Disturbed Sleep Pattern
Disturbed Sleep Pattern
Disturbed Sleep Pattern
1hr o sleep per day !"A #$ mins o sleep per day upon admission re%uent yawning at daytime during assessment dark circles around the eyes &'S: (!) *$'+$ mm,g
Nursing Diagnosis -isturbed sleep pattern related to discom ort on perineum as mani ested by verbal reports.
Goals Short "erm A ter # hours o nursing intervention/ the client will: report decreased eeling o discom ort as mani ested by verbalizing eeling o com ort 01 out o 1$2
Interventions 6ndependent !osition client in a com ortable position !rovide com ort measures 0touch/ %uiet environment/ dim light/ light music2
Rationale "o alleviate discom ort "o distract attention on pain/ reduce tension and to promote nonpharmacological pain management "o help in providing better sleep'rest &erbalizing concerns may promote rela8ation &asodilation o the veins provide a sleepy/ lazy e ect/ causing the client to all right to sleep "o provide com ort "o induce sleep
Evaluation Short "erm : A ter # hours o nursing intervention/ the short term goal was met as evidenced by: 9eported pain relie 01 out o 1$2 3ong "erm A ter # days o nursing intervention the short term goal has been ully met as evidenced by: reported increased periods o sleep o 5 continuous hours per day absence o yawning re%uent
3ong "erm !rovide a %uiet and A ter # days o nursing peace ul environment intervention the client during sleep periods will: (e able to 7ncourage the client reestablish and to e8press concerns maintain normal sleep when unable to sleep pattern achieve 4)5 hours !rovide a warm bath o continuous sleep be ore the client goes per day to sleep report absence o body malaise report urther 78pose perineum on alleviation o pain 0# perilight bid or 11 out o 1$2 mins absence o COLLABORATIVE: re%uent yawning !rescribe sedatives 0&alium2 as ordered
established sleep pattern reported pain scale o # out o 1$ reported absence o body malaise