Liturgy of St. Basil

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Have mercy on us, O God, the Father, the Pantocrator. All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on
us, Lord, God of the powers be with us, for there is no helper in our afflictions and our
needs but You.

Our Father Who art in Heaven;
Hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our bread of the morrow,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
In Christ Jesus, our Lord.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the
Glory, forever. Amen

We worship You, O Christ, with Your good Father and the Holy Spirit, for You have come
and saved us.

He bows before the other priests and the people, saying:

Bless me. Lo, the metanioia. Forgive me.

Pray. Eshlil

In the presence of another priest, he adds:

Bless. Evlogison

In the presence of other priests, he adds:

Bless. Evlogite

The other priest(s) answer(s):

You Bless Enthok evlogison

Stand up for prayer. Epi prosevki stathite

Peace be with all. Irini Pasi

And with your spirit. Ke to pnevmati soo


Let us give thanks to the beneficent and merciful God, the Father of our Lord, God and
Savior, Jesus Christ, for He has covered us, helped us, guarded us, accepted us to Him,
spared us, supported us, and has brought us to this hour. Let us also ask Him, the Lord
our God, the Pantocrator, to guard us in all peace this holy day and all the days of our

Pray Prosevaxaste

Lord have mercy. Kyrie Eleison

O Master, Lord, God the Pantocrator, the Father of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus
Christ, we thank You for every condition, concerning every condition, and in every
condition. For You have covered us, helped us, guarded us, accepted us to you, spared
us, supported us, and have brought us to this hour.

Pray that God have mercy and compassion upon us, hear us, help us and accept the
supplications and prayers of His saints, for that which is good, on our behalf, at all times,
and forgive us our sins.

Lord have mercy.

Therefore, we ask and entreat Your goodness, O Philanthropic One, grant us to compete
this holy day, and all the days of our life, in all peace with Your fear.
All envy, all temptations, all the work of Satan, the counsel of wicked men and the rising
up of enemies, hidden and manifest,

Take them away from us, and from all Your people, and from this church and from the
holy place that is Yours. But those things which are good and profitable do provide for us,
for it is You Who have given us the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and
upon all the power of the enemy.

On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, start by:

O come, let us worship the Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;

We, the Christian people, for this is our true God.

We have hope in St. Mary, that God will have mercy upon us, through her intercessions.

On all other days, namely; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, start by:

We worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and co-essential Trinity

Hail to the church, the house of the angels. Hail to the Virgin, who gave birth to our

Then continue by:

Hail to you, O Mary, the fair dove, who brought forth unto us God the Logos.
Hail to you, O Mary, a Holy Hail. Hail to you, O Mary, the Mother of the Holy.
Hail to Michael, the great Archangel. Hail to Gabriel the angel-evangel.

Hail to the Cherubim. Hail to the Seraphim. Hail to all the Heavenly orders.
Hail to John the great forerunner. Hail to the priest, the cousin of Emmanuel.
Hail to my lords and fathers, the apostles. Hail to the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hail to you, O martyr. Hail to the evangelist. Hail to the apostle, Mark, the beholder-of-

Hail to Stephen, the first martyr. Hail to the blessed archdeacon.

Hail to you, O martyr. Hail to the courageous hero. Hail to the victorious martyr, my lord
the Prince George.
Hail to you, O martyr. Hail to the courageous hero. Hail to the victorious martyr, Abba
Mina of Bayadd.

Hail to you, O martyr, Hail to the courageous hero. Hail to the victorious martyr….
Hail to our father, Anthony, the lamp of monasticism. Hail to our father, Paul, the beloved
of Christ.
Hail to my lords and fathers who love their children, Abba Pishoi and Abba Paul, beloved
of Christ.

Hail to our holy father the patriarch. Hail to Athanasius the apostolic, beloved of Christ.

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Saint Mary, O Lord, grant us the forgiveness
of our sins.

That we may praise You, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have come
and saved us: have mercy on us.

Pray. Eshlil

In the presence of other priests, see page 2.

Stand up for prayer. Epi prosevki stathite

Peace be with all. Irini Pasi

And with your spirit. Ke to pnevmati soo

The Prayer of the Departed

(On the evening offering, as well as on Saturday morning offering)

Again, let us ask God the Pantocrator, the father of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus
Christ. We ask and entreat Your goodness, O Philanthropic One, remember, O Lord, the
souls of your servants who have fallen asleep, our fathers and our brethren.

Pray for our fathers and brethren who have fallen asleep and reposed in the faith of Christ
since the beginning; our holy fathers the archbishops, our fathers the bishops, our fathers
the hegomens, our fathers the priests, our brethren the deacons, our fathers the monk, and
our fathers the laymen, and for the full repose of the Christians, that Christ our God may
repose all their souls in the paradise of joy, and we too, accord mercy unto us, and forgive
us our sins.

Graciously, O Lord, repose all their souls in the bosom of our holy fathers Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. Sustain them in a green pasture, by the water of rest, in the paradise of
joy; the place out of which grief, sorrow and groaning have fled away, in the light of Your
saints. Raise up their bodies also, on the day which You have appointed, according to
Your true promises, which are without lie. Grant them the good things of Your promises;
that which an eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither have come upon the heart of man;
the things which You, O God, have prepared for them that love Your holy name.
For there is no death for Your servants, but a departure; and if any negligence or
heedlessness has overtaken them as men, since they were clothed in flesh and dwelt in
this world, do, O God, as a good and Philanthropic One, graciously accord, O God, Your
servants the Orthodox Christians , who are in the whole world, from sunrise to sunset and
from North to South, each one by his name and each one by her name, O Lord repose
them and forgive them. For none is pure from blemish even though his life on earth is
single day. As for those, O Lord, whose souls you have taken, repose them, and may they
be worthy of the kingdom of the heavens. As for us all, grant us our Christian perfection
that would be pleasing unto You, and give them, and us, a share and an inheritance with
all Your saints.

Lord have mercy.

The PRIEST offers incense while the CONGREGATION recites, during the evening
offering of incense.

Graciously accord, O Lord, to keep us this night without sin. Blessed are You, O Lord,
God of our fathers, and praised and glorified be Your name forever. Amen
Let Your mercy be upon us, O Lord, even as we have set our hope in You. For the eyes of
everyone wait upon You, for You give them their food in due season.
Hear us, O God, our Redeemer, the hope of all the regions of the earth.
Blessed are You, O Lord; teach me Your statutes. Blessed are You, O Lord; make me to
understand Your Commandments.
Blessed are You, O Lord; enlighten me with your precepts. Your mercy, O Lord, endures
forever. O despise not the works of Your hands. Lord, You have been our refuge in all
generations. I said, be merciful to me, hear my soul; for I have sinned against you.
Lord, I have fled unto You. Teach me to do Your will, for with You is the fountain of life.
In you light shall we see light. Let your mercies come unto them that know You, and
Your righteousness unto the upright in heart.
To you belongs worship, to you belongs praise to you belongs glory, O Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit, now, and forever and ever. Amen.
It is a good thing to give praises unto Your name, O Most High; to show forth your
loving-kindness in the morning, and your faithfulness every night.

Then the congregation continues with the Trisagion


(On the morning offering, except Saturdays)

Again, let us ask God the Pantocrator, the Father of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus
Christ. We ask and entreat Your goodness, O Philanthropic One, remember, O Lord, the
sick of Your people.

Pray for our fathers and our brethren who are sick with any sickness, whether in this
place or in any place, that Christ our God may grand us, with them, health and healing,
and forgive us our sins.

Lord have mercy.

You have visited them with mercies and compassion, heal them. Take away from them
and from us all sickness and all maladies; the spirit of sickness chase away.
Those who have long lain in sickness raise up and comfort. All them that are afflicted by
unclean spirits, set them all free.
Those who are in prisons or dungeons, and those who are in exile or captivity, or those
who are held in bitter bondage, O Lord, set them all free and have mercy upon them.
For You are He who looses the bound and uplifts the fallen; the harbor of those in the
All souls that are distressed or bound; give them mercy, O Lord; give them rest, give
them coolness, give them grace, give them help, give them salvation, give them the
forgiveness of their sins and their iniquities.
As for us also, O Lord, the maladies of our souls heal, and those of our bodies too, do
cure. O You, the true Physician of our souls and our bodies the Bishop of all flesh, visit
us with Your salvation.

Lord have mercy.

By the grace, compassion and philanthropy, of Your Only-begotten Son, our Lord, God
and Savoir, Jesus Christ. Through Whom the glory, the honor, the dominion and the
adoration are due unto You, with Him, and the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giver, Who is of one
essence with You, now, and at all times, and unto the ages of all ages Amen.

The Prayer for the Oblations

(On Sundays, feast days and whenever the oblations are present.)

We ask and entreat Your goodness, O Philanthropic One, remember, O Lord, The
sacrifices, the oblations and the thanksgivings of those who have offered honor and glory
unto Your holy name.

Pray for those who have care for the sacrifices, oblations, first fruits, oil, incense,
coverings, reading books and alter vessels, that Christ our God reward them in the
heavenly Jerusalem, and forgive us our sins.

Lord have mercy

Receive them upon Your holy, rational altar of heaven, for a savor of incense before your
greatness in the heavens, through the service of Your holy angels and archangels.
As You have received the offering of the righteous Abel, the sacrifice of our father
Abraham and the two mites of the widow so also receive the thank offerings of Your
servants; those in abundance or those in scarcity, hidden or manifest.
Those who desire to offer to You but have none, and those who have offered these gifts to
You this very day, give them the incorruptible instead of the corruptible, the heavenly
instead of the earthly and the eternal instead of the temporal.
Their houses and their stores, fill them with every good thing. Surround them, O Lord,
by the power of Your holy angels and archangels.
As they have remembered Your holy name on earth, remember them also, O Lord, in
Your holy name on earth, remember them also, O lord, in Your kingdom, and in this age
too, leave them not behind.

Lord have mercy.

By the grace, compassion and the philanthropy, of Your Only-begotten Son, our Lord,
God and Savior, Jesus Christ... through whom the glory the honor, the dominion and
adoration are due unto You, with Him, and the Holy Spirit, the Life- Giver, Who is of one
essence with You, now, and at all times, and unto the age of all ages. Amen.

The service continues with the Gloria, “Let us praise with angels..”
The Prayer for the Travelers
(On weekdays (except feast days), when the oblations are not present)

We ask and entreat Your goodness, O Philanthropic One, remember, O Lord, our fathers
and our brethren who are traveling.

Pray for our fathers and our brethren who are traveling, or those who intend to travel
anywhere. Straighten all their ways, whether by sea, rivers, lakes, roads, or those who are
traveling by any other means that Christ our God may bring them back to their own
homes in peace and forgive us our sins.

Lord have mercy.

And those who intend to travel anywhere. Straighten all their ways, whether by sea,
rivers, lakes, roads, or those who are traveling by any other means, everyone anywhere.
Lead them into a haven of calm, a haven of safety.
Graciously accompany them in their embarkation and be their companion in their travel.
Bring them back to their own, rejoicing with joy and safe in security. Be a partner in
work with Your servants in every good deed. As for us, O Lord, our sojourn in this life
keep without harm, without storm and undisturbed unto the end.

Lord have mercy.

By the grace, compassion and philanthropy, of Your Only- begotten Son, our Lord, God
and Savior, Jesus Christ. Through Whom the glory, the honor, the dominion, and the
adoration are due unto You, with Him, and the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giver, Who is of one
essence with You, now, and At all times, and unto the age of all ages. Amen.

The PRIEST offers incense while the congregation recites, during the morning offering of

The Gloria
Let us praise with the angels, saying, “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and
goodwill toward men. “We praise You, we bless You, we serve You, we worship You, we
confess to You, we glorify You, we give thanks to You for Your great glory, O Lord
heavenly King, God the Father, the Pantocrator; O Lord, the Only-begotten Son, Jesus
Christ; and the Holy Spirit.
O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, Who takes away the sin of the world,
receive our prayer. You Who sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For
You only are Holy; You only are the Lord, O Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; glory to
God the Father amen. Every day will I bless You, and I will praise Your name forever;
yes, forever and ever. Amen.
From the night season my soul awakes early unto You, O my God, for Your precepts are a
light upon the earth. I continually pursue Your way for You have become to help unto
me. My voice shall You hear in the morning. Early will I stand before You, and You shall
see me.

The Trisagion
Holy God Holy Mighty, Holy immortal, who was born of the Virgin, have mercy upon us.
Agios o The-os, Agios ees-shiros; agios athanatos; o ek Partheno gennethis: eleison

Holy God, Holy might, Holy Immortal, who was crucified for us, have mercy upon us.
Agios o The-os, Agios ees-shiros; agios athanatos; o stavrothis di imas: eleison imas.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy immortal, who rose from the dead and ascended into the
heavens, have mercy upon us.
Agios o The-os, Agios ees-shiros; agios athanatos: o anastas ek ton nedron: ke anelthon
ees toos ooranoos: eleison imas.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now, and always and
unto the ages of ages. Amen
Doxa Patri ke Eio: Ke Agio Pnevmati: Ken in ke a-ee ke ees toos e-onas ton e-onon:
Amen: Agia Trias: Eleison imas.

O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Holy Trinity have
mercy on us. O Lord, remit out sins. O Lord, pardon our iniquities. O Lord, forgive us
our trespasses.
O Lord, visit the sick of Your people, heal them for the sake of Your holy name. Our
fathers and brethren who have slept, O Lord repose their souls.
O You Who are sinless, Lord have mercy on us. O You Who are sinless, Lord help us
revive our supplications. For Yours is the glory, the dominion, and the triple holiness.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord bless. Amen.


Our Father Who art…

Hail to you. We ask you, o saint full of glory, the ever-virgin, theotokos, the mother of
Christ, offer our prayers unto your beloved Son, that He may forgive us our sins, Hail to
the holy Virgin, who has brought forth unto us the true Light, Christ our God, Ask the
Lord on our behalf, that He may have mercy on us and forgive us our sins.
O Virgin Mary, the holy Theotokos, the faithful advocate for all mankind, intercede on
our behalf before Christ, Whom you have brought forth, that He may forgive us our sins.

Hail to you, O Virgin,

The Very and true queen.
Hail to the pride of our race,
Who has borne to us Emmanuel.

We ask you, remember us,

O our faithful advocate,
Before our Lord Jesus Christ,
That He may forgive us our sins.

Here, the appropriate seasonal doxology is sung, followed by the Virgin’s Doxology.

The Virgin’s Doxology

Blessed are you, O Mary,
The prudent and the chaste,
The second tabernacle,
The treasure of the spirit,

The pure turtle-dove,

That declared in our land,
And brought unto us
The Fruit of the Spirit;

The Spirit of comfort

That came upon your Son,
In the Waters of the Jordan,
As in the type of Noah.

For Noah’s dove

Has declared unto us
The peace of God
Towards mankind.

Likewise you, O our hope,

The rational turtle-dove,
Have brought Mercy unto us,
And carried Him in your womb;
That is, Jesus our Lord,
The Only-begotten of the Father,
Was born of you unto us,
And set free our race.

Let us all declare

With all our hearts,
And with our tongues too,
Proclaiming and saying,

O our Lord Jesus Christ,

Make in us a sanctuary
For Your Holy Spirit,
Ever glorifying You.

Hail to you, O Virgin,

The very and true queen.
Hail to the pride of our race,
Who has borne to us Emmanuel.

We ask you to remember us,

O our faithful advocate,
Before our Lord Jesus Christ,
That he may forgive us our sins



The adornment of Mary,

In the highest heaven,
At the right hand of her Beloved,
Asking him on our behalf,

As David has said,

In the book of Psalms,
Upon Your right hand, O Kind,
Did stand the queen.

Solomon has called her,

In the Song of Songs,
“My sister and my spouse,
My true city Jerusalem.”

For he has given a type of her

In diverse high names,
Saying, “Come out of your garden,
O choicest aroma.”

Hail to you, O Virgin,

The very and true queen.
Hail to the pride of our race,
Who has borne to us Emmanuel.

We ask you, remember us,

O our faithful advocate,
Before our Lord Jesus Christ,
That He may forgive us our sins.


Seven archangels,
Always praising as they stand,
Before the Pantocrator,
Serving the hidden mystery.

Michael is the first,

Gabriel is the second,
Rafael is the third:
A symbol of the Trinity.

Souriel, Sedakiel
Sarathiel and Ananiel:
The luminous and holy,
Asking Him for the creation.

The Cherubim, the Seraphim,

The Thrones, Dominions and Powers,
And the four Incorporeal creatures,
Carrying the throne of God.

And the twenty four priests,

In the church of the first-born,
Praise Him incessantly,
Proclaiming and saying,

Holy, O God:
The sick, O Lord, heal them.
Holy, O Mighty:
Those who slept, repose them.

Holy, O Immortal:
O Lord, bless Your Inheritance,
And may Your mercy and Your peace
Be a fortress unto Your people.

Holy, Holy,
Holy, Lord of Hosts,
Heaven and earth are full
Of Your honor and Your glory.

And when they say, “Alleluia,”

The heavenly respond, saying,
“Holy. Amen. Alleluia.
Glory be to our God.”

Intercede on our behalf,

O angelic hosts,
And all the heavenly orders,
That he may forgive us our sins.


Among those born of women,
No one is like you.
You are great among the saints,
O St. John the Baptist.

You are much more than a prophet,

Foremost among the just.
You are the friend of the Bridegroom,
The Lamb of God.

You have witnessed to the true Light,

Which came into the world,
And those ho believed in His name,
Became children of the Light.

Intercede on our behalf,

O forerunner and baptizer,
St. John the Baptist,
That He may forgive us our sins.
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Has chosen His apostles:
Peter and Andrew,
And John and James.

And Philip and Matthew,

Bartholomew and Thomas,
James the son of Alphaeus,
And Simon the Canaanite.

Thaddaeus and Matthias,

Paul, Mark and Luke,
And the rest of the disciples,
Who followed our Savior.

Mattias was chosen

Instead of Judas,
And was numbered with
The rest of the apostles.

Their sound went forth

Into all the earth,
And their words unto
The ends of the world

Pray to the Lord on our behalf,

Our lords and fathers, the apostles,
And the 72 disciples,
That He may forgive us our sins.


O Mark, the apostle,

And the evangelist,
The witness to the passion
Of the Only-begotten God.

You brought us out of darkness,

Into the true Light,
And fed us the Bread of Life
Which came down from heaven.

All the tribes of the earth

Were blessed by you,
And your sayings have reached
All the ends of the world.

Hail to you , O martyr,

Hail to the evangelist,
Hail to the apostle,
St. Mark, the beholder of God.

Ask the Lord on or behalf,

O beholder of God the evangelist,
St. Mark the apostle,
That he may forgive us our sins.

Saint Stephen’s Doxology

The honored martyr

Of our Lord Jesus Christ,
The holy Stephen,
Which means “a crown”.

God revealed unto him

The great mysteries,
And his face did shine
Like the face of an angel.

He saw the glory of Heaven,

And Jesus at the right of His Father.
And those who were stoning him,
He prayed for their salvation.

Proclaiming and saying,

“O my Lord Jesus Christ,
Receive my spirit,
And count not sin against them.”

Because the do not know

What they are doing
For their blindness.
O Lord do not rebuke them.

He perfected his deeds

And died for the faith
And put on the everlasting
Crown of Martyrdom.

Hail to you, O athlete

Of our Lord Jesus Christ
The holy Stephen,
Which means “a crown”.

Ask the lord on our behalf,

O blessed archdeacon,
Stephen, the first martyr,
That he may forgive us our sins.

Saint George’s Doxology

Saint George endured,

For seven whole years,
Seventy impious kings,
Judging him every day.

They could not change his mind,

Neither his upright faith,
Nor the great love he had
For his King, Jesus Christ.

And he did sing with David,

“All nations compassed me about,
But in the name of the Lord
Will I destroy them.”

Great is your honor,

My lord prince George:
Christ rejoice with you
In heavenly Jerusalem.

Hail to you, O martyr.

Hail to the courageous hero.
Hail to the victorious,
My Lord the prince, George.

Ask the Lord on our behalf,

O victorious martyr,
My lord the prince, George,
That He may forgive us our sins.


What shall it profit a man,

If he shall gain the whole world,
And lose his own soul?
Oh, the vanity of this world!

The holy Abba Mina

Heard the divine voice,
And forsook the whole world
And its vain glory

He gave his soul unto death

And his flesh unto the fire,
And received great afflictions,
For the Son of the living God.

Therefore, our Savior

Lifted him to His kingdom,
And granted him the good things
Which an eye has not seen

Ask the Lord on our behalf,

O victorious martyr,
The holy Abba Mina,
That he may forgive us our sins.


Remove from our hearts

The evil and misleading
Thoughts and desires
That darkens the mind

Understood and contemplate

The great miracles
That is for our father
The blessed Abba Antony the great

This who became a guide

And harbor for salvation
And called on us to rejoice
Into the eternal life.

The incense of his virtues

Gave rejoice to our souls
As the great aroma
In the Paradise.

Let us be firm truly

In the Orthodox faith
As the Great Antony,
Crying and saying:

I asked and took:

I requested and was granted:
I knocked and I believe:
That it will be opened for me.

Hail to our Father Antony:

The lamp of monasticism:
Hail to our father Abba Paula:
The beloved of our Christ.

Ask for us O our masters:

Our fathers who loves their children:
Antonym and Abba Paula:
To forgive us our sins.



O Joseph, the high priest

Of the great city, Alexandria;
The pure celibate,
Adorned with true humility.

In the blessed days

Of your high-priesthood,
We, the undeserving,
Received a blessing:

The coming of our fathers,

The cross-bearers,
The shining stars,
Abba Pishoi and Abba Paul;

Who became unto us

A haven of salvation,
And gave light to our souls,
Through their holy bodies.

Hail to our father Abba Pishoi,

The perfect and righteous man.
Hail to our father Abba Paul,
The beloved of Christ.

Ask the Lord on Our behalf

Our Saintly fathers who love their Children,
Abba Pishoi and Abba Paul,
That He may forgive us our sins.


O you who are strong in managing the ship

O you the distinguished fighter:
Who is victorious in the wars:
The luminous lamp.

The leader of Orthodoxy

Is Athanasius the apostolic:
The instructor of the eloquent sheep:
That is for Christ.

Your truthful teachings:

Pierced the hearts of the heretics:
Like the double-edge sword:
By the power of the Trinity.

Every knee worshiped the Lord:

And every tongue praised Him:
The Glory of God was announced:
And filled the entire universe.

We therefore magnify You:

Along with David the prophet:
For You are the Priest forever:
On the order of Melchizedek.

Hail to the great Patriarch:

Our father the great patriarch Abba Athanasius
Whose holy teachings:
Enlightened our minds.
Blessed are you, indeed,
Our saintly father, the patriarch,
Saint Athanasius the Apostolic,
Beloved of Christ.

Pray to the Lord on our behalf,

Our Saintly father, the patriarch,
Saint Athanasius the apostolic,
That He may forgive us our sins.


Be our advocate,
In the highest where you are,
O lady of us all, the Theotokos,
The ever-virgin, Mary

Ask of Him whom you have borne,

Our good Savior,
To take away our afflictions
And accord to us His peace.

Hail to you, O Virgin,

The very and true queen,
Hail to the pride of our race,
Who has borne to us Emmanuel.

We ask you, remember us,

O our faithful advocate,
Before our Lord Jesus Christ,
That He may forgive us our sins.

The CONGREGATION now recites:


We exalt you, the Mother of the true Light. We glorify you, O saint and Theotokos, for
you brought forth unto us the Savior of the whole world; He came and saved our souls.
Glory to You, our Master, our King, Christ, the pride of the apostles, the crown of the
martyrs, the joy of the righteous, the firmness of the churches, the forgiveness of sins.
We proclaim the Holy Trinity in One Godhead. We worship Him. We glorify Him. Lord
have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord bless. Amen.

The Orthodox Creed

We believe in one God, God the Father, the Pantocrator, who created heaven and earth,
and all things seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the
Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, Begotten not created, of one
essence with the father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our
salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin
Mary, and became Man. And he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered was
buried. And the third day He rose from the dead, according to the scriptures, ascended
into the heavens; He sits at the right hand of His Father, and He is coming again in His
glory to judge the living and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end.
Yes we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, The Life-Giver, Who proceeds from the
Father, who with the father and the son is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the
And in one holy, catholic and apostolic church. We confess one baptism for the remission
of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming age. Amen.

The Priest, holding the cross with three lighted candles in his right hand, chants the

God, have mercy upon us,
Settle Your mercy upon us,
Have compassion upon us,


Hear us,


Bless us,
Guard us,
Help us,


Take away your anger from us, visit us with your salvation, and forgive us our sins.

Amen. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Pray. Eshlil.

Stand up for prayer. Epi prosevki stathite.
Peace be with all. Irini Pasi.

And with your spirit. Ke to pnevmati soo.

The Prayer For the Gospel

O Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who said to His saintly, honored disciples and holy
apostles, “Many prophets and righteous men have desired to see the things which you
see, and have not seen them, and to hear the things which you hear and have not heard
them. But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear.” May we be
worthy to hear and to act according to Your holy gospels through the prayers of Your

Pray for the holy gospel.

Lord have mercy.

Remember also, Oh our Master, all those who have bidden us to remember them in our
supplications and prayers which we offer up unto you, o Lord God.
Those who have already fallen asleep, repose them. Those who are sick, heal them. For
you are the life of us all, the salvation of us all, the hope of us all, the healing of us all,
and the resurrection of us all.

A psalm of David.

The psalm is read, concluded by “Alleluia.”

Stand with the fear of God. Let us hear the holy gospel.
Blessed be He who comes in the name of the lord.

Bless, Oh Lord, the reading of the holy gospel, according to St….

Glory to You, Oh Lord.

Our Lord, God Savior, and King of us all, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, to whom
is glory forever.

The Gospel is read.

Glory is due to our God to the age of all ages. Amen

Glory to You, oh Lord.

The Congregation sings the Gospel response

Let us worship our savior: the Philanthropic One: for He had compassion on us: came
and saved us.

Marenoo-osht empencoteer: pimairoumi enaghathos: je enthof afshenheet kharon: afi o-

ooh afcoti emmon.

Then the ending is said

Blessed is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the perfect Trinity: we worship
Him and glorify Him.

Je ef-esmaro-oot enje ef yot nem ep shiri: nem pi pnevma ethowab: ti trias etjik evol: ten
oo-osht emmos ten ti o-ounas

The Five Short Prayers

Pray. Eshlil.

Stand up for prayer. Epi prosevki stathite.

Peace be with all. Irini Pasi.

And with your spirit. Ke to pnevmati soo.

Again, let us ask God the Pantocrator, the Father or our Lord, God and Savior Jesus
Christ. We ask and entreat your goodness, oh Lover of mankind. Remember, Oh Lord, the
peace of Your one, only, holy, catholic and apostolic church.

Pray for the peace of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Orthodox Church of God.

Lord have mercy.

That which exists from one end of the world to the other. Remember, Oh Lord, our
patriarch, the honored father, the high priest, Abba ….

Pray for our high priest, papa Abba …. Pope, patriarch and archbishop of the great city
of Alexandria, and for our Orthodox bishops.

Lord have mercy

In keeping, keep him unto us for many years and peaceful times.
Remember, oh Lord the safety of this holy place, which is Yours, and every place and
ever monastery of our Orthodox fathers.

Pray for the safety of the world, and of this city of ours, and of all cities, districts, islands
and monasteries.

Lord have mercy

And every city, and every region, and the villages, and all their ornaments. And Save us
all from famine, plagues, earthquakes, drowning, fire, the captivity of the barbarians, the
sword of the stranger, and the rising up of heretics.

Lord have mercy

Graciously accord, oh Lord, the air of heaven, the fruits of the earth, the waters of the
rivers, the seeds, the herbs, and the plants of the field this year bless them.
The Procession of the Lamb
Glory and honor, honor and glory to the All-Holy Trinity: The Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Peace and edification unto the one, only, holy, catholic and apostolic church
of God. Amen.

Remember, O lord, those who have brought unto you these gifts, those on whose behalf
they have been brought, and those by whom they have been brought. Give them all the
heavenly reward.

Pray for these holy and precious gifts, our sacrifices and those who have brought them.
Lord have mercy.

Alleluia. This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. O
Lord save us, O Lord straighten our ways. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord. Alleluia

In Fasting Days

Alleluia. The thought of man shall confess to you, O Lord, and the rest of thought shall
keep a feat to you. The sacrifices and the offerings receive them unto you. Alleluia

In Great Lent
Alleluia. I shall go in, unto the altar of God, before the face of God who gives gladness
to my youth. I will confess to you, O God, my God with a harp. Remember O Lord,
David and all his meekness. Alleluia

In the Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God. Blessed be God
the Father the Pantocrator. Amen


Blessed be His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Amen.

Amen. One is the Holy Father, One is the Holy Son, One is the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Blessed be the Lord God forever. Amen. Praise the Lord, all you nations: praise Him, all
you people for his mercy in confirmed upon us: and the truth of the Lord endures for
ever. Amen, Alleluia.

Doxa Patri Ke Eyou Ke Agiou Epnevmati. Ken in Ke A-ee Ke yes tos e-onas ton e-onon
Amin. Alleluia.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the
age of all ages. Amen. Alleluia.

Pray. Eshlil.

In the presence of another priest, he adds:

Bless. Evlogison.

In the presence of other priests, he adds:

Bless. Evlogite.

The other priest(s) answer(s):

You Bless. Enthok evlogison.


Stand up for prayer. Epi prosevki stathite.

Peace be with all. Irini pasi.

And with you spirit. Ke to pnevmati soo.


Let us give thanks to the beneficent and merciful God, the Father of our Lord. God and
Savior, Jesus Christ, for he has covered us, helped us, guarded us, accepted us to him,
spared us, supported us, and has brought us to this hour.

Let us also ask him, the Lord our God, the Pantocrator, to guard us in all peace this holy
day and all the days of our life.

Pray. Prosevexaste.

Lord Have Mercy. Kirie Eleyson.

O Master, Lord, God the Pantocrator, the Father of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus
Christ, we thank you for every condition, concerning every condition, and in every
condition. For you have covered us, helped us, guarded us, accepted us to you, spared us,
supported us, and have brought us to this hour.

Pray that God have mercy and compassion upon us, hear us, help us and accept the
supplications and prayers of His saints for that which is good on our behalf at all times,
and make us worthy to partake of the communion of his holy and blessed mysteries, for
the remission of our sins.

Lord Have Mercy.

Therefore we ask and entreat your goodness, O lover of mankind, grant us to complete
this holy day, and all the days of our life, in all peace with your fear.

All envy, all temptation, all the work of Satan, the counsel of wicked men and the rising
up of enemies, hidden and manifest, take them away from us, and from all your people,
and from this table, and from his holy place that is yours.

But those things which are good and profitable do provide for us, for it is you who have
given us the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the


May your servants, ministers of this day, the hegomen(s), the priest(s), the deacon(s), the
clergy, all the people and my weak self, be absolved from the mouth of the All-Holy
Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and from the mouth of the one only
holy catholic and apostolic church, and from the mouths of the twelve apostles, and from
the mouth of the beholder-of-God the evangelist Saint Mark the apostle and martyr, the
patriarch Saint Severus, our teacher Dioscorus, Saint Athanasius the Apostolic, Saint
Peter the priest- martyr and the high priest, Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Cyril, Saint
Basil, and Saint Gregory, and from the mouths of the three hundred and eighteen
assembled at Nicea, the one hundred and fifty at Constantinople, and the two hundred at
Ephesus, and from the mouth of out honored father, the high priest Abba…, and from the
mouth of my abject self.

For blessed and full of glory is your holy name, O Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, now
and at all times and unto the age of all ages. Amen.


This censer of pure gold Tai shori en noob en katharos: Etfai

Bearing the aroma, is in kha pi aromata: et khen nen
The hands of Aaron the priest, Jij en Aaron pi owib: ef tali oo
Offering up incense on the altar. Esthoinoofi epshoi ejen pi ma en


The golden censer is the Virgin; Ti shoori en noob te ti Parthenos:

Her aroma is our savior. She Pes aromata pe pen sotir: as
Gave birth to him; he saved Misi Emmof af soti emmon: O-Ouh
Us and forgave us our sins Af ka nen novi nan evol.

During Lent, the following is said:
You are the censer of pure gold, Ento te tishoori: en-noub enkatharos:
Bearing the blessed amber. Et-fay kha pi-gebs: e n – ekroum

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Saint Mary, O Lord, grant us the forgiveness
of our sins.
Hiten ni presvia ente to the-otokos: Ethowab Maria:
Ep Chois: ari ehmot nan em pi ko evol ente nen novi.

Through the intercessions of the seven archangels and the heavenly orders, O Lord, grant
us the forgiveness of our sins.
Hiten ne presvia ente pi shashf en arshi-angelos:
Nem ni tagma en ep ooranion: Eo Chois: ari
Ehmot nan em pi ko evol ente nen novi.

Through the prayers of my masters and fathers,

The apostles, and the rest of the disciples, O Lord, grant us the forgiveness of our sins
Hiten ni evki ente na chois en yoti en Apostolos: nem ep sepi enti nit Mathitis: Ep
Choise: ari ehmot nan em pi ko evol ente nen novi

Through the prayers of the beholder of God, the evangelist Mark the apostle, O Lord,
grant us the forgiveness of our sins.
Hiten ni evki ente pi Theorimos en Evangelistis: Markos pi Apostolos: Ep Chois: ari
ehmot nan em pi ko evol ente nen novi.

Through the prayers of the victorious martyr, my Lord the prince George, O Lord, grant
us the forgiveness of our sins.
Hiten ni evki ente pi athloforos em martiros: pa chois ep ooro Ge-orgios: Ep Chois: ari
ehmot nan em pi ko evol ente nen novi

Through the prayers of our saintly and righteous father, Abba…,O Lord, grant us the
forgiveness of our sins.
Hiten ni evki ente pen yot ethowab en dike-os: Abba…Ep chois: ari ehmot nan em pi ko
evol ente nen novi.

Through the prayers of saints of this day, each by his name, O Lord, grant us the
forgiveness of our sins.
Hiten ni evki ente ni ethowab ente pai eho-oo: pi owai piowai kata pef raan: Ep chois:
ari ehmot nan em pi ko evol ente nen novi

Through their prayers keep the life of our honoured father, the high priest, Papa Abba…,
O Lord, grant us the forgiveness of our sins.
Hiten no evki areh ep onkh em pen yout ettayoot: en arshi-erevs Papa Abba…, Ep Chois:
ari ehmot nan em pi ko evol ente nen novi.

In the presence of a bishop or a metropolitan, the following verse is added:

Through their prayers keep the life of our honoured and righteous father, the bishop
(metropolitan), Abba…, O Lord, grant us the forgiveness of our sins.
Hiten no evki areh ep onkh em pen yot ettayoot en dikeos: en episokpos (em mitropolitis)
Abba… , Ep Chois: ari ehmot nan em pi ko evol ente nen novi.

We worship You, O Christ, with Your good Father and the Holy Spirit for You have come
and saved us. (or: have been born, or: have been baptized, or: have been crucified, or
have risen)
Ten oo-osht Emmok: O Pi Khristos: nem Pek Yot en Agathos: nem pi Pnevma Ethowab:
je ak ee ak soti emmon (nai nan). (or: av mask or: ak tchi-oms, or: av ashk, or: ak tonk)

The Praxis Response (Acts)

Hail to you, Mary the fair dove, who has born unto us God the Logos.
Shere ne Maria: ti etchrompi ethnesos: thi etas misi nan: em ef Nooti pi Logos.

Blessed are you in truth, with Your good Father and the Holy Spirit, for You have come
and saved us.
Ek-esmaro-oot alithos: nem Pek Yot en Aghathos: nem pi Pnevma ethowab: je ak ee ak
soti emmon (nai nan).

The Praxis (Acts)

The acts of our fathers apostles, their holy blessings be with us all. Amen.

After the Acts of the Apostles is read, he says:

The word of the Lord shall grow, multiply, be mighty and be confirmed in the holy
church of God. Amen.

Following the Synxarium the congregation sings:

The Hymn of the Trisagion

Holy God Holy Mighty, Holy immortal, who was born of the Virgin, have mercy upon us.
Agios o The-os, Agios ees-shiros; agios athanatos; o ek Partheno gennethis: eleison

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, who was crucified for us, have mercy upon us.
Agios o The-os, Agios ees-shiros; agios athanatos; o stavrothis di imas: eleison imas.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy immortal, who rose from the dead and ascended into the
heavens, have mercy upon us.
Agios o The-os, Agios ees-shiros; agios athanatos: o anastas ek ton nedron: ke anelthon
ees toos ooranoos: eleison imas.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now, and always and
unto the ages of ages. Amen O Holy Trinity have mercy on us.
Doxa Patri ke Eio: Ke Agio Pnevmati: Ken in ke a-ee ke ees toos e-onas ton e-onon:
Amen: Agia Trias: Eleison imas.

Pray. Eshlil.

Stand up for prayer. Epi prosevki stathite.

Peace be with all. Irini Pasi.

And with your spirit. Ke to pnevmati soo.

The Prayer For the Gospel

O Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who said to His saintly, honored disciples and holy
apostles, “Many prophets and righteous men have desired to see the things which you
see, and have not seen them, and to hear the things which you hear and have not heard
them. But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear.” May we be
worthy to hear and to act according to Your holy gospels through the prayers of Your

Pray for the holy gospel.

Lord have mercy.

Remember also, Oh our Master, all those who have bidden us to remember them in our
supplications and prayers which we offer up unto you, o Lord God.
Those who have already fallen asleep, repose them. Those who are sick, heal them. For
you are the life of us all, the salvation of us all, the hope of us all, the healing of us all,
and the resurrection of us all.

A psalm of David.

The psalm is read, concluded by “Alleluia.”

Stand with the fear of God. Let us hear the holy gospel.

Blessed be He who comes in the name of the lord.

Bless, Oh Lord, the reading of the holy gospel, according to St….

Glory to You, Oh Lord.

Our Lord, God Savior, and King of us all, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, to whom
is glory forever.

The Gospel is read.

Glory is due to our God to the age of all ages. Amen

Glory to You, oh Lord.

Liturgy of the Believers



We believe in one God, God the Father the Pantocrator who created heaven and earth,
and all things seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, begotten of the
Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten not created, of one
essence with the Father, by whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our
salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy spirit and the Virgin
Mary and became Man. And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and
was buried. And on the third day He rose from the dead, according to the scriptures,
ascended to the heavens; He sits at the right hand of his Father, and He is coming again in
His glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end.
Yes, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giver, Who proceeds from the
Father, Who with the Father and the Son is Worshipped and Glorified, who spoke by the
And in one holy, catholic and apostolic church. We confess one baptism for the remission
of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming age. Amen.

Stand up for Prayer.

Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

O God the Great and the Eternal, Who formed man in incorruption, and death which
entered into the world by the envy of the devil, You have destroyed, by the life-giving
manifestation of Your Only-Begotten Son, Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ.
You have filled the earth with the heavenly peace, by which the hosts of angels glorify
You saying, “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and good toward men.”

Pray for perfect peace, love and the holy apostolic kisses.

Lord have mercy.

According to Your good will, O God fill our hearts with Your peace. Cleanse us from all
blemish, all guile, all hypocrisy all malice and the remembrance of evil entailing death.
And make us all worthy, O our Master, to greet one another with a holy kiss, that without
falling into condemnation, we may partake, of Your immortal and heavenly gift in Christ
Jesus our Lord.

Greet one another with a holy kiss.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Yes, Lord who is Jesus Christ, the
Son of God, hear us and have mercy upon us.
Offer, offer, offer in order. Stand with trembling. Look towards the east. Let us attend.

Through the Intercessions of the Theotokos, Saint Mary, O Lord, grant us the forgiveness
of our sins. We worship You O Christ, with Your good Father and the Holy Spirit, for you
have come* and saved us. A mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise.

(* or: have been born or: have been baptized or: have been crucified or: have risen.)
The Lord be with you all.

And with your spirit.

Lift up your hearts.

We have them with the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord.

It is meet and right.

Meet and right, meet and right, truly, indeed, it is meet and right.

O You, Who are, Master, Lord, God of truth, being before the ages, and reigning forever,
Who dwells in the highest and looks upon the lowly, Who has created the heaven, the
earth and all that is therein. The Father of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ, by
whom You have created all things, seen and unseen. Who sits upon the throne of His
glory, and Who is worshipped by all the Holy Powers.

You Who are seated, stand.

Before whom stand the angels the archangels, the principalities, the authorities, the
thrones the dominions and the powers.

Look towards the east.

You are He around whom stand the Cherubim full of eyes, and the Seraphim with six
wings praising continuously without ceasing saying:

Let us attend.
The Cherubim worship You, and the Seraphim glorify You, proclaiming and saying:
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of hosts. Heaven and Earth are full of Your Holy glory.

Agios (Holy), Agios, Agios.

Holy, Holy, Holy truly O Lord, our God, Who formed us created us and placed us in the
paradise of joy. When we disobeyed Your commandment by the guile of the serpent, we
fell from eternal life and were exiled from the paradise of joy.
You have not abandoned us unto the end, but have always visited us through Your holy
prophets, and in the last days, You did manifest Yourself to us who were sitting in
darkness and the shadow of death, through Your Only-Begotten Son, Our Lord, God and
Savior Jesus Christ, Who of the Holy Spirit and of the holy Virgin Mary.

He Rose from the Dead on the third day; He ascended into the heavens and sat at Your
right hand, O Father; He has appointed a day for recompense on which Hw will appear to
judge the world in righteous and give each one according to His deeds.

According to Your mercy, O Lord, and not according to our sins.


He instituted for us this great mystery of Godliness. For being determined to give
Himself up to death for the life of the world.

We believe.

He took bread into His holy, spotless, unblemished, blessed and life-giving hands.

We believe that this is true. Amen.

He looked up towards heaven to You, O God, Who are His Father and Master of every
one, He gave thanks,

He blessed it,


And He sanctified it.

Amen. We believe, we confess, and we glorify.

He broke it, gave it to His own holy disciples and saintly apostles saying, “Take, eat of it
all of you. For this is My Body, Which is given to you and for many, to be given for the
remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me.”

This is true. Amen.

Likewise also the cup after supper He mixed it with wine and water.
He gave thanks,


He blessed it.


And He Sanctified it.

Amen. Again. We believe, we confess and we glorify

He tasted, and gave it also to His own holy disciples and saintly apostles saying, “Take,
drink of it all of You. For this is My Blood of the new covenant Which shall be shed for
you and for many, to be given for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me.”
This is also true. Amen.

For every time you shall eat of this bred and drink of this cup, you proclaim My death,
Confess My resurrection and remember Me till I come.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Your death, O Lord, we proclaim. Your Holy Resurrection and
Ascension, we confess. We Praise You, We bless You, we thank You, O Lord, and we
entreat You, O our God.

Therefore, as we also commemorate His holy passion, His resurrection from the dead,
His ascension into the heavens, His sitting at Your right hand, O Father, and His second
coming which shall be from the heavens, awesome and full of glory; we offer unto You
Your oblations from what is Yours, for every condition, concerning every condition and
in every condition.

Worship God in fear and trembling.

We praise You, we bless You, we serve You, and we worship You.

Let us attend. Amen

And this bread He makes into His Holy Body.

I believe.


And this cup also, into the precious Blood of His new covenant.

Again, I believe. Amen.

Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ, given for the remission of sins and eternal life to
those who shall partake of Him.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.


Make us all worthy, O our master, to partake of Your holies unto the purification of our
souls, our bodies and our spirits. That we may become one body and one spirit, and may
have a share and an inheritance with all the saints who have pleased You since the
beginning. Remember, O Lord, the peace of Your one, only, holy, catholic and apostolic

Pray for the peace of the holy catholic and apostolic church of God.

Lord have mercy.

This which You have acquired unto Yourself with the precious Blood of Your Christ.
Keep her in peace, with all the Orthodox bishops who are in her.

Foremost, remember, O Lord, our blessed and honored father, the archbishop our
patriarch Abba…

If a bishop (metropolitan) is present…

And his partner in the service our father the bishop (metropolitan) Abba…

Pray for our high priest Papa Abba…, pope, patriarch and archbishop of the great city of
Alexandria; and for our Orthodox bishops.

If a bishop (metropolitan) is present….

Pray for our high priest Papa Abba…, pope, patriarch and archbishop of the great city of
Alexandria, and our father the bishop (metropolitan) Abba…, and for our Orthodox

Lord have mercy.
And those who rightly define the word of truth with him, grant them unto Your holy
church to shepherd Your flock in peace. Remember, O Lord, the Orthodox hegomens,
priests and deacons.

Pray for the hegomens, priest, deacons, subdeacons, and the seven orders of the church of

Lord have mercy.

And all the ministers, all who are in virginity, and the purity of all Your faithful people.
Remember, O Lord, to have mercy upon us all.

Have mercy upon us, O God, the Father, the Pantocrator.

Remember, O Lord, the safety of his holy place, which is Yours, and every place and
every monastery of our Orthodox fathers.

Pray for the safety of the world and of this city of ours and of all cities, districts, islands
and monasteries.

Lord have mercy.

And those who dwell therein in God’s faith.

Graciously accord, O Lord, the air of heavens, the fruits of the earth, the waters of the
rivers, the seeds, the herbs and the plants of the field this year, bless them.

Pray for the air of heaven, the fruits of the earth, the rising of the waters of the rivers, the
seeds, the herbs and the plants of the field, that Christ our God may bless them, bring
them to perfection in peace without harm, and forgive us our sins.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.
Raise them to their measure according to Your grace. Give joy to the face of the earth.
May its furrows be abundantly watered and its fruits be plentiful. Prepare it for sowing
and harvesting. Manage our life as deemed fit. Bless the crown of the year with Your
goodness for the sake of the poor of Your people, the widow, the orphan, the traveler, the
stranger, and for the sake of us all who entreat You and seek Your holy name. For the
eyes of every one wait upon You, for You give them their food in due season.
Deal with us according to Your goodness, O You Who give food to all flesh. Fill our
hearts with joy and gladness that we too, having sufficiency in every thing always, may
abound in every good deed.

Lord have mercy.

Remember O Lord, those who have brought unto You these gifts, those on whose behalf
they have been brought, and those by whom they have been brought. Give them all the
heavenly reward.

Pray for these holy and precious gifts, our sacrifices and those who have brought them.

Lord have mercy.


As this, O Lord, is the command of Your Only-Begotten Son, that we share in the
commemoration of Your saints, graciously accord, O Lord, to remember all the saints
who have pleased You since the beginning: our holy fathers the patriarchs, the prophets,
the apostles, the martyrs, the confessors and all the spirits of the righteous who were
consummated in the faith. Most of all, the pure, full of glory, ever-virgin, holy Theotokos,
Saint Mary, who in truth, gave birth to God the Logos. And Saint John the forerunner,
Baptist and martyr; Saint Stephen the archdeacon, the protomartyr; Saint Stephen the
archdeacon, the protomartyr; the beholder-of-God Saint mark, the evangelist the apostle
and martyr; the patriarch Saint Severus; our teacher Dioscorus; Saint Anthanasius the
Apostolic; Saint Peter the priest-martyr and the high priest; Saint John Chrysostom, Saint
Theodosius, Saint Theophilus, Saint Demetrius, Saint Cyril, Saint Basil, Saint Gregory
the theologian, Saint Gregory the wonder-worker, Saint Gregory the Armenian; the three
hundred and eighteen assembled at Nicea, the one hundred and fifty at Constantinople,
and the two hundred at Ephesus; our righteous Abba Paul, the three saints Abba Macarii,
and all their children the cross-bearers, our father Abba John the hegomen, our father
Abba Pishoi the righteous perfect man, the beloved of our Good Savior; our father Abba
Paul of Tammoh and Ezekiel his disciple; my masters the Roman fathers Saints Maximus
and Domitius; the forty nine martyrs the elders of Shiheet; the strong Saint Abba Moses;
John Kame the priest; our father Abba Daniel the hegomen; our father Abba Isidore the
priest; our father Abba Pachom, of the Koinonia, and Theodore his disciple; our father
Abba Shenoute the archimandrite and Abba Wissa his disciple. And all the choir of Your
saints, through whose prayers and supplications, have mercy on us all and save us, for the
sake of your holy name, which is called upon us.

Let those who read, recite the names of our holy fathers, the patriarchs who have fallen
asleep; O Lord repose their souls and forgive us our sins.

The Congregation sings:

May their holy blessing be with us. Amen
Glory to you, O Lord. Lord have mercy. Lord have Mercy. Lord bless us. Lord response
to them. Amen.

Those, O Lord, whose souls you have taken, repose them in the paradise of joy, in the
region of the living forever, in the heavenly Jerusalem, in that place, and we too, who are
sojourners in this place, keep us in you faith, and grant us your peace unto the end.

As it was, and shall be, from generation to generation, and unto the ages of all ages.

Lead us throughout the way into your kingdom, that as in this so also in all things your
great and holy name be glorified, blessed and exalted, in every thing honored and
blessed, together with Jesus Christ, your beloved son and the Holy spirit.

Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.


Again let us give thanks unto God the Pantocrator, the father of our Lord, God and Savior
Jesus Christ, for he also has made us worthy now to stand up in this holy place, to lift up
our hands and to serve hid holy name. Let us also ask him to make us worthy of the
communion and partaking of his divine and immortal mysteries.

The Holy Body.

We worship Your Holy Body.

And the Precious Blood.

And Your Precious Blood.

Of this Christ, the Pantocrator, the Lord, Our God

Amen, Amen. Pray.

Lord have mercy.

Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.


O Master, Lord our God, the Great and the Eternal, Who are wondrous in glory;
Who keeps His covenant and His mercy unto them who love Him with all their heart;

Who has given to us redemption form sins through His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
our Lord, the life of everyone, the help of those who flee to Him, the hope those who cry
unto him.

Before Whom stand thousands of thousands and ten thousand times ten thousands of holy
angels and archangels, the Cherubim and the Seraphim and all the innumerable host of
the heavenly powers.

O God, who has Sanctified these gifts which are set forth, through the coming down upon
them of your Holy Spirit, You have purified them. Purify us also, our master, form our
sins. The hidden and manifest; and every thought which is not pleasing to your goodness,
God the philanthropic One, may it be far form us.
Purify our souls, our bodies, our spirits, our hearts, our eyes, our understanding, our
thoughts and our consciences, so that with a pure heart, an enlightened soul, an
unashamed face, a faith unfeigned, a perfect love, and a firm hope, we may dare with
boldness without fear to pray to you, O God the Holy Father who are in the heavens, and
say: Our Father….


Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our bread of the morrow, and forgive us
our trespasses, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us form evil. In the Christ
Jesus our lord For. Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Bow your heads to the Lord

Before You, O lord.

Let us attend in the fear of God.

Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Remember, O lord, our congregations; bless them.

Saved, Amen. And with your spirit. In the fear of God, let us attend

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy

The holies for the holy. Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ the son of God, the
sanctification of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

One is the All-Holy Father. One is the All-Holy Son. One is the All-Holy Spirit. Amen.
Peace be with all.

And with your Spirit

The Holy Body, and the precious and true Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of our God.


The Holy and precious Body and the true Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of our God.


The Body and the Blood Emmanuel our God, this is in truth. Amen.

Amen. I believe.



Amen. Amen. Amen. I believe, I believe, I believe and confess to the last breath, that this
is the life-giving Body that your Only-Begotten Son, our Lord, God and Savior Jesus
Christ took from our lady, the lady of us all, the holy Theotokos Saint Mary. He made it
one with his divinity without mingling, without confusion and without alteration. He
witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate. He gave it up for us upon the holy
wood of the cross, of his own will, for us all. Truly I believe that His divinity parted not
from his humanity for a single moment nor twinkling of an eye. Given for us for
salvation, remission of sins and eternal life those who partake of Him. I believe, I believe,
I believe that this is so in truth. Amen.

HERE the PRIEST worships saying:

“ that every glory , honor, and worship…”
Amen. Amen. Amen. I believe, I believe I believe that this is so in truth. Amen. Pray for
us and for all Christians who said to us concerning them, remember us ( in the house of
the Lord). The peace and love of Jesus Christ be with you sing. Alleluia
( Pray for they worthy communion of the immaculate heavenly, and holy mysteries. Lord
have mercy)

The people then sing Psalm 150 and the hymns appropriate to the season, during

Psalm 150

Praise God, in all His saints. Alleluia.

Praise Him, In the firmament of His Power. Alleluia.
Praise Him, for His mighty acts. Alleluia.
Praise Him, according to the multitudes of His greatness. Alleluia.
Praise Him, with the sound of the trumpet. Alleluia.
Praise Him, with psaltery and harp. Alleluia.
Praise Him, with timbrel and chorus. Alleluia.
Praise Him, with strings and organs. Alleluia.
Praise Him, with pleasant sounding cymbals. Alleluia.
Praise Him, upon the cymbals of joy. Alleluia.
Let everything that has breath praise the name of the Lord our God. Alleluia.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Alleluia.
Now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia.
Glory be to you our God. Alleluia
Glory be to our God. Alleluia
O Jesus Christ, the Son of God, hear us and have mercy upon us.

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