Vor Oct Issue 5

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Voice of Reason

Silence is Consent
Volume 1 Issue 5 Sept. /Oct., 2013
The South Mississippi Tea Party was founded in 2009 by men and women dedicated to the restoration and maintenance of limited government. We are a true grass roots organization requiring no dues or fees, no applications, tests or formal membership. Our primary purpose is to attract those of like mind who wish to work together for a common goala free society governed by the rule of law.

Under socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well. George Bernard ShawThe Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928.

When Compassion Needs Justification---A Dangerous Sign

I created the cartoon above in 1994 when the country had not yet known whether its doctors would become federal employees. HillaryCare, as it was known, was still being crafted in an attempt by Democrats to seize a large portion of the private sector economy. It failed eventually, even with a Democrat controlled Congress and President, but it left enough wreckage to be salvaged and reconstructed for another day. In 1994 we also had thousands of Cubans and Haitians risking themselves and the lives of their children for just a chance to land on an American beach. These refugees did not know freedom, only of it, but they knew a lifetime of oppression and what perils awaited them in the open sea to escape it. And yet they still took to sea some with their children! To Floridians, myself included, these refugees were mainly considered a distraction or inconvenience; just foreign peasants clogging up the detention centers. Few paused to consider their plight. Those that did mainly reflected on the personalities; admiring them for their courage or condemning them for their audacity or stupidity. But while dreaming up an idea to portray HillaryCare in a single drawing, those refugees intruded and forced me to think beyond the personalities. When I considered their condition, only then did the drawing proceed to paper. How wretched do things have to be to make simple people take such risks? These people knew of America so they must also have known that even if they survived the journey a detention camp would be their destination. Deportation was a good possibility. With all these odds stacked against them, they still came. How does an American even a poor one who has never left his country, relate to that? To get a proper perspective one must start off with a subsidya freebie given to you by some central authority from value confiscated from someone else you dont have to face. It feels good, like winning a mini lottery. At first you might feel a little guilt because you did nothing to earn it. But that central authority assures you that you did earn it because, for whatever reason, you did not get your fair share of the collective pie. You like the free stuff and dont like feeling guilty about it so you and many others like you accept the ride down the road to ruin on Mr. Justifications bus. After all, you say. If I dont take it, someone else will. The ride is smooth and sweet. More people board, and like you, are showered with gifts. Your children are born on the bus as well as many others. They do not even have a grasp on the concept of earning so there is no guilt to tame for them. Justification has taken over their schooling. Some of your travel mates pass on to another world having enjoyed a lifetime of the happy bliss of fairness and you too, think that shall be your fate. Unfortunately, you dont die soon enough.

Your children have children and they not only lack the knowledge of earning, they grow discontent with the gifts they are given. The gifts arent generous enough. You begin to wonder if they are even capable of walking since their entire lives have been lived on their backsides with mouths open and their hands out. At some point you notice the storefronts along the road looking a little shabby. You realize that some of these store owners are getting on your bus. Rumors are that these earners that pay for your bliss are running out of the fruits of fairness. Soon they will have no more fairness to contribute to your bliss and are left with no choice but to board your bus. But so what? You are on the Justification bus and the central authority assures you that fairness will continue even if it has to be borrowed or made up out of thin air. And so it comes to pass. As you continue your ride the landscape becomes more foreboding, dark and hostile. The value stolen from the future and created out of nothing is becoming less valuable. Those that were providing your sustenance cannot even provide for themselves because their own value has gonegiven to you and your travel mates and of course, to the Ministry of Fairness. Then the bus breaks down. If you are to get to ruin you must find another way. Once disembarked you find that youre journeys over. Ruin came to you. You take in its landscape and behold a scene of despair and poverty. Its everywhere you look. It is absolute fairness. The central authority has been wise enough not to criticize jihadists, so they remain in place on the Saudi dime. The central authority subsidized your health care, you remember, so they get a say in it. Your children and grandchildren are useless so they might possibly be executed in a kindly manner by simply withholding any necessary medical services. Obviously, the central authority cant feed everybody. You find yourself on an old inner tube floating with children and grandchildren somewhere in the Florida Straits. There are thousands of others within sight bobbing up and down gently in the same sea waiting for a Coast Guard cutter to rescue them. Unfortunately, Haiti doesnt have a Coast Guard and Cuba doesnt provide such services. If there are enough funds the United States might send help. But do you really want to go back there? If you still cant relate to such desperation, just do nothing. You will eventually. From the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 to the implementation of Common Core in 2013 America has ceded its core spiritual principles and all common sense to the alluring god of subsidies. The American subsidy god came of age in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act which established a private central bank to lend the Federal Government the capital it needed when it felt like spending beyond its tax base. It is as federal as Federal Express. Being a privately owned bank, the American people have no say over its operation. Congress chartered and oversees its activities. However, the Fed is immune from scrutiny by the IRS, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) or any other government agency making oversight a mere comfort cover. The Fed makes few reports public, and cannot be compelled to do so. It is owned and controlled by old European banking families and the Rockefellers. The power to issue money is specifically reserved to the U.S. Government by the Constitution. When Congress created this monster it had no Constitutional authority to do so. Coincidently, that same year the 16th Amendment was passed establishing an Internal Revenue Service to tax income. Today there is still debate over the legality of its ratification but what is not in doubt is its conflict with both the 4th and 5th Amendments which congress did not repeal. It is the only agency allowed to presume guilt without any probable cause and to issue severe penalties without trial. Together these two institutions, one to create subsidies and manipulate markets; the other to confiscate the wealth needed to subsidize and/or destroy opposition are the most destructive threats to freedom this country has ever conceived.

The Ponzi scheme also known as Social Security came out of the New Deal during the Great Depression. Desperate Americans, unaware that their desperation was caused by the Fed and Wall Street Banks allowed the government to assign them a number. This was ostensibly to track Social Security benefits. Where is that number now used most often? --The IRS where its benefit has become more of a threat. The social security number has literally become the mark of the beast. An American citizen must display it everywhere to participate in modern societyeven to buy and sell in many cases. It is one of the most primitive and effective tracking devices of a citizens history. Today you are born with that number instead of receiving it upon employment and that is a most telling adjustment. Of course, you contribute to this account but it is not your account. Your contribution is spent on other subsidies for other citizens making social security itself just another manipulated subsidy. It is simply another tax. Some subsidies come in cultural form such as affirmative action. Here the currency is in the form of guilt demerits or pity points depending upon the competitors loss or gain of a certain commodity such as a job or education. It is a penalty for, or gratuity received for the sins or suffering of the fathers. There are laws that subsidize space and convenience such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. Here employers are forced to subsidize convenience for certain citizens such as special toilets; thus, another tax. Who could oppose that? Unfortunately, that subsidy costs money and when those costs are considered too restrictive, no toilets are built for anyone, disabled or not. Certainly this kind act by the central authority had widespread support. But youll think twice about farming out your compassion when you wet yourself on the corner of Broadway and 9th. There are few public restrooms in the city because a simple restroom cannot be built anymore. Subsidies are also paid to corporations. Solyndra took half a billion dollars only a few years ago. What did it produce exactly beside some very expensive junk? Well, it paid the salaries of those who produced that junk. And in the military/industrial sphere the term cost overrun is another way to say subsidy. With all of these good intentions supported by subsidies one would think things would be grand. However, the adjective affordable began to appear as a prefix for other words such as housing, tuition, prescription drugs, nutrition, transportation, day care, home loans, ad nauseum; until we finally arrive at affordable health care. No one has yet coined the term affordable life yet we do have a noble substitutea living wage. ObamaCare, the affordable health care, is not affordable to many individuals without massive subsidies. Common logic dictates that a commodity that is affordable only through a subsidy to make it so is not affordable either pre or post subsidy. Orwell called this suspension of common sense, Newspeak. Where do people think those subsidies are going to come from? We are $17 trillion in debt and have made entitlement promises reaching up to $100 trillion. You cannot count that high in thousands in a lifetimeeven if you dont sleep. It would be easier to find a public restroom in New York City. No one has yet to force compassion on mathematics. It doesnt care about the poor or starving children. You obey or you pay. Of course affordable housing is not a statement of nonchalant fact; it is a demand from people who have been subsidized all their lives. They demand subsidies to make their wants affordable completely ignorant of the fact those subsidies created unaffordable commodities long ago. Were living on our grandchildrens wages. What will they live on? Subsidies have created a cash bubble. The Fed prints $85 billion per month to jack up the stock market but it hasnt created any growthjust subsidizing the economy itself. The uncertain economy has caused banks, corporations and even individuals to hoard cash. This means that there is a lot of uncirculated cash now. Consider however, that global trade is still conducted in US Dollars and the mother lode of stagnant dollars is in the vaults of foreign countries to be used for trade.

Now consider that the price of a pint of ice cream at Wal Mart has gone from $1.80 to $2.30 in the last year. We blame this on Wal Mart because theyre gouging us. In reality the dollar has lost value. It is we who are gouging ourselves with the demand for more and more subsidies. The printing of money out of thin air causes inflation, a tax that we dont associate with government. The advantage of such a stealth tax is that the inflated currency is used to provide more subsidies. The result is that we blame higher prices caused by this inflation tax on business and credit the compassionate politicians for the subsidies provided from it. Very, very clever. What we see at Wal Mart is noticeable and painful, but most of those phony dollars are not yet in circulation! All it takes to flood the earth in worthless dollars is for one country to trigger a dump of the dollar as the global currency of choice. It has not happened so far because most power brokers know it will cause a global collapse and hurt them as well. However, when one cartel feels it can survive such a disaster, they will pull the trigger. ObamaCare is the most massive subsidy to date with the blatantly political and criminal enforcement arm of the IRS set to compel one and all to participate. The Fed will manipulate this monster toward single-payer necessity until pretense of altruism need not be maintained. It is set up like the IRS; a constitutionally questionable base law followed by thousands of pages of rules to be twisted, changed, reinterpreted and manipulated to gain control over the citizenry. We already know there is a death panel and with the current leadership of the IRS, traditionalists and conservatives will be the first to be executed in a kindly manner. The elderly next perhaps, because they still remember a somewhat free America. So what ever happened to those Haitian and Cuban children plucked from the sea some 20 years ago? Have they experienced the freedom their parents risked their own lives to achieve or are they enjoying the temporary prosperity of a subsidized lifestyle thinking that to be freedom? It is a question we ought to ask of our own offspring as well. Compassion should need no justification. But state sponsored compassion such as ObamaCare does. Is there any doubt now that it is fully capable of executing its citizens in a kindly manner? Dick Lancaster, Editor

Chairmans Message
Hello Fellow Patriots, Today we find ourselves in perilous times. As you know, our government does not represent the people anymore. Day after day, they ignore the will of the people and do things that are in their own self-interest. Everything is calculated to benefit them in the media which will either enrich them financially or bolster their chances of winning the next election. Its time we put a stop to that. Its time we paid attention and stopped being gullible. I am very confident that the next election will fundamentally change America by changing the balance of power in Washington into more conservative hands. However, we must be very careful who we send to Washington and not be fooled by empty rhetoric. I believe the choices we make in the next election could well affect the survival of our nation. That is why we need to replace Cochran and Wicker. These guys are part of the Republican Machine and they operate on the Senate leadership instructions, not ours. Sometimes, they even move farther to the left and disobey the leadership when they stumble upon the right thing to do. And keep in mind; neither of them has visited their constituents on the coast for many years. The Tea Party has contacted them both on many

occasions to invite them to speak at our meeting here. They did not even answer us. That is what I call arrogance. Looming on the horizon is ObamaCare. This alone will doom any hopes of Democrats winning an election into the distant future. A law that is 2700 pages and the regulations are over 10,000 pages can be nothing but a disaster. The IRS has been at this for a century, and they still dont know what they are doing. However, before, lives were not at stake. It is my belief that ObamaCare will be such a disaster, that 2014 will be a big year for Conservatives to take our nation back and restore it to its previous glory. We must be very careful with our choices. We will continue to fight together to bring some common sense and fiscal sanctity to this once great country. Thank you all for your support and effort to stand firm against an out of control government that exceeds its Constitutional authority on a routine basis. We are making progress, dont give up. I promise you, we will prevail. John Rhodes, Chairman, South MS Tea Party

The South MS Tea Party welcomes those interested in working to restore constitutional government. Membership requires no forms or formalities. We are a true grass roots organization. No members are paid and all work is done by volunteers. Voice of Reason is intended to reach beyond our membership. However, it is not timely enough to cover every event because some of our activities are fairly spontaneous. For those who want immediate notice of events we encourage you to have your e-mail and phone number on file with us, so we can keep you up to date. To do this, go to our website, www.southmsteaparty.com. Click on ABOUT OUR GROUP at the near top of the textbox on the left, and then the contact tab which will appear titled, Contact us-Join up. Include your phone number or any other comments you wish in the comment box. Your contact information is never given out to any third party. We use it strictly to contact you.

The South MS Tea Party holds its membership meetings on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 PM at the DIberville Recreation Center behind DIberville Elementary School on Brodie Rd. The October meeting will be held on Monday, the 21st at the ST. MARTIN COMMUNITY CENTER ON LEMOYNE BLVD. Guest speaker will be MS State Senator Chris McDaniel, who just announced that he will be running against Thad Cochran for the US Senate in 2014. The planned November meeting is to be a more informal Thanksgiving covered dish affair. As of now the December meeting will probably be canceled as it falls too close to Christmas. So it looks like well be getting back to our routine on January 20, 2014. The first Monday of the month we reserve for educational purposes usually centered on American history and Constitutional origins. A short video is shown followed by a discussion. On occasion there might be a speaker. These meetings are held at the St. Martin Community Center on Lemoyne Blvd. in Biloxi. More details of regular meetings including the Bible study on Wednesday evenings can be found on our website at http://www.southmsteaparty.com/page-977---92013.html.

We have a well-stocked lending library available with educational books and DVDs. Please check it out before the meeting or during the break. We also have a Patriotic Basket filled with some great items that were donated by members, so you may also take a chance on these items. Below is a list of the items included in the basket: Gadsden Flag 3'x5'; Gadsden Car Flag; Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" t-shirt size XL; Gadsden sticker; Book Thriving in Exile by Steve Elliot of Grassfire Nation; Two pieces of handmade pottery; Set of 4 American Flag placemats; Red, White and Blue Umbrella; Americana wind chimes; Patriotic playing cards; American Flag crystal pin; Teapot pin and earrings; Two boxes .22 40 gr. Aguila ammo (50 per box); Patriotic Do Rag (for your favorite motorcycle enthusiast); Insulated drink bag; Red, white, blue child's pinwheel; Book How the West Was Won; American flag iron on applique; Lord's Prayer refrigerator magnet; $150 Value...... Let's sell some tickets! If you have a topic of interest that you would like to speak on at a meeting, please let us know. We would love to hear from some of our members. Presentations must be in written form or on a Powerpoint and must be no longer than 20 minutes. Topics need to be pre-approved by the board. Please visit our website at www.southmsteaparty.com for all the latest news.

Meeting Review:
We didnt receive a report on the August meeting and both Bert and I missed it. Bert has had to step down as associate editor of Voice of Reason due to medical issues and I was out of town much of September. It was a busy month for our members participating in the Overpass for Impeachment event. Chairman John Rhodes presented some of our upcoming plans for next year at the September meeting. DIberville Mayor Rusty Quave spoke afterward giving the audience an overview of the workings of city government. One of the eyeopeners was the amount of federal money offered to local governments in various forms. If we (DIberville) dont take it, the Mayor informed us, Some other municipality will. This conundrum infects all local and state elected officials. What I took from the meeting was that the availability of federal funds forces local officials, regardless of their fiscal sense to seriously consider accepting the funds with all the strings attached. One major cause of the nations crumbling education system is due to this type of bribery and extortion. America has got to find a way back to local control.

D'Iberville Mayor Rusty Quave.

Local politics is often overlooked by the citizens who are directly affected by it. When our local officials accept our invitation to address the issues, it is up close and personal. It is a valuable part of our program to educate citizens on how they are governed. Take advantage of it. Youll see that sometimes the unethical local politicians we elect arent so unethical at all. Theyre just put in this conundrum by the big boys while trying to act in our best interest. Those that take the money to build their own power base are the ones to be watched. Know the difference. Attend a meeting.

Event Reviews:

Overpass for Impeachment: What may have seemed like a minimal effort in comparison to the Tea Party protests of just two years ago, the Overpass for Impeachment events seemed to have started or at least assisted in getting the ball rolling toward bigger things. Volunteers from the South MS Tea Party participated in two events in September, coordinating with other Tea Parties in a nationwide event. Now the nations truckers are planning to descend on Washington, DC. In August, thousands of bikers did so, overwhelming the trillions of Muslims represented by the twelve who actually showed up at the Million Muslim March. A little here, a little there and soon you have a lot everywhere. By the time this issue is released, there will have been another Overpass for Impeachment event on the Gulf Coast. Exempt America Tour: The Tea Party Patriot and For America brought their Exempt America Tour to Jackson August 28. The tour promotes the idea of equal protection under the law as it pertains to ObamaCare. Our Board member and webmaster Barry Neyrey spoke at this event at the Capitol. Below is the transcript of the speech he delivered at the event: My name is Barry. Im from the South Ms Tea Party down in Biloxi. Over 200 years ago, the architect or our US constitution, James Madison, in Federalist Paper #58 wrote, "The House of Representatives cannot only refuse, but they alone can propose, the supplies requisite for the support of government This power over the purse may, in fact, be regarded as the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people, for obtaining a redress of every grievance, and for carrying into effect every just and salutary measure. I just have to say that again. This power over the purse may, in fact, be regarded as the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people, . Please Congressmen of the Mississippi delegation, do what you are obliged to do. Do what you were hired to do. Please use the power entrusted to you by the constitution to protect our freedom and our God given rights of life and property by limiting the power of this out of control president, whatever his name is, his unelected, unapproved Czars and the out of control executive branch of our federal government. Please use The Power over the Purse to protect the civil rights of every single person in Mississippi and in America. Yes this funding power applies more to the Peoples House but all members of the Mississippi congressional delegation must have perseverance and GUTS to stop this unconstitutional, enslaving, and property and liberty robbing law. This is not extreme, this is the constitution. Why defund?

Because this is a law that a majority of Americans DO NOT WANT. This is a law that will hurt more Americans than it will help. This law will probably cause more Americans to die than to be saved. Because this administration is ordering people to buy insurance, ordering insurance companies what to sell and ordering doctors how to treat their patients. This is NOT freedom. This is NOT America. Because the President has himself violated this law so we shouldnt have to obey it either. Because No One can claim a right to healthcare because that would be claiming a right to someone elses time, labor and property and makes slaves out of the providers. Because the money that you would give to Obama for the ACA is not even going to health care. Consider that Washington has sent nearly a billion dollars to Covered California without a single copper cent going to anyones healthcare or insurance. Instead they have given millions to other organizations and unions like SEIU and AFL - CIO for outreach which is code for party voter recruitment. Yes, Covered California has decided to include voter registration among the activities of the exchange. Can you say ACORN? Why? Because if THE PARTY in power will use the IRS to harass, intimidate and suppress the vote of its political opposition, what do you think they will do with the power over your life or death? Is my name now on the slow treatment list for giving this speech? Is yours for being here? Congressmen, please put aside your personal aspirations and save us from this evil law. DO NOT BE AFRAID of the lie of the so called government shutdown. You and I both know that essential services will continue. We will support you 110 %. It is time for YOU to actually stand up to this tyranny. Dont wimp out. You must fight this ACA tyranny in absolutely every way possible. More information about the Mississippi Tea Party visit http://msteaparty.ning.com/ For America, Inc. http://www.foramerica.org/home/

Up-coming Events and Projects:

February, 2014: Usama Dakdok will be on the Coast in March of 2014, telling about the dangers of Islam. Go to his website at www.thestraightway.org. There you will see his picture, bio and you may view videos of his talks.

Textbook Screening Project
We are soliciting volunteers from the Gulf Coast to gain access to and review as many public school textbooks in service as possible. Many of these books are never brought home for parental review and contain material

that runs the gamut from inappropriately sexual to blatantly seditious. Even math textbooks are known to contain leftist ideology and indoctrination. Common Core, a curricula developed by left wing radicals like Bill Ayers and funded by left wing foundations has already been introduced to Mississippi schools. These texts are not to be made available to students until fall of 2014, but local school boards will make their selections from the "approved" list between now and then. You, its citizens had no say in its implementation. No debate, no vote was ever offered toward its consideration. When it became generally noticed we were told that the states adopted this standard voluntarily. In fact, education boards from the various states accepted this mind twist because it came with federal moneyand control. Just three years ago I reviewed a Brevard County, Florida High School history book while editor of a Vietnam Veterans publication. I expected some bias in the chapter covering the Vietnam Era but what I found were clever misrepresentations of fact and some serious omissions which resulted in a lie. The title of my article, When Silence Lies was quite appropriate. To review the chapter, I had to go to the school board and copy all 30 pages. They would not release it to me nor was its contents available on line or anywhere else. We are not sure how to obtain these textbooks on the Gulf Coast. We need people that are knowledgeable on how to access these books and those that can review and report on them. If you are interested in becoming involved in a textbook screening committee contact me at [email protected].

A Moral People Cannot Be Silent

On a recent Sunday night, I was invited to attend an interdenominational event at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Ocean Springs. Mission Mississippi has been traveling the state presenting a program called Glowing for Christ Celebration. High school members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes along with some of their coaches are running a cross around the entire state. During this journey they will cover all 82 counties of Mississippi in 82 days. It was an inspirational sight to see so many people of different religions and backgrounds come together in unity for a purpose. This purpose was to glorify their Savior Jesus Christ and acknowledge the importance of Christ and the Christian religion in their lives. As I watched this inspirational display, I thought back to the origins of our great nation. The pilgrims left England and fled from the king to these shores not to be free from religion but the freedom to practice their religion. As the first colony spread from Jamestown and settled along the east coast of what would later become the United States, these settlers never abandoned their faith. They took their Christian religion along with them. It was these people of faith that built this great nation. The founding fathers recognized this as they began to formulate their plan to break away from the tyranny of the English crown. It is for this reason that these men sought the guidance of God in their deliberations and mentioned Him in the founding document of this country, the Declaration of Independence. Although mentioned in a few different places, it is that last line which is ever present in my memory. "And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." We must begin to come together and stop allowing those who would destroy this country to separate us. Sitting there watching that program on Sunday night, I saw Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists and so on sitting next to each other worshipping. These different religions were represented by people of different ethnicities including blacks, whites, Latinos and Asians. All of the people at that church were gathered there not only as

Americans but as brothers and sisters in Christ. We must begin to focus on our similarities and put aside our differences if we are to save the country we all love. Over the last several decades we have seen God pushed from our government institutions and schools. It is past time to push back. I am proud to say that Mississippi is leading the way in this area. The Mississippi Legislature passed a bill in the 2013 legislative session allowing student-led prayer in our public schools with a majority vote in both the Senate and the House. Senate Bill 2633, known as "The Mississippi Student Religious Liberties Act of 2013", prohibits public schools in the state from discriminating due to a student's expression of religious beliefs. It will allow our children, on a voluntary basis, to pray or not to pray as they so desire. The bill not only ensures that children are allowed to engage in voluntary prayer at school, but it also mandates that other student rights are preserved. These include such things as the expression of religious beliefs in classroom assignments. Students who wear clothing or jewelry containing religious symbols or sayings will now be protected as well. Call me simple if you will, but it is my belief that there are two powers in this world we live in. I have heard them called many things, good and evil, light and dark, God and the devil. It does not matter what you call them as long as you realize the most important thing about them. They have existed and will always exist. If we remove God and His angels from the schools and our institutions of government, then the devil and his minions will move into those places. I know you will all recall the mass shootings of school children at Columbine and Newtown. There have also been numerous incidents in recent years of teachers engaging in illicit relationships with students. The list of atrocities and abuses within our school systems across this nation are long and tragic. It is time we come together and stop the infighting amongst those who claim the mantle of conservatism. We must do this not only for the future of our children but for the good of our nation. I am truly ashamed to think what the founding fathers would say if they were to see the state of our government today and its many unconstitutional activities. Even sadder than this though is the complacency of a significant portion of the populace who either ignores it or participates in the lunacy. More people must get involved before it is too late. Good people must step forward and the progressives who would see the ruin of this country must be sent home. We cannot keep electing people who do not represent the will of the people who send them to Washington. Politicians do not own the offices to which they have been elected. They are, at best, temporary occupants of these seats. So they must be reminded on a regular basis that these positions rightly belong to their constituents and not to the political establishment. This will not begin to turn around until moral people make their voices heard and say enough is enough. Take a stand and never forget the courage of those men over two hundred years ago who pledged to each other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. We owe them that. God bless all of you and God bless our great nation. --Mike Impey, Ocean Springs Alderman, Ward 6

Facebook PreditorsSignals to Watch

I never thought Id be facing a child predator seeking my family member, but it happened. Human trafficking is an urgent matter, so please discuss this article with your children so we can protect them. Thank God I knew the signs to watch for through my volunteer work for Advocates for Freedom, an anti-human trafficking non-profit organization for Mississippi. As a typical American, I enjoy communicating with friends and family on Facebook (FB). However, I found myself face-to-computer-screen with an online sexual predator seeking communication with children, including my 13-year-old relative. What I was seeing was clearly an attempt to lure children into trafficking. I studied the situation and began communicating with authorities by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-8883737-888, discussing what I was seeing on the pages and then following their instructions.

Victims of human trafficking, by definition are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. This episode started with a risqu photo of a female with my nephew tagged in it. Since I receive all his posts directly to my FB account, it displayed on my page, as well. Perhaps he saw that a few of his friends were friends with this predator and thought he would someday meet that person. Note: I did not report the page to FB at that time so authorities could investigate. I looked at this predators FB account and these are the things that raised the red flag to call that national hotline (1-888-3737-888) and multiple law enforcement offices: 1. Tattoos Slave-owning pimps frequently tattoo their slaves to show ownership. 2. Minor-aged friends - All of the predators friends were between 8 and 17 years of age, from the same geographical area but with different schools represented. 3. Seductive photos - Look at all the predators pictures to determine a pattern. Is the purpose only to entice (predator) or is it teen rebellion mixed with everyday life pictures tagged with friends? 4. Missing faces - Especially in seductive photos, is a clue that it could be a minor missing person and they dont want the public to identify them. 5. Communication or posts from the predator requesting to share photos or texts. They want your childs phone number. 6. Multiple phone numbers posted publicly on the same Facebook account This can indicate the frequent need to dispose of evidence-filled phones. 7. The posted pictures are girls of various ages, hair color, and body types. In other words, various girls are posing as a single identity on FB. 8. To advertise - In this case, each of the photos the predator posted were tagged with local young boys and girls in the photo, causing that photo to show up on the childs page for all their little friends to read/see. (Proper security settings must be placed on accounts to prevent this.) The predator may have initiated contact with kids on a skateboarding page or other FB pages that attract children. Safeguarding your children from traffickers on Facebook: 1. Our children should not be friends with anyone they havent personally met, even if their best friends are friends with that person. 2. Children should report to you all friend requests received from people they do not know, including other children for your further evaluation. A parent may want to reward a child with something special for making this report because it may save a life. 3. Check for the absence of accurate tags, missing faces, and comments like Do I know you? These are red flags to a fake account. 4. Publicly posting phone numbers with an invitation for anyone to communicate could be a warning sign of a predator. 5. Go through the settings to assure your childs account is as safe as possible. For example, tags need to be approved prior to posting and you should check that their age is correct.

We need to stay alert to the signs of those seeking to traffic people. Our children are at high-risk. If you find anything suspicious anywhere, including online please call 1-888-3737-888. They will help you at no charge and you may remain anonymous. What could happen? In an unrelated case, a local Mississippi mother said her son had communications with another little girl his age, but that girls phone communication was tracked by authorities to a trafficking ring in another state. The predator had sent the boy naked photos of a girl requesting him to return the favor. Over time, this predators goal could have been to kidnap her son for prostitution or pornography. Thank God this boy had the courage to tell his father about the situation. The son experienced many difficult emotions which is why very few incidents are ever reported. Have a talk with your children today. Valerie Volunteer for Advocates for Freedom www.advocatesforfreedom.com

News & Notes

Local Civil Rights Icon Calls Tea Party Racist: The Hattiesburg Tea Party held a rally in that city on August 20 to demonstrate their displeasure with Rep. Steven Palazzos failure to hold town hall meetings during the congressional recess. One of his projected challengers, Ron Vincent was challenging Palazzo (who was not in attendance) to defund ObamaCare. According to the Deep South Progressive website, Local civil rights pioneer Raylawni Branch disrupted a Tea Party rally in Downtown Hattiesburg when she questioned the motives of Tea [sic] activists. Branch was the first black student admitted to the University of Southern Mississippi in 1965 and like many blacks who actually lived through discrimination; her very real scars have blinded her to the progress made over the last 50 years.

Raylawni Branch in 1965

Branch disrupted the protest on the issue of ObamaCare; invoking the name of Jesus claiming he would support health care for all. When the subject drifted toward the gay agenda Branch admonished the crowd for their hypocrisy, as Christians are to love all. Quoting the report: Hattiesburg has changed a lot since then, she said, but in groups like the Tea Party, old mindsets still remain. She told Tea Party members as much, indicating her belief that Obamas brown skin might be their real motivation for opposing his policies. Ms. Branch was regurgitating the primary Progressive talking point which former Chairwoman of the US Commission on Civil Rights, Mary Frances Berry admitted was more of a political strategy than a belief among the Progressive elite (see Voice of Reason Quote Feature, May, 2013). If there is an issue over Mr. Obamas brown skin it is to deflect legitimate criticism of his policies by claiming his opponents are motivated by racism. Barack Obama has had no more of an American black experience than the white radicals who groomed him. It is not the color of his skin but the lacking content of his character that motives his opposition. If we reflect on just one incident attributed to Jesus in the New Testament we will find He became violently angry with the money-changers in the Temple. No doubt He would support health care for all but it is highly doubtful Jesus would do so if that care was determined by a cunning central authority controlling those services

and skimming the top off the proceeds forcibly collected to provide it. Entrance to the Temple required the approved currency obtainable only from an unaccountable authority. So too will access to health care. Ms. Branch has every right to oppose the Tea Party. We are a political movement. But to be ethical, she must withhold her condemnation of racism until she sees it publicly demonstrated. When that appears sporadically and individually at a Tea Party event, it is quickly subdued and there have been demonstrated instances of provocateurs. The media is also very selective in its negative coverage. The Tea Party has the right to oppose the gay agenda. It is a political movement which many believe masks a more destructive intent well beyond the simplicity of homosexual rights. In fact, all rights are human rights and sub-rights just like sub-justices are avenues for restrictions on all human rights. In todays climate however, opposition to a public display of homosexuality or any public sexuality for that matter, may result in serious consequences for the opponent, including social, economic and even criminal penalties. If there is an implicit policy in the Tea Party movement to oppose minorities, gay people, immigrants or any other group of Americans aside from domestic enemies of the Constitution, it has not yet come to light. If it had, we would not have these individuals in our ranks and we most certainly doin some cases, in leadership positions. We should forgive Ms. Branch of her own hypocrisy since we all suffer from it from time to time. She has experienced true racial discrimination which most Americans under 50 can only imagine. Nothing can diminish the courage it took for a black woman to enter an all-white school in 1965 Mississippi. But it does not give her a Get Out of Criticism Free Card when shes dead wrong. See more at: http://www.deepsouthprogressive.com/2013/08/mississippi-civil-rights-pioneer-confronts-the-tea-party.html

As Tyranny Becomes Public, Allies Beginning to Emerge: The government shutdown seems to have opened some eyes for some Obama supporters and set some groups into action not normally associated with the Tea Party. The petty and juvenile actions on the part of the federal government actually began after the sequestration last summer with the closing of the White House Visitors Center. This seemed to be a purposeful attempt to at least inconvenience people who had planned their trip for months. Many of them were class trips for school children. Whether it exists or not, a government, just as a corporation is perceived to have a personality. This character emerges from the leadership. The closing of the White House Visitors Center to children while other, more costly government services, such as the Presidents golf outings remained open, made the Presidency seem childish. Those perceptions solidified with a massive insult to veterans when the government shut down on October 1st. That very day the Administration barricaded monuments that do not have entrances or exits. They are open to the public at all times. That day, they werent. Congressman Steven Palazzo wrote to the President urging him not to close the Memorials, especially the WWII Memorial as Mississippi WWII veterans had a scheduled Honor Flight bound for Washington, DC that day. Honor Flight is a non-profit organization which provides free, one day trips to WWII veterans to visit their Memorial in DC completed only 9 years ago. We lose 1,000 of these veterans every day and this effort is obviously time sensitive. Regardless, the barricades went up and greeted the Mississippi veterans with

contempt. The veterans removed those barriers and paid tribute to their peers; peers that could never have imagined the sacrifice they made for an America led by such a despicable Administration some 70 years later. An Iowa contingent of Honor Flight vets followed ours from Mississippi and were able to pay due tribute to their peers as well. The criticism of that juvenile act fell on deaf ears since the monument restrictions continued. The Vietnam Memorial was barricaded and park rangers even tried to obstruct the view of Mount Rushmore! The Tea Parties coordinated the Overpass for Impeachment events in September. Perhaps it got the attention of Americas truckers because at this writing, they are in DC. Veterans groups are also converging on the Capital continuing the protest by bikers who arrived in August without permits overshadowing the 12 men who showed up for the Million Muslim March, with permits. Last month an illegal alien rally received a permit. No American truckers, bikers or veterans did. Even the mainstream media is having difficulty justifying such contempt on the part of their hero towards American citizens. These protests are all reactions to actions. What is emerging is a general realization from the American public that our twice elected President is either a juvenile or a malignant narcissist. Neither bodes well for the nation. Obamas contempt for America is now on full display. Other groups are now realizing what the Tea Parties knew since 2009. Each 12 man overpass event, each 9 man anti Common Core contingent at a school board meeting, each letter to the editorall of these small efforts repeated everywhere, consistently serve to keep our message on track. We do not need to recruit massive Tea Party membership to be effective. We need to be consistent and persistent in our message. Others will see as the tyrant becomes bolder and more public. While the Tea Parties have subdued their massive rallies of only two years ago and have been consistently demonized, it becomes harder for our opponents to dismiss us. We are being increasingly validated by our opponents. We predicted their actions and they are fulfilling those prophecies. Most Americans do not want to believe that their country is in such dire straits. But when they see their children and grandfathers personally treated with such distain as to deny them a simple pleasure while the king enjoys his extravagance, then it becomes impossible for the government to deny it is spitting in our faces. Obama and his handlers hate this country and demonstrate it consistently. Obamas wife is on record that she could never embrace it until her husband was nominated to lead it. Lead it where? That is what has finally emerged in 2013. The IRS scandal, now somewhat dormant will re-emerge as the corruption centerpiece because that is what all Americans fear most. We must force our congressmen to dig deep here because full disclosure will pull many more rats out of the silo and cause many Americans to stop feeding them. The MSM has droned on about Republicans; its war on women, its support of Wall Street fat cats, its racism ad nauseum with good success. Women, in general control the purse strings in most households and can see first-hand what faction has declared war on themand their spouses. Follow the money from the lowest Democrats campaign vault and it falls straight from Wall Street fat cats. And Black Americans need only take an honest look at their unemployment rate and the disintegration of their communities to see that the first black Presidents false promises to them are directly contradicted by their actual conditions. Recently the media have been praising some Republicans for their common sense and willingness to compromise. Beware of those. No negative commentary is to be found on Obamas very public unwillingness to compromise. But he has stated that many times in public. Americans hear that.

The current shutdown is blamed on the extremist Republicans, Texas Senator Ted Cruz being its face. But there are those that know better and are starting to emerge to inform others. The following came to us from an identified source (we do not publish anonymous material). It was the editors decision to omit the name: I have worked in the government on and off for [many] years. During that time I became quite familiar with requisitions, bidding, awarding contracts etc. It is a time consuming process with bean-counters and pencilnecked bureaucrats every step of the way. The simplest request takes months not days or hours. In less than 8 hours of the shutdown, miraculously, professionally printed 3X4 foot signs appeared all over the country in the tens of thousands saying--this (park, facility, etc. with custom logos) closed due to government shutdown. There has not been a government shutdown in 17 years. These signs were designed, specifications were determined, signs were then requisitioned, bids were posted and vetted, and government contracts were awarded. The materials were then ordered and the signs manufactured then distributed through U.S. Mails or freight companies. This shutdown was orchestrated and planned well in advance at least 6-8 months ago. Millions of tax dollars were appropriated and spent in this process. There is a paper trail a mile long leading directly to the White House. A tyrant must hide his intentions with pretty talk and generous gifts until he feels his power base is strong enough to drop the faade. At some point, historically, when he feels the blame for the current misery and oppression is permanently attached to his opponents, a narcissist cannot resist exposing how clever he is. The 20th century is full of consistent examples. Our tyrant differs in only one respect---he does not know his people. Louisiana Governor Considering Backing Out of Common Core: According to Danette Clark, a primary source for accurate Common Core information, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is reconsidering the implementation of Common Core in his state. Hes open to hearing all sides and it wouldnt be a bad idea here to let our Governor know what these so called standards are all about. E-mail Governor Phil Bryant at [email protected]. Although her website covers the Common Core controversy in Louisiana, her research is a valuable tool for all states and citizens who want detailed information on what CCSS has planned for our students. Her latest e-mail research alert concerns the sexualization of literature studies. See the latest at: http://danetteclark.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/louisiana-high-school-recommends-porn-to-students-forsummer-reading-assignment/#comments

Where They Stand

Answers from Legislators
If you have communications from any elected official in answer to a question or indicative of that officials position on an issue, please send it to us along with the date of the response and the issue of concern so that we all may know where they stand. Your comments on the response will be included if you wish. Barry Neyrey wrote to US Senator Roger Wickers office to demand defunding of ObamaCare. The following is Senator Wickers response: September 10, 2013

Thank you for contacting me regarding your support for defunding and repealing the President's health-care law. I am glad to have the benefit of your views on this issue, and I agree that this massive government overhaul of health care in America should be fully repealed. The President's health-care law greatly increases the government's role in our health-care system, fails to lower costs, and raises taxes and premiums. The tax increases in this law will cost the American public more than $675 billion over the next ten years. Skyrocketing premiums and co-payments will limit access to doctors for too many Mississippians. I support lower premiums and patients' freedom to choose their providers. I believe in workable solutions that empower patients not unelected bureaucrats in their health-care decisions. Already in the 113th Congress, I have joined my colleagues in introducing numerous bills to repeal or defund all or part of the President's health-care law. I am a co-sponsor of Senator Ted Cruz's bill to prohibit funding for this detrimental law. As a member of the Senate Budget Committee, I offered an amendment during the consideration of the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget that would have defunded the President's health-care law and prevented $1.8 trillion in new spending for its implementation. My repeal amendment, which was blocked by Senate Democrats, would have prohibited the use of taxpayer dollars to implement the 2,700-page law and its 19,000 pages of regulations. These countless rules, mandates and taxes will slow the economy and grow the government, stifling job creation and adding uncertainty to an already fragile economy. Be assured I will continue to work in Congress to defund and repeal the President's harmful health-care law in its entirety and replace it with meaningful solutions. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can ever assist you. Roger F. Wicker. US Senate

Book Reviews
Jernigans War by Ken Gallender This novel is by a local man sold by Amazon.com. The characters in the book live on the Gulf Coast, Gulfport. Its about when the world as we know it crumbles because of invasion by Red China. The main character lives among people trying to survive in a world where all systems come to an end aided by the communist President. Really is intense. He becomes a commando in the New Constitution Army, whose mission is to restore the U.S. Constitution and destroy the enemies of America. I suggest as good reading. Book cost $10 plus shipping. --Donna

The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin Perhaps youve heard of this one. Jekyll Island, GA is where 10 money men met in 1910 to create the Federal Reserve and those that understand that may be misled by the title. It is indeed a book about money and the subject is usually a yawner for me. However, this 600 page volume is a book of history, politics, social engineering and ethics woven around the system of exchange we call money. In some aspects it reads like a novel for there is plenty of mystery, adventure, crime and passion. Griffin has done a superb job of presentation. You will never be led into uncharted territory. He prepares you well before taking you down what has always been a purposely dark financial street.

It is the most informative book I have ever readand as a young student, I used to hook school and hang out at the library. If our schools werent already infested with the characters mentioned in this book, it would be required reading in every high school in America. There would be a nation full of informed voters, a stable economy and far fewer wars. Its that good. --Dick Lancaster

The Worlds Shortest Books

By Tiger Woods


By The Kardashians


By Jane Fonda & Cindy Sheehan Illustrated by Michael Moore
Foreword by George Soros ________________________________________


By The Rev Jesse Jackson & The Rev Al Sharpton ______________________________________


By Bill Gates ____________________________________


By Dennis Rodman _________________________________


By Al Gore & John Kerry _____________________________________


By Dr. Jack Kevorkian __________________________________


By Mike Tyson __________________________________




By O. J. Simpson & Casey Anthony _________________________________________


By Ted Kennedy

By Bill Clinton With introduction by The Rev. Jesse Jackson and foreword by Tiger Woods with John Edwards

And the shortest book of them all


by Barack Obama

Things a Tyrant Should Consider

AMERICAS HUNTERS Pretty Amazing! The worlds largest army America s hunters! I had never thought about this.A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion: There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin. Allow me to restate that number: Over the last several months, Wisconsin s hunters became the eighth largest army in the world. More men under arms than in Iran. More than in France and Germany combined. These men deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed. That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted in the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigans 700,000 hunters, all of whom return home. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states. Its millions more. The point? America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower. Hunting its not just a way to fill the freezer. Its a matter of national security. --BroBill, www.rightturnforever.com

Things a Tyrant Depends Upon

AMERICAS IDIOTS Pretty Amazing Too!

Voice of Reason
Since the first issue in May, VoR has been consistently delivered through 4 monthly issues. This, the 5th had to combine the months of September and October. Our Associate Editor, Bert resigned last month due to medical issues and her value is obvious since we came to a screeching halt. We have several regular contributors and several more gearing up. We also have some consistent sources and some occasional ones as well. When I write we, I am referring to all of us. Unfortunately, Berts absence leaves a big hole in the editorial side which includes proofreading, content decisions, commentary and the monthly planning meeting for VoR. When I write I, I am referring to meand I need help. If you would like to get involved in the mechanics of publishing, please contact me. It is, like all South MS Tea Party work, strictly volunteer. This means that family and work obligations come first. VoR differs from the website in that it is an interactive medium. It is not restricted to Tea Party members and in fact, geared toward non-members. We are primarily an educational forum and welcome contributions and even criticism from our member as well as the public. However, keep in mind we do have a point of view. We do not pretend to be objective but I personally feel that an objective view of policies and the practice of government support what we advocate. There is no need to lie or subvert the truth to get our point across. If you believe that Constitutional principles are the best avenue in the pursuit of freedom and would like to help promote those principles, you would be a good fit here. I am also sensitive to the prospect of retaliation for participating in a publication such as this. We have been demonized so thoroughly that even jobs and friendships may be at risknot to mention an IRS audit. It is especially true in reporting on local matters. My bylines have appeared in the work Ive done for other publications but VoR is the first publication in which I have included my photo. I did this purposely because I want to be fully identified with this cause. I have already lost a business of 31 years under Obama and have been black-balled in my industry here on the Gulf Coast for blowing the whistle on the military/industrial complex. However, I wonder if I would be so bold if I still had something to lose? Thats a personal decision every one of us must make and none of us should judge. If you want to volunteer but do not want to be identified, that will be honored. The most important thing is to get our information out, honestly and as professionally as possible.

Voice of Reason is published by the South Mississippi Tea Party, as a newsletter and forum between its members and members of the public interested in good government and the ideals of this organization. The Board sets the direction but sole responsibility for content is that of the editor. Suggestions, ideas and guidance are always appreciated and contributors are welcome. This is your forum.

Our Mission
The intent of this publication is to support and encourage members to engage their political leaders, to promote our goals, expose our motives and to educate those unfamiliar with our ideals and why we pursue them. Overall, we serve as an outlet for one organization among many other grass roots efforts to restore our local, state and national integrity. Specifically we will provide announcements of events, both local and statewide in support of our goals and pursue in depth reporting of events which affect our liberties or public trust.

Submissions from members and non-members are welcome. If you want to join the volunteer staff, tell us what you can contribute. Our scope will be primarily confined to local issues although we are making no rules here. We want the sun to shine on those who spend our money, make appointments, regulate our businesses and property and teach our children. We want to know what is done for the public good in our name. Government is necessary but it must be constantly inspected for unnecessary growth and corruption. Contributors do not have to be writers or reporters, but we welcome them. Our most valuable assets will be sources.

Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be sent by email. We will publish from anonymous sources provided the information supplied can be authenticated but will not accept anonymous articles or opinions unless that work is compelling or urgent. We will however, withhold the name of an author if requested. We are making no rules on length, style or content but all are subject to editing which includes rejection. We accept no advertising but will consider civic and business announcements in keeping with our mission.

Contact Information
Content Submissions: Email only [email protected]. Subject Line: TP info Source Submissions: Via email above or phone 321 693 1201 Dick Lancaster, Editor Barry Neyrey, Webmaster

Remember, Silence is Consent. Use Your Voice of Reason.

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