Friends of Stenhousemuir Primary School Association AGM Minutes
Friends of Stenhousemuir Primary School Association AGM Minutes
Friends of Stenhousemuir Primary School Association AGM Minutes
DATE: LOCATION: CHAIR: Members Present Heather Riddoch Mrs Reid Laura Jarvie Kelly Donald Gillian Dick Theresa Cameron Carole Cowie Evelyn Kidd Kate Dobbie Jane Dow Dawn Campbell Sharon Miller Maureen Smith Leanne Aitchison
Tuesday 10 September 2013 Staff Room, Stenhousemuir Primary School Mrs Heather Riddoch
1. WELCOME & APOLOGIES Heather opened the AGM and welcomed all members present, thanks were extended to Mrs Reid, Mrs Jarvie and Miss Donald as well as Elvelyn Kidd, Chair of the Parent council who Heather had invited along to help build links between FOSPS and the Parent Council. Apologies were received from Lydia Mestre, Sharon Lee, Joanne and Lianne Paton. 2. PREVIOUS MINUTES AND ACTIONS Heather read through the minutes of the previous meeting which were accepted as a true and accurate record. Mrs Reid informed the group that the website training for members of the group had yet to be arranged but was meeting this week to arrange. Carole, Heather and Gillian would be attending this training which will be held in school one evening. Heather confirmed that she had again taken out the SPTC Insurance and that in addition had added extra public liability insurance for an extra 7 as we did not have this for discos etc. Heather confirmed that P1D had received their prize for the best dressed stall at the Spring Fayre, Miss Donald said all the kids were delighted.
Heather stated that we are now in possession of a small gambling licence which will allow us to go ahead with the 50/50 draw and which will also allow us to sell raffle tickets prior to events. Heather ran through the fund raising ownership from the previous meeting and gave quick updates on all. Heather asked the group if there was a need for paper copies of the minutes or were we happy with electronic copies, it was agreed that electronic copies would be all that was required for future meetings. 3. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT Heather circulated the chairpersons reports for session 2012/13 to all members a copy of which is available from Heather. A few points to note in addition to the report: Shorts & Shades disco made approx 630 Possible Bag Packing at Tesco Theresa to update Next FOSPS Newsletter to include details of Almond Valley and Bow Belles Small lottery permit cost 40 but will be renewed at a cost of 20 annually All members are invited to attend the Fire! Police! Ambulance! Workshop in the autumn which is funded by FOSPS Almond Valley pass which cost 150 has brought in 140 so far Future Events: Halloween Disco to be held on 7 Nov Valentine Disco to be held on 6 Feb Theresa to get back re bag packing dates Spring Fayre to go ahead 17 May Pancake day to go ahead 4 March Matalan Fashion Show Miss Donald has kindly volunteered to help run this event again with the full support of all members. Miss Donald will contact Matalan to arrange a date possible March/April. 50/50 lottery - a separate Bank account to be opened specifically for this purpose. It was agreed that the draw would be made at Assembly with a witness from FOSPS present. The winner receiving half and FOSPS receiving half. Kate suggested that the money be used to fund something specific, it was agreed that the Captains and Vice Captains would be consulted on what the children would like. Kate will update the form and issue when complete. Heather thanked all committee members for their hard work this last session with special thanks to Mrs Jarvie, Mr OConnor, Ms Seton and Mrs Mochrie, also, to
Carole for all her work as Treasurer and to Kate and Gillian for all their work for the Spring Fayre. 4. TREASURER REPORT Carole issued copies of the accounts and the Accounting and Cash Handling policy, both documents are available on request. The accounts which show a very healthy balance of almost 4,000 have been checked and audited by Mrs Mochrie. An addition to the Accounting and Cash Handling policy stating that any cheque request over 1000 must be signed by 3 people. Heather also advised that our insurance would only cover money over 1000 if it was in a safe in an alarmed building, therefore any money raised at events should be stored in the school safe until it can be banked. Carole is in the process of changing banks from Bank of Scotland to RBS. As part of this process, Carole read out the resolution in the application form which was accepted and agreed by all. Carole also stated that a copy of the new constitution must be made available to the bank and that initially she would open the account with 1000 and would then transfer the balance once the account was up and running, Carole will then close the account with Bank of Scotland. 5. APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT EXAMINER Mrs Mochrie was appointed. 6. CONSTITUTION Heather issued a copy of the updated Constitution, this was agreed by all members and is available on request. Heather asked all members to sign the document and keep in a safe place. 7. PARENT CONFIDENTIALITY Mrs Reid commented how well the meeting had been organised/run and also stated that although we might not all have that same ideas at the beginning of a meeting that by end we should all be agreed on the decisions made. 8. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICE BEARERS Office Bearers were appointed as follows: Chair Heather Riddoch Treasurer Carole Cowie Vice Chair Theresa Cameron Secretary - Gillian Dick Procurement Officer Kate Dobbie 9. AOB 9a Halloween Disco The Halloween disco will be held on Thursday 31 October
P1-3 from 6:15 7:15 P4-7 from 7:30 8:30 Detail will go out with newsletter, there will be no tickets sold prior to the disco it will just be pay at the door. The price will be 1.50. Parents Group agreed to decorate Hall with decorations available from last year. 9b Christmas Cards/Santa Letters Heather will arrange the Christmas cards which the Teachers will design with the Children in class. Heather happy to continue to do the Santa Letter but looking for help Theresa and Carole have volunteered. 9c Winter Fayre It was agreed that the Winter Fayre would go ahead on Saturday 30 November. A sub-committee of Kate/Heather/Lianne and Gillian will meet to discuss details and will report back at next meeting. Mrs Reid advised that we may need to think of a ticketing system as if the Spring Fayre was anything to go by we could be very busy and because of the time of year all attractions would be all indoors. Miss Donald also suggested a pram centre. 9d Meet the Teacher Nights Mrs Jarvie requested the help of FOSPS to help serve tea/coffee at the forthcoming Meet the Teacher evenings 23 & 24 Sept. There were various volunteers so this should be covered. 9e Tuesday Lets Mrs Jarvie stated that Zumba is no longer held in school on a Tuesday so all future FOSPS meetings need lets booked, Heather to see Ms Seton. 9f ID for FOSPS Heather suggested purchasing t-shirt for FOSPS members to make us easily identifiable at events, Miss Donald volunteered to get prices and report back. It was also suggested a sash or badge as an alternative to t-shirts. 9g Discos - Ramp Heather mentioned that a few children were running and jumping off the ramp and a recent disco and suggested that this is an area that will need to be watched during future disco. Mrs Reid said she would ask the teachers to have a word with the pupils prior to the discos. 10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 8 October at 6:30pm in the Staff Room.