Brian Boswell, P.E. UIUC Operations Manager
Brian Boswell, P.E. UIUC Operations Manager
Brian Boswell, P.E. UIUC Operations Manager
o Seven Feathers Hotel and Casino o Holiday Inn, UIUC does not provide electricity o Seven Feathers Truck and Travel Center o Seven Feathers RV Park o Seven Feathers Rest Stop oKeyline Construction- Utility Electrical Electric WasteWater contractor 60,000 oTri-Axis Engineering- Electrical Engineer 250,000 GPD kWh/Day oMargaret Schaff- Utility Attorney oEmployees 4 Journey men electricians, 1 signing supervisor, 2 water/waster Operators. Potable Water
250,000 GPD
Construction of Potable Water, Waste Water and Electrical Infrastructure and Facilities on 600 Acres from 2003 -2008 Infrastructure
27,575 LF of sewer piping 16,000 LF of Raw water distribution piping 8,000 LF of potable water distribution piping 15,000 LF of irrigation distribution piping 18,000 LF of electrical distribution (includes high and low voltage) Installation of 40 transformers transforming 12,000 volts down to 480/240/120 18,000 LF of communication distribution piping Construction of 1 mile of paved public road ways 3 bridges to cross Jordan Creek Construction of 6 miles of maintenance roads
192 space RV Park Rest Stop with a Travel Center Expansion of Truck and Travel Parking Lot w/ShurePower hook ups Potable Water Dam/Reservoir(Dam#1) Potable Water Plant Million gallon storage tank 4 Raw Water Pump Stations(RWPS) Waste Water Dams/Reservoir(Dam#3) Waste Water Treatment Plant(WWTP) Waste Water Lagoon Surge Pond 7 Waste Water Pump Stations(WWPS) 2 Irrigation Water Pump Stations(IWPS)
5 Customers
Buy Power from Bonnevile Power Administration (BPA) and transmit through Pacific Power lines then Tribal Utility Lines 2 Point of Delivery(POD) BPA delivers at 12,000 volts and we transform that that to various services of 480/240/120 for our customers. Via 40 transformers. Peak demand at the Casino 1.4 MW Utility was formed to create a cost saving for the tribe. All lines are underground Challenges
5 Customers
Web base 24/7 monitoring system 6 piezometers, 3 inclinometers, drain flows Completed First Fill Summer 08
Operated by UIUC
5 Customers
17.5 Acre Ft(6,000,000 gal.) Lagoon 176 Acre Ft(57,000,000 gal.) WasteWater Dam/Reservoir
Web base 24/7 monitoring system 6 piezometers, 3 inclinometers, drain flows Started First Fill June, 08
Utilized DOE block grant to re-lamped 165 street lights with LED bulbs. Investigating Alternative Energy Possibilities.