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Saturn Splitting The Cart of Rohini

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Unique Indian Astronomical Observation Recorded in Ancient Texts –

Saturn Splitting the Cart of Aldebaran and Date of Garga

K. Chandra Hariƒ


Present paper is an attempt to set the record right in respect of modern archaeo-astronomical
studies on the phenomenon of Rohinīśakatabhedam. Paper Dating the Rohinīśakatabheda
appearing at the site www.tifr.res.in and shown to have appeared in the Annals of the
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute spells severe damage to the scientific facts and shall be
a source of absolutely wrong historical and astronomical notions about the phenomenon. An
attempt has been therefore made to explain the phenomenon on the basis of Sūryasiddhānta
with appropriate discussion on the underlying astronomical rationale. Convincing
demonstration of Saturn splitting the Cart of Rohinī during the period since -1000CE has been
provided. Further it has been brought out that it was impossible for Mars to split the Cart of
Rohinī and at epochs like -2000CE, -3000CE etc the Node of Saturn had been ideally placed to
facilitate Saturn to occult ε-Tauri during Saturn's sojourn over it. Closest proximity identified
for Saturn and ε-Tauri in -239CE and -179CE suggest the approximate date of 200 BC for
Garga whose name was given to ε-Tauri in Indian astronomical works. Discussion has been
provided to illustrate that certain published conclusions speaking of 6th Millennium BC and
splitting of the Cart of Rohinī by Mars and linking the astronomical phenomenon to prehistoric
or ice-age geological cataclysms etc are wrong and must be rejected.
Key words:
Rohinīśakatam, Garga, Occultation, Cart of Rohinī, ε-Tauri, Saturn

I. Introduction

Planetarium software has brought in a new impetus on archaeo-astronomical studies and it is

heartening to note that premier R&D Institutions also have come to inspire and promote such
studies. Recent studies1 at TIFR has shown that the phenomenon described in Sanskrit
astronomical texts as Rohinīśakatabheda could be observed only in 6th Millennium BC latest
and that the Indian astronomical record forms the remnants of Harappā observations of 5000BC

[email protected], Institute of Reservoir Studies, ONGC, Ahmedabad-5, contact:

etc. Present paper is a review of the above study to illustrate that the astronomical phenomena
described in Sanskrit texts like Sūryasiddhānta are observed phenomenon and not at all legends
of the Harappan tradition.

II. Cart of Aldebaran or Rohinīśakatam

The most authentic reference available to understand the description of the Cart of Aldebaran
(Rohinīśakatam) is obviously Sūryasiddhānta. Parameśvara (1431CE) offers little or no
commentary except for the indication that in his times the event Rohinīśakatabheda meant the
only the conjunction of either of the planet with the polar longitude of Aldebaran or Rohinī, the
principal star of the constellation2.

´ÉÞ¹Éä ºÉ{iÉnù¶Éä¦ÉÉMÉä ªÉºªÉ ªÉɨªÉÉå¶ÉEòuùªÉÉiÉ *

Ê´ÉIÉä{ÉÉ䦪ÉÊvÉEòÉä ʦÉxtÉiÉ ®úÉäʽþhªÉɶ¶ÉEò]Æõ iÉÖ ºÉ&* 8.13*
Parameśvara adds as commentary - ¦ÉÉxÉÉÆ OɽþªÉÉäMÉäÊ{É Ê´ÉYÉäªÉÆ* ªÉÃÊqùxÉÉÊnùEÆò @ñIÉwÉÖ´ÉEòOɽþº¡Öò]õªÉÃÉä&
+xiÉ®úÉα±É{iÉÒEÞòiÉÉxÉ iÉiÉ Oɽþ¦ÉÖCiªÉÉiÉ ¦ÉHòÉiÉ ¦É´ÉÊiÉ* "Planetary conjunctions of the stars also has to
be ascertained. Time of conjunction is obtained by dividing the difference of planetary
longitude and the polar longitudes of the star with the daily motion of the planet"
No further elaboration of the verse is given by the erudite commentator Parameśvara. But
Burgess gives the translation and notes to the verse as: 3
"In Taurus, the 17th degree a planet of which the latitude is little more than 2 degrees south, will
split the wain of Rohinī. The asterism Rohinī (α-Tauri) as has been seen above is composed of
the five principal stars in the head of Taurus, in the constellation of which is seen the figure of a
wain. The divinity is Prajāpati. The distance of its stars in longitude from the initial point of the
sphere vary from 45046' (γ) to 49045' (α), hence the 17th degree of the second sign...the middle
of the wain. The latitude of its stars, again varies from (-) 2036' (ε) to (-)05047' (θ); hence to
come into collision with or to enter the wain, a planet must have more than 2 degrees of south
Explanation by Burgess leaves no doubt as to the configuration of the Cart of Aldebaran and as
to what the ancient astronomers regarded as the splitting of the Cart by malefic planets, often
taken as Mars and Saturn. Kaul4 has provided a summary of the descriptions in ancient texts and
it can be gleaned from the name Garga-tāra given to the star ε-Tauri that the original astronomer
who observed and recoded the phenomenon with its astrological implications as seen in Samhitā
texts had been Garga.

III. Occurrence of the Phenomenon

(a) Rare Occurrence of Planetary Occultation by Stars

Occultation of stars by planets itself is treated in modern times as a relatively rare phenomenon5
most of the observed phenomena are of Mercury and Venus. Further, visibility on inhabited
areas of the Earth shall also be limited. Ancient Indian reference as such is obviously not of the
occultation of ε-Tauri by Saturn and the rationale of the Garga precept may be rightly
understood in the context of Siddhāntic astronomy as given below. Mahajani etal6 have gone
haywire in understanding the classical precept and also in the use of modern computations to
check the possibility of the phenomenon.
(b) Classical Description of Splitting the Cart
Classical descriptions that we see linking the Cart of Rohinī with Saturn and Mars i.e. Linking
the southern most star ε-Tauri with the so called evil planets of astrology viz., Saturn and Mars,
should not be interpreted with the modern mind set that the description refers to occultation of
ε-Tauri by Saturn or Mars. As may be understood from Brhatsamhitā 'Bheda' refers to graha-
yuddha and Rohinīśakatabheda means Yuddha as per classical notions between ε-Tauri and
Saturn or Mars. The classical definition of Yuddha as may be understood from Brhatjjātakā is -
tārāgrahānām parasparam yogah Yuddhamityucyate and Yoga here means placement in the
same degree. It is quite clear from the classical descriptions that the criteria for the phenomenon
had been –
(1) Planet in the 17th degree of Taurus
(2) Attainment of more than 20 south latitudes by the planets
17th degree of Taurus in fact marked the polar longitude of ε-Tauri around 400-450CE. The
determining criterion is the south longitude of more than 2 degrees which in fact was the polar
latitude of ε-Tauri in 5th century CE. Both the provisions are easily met by Moon, Mercury and
Venus but in the case of Saturn because of the slow movement of Nodes. Mars and Jupiter
cannot split the Cart as the maximum south latitude possible is less than 2 degrees. Saturn
having an inclination of its orbital plane by 2.5 degrees only is able to split the wain and the
reference to Mars came in ancient works by generalization. As such the only candidate left for
our attention is Saturn and we need only to know the inclination of the orbit and Nodal arc with
17 degree of Taurus to realize the truth of the classical rule.
Following Table-1 illustrates the relative positions of Node of Saturn, ε-Tauri at 170 Taurus
(reference to equinox 450AD) and Saturn. Rohinīśakatabhedam i.e. War at the Cart with the

Saturn and ε-Tauri as described in the Indian astronomical texts had been a recurring feature of
the Indian skies before 600 AD.
Latitude of Data of Saturn in 17th Degree of Taurus
Precession Precession Latitude
Epoch Inclination Node Tropical λ
J2000 to J500 to Saturn
CE i Tropical of Saturn
Epoch Epoch
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
-1000.00 2.588 87.32 41.63 20.75 25.75 -2.276
-900.00 2.583 88.23 40.25 19.37 27.13 -2.261
-800.00 2.578 89.12 38.87 17.99 28.51 -2.246
-700.00 2.575 89.99 37.49 16.61 29.89 -2.232
-600.00 2.571 90.81 36.11 15.23 31.27 -2.216
-500.00 2.570 91.63 34.73 13.85 32.65 -2.202
-400.00 2.568 92.52 33.35 12.47 34.03 -2.189
-300.00 2.567 93.44 31.97 11.08 35.42 -2.177
-200.00 2.566 94.33 30.58 9.70 36.80 -2.165
-100.00 2.562 95.25 29.20 8.32 38.18 -2.150
1 2.556 96.16 27.82 6.93 39.57 -2.134
100 2.552 97.06 26.43 5.55 40.95 -2.118
200 2.549 97.91 25.04 4.16 42.34 -2.103
300 2.546 98.71 23.66 2.77 43.73 -2.085
400 2.544 99.56 22.27 1.39 45.11 -2.070
500 2.542 100.47 20.88 0.00 46.50 -2.056
600 2.541 101.36 19.50 -1.39 47.89 -2.042

It may be noted that:

Col. (5) + (6) = sidereal longitude given for the Cart of Aldebaran = 46.5 degrees (17th degree of
Tarurus). Latitude of Saturn is computed as i*Sin (Node-λ) and Col.7 shows the computed
latitude of Saturn if Saturn happens to transit the 47th degree of the Siddhāntic Zodiac. Looking
back from CE 600, it can be seen that the Node changed from 101.36 to 87.32 i.e. 14 degrees
and the Nodal arc required for the latitude to be (-) 20 or more was more than 530. i.e. 2.5* Sine
(Saturn-Node) = 2.x which yields Sarurn-Node to be minimum 53 degrees. During -1000 to 600
CE, Saturn transiting the 17th degree of Taurus had the Node more than 520 east and thus Saturn
in all its rounds during the above interval had been splitting the Cart of Rohinī. Node of Saturn
had been known very precisely in Siddhāntic7 times as 1000 and so we can understand the 170
Taurus rule as 100 – 53 = 470 i.e. 170 Taurus.

IV. Historical Significance of the Observation and the name of ε-Tauri as
Garga Tārā
It is important to note that the name given to ε-Tauri as Garga-tārā and the predictive
application of the same to suggest inauspicious happenings like 'pralaya' or flood point towards
the actual observation of a very close conjunction of ε-Tauri and Saturn by Garga in some
troubled historical point of time. It is likely that the name Rohinīśakatabheda may had its origin
with Garga who is one of the famous astronomers of the pre-Siddhāntic period. His family
name is also associated with Krsna in the Mahābhāratā.
We have noted above that the precise occultation of ε-Tauri by Saturn is impossible at any time
and that the classical precepts do not imply an occultation per se. Closest approach of Saturn to
ε-Tauri during the period since 1000 BC may be found out using the planetarium software as
(1) 25th October -238CE, ε-Tauri α = 35051' and δ =11027' while Saturn α =35043' and δ =
11049'. Saturn had an ecliptic longitude of 36021' tropical (470 with respect to the
equinox of AD 500) and latitude of -02010'. Minimum separation was 23' according to
(2) 06 November -179CE, ε-Tauri, α = 36038', δ = 11043'. Saturn α = 36030', δ = 12007'.
Minimum separation was the same as above.
Historically, the above splitting of the Cart of Rohinī had taken place during the last phase of
Maurya rule in Magadha, a most turbulent period after which Pushyamitra Suňga usurped the
last Mauryan King. Garga is known to have made profuse praise of the Yavanas for their
expertise in astronomy and therefore we may take his time roughly as around 200BC8. This also
may be the time when details of certain astronomical observations like solar eclipse and
disasters like flood etc got incorporated in Mahābhāratā taking its final shape during the reign of
Suňgas. It is likely that the flood that devastated Dvāraka took place around the solar eclipse of
6 June -194 CE which was probably accompanied by great floods on the Konkan coast and
Dvārakā where the eclipse was significant.
Occultation of ε-Tauri by Saturn in Antiquity
Table-1 is illustrative of the fact that the nodes loose by 90 in 1000 years and the tropical
longitude of ε-Tauri looses by 14 degrees. So the Nodal arc required for Saturn was on the
increase in the period before -1000CE and so the actual occultation of ε-Tauri by Saturn may
have been observed by the ancient people at epochs like -2000CE and -3000 CE. Around -3000
CE the node of Saturn was near 70 degree and ε-Tauri coinciding vernal equinox 00 and thus

given the Nodal arc of 700 and the increased inclination (i> 2.60) of the Saturn orbit of -3000CE,
Saturn could have occulted ε-Tauri for hundreds of years.
Further, from Table 1, it can be understood that the phenomenon as described as a Bheda or
Yuddha had been taking place since the time of Garga say 200 BC (after the Yavana invasion)
to about 350 AD when the Guptas rose into prominence – a dark period of Indian History
replete with tribal wars and political instability.

V. Conclusions

1. The TIFR study, even though commendable for their interest in archaeo-astronomy, is wrong in
its content and conclusions and shall perpetuate wrong historical and archaeo-astronomical
notions. Especially so because of the high reputation enjoyed by TIFR as the most outstanding
R&D institution in the country.
2. Indian astronomical precepts have clearly defined the phenomenon of Rohinīśakatabheda
(Splitting the Cart of Aldebaran) as per the classical precepts on planetary war (Grahayuddha)
and thus the criterion of 17th degree Taurus came in existence and also the stipulation of south
latitude exceeding -20.
3. It has been shown that the classical description of the phenomenon had been based on the actual
observations of the proximity of ε-Tauri and Saturn during the times since the first recorded
observation of the phenomenon by Garga around 200 BC.
4. It has been shown that given the relative positions of the Node, Saturn and ε-Tauri during the
epochs like -2000CE or -3000CE, Saturn could have occulted ε-Tauri but regarding the
possibility of such ancient observations no opinions can be made due to dearth of surviving
5. Mars could have never split the Cart of Rohinī as it was impossible for Mars to gain south
latitude exceeding -20 at any time in the past or even in future unless the orbital inclination
undergoes drastic changes.
6. Rohinīśakatabheda has nothing to do with 5000 BC or 10,000 BC or Harappans or any
Geological cataclysms of the sort described in reference (1).

VI. References

006-2007: 15. Parag Mahajani, M N Vahia, Mohan Apte and A P Jamkhedkar, Dating of Rohini
Shakat Bhed, Annals of Bhandarkar Institute, 2007

Shukla, Kripasankar, The Sūryasiddhānta with the Commentary of Parameśvara, Lucknow
University, (1957), p.89
Burgess, E. Rev., Sūrysiddhānta with translation, commentary and notes, quote given has been
taken from the secondary source viz. Reference (4). Same is given in Reference (1) also.
Kaul, Avtar Kishen, Sri Krishen Universal Ephemeris, New Delhi (1993), pp. 17-19
Meeus, Jean, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, Willmann-Bell, Virginia, 1997, p.159
Ref (1) above 'Dating of Rohinīśakatabheda' is speaking of 5000 BC and 10,000 BC, Harappans,
Geological cataclysms etc which are irrelevant to date the Siddhāntic as well as the original Garga
Āryabhata gives the position of the ascending Node of Saturn as 1000 in Āryabhatīyam. But he
does not refer to the phenomenon of splitting the Cart of Rohinī. He gives only 2 degree as the
inclination of the orbit even though Ptolemy and Greek sources were giving 02030'.
Bhāshyāchārya, N. Pandit, Adyar Pamphlets No.57, Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar,
1915. To quote the author: "In Garga Samhita the Yavanas are highly spoken of, for their
special knowledge of astronomy and astrology. [page 8 (Calcutta Edition) of the Brihat
Samhita Chapter II, v, 15]" It is therefore evident that Garga lived after the time of the
invasion of Alexander the Great.

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