Anne Frank Biography

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Anne Frank (1929- 1945)

Anne Frank was born to the parents of Otto Frank and Edith Hollander in 1929.

She was born in Frankfurt am Main, Weimar Germany.


As a child she was Jewish. She had president of the group he was in called

many friends that were Jewish too. Anne the Nazis. Soon Hitler came to the

and her friends were about 10 years old conclusion that Jewish people were the

when Adolph Hitler came into power of cause to any sickness or any bad feeling

Germany. He was made head or to Germans.


Hitler started making rules that Jewish movies and walk to friends houses, but

people couldn't go certain places like as Hitler gained more power and made

parks or even sit on public benches. more rules Anne and her friends couldn't

Anne and her friends liked to go to the go see movies anymore.


Hitler soon made Jews wear the yellow they would be put in prison, or even

star of David that said "Jude" meaning worse, killed. In Anne's village or

Jewish. Every Jew had to wear one, neighborhood even people who were not

including Anne, on their coats and all Jewish were wearing the stars, standing

their clothes that were visable to the up for the Jews.

public. If the Jews didn't wear the stars


The Nazis were angered by this. They jews who wore the star of David to

hated it so they started taking the non- concentration camps in Auchwitz. At the
camps the had jobs, very hard, jobs for They also had prison cells. But worst of

the prisoners that worked them to death. all they had gas chambers.


Hitler made the Jews go to hiding in the top two floors of Otto

different schools then the non- jewish Frank's office building along with the Van

children. Anne and her sister Margot Pels family. While in hiding another

went to Jewish Secondary School now person joined the Frank and Van Pels

known as the Anne Frank School. In families in hiding. His name was Fritz

1942 Anne and her family went into Pfeffer. He was a dentist.


The Franks went into hiding because for the Nazis in Germany at

Margot Frank got a call up notice to work concentration camps.


In hiding the Franks, Van Pels, and because it would mean that they were

Pfeffer had 4 helpers who got them there hiding. During these long silences Otto

things like, books, news, and food. Frank and Hermann Van Pels, the

During the day the Anne had to be silent father's of the children Margot and Anne

and sitting still in her room even if she Frank and Peter Van Pels, would give the

had to use the bathroom because if the children work to do like Mathematics

workers were in the building they problems and Reading work because

couldn't walk around because it made to Anne, Margot, nor Peter could go to

much noise or use the sink or the toilet school.


On August 4th 1944 Anne was helping sudden a man came up the staircase

Peter with his studies when all of the hollering with a gun pointed at the
Franks, Van Pels, and Pfeffer. That day exhaustion, Auguste Van Pels died in

they were brougt to concentration camps transport from Bergen Belsen, the camp

in Auchwitz. Otto Frank was put to work, that Margot and Anne were kept at, to

Peter Van Pels was put on a death walk, Theresienstadt. Sadly, Margot and Anne

Anne and Margot were sentenced to a both died in March 1945 of a disease

jail cell, Hermann Van Pels was killed in called typhus.

the gas chamber, Edith Frank died of


After the war Otto Frank was "released" changed most of the names and

by the Nazis. Otto goes home and finds published it. Now Anne's diary is famous

out that no one else that hid with him in and published, and written in thousands

the Secret Annex is coming home. Miep of different languages.

Gies one of the helpers handed Otto

Anne's famous diary. Otto read it,


1926- Margot is born hiding

1929- Anne is born 1944- Anne and her family are put into
1936- Hitler comes into power concentration camps
1942- Margot recieves a call up 1945- Anne and Margot die of typhus
1942- Anne and her family go into 1945- Otto Frank comes home.

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