $%" o"l0 )%7e ,%-) !" % *%(!*+* of 2 -!)+%l& ,e- '%0, %"' he o- &he !& o"l0 %/le )o /e )he le%'e- of &+$h % -!)+%l o"$e % '%0.

E.3 ARTEFACTS AND OTHER PERMANENT MAGIC O2IECTS To keep the game fair and !alanced, no &rtefacts may !e !rought to the ConQuest Event with the one e ception of &rtefacts that are created or found during the event or where created or found in previous ConQuest Events and have a Check-in (ign from the 3)s. (elf created permanent artefacts have to !e 7!ought7 after the ritualised creation with additional free e perience points of the creator. The amount of e perience points needed is given !y the 3amemasters. &rtefacts have can only !e checked in and out during the event in the central artefact check-out in the @Q of the Event. -f weapons or else o!/ects get !lessed !y an &vatar, then they only get a !etter

7feeling7. "retty much like a paint-/o! on a car. %ooks good !ut that.s all. This is only effecting and helping 3ame-play, !ut has really no additional effect for the weapon or o!/ect. -f you really want to get more 7!ang for the !uck7 on your weapon, this has to !e haggled out with the 3amemasters of your camp. E.; LIST OF ALL SPELLS AND MI<TURES E"#l!&h N%*e &larm ;eutrali0e &lchemy 9arrier 9erserker Detect Effect C Detect Effect > (hield against Effect Energy :ield Energy :luid C Energy :luid > Disarm :ire @eat +!/ect )issile C )issile > )issile H )issile J )issile G Cleaning Wound @ealing 9ody @ealing Wound Coma %ight Dispel )agic Transfer )agic Defuse secured )agic (ecure )agic )agical (earch C )agical (earch > Ge-*%" N%*e &larm &lchemie neutralisieren 9arriere 9erserker Effekt erkennen C Effekt erkennen > Effektschut0 Energiefeld Energiefluid C Energiefluid > Entwaffnen :euer 3egenstand erhit0en 3eschoss C 3eschoss > 3eschoss H 3eschoss J 3eschoss G 'einigung Wunde @eilung OMrper @eilung Wunde Ooma %icht )agie aufhe!en )agie L!ertragen )agiesicherung )agische (uche C )agische (uche > A@M ) & &#) &#) &#) &#) ) ) & & ) &#) ) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) ) ) ) ) ) Co&) of EP > > J J C > B G CD CD C C > C > H J G > C> J >G C > > J J > J

)agieentsicherung )

&rmour C &rmour > &rmour H &rmour J &rmour G &rmour I (trengthen (hield (leep Weakness C Weakness > (ilence (eal (trength C (trength > Deafness (peak with &nimals (ickness :orget (low C (low > Turn to (tone Truth 3ust of Wind

'Lstungseffekt C 'Lstungseffekt > 'Lstungseffekt H 'Lstungseffekt J 'Lstungseffekt G 'Lstungseffekt I (childverstNrkung (chlaf (chwNche C (chwNche > (chweigen (iegel (tNrke C (tNrke > Tau!heit Tiersprache T!elkeit Fergessen Ferlangsamung C Ferlangsamung > Fersteinern Wahrheit Windstoss

&#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) &#) )

> J Q CD CG >D J > J B J > J B H > H H H G I J >

Al%-* 4&larm5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5 Components, & small piece of thread and a little !ell. E ecution, The caster ties the !ell and the thread to the o!/ect that needs to !e protected and speaks the magical words. Duration, C> hours or till the &larm rang once. Effect, Through this spell, the caster is a!le to install a magical alarm on an o!/ect 4door, chest, etc.5 -f a person touches it 4friend or foe5, the alarm triggers. @e or she must cry a loud alarm cry as long as he#she is touching 4e.g. doorkno!5 or holding 4e.g. Chest5 the o!/ect, and for at least HD seconds after the o!/ect has !een released. Ne+)-%l!.e Al$he*0 4&lchemie neutralisieren5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5, -dentical with the time to !rew of the alchemical effect that is to !e neutrali0ed, regardless of its form of use. Time to !rew4contact5, -dentical with the time to !rew of the alchemical effect that is to !e neutrali0ed, regardless of its form of use. Components, E ecution, (wallow or Contact Duration, -nstantly Effect, ;eutrali0es only the effect of the previous mi ture. & sleep effect neutrali0ing potion helps only against a sleep poison and not against any other potion. Effects gained through magic spells cannot !e neutrali0ed via this mi ture. 2%--!e- 49arriere5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, JD min (pell duration, C> seconds spell duration 4B words min.5 Components, (ome :lour and a rope E ecution, The caster makes a line !y pouring the flour on the ground. &n alchemist additionally pours his mi ture on the line. Duration, C> hours. Effect, The caster is a!le to create a !arrier that cannot !e passed !y magical or physical means. The !arrier can have either a length of H m and a height of G m or a length of G m and a height of H m. The !arrier cannot !e split up nor !end or changed in another way. The !arrier can only !e a vertical wall. 2e-&e-7e- 49erserker5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5, >D min Time to !rew4contact5, JD min (pell duration, C> seconds spell duration 4B words min.5 Components, E ecution, &lchemical, drinking or contact.

)agic, casting the spell and touching the person the effect is to !e inflicted on. Duration, CD )inutes. Effect, The affected Character gets into a mad rush and fights against any person near him, no matter if friend or foe until the end of the effect or till it is impossi!le for the character to attack any further 4!locked, tied, dead, etc.5. @e#she gets two e tra %ife points till the end of the effect. De)e$) Effe$) 1 4Effekt Erkennen5 C E"-cost, C Time to !rew4drink5, D 4special, see !elow5 Time to !rew4contact5, D 4special, see !elow5 (pell duration, H seconds spell duration 4> words min.5. Components, (and E ecution, The caster concentrates and needs free hands. &lchemist, "ro!e the o!/ect a little 4Pero time needed5 Duration, -nstantly Effect, This helps to e amine if an effect is on an o!/ect or person. De)e$) Effe$) 2 4Effekt Erkennen5 > E"-cost, > 4cumulative, (pell level C has to !e learned !efore5 Time to !rew4drink5, D 4special, see !elow5 Time to !rew4contact5, D 4special, see !elow5 (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, (and E ecution, The caster needs concentration and free hands. &lchemist, "ro!ing the o!/ect at least five minutes long. Duration, -nstantly Effect, 9y this you can detect not only the effect, !ut gain information a!out the strength, source and other things to !e analysed. The 3) decides the amount of information that can !e gained. Sh!el' %#%!"&) Effe$) 4Effektschut05 E"-cost, B Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, >J seconds spell duration 4CI words min.5 Components, "rism or )irror E ecution, Caster takes mirror or prism in !oth hands, holds it !efore his !ody and speaks his spell. Duration, C> hours or until caster got hit !y the first spell invoked onto him. Effect, This spell shields the caster 4or any person which the spell is casted on5 with an antimagic field that will negate any given spell that hits this field. There can only !e one field at a time on a person, a second one would instantly negate the first one. E"e-#0 F!el' 4Energiefeld5 E"-cost, G Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, -

(pell duration, CG seconds spell duration 4CD words min.5 Components, & piece of string of appro . C meter, a soft!all attached to the string. E ecution, The caster !inds the string to the soft!all, speaks the magical words and starts to spin the !all around himself and his concentration isn1t !roken.. The caster can only move within a radius of > meters once the spell is cast or the energy field will !reak up immediately. Duration, &s long as the caster spins the !all around himself and his concentration isn1t !roken. Effect, This spell ena!les the caster to create an energy - or force-field around him or herself, which protects against all physical harm 4short-range and long-range weapons, etc.5. -f the caster wants to include other persons in this protection, he or she can do so only at the !eginning of the incantation, !efore the actual field is created. +nly a ma imum of three people in addition to the caster can !e included 4J persons total5. +nce the shield is up neither friend nor foe will !e a!le to physically enter or pass through. &ny o!/ects or !eings outside of the energy field cannot !e physically influenced or manipulated. )agic spells can !e cast through the !arrier at things or !eings outside of the field, !ut also from the outside at people on the inside*A E"e-#0 Fl+!' 4Energiefluid5 C-> E"-cost, CD#>D 4Cumulative, %evel C must !e learned !efore %evel >5 Time to !rew4drink5, GD#CDD min Time to !rew4contact5, CDD#>DD min (pell duration, Components, E ecution, (wallow or Contact of potion Duration, -nstant, !ut can only !e used every I hours. Effect, The Character using it gains immediately GDU-CDDU 4%evel C or >5 of his#her ma . )". -.e., his#her )agic pool contains HD )", then the character will recover CG or HD )". The user cannot e ceed his normal pool level. 8ser can drink only C fluid every I hours. D!&%-* 4Entwaffnen5 E"-cost, C Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, H seconds spell duration 4> words min.5 Components, & piece of string or drapery E ecution, The caster knots the string or the drapery and speaks his words. Duration, -nstant Effect, The Character affected !y the spell must drop the weapon in his main hand immediately. F!-e 4:euer5 E"-cost, C Time to !rew4drink5, D min 4special, see !elow5 Time to !rew4contact5, D min 4special, see !elow5 (pell duration, H seconds spell duration 4> words min.5 Components, lighter or matches.

E ecution, The magician takes the lighter or matches in his hand and speaks the magical words. The alchemist uses the lighter or match on !urna!le material in his hand. Duration, Till the match has !urned or the lighter is switched off. Effect, & little flame appears in the casters1 hand. He%) O/Ce$) 43egenstand Erhit0en5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5 Components, & match. E ecution, The caster must light the match, point at the o!/ect and speak the magical words. Duration, Till the match !urns down. Effect, With this magical spell the caster can heat an o!/ect. &s long as the match !urns, this o!/ect cannot !e held, even with gloves. -f casted on a worn &rmour this has the effect that the wearer has un!elieva!le pain and thus goes to the ground 4this inflicts ;+ W+8;D on the person hit !y this spell5. This person can only stop the pain through the heat !y taking off the &rmour as long as the match !urns. &fter the match e tinguished, the o!/ect is no longer hot. M!&&!le 1 J ; 43eschoss C-G5 E"-cost, C#>#H#J#G 4cumulative, )agical )issile > re$uires )agic )issile C etc.5 Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, 4CD level5 min (pell duration, H#I#E#C>#CG seconds spell duration 4>#J#I#B#CD words min.5 Components, a soft !all. E ecution, The caster throws the !all on the target. Duration, -nstant Effect, -f the spell-caster hits the target, it will suffer a num!er of wounds e$ual to the spell#!rew level. @its on the head are not valid. The caster throws a soft!all at his victim. %ightly 43ently5 touching the victim e$uals a soft!all hit. &ttention, During fights or !attles you may only use soft!alls, for safety reasons there are no contactspells allowed. He%l!"# 6o+"' 4@eilung Wunde5 E"-cost, J 4Cleaning wound is prere$uisite5 Time to !rew4drink5, CD min Time to !rew4contact5, >D min (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, (alve. E ecution, The caster coats the wound with a salve and speaks out the spell. &lchemist, Wounded Character has to drink the potion or apply the mi ture on the wounds. Duration, -nstant Effect, The caster heals one wound 4'estores one hitpoint5 on a single person. This does ;+T prevent inflammation, which re$uires the =healing woundA-spell, skill

=:irst &idA or treatment !y a healer. The effect !egins immediately, !ut it takes more than CD minutes for the wound to heal completely. -f the character is involved in a fight or heavy !odily e ercise 4p.e. lifting something heavy5 !efore this time is up, the wound will open again, causing loss of the restored hitpoint. He%l!"# 2o'0 4@eilung OMrper5 E"-cost, C> 4cumulative, @ealing Wound is prere$uisite5 Time to !rew4drink5, HD min Time to !rew4contact5, ID min (pell duration, CB seconds spell duration 4C> words min.5. Components, (alve. E ecution, caster coats the wound with a salve and speaks out the spell. &lchemist, Wounded Character has to drink the potion or apply the mi ture on the wounds Duration, -nstant Effect, The caster heals all wounds 4'estores all lost hitpoints5 on a sigle person. This does ;+T prevent inflammation, which re$uires the =healing woundA-spell, skill =:irst &idA or treatment !y a healer. The effect !egins immediately, !ut it takes more than HD minutes for the wounds to heal completely. -f the character is involved in a fight or heavy !odily e ercise 4p.e. lifting something heavy5 !efore this time is up, the wounds will open again, causing loss of the restored hitpoints. Co*% 4Ooma5 E"-cost, >G Time to !rew4drink5, C>G min Time to !rew4contact5, >GD min (pell duration, QG seconds spell duration 4GD words min.5. Components, 'ice K 9lood from a fresh wound 4-C lifepoint5 that the spell-caster inflicts on himself. 4The wound is only usa!le for one spell5 E ecution, &lchemist, Target character has to drink# touch the potion. )agic, pour the rice in the !lood and throw the rice on the victim. The rice has to hit the opponent. Duration, >J hours or nullified. Effect, The character hit !y this falls into a deep coma, not knowing what happens around him, not seeing or hearing or feeling anything. -n this state, the character is vulnera!le. L!#h) 4%icht5 E"-cost, C Time to !rew4drink5, G min Time to !rew4contact5, CD min (pell duration, H seconds spell duration 4> words min.5 Components, Caster, :lashlight. &lchemist, (naplight in 9ottle E ecution, The caster holds the flashlight in his hand and speaks the magical words. &lchemist puts (naplight in a !ottle. Duration, 8ntil the lamp is switched off or the user casts another spell. Effect, The caster creates a magical#alchemical light. The flashlight must !e pointed towards the ground 4;o searchlightV not to !e pointed in the eyes of an opponent etc5.

D!&,el M%#!$ 4)agie &ufhe!en5 E"-cost, >R 4special, see !elow5 Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, (mall wooden stick E ecution, The caster touches the o!/ect or the person 4even himself5 with the small wooden stick, utters the words and !reaks the stick. Duration, -nstantly Effect, The spell ena!les magican is a!le to dispel any other magic that is not secured !y the (pell <(ecure )agic=. While doing this, the magican spends the re$uired amount of points 4casting costs of the spell that has to !e !roken5 from his magic pool. E ample, -f a magican wants to dispel a magical !arrier 4J )"5, so he needs to have I )" in his pool 6 > )" for the dispel )agic cast and J )" for the 9arrier (pell. -f the user does not have enough points in his pool, he will loose > )" for the (pell and there is no effect. Effects gained through &lchemy can ;+T !e dispeled with this spell. The magican is even a!le to dispel magic that is targeted on him !efore it inflicts the effect. To do this, the caster has to !egin his own <Dispel )agic= ma imal > seconds after the command word of the opponent that inflicted a spell on him was uttered. :urthermore, (pells or Effects from Chapter CD.I cannot !e dispeled. (ame for )issile (pells targeting the caster. T-%"&fe- M%#!$ 4)agie T!ertragen5 E"-cost, > 4special, see !elow5 Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, writing tools, for e ample a feather and ink, or a !rush and paint E ecution, The caster draws a magical sym!ol on the palm of his or her hand. @e or she then puts his or her hand on the target and speaks the magical words. Duration, -nstant Effect, With this spelll, the magican is a!le to transfer own )" to another person or into another spell. -f the magic is transferred into a person, the target cannot take more )" than his normal )agic "ool is capa!le of. & spell could !e made stronger to make it harder for an opponent to dispel it. Transfer )agic costs >)" plus the transferred )". Def+&e &e$+-e' M%#!$ 4)agieentsicherung5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, C> seconds spell duration 4B words min.5. Components, C dagger and a magical flame. E ecution, The caster takes the dagger in his or her hand and cleanses it with the magical flame. Then he speaks the magical words while unglueing the wa with the three hairs from the o!/ect 4see spell <(ecured )agic5.

Duration, -nstantly Effect, With this special spell, the caster is a!le to take down a spell securation of an o!/ect. 9y this, the caster is then a!le to may!e dispel the magic in this o!/ect. Se$+-e M%#!$ 4)agiesicherung5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, C> seconds spell duration 4B words min.5. Components, (ome wa and H hairs from the caster. E ecution, The caster sticks the H hairs to the o!/ect he wants to protect using the wa and speaks the magical words. Duration, C> hours Effect, The spell ena!les the caster to protect another spell, that has a longer duration, from !eing dispeled. M%#!$%l Se%-$h 1 K 2 4)agische (uche5 E"-cost, >#J 4cumulative, )agical (earch > re$uires )agical (earch C5 Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, I#C> seconds spell duration 4J#B words min.5. Components, C dagger, C magical flame, C specific o!/ect. E ecution, The caster holds the dagger, cleanses it with the magical flame and waves it a!ove the o!/ect. Then he or she must lay the dagger on the palm of his# her hand and speak the magical words. Duration, CD )inutes. Effect, %evel C, 9y this, the magician is a!le to find a person, if the user owns a personal o!/ect from the person that has to !e found. The o!/ect has to !e something that was in close contact with the person 4e.g worn /ewellery like rings etc.5 %evel >, The magician is a!le to find an o!/ect that has a close connection to the o!/ect used !y the magician during the spell. 4e.g the "ommel of a sword to find the its !lade5. The 3) decides if the o!/ect can !e found 4e.g if special circumstances hinder the detection5 and decides the amount of information received through this spell. Cle%"!"# 6o+"' 4'einigung Wunde5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, CDminutes (pell duration, Iseconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, Water E ecution, &lchemy, 9ring water to a !oil 4 for !etter effect add flower petals or her!s, etc.5, then store. +ver the course of the ne t >J hours this purified water can !e used to clean wounds. This effect works on everyone, not /ust the alchemist. )agic, The caster touches the water and speaks the spell, then stores it. +ver the course of the ne t >J hours this purified water can !e used to clean wounds. This effect works on everyone, not /ust the caster.

Duration, >J h Effect, This spell creates a means to keep a character from !leeding to death or dying from an inflamed wound. 8sing the water to clean a wound prevents inflammation 4see chapter C> =Character DeathA 5. -f the wound is not conse$uently treated magically#alchemistically or !y a healer, it will not heal. &fter application of the purified water, the character still remains wounded and has to !e treated accordingly. :or more info on =!eing woundedA see chapter CC. =:ightingA

A-*o+- 1 J = 4'Lstung C-I5 E"-cost, >#J#Q#CD#CG#>D 4cumulative, lower level has to !e learned !efore the ne t one5 Time to !rew4drink5, CD - >D 6 HG 6 GD 6 QG 6 CDD min Time to !rew4contact5, >D 6 JD - QD 6 CDD 6 CGD 6 >DD min (pell duration, I#C>#>C#HD#JG#ID seconds spell duration 4J#B#CJ#>D#HD#JD words min.5 Components, & !lue ri!!on plus C ? a piece of soft leather > ? a piece of hard leather. H ? a piece of metal reinforced leather 4studs for e ample5. J ? a piece of mail &rmour. G ? a piece of scale &rmour. I ? a piece of plate &rmour. E ecution, )agic, The caster holds the re$uired piece of &rmour in his hand, touches all !ody parts of the target with it and speaks the magical words. Then the target of the spell has to wear the !lue !and in a visi!le way 4like a sash5. &lchemy, (wallow "otion or contact 4pour the potion over all parts of the !ody to !e protected. Then the target of the potion has to wear the !lue !and in a visi!le way 4like a sash5. Duration, C> hours or till used. Effect, The effect creates an energy field around the target that protects for C-I &rmour "oints depending on the level of the spell. This means protection against CI hits, regardless where, and not C-I &rmour points per !ody part. &rmour effects cannot !e com!ined 4&rmour CR &rmour > will !e &rmour > 5 S)-e"#)he" Sh!el' 4(childverstNrkung5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, JD min (pell duration, C> seconds spell duration 4B words min.5. Components, (ome Talc "owder or fine sand. E ecution, )agic, The caster pours the powder on the shield and speaks the magical words. &lchemy, &pply potion on shield. Duration, Ends CD minutes after the first hit to the shield in a fight, effect fades away within an hour after spell is cast if there is no involvement in a fight. Effect, The effect protects a shield from destruction (E($e,)!o": NPC S,ell FDe&)-o0 Sh!el'G). The rule of G hits for a small shield and CD for a !ig one until it is destroyed is not valid in this case. Caster or (hield user has to put a visi!le !lue ri!!on over the shield as 7+ut of 3ame sign7 for this effect. Slee, 4(chlaf5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5, CD min Time to !rew4contact5, >D min

(pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, 'ice. E ecution, )agic, Throw the 'ice on the victim 4cannot !e !locked !y a shield5V 'ice must hit the target. &lchemy, (wallow or contact with potion. Duration, CD minutes. Effect, The character falls asleep. With cold water etc. he or she can !e woken up for a short time, !ut after that the character falls asleep again. -f attacked the effect will !e over after the first wound inflicted on the character. This can !e a hit !y a sword, a knock-out !low or an assassination attempt, !ut no death !low. 6e%7"e&& 192 4(chwNche C->5 E"-cost, J#B Time to !rew4drink5, >D # JD min Time to !rew4contact5, JD # BD min (pell duration, C>#>J seconds spell duration 4B#CI words min.5. Components, "eas. E ecution, )agic, The caster throws the peas at the victim 4they cannot !e !locked with a shield5. &lchemy, (wallow or contact with potion. Duration, CD minutes. Effect, The victim loses GDU or CDDU 4rounded up5 of his#her EWT'& %ife points. The victim does not lose any of his normal 4H5 %ife points. S!le"$e 4(chweigen5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5, >D min Time to !rew4contact5, JD min (pell duration, C> seconds spell duration 4B words min.5. Components, & cloth and a feather. E ecution, The caster puts the feather in the cloth, points it to the target and speaks the magical words. &lchemy, (wallow or contact with potion. Duration, CD )inutes Effect, This spell disa!les the person to speak Se%l 4(iegel5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, >D min (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, Wa from a white and a !lack candle. E ecution, The caster holds !oth candles in his hands and lets the wa drip on the o!/ect, speaking the words. &lchemy, "our potion over o!/ect. Duration, >J hours Effect, The effect protects 9ooks, scrolls, chests or other things against !eing opened. The effect does not protect the o!/ects from other damage like !eing !urned etc.

S)-e"#)h 192 4(tNrke C->5 E"-cost, J#B cumulative, %evel C has to !e learned first Time to !rew4drink5, >D # JD min Time to !rew4contact5, JD # BD min (pell duration, C>#>J seconds spell duration 4B#CI words min.5. Components, E ecution, &lchemist, drink or contact. )agic, contact. Duration, CD minutes. Effect, The person gains GDU or CDDU 4rounded up5 of his#her EWT'& %ife points. Wounds that caused a loss of the e tra %ife points have to !e healed e tra. The ma imum cap of %ife points, CD, is the limit. De%f"e&& 4Tau!heit5 E"-cost, H Time to !rew4drink5, CG min Time to !rew4contact5, HD min (pell duration, E seconds spell duration 4I words min.5. Components, (ome wa and a piece of cloth E ecution, The caster enrols the wa in the cloth, points it at the target and speaks the magical words. &lchemist, (wallow or contact with potion. Duration, CD )inutes Effect, The caster can inflict deafness on the target for CD minutes. S,e%7 6!)h A"!*%l& 4Tiersprache5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5, CD min Time to !rew4contact5, >D min (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, & snail- or seashell E ecution, &lchemist, Drink or get in contact with the mi ture, while !eing near an animal. )agic, ;ear the animal, take the shell to your ear and speak the words. Duration, G )inutes. Effect, &s a result of this spell, the caster is a!le to speak the language of an animal. The 3)s will decide the kind and e tent of information that is received. -t has to !e mentioned, that, of course, a worm will not !e happy to !e pulled out of the ground and will have very limited information.

S!$7"e&& 4T!elkeit5 E"-cost, H Time to !rew4drink5, CG min Time to !rew4contact5, HD min (pell duration, E seconds spell duration 4I words min.5. Components, E ecution, &lchemist, Contact with potion or drinking. )agic, Contact Duration, C minute. Effect, The Character has to throw up and suffer the typical pain. Fo-#e) 4Fergessen5 E"-cost, H Time to !rew4drink5, CG min Time to !rew4contact5, HD min (pell duration, E seconds spell duration 4I words min.5. Components, &lcohol. E ecution, The caster sprinkles the alcohol on the earth near the victim and speaks the magical words. &lchemy, Fictim has to drink or contact potion. Duration, Till the effect is dispeled Effect, The caster can force the target to forget something that has happened recently. & ma imum of C minute can !e deleted from the mind of the target. Slo 1 4Ferlangsamung C5 E"-cost, H. Time to !rew4drink5, CG min Time to !rew4contact5, HD min (pell duration, E seconds spell duration 4I words min.5. Components, ;one E ecution, &lchemist, (wallow or contact with potion, Duration CG seconds. )agic, %ay own hand on own mouth, point to target, speak the words. Duration, &lchemist, CG seconds, )agic, &s long as the magician concentrates and holds his hand on his mouth. Effect, The caster is a!le to slow down the speed of speech of the victim. The target can only speak in slowmotion. Slo 2 4Ferlangsamung >5 E"-cost, G 4cumulative, %evel C has to !e learned !efore5 Time to !rew4drink5, CG min Time to !rew4contact5, HD min (pell duration, CG seconds spell duration 4CD words min.5. Components, ;one E ecution, &lchemist, (wallow or contact with potion, Duration CG seconds. )agic, 3ra! your your other hand1s wrist, point to target, speak the words. Duration, &lchemist, CG seconds, )agic, &s long as magician concentrates and holds his wrist. Effect, The caster is a!le to slow down the speed of movement of the victim. The target can only move in slow motion.

T+-" To S)o"e 4Fersteinern5 E"-cost, I Time to !rew4drink5, HD min Time to !rew4contact5, ID min (pell duration, CB seconds spell duration 4C> words min.5 Components, C (oft!all. E ecution, )agic, The caster speaks the magical words and throws the (oft!all. &lchemy, Fictim swallows or gets in contact with potion. Duration, CG )inutes Effect, The effect petrifies the victim. The target is indestructi!le while !eing a stone. ;o interaction possi!le. &fter effect ends, the victim does not know what happened while !eing petrified. T-+)h 4Wahrheit5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5, >D min Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, C> seconds spell duration 4B words min.5. Components, little scale and a sword. E ecution, The caster speaks the magical words and takes the sword in his right hand and the scale in his left hand. &lchemy, Target has to swallow the potion. Duration, +nly one $uestion. Effect, The effect forces the target to answer one $uestion truthfully. The $uestion must have a specific goal, and no additional $uestions may !e asked. The target must answer the $uestion and must give all information he has concerning the $uestion. -t should !e possi!le to answer the $uestion in two sentences. G+&) Of 6!"' 4Windstoss5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5, Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5 Components, C !undle of feathers or a fan. E ecution, The caster takes the !undle of feathers or fan in his hand and fanning with it he speaks the magical words. Duration, &s long as the caster keeps on fanning 4ma imum C )inute5. Effect, The caster creates an elemental 3ust of Wind that pushes an o!/ect 4si0e and weight of a grown up person5 or person !ack G meters for as long as the spell lasts. The spell only works on one opponent, never on more. &lchemy, Contact target or target swallows potion. Duration, 8ntil wound is healed or the cured Character makes an intense movement like running or fighting. Effect, The effect only stops the !leeding of all wounds on the !ody and cleans them. Wound infections are stopped. The wounds are ;+T healed.

E.= ADDITIONAL SPELLS AND MI<TURES FOR NPCS The spells and mi tures descri!ed in the following chapter can not !e learned !y players, these are solely for ;"Cs and are only listed for the description of the effects. A" I**+"!&%)!o" %#%!"&) )he follo !"# effe$)& !& !*,o&&!/le8 -t is also possi!le that players meet special ;"Cs during the game, like the &vatars, which can con/ure up or use effects that are not listed here. -n such a case, the effects will !e e plained !y a 3). P-e&&+-e 6%5e 4Druckwelle5 E"-cost, I Time to !rew4drink5,Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, CB seconds spell duration 4C> words min.5 Components, Weapon E ecution, The caster hits the ground with his weapon and speaks the magic words. Duration, -nstantly Effect, -f this power is used, everyone, player and ;"C, in front of the caster 4in a CBDX &ngle5 is hit !y a gust of wind. Fe%- 4:urcht5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5,Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, special, see !elow Components, &rrow or special artefact weapon E ecution, & high pitched cry for around > seconds duration, the victim must !e hit !y arrow or weapon. Duration, HD (econds Effect, The victim flees instantly in fear of the caster. :ighting is not possi!le for the victim as long as the effect lasts. I"fe$)!o" 4-nfi0ieren5 E"-cost, J Time to !rew4drink5, >D )inutes Time to !rew4contact5, JD )inutes (pell duration, C> seconds spell duration 4B words min.5 Components, (pray of Water E ecution, The caster sprays a cloud of waterdrops on his victim. Duration, special, see !elow Effect, Depends on the infection, the situation will !e e plained to the victim !y a 3) M%&&9Fe%- 4)assen-:urcht5 E"-cost,CI Time to !rew4drink5,-

Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, special, see !elow Components, J or more white pieces of cloth. E ecution, & high pitched cry for around > seconds duration while waving around dramatically with the white pieces of cloth. Duration, HD (econds Effect, Every "layer in the direct pro imity of the caster flees instantly in fear of the caster. :ighting is not possi!le for the persons hit !y the effect. De&)-o0 Sh!el' 4(child!recher5 E"-cost,C> Time to !rew4drink5,Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, HI seconds spell duration 4>J words min.5 Components, special artefact, hammer weapon E ecution, The caster speaks the words of the spell and has to hit the shield of the opponent. The !low must hit the targeted shield or the spell will not work Duration, -nstantly Effect, Destroys the shield that got hit !y the artefact weapon, even if the shield is protected !y a <(trengthen (hield= effect. So+l)-%5el 4(eelenwanderung5 E"-cost,> Time to !rew4drink5,Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, I seconds spell duration 4J words min.5. Components, C !one E ecution, Dramatic gestures with the !one and uttering of the words of the spell. Duration, -nstantly Effect, 'aises a fallen undead. R%!&e )he 'e%' 4Tote erhe!en5 E"-cost,CD Time to !rew4drink5,Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, HD seconds spell duration 4>D words min.5. Components, C !one and a tuft of hairs. E ecution, gestures with the !one and uttering of the words of the spell. Duration, -nstantly Effect, The caster is a!le to raise dead player characters or higher undead ;"Cs that are under his full control after the spell was cast successfully. U"hol0 2le&&!"# 48nheilliger (egen5 E"-cost, > Time to !rew4drink5,CD )inutes Time to !rew4contact5, >D )inutes (pell duration, Components, E ecution, (wallowing or contact potion

Duration, ID )inutes Effect, The character targeted !y the unholy !lessing is protected for ID minutes against the first alchemical effect that hits him. This also includes positive effects like @ealing etc. D+el 4Pweikampf5 E"-cost,CD Time to !rew4drink5,Time to !rew4contact5, (pell duration, HD seconds spell duration 4>D words min.5. Components, E ecution, 8ttering the words and point at the target Duration, -nstantly, until the death of one of the opponents or until the caster stops the spell. Effect, The caster is a!le to force an opponent to a duel that cannot !e distur!ed !y anyone.

1:. COM2AT D+-!"# % GF!#h)L o" )he Co"M+e&) E5e") !) !& o"l0 %llo e' )o +&e Fo%* 6e%,o"& )h%) %,,l0 )o )he %$)+%l S)%"'%-'& of S%fe)0 %"' h%5e )o /e $he$7e' o7 /0 )he GM& /efo-e )he G%*e &)%-)&. Each player is !ound to verify and take care of the safety of his#her weapons in order not to endanger others. 9roken weapons or weapons that fail the weapon check are to !e taken out of the game immediately and will !e stored !y the 3)s during the Event. H!)& o" )he he%' o- #-o!" %-e &)-!$)l0 fo-/!''e". During com!at, the safety and security of all players is most important. :airness and responsi!ility for other players that take part in a fight is compulsive for every simulated !attle. "lease remem!er always, -t is not allowed to carry real knives or other weapons around with you, this included knifes for grilling#eating. 2ou have to leave these o!/ects in or around your tent. &cting against this rule can lead to e pellation from the event. @its must !e role-played correctly, even if one is not wounded heavily or still has enough &rmour "oints. "lease remem!er, 3ood roleplay means to give your opponent the feeling that you really have acknowledged a taken hit instead of only decreasing the &rmour points in your mind. (ame applies for the usage of a weapon. Even if a foam weapon is not as heavy as a real one, please use them as if they were and play the weight and strain that you =feelA when using it during a !attle. The !igger the weapon, the slower you should hit with it. 3ood 'oleplay always comes first. E5e-0 o"e h%"'e' e%,o" $%+&e& e(%$)l0 1 ,o!") of '%*%#e. E5e-0 o)he- he%50 e%,o" )h%) h%& )o /e +&e' !)h ) o h%"'& (!f !" 'o+/), )he GM 'e$!'e&) $%+&e& 2 ,o!")& of '%*%#e. (R+le 'oe& "o) %,,l0 fo- M+%-)e-&)%ff&, &*%ll %-h%**e-& +&e' !)h 2 h%"'& o- lo"#& o-'& )h%) $%" /e +&e' !)h 1 o- 2 h%"'& e)$.) S,e$!%l e%,o"& )h%) h%5e )o /e )h-o " %) )he e"e*0 (Sh+-!7e", ?"!fe&, &*%ll %(e& %"' o)he-&) $%+&e 1 '%*%#e. 6e%,o"& !el'e' /0 % ,l%0e- $h%-%$)e- !ll "e5e-, "o) e5e" )h-o+#h % -!)+%l, 'e%l *o-e )h%" )he '%*%#e 'e&$-!/e' +"'e- N6e%,o" D%*%#eN. -f a participant gets hit !y a foam weapon, he gets damage which is calculated in a point system. :or weapon damage, check a!ove. @itpoints will first !e deducted from your &rmour "oints 4%eather, Chainmail, "late, magic or alchemical generated &rmour effects5 and then, when they are used up, !e deducted from your %ife points. Depending on your skills and e$uipment, the hit will !e deducted from either your &rmour "oints or your %ife points. &nd as said !efore, even if the damage will !e stopped from your &rmour, please acknowledge the hit itself and act it out. -t is not necessary to fall on the ground, !ut good role-play also means that everyone around you gets the feeling that you really have registered

this hit.

E(%*,le: & player gets hit in a simulated fight !y a <normal= one handed sword. Po&&!/!l!)0 1: The ,l%0e- e%-& A-*o+The player cringes for a moment and is then a!le to go on with the fight !ecause the damage was stopped !y his &rmour. Po&&!/!l!)0 2: The ,l%0e- h%& "o A-*o+The player takes the hit, cries out, gra!s the wounded !ody part, !ites together his teeth and after a short second, goes on with the fight. The damage is deducted from his %ife points. When the character has D %ife points, he gets unconscious due to the loss of !lood and is no longer a!le to fight. If % $h%-%$)e- !& o+"'e' &o he%5!l0 )h%) he -e%$he& : LP, he o- &he !ll /lee' )o 'e%)h !)h!" 1; *!"+)e& !f "o o"e hel,& h!*@ he- !)h )he %,,-o,-!%)e &7!ll& (F!-&) A!', M%#!$, e)$.) o- )he $h%-%$)e- 'oe& "o) h%5e )he S7!ll FRe#e"e-%)!o"G. & wounded, !ut not yet unconscious character has, in general, severely limited a!ilities and can hardly take part in a fight, in rituals, casting or else until his wounds are healed completely.

1:.1 RANGED 6EAPONS S,e$!%l -+le& %,,l0 fo- -%"#e' e%,o"&, %/o+) )he '%*%#e )he0 !"fl!$) )o )he )%-#e) %"' )he A-*o+- )he )%-#e) e%-&. Cl%&&!f!$%)!o" of &+$h e%,o"& !ll /e 'o"e o" $%*, #-o+"' /0 )he GM&. The *%(!*+* %llo e' )e"&!le fo-$e of -%"#e' e%,o"& (l!7e /o &) !& 2; l/&. No-*%l -%"#e' e%,o"& 9ows and cross!ows penetrate any kind of &rmour such as hard leather, metal reinforced leather, chain mail, scale mail and plate mail when worn in a single layer and thus cause a direct wound when they hit a Character. The damage has to !e taken directly from the %ife points, &rmour does not count. When at least two types of &rmour are worn on top of each other and at least one of it is metal, for e ample hard leather and chain mail, or padding !elow plate, !ows and cross!ows cannot pierce through it and cause only C point of normal damage that can !e deducted from the &rmour points. He%50 -%"#e' e%,o"& @eavy ranged weapons 4e.g a 9allista5 always cause one direct hit, no matter what kind of protection the target has. )oreover, they also destroy shields. -f a shot from such a weapon is parried with a shield, it will !e !roken, !ut not the arm holding it. @eavy ranged weapons are weapons re$uiring more than one person to !e used and that cannot !e easily transported. &ll weapons which can shoot more than one item 4darts, arrows, etc.5 per hit are also included. (uch weapons cannot destroy palisades or walls.

S!e#e e%,o"& & hit to the torso with a siege weapon causes an instant loss of all @it "oints, no matter which kind of protection he or she is wearing. The Character will fall unconscious and will die for !leeding, if not treated with normal or magical healing skills within one minute. The skill regeneration will not protect from the death due to such a hit. To prevent discussions during the healing process, a 3) may !e contacted in case of dou!t. -f some other part of the !ody is hit, it will !e smashed and cut off. -t can only !e regenerated through magic or alchemical skills 4see Chapter CD.G, (pells and )i tures, the skill 'egeneration will only help against !leeding to death5. -f the hit goes to a shield worn !y a character, the shield is instantly !roken 6 and the arm holding it is smashed. (uch a wound has to !e treated !y people with healing skills. (urgeon or 9ody @ealing will help, other skills will only stop the !leeding !ut will not restore it. 'egeneration C K > will heal such a wound in C>, respectively I hours. -n such cases, -f a character is hit !y a siege weapon, he instantly falls unconscious and will !leed to death within CG minutes if not treated accordingly. -f the torso was hit, the time till death is C minute. S!e#e e%,o" 'ef!"!)!o"

S!e#e e%,o"& $%" o"l0 /e 'e&)-o0e', "o) )%7e" o5e-, /e$%+&e o"l0 )he o "e(o- )he ,e-&o" -e&,o"&!/le fo- !)) !& %llo e' )o +&e !) '+-!"# #%*e. (iege weapons are all those <$uasi-stationary= weapons that can only !e transported with an immense effort, re$uiring many people 4at least H5 to !e moved and armed. The time needed for a second shoot of a siege weapon must !e at least C>D seconds. (uch a weapon can only shoot a ma imum of two o!/ects at the same time. S+**!"# +,: YZ(tationary YZ;eeds H or more persons to transport and handle it YZTime to reload minimum C>D seconds YZ:ires ma imum > o!/ects in one shot If &+$h % e%,o" 'oe& "o) f+llf!ll e5e-0 of )he %/o5e ,o!")&, !) !& "o) $o"&!'e-e' % &!e#e e%,o" /+) o"l0 % /!# -%"#e' e%,o". 2+!l'!"# %"' +&!"# of % S!e#e 6e%,o" -n general, &ny o!/ects !rought !y participants to the event will only !e checked for safety directly on the event. &nd we can only give some !asic info on the 7@ow to !uild and use it7 facts. This is mainly due to the fogginess of the germans weapon laws and !ecause they are ever so changing, we cannot set a concrete !asis for !uilding and using those things. U&%#e of S!e#e 6e%,o"& - +nly those persons either !eing the owner and !eing responsi!le for it or persons accompanied and supervised !y the owner are allowed to use such o!/ects. - (uch a (iege Weapon is only allowed for use as long as !ystanders and other

persons are farther away than G m. -f 4e.g. during a !attle5 persons come nearer than G m, the usage has to !e stopped and the weapon has to !e made safe and secured 4rela ed and unloaded5. - & transport of such weapons is not allowed in an armed modus. +!/ect has to !e rela ed and unloaded. - 2ou should not move such weapons faster than walking speed. Ge"e-%l -+le& fo- /+!l'!"# 'e&!#" - The (iege Weapon may not have sharp edges, pointy spikes or else standing out nails, !olts or screws. - Every part of the (iege Weapon has to !e !uild in a way that it cannot loose or fly away during use. - Every part of the (iege Weapon has to !e !uild in dimensions that guarantee that nothing will !reak under load or can !e damaged in other ways so that it can put !ystanding people in danger - e.g. !reaking !ows, ripping ropes snapping around and else. - 2ou are not allowed to use chemicals or other things that may endanger nature 4includes +il or fuels in certain parts of your weapon. S,e$!%l -+le& o" /+!l'!"# 'e&!#" - The machine may not have unsecured possi!ilities for tearing or shearing arms, legs and else !ody parts. We especially mean (iege Weapons with long throwarms like a tre!uchet. %ong levers can !uild up e treme forces through the leverage effect. - )oving parts have to !e either covered or !y height over ground or !y a security fencing out of range for people moving near the (iege Weapon. - There may not !e swinging around parts after a shot 4like at the tre!uchet5 in reach of persons. (winging parts have to !e at least >.Gm high over ground and have to !e fully covered !y foam polstering. - &ll rules for shooting weapons apply. - During use and while (iege Weapon is armed, there have to !e ways to secure and lock the weapon 4!y means of levers, locking !olts or else5. - -f the owner or responsi!le person for this weapon is not near the weapon, it has to !e locked down from usage !y heavy locks 4like a !ikelock chain or else means5 to prevent usage through other persons. - &mmunition has to !e !uild in a way that it is safe, not harming any!ody that gets hit and especially is easy to collect. ;o confetti !om!s. - &mmunition for (iege weapons has to !e at least a si0e of >D cm diameter or if in arrow form at least BG cm long. 9 If 0o+- S!e#e 6e%,o" f%!l& !" o"e of )he&e -+le& o- !& $o"&!'e-e' NU"&%feN /0 G%*e*%&)e-& )h%" 0o+ %-e "o) %llo e' )o +&e !) '+-!"# )he e5e"). Se$+-!)0 *e%&+-e&: :ollowing weapons are not allowed on this event, YZWeapons and (iege Weapons that use 9lackpowder to shoot an o!/ect YZWeapons and (iege Weapons that shoot an o!/ect through a pipe or tu!e YZ'anged Weapons or (iege Weapons that fire pro/ectiles with a hard core within the foam

-n case of dou!t, the 3) decides directly on the camp ground when checking such a weapon. What damage a (iege Weapon inflicts on a palisade or wall can !e found in the e tension of this rule-set, <(iege 'ules= The effects to persons are not touched !y this e tension and are always as written a!ove. :urthermore, the security measures and safety rules apply for siege weapon pro/ectiles in the same way as for any heavy ranged weapon. &ll pro/ectiles and the weapon itself have to !e checked !y a 3) !efore use. Po&&!/le A-*o+- $o*/!"%)!o"& %"' e%,o": A-*o+@ardened %eather Chainmail "lates A-*o+$l%&& C > H o+"'& -e$e!5e' he" h!) /0 % -%"#e'

2o &@C-o&&/o & He%50 M.6e%,o" Direct @it # Wound Direct @it # Wound Direct @it # Wound Direct @it # Wound Direct @it # Wound Direct @it # Wound Direct @it # Wound Direct @it # Wound

S!e#e 6e%,o" D @" to Death #&mputation D @" to Death #&mputation D @" to Death #&mputation D @" to Death #&mputation D @" to Death #&mputation

)agic#&lchimis C-I t C-I Com!ination of at least two &rmour classes where one is at least chainmail -

C normal @itpoint Direct @it # to &rmour Wound

S,e$!%l -%"#e' e%,o"& C+&) fo- )he %*/!e"$e To this category !elong all sorts of ranged weapons that cannot !e classified !y the categories a!ove 4e.g. 9andguns, "irate "istols with !lank cartridge 4and no pro/ectiles5, ;erfguns and so on5. The emphasis of such weapons is on the am!ience and not on the damage they cause. Decorative firearms must not !e a!le to fire pro/ectiles. S+$h e%,o"& $%" o"l0 /e +&e' o"$e !" % /%))le, 'o : D%*%#e %"' o"l0 !"fl!$) %" effe$) l!7e FG+&) of 6!"'G o" )he )%-#e), h!$h )%7e& )he )%-#e) /%$7 % fe &)e,&. 1:.2 ARMOUR To calculate the total of your &rmour "oints, you have to check the &rmour class, look up the &rmour points per partial !ody 0one and add those Q 0ones together. "artial values are rounded up. The /o'0 !& '!5!'e' !" > A-*o+-9.o"e&: left &rm, right &rm, left %eg, right %eg, Torso front, Torso !ack, @ead The e")!-e /o'0 *%0 /e h!), e($e,) of he%' %"' #-o!". A-*o+- o"l0 $o+")& o" ,%-)& he-e !) !& %$)+%ll0 o-".

A-*o+- $l%&&e&: A-*o+M%)e-!%l $l%&& D C > H &ny material covering no more than >GU of a !ody part. %eather, "added Clothes @ardened %eather, Chainmail, (calemail "late &rmour

A"0)h!"# )h%) $%""o) /e $l%&&!f!e' !")o )he&e 3 $l%&&e&, !ll /e $he$7e' o" /0 % G%*e*%&)e- '!-e$)l0 o" )he e5e") (e.#. $h!"e&e 2%*/oo %-*o+-). A-*o+- ,o!")& ,e- /o'0 .o"e %"' A-*o+- $l%&&: Co5e-%#e Cl%&& 1 Cl%&& 2 %ess than >GU >G 6 QGU D C.G D C >

Cl%&& 1 D D.G C

Cl%&& : D D D

)ore than QGU H

The &rmour only counts for those parts it actually protects. Thus, when you get hit on a !ody part that is not covered !y &rmour, the damage goes directly to your %" and cannot !e deducted from your &rmour points. To make it easier for everyone, all hits to a protected 0one are deducted from your total &rmour points, no matter how often one specific 0one is hit while others are not hit at all. &s e ample, I hits to your right leg will !e deducted from your total &rmour points, even if your torso or other parts protected !y &rmour were not hit yet. &rmour and shields that got hit during a !attle have taken the damage and have to !e repaired. This is only possi!le with the according skill. When a Character is wearing more than one type of &rmour on !ody part 4eg plates on chain mail5the &rmour that covers a larger part will !e counted in its normal &rmour class, !ut the &rmour that covers a smaller part of the !ody part is considered as on class-level lower. E(%*,le: The right arm is completely covered with chainmail 4over QGU, &rmour class >5, a shoulder plate is worn on top of it which covers the arm from shoulder to el!ow 4>GU-QGU, &rmour class H5. Chainmail over QGU ? > &rmour points 4'"5 R "late &rmour class H will !e reduced to class > ? C '". This means that you get a total of H '" for this 0one. If ) o '!ffe-e") 7!"'& of A-*o+- %-e o-" )o#e)he- !" l%0e-&, %"' $o5e- )he &%*e ,%-)& of )he /o'0 .o"e, )he lo e- A-*o+- $l%&& $o+")& o"e $l%&& le&&. -f a Character is wearing an &rmour on a !ody part, that is made from several types of &rmour, the class will !e the one of the type covering the greater percentage of the !ody part. The &rmour value on the rest of the

part, the one with the material covering the minor percentage, will !e counted as one material.s class lower. E(%*,le: The right arm is completely covered with chainmail 4over QGU5, a plate arm is worn on top of it 4over QGU5. "late over QGU ? H '" Chainmail over QGU, !ut one &rmour class lower !ecause it is worn !elow the plate ? C'" +verall, J '" together for this !ody 0one 4ma imum possi!le amount for a !ody 0one5 M%( A-*o+- Po!")& ,e- /o'0 ,%-): 3 M%( A-*o+- Po!")& $olle$)%/le: 2D &ll &rmour points a!ove >B 4including magic or alchemical &rmours5 do not count. Each 0one can !e protected from ma . two different &rmour classes. )agical or alchemical &rmours are not counted to the &rmour point limit for the specific !ody part, thus it is possi!le to have a 0one with J R I &rmour points 4coming from the ma . magical &rmour5. )agic or alchemical counts for the entire !ody and is deducted first 6 after such an &rmour reaches D '", the !ody parts that are not covered !y normal &rmour are unprotected again. E(%*,le: "late on Torso R magic &rmour > Torso front ? H '" R Torso !ack ? H '" R > '" on the 0ones that get hit meaning a total '" of B '" &fter two hits 4no matter where5 the magic &rmour is destroyed and the spare &rmour points caused !y normal &rmour count only where the &rmour is actually worn, uncovered parts are not protected anymore. The normal &rmour guarantees only I '" on the Torso 4front and !ack5 Fo- e5e-0 /o'0 .o"e, o"l0 ) o A-*o+- $l%&&e& *%0 /e )%7e" !" %$$o+"). The ,-o)e$)!o" %#%!"&) A-*o+- ,!e-$!"# e%,o"& l!7e /o , $-o&&/o %"' o)he-& 'oe& o"l0 $o+") !f %) le%&) ;:H of )he /o'0 ,%-) )h%) #o) h!) /0 &+$h % ,-oCe$)!le !& $o5e-e' !)h ) o l%0e-& of A-*o+-, he-e%& o"e of )he* h%& )o /e % *e)%l A-*o+- (e.# $h%!"*%!l o5e- ,%''e' $lo)h!"# o- ,l%)e o5e- le%)he%"' o)he- $o*/!"%)!o"&). Oeep in mind, Every !ody part where &rmour is worn, even if it is too less to !e taken in account, is protected !y the total &rmour points and whenever a hit is inflicted on such a part, the damage is deducted from the total &rmour points of all &rmour worn on the entire !ody.

1:.1 THE ARMOUR SYSTEM IN COM2AT The ma . total value of points a character may have is HB* )a %ife points ? CD )a &rmour "oints ? >B C. Within a !attle situation, after damage was taken, the &rmour points are reduced to D first 4see Chapter CC.> &rmour5. &rmour points are received through wearing real &rmour 4Chainmail, "late, %eather5 and#or alchemical or magic &rmour. alchemical or magic &rmour will !e reduced first, then the real &rmour. The ma imum of reacha!le &rmour points is >B. >. -f all &rmour points are reduced to D, meaning that it was destroyed during a !attle or there was never one, every hit is directly reducing the %ife points. The ma imum reacha!le limit for %ife points is CD 4through skills, potions, e tra %ife points, magic5. Direct damage 4e.g. from &rmour piercing weapons5 is directly deducted from the %ife points.

1:.3 SHIELDS The &h!el'& $%" o"l0 /e /-o7e" /0 e%,o"& h!$h, $%" /e +&e' %"' %-e %$)+%ll0 +&e' !)h ) o h%"'&. 6he" !" 'o+/), %&7 % GM. - (mall to medium shields 4appro . GD GDcm5 can resist G hits of a two handed weapon !efore they are !roken. &fter G hits, they !ecome useless and offer no more protection and need to !e repaired. - &ll shields a!ove this si0e resist CD hits of a two handed weapon. - (hields that are covered with special alchemical or magic protection are indestructi!le. 4(ee chapter CD.G <%ist of spells and mi tures=5. These shield have to !e marked with a !lue ri!!on over it. -(hields can too, !e repaired !efore their total destruction, to regain the full amount of possi!le hits till destruction. A "o)e )o 7ee, !" *!"' h!le *o5!"# %-o+"' !)h &h!el'&: While you can act freely with a small !uckler, you can do only short sprints !ut no longer runs with a !igger shield. When holding real !ig shields like a tower shield, you cannot even run for a short time, a user should only go around in walking speed. The classification of a shield can !e done !y every user himself, we appeal to your taste of good play and fairness. &nd if in dou!t, ask a 3). A "o)e fo- /lo$7!"# &,ell& !)h % &h!el' )agical or alchemical effects cannot !e !locked with a shield !ecause they are considered as influencing your mind or the nature around you. +ne e ception of this is 7)issile C-G7. These can !e !locked. (tarting with )issile >-G, the shield is taking the damage the same way as a two handed weapon would inflict. Damage points will !e rounded.

11. SIEGE AND 2UILDING PALISADES :or every !uild of palisades you have to name the Event +rganisators one or more persons responsi!le for this construction !efore the event itself. Those persons have to make sure that the construction is completely deconstructed after the event. Those persons have to deposit their -D-Cards as pawn and can get them !ack when the palisade is completely !uild down.

-f !uild in a special modular way, those parts can !e placed in storage and !e reused on the ne t upcoming event if desired so. :or !eing a!le to !e placed in stock, those modules have to !e stapled in the way descri!ed. "arapet walks may only !e constructed in a height of BD cm over ground 4this is enforced !y german laws for personal security5. & siege wall that is constructed over a camps escape#rescue way have to !e !uild in such a way that you can take them down and haul them away immediately and opens a gap that is minimum J m !road. This segment of the palisade has to !e reacha!le from the in- and outside of the camp in emergency cases. The whole wall has to !e constructed in a way that you can put it down in small segments during a !attle to simulate destroyed wall-parts. The way you !uild it is considered !y us in our decision of how many damage it can take during a !attle through siege weapons and rams. The ma imum time of sta!ility you can reach for one segment is HD minutes - depending on the way you !uild it up.

11.1 STORAGE :or palisade modules 4wall parts, including tower casings5 that we shall store for you, following !uilding#design rules apply, - Dimensions, C.>D >.JD m ma . - (ta!ility, 2ou have to !e a!le to walk on without !reaking it. - (ecurity, ;o nails#screws standing out - ;o overlaying parts standing out. @as to !e a rectangle. - )ust !e transporta!le !y two persons without !reaking when it gets lifted. - Every supporting structure parts have to !e !uild in a way that you can deconstruct them without effort and !reaking the modules. "alisade parts that you D+;T plan to !e stored can !uild in every way you desire &( %+;3 2+8 D+;T E;D;3E' players using it. Those parts have to !e deconstructed completely at the end of the event and EFE'2 nail or screw has to !e removed from the wood. 2ou then have to place those wooden parts in an area that are marked for it. Too, for these parts someone must sign responsi!le for it.

11.2 MAGIC PALISADE 6ALLS )agic palisades are taken as e$uivalent to wooden constructions according to the rules of this event. Their 7sta!ility7 is depending on the effort that you put in points like design, !uilding it up, ritualising it. We take the !uilding and construction time of wooden palisade walls in comparison for that. - )agic walls are like wooden siege walls not mova!le 4-;3&)E5 - 2ou can[t pass through any holes - )agic walls are not inflamma!le and can.t !e !urned down. -nstead, &nti-)agic 'ituals apply for destruction. - (iege Weapon &mmunition, &rrows, (pears and other thrown o!/ects don.t pass

through - !ut heavy o!/ects fired from (iege Weapons inflict structural damage the same way like on wooden walls. - )agical walls are like wooden walls attacka!le through !attering rams or else and even normal weapons can attack them. 'amming actions are acted out in secure distance to the te tile !ands displaying the line of the wall. Co"&)-+$)!o" -+le& of % *%#!$ ,%l!&%'e %ll

- & segment of a magic palisade wall is !uild !y two +!elisks or "ylons which are standing in a distance of J-G metres and anchored to the ground to secure them against falling over. - Every +!elisk or "ylon covers a !ase of JD JD cm or greater, has at least H side surfaces and is at least > m tall. - Those o!/ects have to !e painted with waterproof paint, even !etter in more than one colour and covered !y a design. Every one of those have to !e lighted at night with at least > (nap-lights or !etter lights. - 9etween each of those o!/ects you have to span two CG->Dcm !road te tile stripes in a good light colour 4white or light !lue5, one in a!out knee-high, the second in head-high. - The te tile !ands have to !e covered at night with either phosphorescent runes or with snap-lights in a distance of C-C.G metres each. - -f there are more then > segments in a row, you have to take the same colour for the te tile stripes. -mportant information a!out the way how to play with magical walls & magical wall does not !egin right at the te tile !ands !ut is instead sensi!le in a secure distance. 9y this, you can act out the unpierca!le resistance when you come near to such palisades. Else there would !e that superfluous danger to rip down those te tile !ands !y coming too near to it. (o /ust play with it in a little distance.

11.1 UNDER SIEGE @ow is a siege to a camp played out\ To remove security risks like :ights !etween the Tents and Camp fires, every camp gets an area that it has to secure. This area is placed ideally to one side of the camp 4most often at the front side5. Within this area the camp participants are not allowed to !uild up tents or place else o!/ects. This !attle 0one has to !e completely free of anything. This part of the camp is deemed as main entrance of the camp and is the su!stitute for the whole camp and can !e secured !y you through walls, a gate and else means. The !oundary is without connection to the tents of the camp. The measurements of this area will !e set !y the 3amemasters and depends on the amount of players in this camp. & camp with GDDR players has to defend a !igger area than a camp with only CDD players.

S!e#e %"' Co"A+e&) of % $%*, When an enemy attempts to attack the camp, his army has to !ring con$uest to the !attle 0one of this camp. & camp is deemed to !e con$uered when the aggressor was successful in getting the palisade down and has at least won over QGU of the !attle 0one area 4This is decided !y the 9attle Coordinators - not the camp 3amemasters during the fight5. With this, a >D minutes countdown starts. -f the aggressor has won for longer than this >D minutes over at least QGU of the !attle 0one, the camp defenders have to leave the camp. -n case the aggressors have won over the camp or is trying to hold the !attle 0one for even longer time, every attempt to regain control over the own camp has to !e tried from outside. & con$uered camp looses all !anners of power 4ma imum G5 and all people living in this camp will loose C %ifepoint for the ne t day. This effect is non-cumulative, meaning if a camp is loosing a fight for more than C time a day it stays with the loss of /ust C %ifepoint. (imulating !urning Tar, heated oil and else We ask you to /ust forget this idea. The simulation of such anti-siege measurements may !e logical, !ut the +uttime Effects of this simulation often creates more trou!le than it is worth. :ights !etween the tents and generally within the camp outside the !attle 0one are for!idden. 2ou are not allowed to attack from inside the camp tent area. ;o spells, no !olts, no arrows or else.

12. THE DEATH OF A CHARACTER Ch%-%$)e-& $%" '!e !" f!5e '!ffe-e") %0&: C. @e or she !leeds to death when his %ife points are reduced to D and the character is not treated within the ne t CG minutes or doesn1t have the skill regeneration. >. @e or she gets assassinated in a regular and correct way and doesn1t receive the necessary help within the ne t one minute 4see the assassinate skill5. 'egeneration doesn1t help in this case. H. &n unconscious Character dies when he receives a =death !lowA. :or this to happen another Character must hit him#her G more times and has to announce, clearly and audi!ly, the word <Todessto]= 4Death !low5. J. (ome specific and very powerful poisons cause death, in case they are not resisted or neutrali0ed. G. Through infection caused !y untreated wounds 4e.g. ;ot treated with the skill :irst &id or other healing skills5. 6o+"' !"fe$)!o" (G%"#-e"e): -nfection of a wound with !acteria. %eads to a strong redness of the skin, dermal vesicles an and high fever. 6o+"' !"fe$)!o"& $o*e !)h e5e-0 %"' %"0 o+"' )h%) !& "o) )-e%)e' %f)e- 1 ho+-. F-o* )he" o", )he $h%-%$)e- loo&e& o"e ,o!") of l!fe e5e-0 2 ho+-&. & wound is classified as <;ot treated= if no!ody has tried to heal or cure it with at

least one of the following skills or mi tures, :irst &id, @ealing &rts, (urgeon, @eal Wound, @eal 9ody. -f a wound infection occurs, it has to !e treated with either the skill (urgeon or @eal 9ody !efore the wound itself can !e healed. A 'e%' $h%-%$)e- $%""o) /e ,l%0e' %"0*o-e. A -e5!5%l !& !*,o&&!/le. The ,l%0e!ll /e %llo e' )o $-e%)e % "e $h%-%$)e- )o $o")!"+e ,%-)!$!,%)!"# !" )he #%*e.

11. RESUME %ife points, without e tra skills 4minimum after the creation of the Character5, H )a %ife points, com!ination of all possi!le sources 4skills, potions, etc.5, CD )a . &rmour "oints, com!ination of all possi!le sources, >B )a . hit points, HB Damage with a one handed weapon, C Damage with a two handed weapon 4depends on 3)1s decision if Weapon is classified as a two handed weapon5, > )a . damage during a melee 4e.g. two handed weapon or a one handed weapon with a special skill like <:riendship with Element :ire5, > )a . Damage with missile weapons, Direct hit )a . damage through magical#alchemical mi tures, G @it !y a siege weapon, immediate loss of all lifepoints A))e")!o": Th!e5e-0 !& "o) %llo e' o" )he Co"M+e&) E5e")8 E($e,)!o": Thievery of special "lot-o!/ects or 3ame coins of the ConQuest Event, under supervision of a 3). Every other case will !e considered as stealing and will lead to prosecution. (ee Chapter B.C.

P+/l!&he%ive &dventure Event 3m!@ "hilipp @eidtkamp %agerstr. CD EHDGG 'egens!urg &ll rights reserved. 2ou[re not permitted to reproduce parts of this rules in any way 4photocopy, microfilm, or other processing procedures5 without a written agreement of the company %ive &dventure, or to process, copy or distri!ute with aid of electronic systems. ^ >DCH %ive &dventure Event 3m!@

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