Jupiter in Virgo and Pisces - Makara

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The passage discusses the astrological significance of Jupiter when placed in the signs of Virgo and Pisces. In Virgo, Jupiter relates to enhancing the physical body's assimilation abilities and coordination of etheric energy flows. In Pisces, Jupiter expands consciousness through empathy and promotes the synthesis of human dualities like head/heart.

When Jupiter is in Virgo, it enhances the assimilative powers of the physical body and contributes to coordination of etheric energy concentrations and flows. It also brings the Christ influence into the astral body and facilitates emotional clarity, calm and temperance within desire. In the lower mind, it enhances the 'administrative mind' to handle details efficiently.

When Jupiter is in Pisces, it promotes the fusion of soul and personality through love, sympathy and compassion. It expands consciousness through empathic participation in others' lives. It also synthesizes human dualities like mind/love and will/wisdom through its boundary-transcending qualities in Pisces.

Jupiter in Virgo and Pisces

Jupiter in Virgo or Jupiter in Relation to Virgo:

(from Esoteric Astrology)

1. Jupiter is in Detriment in Virgo:

Jupiter, in spite of its latent power, is also lessened in influence at this time because of the second principle or second aspect of divinity, the Son or the germ of the Christ Who will come, the Son of Mind, descends into the depths and is temporarily veiled or hidden. (EA 282)

2. Jupiters Power is Lessened in Virgo:

...the power of [Jupiter] is lessened in Virgo, wherein the first signs of the Christ consciousness are felt. (EA 171)

3. Jupiter in VirgoOpening the Door of the Womb:

the result of the Jupiterian influence is to open the door of the womb in Virgo
(EA 251)

4. Jupiter in Relation to Virgothe Hidden Christ:

Virgo...Earth....Hidden Christ. Jupiter-ruler and conveyor of EXPANSION
(EA 281)

5. Jupiter in Relation to the Second Manifested Creative Hierarchy:

Jupiter - This is the hierarchical ruler and rules the second Creative Hierarchy, that of the Divine Builders of our planetary manifestation. (See the tabulation re the Hierarchies). This is the seventh Creative Hierarchy as well as the second, if the five unmanifesting Hierarchies are counted; in the significance of two and seven much of the mystery underlying these Hierarchies will be revealed.(EA 263)

6. Jupiter (ruler of the Second Creative Hierarchy) in Relation to the Human

Hierarchy: When the human Hierarchy is fully awakened to spiritual and not simply material possibilities, then the work of Jupiter will immediately intensify and this beneficent ruler will lead the human family into the ways of peace and progress. (EA 264)

Specific Expressions of Jupiter in Virgo

1. Jupiter (in Virgo) in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles: Jupiter in Virgo
will enhance the assimilative powers of the physical body, and contribute to the overall coordination of the concentrations of etheric energy and their flows. Virgo represents the third aspect of divinity (EA 280) and, hence, has a direct connection with the dense physical mechanism. All things being equal, Jupiter confers a sense of well-being in this area, and may facilitate wide understanding of just which herbs and minerals support this well-being. One can expect (though it would have to be tested) that where gestation and birth are concerned, Jupiter would help the processes go well. This combination brings, at length, the Christ influence strongly but quietly into the astral body, for Jupiter distributes the second ray and so does Virgo, constellationally. Once the subject has reached the evolutionary stage where Jupiter can be effective subjectively, the tendency (from this influence) is towards emotional clarity and calm, as well as temperance within the field of desirefor Jupiter (functioning properly) is a planet of wisdom and temperance and Virgo tends towards

cool control. All this facilitates the purification of the astral nature and its receptivity to the beneficent love of the soul. In the lower mind, this combination is somewhat like the union of Jupiter with Mercury. The power of the concrete mind is enhanced, for Virgo is a practical sign. Jupiter in Virgo confers the facility to handle many details in a well coordinated way; the mind can think with ease of many things, and understand how they can all work together for the best. This influence enhances what might be called the administrative mind, and make the mind a useful ally in ministering to lifes numerous small but cumulatively important requirements. 2. Jupiter (in Virgo) in Relation to the Personality as a Whole: At first, the exoteric detriment of Jupiter in Virgo is evident, and the processes of love-wisdom are buried by material concerns. The satisfactions sought are material (Let matter reign), and life is so full of material detail (the business of lifeand this is a good business combination) that the higher meaning behind it all is lost. Later, however, Jupiter in Virgo makes the personality the ally of the soul in facilitating the emergence of the Christ consciousness (which is soul consciousness and entails soul-inspired behavior within the personality sphere). The former effective manager of many worldly concerns, now manages the application of soul vision to the practicalities of life within the three worlds. Under this combination, the personality grows (Jupiter) in Christ (Virgo). 3. Jupiter (in Virgo) in Relation to the Fusion of Soul and Personality: The merging of soul and personality is a slow process, covering many lives. Jupiter in Virgo understands that good things (Jupiter) appear only in the fullness of time (Virgo), and is willing to wait confidently and with positive expectation as the beneficent growth proceeds. This combination is also ready to work (Virgo) towards a satisfying result (Jupiter). The fusion of these opposites (soul and personality) is built of many little transmutations, of many little opportunities for the improved lifehandled wisely and well. Christ in matter and in the immediately present is seen and understood, and slowly and confidently lifted to a preferred position. The recommended program for soul-personality fusion is undertaken, and administered. The temperate and constructive personality cooperates with the soul, and a gradual fusion of the second aspect of divinity with the third supervenes.

4. Jupiter (in Virgo) in Relation to the Synthesis of Human DualitiesHead/Heart;

Mind/Love; Will/Wisdom: Virgo is the guardian of the light of wisdom (EA 260). Virgo is associated with both the intelligence aspect and (now, in this solar system) the love aspect. As a triple sign, Virgo is associated with every factor in the three lesser dualities (for Virgo is God, Mother and Child). Virgo also represents labor, and labor brings fulfillment (Jupiter). Practice within the sphere of daily life is required if these dualities (already fused upon the higher planes) are to fuse demonstrably upon the lower. Jupiter in Virgo is eager to practice these fusions and hopeful of good results. 5. Jupiter (in Virgo) in Relation to the Means by which the Expansion of Consciousness may be Sought: By including all mundane factors and latent subjective factors of life in a synthesis of understanding, Jupiter in Virgo helps the individual avoid creating cleavages between the spiritual and material worlds. This is one of the combinations which contributes to the emergence of heaven on Earth. The individual influenced by this position, realizes that the material world is just as divine as the subtler worlds, and he seeks for the fusion of the two. His

consciousness is open to the many ways that small things are symbolic of great things, and because he does not reject these small things (but, rather, seeks to understand their connection to the whole) his consciousness expands. Consciousness does not expand for those who willfully refuse to see. 6. Jupiter (in Virgo) in Relation to the Fulfillment of Desire and the Satisfaction of Demand1) initially, fulfillment for the little self; then . 2) fulfillment of desire for the good of the wholea fulfillment achieved through the outgoing expression of love. When matter reigns under the early Virgo influence, many are the satisfactions and compliances expected from the three lower worlds. The consciousness is preoccupied with the so-called good things of life which that world can offer. We have the fulfillment of a number of relatively petty desiresmany small satisfactions. Later, under this combination, the individual upon the reversed wheel ministers to the world, performing cheerfully all manner of little duties and observances for the sake of improving the expression of soul through form and of spirit through matter. All obstacles need not be big ones. A number of small obstacles become, cumulatively, as effectively obstructive as great obstacles. But Jupiter in Virgo takes care of the many little difficulties, bringing improvement into each little unsolved situation. Thus, the road to satisfied desire (this time, unselfish desire) is patiently cleared, and, in compensation, the small events of life karmically conspire to clear the way for such an individual, complying with his wishes. The many little things no longer get in the way, and he achieves (in every detail) the satisfaction for which he hopes. 7. Miscellaneous Meanings of Jupiter in Virgo: a. Jupiter in Virgo (in relation to the second manifested Creative Hierarchy) signifies the successful growth of the Christ consciousness within the womb of time and space and its successful emergence into manifestation in the fullness of time. b. Jupiter in Virgo represents the fullness of that which emerges when once the form has been purified. This means, the full expression of the Christconsciousness. c. Jupiter in Virgo represents that aspect of the Gurus teaching which is of a more practical nature. d. Jupiter in Virgo has a special relation to the cultivation of internal wisdom. The light of knowledge of which Taurus is the custodian gives place to the light of wisdom of which Virgo is the guardian, and yields finally to the light of initiation in Capricorn. (EA 260) e. Jupiter in Virgo represents the rewards of wisdom and consciousness which follow the disciplines and purifications of discipleship. f. Jupiter in Virgo can produce the practical benefactor of humanityone who seeks to provide for human welfare by supplying the means to fulfill practical, material needs.

g. Under the influence of Jupiter in Virgo, consciousness is expanded through the service of the immediately presentthe doing of that which must immediately be done (the small, practical, mundane every-day matters). h. Jupiter in Virgo represents the capacity to see the great within the small.

i. j.

Under the influence of Jupiter in Virgo, one learns that the great soul must take care of little things. Jupiter in Virgo expresses one version of the adage that, the first shall be last and the last shall be first.that the proud shall be humbled and the humble shall be lifted up. Jupiter in Pisces does so equally.

k. In relation to Jupiter in Virgo, growth and understanding come simply from doing that which must be donefrom doing that which is not glamorous in any respect. l. Jupiter in Virgo expands the interest in commercial and material affairs. It is a good position for success (Jupiter) in business (Virgo).

m. Jupiter in Virgo can expand materialistic preoccupation. n. Jupiter in Virgo can represent the stifling of the Christ-consciousness by material process.

Jupiter in Pisces or Jupiter in Relation to Pisces:

(from Esoteric Astrology)

1. Jupiter in Piscesthe Hidden Saviour:

[Jupiter in relation to Pisces:] Pisces - Water - Hidden Saviour - Jupiter: - ruler and conveyor of EXPANSION.(EA 281)

2. Jupiter in PiscesRelating the Two Fishes:

Through its orthodox ruler, Jupiter, that force is brought to bear which brings all together andin this caserelates the two fishes and binds them together in a functioning relationship. It is the activity consequently of the second ray force which relates soul and form and brings the two together, and this magnetic potency is peculiarly descriptive of the activity of Pisces. In Pisces, there is demonstrated the captivity angle of relationship and the two fishes are unable to escape from each other; (EA 125)

3. Jupiterand the Fusion of Love and Mind is a World Savior:

In connection with the lesser duality found in every human being, that of head and heart, of mind and love, of the will and wisdom, the work of Jupiter is to develop these two qualities and bring them into synthetic interplay. Eventually there has to be the complete fusion of love and mind before a world saviour can manifest and function efficiently, and this is pre-eminently the final result of the forces of the Mutable Cross as they work out the qualities released by the planets in Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini. (EA 125)

Specific Expressions of Jupiter in Pisces

1. Jupiter (in Pisces) in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles: Jupiter in
Pisces increases the moisture of the body, and stimulates the flow of bodily fluids with special focus upon the lymph. This combination renders the body more sensitive; sympathetic and empathic reactions are physically felt, especially in the areas around certain chakras, such as the heart and the solar plexus. During the early evolutionary period, there is an close felt identification with matter and the general environmental milieu. Under this influence, the early human being is

part of it all, merged with his environment and does not successfully distinguish his own responses from general happenings. Later, individuality has developed, and the man knows he is other than that which surrounds him, but the merged and sympathetic response is still present on a higher turn of the spiral. The astral vehicle is unusually sensitive to impression, especially impressions of pain which evoke a kind, benevolent and restorative response. This combination can have a tranquilizing effect upon the astral body, especially useful at the time of the second initiation (when Jupiter must become astrally prominent). The forces of selfish desire and selfish idealism would be quieted, and a felt sensitivity to real need emerge. Astral receptivity is definitely enhanced by this influence, and with it, the tendency to serve. The Law of Service (the third Law of the Soul) is called the Law of Water and the Fishes. (EP II 118) People born in this sign are frequently to be found serving the race and ministering to its needs upon some level of consciousness. (EA 117) Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Pisces, can only promote this natural Piscean tendency. Jupiter in Pisces is not, per se, a mental indicator. Mercury, we remember, falls in Pisces, and so the normal, reasoning mentality is either not developed, or it is transcended. Under this influence, the concrete mind is rendered more sensitive and observant of psychic impression, and, later, of the intuition (when once it begins to be accessible). Usually, however, it is not so much the mental process which is directly affected; is it simply that the mind is presented with a greater range of impressions (many of them sentient) which it must consider. 2. Jupiter (in Pisces) in Relation to the Personality as a Whole: In early days, the distinguishing characteristics of this combination are trust, faith and devotion. The subject is hopeful (sometimes naively hopeful) that his dreams and wishes will be fulfilled. The attitude is positive, expectant and child-like, and was probably useful during those periods of human history when humanity was being guided by divine Supervisors. Later in the evolutionary cycle, when Jupiter in Pisces is a focal indicator in the horoscope, there emerges the benevolent personality. The urge to meet the felt need, to offer compensation for felt pain, to uplift, to restoreall these characterize the one, who seeing the misfortunes of lifeseeks a more fortunate outcome (the proverbial happy ending). 3. Jupiter (in Pisces) in Relation to the Fusion of Soul and Personality: Jupiter in Pisces is particularly related to the process of fusing soul and personalitythe two fishes. A process of obligation is involved. Each fish is magnetically tied to the other; the soul feels an obligation to serve and uplift its personality. The redemptive, uplifting qualities of Jupiter in Pisces are very characteristic of the attitude of the Solar Angelsthe Saviors of the human race. As well, the awakening human soul within the personality, begins (eventually and with gratitude) to feel an obligation to its heavenly Mentor, and seeks to serve the will of that Mentor. Neither fish can escape the other because the bonds are, in essence, bonds of love. From the perspective of the human soul, Jupiter in Pisces represents both unconscious and conscious fusion. In early days, soul and personality are energetically fused, but the nascent, incarnating human soul knows it not. Aeons later, the human being awakens to the fusion which has always been, and acts consciously to express that fusion. There are interim periods when the sense of separated duality is pronounced (as for instance in Gemini), but the relationships between soul and personality begins

in fusion and ends in fusion. The second ray magnetism of Jupiter promotes both of these fusions. 4. Jupiter (in Pisces) in Relation to the Synthesis of Human Dualities Head/Heart; Mind/Love; Will/Wisdom: The synthesizing powers of Jupiter work powerfully in the atmosphere of Pisces. Pisces is an energy which bridges cleavages, blurs distinctions, and dissolves boundaries. Within the Piscean ocean, ring-pass-nots give way, and the contents they contained blend and merge. Love, sympathy, compassion, accompanied by the joyful intention to upliftall characteristic of Jupiter in Piscesact as solvents leading to synthesis.

5. Jupiter (in Pisces) in Relation to the Means by which the Expansion of

Consciousness may be Sought: Expansion of consciousness develops through empathic participation in the lives of others. If my consciousness is isolated and impregnable, it is a small consciousness. If I begin to enter and pervade the consciousness of others (through empathy and inclusiveness), my consciousness is necessarily expanded, because the pervaded consciousnesses are merged with it. At length, through boundary-transcending identification, there comes to be (as always there has been) but one consciousness, as there is but one soul. The thought of my soul and thine (R&I 20) fades. Love-wisdom (under Jupiter in Pisces) has expanded my identity, and nought is but me. (EP II 84)

6. Jupiter (in Pisces) in Relation to the Fulfillment of Desire and the Satisfaction
of Demand1) initially, fulfillment for the little self; then . 2) fulfillment of desire for the good of the wholea fulfillment achieved through the outgoing expression of love. The incarnated human soul believes that it wants what it finds in the Ocean of Substance. When, under Pisces, the human soul go[es] forth into matter, it goes forth ruled by exoteric Jupiter, with the expectation of satisfaction; satisfaction comes, inevitably. The wheel reverses; the human soul awakens to spiritual soul; love grows. The desire for worldly experience exhausts itself, and only the aspiration to serve and save remains. In Pisces (more than in any of the twelve signs) the individual (now upon the Fixed Cross) learns to desire nothing for the separated self. (DINA I 598) Wanting nothing, he is fit to have everything. Loving everyone and everything (at the point of consummation), he is loved by allat least by all who still love goodness. All that he has apparently lost, during millions of years of human incarnation, is restored (with his complete understanding of the illusion of loss). The treasure of Divine Love opens to him the treasures of the worldnow used only for the sake of Love. With respect to the process of human incarnation, he is complete. Jupiter in Pisces (in its highest indication) is the very symbol of this completeness. 7. Miscellaneous Meanings of Jupiter in Pisces: a. Jupiter in Pisces expresses the benevolence which saves. b. Jupiter in Pisces, in the developed man, confers the compassionate heart, and a disposition to seek the welfare of those most in need. c. Jupiter in Pisces offers simple, humble helpfulness. (Simplicity and humility come through the enlarged vision and perspective conferred by Jupiter.) d. Jupiter is Pisces indicates beneficent consummationsgood karma, and blessings upon completion.

e. Jupiter in Pisces indicates the possibility for growth of understanding in the field of religion. f. Jupiter in Pisces contributes to the pervasiveness of wisdom of the developed Piscean individual. (EA 136)

g. Jupiter in Pisces promotes the social aspects of religion. h. Jupiter in Pisces transcends the limitations of lower ego, and brings the human soul into the realm of social and spiritual cooperation. i. j. Under Jupiter in Pisces, understanding grows through faith, hope and charity, mercy and compassion. Under Jupiter in Pisces, it is understood that Goodwill is Love in Action.

k. Under Jupiter in Pisces, it can be said, as Abraham Lincoln said, With malice towards none, with charity for all. He had Jupiter in Pisces. l. Jupiter in Pisces contributes to fullness of imagination and, perhaps, to fulfillment through imagination.

m. Negatively Jupiter in Pisces contributes to the belief that God will take care of everything.

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