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Cold Reading Card System Final Signed

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Cold Reading with Playing Cards By Unleash Your Dreams

Copyright 2006 All rights reserved No duplication or transmission by electronic or written means Without prior permission

Cold Reading Card System For playing cards

This is one of the most amazing feats I have ever performed and this is the first time I have put it into text format. I hope it serves you as well as it has served me. Before I start let me share with you just how powerful this is and how amazed I was at the results of the reading I gave recently. I was performing at a wedding doing the usual close up/walk about magic tricks and was invited to stay after I had finished for a drink or two. The normal questions were asked, how did you start? Do you do readings of any kind? You know the sort of thing! So I the scene was set, I decided to try out this idea I had been working on for a few months and it completely floored my new found friend. She was left speechless by what I told her. May I stress that this was a lady I had never met before the evenings performance. What I told her was spot on! She told me it was like I was inside her head, reading her mind and I really got under her skin. What could I say; it spooked her that much she really believed that the cards were telling me about her, about her past and her future! May I add that this was not someone who had drunk too much or was a little on the mad side it. She is a top teacher who I now have the pleasure of being married to! She now knows my secret and was amazed at how simple it is to produce the results that wowed her and her friends. Since that performance I have honed this system to what I would like to think of as perfection, though I am happy to accept any suggestions you may have and now you have bought this manuscript you are welcome to pass your comments onto me at [email protected] and I will send any updates to you automatically.

A little about this system first it requires no memory skill whatsoever as the cards and the system are in full view at all times this is as simple as it gets.

THE SYSTEM The pack is separated into four main categories each one corresponding to the four suits. They are as follows in the CHaSeD order Clubs = creativity, arts, personal involvement and development Hearts = love and relationships Spades = work and careers Diamonds = money and financial matters The system is simple and straightforward in its approach as you will discover, it uses a basic command system which is easy to grasp just use your own personality, and performance technique to make the most of this wonderful system. I will explain the more basic system first which would use just four playing cards selected from any deck. There is no right or wrong way to do a reading. I will give you examples of some that I do and you are welcome to use and abuse these to your hearts content though Im sure you will have many ideas of your own that you will use.

Ace = solitude in the creative process Two = someone elses influence involved to the good Three = a third party is not wanted although is there involved Four = this is the foundation of your creative process (new ideas) Five = your creativity will be a learning experience for the better Six = your creative juices will flow through the relationships you have with either sex Seven = A spiritual awaking within your creative goals Eight = A gateway is closing to something which will be for the best Nine = A gateway is opening which will lead you into new pastures and challenges Ten = Closure on the old and the start of something new Jack = younger male influence Queen = matriarchal older female with much influence in your creative life (mentor/teacher) King = older male / father figure

Ace = A relationship starting after a time of solitude Two = twos company Three = like the saying threes a crowd/ beware of third parties interfering with partners Four = solid foundation of relationships especially with a loved one Five = a new learning experience in love matters, personal growth within a relationship Six = deep satisfaction in love, sexual matters, contentment Seven = a separation from a loved one for a short while, causing the spirit to strengthen Eight = A hurdle is confronting your loved ones/ relationship Nine = this hurdle is overcome and you move forward in the relationship Ten = Closure on all problems, resulting in a loving passionate period with partner Jack = Young person in love, either client or someone they know! Queen = strong woman maybe older who is in love with you or you with her, object of your desire King = Male figure, whom you maybe in love with, defiantly older, father figure.

Ace = Career life moves in new directions, maybe a move, new job Two = changes will occur in the workplace, for the better a close relationship with a work Colleague Three = work issues, maybe conflict ahead, watch your back. Need for communication Four = hard work will be required to get you through the next few months to cement your position, New challenges Five = Sudden changes will allow you to learn new skills and go further in your career Six = new work opportunities allow for new challenges, you confront them well and with gusto Seven = changes in work force a rethink about yourself and where you are going Eight = Watch your back at work major changes ahead, promotion blocked, mainly financial etc!! Nine = the doorway is open nothing can stop you from moving forward in your work, gates open For you. Ten = new opportunities in the workplace, go for them, it will further your career and confidence Jack = Younger influence who instigates change at work Queen = older female who changes the way you think or work King = Stronger older male influence at work

Ace = new start with money, new venture on your own Two = changes in your financial life maybe concerning a partner Three = beware of Greeks bearing gifts, much communication is needed when seeking financial help Four = Hard work is needed to build a solid foundation financially Five = be careful with your money or you could learn from your mistakes Six = nothing can go wrong, follow your instincts Seven = think carefully about your money before you jump headlong into a new venture Eight = not a good time to invest, take advice, beware major problems ahead with money if you are foolish Nine = everything is fine, you are in a financially strong position and all is well Ten = A new and exciting financially strong opportunity appears Jack = Younger male helps you with money Queen = Older female maybe a strong woman helps you financially King = Stronger older male helps you, maybe a father figure

The simplest way to do a reading if you are doing walkabout magic is to have three cards selected from the shuffled deck you let the client shuffle to theirs hearts content and then spread the cards in your hands and have the client touch three cards, the reading has begun whatever the card is you just use the above system so in the following example the cards 10 of spades, 2 of hearts and 7 diamonds I would do the reading something like this and remember I would have spoken to them before doing a reading to build a rapport with the client and put them at ease, also the client will be speaking and you will pick up on what they say and feed it back to them thus creating the illusion the cards are telling you about them, when in fact they are helping you out. Plus the cards are there for a crutch and if the client is not particularly vocal just use the cards and move onto the next. Though I must stress I have never come across anyone like this in the last ten years or so. The Reading Ah the 10 of spades a wonderful card it shows me that though there have been problems with you moving forward in your work/ job and you may have felt stuck in a rut somehow, now the future is bright and the end of any problems you may have had are coming to an end, this is a wonderful opportunity to take stock of whatever you have been doing and just go for it as whatever happens it will be very successful and the outcome in your favour. (we move onto the 2 of hearts) combine this with the 2 of hearts and it shows that you have support of your close friends and family (this covers everyone) and with this support you simply will be successful with any venture you decide to take as the 10 of spades has shown us already! This is fantastic combination you are incredibly lucky and now let us see what the next card shows us. Its the seven of diamonds now the seven is a strange sort of card, though considered lucky to many people and to a degree it is, but one should also show caution with money, no bad thing really. Just beware of get rich quick schemes and promises of untold wealth, they seldom come to anything. Considering that your first two cards are ones of good fortune I would think it safe to say that in this case the seven of diamonds is lucky for you and with sensible consideration you should be able to make the most of any financial situation you find yourself in and if things have not been going to well for you in the past months this is also coming to an end and you will are quite simply on the up.

This is an extremely simple reading as an example. If you come across a disagreement you can use the old out system in that you turn a no into a but or a maybe. i.e. The client says no to what you have said, you simply say the but maybe this is someone close to you as I only tell you what the card is showing me.

Now the above are only my simple interpretation of a normal pack of cards feel free to change anything you want to and add what you wish. I have had great success with this reading system and never failed to deliver a fascinating insight in my clients life. One ought to know about the main aspects of life that most people are interesting in these are below

Categories of life
Money Health Sex Friends Work Family Travel Business Love
All of these compliment each other and affect the others in many ways if you think about money it affects all the other categories i.e. if you have no money you cannot travel, it can affect your health (both mental and physical), business etc All of these can be worked into any reading you give with the cards and while this is just a simple card reading for walkabout magicians with 3 cards there was no reason one could not go on to make this into a 15 minute reading and elaborate on the cards and there meanings. I will go on now to show more in depth readings and talk a little about cold reading and the golden rules along with spreads for cards and some other meanings of the cards which may take your fancy more than or compliment my own personal ones.

Other Spreads and meanings of the cards

These are for magicians and readers who want to give a far more in depth reading such as at a bizarre evening or mentalism show.

The Spreads
Three Card Spread: This spread gives a simple reading. Lay out three cards in a row from left to right. 1 2 3 The cards represent past (card 1), present (card 2) and future (card 3). This is the most traditional way to read cards and could be used with the quick simple reading that is above This spread can also be a Nine Card Spread using three cards for the past (top row), three cards for the present (middle row) and three cards for the future (bottom row). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This gives a far more in depth view, I would suggest you stick to simple three card readings to start with and as you grow in confidence which you will expand to this, bear in mind though that this can make the reading last anything from 15 45 mins depending on how much information your client gives you. REMEMBER this is conversation which your client, you need to listen to what they are saying!! *See Golden Rules*

The Horseshoe Spread

This spread gives a more general overview of your life and uses 21 cards. Lay down seven groups of three cards in the shape of a horseshoe or arch. Each group covers a category.

The seven categories are:1 The past 2 The present 3 The future 4 What you don't expect. 5 Family/friends 6 Obstacles and opposition. 7 The outcome in the future.

The Gypsy Spread

From left to right, lay three rows of seven cards. The top row of seven cards represents the past. The middle row the present and the bottom row of seven cards the future. This 21 card spread demands great communication and you will need to know your card meanings inside out to make this sound convincing and professional. DO NOT ATTEMPT EITHER THE HORSESHOE OR GYPSY SPREADS TILL YOU ARE READY!


Ace: The home, love, friendship, joy the start of a romance Two: Success and prosperity. An engagement or partnership. Three: You need to be cautious. Keep a still tongue in company! Four: A change, a journey or a move of house/business. Five: Jealous people around you. Take your time to make any decisions BEWARE. Six: Unexpected good luck. Someone helping you out. Seven: An unfaithful or unreliable person. Broken promises. Eight: Visits and visitors. Also long distance travel Nine: The wish card. Dreams come true. Ten: Good luck and happiness. Jack: A close friend or a good-natured, fair-haired youth. Queen: A kindly fair-haired woman. King: A kind fair-haired older man. Good advice


Ace: A ring or present of jewellery. Letters concerning news about finances . Two: A love affair attracting disapproval from others. A business partnership. Three: Legal problems, domestic arguments. Four: An inheritance. Money matters improving Five: Success in business/money. Happy family life Six: Problems in a relationship, possibly with an ex (work or home) Seven: Surprise news or a gift. Problems at work Eight: A marriage and travel late in life. Financial problems not severe just temporary. Nine: Surprise with money. New work opportunities. Changes at home. Ten: Money and travel ahead. Changes in the near future for the better Jack: A relative. A very fair-haired youth. Beware of dishonesty or unreliability. Queen: A woman who loves to party and to gossip. A flirt. A very fair-haired woman. King: A stubborn and influential man proceed with caution. A very fair-haired man.


Ace: Wealth, health, love and happiness. Contact concerning money. Two: Gossip. Disappointments and disagreements from close family/friends. Three: Money coming from unknown sources at present Four: Changes for the worse. Lies and betrayal Five: New friends and a successful marriage. Help from friends. Six: Business success. Getting financial help. Seven: Prosperity and success. Be careful of trouble coming from a person of the opposite sex. Eight: Trouble in relationships, business and personal. Jealousy and greed. Nine: Achievements. A new lover. Don't be stubborn. Ten: Money coming in. Good luck. Traveling major distances ahead Jack: A reliable friend. A dark-haired youth. Queen: An attractive, self-confident sassy woman. A dark-haired woman. King: An honest, generous and affectionate man. A dark-haired man.


Ace: Emotional conflict. Things coming to a head. Major changes Two: Separation, gossip. Difficult changes. Three: Unfaithfulness and partings. Be wary in partnerships. Four: Business and money worries. Broken promises. Five: Happy home but interference from other people. Reversals and opposition but eventual success. Six: Small improvements. Seven: Loss of friendship or loss of a friend. An unexpected burden. A warning against losses Eight: Trouble and disappointment. Friends let you down. Cancellations. Nine: Bad luck in all things. Depression and low energy. Extreme anxiety. Ten: Misfortune and worry. Unwelcome news. Jack: A well-meaning but unreliable youth. A very dark-haired youth. Queen: A widow. A dangerous woman. A very dark-haired woman. King: An ambitious and authoritative man. A very dark-haired man. If you choose to use a joker Joker: Wipes the slate clean and you have a fresh start all bad luck disappears and the joke triumphs

Gaining information from the shuffling and cutting

Who would have thought that you could gain lots of information that can be used in the reading before a card is laid on the table!

If a card or a few cards fall out during shuffling, use these cards as they are important cards to the reading just use your imagination if you are a doing a 9 card reading and three fall out use one for the past, present and future. If one falls out use it as a started card and give a quick reading of whats to come.

Use the single card that falls out to answer a question.

When a lot of cards fall out, the client is either not used shuffling cards, or they maybe nervous about the reading

When a person cuts only the top few cards from the deck, then they maybe reluctant to do the reading. This shows they do not really want to reveal too much about themselves, this means your cold reading skills will be put to the test to bring them out of their shells.

Shy and impressionable people cut the deck with their face virtually inches from the cards. They also tend to take any interpretations extremely literally.

Nervous clients cut the deck dead centre if they can manage it and are most concerned to be doing it "right".

Difficult and complex people tend to cut into many piles as if this is going to confuse you somewhat. These people cannot decide if they want to take the reading seriously or not. They are also the type of person who likes to grab at magic props and tend to the ones who shout out its up your sleeve!

Clients who are confident and aloof cut nonchalantly while grinning wildly at you as if they are about mess your system up! Of course this cannot happen as there is no system to mess up.

Look at how the client sits if they sit right back in their chairs and cross their arms you know they are feeling defensive. When the cards get it smack on you will notice them lean forward and the arms are uncrossed. Watch the eyes for the Neuro-Linguistic Programming eye accessing

cues see picture below

This simple body language reveals so much, and can be useful when the client is determined to say only the bare minimum.

The following is our 13 point guide to cold reading - Study them well, and then amaze your friends with your new found psychic powers!
1. Remember that the key ingredient of a successful character/cold reading is confidence. If you look and act as if you believe in what you are doing, you will be able to sell even a bad reading to most subjects. One danger of playing the role of reader is that you may actually begin to believe that you really are divining your clients true character! REMEMBER THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT ONLY 2. Make creative use of the latest statistical abstracts, polls and surveys. These can provide you with much information about what various subclasses in our society believe, do, want, worry about etc. For example, if you can ascertain a clients place of origin, educational level, and his/her parents' religion and vocations, you have gained information which should allow you to predict with high probability his/her preferences and attitudes to many subjects. 3. Set the stage for your reading. Profess modesty about your talents. Make no excessive claims. You will then catch your client off guard. You are not challenging them to a battle of wits - You can read his/her character, whether he/she believes you or not.

4. Gain the clients co-operation in advance. Emphasize that the success of the reading depends as much on the clients co-operation as on your efforts. (After all, you imply, you already have a successful career at character reading - You are not on trial, your client is!) State that due to difficulties of language and communication, you may not always convey the meaning you intend. In these cases, the subject must strive to fit the reading to his/her own life. You accomplish

two valuable ends with this dodge - Firstly, you have an alibi in case the reading doesn't click; it's the clients fault, not yours! Secondly, your client will strive to fit your generalities to his/her specific life circumstances. Later, when the client recalls the reading, you will be credited with much more detail than you actually provided! This is crucial. Your reading will only succeed to the degree that the subject is made an active participant in the reading. The good reader is the one who, deliberately or unwittingly, forces the client to search his/her mind to make sense of your statements. 5. Use a gimmick, such as Playing/tarot cards, crystal ball, palm reading etc. Use of props serves two valuable purposes. Firstly, it lends atmosphere to the reading. Secondly, (and more importantly) it gives you time to formulate your next question/statement. Instead of just sitting there, thinking of something to say, you can be intently studying the cards /crystal ball etc. You may opt to hold hands with your client - This will help you feel the clients reactions to your statements. If you are using, say, palmistry (the reading of hands) it will help if you have studied some manuals, and have learned the terminology. This will allow you to more quickly zero in on your clients chief concerns - "do you wish to concentrate on the heart line or the wealth line?" 6. Have a list of stock phrases at the tip of your tongue. Even during a cold reading, a liberal sprinkling of stock phrases will add body to the reading and will help you fill in time while you formulate more precise characterizations. Use them to start your readings. Palmistry, tarot and other fortune telling manuals are a key source of good phrases. 7. Keep your eyes open! Use your other senses as well. Size the client up by observing his/her clothes, jewellery, mannerisms and speech. Even a crude classification based on these can provide the basis for a good reading. Also, watch carefully for your clients response to your statements - You will soon learn when you are hitting the mark! 8. Use the technique of fishing. This is simply a device to get the client to tell you about his/herself. Then you rephrase what you have been told and feed it back to the subject. One way of fishing is to phrase each statement as question, then wait for the reply. If the reply or reaction is positive, then you turn the statement into a positive assertion. Often the client will respond by answering the implied question and then some. Later, the client will forget that he/she

was the source of the information! By making your statements into questions, you also force the client to search his/her memory to retrieve specific instances to fit your general statement. 9. Learn to be a good listener. During the course of a reading your client will be bursting to talk about incidents that are brought up. The good reader allows the client to talk at will. On one occasion I observed a tealeaf reader. The client actually spent 75% of the time talking. Afterward when I questioned the client about the reading she vehemently insisted that she had not uttered a single word during the course of the reading. The client praised the reader for having astutely told her what in fact she herself had spoken. Another value of listening is that most clients that seek the services of a reader actually want someone to listen to their problems. In addition, many clients have already made up their minds about what choices they are going to make. They merely want support to carry out their decision. 10. Dramatize your reading. Give back what little information you do have or pick up a little bit at a time. Make it seem more than it is. Build word pictures around each divulgence. Don't be afraid of hamming it up. 11. Always give the impression that you know more than you are saying. The successful reader, like the family doctor, always acts as if he/she knows much more. Once you have persuaded the client that you know one item of information that you couldn't possibly have known (through normal channels) the client will assume that you know all! At this point, the client will open up and confide in you. 12. Don't be afraid to flatter your subject at every opportunity. An occasional client will protest, but will still lap it up. In such cases, you can add, "You are always suspicious of those who flatter you. You just can't believe that someone will say something good about you without an ulterior motive". 13. Remember the Golden Rule - always tell the client what he/she wants to hear! Here is a sample reading that you can use to begin a reading before the cards are on the table. I have used this to get into the mood and tune into the persons persona whilst giving me enough time to pick up on key notes that I will use during the reading.

You are a sensitive person who is in tune with events around them. When you were younger, you were different from other people that you knew. You have always been a little on the outside of things. Your intuition is strong and you feel that you may have always had a bit of sensitivity or a psychic ability. You have occasionally dreamed of things before they happened or at least had a strong sense of 'deja vu' under certain circumstances. You are also a caring and honest person, perhaps too much so, but you have difficulty in letting people get to know the real you. When you finally do let someone inside, you keep him or her close to you for a long time. In fact, there is someone that you are close to that you are concerned about right now. You worry too much though and can best help this person by continuing to be a positive influence in their life. See how simple that was and how it fitted you and well would fit everybody. Its a very basic cold reading that sets the stage for the main reading but also puts the client at ease and shows them that you are man/woman of perception and this again build the rapport and anchors in their minds that you do know what you are talking about! There is much to be said for matching the clients breathing patterns, matching there movements not in a crazy copy cat style but on a subtle level you can move as they move or just after once you have practiced this it becomes second nature to you.

Remember that you can make your own meanings up these are just suggestions to get you started. In the realms of magic I tend to stick to the ones I thought up as none of them touch on the darker side of life and after all this is just pure entertainment. If you choose to do a darker reading please remember that you are in position of responsibility and anything you say can and will have an effect on the client. Do not say things like you are going to die! ( yes we are all going to die I know) I have experienced one bizarrist who did this and will remain nameless only to say he is one of high standing in the world of magic, but this simple statement freaked this guy out to the extent of him almost having a breakdown. Remember one simple rule, treat others the way you would wanted to be treated yourself.

Suggestions to help you further in the quest for the perfect reading. Use a marked deck! Think of the possibilities Read as much as you can by the following people Kenton Knepper Luke Jermay Eugene Burger Richard Webster Simon Beckett

Copyright held by Unleash Your Dreams 2006

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