Princenton Proposal
Princenton Proposal
Princenton Proposal
Princeton University Design Standards:
4.10 Masonry, Roofing and Waterproofing
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.10 Roofing - page 1
Standards for Masonry, Roofing and Waterproofing -
Grounds and Building Maintenance
These standards apply to new and replacement roofs for academic, administrative, athletic, and
residential buildings on Princetons campus. For buildings off campus, the Designer should
consult with the Project Manager or the Facilities department involved for requirements.
1. Contacts
A. Project Manager for department initiating project
B. Project Manager, Building Envelope; MacMillan Building, (609) 258-6607
C. Preservation Architect, Building Envelope; MacMillan Building, (609) 258-0499
D. Office of Environmental Health and Safety (for on-site safety); (609) 258-5294
2. Index of References
A. Built Up Roofing, Construction Details Appendix 4.10-1 Appendix 4.10-1
B. Detail of Ridge for Slate Roofs (3pp) Appendix 4.10-2 Appendix 4.10-2
C. Rooftop Drainage Requirements and Details Appendix 4.10-3 Appendix 4.10-3
D. Typical Flashing Details
(wall/roof, curb/roof) (2pp) Appendix 4.10-4 Appendix 4.10-4
E. Tremco Roofing Reference Guide,
3rd Edition Appendix 4.10-5
F. Roofing for the Design Professional,
Tremco Roofing Division Appendix 4.10-6
G. Contractor Safety Advisory, by the Office
of Environmental Health and Safety,
Princeton University Appendix 4.10-7
H. Stone Parapet Cap with Mortar J oint Appendix 4.10-8 Appendix 4.10-8
I. Through Wall Flashing at Parapet Details Appendix 4.10-9 Appendix 4.10-9
J . Typical Ornamental Coping Detail Appendix 4.10-10 Appendix 4.10-10
K. Sheet Metal Coping Appendix 4.10-11 Appendix 4.10-11
L. Garden Wall Stone Cap with Mortar J oint Appendix 4.10-12 Appendix 4.10-12
M. Below Grade Waterproofing Appendix 4.10-13
Concrete and CMU Foundations
N. Below Grade Waterproofing - Appendix 4.10-14
Rubble Stone Foundations
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O. Selected Sarnafil Details Appendix 4.10-15 Appendix 4.10-15
P. Roof Penetration Details Appendix 4.10-16
Q. Below Grade Penetrations Appendix 4.10-17
3. Codes and Standards
A. New J ersey Uniform Construction Code and adopted subcodes unless superseded by
other NJ UCC references (see section 1.4 Regulatory Agencies): Note that the subcodes contain references to material
and construction standards that must be met to comply with the NJ UCC. These
standards, promulgated by such groups as the American Concrete Institute, the American
Institute of Steel Construction, the American National Standards Institute, ASTM
International, et al. are included in the Referenced Standards chapter of the
International Building Code.
B. Various standards by the U. S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (refer
to Appendix 4.10-7 for information)
C. NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual
D. SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual (details for soldered lock-seam joints, e.g.)
4. Review Guidelines
Initial planning and preliminary design of a project may be conducted with the University
department responsible for project initiation. As the project moves toward the construction
documentation and code review phases, it becomes important that the project be submitted to the
Engineering Department, the Grounds and Building Maintenance Department, the Office of
Design and Construction, and the Department of Public Safety for review of compliance with
University standards. Proposed roofing systems, in particular, are to be reviewed with the
Preservation Architect/Building Envelope and the PM/Building Envelope in the schematic design
phase when the roof shape and general type are determined.
Any proposed plazas, terraces, or balconies over occupied areas, all green roofs and roof gardens
are to be reviewed as roofing projects by the University Grounds and Building Maintenance
Department. Similarly, any below-grade building or a portion of a building constructed with a
ceiling/roof structure waterproofed to prevent water infiltration is to be reviewed as a roofing
Roof plans are to be reviewed with the departmental Project Manager and the Project Manager
for Building Envelope early in the project in order to locate areas of particular concern and agree
upon an approach to best address them. Through-wall flashing for the project is also to be
reviewed with the PM/Building Envelope.
The design approach for the exterior envelope is to be reviewed during schematic design with the
departmental Project Manager and the Preservation Architect. Proposed techniques for
waterproofing and flashing cavity backup wall and/or the drainage plane for rainscreen systems
are to be presented by the designer for review and discussion.
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5. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
Along with the specifications, the Designer is to produce sufficient documentation to allow for
internal review, any required code review of the roofing project, and for contract bidding of the
work. This documentation will include, at a minimum:
A. Roof plans showing roof layout and drainage, and any projections through the roof or
equipment mounted on the roof; plans for any waterproofing work in the project;
B. Project-specific details of the roofing/waterproofing systems and any modifications
required for the new work;
C. Details of flashing systems, details of each flashing type required for the project, and
details of any roof penetrations or below-grade penetrations;
D. Details showing U.L. assemblies required to meet fire rating requirements for roofing
E. Roofing and flashing shop Drawings are to be submitted to the PM/Building Envelope in
the normal course of submittals during a project. Shop Drawings for any roofing
accessories, such as skylights and hatches, are also to be submitted to the PM/Building
Envelope. Shop drawings for wall flashings and flashings for stone trim, windows,
architectural features, etc. are to be submitted concurrent with submittals for masonry
materials and other envelope materials.
Designers are to respond to review comments of University personnel, either in revision
of documents to comply with comments, or in writing if there is an overriding rationale in
not complying with University standards.
Requirements for specific areas of documentation are as follows:
Documentation SD DD 50% CD 85% CD
Roof Plans General X X X X
Roof Plans Location of
Roof Plans Locations of
equipment and projections
Details Parapets and
Details Through Wall
Details Sheet metal or other X
Below Grade Waterproofing X X
Utility Penetrations X
Outline Specifications X
Full-Length Specifications X X
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6. Guidelines for Installation and Performance Roofing
A. Installation
Of prime importance to the University is the quality of the initial roof installation and the
provision of a long life warranty for any roofing system installed on campus. For flat roofs
in particular, and for waterproofing systems used under plazas and for green roofs, it is
imperative that the roofing manufacturer provide full-time supervision during the roofing
work, and that a twenty-year system warranty be provided to the University upon
completion. Standards for roofing include the following:
1. Flat Roofs (Conventional): the University Grounds and Building Maintenance
overwhelmingly supports the use of petroleum-based built-up roofing systems on flat
roofs. The use of single-membrane systems is discouraged, and must be explicitly
approved by the PM/Building Envelope before being allowed for a project.
A four-ply built-up system with a two-ply vapor barrier (where appropriate) is the
University standard for a low-slope roof.
a) Hot System: a hot-applied system is preferred but may not be suitable for use
on existing or new buildings where fumes during installation might affect
occupants or those nearby. If a hot-applied system is to be used, Therm-50
with hypalon flashing by Tremco meets Princeton University requirements for
b) Cold System: Burmastic-200 with hypalon flashing by Tremco meets
Princeton University requirements for maintainability and is the preferred
system for flat roofs.
c) Surfacing: White aggregate surfacing meeting the manufacturers
specifications is to be applied as part of the roofing system. arctic white
granite chips from the George Schofield Co. provide the desired level of
reflectivity. Exposed surfaces of hypalon flashings are to be covered with
Double Duty Aluminum, a reflective coating.
2. Green Roofs: vegetation-covered roofs, whether employing loose growth medium or
trays, are to be treated in a similar manner to plazas, balcomies, etc. Grounds and
Building Maintenance recommends loose-laid single-ply PVC membrane, such as that
produced by Sarnafil. See requirements for waterproofing systems and review
proposed product with the Project Manager and the Roofing Shop. Refer to Appendix
4.10-15 for approves Sarnafil installation details.
3. Below-grade structures: See requireemtns for waterproofing systems and review
proposed product with the Project Manager, Building Envelope. When applying a
horizontal membrane over below-grade structure (particularly in cases where plantings
or soft cover are planned as a top surface) a 4 concrete protection slab should be
applied over filter fabric and drainage mat, which in turn is installed over the
waterproofing system. This will ensure protection of the treated areas from penetration
by fencing, tent spikes or the like. The added depth of the slab should be taken into
consideration when planning grades and planted areas.
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4. Structure, Accessories, Miscellaneous:
a) Roof decks: concrete is the preferred decking material, sloped to drain. If
sloped concrete cannot be used, concrete with tapered insulation or another
material meeting the construction classification required for the building may
be considered. Consult with the Project Manager.
If there is a mechanical penthouse in the project, the floor of the penthouse
should be concrete; a steel roof or roof deck is acceptable over the penthouse.
b) Insulation: Roof insulation is to be part of the roofing system and is to be
covered by the roofing warranty. Point loading and uniform loading
requirements must be considered in the choice of insulation material and
method of installation. Insulation should be 2 thick minimum, R-20
minimum (or greater to meet code requirements for energy conservation).
Insulation is to be installed in two layers with staggered joints; insulation is to
be fastened to vapor barrier using fastenfree adhesive, and successive layers
of insulation are to be fastened with the same adhesive. Ioscyanurate
insulation should be covered with minimum DensDeck (or equal). On flat
decks, insulation is to be tapered to roof drains; drains are to be installed in 4-
0 x 4-0 sumps to provide positive flow to the drains. Any roof penetrations
(i.e.: conduit, lightning protection, fall protection, MEP system, etc) should be
on roof plan for coordination of constructability.
c) Do not use pressure treated wood blocking, use Douglas fir, or where damp
conditions are anticipated, wood blocking is to be cedar to prevent decay.
Alternately, consult with roofing Tech Team representative for project specific
d) Through-wall/counter flashing is to be receiver-type to allow for re-roofing.
Flashings are to be locked and soldered at seams and corners. Flashings at
roof penetrations, curbs, and transitions should extend up a minimum of 8
above the surface of the roof. Copper and Freedon Gray copper are the
preferred material for flashings; 20 oz weight is standard. Coordination of
through-wall flashing is very important. For through-wall flashing, details
shall eliminate the need for sealants; sealants or caulking are not to be relied
on for water-tightness.
At parapets all drains shall have an overflow scupper to divert water off the
roof in times of drain blockage. Overflows shall be 2, minimum, below
lowest point of base or wall flashing.
e) Copings: Metal copings should be designed to allow for expansion without
bending or flexing. Expansion joints should be installed within four feet of
corners and at every third joint along walls (at twenty feet on center +/-). Use
loose-locked-and-caulked joints or use splice joints for expansion. All other
joints are to be locked and soldered. Copper and Freedom Gray copper are the
preferred material for copings; 20 oz weight is the standard.
f) Installation of equipment on a flat roof is to be avoided if possible. Where
equipment must be installed on a roof, NRCA design considerations are to be
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followed. Clearance requirements for ease of re-roofing are to be met;
equipment supports are to be detailed so that re-roofing can be easily
accomplished. Curbs are to be 12 above the finished roof surface and use of
pitch pockets is to be avoided. To the extent possible, equipment and supports
should be located a minimum of 6-0 from drains. Prefabricated walks are
to be provided with the roof for maintenance access to the equipment and to
roof hatches or access points.
g) Warranty: The entire roofing system is to be covered by the manufacturers
warranty including, without limit, the insulation and any recovery board, the
roofing material, the flashings, any through-penetration systems or
fabrications, equipment mounting curbs or saddles, etc.
h) Temporary Waterproofing: During construction, a two-ply vapor barrier
applied directly to the concrete deck has been used successfully as a temporary
roof. Such a surface can bear construction traffic. Any damage must be
repaired and completed at the time the permanent roof is installed.
5. Pitched Roofs: The majority of on-campus buildings at Princeton University with
pitched roofs are finished with slate. There are a number of buildings at the University
that have metal roofs; the typical metal roof at Princeton is standing-seam copper or
Freedom Gray copper, with all joints locked and soldered. Finally, there are a few
roofs with synthetic roofing materials (terracotta or ceramic tile, e.g.); if a synthetic
roof is used, an adequate supply of replacement tiles or shingles should be specified. If
synthetic surface roof is proposed, or a metal different from copper, review selection
and system requirements with the Project Manager, Building Envelope and the
Preservation Architect in the schematic design phase of design.
a) For new roofs, slate is to be a minimum 3/8 - 1/2 thickness and meet
requirements for Vermont slate, S-1 architectural grade. The Designer should
note, on repair projects in particular, the thickness of the existing slate to
insure that the new material is compatible with the existing.
b) Copper for standing-seam roofs should be 20 oz. Hard drawn. Lead-coated
copper has been used extensively in the past at the University, but is now
considered problematic; Freedom Gray copper by Revere is an acceptable
c) Flashings are to be copper (for both slate and copper roofs), 20 oz. minimum
for standing vertical flashings, valleys, through-wall flashings, and areas
subject to excessive wear. Materials, including slates, shingles, felts, metals,
fasteners, etc. are to comply with the requirements of the NRCA Roofing and
Waterproofing Manual and the SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual,
and be fabricated and installed in compliance with good practice and the
details listed in Appendices 4.10-3 and 4.10-4.
d) Saturated asphalt felts or an approved synthetic underlay with a rosin slip
sheet are the typical underlayment for most pitched roofs, with a rosin slip
sheet used between felts and metal roofing material. Codes require eaves and
other areas subject to the effects of ice dams to be protected with cemented
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underlayment or waterproofing membrane. A self-adhering, self-sealing
membrane is the preferred ice shield.
6. Lightning Protection: The Designer should review with the Project Manager the need
for lightning protection on the building. If a system exists, or if a new system is
proposed, the Designer should investigate the method of installation, if any, suggested
by the roofing manufacturer. The Designer should review the options for installation
with the departmental Project Manager and the PM/Building Envelope, and prepare
proper details and other installation information for the system. Provide details at and
through roof assemblies.
B. Performance
The interest on the part of Princeton University in using the quality materials listed above is
in producing a facility that will provide long years of service with a reasonable maintenance
effort. The materials listed have in the past produced such results, but only with the proper
care taken during the initial installation.
As noted above, roof warranties are to cover the installed system, not simply the roofing
material. For membrane roofs, full-time jobsite inspection by the manufacturers trained
representative is required.
7. Guidelines for Installation and Performance Waterproofing
A. Plazas, balconies, etc.: for areas, over sub-grade structures, finished with pavers or other
traffic surface, Grounds and Building Maintenance recommend a loose-laid single-ply
PVC membrane, such as that produced by Sarnafil. Review proposed product with the
PM/Roofing. Refer to Appendix 4.10-15 for approved Sarnafil installation details.
This is the preferred method of waterproofing horizontal areas below grade.
B. Below-grade structures: When applying a horizontal membrane over below-grade
structure (particularly in cases where plantings or soft cover are planned as a top
surface) a 4 concrete protection slab should be applied over drainage mat and filter
fabric, which in turn is installed over the waterproofing layer. This will ensure protection
of the treated areas from penetration by fencing, tent spikes or the like. The added depth
of the slab should be taken into consideration when planning grades and planted areas.
C. Below-grade penetrations: for piping, conduit, and similar services, individual sleeves
for each pipe are to be installed in new construction, and individual cores for each pipe in
existing construction are to be used. Penetrations are to be spaced to allow a minimum of
6 clear area in all directions for proper application of waterproofing assembly; a four-
inch conduit, for example, will require a frame approximately 16 inches in diameter.
Clear space requirements for adjacent penetrations are allowed to overlap one another.
Space between core or sleeve and conduit or pipe is to be sealed with a mechanical link-
type seal. Any deviation must meet with the approval of the Facilities Grounds &
Building Maintenance Roofing Shop Project Manager. The exterior wall at the
penetration is to be primed and coated with a bitumastic waterproofing membrane, such
as Bituthane. The bitumastic is to be formed around the pipe or conduit, and outward
4(+/-) to allow a stainless-steel clamp to be installed around the extended membrane.
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Termination bars are to be applied, picture-frame style, to finish the edges of the
membrane. Review proposed product and details with the PM/Roofing.
Refer to code requirements as needed for utility penetration spacing where these pass
through foundation walls. Where University requirements exceed code requirements,
spacing is to meet the more stringent requirement.
D. Concrete or CMU and Rubble stone foundations:
1. Concrete or CMU foundations: when concrete or CMU foundations are part of the
waterproofing design, insure proper curing, cleaning and preparation of the wall prior
to the application of the bituthane waterproofing system and subsequent mirror drain
Refer to Appendix 4.10-13 for requirements for below grade waterproofing of concrete
or CMU foundation walls.
2. Rubble stone foundations: when existing rubble stone foundations are part of the
waterproofing design, careful evaluation of new waterproofing requirements must be
made. Include provisions for sandblasting, parging and mirror drain fabric in addition
to approved University material specification of a membrane applied.
Refer to Appendix 4.10-14 for requirements for below grade waterproofing of rubble
stone foundation walls.
E. If masonry work is planned as part of a rainscreen system (or if metal or glass panels are
planned as part or a combined masonry/metal/glass rainscreen system, the designer is to
review proposed system and proposed waterproofing techniques with PM/Building
Envelope. It is expected that redundant systems will be included as part of the design, so
that the failure of the primary water-shedding system will not result in total system
Particular care is to be taken in designing interfaces of masonry anchors and
waterproofing membrane and in placement of through-wall flashings to bring any water
that penetrates the system out to the exterior. A reliable weep system is to be designed
for the wall, including mesh to prevent mortar build-up in the cavity and at the weeps.
The designer is to specify water-testing of the weep systems during construction at
approximately four foot vertical intervals.
In specifying masonry walls, the designer is to consider the permeability of the veneer or
facing material used. If a relatively porous material is to be used to face the building
(such as limestone, brownstone, and some types of brick), a nonporous material (such as
granite) is to be used as a base course, extending approximately eight inches above finish
8. Guidelines for Protection and Maintenance
A. Roofing specifications are to contain the following statement:
The Construction Manager, roofing contractor, or any of the contractors agents shall not
move equipment or materials over, or in any way modify the existing roofing that will
remain during or after the completion of roofing work unless the roofing is fully protected
from damage. It is required that an infra-red roof scan be performed prior to
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commencement of work so that pre-construction conditions may be recorded, with a
second scan performed at the completion of construction to verify the roof has been
adequately protected. The Construction Manager will be responsible for repair or
replacement of defective material, improper installation, or damage resulting from work
performed through the project prior to the University accepting the roof as completed.
Other forms of testing (other than infra-red) may be deemed acceptable pending
consultation with the Universitys Project Manager of Roofing Trades.
B. All new roofs are to be designed for ready access to all areas during adverse weather
conditions with a minimum use of portable ladders or other lift conveyances.
9. Design Guidelines for Safety in Roofing Maintenance
The Designer is to consider requirements for safety in the maintenance of the building in
designing the roof for the building. Early consideration is to be given to providing parapet walls
for flat-roofed areas so that OSHA recommendations for roof work can be met. Fall protection
systems, where needed in the absence of parapet or other structural components, are to be
installed in all new construction projects and in major renovation/alteration projects. An
alternative may be a built-in system of permanent mounting points for safety railing; see
Appendix 4.10-1. The Designer is encouraged to review proposed solutions with the Project
Manager and the PM/Building Envelope, along with the Office of Environmental Health &
The Designer is to be aware that the University considers the installation of safety-line tie-offs
insufficient for the promotion of roofing safety.
For slate roofs, a detail has been developed that provides for both venting at the ridge and for
securing ridge slates to the assembly. See Appendix 4.10-2. Review with the Project Manager
the need for diverters installed over building entries where roof slope is not directed away from
10. Garden or Landscaping Walls Exterior Masonry
Garden or landscaping walls should have thru-wall flashing under coping caps to prevent water
penetration and prematurely destroying the wall. Review proposed flashing details with the
Project Manager for Roofing and Masonry (see Appendix 4.10-12). J oints of coping are then
pointed (not caulked). On stone walls specify thru-wall flashing near the top of wall under
stones, using lead flashing to conform with irregular shapes. If over an occupied space (below)
set thru-wall flashing at waterproofing level in addition to coping detail.
11. Non-conformance With Standards
Occasionally the use of new products is found to be in the best interest of Princeton University.
Requests by the Designer to use new or non-standard products or techniques will be evaluated
based on comparison of the following characteristics:
Flexibility/Elongation Coefficients
Wear Characteristics under traffic
Quality Control in manufacture and application
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Warranty - for labor and material covering completed roofing system as installed, including
roofing materials, flashings, accessories, etc.
Use of a new product at a specific facility does not mean its use in other similar cases will be
automatically approved. An unspecified testing period will be employed for new products.
A Designer who desires to use a non-standard or new product on a project should approach the
Project Manager with the proposal. The Project Manager, after review will consult the
PM/Roofing on the proposal. In support of his proposal, the Designer should prepare his
argument, listing the above characteristics, as applicable, and present a clear and concise
rationale for using the non-standard product.
12. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
The Designer is responsible for checking the accuracy of as-built Drawings prepared by the
roofing contractor.
The Designer is responsible, at regular intervals during the construction process, for scheduling
and attending meetings with the contractor and University personnel to review progress on the
system and to ascertain that the contractor is keeping accurate records of system installation.
Designer will verify during these regular meetings that the contractor is maintaining record
Drawings to convert to as-builts.
On the as-builts, the contractor is to highlight changes made to submittals and approved
The as-builts are to include, as a minimum, roof plans with:
Location of roof drains and expansion joints
Flashing details
Location of roof hatches (including mfg., model and serial number)
Roofing System sections (including mfg., product number)
See Section 1.5 (Documentation and Archiving).
Princeton University Design Standards:
4.11 Toilet Rooms
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.11Toilet Rms -page 1
Standards for Toilet Rooms -
Building Services
Grounds and Building Maintenance
Toilet rooms will typically be designed as part of the core building space in new construction.
Location of bathrooms in alteration or renewal projects may be limited by building configuration
or utility location, but should nevertheless be located for easy access in a logical location in the
1. Index of References
A. Pipe Sleeve and Fire Stopping Requirements Appendix 4.11-2
B. Shower Base Detail Appendix 4.13-3
2. Toilet Rooms
Note that the University preference is to establish permanent room numbers for a building that
are used on the construction documents. The Designer should review the proposed numbering
scheme for the building with the Project Manager to be sure that the scheme is consistent with
other campus buildings. Bathrooms should be included in the numbering scheme, to allow for
easy reference in later maintenance work. Room numbers may include suffixes of F and M or
Women and Men. Dormitory bathrooms are gender-neutral in design, and may be designated
for males one year and females the next, so physical room numbers for dormitory bathrooms
should be only semi-permanent.
The minimum number of plumbing fixtures required for a project can be determined by the New
J ersey Uniform Construction Code and the National Standard Plumbing Code. The code-
mandated minimum count is just that - the minimum. The Designer, working with the Project
Manager and the end user, is to determine the number of fixtures that should reasonably be
included in the project.
The Designer should consider acoustic isolation techniques in the choice of walls surrounding
bathrooms, and in piping materials and enclosures. This is particularly important in dormitories,
where high bathroom usage can be a nuisance factor for adjacent rooms.
Ideally, there will be womens and mens facilities on each floor of a building. Moreover, these
facilities will be accessible and barrier-free. In some instances, a building may be too small to
have facilities for each sex on each floor. A review of the proposed use of each space, and the
disposition of staff, should then be done in order to place facilities in the most useful locations.
In some cases, single-fixture unisex toilet rooms may be adequate and appropriate for a project.
Single-fixture toilet rooms should be designed to be barrier-free.
A janitors closet should be located in the vicinity of toilet rooms. See Section 4.3 (Custodial
Closets and Storage) for additional information.
The Designer should review the requirements of the plumbing code for other fixtures such as
drinking fountains. See Section 1.4 (Regulatory Agencies) for information regarding codes.
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Princeton University has developed a specification for plumbing and mechanical work on
campus; see Appendix 4.11-1.
Bathroom Design Considerations
The following list includes items that the Designer should take into consideration when planning
a project that includes toilet rooms:
1. Construction and Fire Rating
Review need for fire-rated enclosure and door assembly, including door closer.
See Appendix 4.11-2 for pipe sleeve and firestopping requirements based on
wall/floor materials.
In fire-rated walls of bathrooms, review placement of any recessed fixtures or
accessories for compliance with required assembly rating.
At all floor penetrations in wet areas use integral water barrier sleeve device such as
Hilti Water Barrier Module or FM approved equal
2. Fixture Requirements
This section deals primarily with multiple-fixture bathrooms.
At a minimum, requirements of the NJ UCC and National Standard Plumbing Code
must be met for number of fixtures (including drinking fountains). It is prudent to
maximize the fixture count of bathrooms in academic spaces, particularly if large
lecture facilities are provided that might be used by the general public for special
events. The same is true of any buildings that include performance spaces. The
code-required minimum fixture number is often unrealistically low for number of
toilets and lavatories in particular, and the Designer should review the users
preferences during the programming phase.
For dormitory bathrooms, Princeton University Housing Office has developed the
following ratios as a desirable goal: students per shower 5.5/1; students per toilet
5.5/1; students per lavatory - 4.5/1. Bathtubs are generally not installed in dorms at
At least one floor drain should be installed in each bathroom, more if layout dictates.
Floor drains should be installed in each barrier-free shower.
In bathrooms that are not adjacent to a janitors closet with a service sink, hot and
cold hose bibbs should be installed for custodial use. The hose bibbs should have key
stops rather than handles. The preferred location is under a lavatory, approximately
18 above the finish floor.
3. Preferred Fixture Types and Fittings
See Design Standard Manual Section 3.11 Plumbing. This section contains
information beyond that presented here regarding fittings and fixtures for use in
University projects.
a) Toilets - floor mounted preferred, with flush valve (rather than tank). If headroom
in room below is problematic or there are other overriding concerns, wall-
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.11Toilet Rms -page 3
mounted toilets may be considered. Review with the Project Manager in
preliminary design stage.
b) Urinals - wall mounted, American Standard Linbrook or Washbrook, with Sloan
186-1 flush valve. NJ UCC requires low-flow urinals. (Urinals are not typically
installed in dormitories, due to the need for flexibility in gender distribution in the
buildings [on a yearly basis, a dormitory mens room may become a womens
room, and vice versa]).
c) Lavatories - preferred generally over vanities for institutional-type use; American
Standard New Lucerne, Heritage faucet sets, no pop-up drains (strainer only).
NJ UCC requires low-flow fittings. Provide shelf above each lavatory mounted
high enough to permit accessibility to service the faucet.
d) Showers - a precast terrazzo shower base is preferred, with masonry or frame
walls with ceramic tile finish for the surround. One option is to provide a back
wall or demising wall to contain valves and piping, with partitions forming the
other wall or walls.
If frame walls are utilized, the substrate should be plaster on metal lath, or
cementitious underlay such as USGs Durock or National Gypsums PermaBase.
Consider requirements for rated assemblies if the shower wall is part of a corridor
Provide shower stalls with curtains or doors, and a drying area which is, at a
minimum, screened. Princeton traditionally used marble for partitions, but most
recently has used the solid color reinforced composite (SCRC). Metal partitions
have been found to be too susceptible to damage and corrosion and are generally
not used. Specify soap dishes for shower stalls (preferably ceramic recessed).
Princeton University Building Services will provide custom-cut shower curtains;
Designer should specify length to adequately cover terrazzo curb. Any other
special requirements should be brought to the attention of Building Services.
Full-length heavy-duty tubular shower rods (typically stainless steel) should be
specified for shower stalls. Rods should be securely mounted in retaining cups
fastened to shower substrate. Make note of any blocking required for this purpose
in frame construction.
The Designer is to be conscious of waterproofing requirements for these bases at
all wall, floor and drain locations, especially where occupied spaces may be below
the showers. Install underlayments incorporating integral waterproofing
membrane and pre-formed inside/outside corners meeting ANSI 118.1. System to
match Schluters Kerdi/Ditra or equal (see appendix 4.13-3). Use only
integrated drains and tailpieces.
e) Wall stops - Wolverine 53336 with integral handle.
f) Valves See Design Standard Manual Section 3.11 Plumbing,
g) Hose Bibbs with keyed handles.
h) Floor Drains - See Design Standard Manual Section 3.11 Plumbing,
i) Cleanouts - See Design Standard Manual Section 3.11 Plumbing,
j) Drinking Fountains - See Design Standard Manual Section 3.11 Plumbing,
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.11Toilet Rms -page 4
4. ADA and Adaptability Requirements
The Designer must become familiar with the barrier-free requirements in the NJ UCC
and the sub-code ICC/ANSI A117.1. Some latitude in the provision of and location of
barrier-free baths is allowed. The Universitys goal is to have accessible bathrooms in
areas served by accessible entries and along accessible routes, but it may not be
practical to make every bathroom barrier-free. The project design review committee
will review the proposed location and layout of accessible baths on a case-by-case
basis, for continuity with the Universitys master plan for accessibility.
5. Security
Bathroom entry doors may be equipped with combination-lock hardware to provide a
measure of security within buildings. See section 4.4 Door Hardware. This
requirement is to be reviewed with University prior to documentation.
6. Finishes
Provide washable finishes; floors are typically ceramic tile or stone, as are walls to at
least the height of mirrors. Specify 10% attic stock for each type of tile to be delivered
to University shops. This is to include field tile(s), coves, accent and each type of
bullnose. Ceramic soap dishes should also be included.
Materials must be water-resistant; at a minimum, use water-resistant gypsum board for
walls and ceilings. A smooth plaster finish is preferred. At tiled walls, backer
materials to have a glass mat facing with a moisture resistance gypsum core at a
minimum. Plan carefully for access doors that are often needed in bathroom walls or
ceilings; minimum 12 square doors are standard. Coordinate access panel locking
requirements with section 4.4 Door Hardware.
7. Lighting and Power
Provide area lighting for the room, and (generally) a light at each fixture or
compartment. Motion detectors may be used for control of selected light fixtures, with
at least one unswitched fixture per room on an emergency circuit. Ideally the
emergency fixture is to be located above the sink.
Provide ground-fault-interrupted receptacles at lavatories, one centered between every
two lavatories, or at individual fixtures.
Provide back-box and power for future electric hand dryers in the vicinity of the
lavatories, where towel dispensers are to be located.
8. Partitions
Provide toilet partitions with doors, shower stalls with curtains or doors, and a shower
drying area which is, at a minimum, screened. In addition to traditional metal/stainless
partitions, solid color reinforced composite (SCRC) dividers have been installed.
9. Accessories
a) Vendors for Building Services provide many of the accessories used in
Princetons toilet rooms, including soap and paper towel dispensers and large-roll
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.11Toilet Rms -page 5
toilet tissue dispensers. Building Services provides shower curtains for the
dormitory bathrooms. Consult Project Manager and Building Services for current
b) The following need to be specified by the Designer: trash disposal units (recessed
units in academic buildings, large volume baskets in dormitories); feminine
napkin disposal units; mirrors (typically standard units, individually framed for
ease of replacement, often with attached stainless steel shelves); full-length
mirrors can be considered in most uses; surface mounted soap dishes for shower
stalls; heavy-duty one-piece tubular shower rods; heavy-duty robe and towel
hooks (in dormitories; discuss material and style with Project Manager) Shelves
for purses or pocketbooks are often requested in toilet stalls and at lavatories in
academic/administrative uses, and should be considered by the Designer.
c) Hot and cold hose bibbs may be required, as noted above.
d) The University may install electric hand dryers in multiple-fixture bathrooms in
lieu of paper towel dispensers. Paper towel dispensers may be temporarily
installed over dryer outlets, until the decision on hand dryers is finalized.
10. Heating and Ventilation
Exhaust ventilation with make-up air is generally needed; review code requirements
for providing fresh air, for tempering make-up air, and for providing heat to the
bathrooms. In-floor radiant heat has seen limited but successful use in bathrooms, but
must be carefully coordinated with fixtures and any subsequent mounting hardware for
partitions, etc.
11. Fire Suppression and Fire Alarm/Detectors
Review code requirements for fire suppression and heat detection for the project and in
the proposed bathrooms.
12. Requirements for As-Built Documentation
On the as-builts, the contractor is to highlight changes made to submittals and
approved documents.
The as-builts are to include the following as a minimum:
Waste, water and vent riser Diagrams
Schedule of plumbing components including backflow preventers (mfg., model
number, size)
See Section 1.5 (Documentation and Archiving).
Princeton University Design Standards:
4.12 Waste Removal and Loading Docks
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.12 Waste / Loading - page 1
Standards for Waste Removal & Loading Docks -
Building Services
Waste removal must be considered in the site planning phase of building design, and
consideration must be given to the way materials and equipment are received at a building.
Requirements for loading berths are included in the land use ordinances of both Princeton
municipalities, and must be indicated on site plans presented to the local zoning and planning
boards. Typically, local officials will expect to review plans for all services during site plan
approval; vehicular movement on the site will be reviewed, as will enclosures or screen plantings
for dumpsters and recycling containers.
Princeton University is currently implementing options for controlling traffic in the historic
section of campus. Of concern are the size of waste-hauling vehicles and the frequency of pick-
up required for recycling and garbage removal. The use of smaller vehicles for trash pickup is
being employed, and there are sites being developed for regional compactors to control volume.
The Designer should consult with the Project Manager to ascertain the current status of this issue.
1. Index of References
A. Standard Recycling Receptacle Appendix 4.12-1
2. Guidelines for Installation and Performance
A. Waste Removal Services within Building
Trash storage within buildings is minimized.
Access to small semi-concealed trash holding areas from within building is important.
Housing and Building Services are trying to end the practice, in dormitories, of the
permanent placement of trash containers (from each dorm room) in hallways. Trash
chutes have proven to be an effective tool in trash removal and are the recommended
method of handling trash removal and recycling. Chutes are to be the type that allows
access for cleaning. Other possibilities include the placement on each floor of a
trash/recycling center that students will be required to use for their trash disposal.
Another possibility would be the creation of a trash room(s) in the building, with the
requirement that students take their trash there. Such a facility would need to be emptied
daily, at a minimum.
The Designer should be prepared to review the possible solutions to trash handling and
The University utilizes a standard recycling bin. Peter Pepper Products, Inc. model Nos.
1034 through 1039. (See Appendix 4.12-1).
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.12 Waste / Loading - page 2
B. External Trash Staging Areas
There is a movement afoot to reduce the number of dumpsters visible on campus, and to
reduce the size and visibility of dumpster enclosures. At the same time, as noted above
there is a desire to reduce traffic and the size of vehicles that have access to the historic
area of campus.
Trucks currently used by Building Services for servicing dumpster areas have a turning
radius of forty-five feet; paths to dumpster enclosures should be planned to accommodate
these trucks, unless smaller vehicles are to be used.
As stated, there is a desire to make dumpster enclosures smaller, and to make them less
visible. Enclosure to consist of shadowbox type fencing and a pad min of 210 SF
C. Area Trash Compactors
Compactors are being considered as possible means to reducing the number of dumpsters
required, and thus the number of vehicle trips required to remove trash and recycling.
Compactors would need to be limited to the perimeter of campus, due to the fact that the
containers are significantly heavier than a standard non-compacted dumpster, and a full-
size removal vehicle is needed. Depending on size (over 3 cubic yards), vehicular access
would need to be straight on to the compactor, because the containers are too heavy to be
rolled into place for pickup. If a compactor is to be included in a project, the Designer
should consider placing it near the loading dock to minimize access needs for the building
(although volume of use at the dock might preclude this). Where space permits, install
Marathon VIPRL3 self-container compactor. The footprint of the actual unit is 10w x
5d x 7.7 h. Additional discussions needed with Building Services Technical
Representative prior to purchase and installation. This scenario is best used in complexes
wither they could serve to tidy a dock area in creating a smaller footprint in a larger
facility/complex with larger trash demands.
Compactors would need to be placed away from dormitories to minimize noise
2. Loading Areas
In academic uses, if there is a custodian dedicated to the new or renovated building, the optimal
custodial office location should be determined during the early stages of design. In dormitories,
the same is true, but an overriding concern is that the custodian be available and accessible to the
students in the building.
The building custodial supply room location should also be given careful consideration based on
the needs for access.
A. At-grade Facilities/Loading Berths
1. Area requirements - minimum determined by local zoning ordinances; see Section 1.4
(Regulatory Agencies) for information regarding municipal regulations.
2. Elevator dock/leveler - typical for dining facilities and for science buildings.
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.12 Waste / Loading - page 3
3. Access to/from building - with limitations on big trucks in much of main campus,
Building Services is turning to small scooters, with 4 by 8 beds (at a minimum). The
Designer should discuss the need for any larger vehicular access with the Project
Manager, Building Services, the project design committee, and the Landscape
Coordinating Committee.
B. Loading Docks
1. Area requirements - minimum area requirements at dock may still apply; review local
zoning regulations.
2. Height above grade - varies according to truck or trailer type to be used; review needs
with Project Manager and client user.
3. Width/Depth/Overhead clearance requirements: consider number of deliveries per
hour to determine need for more than a one-position dock. Review unloading
techniques and any pallet-moving equipment to be used; insure adequate depth for
maneuvering loading equipment and personnel, as well as size of anticipated crates,
boxes, etc. for delivery.
Doors from the dock to the building should be as high as the trailers to be received, if
possible. Double doors should be used, to provide at least a six-foot wide opening.
If overhead clearance is to be less than fourteen feet, review with Project Manager and
client user for any precautions to be taken.
4. Automatic dock leveler locate with proper clearance from any building projection to
prevent vehicle damage to building; provide docking clamp to secure trailer to dock
during loading operations.
5. Access to/from building full-fledged loading docks require proper approaches and
turn-around areas. Turning radius of large vehicles must be accommodated; review
requirements with Project Manager and client user.
In planning the location of a loading dock, the truck approach should be considered
carefully. Preference should be given to providing a pull-up space to drivers side to
reduce blind spots during the backing-up process. Pull-up space needs to be
approximately sixty feet long, if a tractor-trailer combination is to service the building.
Any railings need to carefully placed so they are not in the back-up path.
Likewise for bollards and guards. Bollards and railings should be painted a light color
so they are visible in low light conditions, or they should have reflective bands on
The loading dock should incorporate a stair to grade (if there is not one provided
convenient to the dock within the building). The stair must be placed to avoid conflict
with parked vehicles.
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.12 Waste / Loading - page 4
6. Material - sealed concrete with a non-slip finish is recommended for the dock surface.
The leading edge should have a steel nosing.
Bumpers should be provided to protect the leading edge of the dock, and the building,
if necessary. Lighter colors are preferred, for visibility at night.
7. Lighting: provide adequate lighting at and around the loading dock for safe operation.
See Section 3.5 (Lighting Design) for information. Exterior lighting such as that for
loading docks will generally be reviewed by the Landscape Coordinating Committee
8. Drainage: provide for storm water drainage from the loading area; this is particularly
important for areas that are at depressed grade. The drains need to be able to bear the
accumulation of dirt and debris that are often generated during the loading process.
Trench drains might be considered for greater drain area. Any drain type must be
easily cleaned, and cleanouts for the storm drainage piping should be place in the
immediate area. Provision should also be made to provide a screening device within
the trench drain to limit pipe blockages. For more information, contact the Facilities
Grounds and Building Maintenance Roof Shop Project Manage.
9. Coordinate requirements for water and electrical service to the loading dock.
10. Consideration of exterior temperatures shall be given when designing sprinkler
systems in loading docks within partially covered areas
C. Off-loading/Storage Area
If a loading area serves more than one building, or if the building storage room is not
adjacent to the dock, an off-loading and temporary storage area may be needed. The area
should be carefully designed so that it does not turn into a catch-all.
3. Vehicular Access
A. Access by large vehicles to the Historic Campus is to be limited. See Appendix 2.5-2
Campus Delivery Map for access routes for deliveries. Daily delivery and pickup needs
for main campus should utilize the perimeter road systems as much as possible.
B. Traveling on or crossing pedestrian paths should be minimized, particularly during
backing-up operations.
Princeton University Design Standards:
4.13 Carpentry Standards
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.13 Carpentry - page 1
1. Introduction
While the Design Standards Manual covers basic principles of several different project elements
and building blocks, considerations for a host of other issues related to the construction and
maintainability of facilities continues to develop. The Grounds and Building Maintenance
Departments missions concerns the upkeep, maintenance, and continued performance of the
buildings on campus. As a result, there is considerable interest in the use of abuse-resistant and
sustainable materials as well as methods of assembly which allow for long-term maintenance and
corrective procedures.
This section addresses preferred construction practices, material selections and methods of
assembly which have repeatedly arisen in carpentry Tech Reviews and reflect the experience
gained in maintaining and servicing scores of campus facilities. These items are not intended to
be limiting or prescriptive, but rather to eliminate some of the guesswork for the Designer by
giving better insight into what the University has found to be successful for its use and demands.
2. Contacts
A. The Project Manager (in Office of Design and Construction, Office of the University
Architect, the Engineering Department, Grounds and Building Maintenance, or as
B. Program Manager Design Standards 200 Elm Drive, 609-258-1330
C. Architectural Engineer 200 Elm Drive, 609-258-6247
D. Building Trades Coordinator, Architectural Trades MacMillan Building, 609-258-9791
3. Index of References
A. SSMA - Steel Stud Manufacturers Association
B. Recommended Levels of Gypsum Board Finish Appendix 4.13-2
C. Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Design Manual,
Edition (or latest) GA-600-2009
D. Shower Base Detail Appendix 4.13-3
E. Wood Entry Door Standards and Details Appendix 4.13-4
F. Tile Council of North America Installation Handbook,
2009 Edition (or latest)
4. Code References
A. New J ersey Uniform Construction Code (NJ UCC) with International Building Code;
See 1.4 Regulatory Agencies for additional information
B. NJ UCC subchapter 3 for listing of applicable subcodes and subcode sections
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.13 Carpentry - page 2
C. NJ UCC subchapter 6 for requirements in rehabilitated structures
D. NJ UCC subchapter 7 for barrier-free requirements
5. Review Guidelines - General
Initial planning and preliminary design will be conducted thru the Office of Design &
Construction with the University department responsible for project initiation. As the project
moves toward the construction documentation and code review phases, it is required that the
project construction documents be submitted to the University for an internal Tech Team
review process thru the Office of Design and Construction for compliance with University
standards. Plans are to be submitted for review at:
A. Completion of Schematic Design, if required;
B. Completion of Design Development;
C. 50% completion of construction documents;
D. 85% completion of construction documents;
E. 100% completion of construction documents, if required, at the discretion of the Tech
With the assistance of the Project Manager and Facilities Tech Teams, discipline review
meetings will be held with respective University shops, University Project Engineers, and other
Tech Team representatives as required. The A/E is responsible for documenting minutes of all
these meetings. There, review comments or recent revisions will be discussed and documented.
The Designers shall provide timely and coordinated responses to all review comments. The
purpose of the Tech Team review process is to confirm A/E compliance with the current version
of the Facilities Design Standards Manual including each respective section and associated
Additional requirements for specific areas of documentation are as follows:
Required Documentation SD DD 50% CD 85% CD
Floor Plans
Millwork (on plans)
Millwork (details)
Partition Types
Window Types
Window Details
Screen Details
Blocking and Framing Details
Wall / Floor Assemblies and
Finish Schedules
Color Selections
Outline Specifications
Full-Length Specifications
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.13 Carpentry - page 3
6. Considerations for Design
A. Cold-Formed Metal Framing Assemblies
16 centers required
Cold-formed metal , 20 gage typical
Refer to SSMA limiting height tables
( and provide intermediate
bracing as required
B. Rough Carpentry Requirements
Fire-resistant wood grounds, furring, blocking, nailers, etc required within rated
interior steel stud framed partitions to facilitate fastening of interior wood window
and door frames
Supply specified fastening methods for Tech Team review
C. Millwork Fabrication Requirements
Specify compliance with AWS (Architectural Woodwork Standard) Premium
Grade standards
Specify Premium Grade per HPVA material fabrication standards per ANSI/HPVA
Edge banding to be hardwood, minimum of 3mm thick thermo-set solid hardwood
Plywood construction for cabinet carcasses and shelving, typical (no particleboard);
veneer core plywood is acceptable complying with American plywood Association
PS-1 Standards
Substrates allowed as follows:
Countertop Material
Allowable Substrate Materials
Plywood Combination
Plastic Laminate
Wood Veneer
Stainless Steel
Solid Surface
No Substrate Required
Millwork Finish Material
(panel products)
Allowable Substrate Materials
MDF MR MDF Plywood Combination
Plastic Laminate
Plastic Laminate / Melamine
Hardwood Veneer
Metal Panel
No Substrate Required
Millwork Finish Material
Allowable Substrate Materials
MDF MR MDF Plywood Combination
Plastic Laminate
Plastic Laminate / Melamine
Hardwood Veneer
No Substrate Required
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.13 Carpentry - page 4
Notes for the tables above:
1. Combination substrate material refers to an MDF cross-banded softwood
veneer cored panel
2. MR refers to Moisture resistant. Use as needed in wet areas.
3. Fire-resistant substrates may be used based on code requirements
D. Millwork Installation Requirements
Specify compliance with AWI Premium Grade standards
Blocking details and locations are to be indicated clearly on plans / elevations. At
millwork installations, standard wood blocking or a manufactured steel stud backing
system (i.e.: Dietrich Danback or equal) is acceptable.
Countertops are to be scribed to fit to ensure no gaps remain. Countertops are to be
caulked prior to the installation of back/ side splashes. Caulk required at top of back/
side splashes as well.
Blocking Methods of Application:
Light Duty 20 Gauge Steel Flat Stock per SSMA
Medium Duty 20 Gauge Steel Stud / Track per SSMA
Heavy Duty Wood Blocking
Extreme Duty (ie: grab bars / shower seating) Solid Wood Blocking
Blocking, anchoring and fastening methods are to be as tested in accordance with
applicable ASTM weight rating standards, per applied loads
All millwork applied to existing construction shall be anchored with methods
appropriate for the wall construction as well as the anticipated maximum load
requirement of the fixture.
Toe kicks are to be a minimum of 4 high
Supply specified fastening methods for Tech Team review
E. Wall Mounted Shelving Installation Requirements
Specify compliance with AWI Premium Grade standards
Blocking details and locations are to be indicated clearly on plans / elevations. At
millwork installations, standard wood blocking or a manufactured steel stud backing
system (i.e.: Dietrich Danback or equal) is acceptable. 20 gauge steel flat stock is
only acceptable for light duty applications (i.e.: toilet accessories, not in support of
applied loads)
Blocking Methods of Application:
o Light Duty 20 Gauge Steel Flat Stock per SSMA
o Medium Duty 20 Gauge Steel Stud / Track per SSMA
o Heavy Duty Wood Blocking
o Extreme Duty (ie: grab bars / shower seating) Solid Wood Blocking
Blocking, anchoring and fastening methods are to be as tested in accordance with
applicable ASTM weight rating standards, per applied loads
All shelving/fixtures and or wall standards applied to existing construction shall be
anchored with methods appropriate for the wall construction as well as the anticipated
maximum load requirement of the fixture.
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.13 Carpentry - page 5
Supply specified fastening methods for Tech Team review
F. Gypsum Wallboard Applications
Refer to ANSI A 137.1 for standard practices pertaining to onsite storage and
Specify compliance with ASTM C-1396/C-1396M standards of applicable panel type
per location criteria
Specify compliance with ASTM C-1047 for wallboard system accessories standards
and specify structural drywall interior trims with co-polymer cores and paper faces.
Plastic trims are to be glued, not stapled.
Refer to Appendix 4.13-2 for requirements for levels of gypsum wallboard finish
Specify Level 5 decorative wall finishes in dormitory rooms and critical lighting areas
including hallways, stairs and common areas where a uniform finish is required
No lightweight joint compound for finish coats. Avoid level 3 finishes except in
mechanical and electrical closets.
G. Ceramic Tile Applications and Shower Installations
Installation to follow TCNA Tile Installation Handbook (current edition) standards of
Where possible, specify pre-formed corners and trim units. Where pre-formed pieces
are not available, specify a silicone caulk (not grout) or a manufactured movement-
free profile at all movement joints.
Grout is typically sanded at floor applications (anything with >1/8 joint) and
unsanded at wall applications. Grout should be sealed per manufacturers
recommendations at showers and floors
Where tile applications meet with a dissimilar material (i.e. doorways), provide a
raised saddle (1/4 above floor elevation)
Substrates are to be mold / moisture / mildew resistant, refer to GA-238-03,
guidelines for prevention of mold growth in gypsum board
Kerdi membrane to be used beneath tiled wet walls.
Specify adhesive to set tiles <8 x 8 in floor applications and <4 x 4 (nominal) in
wall applications
Consider use of floor drains where possible / feasible
At all floor penetrations in wet areas use integral water barrier sleeve device such as
Hilti Water Barrier Module, or FM approved equal
Refer to Appendix 4.13-3 for shower base details for positive drainage
H. Wood Window Requirements
Specify compliance with AWI and WDMA Premium Grade quality standards for
the fabrication, reproduction, repair and installation of wood windows.
For wood repair, specify structural adhesive putty (no Bondo)
I. Attic Stock
Specify attic stock requirements for ceramic, ceiling, and carpet tiles based on
availability due to color and size. Note that extra tile should be provided for all but
the most standard ceramic tiles as dye lots vary and will present difficulties with
Release 9.0 (March 2012) Princeton University Facilities Department Design Standards Manual 4.13 Carpentry - page 6
matching in the future.
Specify that attic stock be separated out and stored off-site upon arrival at the project.
The Universitys Grounds and Building Maintenance group may be able to assist in
the short-term storage of attic stock if needed.
J . Firestopping
Meet UL 1479 and ASTM 814 fire test standards based on the floor and wall
assemblies planned. .
At fire-rated slab penetrations, there is a preference for the use of integral fire stop
sleeve devices such as Hilti cast-in (or equal). Refer to Appendix 4.11-2.