Subterranean Secrets by Fritz Springmeier
Subterranean Secrets by Fritz Springmeier
Subterranean Secrets by Fritz Springmeier
heyenne Mountain
"Not only is our go#ernment $ocuse% on buil%ing %eep secret cities, but so are &lluminati $amilies."
+he beauti$ul art)or( in ancient Spanish ca#es, or the catacombs in ,ome remin% us that man has al)ays ha% an un%ergroun% presence. -uring the 1..0/s, my research repeate%ly brought me in contact )ith in%i#i%uals )ho state% that they ha% been in %eep un%ergroun% military bases. tunnelmachineair$orce. pg'le$t, tunneling machine* 0$ course a number o$ these are openly a%mitte% by the 1merican go#ernment, $or instance !heyenne Mountain. 1n% many are not. & %isco#ere% that not only )as our go#ernment $ocuse% on buil%ing %eep secret cities, but the &lluminati $amilies )ere also. Furthermore, they )ere using technology that the public )as una)are e2iste%. +he i%ea behin% it all )as to create sa$e an% secret places $or themsel#es. 3itnesses ha#e %escribe% ele#ators going miles %o)n, super-$ast trains, bac(-up go#ernment agencies, genetic e2periments, )arehouses o$ stoc( pile% materials, an% a non-human human hybri% pro ect. 4ut )hat continues to haunt me )as the loo( one eye)itness ga#e me )hen he sai%, "Fritz, you %on/t ha#e a clue. 3hat is going on is beyon% all you ha#e thought o$." 1n% a$ter that, there )as a stone%-$ace% mas( on his countenance. -iamon% 5ea%. pg-&1M0N- 561My $irst e2perience )ith this sub ect )as )hen & )as a $i$th gra%er in 5a)aii. 0n one $iel% trip )e )ere ta(en insi%e the iconic -iamon% 5ea% #olcano )here the go#ernment o$ 5a)aii ha% an unuse% $acility in case they nee%e% to $lee a nuclear holocaust. & realize% the go#ernment ha% place% their sur#i#al on a higher priority than the people they suppose%ly ser#e%. +he rest o$ us sheeple )ere to be le$t to %ie. 7our ta2 %ollars at )or(. +he 1merican go#ernment secretly recei#e% a boost in their abilities to buil% un%ergroun% )hen they brought o#er 8a#er -orsh in 0peration Paperclip. 5e )as hea% o$ the Nazi/s +o%t
0rganization )hich built some incre%ibly sophisticate% un%ergroun% cities $or the Nazis. 4ear in min% this organization ha% built the 1utobahn $or the Nazis $ar in a%#ance o$ our &nterstate system. +he 1merican an% ,ussian go#ernments ha#e (ept secret ho) sophisticate% these un%ergroun% Nazi cities )ere. schnei%er. pgFor years, & ha% trie% to trac( these -eep 9n%ergroun% Military 4ases an% their purposes, %oing such things as tra#eling to -ulce, NM. 3hen & met Phil Sny%er 'le$t* )ho ha% )or(e% on these bases, & )as e2cite% to compare my %isco#eries:in$o to his $irsthan% (no)le%ge. 3e )ere able to share in$ormation se#eral times until he )as suici%e% the %ay be$ore )e )ere to meet again. 1$ter)ar%s, & place% my in$ormation on the 1;0 1merican -9M4 bases in my -eeper &nsights boo( in the mi%%le o$ boo( bet)een part 1 an% part 2. -i$$erent agencies ha#e their o)n un%ergroun% installations. +hat e2plains )hy there are so many. +he NS1, !&1, F6M1, Na#al &ntelligence, the 1ir $orce N0,1- an% others all nee% their o)n secret un%ergroun% bases. Some o$ the )or( )ith strategic reser#es, nuclear acti#ities, secret )eapons, communications an% computers, an% har%ene% %e$ense structures are legitimate acti#ities $or un%ergroun% bases. 1n% others, genetic manipulation 'li(e cloning*, in%i#i%ual min% control, population control, an% lethal )ays to (ill populations, are not. 3e ha#e truly lost control o#er our go#ernment. &$ you/ll par%on the pun, it is truly out o$ o#ersight. area<1. peg4=1!> 0PS 1rea <1, N? 'le$t* an% 3hite San%s Missile base, NM ha#e been large tracts o$ lan% )here un%ergroun% installations ha#e allo)e% $or e2otic blac( ops research. 9n$ortunately, the in$ormation that lea(s out %oes not soun% goo%. +hese blac( ops are not pro ects $or the public goo%. Many o$ them are %o)nright scary. Some are bizarre li(e (eeping a se#ere% human hea% ali#e. 1n% instea% o$ being 9.S. go#ernment pro ects, many o$ the le#els on these bases actually belong to the &lluminati an% their secret )orl% go#ernment, )hich has been operating since 1.<;. 4esi%es #ast tracts o$ lan% in sparsely populate% regions, the ocean has become a gran% place to locate secret bases. 3hat are some o$ these bases li(e@ Some ha#e $acilities $or gro)ing $oo%. Many are connecte%. Spo(es lin( areas to other areas. 5i-tech camou$lage an% Auic( shutting entrances conceal the entrances. 3itnesses claim non-human species inhabit the lo)er le#els. My personal ta(e on these things is that this is a mo%ern-%ay e2ample o$ the Nephilim that )ere create% by interbree%ing in ancient times. So )e are )itnessing more apocalyptic signs. +he same shi#ers that ran %o)n my spine as a ten year ol% stu%ent )hen & )ent into the un%ergroun% city at -iamon% 5ea% #olcano near 5onolulu continue to%ay )hen & contemplate these bases an% their uses. +hese bases are %esigne% so the elite coul% sur#i#e a nuclear )ar or )orl%-)i%e epi%emic, or a natural %isaster li(e an asteroi% hit, re#ersal o$ the earth/s pole, or a galactic %ust clou% )hich
they allo) us to en%ure )hile they li#e in sa$ety. 3hate#er %isaster they see coming, they are prepare%. -Fritz/s 4log !omments $or "Subterranean Secrets by Fritz Springmeier" Paul sai% 'May 2B, 2012*C Dust )ante% to pass along a brie$ comment on the un%ergroun% bases line that/s been going on on your 3eb site. &t/s an interesting area o$ research, but )e ha#e to be care$ul o$ all the %isin$ormation that goes in this $iel%. 7ou/#e ha% t)o authors post so $ar on this sub ect. 4oth ha#e tal(e% about "nephilim" space aliens in these bases, yet neither has mentione% the )or( o$ the only reputable author in this $iel%C -r. ,ichar% Sau%er, Ph-, )ho has spent %eca%es researching un%ergroun% military bases, has the paper)or( to bac( up his claims an% has publishe% the only reputable )or(s in this area. &nterestingly it is -r. Sau%er/s opinion that Phil Schnei%er, cite% by one o$ the authors as a "source" an% in%ee% the primary "go to" source $or most conspiracy theorists in this $iel%, )as nothing more than a pro$essional go#ernment %isin$ormation agent. -r. Sau%er has many, many hours o$ 7ou+ube #i%eos out there, many o$ )hich are spent %ebun(ing Phil Schnei%er.. 7our rea%ers may )ant to loo( them up an% ha#e a listen. So & )oul% only say people ha#e to be #ery care$ul about )ho or )hat people are using as sources in this sha%o)y area. >ris sai% 'May 2;, 2012*C +he story on -.9.M.4.s ma%e sense until he starte% mentioning EaliensF. 1s they say in courts o$ la), i$ you come in )ith E%irty han%sF your testimony is no longer accepte%. Fritz has %irty han%s to say there are EaliensF %o)n there. No) & %iscre%it the entire thing- an% & )as so eager to accept the %eep un%ergroun% bases storyG +he aliens conspiracy is Ne) 1ge illuminati type belie$s, an% %oesnHt $it in )ith Scripture. EFallen angelsF or 1N7 angels $or that matter cannot EmateF )ith humans. Plus, arenHt aliens an% 9F0s a %eception 0F the so calle% illuminati any)ay@ alien hybri%s- baloneyG Dustin sai% 'May 2;, 2012*C =ost in E+he Shu$$leF o$ .:11 )as a small matter o$ a missing +hree +rillion -ollars. -onal% ,ums$el%, et el., ust coul%nHt account $or its %isappearance, but a $e) %ays later )e )ere su%%enly I%istracte%H by the zany antics o$ the Nineteen Stooges ,oa% Sho) in N7!, an% +51+ issue )as shrun(en into su%%en insigni$icance.
9n%ergroun% ,ec !enters is ust the sort o$ 4lac( 0ps Pro ect $or )hich these $un%s may ha#e been stolen. No e$$ort seems to ha#e been ma%e to IaccountH $or this massi#e, missing amount since those -emolitions. ,o%ney sai% 'May 2J, 2012*C Ko% %estroye% the earth the $irst time in the %ays o$ Noah )ith a global $loo%. &tHs e#i%ent in geology e#ery )here you loo(. +his earth )as totally submerge% un%er )ater at some point in the past. +he bible %ates a%% up to appro2imately ;<00 years ago. +he 4ible clearly rea%s that Ko% )ill %estroy the earth a secon% time, but this time )ith $ire. Perhaps the EelitesF Satanist thin( they can sur#i#e by buil%ing un%ergroun% cities miles %o)n in the earth. &t is becoming plainly ob#ious to me that the De)s (no) )hat the 4ible says $rom rea%ing the prophecy an% (no) e2actly )hat signs are in the bible that $oretell the Messiahs Esecon%F coming. &t )ill be again as the %ays o$ Noah. ?iolence, promiscuity, unnatural a$$ection, lo#ers o$ sel$, etc... So, the De)s an% help $rom the goyim are trying to %o e#erything in their po)er to ma(e these prophecies come true. 4ecause they belie#e they )ill be the ne) lea%ers. +his is #ery tempting to them since they ha#enHt rule% anything or ha% their o)n country in 2000 years. +he !apitol o$ the Ne) 3orl% )ill be in Derusalem )ith the De)s at the helm...... 0ne problem. +hey are ushering in the $alse messiah. 1n% ushering in a satanic Ne) 3orl% 0r%er. ..L o$ De)s canHt )ait on Ko%Hs time. +hey are going to Ema(e it happenF. 4ecause they (no) Ko% cannot tolerate all this licentiousness $or too long an% )ill ma(e it right. ,obert sai% 'May 2J, 2012*C &n response to Dac(/s incre%ulity that pro ects o$ this nature, necessarily in#ol#ing thousan%s o$ people, coul% remain secret o#er long perio%s o$ timeC t)o historical instances o$ this being achie#e% are the Manhattan Pro ect an% the 6nigma program %uring 33&&. 1%% to this the in#isibility maintaine% by secret societies, #ery little o$ )hose incessant occult manipulation becomes public (no)le%ge. 0$ course this says nothing about the #eracity o$ this story, but it soun%s Auite plausible. &n $act, it/s ust the sort o$ secret, pri#ilege% pro ect "insi%ers" seem to %eri#e their sense o$ sel$importance $rom. Nor )oul% such monumental un%erta(ings ha#e to be $inance% out o$ ta2 re#enues as the author says. +he money an% ta2ation systems are both $rau%ulent, an% perpetuate% only in or%er to (eep people inure% to sla#ery 'euphemistically terme% by economists "employment"*. 1%am sai% 'May 2J, 2012*C -ear 5enry, & thought 4rian/s response )as a%eAuate but then another umps in )ith an erroneous /attac(/. Some people ha#e a har% time comprehen%ing )hat they rea% an% some you ust can/t reason )ith. &$ you can comprehen%, then 4rian ga#e an a%eAuate e2planation. ,ea% Kenesis BC; ; +he Nephilim )ere on the earth in those %aysMan% also a$ter)ar%M)hen
the sons o$ Ko% )ent to the %aughters o$ humans an% ha% chil%ren by them. +hey )ere the heroes o$ ol%, men o$ reno)n. +his is pretty straight $or)ar% an% e#en i$ you call that "6astern Mysticism" it %oes not change )hat it says. +he Nephilim are a.(.a. "sons o$ Ko%" 'please note the small /s/ be$ore $iring bac(* )hich is most commonly consi%ere% "$allen angels" as only $allen angels )oul% %o something that is against Ko%/s )ill. No), the bible %oes not e2plicitly say this but it %oes not ta(e too much insight to $igure that $allen angels, %emons an%, li(ely, e.t.s are the same or similar beings. No) loo( at =u(e 1NC2B 2BEDust as it )as in the %ays o$ Noah, so also )ill it be in the %ays o$ the Son o$ Man" So, that says )e shall, at some point, see a time that )as li(e the time o$ Noah )here the )orl% is $ille% )ith #iolence, e#il an% Nephilim -- unless you start )orshiping them then it/s not "i%olatry" to (no) or e#en thin( that they e2ist. Dac( sai% 'May 2J, 2012*C 5enry, this story is crapG 5o) can you buil% all those so calle% un%ergroun% "!&+&6S" O $acilities )ithout employing thousan%s o$ )or(ers, O all those )or(ers not mentioning it to no one@@ 3hat are they using as labourers@@ 1n%roi%s@@ ,obots )ith sel$ %estruct button to be presse% a$ter completion o$ )or(@ Some people li#e in a cuc(oo lan%G 1n%re) sai% 'May 2J, 2012*C +here are a lot o$ peculiar genetic $actors that $a#or Fritz/s theory. +he ,h $actor in bloo% is #ery peculiar $or one. +hen, there are all o$ the $ossils o$ giant humanoi% organisms li(e 5omo nean%erthalis an% 5omo hei%elbergensis. 5o) %o you e2plain those@ 1 lot o$ these things tie together )hen you rea% the 4ible. 3e (no) that the Father )ipe% humanity out once alrea%y $or e2cessi#e )ic(e%ness. +hese %ays there are a lot o$ /men that (no) each other/ an% the Kospels say that the en% times )ill be li(e the %ays o$ Noah. & %on/t really see ho) that isn/t true these %ays. 5o)e#er, i$ you %on/t subscribe to that theory. +here/s the Prophecy o$ the Popes )hich mentions that 4ene%ict )ill be the last Pope be$ore the Kreat +ribulation an% 4ene%ict is #ery $rail these %ays. +hese bases:hi%eouts coul% #ery )ell be the ca#es that men hi%e in $rom Ko%/s )rath )hich is mentione% in the 4ible. +he man that & )oul% not put much $aith in is -a#i% &c(e. =orna sai% 'May 2J, 2012*C & concur )ith +im - & li(e Fritz too but "sub ects li(e $allen angels impregnating )omen ought to be approache% )ith e2treme caution because, as the Kenesis recor% in$orms, human imagination is a spa)ning be% $or i%olatry 'Kenesis BC<*. So belie#ers be)are, lest )e become $ollo)ers o$ Ecunningly %e#ise% $ablesF '2 Peter 1C1B*. +hese are unbiblical i%eas more a(in to 6astern mysticism.
&t becomes a slippery spiritual slope )hen pagan myths are belie#e% to be in$ormants o$ biblical truth." 1bo#e Auotes $romC Pam sai% 'May 2J, 2012*C & ust $oun% your site an% rea% the article on subterranean secrets. &t is amusing really in that /they/ thin( they are sa$e but un$ortunately accor%ing to ,e#elation B, en% o$ chapter, their hi%ing places are going to get mo#e% O they )ill ha#e no place to hi%e. +heir )or(s are so e#il an% their %ay is coming s)i$tly. +he )hole en% time thing is ust Ko% allo)ing /them/ a bit o$ rope to hang themsel#es. 4rian sai% 'May 22, 2012*C +his is $or +im. Pbelo)Q Kenesis BC; +here )ere giants in the earth in those %aysR an% also a$ter that, )hen the sons o$ Ko% came in unto the %aughters o$ men, an% they bare Pchil%renQ to them, the same PbecameQ mighty men )hich P)ereQ o$ ol%, men o$ reno)n. +im sai% 'May 22, 2012*C & )ant to comment on this article by Fritz, he saysC "3hat are some o$ these bases li(e@ Some ha#e $acilities $or gro)ing $oo%. Many are connecte%. Spo(es lin( areas to other areas. 5i-tech camou$lage an% Auic( shutting entrances conceal the entrances. 3itnesses claim non-human species inhabit the lo)er le#els. My personal ta(e on these things is that this is a mo%ern-%ay e2ample o$ the Nephilim that )ere create% by interbree%ing in ancient times. So )e are )itnessing more apocalyptic signs." & li(e Fritz, but the bible %oesn/t say that $allen angels impregnate% )omen. Nor are there aliens that #isit earth to ha#e se2 )ith )omen. 5e is an un)itting #ehicle o$ %isin$ormation... 5enry Ma(o) is the author o$ 1 =ong 3ay to go $or a -ate. 5e recei#e% his Ph.-. in 6nglish =iterature $rom the 9ni#ersity o$ +oronto. 5e )elcomes your $ee%bac( an% i%eas at