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Knowledge of What Must Be Known in The Deen by Necessity

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Knowledge of what must be known in the Deen by


The following is a list of what the scholars of ‘Ahl Sunnah wal Jama’ah’ agree to be
known from the Deen by necessity. They are points the Qur’an and the Sunnah have
mentioned in definite terms with clear-cut meanings, and there is no disagreement
amongst the Scholars of the Salaf or the Khalaf regarding these points.

1. Al Iman Bil Allah

You must believe in Allah (SWT), meaning to believe that He is Existent and not Non-
existent; eternal, not originating in or subject to time or space; Everlastingly
Abiding, not subject to end; Dissimilar to and other than anything within time or
space, nothing in any way resembling Him. Allah says in the Qur’an: ‘Say: He is
Allah, the One and Only, The Unique; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He has no
children, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him.’ [EMQ al Ikhlas 112: 1-

‘There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All Hearing, the All Seeing.’ [EMQ as
Shuraa 42: 11]

‘And do not put forward any similitude for Allah. Indeed, Allah knows and you do not
know.’ [EMQ an Nahl 16: 74]

2. At Tawheed

You must believe Allah is One and Unique, without co-sharer in His Essence, Names,
Attributes, or Actions; Possessed of Almighty Power, Will, Knowledge, Life, Hearing,
Sight, Speech, such that He is Almighty, and Wills, Knows, Lives, Hears, Sees, and
Speaks. (The details of Tawheed and its conditions are given in Appendix Five).

3. Al Iman Bil Malaa'ikah

You must believe in the existence of Angels meaning believing they exist, and are as
Allah says:

‘Honoured servants of Allah who do not disobey what Allah commands them to do.’
[EMQ al Anbiya 21:26]

We are obliged to know about certain individual Angels: Jibreel, Mika’il, Israfeel,

Nakir, Ridwan, Malik and the Kiraman Katibeen who record the deeds of a person.
We must believe that Jibreel is the Angel who conveyed the message to the
Prophets including the Holy Qur’an to Muhammed (saw).

4. Al Iman Bil Kutub Al Samawiyyah

You must believe in the divine books. It is obligatory to have Iman that indeed Allah
(SWT), revealed Books to His Prophets and Messengers so they could convey the
truth about Him, Allah (SWT) says: "Indeed We have sent Our messengers with clear
proofs, and revealed with them the Book and the Balance (justice) that mankind
may stand forth in justice." [EMQ al Hadid 57:25]

The Almighty says: "Mankind were one community and Allah sent Prophets with
glad tidings and warnings and with them he sent the Book in truth to judge between
people in matters wherein they differed." [EMQ al Baqara 2:213]

We believe in those Books which Allah (SWT) has mentioned by Name in the Quran,
i.e. Taurat, Injeel and Zaboor and the Qur'an.

The Noble Qur'an is the best and final Book of them, it is the seal of them and
believable, to follow it is obligatory on all of the nation along with the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allah (SWT) because Allah, despatched His Messenger Muhammad
(saw) as Messenger to all the Jinn and Mankind, and, this Qur'an was revealed so it
would give verdicts between the people and the judgement and put intercession for
their hearts and make everything clear for them and guidance and mercy for the
believers, Allah (SWT) says : "And We have sent down to you the Book (Qur'an) as
an exposition of everything and a guidance and a mercy, and glad tidings for those
who have surrendered (to Allah, as Muslims)". [EMQ an Nahl 16:89].

5. Al Iman Bil Anbiyaa War Rasul

It is obligatory to have Iman in the Prophets and Messengers, that is to believe that
indeed Allah (SWT), sent the Prophets and Messengers to his slaves, to warn, to give
the glad tidings and to give dawa' to the truth, so whoever responds to them will
have happiness, and whoever opposes, and disobeys them has failure and regret,
and believe the best of and last them is our Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullaah
(saw) who came as the seal of the Messengers a Mercy for all Mankind, Allah (SWT)
says :"And verily We have sent amongst every nation a Messenger (saying):
Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid all false deities." [EMQ an Nahl 16:36]

Allah also says:"Messengers as bearers of good news as well as of warning in order

that mankind should have no plea against Allah after the Messengers". [EMQ an
Nisa 4:165]

We must believe in those Prophets and Messengers whom Allah has mentioned by
name in the Qur’an, like Nuh, Hud, Salih and Ibraheem and others besides them.

6. Al Iman Bil Yaum Al Akhira

You must believe in the Last Day and the Hereafter, when people will be raised alive
from the dead to be judged then placed either: In the abode of eternal enjoyment -
Jannah or In the abode of severe punishment - Jahanam.

7. Al Iman Bil Qadar

You must believe in the divine decree of Allah.

8. Al Iman Bil Qadha

You must believe in the divine decision.

9. Al Iman Bil Saaah Wa Ashraatiha

You must believe in the hour and its signs.

10. Al-Iman Bil-Ba'ith

You must believe in resurrection after death, Allah (SWT) says: "One day will God
raise them all up (for Judgement)". [EMQ al Mujadila 58:18]

"Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgement shall you
be paid your full recompense". [EMQ al Imran 3:185]

11. Al Iman Bi Yaoum Al Qiyaamah

You must believe in the day of judgement.

12. Al Iman Bil Hisaab

You must believe in divine accountability.

13. Al Iman Bil Jannah

You must believe in paradise.

14. Al Iman Bil Naar

You must believe in hell.

15. Al Wala

You must be devoted to Allah.

16. Al Bara

You must denounce disbelief.

17. Al Ihsan

You must worship Allah as if you see him.

18. Al Ilm Al Dharouri

You must seek the necessary knowledge.

19. Al A'mal

You must practice your deen.

20. Al Ikhlas

You must be sincere for Allah's sake.

21. Al Tawakkul

You must depend and keep trust in Allah.

22. Al Rizq

You must believe that provision or sustenance is from Allah.

23. Al Ajal

You must believe that the time of death or life span are determined by Allah.

24. Hubb ul Allah

You must love Allah.

25. Hubb ur Rasool

You must love the messenger.

26. Ta'zeem Al Qur'an

You must respect the Qur’an.

27. Al Da'wa IlAllah

You must invite people to Islam.

28. Idhar Al Deen

You must know that Islam must be dominant over the whole world.
29. Iqamat Al Khilafah

You must establish the Khilafah.

30. Al Bay'ah

You must give allegiance to the Khalifah.

31. Al Jihad

You must fight in the way of Allah.

32. Al Hijra

You must migrate for the sake of Allah.

33. Al Khawuf MinAllah

You must fear Allah.

34. Al Raja'

You must appeal to Allah and Keep Hope.

35. Al Mu'akhat

You must maintain Islamic brotherhood.

36. Al Hubo Fillah

You must like for Allah's sake.

37. Al Bughdhu Fillah

You must dislike for Allah's sake.

38. Iffsha' Al Salam

You must circulate the salutation (peace).

39. Al Rifq

You should be kind to people.

40. Al Ana'a

You should have patience.

41. Al Ithar

You should put your brothers need over your own.

42. Al Rahma

You must have mercy.

43. Al Shafaqa

You should have compassion.

44. Al Leen

You should be gentle.

45. Al Hilm I'nda Al-Ghadhab

You should have control in anger.

46. Talaqat Al Wajh

You should smile at others.

47. Al Amana

You must be trustworthy and faithful.

48. Ikram Al Dhaif

You should respect the guest.

49. Haq ul Waledain

You must know the parent's rights.

50. Haq ul Awlad

You must know the child's rights.

51. Haq ul Zawoj

You must know the husband's rights.

52. Haql ul Zawoja

You must know the wife's rights.

53. Silat Al Rahm

You must maintain links with your relatives.

54. Ikram Al Ulama'

You should respect the scholars.

55. Zikrullah

You should invoke Allah.

56. Tasbeeh ul llah

You should glorify Allah.

57. Al Wara'

You should leave the doubtful and have piety.

58. Al Haya'

You must be modest before Allah.

59. Al Ihtimam Bi Amer Al Muslimeen

You must care about the affairs of Muslims.

60. Al Zawod Ann Al Muslimeen

You must defend and protect Muslims.

61. Qadha' Hajat ul Muslimeen

You must fulfil the needs of Muslims.

62. I'yadat ut Mareedh

You should visit and comfort the sick Muslim.

63. Al Karam

You should be generous.

64. Isslah Zaat ul Bayin

You must reconcile your differences with Muslims.

65. Al Ijtihaad Fi Al Taa'ah

You should exert the utmost effort to perfect your ritual acts.

66. Al Shajaa'ah

You must be brave and courageous.

67. Al Ta'aaluf

You should be sociable with others.

68. Al Muzaah

You should be humorous.

69. Al-Shukur

You must be thankful to Allah

70. Al-Hamed

You must praise Allah.

71. Al-Dua'a

You must supplicate or ask Allah only.

72. Al-Taharah

You should know about ritual cleanliness.

73. Al-Ghusul

You must know how to perform ritual purity for your body.

74. Al-Wudu'

You must know how to perform ritual purity for your prayer.

75. Al-Salat

You must know how to perform prayer.

76. Al-Siyaam

You must know how to perform ritual fasting.

77. Al-Zakat

You must know that giving alms (zakat) is obligatory.

78. Al-Hajj

You must know that to perform ritual pilgrimage is obligatory.

79. Dafin Al-Mayyit

You must know that burying the dead is obligatory.

80. Al-Amar Bil-Ma'rouf

You must command good (defined by Shari'ah).

81. Al-Nahi Ann Al-Munkar

You must forbid evil (defined by Shari'ah).

82. Talab Hukm ul-A'mal

You must seek the divine rule for all your actions.

83. Al-Taubah

You must make repentance to Allah.

84. Hifz ul-Lisaan

You must control your tongue.

85. Hifz ul-Farj

You must guard your private parts.

86. Al-Saber A'la Al-Balaa'

You should be patient in times of hardship.

87. Al-Saber A'la Al-Maradh

You should be patient during illness.

88. Al-Rifq Bil-Hayawaan

You should be kind to animals.

89. Al-Rifq Bil-Attfaal

You must be kind to children.

90. Tawqeer Al-Kibaar

You should have respect for elders.

91. Al-Nafaqah A'la Al-Zawojah

You must maintain your wife.

92. Al-Nafaqah A'la Al-I'yaal

You must maintain your children.

93. Al-Nafaqah A'la Al-Waaledein

You must maintain your parents.

94. Al-Ghaerah

You must protect and preserve your honour.

95. A'mal Al-Birr

You must do good deeds.

96. Ta'at u'li Al-Amer

You must obey those in authority over you.

97. Ta'allum Al-Rami Wa Al-Taddreeb

You must train for Jihad.

98. Kafalat ul-Yateem

You must look after the orphan.

99. Kafalat ul-Arrmalah

You should look after the widow.

100. Kafalat ul-Fuqara' Wa Al-Masaaqeen

You should look after the poor.

101. Al-Isslah Bain Al-Muslimeen

You must reconcile between Muslims.

102. Al-Tathabbut

You must verify the source of news.

103. Al-Tabaiyyun

You must verify news reaching you.

104. Nussrat Al-Muslimeen

You must support Muslims.

105. Tawheed Al-Muslimeen

You must unite Muslims.

106. Al-Ta'aawun A'la Al-Birr Wa Al-Taqwa

You must co-operate in good deeds and in worship.

107. I'Maatat Al-Aza Ann Al-Tareeq

You should avoid littering the public road.

108. Al-Shirk

You must know not to associate anything with Allah.

109. Al-Kufur

You must know the things which make you a disbeliever.

110. Al-Riddah

You must know not to reject any part of Islam (ie to apostise).

111. Al-Nifaaq

You must know the things that make you a hypocrite.

112. Muwalaat Al-Kuffar

You must know not to ally with the disbelievers.

113. Mushaarakat Anzimat Al-Kufur

You must know not to share power with disbelievers.

114. Al-Kazeb

You must know not to lie.

115. Al-Ghibah

You must know not to backbite Muslims.

116. Al-Namimah

You must know not to cause hatred between Muslims.

117. Al-Hasad

You must know not to be envious of anyone.

118. Al-Takabbur

You must know not to be arrogant.

119. Al-Ihtikaar

You must know not to monopolise.

120. Al-Tahqeer

You must know not to humiliate anyone.

121. Al-Sukhreyah

You must know not to make a mockery of anyone.

122. U'qouq Al-Waaledein

You must know not to disobey your parents.

123. Al-Tashabbuh Bil-Kuffar

You must know not to imitate the disbelievers.

124. Al-Tha'er Lil-Nafis

You must know not to take revenge.

125. Al-Zina

You must know not to commit fornication.

126. Al-Liwaat

You must know not to commit homosexual acts.

127. Al-Sihaaq

You must know not to commit lesbian acts.

128. Shurb ul-Khamer

You must know not to drink alcohol.

129. Al-Intifa' Bil-Muharramaat

You must know not to benefit from what is forbidden.

130. Al-Gheesh

You must know not to cheat anyone.

131. Al-Muqata'ah

You must know not to boycott or desert a Muslim intentionally.

132. Al-Tanaabuz Bil-Alqaab

You must know not to call each other bad names or nicknames.

133. Al-Ta'zeeb

You must know not to torture any living being.

134. Al-Tajassus

You must know not to spy on anyone.

135. Aklu Maal ul-Yateem

You must know not to eat the money of the orphan.

136. Al-Riba

You must know not to deal with usury.

137. Al-Zulm

You must know not to oppress anyone.

138. Al-Ikhtilaat

You must know not to mix with the opposite sex.

139. Al-La'ein

You must know not to curse Muslims.

140. Al-Ta'ein

You must know not to defame Muslims.

141. Al-Shatem

You must know not to swear.

142. Al-Sabb

You must know not to make dirty sign language.

143. Al-A'jab

You must know not to be proud or to boast.

144. Al-Jadal Bi-Gheir Ilm

You must know not to debate without knowledge.

145. Al-Iffta' Bi-Gheir Ilm

You must know not to give fatwa without knowledge.

146. Al-Khalwah

You must know not to stay alone with a non-mahram.

147. Al-Tamtheel

You must know not to act.

148. Al-Tashkhees

You must know not to impersonate anyone.

149. Iqtina' Al-Tassaweer wal Al-Tamaatheel

You must know not to possess statues or idols.

150. Rasim Kul Zi Ruh

You must know not to draw any living being.

151. Nahit Kul Zi Ruh

You must know not to sculpt any living being.

152. Al-Qimaar

You must know not to gamble.

153. Al-Yanasseeb

You must know not to play the lottery.

154. Li'b ul-Mayiser

You must know not to play for a gain or for a forfeit.

155. Al-Ijhaadh

You must know not to have an abortion.

156. Al-A'zel ul-Daa'im

You must know not to have permanent contraception.

157. Al-Kasib ul-Haram

You must know not to earn by prohibited means.

158. Al-Dharar

You must know not to harm yourself.

159. Al-Dheeraar

You must know not to harm anyone.

160. Al-Riyaa'

You must know not to show-off.

161. Mukhalattat ul-Kuffar

You must know not to take disbelievers as intimate friends.

162. Mukhalattat Al-Hukkaam Al-Zalamah

You must know not to take tyrant rulers as friends.

163. Al-Jubn

You must know not to be a coward.

164. Al-reebah

You must know not to be paranoid.

165. Al-Tuhmah

You must know not to be suspicious.

166. Al-Zann Bil-Muslimeen

You must know not to have doubt regarding Muslims without certain evidence.

167. Al-Bukhul

You must know not to be miserly.

168. Kashif ul-Aworaat

You must know not to uncover the awra or to wear tight clothes publicly.
169. Tatabu' ul-Aworaat

You must know not to look out for people’s mistakes.

170. Itlaaq ul-Bassar

You must know not to gaze at the opposite sex.

171. Al-Ananiyyah

You must know not to be selfish.

172. Al-Tahaduth Ann Mujama'at Al-Azwaaj

You must know not to talk about sexual intercourse.

173. Al-Sariqah

You must know not to steal.

174. Al-Qatel

You must know not to kill.

175. Al-Qazef

You must know not to accuse anyone of fornication without having four witnesses.
176. Al-Baghie

You must know not to rebel against the state.

177. Al-Bidd'ah

You must know not to innovate anything in the deen.

178. Al-U'nnsoriyyah

You must know not to be racist.

179. Al-Qawmiyyah

You must know not to be tribalistic.

180. Al-Wattaniyyah

You must know not to be patriotic.

181. Al-A'ssabiyyah

You must know not to be nationalistic.

182. Al-Qabaliyyah

You must know not to have tribalism within a nation.

183. Al-Hizbiyyah

You must know not to be partisan to a man, a group or a team.

184. Amaakin ul-Mujoun

You must know not to enter any prohibited places.

185. Talweeth Al-Be'ah

You must know not to pollute the environment.

186. Ihlaak Al-Harth

You must know not to destroy the crops.

187. Ihlaak Al-Nasel

You must know not to forbid people from having children.

188. Katem ul-Ilm

You must know not to hide divine knowledge.

189. Al-Ghina' Al-Muharram

You must know the prohibited singing.

190. Al-Jimaa' Bil-Dubur

You must know not to have anal intercourse.

191. Al-Jimaa' Athnaa' Al-Sawum

You must know not to have intercourse with animals.

192. Tyaan ul-Attfaal

You must know not to have intercourse with children.

193. Ityaan ul-Bahaa'im

You must know not to have intercourse whilst fasting.

194. Al-Wati' Athnaa' Al-Haiedh

You must know not to have intercourse whilst menstruating.

195. Bayi' Al-Gharar

You must know not to trade by deception.

196. Al-Yameen Al-Ghamouse

You must know not to give a false oath.

197. Qawol ul-Zour

You must know not to give false testimony.

198. Shahadat ul-Zour

You must know not to be a false witness.

199. Al-Gholoul

You must know not to steal the booty.

200. Al-Firaar Yaoum ul-Zahef

You must know not to run away on the battlefield.

201. Al-Tashabuh bil-Jins il-Aakhar

You must know not to imitate the opposite sex.

202. Al-Takhannus

You must know it is a forbidden for a male to be effeminate.

203. Nikaah ul-Mahaarem

You must know that it is forbidden to marry a mahram (e.g. your mother, sister
204. Zawaj ul-Muslimah Min Gheir Al-Muslim

You must know that it is forbidden for female Muslim to marry a non-Muslim male.

205. Zawaj ul-Muslim Min Gheir Ahl ul- a Kitaab

You must know that it is forbidden to marry a non-Muslim female (except Ahl al
Kitab - The People of the Book i.e. Jews and Christians)

206. Zawaj ul-Rajul Min Al-Mutazaweejah

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim male to marry a woman already

207. Zawaj ul-Rajul Min Al-Mutaddah

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim male to marry a woman in her

208. Libaas ul-Shouhrah

You must know not to wear long trailing clothes to show-off.

209. Al-Waassilah Wa Al-Waassel

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim to have hair extensions.

210. Al-Mustawossilah Wa Al-Mustawssel

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim to put hair extensions on others.

211. Al-Waashimah Wa Al-Waashem

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim to have tattoos.

212. Al-Mustawoshimah Wa Al- Mustawoshem

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim to put tattoos on others.

213. Al-Naamissah Wa Al-Naamess

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim to change the shape of his/her

214. Al-Mutanamissah Wa Al-Mutanammess

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim to change the shape of the
eyebrows of others.

215. Isti'maal Awaani Al-Zahab

You must know not to use gold utensils.

216. Isti'maal Awaani Al-Fiddhah

You must know not to use silver utensils.

217. Libs ul-Hareer Lil-Rijaal

You must know it is forbidden for a Muslim man to wear silk.

218. Libs ul-Zahab Lil-Rijaal

You must know it is forbidden for a Muslim man to wear gold.

219. Al-Intisaab Ila Gheir Al-Abb

You must know it is forbidden to attribute yourself to someone other than your

220. Inkaar ul-Walad

You must know it is forbidden to denounce your child.

221. Al-Rashwah, Al-Raashi, Al-Murtashi

You must know it is forbidden to accept or to give bribes.

222. Al-Tashdeed A'la Al-Atba'a

You must know it is forbidden for an Ameer to deal harshly with his/her followers.

223. Ta'atti Al-Mukhadiraat

You must know it is forbidden to deal in drugs or alcohol.

224. Al-Roujou' fil-Hibah

You must know it is forbidden to take back donations.

225. Al-Roujou' fil-Hadiyyah

You must know it is forbidden to take back gifts.

226. Al-Tanaahur

You must know it is forbidden to provoke anyone.

227. Al-Tashaahun

You must know it is forbidden to argue for the sake of arguing.

228. Al-Tadaabur

You must know it is forbidden to turn your back on a Muslim.

229. Al-Buhtaan

You must know it is forbidden to backbite through fabrication.

230. Zo ul-Wajjhein

You must know it is forbidden to have double standards (i.e. to be two-faced).

231. Al-Hilf Bi Gheir Lillah

You must know not to take an oath except if you invoke Allah's name.

232. Al-Khiyaanah

You must know not to commit treason.

233. Al-Kahaanah

You must know not to indulge in sorcery.

234. Ityaan Al-A'raafeen

You must know not to indulge in palm reading.

235. Al-Teerah

You must know not to be pessimistic.

236. Al-Tashaa'um

You must know not to be negative.

237. Nabish Al-Qoubour

You must know not to re-open graves.

238. Al-Nashel

You must know not to pickpocket.

239. Al-Tazweer

You must know not to forge.

240. Al-Ihtiyaal

You must know not to con people.

241. Tashreeh ul-Amwaat

You must know not to dissect the dead.

242. Al-Tamtheel Bil-Jusass

You must know not to cut or torture dead bodies.

243. Al-Tanjeem

You must know not to believe in horoscopes nor to deal with people involved with

244. Al-Fudhuliyyah

You must know that it is forbidden to interfere into people's private affairs.
245. Khuruj Al-Marr'ah Bidoun Izin

You must know that it is forbidden for a woman to leave her house without

246. Khuruj Al-Marr'ah Muta'attirah

You must know that it is forbidden for a woman to go outside with perfume on.

247. Ba'iy Al-Muharram

You must know not to sell anything prohibited.

248. Akul ul-Muharram

You must know not to eat anything prohibited in Islam.

249. Katem Al-Aieb

You must know not to hide faults or defects in goods for sale.

250. Al-Zehaar

You must know it is forbidden to say to your wife that: "your are forbidden to me like
my mother".

251. Al-Hazel Fil-Nikaah

You must know it is forbidden to abuse the marriage.

252. Al-Hazel Fil-Talaaq

You must know it is forbidden to abuse the divorce.

253. Al-Hazel Fil-I'taaq

You must know it is forbidden to abuse the ability to free slaves.

254. Al-Tanaazul An Bilad Al-Muslimeen

You must know it is forbidden to give Muslim land away to the disbelievers.

255. Salat Al-Haa'idhah

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to pray during menstruation.

256. Siyaam Al-Haa'idhah

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to fast during menstruation.

257. Salat Al-Naffsaa'

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to pray just after giving

258. Siyaam Al-Naffsaa'

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to fast just after giving birth.
259. Salat ul-Junub

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim to pray in a state of big ritual

260. Siyaam ul-Junub

You must know that it is forbidden for a Muslim to fast in a state of big ritual

261. Sabb Al-Anbiyaa' Wa Al-Rasul

You must know not to insult any Prophet.

262. Inkaar Al-Ma'loun Min Al-Deen

You must know not to reject anything known by necessity.

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