Vom Faith December 2013

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A Southridge Gentleman says yes to Gods call to be holy. He prays to know and to do the will of God at all times.

Faith is a supernatural virtue which disposes our intelligence to give assent to the truths of revelation, to say Yes to Christ, who has brought . Trinity's plan for our salvation. us full knowledge of the Blessed
St. Josemaria Escriva

We should take advantage of this season of Advent to help the students reflect on how they are cultivating their relationship with God and how they are fulfilling their obligations towards Him. We have to help them realize that their relationship with God is perhaps the most important ingredient of success in the achievement of their goals for the year. Let us help them face lifes challenges with a supernatural outlook knowing that God is with them and that He is relying much on their cooperation to bring joy and peace to the people around them. With a life of faith founded on solid doctrine and childlike piety and lived with a spirit of sacrifice and a constant concern for others, our students can truly be the Southridge gentlemen we envision them to be.
December 2013

Virtue of the Month - December

Stir up that fire of faith. Christ is not a figure that has passed. He is not a memory that is lost in history. He lives! 'Jesus Christus heri et hodie, ipse et in saecula', says Saint Paul. 'Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever'. The Way, 584 Be convinced of this: your apostolate consists in spreading goodness, light, enthusiasm, generosity, a spirit of sacrifice, constancy in work, deep study, complete selfsurrender, being up-to-date, cheerful and complete obedience to the Church, and perfect charity. Nobody can give what he does not have. Furrow, 927 Practise your faith cheerfully, keeping very close to Jesus Christ. Really love him but really, really love him! and you will take part in a great Adventure of Love, because you will be more in love each day. The Forge, 448 You dont have living faith if you arent giving yourself to Jesus here and now. The Forge, 544 Sometimes the immediate future is full of worries, if we stop seeing things in a supernatural way. So, faith, my child, faith... and more deeds. In that way it is certain that our FatherGod will continue to solve your problems.
The Forge, 657

Virtue of the Month - December

PRIMARY SCHOOL He can recite the basic vocal prayers. He regularly attends Sunday Mass. He has a specific time to pray. He willingly gives and shares his things in the spirit of Christmas. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL He follows a daily schedule to perform acts of piety. He asks for spiritual advice from the priest and/or mentor. He goes to confession regularly. He regularly receives our Lord in Holy Communion. HIGH SCHOOL He follows a daily schedule to perform acts of piety. He puts into practice the resolutions he gets from prayer and spiritual direction. He lives his faith through the sacraments. He reads doctrinal books to improve his knowledge of the faith. He performs specific corporal and/or spiritual works of mercy

Virtue of the Month - December

Goals: PRIMARY SCHOOL: To help the students begin their life of piety by memorizing basic vocal prayers and reciting them regularly. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL: To teach the students to include practices of piety in their daily schedule. HIGH SCHOOL: To teach the students to deepen their knowledge of the faith and put them into practice with constancy. Make sure that the Nativity scene is the central figure in the classroom decorations. Explain the true meaning of Christmas. Organize activities that will foster the faith of the students. Belen-making; Putting up Christmas decorations; Christmas card-making; Outreach and gift-giving activities. Ask the students to write their schedule on their diaries. Pay special attention to the schedule of their norms of piety. Make sure that all students are given the opportunity to go to confession. Make sure that the students participate in the mass during their class sponsorship. Remind the students about the holy days of obligation (Dec. 8 & 25, and Jan. 1)

Virtue of the Month - December

A way of teaching the virtue of faith is for the students to see the adults in the school practicing them. Here are a few things teachers can do: Attend the daily Mass voluntarily. Regularly receive the sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist. Regularly make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Seek spiritual direction from the priest. Read doctrinal and spiritual books. Attend the collective spiritual means of formation, e.g. Meditation and Recollection. Exhibit devotion to the Blessed Virgin through the recitation of the Holy Rosary, wearing of the scapular and making glances at the image of our Lady in the classrooms. In the classroom, the following can be done by the subject teacher: Say the prayers with attention and devotion before and after class. Encourage the students to pray to the Holy Spirit for better understanding of the lessons. Organize activities that will provide them opportunities to get to know each other. This can help the students pray for each other. Prepare lessons or assign projects with Christmas themes to refocus on the importance of Christ. Relate stories that highlight the importance of faith.

Virtue of the Month - December

Revisit your mentees goals and go deeper in identifying the obstacles that prevent them from achieving them. Encourage them to bring to their prayer the difficulties they have in their studies to discover for themselves what God asks of them. Tell them to share their realizations from their prayers in your next chat. Encourage students to do specific acts of mercy during the Advent and Christmas seasons. Make them think of ways of doing this within their homes. Help them to prepare their souls for Christmas. Example: go to confession, receive Holy Communion often, and fulfil their daily prayers consistently. Help them craft a particular goal they can work on during the Christmas break. Encourage them to seek spiritual advice.

Virtue of the Month - December

Parents can help their sons develop the virtue of Faith through the following: Pray as a family. Involve your sons in preparing the Belen in your homes. Bring your sons to confession and Holy Mass especially during the season of Advent. Encourage your sons to share their things with the less-fortunate. Do corporal works of mercy with your sons. Watch movies that exemplify the life of faith. Talk about the virtues of the Holy Family to your sons. Spend time studying the faith. Attend spiritual activities to prepare for Christmas.

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