Fundamentels of Remote Sensing

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of Remote Sensing

A Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Remote Sensing Tutorial

Natural Resources Ressources naturelles

Canada Canada
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Table of Contents Page 2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 What is Remote Sensing? 5
1.2 Electromagnetic Radiation 7
1.3 Electromagnetic Spectrum 9
1.4 Interactions with the Atmosphere 12
1.5 Radiation - Target 16
1.6 Passive vs. Active Sensing 19
1.7 Characteristics of Images 20
1.8 Endnotes 22
Did You Know 23
Whiz Quiz and Answers 27

2. Sensors
2.1 On the Ground, In the Air, In Space 34
2.2 Satellite Characteristics 36
2.3 Pixel Size, and Scale 39
2.4 Spectral Resolution 41
2.5 Radiometric Resolution 43
2.6 Temporal Resolution 44
2.7 Cameras and Aerial Photography 45
2.8 Multispectral Scanning 48
2.9 Thermal Imaging 50
2.10 Geometric Distortion 52
2.11 Weather Satellites 54
2.12 Land Observation Satellites 60
2.13 Marine Observation Satellites 67
2.14 Other Sensors 70
2.15 Data Reception 72
2.16 Endnotes 74
Did You Know 75
Whiz Quiz and Answers 83

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Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Table of Contents Page 3

3. Microwaves
3.1 Introduction 92
3.2 Radar Basic 96
3.3 Viewing Geometry & Spatial Resolution 99
3.4 Image distortion 102
3.5 Target interaction 106
3.6 Image Properties 110
3.7 Advanced Applications 114
3.8 Polarimetry 117
3.9 Airborne vs Spaceborne 123
3.10 Airborne & Spaceborne Systems 125
3.11 Endnotes 129
Did You Know 131
Whiz Quiz and Answers 135

4. Image Analysis
4.1 Introduction 141
4.2 Visual interpretation 144
4.3 Digital processing 147
4.4 Preprocessing 149
4.5 Enhancement 154
4.6 Transformations 158
4.7 Classification 161
4.8 Integration 164
4.9 Endnotes 166
Did You Know 167
Whiz Quiz and Answers 170

5. Applications
5.1 Introduction 174
5.2 Agriculture 177
„ Crop Type Mapping
„ Crop Monitoring
5.3 Forestry 184
„ Clear cut Mapping
„ Species identification
„ Burn Mapping

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Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Table of Contents Page 4

5.4 Geology 196

„ Structural Mapping
„ Geologic Units
5.5 Hydrology 203
„ Flood Delineation
„ Soil Moisture
5.6 Sea Ice 209
„ Type and Concentration
„ Ice Motion
5.7 Land Cover 215
„ Rural/Urban change
„ Biomass Mapping
5.8 Mapping 222
„ Planimetry
„ DEMs
„ Topo Mapping
5.9 Oceans & Coastal 232
„ Ocean Features
„ Ocean Colour
„ Oil Spill Detection
5.10 Endnotes 240
Did You Know 241
Whiz Quiz 250

Credits 254

Permissions 256

Download 257

Notes for Teachers 258

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1.1 What is Remote Sensing? Page 5

1. Introduction to Fundamentals

1.1 What is Remote Sensing?

So, what exactly is remote sensing? For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use the
following definition:

"Remote sensing is the science (and to some extent, art) of acquiring

information about the Earth's surface without actually being in contact
with it. This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted energy
and processing, analyzing, and applying that information."

In much of remote sensing, the process involves an interaction between incident radiation
and the targets of interest. This is exemplified by the use of imaging systems where the
following seven elements are involved. Note, however that remote sensing also involves the
sensing of emitted energy and the use of non-imaging sensors.

1. Energy Source or Illumination (A) - the

first requirement for remote sensing is to have
an energy source which illuminates or
provides electromagnetic energy to the target
of interest.

2. Radiation and the Atmosphere (B) - as

the energy travels from its source to the
target, it will come in contact with and interact
with the atmosphere it passes through. This
interaction may take place a second time as
the energy travels from the target to the

3. Interaction with the Target (C) - once the energy makes its way to the target through the
atmosphere, it interacts with the target depending on the properties of both the target and the

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Section 1.1 What is Remote Sensing? Page 6

4. Recording of Energy by the Sensor (D) - after the energy has been scattered by, or
emitted from the target, we require a sensor (remote - not in contact with the target) to collect
and record the electromagnetic radiation.

5. Transmission, Reception, and Processing (E) - the energy recorded by the sensor has
to be transmitted, often in electronic form, to a receiving and processing station where the
data are processed into an image (hardcopy and/or digital).

6. Interpretation and Analysis (F) - the processed image is interpreted, visually and/or
digitally or electronically, to extract information about the target which was illuminated.

7. Application (G) - the final element of the remote sensing process is achieved when we
apply the information we have been able to extract from the imagery about the target in order
to better understand it, reveal some new information, or assist in solving a particular problem.

These seven elements comprise the remote sensing process from beginning to end. We will
be covering all of these in sequential order throughout the five chapters of this tutorial,
building upon the information learned as we go. Enjoy the journey!

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1.2 Electromagnetic Radiation Page 7

1.2 Electromagnetic Radiation

As was noted in the previous section, the first

requirement for remote sensing is to have an
energy source to illuminate the target
(unless the sensed energy is being emitted by
the target). This energy is in the form of
electromagnetic radiation.

All electromagnetic radiation has fundamental

properties and behaves in predictable ways
according to the basics of wave theory.
Electromagnetic radiation consists of an
electrical field(E) which varies in magnitude in
a direction perpendicular to the direction in
which the radiation is traveling, and a
magnetic field (M) oriented at right angles to
the electrical field. Both these fields travel at
the speed of light (c).

Two characteristics of electromagnetic

radiation are particularly important for understanding remote sensing. These are the
wavelength and frequency.

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Section 1.2 Electromagnetic Radiation Page 8

The wavelength is the length of one wave cycle, which can be measured as the distance
between successive wave crests. Wavelength is usually represented by the Greek letter
lambda (λ). Wavelength is measured in metres (m) or some factor of metres such as
nanometres (nm, 10-9 metres), micrometres (µm, 10-6 metres) (µm, 10-6 metres) or
centimetres (cm, 10-2 metres). Frequency refers to the number of cycles of a wave passing a
fixed point per unit of time. Frequency is normally measured in hertz (Hz), equivalent to one
cycle per second, and various multiples of hertz.

Wavelength and frequency are related by the following formula:

Therefore, the two are inversely related to each other. The shorter the wavelength, the higher
the frequency. The longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. Understanding the
characteristics of electromagnetic radiation in terms of their wavelength and frequency is
crucial to understanding the information to be extracted from remote sensing data. Next we
will be examining the way in which we categorize electromagnetic radiation for just that

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Page 9

1.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from the shorter wavelengths (including gamma and
x-rays) to the longer wavelengths (including microwaves and broadcast radio waves). There
are several regions of the electromagnetic spectrum which are useful for remote sensing.

For most purposes, the ultraviolet or UV

portion of the spectrum has the shortest
wavelengths which are practical for remote
sensing. This radiation is just beyond the
violet portion of the visible wavelengths,
hence its name. Some Earth surface
materials, primarily rocks and minerals,
fluoresce or emit visible light when illuminated
by UV radiation.

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Section 1.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Page 10

The light which our eyes - our "remote

sensors" - can detect is part of the visible
spectrum. It is important to recognize how
small the visible portion is relative to the rest
of the spectrum. There is a lot of radiation
around us which is "invisible" to our eyes, but
can be detected by other remote sensing
instruments and used to our advantage. The
visible wavelengths cover a range from
approximately 0.4 to 0.7 µm. The longest
visible wavelength is red and the shortest is
violet. Common wavelengths of what we
perceive as particular colours from the visible
portion of the spectrum are listed below. It is
important to note that this is the only portion
of the spectrum we can associate with the
concept of colours.

„ Violet: 0.4 - 0.446 µm

„ Blue: 0.446 - 0.500 µm
„ Green: 0.500 - 0.578 µm
„ Yellow: 0.578 - 0.592 µm
„ Orange: 0.592 - 0.620 µm
„ Red: 0.620 - 0.7 µm

Blue, green, and red are the primary

colours or wavelengths of the visible
spectrum. They are defined as such because
no single primary colour can be created from
the other two, but all other colours can be
formed by combining blue, green, and red in
various proportions. Although we see sunlight
as a uniform or homogeneous colour, it is
actually composed of various wavelengths of
radiation in primarily the ultraviolet, visible
and infrared portions of the spectrum. The visible portion of this radiation can be shown in its

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Section 1.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Page 11

component colours when sunlight is passed through a prism, which bends the light in differing
amounts according to wavelength.

The next portion of the spectrum of interest is

the infrared (IR) region which covers the
wavelength range from approximately 0.7 µm
to 100 µm - more than 100 times as wide as
the visible portion! The infrared region can be
divided into two categories based on their
radiation properties - the reflected IR, and
the emitted or thermal IR. Radiation in the
reflected IR region is used for remote sensing
purposes in ways very similar to radiation in
the visible portion. The reflected IR covers
wavelengths from approximately 0.7 µm to
3.0 µm. The thermal IR region is quite
different than the visible and reflected IR
portions, as this energy is essentially the
radiation that is emitted from the Earth's
surface in the form of heat. The thermal IR
covers wavelengths from approximately 3.0
µm to 100 µm.

The portion of the spectrum of more recent

interest to remote sensing is the microwave
region from about 1 mm to 1 m. This covers
the longest wavelengths used for remote
sensing. The shorter wavelengths have
properties similar to the thermal infrared
region while the longer wavelengths approach
the wavelengths used for radio broadcasts.
Because of the special nature of this region
and its importance to remote sensing in
Canada, an entire chapter (Chapter 3) of the
tutorial is dedicated to microwave sensing.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1.4 Interactions with the Atmosphere Page 12

1.4 Interactions with the Atmosphere

Before radiation used for remote sensing reaches the Earth's surface it has to travel through
some distance of the Earth's atmosphere. Particles and gases in the atmosphere can affect
the incoming light and radiation. These effects are caused by the mechanisms of scattering
and absorption.

Scattering occurs when particles or large gas molecules present in the atmosphere interact
with and cause the electromagnetic radiation to be redirected from its original path. How much
scattering takes place depends on several factors including the wavelength of the radiation,
the abundance of particles or gases, and the distance the radiation travels through the
atmosphere. There are three (3) types of scattering which take place.

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Section 1.4 Interactions with the Atmosphere Page 13

Rayleigh scattering occurs when particles are very small compared to the wavelength of the
radiation. These could be particles such as small specks of dust or nitrogen and oxygen
molecules. Rayleigh scattering causes shorter wavelengths of energy to be scattered much
more than longer wavelengths. Rayleigh scattering is the dominant scattering mechanism in
the upper atmosphere. The fact that the sky appears "blue" during the day is because of this
phenomenon. As sunlight passes through the atmosphere, the shorter wavelengths (i.e. blue)
of the visible spectrum are scattered more than the other (longer) visible wavelengths. At
sunrise and sunset the light has to travel farther through the atmosphere than at midday and
the scattering of the shorter wavelengths is more complete; this leaves a greater proportion of
the longer wavelengths to penetrate the atmosphere.

Mie scattering occurs when the particles are just about the same size as the wavelength of
the radiation. Dust, pollen, smoke and water vapour are common causes of Mie scattering
which tends to affect longer wavelengths than those affected by Rayleigh scattering. Mie
scattering occurs mostly in the lower portions of the atmosphere where larger particles are
more abundant, and dominates when cloud conditions are overcast.

The final scattering mechanism of importance is

called nonselective scattering. This occurs when
the particles are much larger than the wavelength of
the radiation. Water droplets and large dust
particles can cause this type of scattering.
Nonselective scattering gets its name from the fact
that all wavelengths are scattered about equally.
This type of scattering causes fog and clouds to
appear white to our eyes because blue, green, and
red light are all scattered in approximately equal
quantities (blue+green+red light = white light).

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Section 1.4 Interactions with the Atmosphere Page 14

Absorption is the other main mechanism at work

when electromagnetic radiation interacts with the
atmosphere. In contrast to scattering, this
phenomenon causes molecules in the atmosphere to
absorb energy at various wavelengths. Ozone,
carbon dioxide, and water vapour are the three main
atmospheric constituents which absorb radiation.

Ozone serves to absorb the harmful (to most living

things) ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Without this
protective layer in the atmosphere our skin would
burn when exposed to sunlight.

You may have heard carbon dioxide referred to as

a greenhouse gas. This is because it tends to absorb radiation strongly in the far infrared
portion of the spectrum - that area associated with thermal heating - which serves to trap this
heat inside the atmosphere. Water vapour in the atmosphere absorbs much of the incoming
longwave infrared and shortwave microwave radiation (between 22µm and 1m). The
presence of water vapour in the lower atmosphere varies greatly from location to location and
at different times of the year. For example, the air mass above a desert would have very little
water vapour to absorb energy, while the tropics would have high concentrations of water
vapour (i.e. high humidity).

Because these gases absorb

electromagnetic energy in very
specific regions of the spectrum, they
influence where (in the spectrum) we
can "look" for remote sensing
purposes. Those areas of the
spectrum which are not severely
influenced by atmospheric absorption
and thus, are useful to remote
sensors, are called atmospheric
windows. By comparing the
characteristics of the two most
common energy/radiation sources
(the sun and the earth) with the
atmospheric windows available to us, we can define those wavelengths that we can
use most effectively for remote sensing. The visible portion of the spectrum, to
which our eyes are most sensitive, corresponds to both an atmospheric window and
the peak energy level of the sun. Note also that heat energy emitted by the Earth
corresponds to a window around 10 µm in the thermal IR portion of the spectrum,
while the large window at wavelengths beyond 1 mm is associated with the

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Section 1.4 Interactions with the Atmosphere Page 15

microwave region.

Now that we understand how electromagnetic energy makes its journey from its source to the
surface (and it is a difficult journey, as you can see) we will next examine what happens to
that radiation when it does arrive at the Earth's surface.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1.5 Radiation - Target Interactions Page 16

1.5 Radiation - Target Interactions

Radiation that is not absorbed or scattered in

the atmosphere can reach and interact with
the Earth's surface. There are three (3) forms
of interaction that can take place when energy
strikes, or is incident (I) upon the surface.
These are: absorption (A); transmission
(T); and reflection (R). The total incident
energy will interact with the surface in one or
more of these three ways. The proportions of
each will depend on the wavelength of the
energy and the material and condition of the

Absorption (A) occurs when radiation (energy) is absorbed into the target while transmission
(T) occurs when radiation passes through a target. Reflection (R) occurs when radiation
"bounces" off the target and is redirected. In remote sensing, we are most interested in
measuring the radiation reflected from targets. We refer to two types of reflection, which
represent the two extreme ends of the way in which energy is reflected from a target:
specular reflection and diffuse reflection.

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Section 1.5 Radiation - Target Interactions Page 17

When a surface is smooth we get specular or mirror-like reflection where all (or almost all) of
the energy is directed away from the surface in a single direction. Diffuse reflection occurs
when the surface is rough and the energy is reflected almost uniformly in all directions. Most
earth surface features lie somewhere between perfectly specular or perfectly diffuse
reflectors. Whether a particular target reflects specularly or diffusely, or somewhere in
between, depends on the surface roughness of the feature in comparison to the wavelength of
the incoming radiation. If the wavelengths are much smaller than the surface variations or the
particle sizes that make up the surface, diffuse reflection will dominate. For example, fine-
grained sand would appear fairly smooth to long wavelength microwaves but would appear
quite rough to the visible wavelengths.

Let's take a look at a couple of examples of targets at the Earth's surface and how energy at
the visible and infrared wavelengths interacts with them.

Leaves: A chemical compound in leaves

called chlorophyll strongly absorbs
radiation in the red and blue
wavelengths but reflects green
wavelengths. Leaves appear "greenest"
to us in the summer, when chlorophyll
content is at its maximum. In autumn,
there is less chlorophyll in the leaves, so
there is less absorption and
proportionately more reflection of the red
wavelengths, making the leaves appear
red or yellow (yellow is a combination of
red and green wavelengths). The
internal structure of healthy leaves act as excellent diffuse reflectors of near-infrared
wavelengths. If our eyes were sensitive to near-infrared, trees would appear extremely bright
to us at these wavelengths. In fact, measuring and monitoring the near-IR reflectance is one
way that scientists can determine how healthy (or unhealthy) vegetation may be.

Water: Longer wavelength visible and near

infrared radiation is absorbed more by water
than shorter visible wavelengths. Thus water
typically looks blue or blue-green due to
stronger reflectance at these shorter
wavelengths, and darker if viewed at red or
near infrared wavelengths. If there is
suspended sediment present in the upper
layers of the water body, then this will allow
better reflectivity and a brighter appearance
of the water. The apparent colour of the
water will show a slight shift to longer

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Section 1.5 Radiation - Target Interactions Page 18

wavelengths. Suspended sediment (S) can

be easily confused with shallow (but clear) water, since these two phenomena appear very
similar. Chlorophyll in algae absorbs more of the blue wavelengths and reflects the green,
making the water appear more green in colour when algae is present. The topography of the
water surface (rough, smooth, floating materials, etc.) can also lead to complications for
water-related interpretation due to potential problems of specular reflection and other
influences on colour and brightness.

We can see from these examples that, depending on the complex make-up of the target that
is being looked at, and the wavelengths of radiation involved, we can observe very different
responses to the mechanisms of absorption, transmission, and reflection. By measuring the
energy that is reflected (or emitted) by targets on the Earth's surface over a variety of different
wavelengths, we can build up a spectral response for that object. By comparing the
response patterns of different features we may be able to distinguish between them, where
we might not be able to, if we only compared them at one wavelength. For example, water
and vegetation may reflect somewhat similarly in the visible wavelengths but are almost
always separable in the infrared. Spectral response can be quite variable, even for the same
target type, and can also vary with time (e.g. "green-ness" of leaves) and location. Knowing
where to "look" spectrally and understanding the factors which influence the spectral response
of the features of interest are critical to correctly interpreting the interaction of electromagnetic
radiation with the surface.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1.6 Passive vs. Active Sensing Page 19

1.6 Passive vs. Active Sensing

So far, throughout this chapter, we have made

various references to the sun as a source of
energy or radiation. The sun provides a very
convenient source of energy for remote sensing.
The sun's energy is either reflected, as it is for
visible wavelengths, or absorbed and then re-
emitted, as it is for thermal infrared
wavelengths. Remote sensing systems which
measure energy that is naturally available are
called passive sensors. Passive sensors can
only be used to detect energy when the naturally
occurring energy is available. For all reflected
energy, this can only take place during the time
when the sun is illuminating the Earth. There is
no reflected energy available from the sun at night. Energy that is naturally emitted (such as
thermal infrared) can be detected day or night, as long as the amount of energy is large
enough to be recorded.

Active sensors, on the other hand, provide their own

energy source for illumination. The sensor emits radiation
which is directed toward the target to be investigated. The
radiation reflected from that target is detected and
measured by the sensor. Advantages for active sensors
include the ability to obtain measurements anytime,
regardless of the time of day or season. Active sensors can
be used for examining wavelengths that are not sufficiently
provided by the sun, such as microwaves, or to better
control the way a target is illuminated. However, active
systems require the generation of a fairly large amount of
energy to adequately illuminate targets. Some examples of
active sensors are a laser fluorosensor and a synthetic
aperture radar (SAR).

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1.7 Characteristics of Images Page 20

1.7 Characteristics of Images

Before we go on to the next chapter, which looks in more detail at sensors and their
characteristics, we need to define and understand a few fundamental terms and
concepts associated with remote sensing images.

Electromagnetic energy may be detected either

photographically or electronically. The
photographic process uses chemical reactions
on the surface of light-sensitive film to detect
and record energy variations. It is important to
distinguish between the terms images and
photographs in remote sensing. An image
refers to any pictorial representation, regardless
of what wavelengths or remote sensing device
has been used to detect and record the
electromagnetic energy. A photograph refers
specifically to images that have been detected as well as recorded on photographic
film. The black and white photo to the left, of part of the city of Ottawa, Canada was
taken in the visible part of the spectrum. Photos are normally recorded over the
wavelength range from 0.3 µm to 0.9 µm - the visible and reflected infrared. Based
on these definitions, we can say that all photographs are images, but not all images
are photographs. Therefore, unless we are talking specifically about an image
recorded photographically, we use the term image.

A photograph could also be

represented and displayed in a
digital format by subdividing the
image into small equal-sized and
shaped areas, called picture
elements or pixels, and
representing the brightness of each
area with a numeric value or digital
number. Indeed, that is exactly
what has been done to the photo to
the left. In fact, using the definitions
we have just discussed, this is
actually a digital image of the
original photograph! The photograph was scanned and subdivided into pixels with
each pixel assigned a digital number representing its relative brightness. The
computer displays each digital value as different brightness levels. Sensors that

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Section 1.7 Characteristics of Images Page 21

record electromagnetic energy, electronically record the energy as an array of

numbers in digital format right from the start. These two different ways of
representing and displaying remote sensing data, either pictorially or digitally, are
interchangeable as they convey the same information (although some detail may be
lost when converting back and forth).

In previous sections we described the visible portion of the spectrum and the
concept of colours. We see colour because our eyes detect the entire visible range
of wavelengths and our brains process the information into separate colours. Can
you imagine what the world would look like if we could only see very narrow ranges
of wavelengths or colours? That is how many sensors work. The information from a
narrow wavelength range is gathered and stored in a channel, also sometimes
referred to as a band. We can combine and display channels of information digitally
using the three primary colours (blue, green, and red). The data from each channel
is represented as one of the primary colours and, depending on the relative
brightness (i.e. the digital value) of each pixel in each channel, the primary colours
combine in different proportions to represent different colours.

When we use this method to display a single channel or range of wavelengths, we

are actually displaying that channel through all three primary colours. Because the
brightness level of each pixel is the same for each primary colour, they combine to
form a black and white image, showing various shades of gray from black to white.
When we display more than one channel each as a different primary colour, then the
brightness levels may be different for each channel/primary colour combination and
they will combine to form a colour image.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1.8 Endnotes Page 22

1.8 Endnotes

You have just completed Chapter 1 - Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. You can continue
to Chapter 2 - Satellites and Sensors or first browse the CCRS Web site1 for other articles
related to remote sensing fundamentals.

For instance, you may want to look at some conventional2 or unconventional definitions3 of
"remote sensing" developed by experts and other rif-raf from around the world.

We have an explanation and calculation on just how much you need to worry about the effect
of radiation4 from Canada's first remote sensing satellite: RADARSAT.

The knowledge of how radiation interacts with the atmospheric is used by scientists in the
Environmental Monitoring Section of CCRS to develop various "radiation products"5. Check
them out!

Learn more on how various targets like water6, rocks7, ice8, man-made features9, and oil
slicks10 interact with microwave energy.

Our Remote Sensing Glossary11 can help fill out your knowledge of remote sensing
fundamentals. Try searching for specific terms of interest or review the terms in the
"phenomena" category.


Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1 Did you know? Page 23

1. Did You Know

1.1 Did You Know?

Of our five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch), three may be considered forms of
"remote sensing", where the source of information is at some distance. The other two rely on
direct contact with the source of information - which are they?

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1 Did you know? Page 24

1.2 Did You Know?

"I've Gone Batty!"

...that remote sensing, in its broadest definition,

includes ultrasounds, satellite weather maps, speed
radar, graduation photos, and sonar - both for ships
and for bats!. Hospitals use imaging technology,
including CAT scans, magnetic resonance imaging (3-
D imaging of soft tissue), and x-rays for examining our
bodies. These are all examples of non-intrusive remote
sensing methods. can use an oscilloscope, a special electronic device which displays waves similar to the
electromagnetic radiation waves you have seen here, to look at the wavelength and frequency
patterns of your voice. High-pitched sounds have short wavelengths and high frequencies.
Low sounds are the opposite. Scientists say that the Earth itself vibrates at a very low
frequency, making a sound far below the human hearing range.

...that the concept of wavelength and frequency is an important principle behind something
called the Doppler Shift, which explains how sound and light waves are perceived to be
compressed or expanded if the object producing them is moving relative to the sensor. As a
train or race car advances towards us, our ears tend to hear progressively lower sounds or
frequencies (shorter wavelengths) until it reaches us, the original frequency of the object when
it is broadside, then even lower frequencies as it moves further away. This same principle
(applied to light) is used by astronomers to see how quickly stars are moving away from us
(the Red shift).

1.3 Did You Know?

Hue and saturation are independent characteristics of colour. Hue refers to the wavelength
of light, which we commonly call "colour", while saturation indicates how pure the colour is, or
how much white is mixed in with it. For instance, "pink" can be considered a less saturated
version of "red".

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Section 1 Did you know? Page 25

1.4 Did You Know?

"...sorry, no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow..."

...water droplets act as tiny, individual prisms. When sunlight passes through them, the
constituent wavelengths are bent in varying amounts according to wavelength. Individual
colours in the sunlight are made visible and a rainbow is the result, with shorter wavelengths
(violet, blue) in the inner part of the arc, and longer wavelengths (orange, red) along the outer

...if scattering of radiation in the atmosphere did not take place, then shadows would appear
as jet black instead of being various degrees of darkness. Scattering causes the atmosphere
to have its own brightness (from the light scattered by particles in the path of sunlight) which
helps to illuminate the objects in the shadows.

1.5 Did You Know?

", here's something to 'reflect' on..."

... the colours we perceive are a combination of these radiation interactions (absorption,
transmission, reflection), and represent the wavelengths being reflected. If all visible
wavelengths are reflected from an object, it will appear white, while an object absorbing all
visible wavelengths will appear colourless, or black.

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Section 1 Did you know? Page 26

1.6 Did You Know?

"...say 'Cheese'!..."

...a camera provides an excellent example of both passive and active sensors. During a bright
sunny day, enough sunlight is illuminating the targets and then reflecting toward the camera
lens, that the camera simply records the radiation provided (passive mode). On a cloudy day
or inside a room, there is often not enough sunlight for the camera to record the targets
adequately. Instead, it uses its own energy source - a flash - to illuminate the targets and
record the radiation reflected from them (active mode).

... radar used by police to measure the speed of

traveling vehicles is a use of active remote sensing.
The radar device is pointed at a vehicle, pulses of
radiation are emitted, and the reflection of that radiation
from the vehicle is detected and timed. The speed of
the vehicle is determined by calculating time delays
between the repeated emissions and reception of the
pulses. This can be calculated very accurately because
the speed of the radiation is moving much, much faster than most vehicles...unless you're
driving at the speed of light!

1.7 Did You Know?

Photographic film has the clear advantage of

recording extremely fine spatial detail, since
individual silver halide molecules can record
light sensitivity differently than their
neighbouring molecules. But when it comes
to spectral and radiometric qualities, digital
sensors outperform film, by being able to use
extremely fine spectral bands (for spectral
'fingerprinting' of targets), and recording up
to many thousands of levels of brightness.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 1 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 27

1. Whiz Quiz and Answers

1.1 Whiz Quiz

Can "remote sensing" employ anything other than electromagnetic radiation?

1.1 Whiz Quiz - Answer

While the term 'remote sensing' typically assumes the use of electromagnetic radiation, the
more general definition of 'acquiring information at a distance', does not preclude other forms
of energy. The use of sound is an obvious alternative; thus you can claim that your telephone
conversation is indeed 'remote sensing'.

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Section 1 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 28

1.2 Whiz Quiz

The first requirement for remote sensing is an energy source which can illuminate a target.
What is the obvious source of electromagnetic energy that you can think of? What "remote
sensing device" do you personally use to detect this energy?

Assume the speed of light to be 3x108 m/s. If the frequency of an

electromagnetic wave is 500,000 GHz (GHz = gigahertz = 109 m/s), what is
the wavelength of that radiation? Express your answer in micrometres

1.2 Whiz Quiz - Answers

Answer 1: The most obvious source of electromagnetic energy and radiation is the sun. The
sun provides the initial energy source for much of the remote sensing of the Earth surface.
The remote sensing device that we humans use to detect radiation from the sun is our eyes.
Yes, they can be considered remote sensors - and very good ones - as they detect the visible
light from the sun, which allows us to see. There are other types of light which are invisible to
us...but more about that later.

Answer 2: Using the equation for the relationship between wavelength and frequency, let's
calculate the wavelength of radiation of a frequency of 500,000 GHz.

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Section 1 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 29

1.3 Whiz Quiz

The infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has two parts: the reflective and the
emissive. Can you take photographs in these wavelength ranges?

1.3 Whiz Quiz - Answer

Yes and no. There are photographic films in black and white as well as colour emulsions,
which are sensitive to the reflective portion of the infrared band and these are used for
scientific and artistic purposes too. But no photographic films exist to directly record emissive
infrared (heat). If they did, then they would have to be cooled (and kept very cold during use),
which would be very impractical. However there are a number of electronic devices which
detect and record thermal infrared images.

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Section 1 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 30

1.4 Whiz Quiz

1. Most remote sensing systems avoid detecting and recording

wavelengths in the ultraviolet and blue portions of the
spectrum. Explain why this would be the case.
is ...

2. What do you think would be some of the best atmospheric

conditions for remote sensing in the visible portion of the

1.4 Whiz Quiz - Answer

1. Detecting and recording the ultraviolet and blue wavelengths

of radiation is difficult because of scattering and absorption in
the atmosphere. Ozone gas in the upper atmosphere absorbs
most of the ultraviolet radiation of wavelengths shorter than
about 0.25 mm. This is actually a positive thing for us and most
other living things, because of the harmful nature of ultraviolet
radiation below these wavelengths. Rayleigh scattering, which
affects the shorter wavelengths more severely than longer
wavelengths, causes the remaining UV radiation and the
shorter visible wavelengths (i.e. blue) to be scattered much
more than longer wavelengths, so that very little of this energy
is able to reach and interact with the Earth's surface. In fact,
blue light is scattered about 4 times as much as red light, while
UV light is scattered 16 times as much as red light!

2. Around noon on a sunny, dry day with no clouds and

no pollution would be very good for remote sensing in
the visible wavelengths. At noon the sun would be at
its most directly overhead point, which would reduce
the distance the radiation has to travel and therefore
the effects of scattering, to a minimum. Cloud-free
conditions would ensure that there will be uniform
illumination and that there will be no shadows from clouds. Dry, pollutant-free conditions
would minimize the scattering and absorption that would take place due to water droplets and
other particles in the atmosphere.

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Section 1 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 31

1.5 Whiz Quiz

On a clear night with the crescent or half moon showing, it is possible to see the outline and
perhaps very slight detail of the dark portion of the moon. Where is the light coming from, that
illuminates the dark side of the moon?

1.5 Whiz Quiz - Answer

The light originates from the sun (of course), hits the earth, bounces up to the (dark side of
the) moon and then comes back to the earth and into your eye. A long way around - isn't it?

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Section 1 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 32

1.6 Whiz Quiz

Is there a passive equivalent to the radar sensor?

1.6 Whiz Quiz - Answer

Indeed. The passive microwave radiometer, for instance, does not carry an illumination
source, relying instead on detecting naturally emitted microwave energy. Such an instrument
can be used for detecting, identifying and measuring marine oil slicks, for instance.

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Section 1 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 33

1.7 Whiz Quiz

1. If you wanted to map the deciduous (e.g. maple, birch) and the coniferous (e.g. pine, fir,
spruce) trees in a forest in summer using remote sensing data, what would be the best way to
go about this and why? Use the reflectance curves illustrating the spectral response patterns
of these two categories to help explain your answer.

2. What would be the advantage of displaying various wavelength ranges, or channels, in

combination as colour images as opposed to examining each of the images individually?

1.7 Whiz Quiz - Answer

1. Because both types of trees will appear as similar shades of green to the naked eye,
imagery (or photography) using the visible portion of the spectrum may not be useful. Trying
to distinguish the different types from aerial photographs based on tree crown shape or size
might also be difficult, particularly when the tree types are intermixed. Looking at the
reflectance curves for the two types, it is clear that they would be difficult to distinguish using
any of the visible wavelengths. However, in the near-infrared, although both types reflect a
significant portion of the incident radiation, they are clearly separable. Thus, a remote sensing
system, such as black and white infrared film, which detects the infrared reflectance around
0.8 mm wavelength would be ideal for this purpose.

2. By combining different channels of imagery representing different wavelengths, we may be

able to identify combinations of reflectance between the different channels which highlight
features that we would not otherwise be able to see, if we examine only one channel at a
time. Additionally, these combinations may manifest themselves as subtle variations in colour
(which our eyes are more sensitive to), rather than variations in gray tone, as would be seen
when examining only one image at a time.

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Section 2.1 On the Ground, In the Air, In Space Page 34

2. Satellites and Sensors

2.1 On the Ground, In the Air, In Space

In Chapter 1 we learned some of the

fundamental concepts required to understand
the process that encompasses remote
sensing. We covered in some detail the first
three components of this process: the energy
source, interaction of energy with the
atmosphere, and interaction of energy with the
surface. We touched briefly on the fourth
component - recording of energy by the
sensor - when we discussed passive vs.
active sensors and characteristics of images.
In this chapter, we will take a closer look at
this component of the remote sensing process
by examining in greater detail, the characteristics of remote sensing platforms and sensors
and the data they collect. We will also touch briefly on how those data are processed once
they have been recorded by the sensor.

In order for a sensor to collect and record energy

reflected or emitted from a target or surface, it must
reside on a stable platform removed from the target or
surface being observed. Platforms for remote sensors
may be situated on the ground, on an aircraft or balloon
(or some other platform within the Earth's atmosphere),
or on a spacecraft or satellite outside of the Earth's

Ground-based sensors are often used to record detailed information about the surface
which is compared with information collected from aircraft or satellite sensors. In some cases,

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Section 2.1 On the Ground, In the Air, In Space Page 35

this can be used to better characterize the target which is being imaged by these other
sensors, making it possible to better understand the information in the imagery.

Sensors may be placed on a ladder,

scaffolding, tall building, cherry-picker, crane,
etc. Aerial platforms are primarily stable wing
aircraft, although helicopters are occasionally
used. Aircraft are often used to collect very
detailed images and facilitate the collection of
data over virtually any portion of the Earth's
surface at any time.

In space, remote sensing is sometimes conducted

from the space shuttle or, more commonly, from
satellites. Satellites are objects which revolve around
another object - in this case, the Earth. For example,
the moon is a natural satellite, whereas man-made
satellites include those platforms launched for remote
sensing, communication, and telemetry (location and
navigation) purposes. Because of their orbits,
satellites permit repetitive coverage of the Earth's
surface on a continuing basis. Cost is often a
significant factor in choosing among the various platform options.

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Section 2.2 Satellite Characteristics: Orbits and Swaths Page 36

2.2 Satellite Characteristics: Orbits and Swaths

We learned in the previous section that remote sensing instruments can be placed on a
variety of platforms to view and image targets. Although ground-based and aircraft platforms
may be used, satellites provide a great deal of the remote sensing imagery commonly used
today. Satellites have several unique characteristics which make them particularly useful for
remote sensing of the Earth's surface.

The path followed by a satellite is referred to as its

orbit. Satellite orbits are matched to the capability
and objective of the sensor(s) they carry. Orbit
selection can vary in terms of altitude (their height
above the Earth's surface) and their orientation and
rotation relative to the Earth. Satellites at very high
altitudes, which view the same portion of the
Earth's surface at all times have geostationary
orbits. These geostationary satellites, at altitudes
of approximately 36,000 kilometres, revolve at
speeds which match the rotation of the Earth so
they seem stationary, relative to the Earth's
surface. This allows the satellites to observe and collect information continuously over specific
areas. Weather and communications satellites commonly have these types of orbits. Due to
their high altitude, some geostationary weather satellites can monitor weather and cloud
patterns covering an entire hemisphere of the Earth.

Many remote sensing platforms are designed to follow an

orbit (basically north-south) which, in conjunction with the
Earth's rotation (west-east), allows them to cover most of the
Earth's surface over a certain period of time. These are near-
polar orbits, so named for the inclination of the orbit relative
to a line running between the North and South poles. Many of
these satellite orbits are also sun-synchronous such that
they cover each area of the world at a constant local time of
day called local sun time. At any given latitude, the position
of the sun in the sky as the satellite passes overhead will be
the same within the same season. This ensures consistent
illumination conditions when acquiring images in a specific
season over successive years, or over a particular area over
a series of days. This is an important factor for monitoring
changes between images or for mosaicking adjacent images
together, as they do not have to be corrected for different
illumination conditions.

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Section 2.2 Satellite Characteristics: Orbits and Swaths Page 37

Most of the remote sensing satellite platforms today

are in near-polar orbits, which means that the satellite
travels northwards on one side of the Earth and then
toward the southern pole on the second half of its
orbit. These are called ascending and descending
passes, respectively. If the orbit is also sun-
synchronous, the ascending pass is most likely on the
shadowed side of the Earth while the descending
pass is on the sunlit side. Sensors recording reflected
solar energy only image the surface on a descending
pass, when solar illumination is available. Active
sensors which provide their own illumination or
passive sensors that record emitted (e.g. thermal)
radiation can also image the surface on ascending

As a satellite revolves around the Earth, the sensor

"sees" a certain portion of the Earth's surface. The area
imaged on the surface, is referred to as the swath.
Imaging swaths for spaceborne sensors generally vary
between tens and hundreds of kilometres wide. As the
satellite orbits the Earth from pole to pole, its east-west
position wouldn't change if the Earth didn't rotate.
However, as seen from the Earth, it seems that the
satellite is shifting westward because the Earth is rotating
(from west to east) beneath it. This apparent movement
allows the satellite swath to cover a new area with each
consecutive pass. The satellite's orbit and the rotation of
the Earth work together to allow complete coverage of
the Earth's surface, after it has completed one complete cycle of orbits.

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Section 2.2 Satellite Characteristics: Orbits and Swaths Page 38

If we start with any randomly selected pass

in a satellite's orbit, an orbit cycle will be
completed when the satellite retraces its
path, passing over the same point on the
Earth's surface directly below the satellite
(called the nadir point) for a second time.
The exact length of time of the orbital cycle
will vary with each satellite. The interval of
time required for the satellite to complete its
orbit cycle is not the same as the "revisit
period". Using steerable sensors, an
satellite-borne instrument can view an area (off-nadir) before and after the orbit passes over a
target, thus making the 'revisit' time less than the orbit cycle time. The revisit period is an
important consideration for a number of monitoring applications, especially when frequent
imaging is required (for example, to monitor the spread of an oil spill, or the extent of
flooding). In near-polar orbits, areas at high latitudes will be imaged more frequently than the
equatorial zone due to the increasing overlap in adjacent swaths as the orbit paths come
closer together near the poles.

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Section 2.3 Spatial Resolution, Pixel Size, and Scale Page 39

2.3 Spatial Resolution, Pixel Size, and Scale

For some remote sensing instruments, the distance between the target being imaged and the
platform, plays a large role in determining the detail of information obtained and the total area
imaged by the sensor. Sensors onboard platforms far away from their targets, typically view a
larger area, but cannot provide great detail. Compare what an astronaut onboard the space
shuttle sees of the Earth to what you can see from an airplane. The astronaut might see your
whole province or country in one glance, but couldn't distinguish individual houses. Flying over
a city or town, you would be able to see individual buildings and cars, but you would be
viewing a much smaller area than the astronaut. There is a similar difference between satellite
images and airphotos.

The detail discernible in an image is dependent on the

spatial resolution of the sensor and refers to the size of
the smallest possible feature that can be detected.
Spatial resolution of passive sensors (we will look at the
special case of active microwave sensors later) depends
primarily on their Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV).
The IFOV is the angular cone of visibility of the sensor (A)
and determines the area on the Earth's surface which is
"seen" from a given altitude at one particular moment in
time (B). The size of the area viewed is determined by
multiplying the IFOV by the distance from the ground to
the sensor (C). This area on the ground is called the
resolution cell and determines a sensor's maximum
spatial resolution. For a homogeneous feature to be
detected, its size generally has to be equal to or larger than the resolution cell. If the feature is
smaller than this, it may not be detectable as the average brightness of all features in that
resolution cell will be recorded. However, smaller features may sometimes be detectable if
their reflectance dominates within a articular resolution cell allowing sub-pixel or resolution cell

As we mentioned in Chapter 1, most remote sensing images are composed of a matrix of

picture elements, or pixels, which are the smallest units of an image. Image pixels are
normally square and represent a certain area on an image. It is important to distinguish
between pixel size and spatial resolution - they are not interchangeable. If a sensor has a
spatial resolution of 20 metres and an image from that sensor is displayed at full resolution,
each pixel represents an area of 20m x 20m on the ground. In this case the pixel size and
resolution are the same. However, it is possible to display an image with a pixel size different
than the resolution. Many posters of satellite images of the Earth have their pixels averaged to
represent larger areas, although the original spatial resolution of the sensor that collected the
imagery remains the same.

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Section 2.3 Spatial Resolution, Pixel Size, and Scale Page 40

Images where only large features are visible are said to have coarse or low resolution. In
fine or high resolution images, small objects can be detected. Military sensors for example,
are designed to view as much detail as possible, and therefore have very fine resolution.
Commercial satellites provide imagery with resolutions varying from a few metres to several
kilometres. Generally speaking, the finer the resolution, the less total ground area can be

The ratio of distance on an image or map, to actual ground distance is referred to as scale. If
you had a map with a scale of 1:100,000, an object of 1cm length on the map would actually
be an object 100,000cm (1km) long on the ground. Maps or images with small "map-to-ground
ratios" are referred to as small scale (e.g. 1:100,000), and those with larger ratios (e.g.
1:5,000) are called large scale.

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Section 2.4 Spectral Resolution Page 41

2.4 Spectral Resolution

In Chapter 1, we learned about spectral response and spectral emissivity curves which
characterize the reflectance and/or emittance of a feature or target over a variety of
wavelengths. Different classes of features and details in an image can often be distinguished
by comparing their responses over distinct wavelength ranges. Broad classes, such as water
and vegetation, can usually be separated using very broad wavelength ranges - the visible
and near infrared - as we learned in section 1.5. Other more specific classes, such as
different rock types, may not be easily distinguishable using either of these broad
wavelength ranges and would require comparison at much finer wavelength ranges to
separate them. Thus, we would require a sensor with higher spectral resolution. Spectral
resolution describes the ability of a sensor to define fine wavelength intervals. The finer the
spectral resolution, the narrower the wavelength range for a particular channel or band.

Black and white film records wavelengths extending over much, or all of the visible portion of
the electromagnetic spectrum. Its spectral resolution is fairly coarse, as the various
wavelengths of the visible spectrum are not individually distinguished and the overall

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Section 2.4 Spectral Resolution Page 42

reflectance in the entire visible portion is recorded. Colour film is also sensitive to the reflected
energy over the visible portion of the spectrum, but has higher spectral resolution, as it is
individually sensitive to the reflected energy at the blue, green, and red wavelengths of the
spectrum. Thus, it can represent features of various colours based on their reflectance in each
of these distinct wavelength ranges.

Many remote sensing systems record energy over several separate wavelength ranges at
various spectral resolutions. These are referred to as multi-spectral sensors and will be
described in some detail in following sections. Advanced multi-spectral sensors called
hyperspectral sensors, detect hundreds of very narrow spectral bands throughout the visible,
near-infrared, and mid-infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Their very high
spectral resolution facilitates fine discrimination between different targets based on their
spectral response in each of the narrow bands.

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Section 2.5 Radiometric Resolution Page 43

2.5 Radiometric Resolution

While the arrangement of pixels describes the spatial structure of an image, the radiometric
characteristics describe the actual information content in an image. Every time an image is
acquired on film or by a sensor, its sensitivity to the magnitude of the electromagnetic energy
determines the radiometric resolution. The radiometric resolution of an imaging system
describes its ability to discriminate very slight differences in energy The finer the radiometric
resolution of a sensor, the more sensitive it is to detecting small differences in reflected or
emitted energy.

Imagery data are represented by positive digital numbers which vary from 0 to (one less than)
a selected power of 2. This range corresponds to the number of bits used for coding numbers
in binary format. Each bit records an exponent of power 2 (e.g. 1 bit=2 1=2). The maximum
number of brightness levels available depends on the number of bits used in representing the
energy recorded. Thus, if a sensor used 8 bits to record the data, there would be 28=256
digital values available, ranging from 0 to 255. However, if only 4 bits were used, then only
24=16 values ranging from 0 to 15 would be available. Thus, the radiometric resolution would
be much less. Image data are generally displayed in a range of grey tones, with black
representing a digital number of 0 and white representing the maximum value (for example,
255 in 8-bit data). By comparing a 2-bit image with an 8-bit image, we can see that there is
a large difference in the level of detail discernible depending on their radiometric resolutions.

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Section 2.6 Temporal Resolution Page 44

2.6 Temporal Resolution

In addition to spatial, spectral, and radiometric resolution, the concept of temporal resolution
is also important to consider in a remote sensing system. We alluded to this idea in section
2.2 when we discussed the concept of revisit period, which refers to the length of time it takes
for a satellite to complete one entire orbit cycle. The revisit period of a satellite sensor is
usually several days. Therefore the absolute temporal resolution of a remote sensing system
to image the exact same area at the same viewing angle a second time is equal to this period.
However, because of some degree of overlap in the imaging swaths of adjacent orbits for
most satellites and the increase in this overlap with increasing latitude, some areas of the
Earth tend to be re-imaged more frequently. Also, some satellite systems are able to point
their sensors to image the same area between different satellite passes separated by
periods from one to five days. Thus, the actual temporal resolution of a sensor depends on a
variety of factors, including the satellite/sensor capabilities, the swath overlap, and latitude.

The ability to collect imagery of the same area of the Earth's surface at different periods of
time is one of the most important elements for applying remote sensing data. Spectral
characteristics of features may change over time and these changes can be detected by
collecting and comparing multi-temporal imagery. For example, during the growing season,
most species of vegetation are in a continual state of change and our ability to monitor those
subtle changes using remote sensing is dependent on when and how frequently we collect
imagery. By imaging on a continuing basis at different times we are able to monitor the
changes that take place on the Earth's surface, whether they are naturally occurring (such as
changes in natural vegetation cover or flooding) or induced by humans (such as urban
development or deforestation). The time factor in imaging is important when:

„ persistent clouds offer limited clear views of the Earth's surface (often in the tropics)
„ short-lived phenomena (floods, oil slicks, etc.) need to be imaged
„ multi-temporal comparisons are required (e.g. the spread of a forest disease from one
year to the next)
„ the changing appearance of a feature over time can be used to distinguish it from near-
similar features (wheat / maize)

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Section 2.7 Cameras and Aerial Photography Page 45

2.7 Cameras and Aerial Photography

Cameras and their use for aerial photography are the simplest and
oldest of sensors used for remote sensing of the Earth's surface.
Cameras are framing systems which acquire a near-instantaneous
"snapshot" of an area (A), of the surface. Camera systems are
passive optical sensors that use a lens (B) (or system of lenses
collectively referred to as the optics) to form an image at the focal
plane (C), the plane at which an image is sharply defined.

Photographic films are sensitive to light from 0.3 µm to 0.9 µm in

wavelength covering the ultraviolet (UV), visible, and near-infrared
(NIR). Panchromatic films are sensitive to the UV and the visible
portions of the spectrum. Panchromatic film produces black and white
images and is the most common type of film used for aerial
photography. UV photography also uses panchromatic film, but a filter is used with the
camera to absorb and block the visible energy from reaching the film. As a result, only the UV
reflectance from targets is recorded. UV photography is not widely used, because of the
atmospheric scattering and absorption that occurs in this region of the spectrum. Black and
white infrared photography uses film sensitive to the entire 0.3 to 0.9 µm wavelength range
and is useful for detecting differences in vegetation cover, due to its sensitivity to IR

Colour and false colour (or colour infrared, CIR) photography involves the use of a three layer
film with each layer sensitive to different ranges of light. For a normal colour photograph,
the layers are sensitive to blue, green, and red light - the same as our eyes. These photos
appear to us the same way that our eyes see the environment, as the colours resemble those
which would appear to us as "normal" (i.e. trees appear green, etc.). In colour infrared (CIR)
photography, the three emulsion layers are sensitive to green, red, and the photographic
portion of near-infrared radiation, which are processed to appear as blue, green, and red,

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Section 2.7 Cameras and Aerial Photography Page 46

respectively. In a false colour photograph, targets with high near-infrared reflectance appear
red, those with a high red reflectance appear green, and those with a high green reflectance
appear blue, thus giving us a "false" presentation of the targets relative to the colour we
normally perceive them to be.

Cameras can be used on a variety of platforms including ground-based stages, helicopters,

aircraft, and spacecraft. Very detailed photographs taken from aircraft are useful for many
applications where identification of detail or small targets is required. The ground coverage of
a photo depends on several factors, including the focal length of the lens, the platform
altitude, and the format and size of the film. The focal length effectively controls the angular
field of view of the lens (similar to the concept of instantaneous field of view discussed in
section 2.3) and determines the area "seen" by the camera. Typical focal lengths used are
90mm, 210mm, and most commonly, 152mm. The longer the focal length, the smaller the
area covered on the ground, but with greater detail (i.e. larger scale). The area covered also
depends on the altitude of the platform. At high altitudes, a camera will "see" a larger area on
the ground than at lower altitudes, but with reduced detail (i.e. smaller scale). Aerial photos
can provide fine detail down to spatial resolutions of less than 50 cm. A photo's exact spatial
resolution varies as a complex function of many factors which vary with each acquisition of

Most aerial photographs are classified as either

oblique or vertical, depending on the
orientation of the camera relative to the ground
during acquisition. Oblique aerial
photographs are taken with the camera
pointed to the side of the aircraft. High oblique
photographs usually include the horizon while
low oblique photographs do not. Oblique
photographs can be useful for covering very
large areas in a single image and for depicting
terrain relief and scale. However, they are not widely used for mapping as distortions in scale
from the foreground to the background preclude easy measurements of distance, area, and

Vertical photographs taken with a single-lens frame camera is the most common use of
aerial photography for remote sensing and mapping purposes. These cameras are specifically
built for capturing a rapid sequence of photographs while limiting geometric distortion. They
are often linked with navigation systems onboard the aircraft platform, to allow for accurate
geographic coordinates to be instantly assigned to each photograph. Most camera systems
also include mechanisms which compensate for the effect of the aircraft motion relative to the
ground, in order to limit distortion as much as possible.

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Section 2.7 Cameras and Aerial Photography Page 47

When obtaining
systems, but typically
512 x 512 to 2048 x 2048.
the aircraft normally flies in a series of
lines, each called a flight line. Photos are
taken in rapid succession looking straight
down at the ground, often with a 50-60
percent overlap (A) between successive
photos. The overlap ensures total coverage
along a flight line and also facilitates
stereoscopic viewing. Successive photo
pairs display the overlap region from
different perspectives and can be viewed
through a device called a stereoscope to
see a three-dimensional view of the area,
called a stereo model. Many applications
of aerial photography use stereoscopic coverage and stereo viewing.

Aerial photographs are most useful when fine spatial detail is more critical than spectral
information, as their spectral resolution is generally coarse when compared to data captured
with electronic sensing devices. The geometry of vertical photographs is well understood and
it is possible to make very accurate measurements from them, for a variety of different
applications (geology, forestry, mapping, etc.). The science of making measurements from
photographs is called photogrammetry and has been performed extensively since the very
beginnings of aerial photography. Photos are most often interpreted manually by a human
analyst (often viewed stereoscopically). They can also be scanned to create a digital image
and then analyzed in a digital computer environment. In Chapter 4, we will discuss in greater
detail, various methods (manually and by computer) for interpreting different types of remote
sensing images.

Multiband photography uses multi-lens systems with different film-filter combinations to

acquire photos simultaneously in a number of different spectral ranges. The advantage of
these types of cameras is their ability to record reflected energy separately in discrete
wavelength ranges, thus providing potentially better separation and identification of various
features. However, simultaneous analysis of these multiple photographs can be problematic.
Digital cameras, which record electromagnetic radiation electronically, differ significantly from
their counterparts which use film. Instead of using film, digital cameras use a gridded array of
silicon coated CCDs (charge-coupled devices) that individually respond to electromagnetic
radiation. Energy reaching the surface of the CCDs causes the generation of an electronic
charge which is proportional in magnitude to the "brightness" of the ground area. A digital
number for each spectral band is assigned to each pixel based on the magnitude of the
electronic charge. The digital format of the output image is amenable to digital analysis and
archiving in a computer environment, as well as output as a hardcopy product similar to
regular photos. Digital cameras also provide quicker turn-around for acquisition and retrieval
of data and allow greater control of the spectral resolution. Although parameters vary, digital
imaging systems are capable of collecting data with a spatial resolution of 0.3m, and with a
spectral resolution of 0.012 mm to 0.3 mm. The size of the pixel arrays varies between
systems, but typically ranges between 512 x 512 to 2048 x 2048.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.8 Multispectral Scanning Page 48

2.8 Multispectral Scanning

Many electronic (as opposed to photographic) remote sensors acquire data using scanning
systems, which employ a sensor with a narrow field of view (i.e. IFOV) that sweeps over the
terrain to build up and produce a two-dimensional image of the surface. Scanning systems
can be used on both aircraft and satellite platforms and have essentially the same operating
principles. A scanning system used to collect data over a variety of different wavelength
ranges is called a multispectral scanner (MSS), and is the most commonly used scanning
system. There are two main modes or methods of scanning employed to acquire multispectral
image data - across-track scanning, and along-track scanning.

Across-track scanners scan the Earth in a

series of lines. The lines are oriented
perpendicular to the direction of motion of the
sensor platform (i.e. across the swath). Each line
is scanned from one side of the sensor to the
other, using a rotating mirror (A). As the
platform moves forward over the Earth,
successive scans build up a two-dimensional
image of the Earth´s surface. The incoming
reflected or emitted radiation is separated into
several spectral components that are detected
independently. The UV, visible, near-infrared,
and thermal radiation are dispersed into their
constituent wavelengths. A bank of internal detectors (B), each sensitive to a specific range
of wavelengths, detects and measures the energy for each spectral band and then, as an
electrical signal, they are converted to digital data and recorded for subsequent computer

The IFOV (C) of the sensor and the altitude of the platform determine the ground resolution
cell viewed (D), and thus the spatial resolution. The angular field of view (E) is the sweep of
the mirror, measured in degrees, used to record a scan line, and determines the width of the
imaged swath (F). Airborne scanners typically sweep large angles (between 90º and 120º),
while satellites, because of their higher altitude need only to sweep fairly small angles (10-
20º) to cover a broad region. Because the distance from the sensor to the target increases
towards the edges of the swath, the ground resolution cells also become larger and introduce
geometric distortions to the images. Also, the length of time the IFOV "sees" a ground
resolution cell as the rotating mirror scans (called the dwell time), is generally quite short and
influences the design of the spatial, spectral, and radiometric resolution of the sensor.

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Section 2.8 Multispectral Scanning Page 49

Along-track scanners also use the forward motion

of the platform to record successive scan lines and
build up a two-dimensional image, perpendicular to
the flight direction. However, instead of a scanning
mirror, they use a linear array of detectors (A)
located at the focal plane of the image (B) formed
by lens systems (C), which are "pushed" along in
the flight track direction (i.e. along track). These
systems are also referred to as pushbroom
scanners, as the motion of the detector array is
analogous to the bristles of a broom being pushed
along a floor. Each individual detector measures the
energy for a single ground resolution cell (D) and
thus the size and IFOV of the detectors determines
the spatial resolution of the system. A separate linear array is required to measure each
spectral band or channel. For each scan line, the energy detected by each detector of each
linear array is sampled electronically and digitally recorded.

Along-track scanners with linear arrays have several advantages over across-track mirror
scanners. The array of detectors combined with the pushbroom motion allows each detector
to "see" and measure the energy from each ground resolution cell for a longer period of time
(dwell time). This allows more energy to be detected and improves the radiometric resolution.
The increased dwell time also facilitates smaller IFOVs and narrower bandwidths for each
detector. Thus, finer spatial and spectral resolution can be achieved without impacting
radiometric resolution. Because detectors are usually solid-state microelectronic devices, they
are generally smaller, lighter, require less power, and are more reliable and last longer
because they have no moving parts. On the other hand, cross-calibrating thousands of
detectors to achieve uniform sensitivity across the array is necessary and complicated.

Regardless of whether the scanning system used is either of these two types, it has several
advantages over photographic systems. The spectral range of photographic systems is
restricted to the visible and near-infrared regions while MSS systems can extend this range
into the thermal infrared. They are also capable of much higher spectral resolution than
photographic systems. Multi-band or multispectral photographic systems use separate lens
systems to acquire each spectral band. This may cause problems in ensuring that the
different bands are comparable both spatially and radiometrically and with registration of the
multiple images. MSS systems acquire all spectral bands simultaneously through the same
optical system to alleviate these problems. Photographic systems record the energy detected
by means of a photochemical process which is difficult to measure and to make consistent.
Because MSS data are recorded electronically, it is easier to determine the specific amount of
energy measured, and they can record over a greater range of values in a digital format.
Photographic systems require a continuous supply of film and processing on the ground after
the photos have been taken. The digital recording in MSS systems facilitates transmission of
data to receiving stations on the ground and immediate processing of data in a computer

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Section 2.9 Thermal Imaging Page 50

2.9 Thermal Imaging

Many multispectral (MSS) systems sense radiation in the thermal infrared as well as the
visible and reflected infrared portions of the spectrum. However, remote sensing of energy
emitted from the Earth's surface in the thermal infrared (3 µm to 15 µm) is different than the
sensing of reflected energy. Thermal sensors use photo detectors sensitive to the direct
contact of photons on their surface, to detect emitted thermal radiation. The detectors are
cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero in order to limit their own thermal emissions.
Thermal sensors essentially measure the surface temperature and thermal properties of

Thermal imagers are typically across-track

scanners (like those described in the previous
section) that detect emitted radiation in only the
thermal portion of the spectrum. Thermal sensors
employ one or more internal temperature
references for comparison with the detected
radiation, so they can be related to absolute radiant
temperature. The data are generally recorded on
film and/or magnetic tape and the temperature
resolution of current sensors can reach 0.1 °C. For
analysis, an image of relative radiant temperatures
(a thermogram) is depicted in grey levels, with warmer temperatures shown in light tones,
and cooler temperatures in dark tones. Imagery which portrays relative temperature
differences in their relative spatial locations are sufficient for most applications. Absolute
temperature measurements may be calculated but require accurate calibration and
measurement of the temperature references and detailed knowledge of the thermal properties
of the target, geometric distortions, and radiometric effects.

Because of the relatively long wavelength of thermal radiation (compared to visible radiation),
atmospheric scattering is minimal. However, absorption by atmospheric gases normally

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Section 2.9 Thermal Imaging Page 51

restricts thermal sensing to two specific regions - 3 to 5 µm and 8 to 14 µm. Because energy
decreases as the wavelength increases, thermal sensors generally have large IFOVs to
ensure that enough energy reaches the detector in order to make a reliable measurement.
Therefore the spatial resolution of thermal sensors is usually fairly coarse, relative to the
spatial resolution possible in the visible and reflected infrared. Thermal imagery can be
acquired during the day or night (because the radiation is emitted not reflected) and is used
for a variety of applications such as military reconnaissance, disaster management (forest fire
mapping), and heat loss monitoring.

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Section 2.10 Geometric Distortion in Imagery Page 52

2.10 Geometric Distortion in Imagery

Any remote sensing image, regardless of whether it is acquired by a multispectral scanner on

board a satellite, a photographic system in an aircraft, or any other platform/sensor
combination, will have various geometric distortions. This problem is inherent in remote
sensing, as we attempt to accurately represent the three-dimensional surface of the Earth as
a two-dimensional image. All remote sensing images are subject to some form of geometric
distortions, depending on the manner in which the data are acquired. These errors may be
due to a variety of factors, including one or more of the following, to name only a few:

„ the perspective of the sensor optics,

„ the motion of the scanning system,
„ the motion and (in)stability of the platform,
„ the platform altitude, attitude, and velocity,
„ the terrain relief, and
„ the curvature and rotation of the Earth.

Framing systems, such as cameras used for aerial photography, provide an instantaneous
"snapshot" view of the Earth from directly overhead. The primary geometric distortion in
vertical aerial photographs is due to relief displacement. Objects directly below the centre of
the camera lens (i.e. at the nadir) will have only their tops visible, while all other objects will
appear to lean away from the centre of the photo such that their tops and sides are visible. If
the objects are tall or are far away from the centre of the photo, the distortion and positional
error will be larger.
The geometry of along-track scanner imagery is similar to that of an aerial photograph for
each scan line as each detector essentially takes a "snapshot" of each ground resolution cell.
Geometric variations between lines are caused by random variations in platform altitude and
attitude along the direction of flight.

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Section 2.10 Geometric Distortion in Imagery Page 53

Images from across-track scanning systems exhibit two main types of geometric distortion.
They too exhibit relief displacement (A), similar to aerial photographs, but in only one direction
parallel to the direction of scan. There is no displacement directly below the sensor, at nadir.
As the sensor scans across the swath, the top and side of objects are imaged and appear to
lean away from the nadir point in each scan line. Again, the displacement increases, moving
towards the edges of the swath. Another distortion (B) occurs due to the rotation of the
scanning optics. As the sensor scans across each line, the distance from the sensor to the
ground increases further away from the centre of the swath. Although the scanning mirror
rotates at a constant speed, the IFOV of the sensor moves faster (relative to the ground) and
scans a larger area as it moves closer to the edges. This effect results in the compression of
image features at points away from the nadir and is called tangential scale distortion.
All images are susceptible to geometric distortions caused by variations in platform stability
including changes in their speed, altitude, and attitude (angular orientation with respect to the
ground) during data acquisition. These effects are most pronounced when using aircraft
platforms and are alleviated to a large degree with the use of satellite platforms, as their orbits
are relatively stable, particularly in relation to their distance from the Earth. However, the
eastward rotation of the Earth,during a satellite orbit causes the sweep of scanning systems to
cover an area slightly to the west of each previous scan. The resultant imagery is thus skewed
across the image. This is known as skew distortion and is common in imagery obtained from
satellite multispectral scanners.

The sources of geometric distortion and positional error vary with each specific situation, but
are inherent in remote sensing imagery. In most instances, we may be able to remove, or at
least reduce these errors but they must be taken into account in each instance before
attempting to make measurements or extract further information.

Now that we have learned about some of the general characteristics of platforms and sensors,
in the next sections we will look at some specific sensors (primarily satellite systems)
operating in the visible and infrared portions of the spectrum.

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Section 2.11 Weather Satellites/Sensors Page 54

2.11 Weather Satellites/Sensors

Weather monitoring and forecasting was one of the first

civilian (as opposed to military) applications of satellite
remote sensing, dating back to the first true weather
satellite, TIROS-1 (Television and Infrared Observation
Satellite - 1), launched in 1960 by the United States.
Several other weather satellites were launched over the
next five years, in near-polar orbits, providing repetitive
coverage of global weather patterns. In 1966, NASA (the
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
launched the geostationary Applications Technology
Satellite (ATS-1) which provided hemispheric images
of the Earth's surface and cloud cover every half hour.
For the first time, the development and movement of
weather systems could be routinely monitored. Today, several countries operate weather, or
meteorological satellites to monitor weather conditions around the globe. Generally speaking,
these satellites use sensors which have fairly coarse spatial resolution (when compared to
systems for observing land) and provide large areal coverage.

Their temporal resolutions are generally quite high, providing frequent observations of the
Earth's surface, atmospheric moisture, and cloud cover, which allows for near-continuous
monitoring of global weather conditions, and hence - forecasting. Here we review a few of the
representative satellites/sensors used for meteorological applications.


The GOES (Geostationary Operational

Environmental Satellite) System is the follow-up
to the ATS series. They were designed by
NASA for the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide
the United States National Weather Service
with frequent, small-scale imaging of the
Earth's surface and cloud cover. The GOES
series of satellites have been used extensively
by meteorologists for weather monitoring and
forecasting for over 20 years. These satellites
are part of a global network of meteorological
satellites spaced at approximately 70° longitude intervals around the Earth in order to provide
near-global coverage. Two GOES satellites, placed in geostationary orbits 36000 km above
the equator, each view approximately one-third of the Earth. One is situated at 75°W longitude
and monitors North and South America and most of the Atlantic Ocean. The other is situated
at 135°W longitude and monitors North America and the Pacific Ocean basin. Together they

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Section 2.11 Weather Satellites/Sensors Page 55

cover from 20°W to 165°E longitude. This GOES image covers a portion of the southeastern
United States, and the adjacent ocean areas where many severe storms originate and
develop. This image shows Hurricane Fran approaching the southeastern United States and
the Bahamas in September of 1996.

Two generations of GOES satellites have been launched, each measuring emitted and
reflected radiation from which atmospheric temperature, winds, moisture, and cloud cover can
be derived. The first generation of satellites consisted of GOES-1 (launched 1975) through
GOES-7 (launched 1992). Due to their design, these satellites were capable of viewing the
Earth only a small percentage of the time (approximately five per cent). The second
generation of satellites began with GOES-8 (launched 1994) and has numerous technological
improvements over the first series. They provide near-continuous observation of the Earth
allowing more frequent imaging (as often as every 15 minutes). This increase in temporal
resolution coupled with improvements in the spatial and radiometric resolution of the sensors
provides timelier information and improved data quality for forecasting meteorological

GOES-8 and the other second generation GOES satellites have separate imaging and
sounding instruments. The imager has five channels sensing visible and infrared reflected
and emitted solar radiation. The infrared capability allows for day and night imaging. Sensor
pointing and scan selection capability enable imaging of an entire hemisphere, or small-scale
imaging of selected areas. The latter allows meteorologists to monitor specific weather trouble
spots to assist in improved short-term forecasting. The imager data are 10-bit radiometric
resolution, and can be transmitted directly to local user terminals on the Earth's surface. The
accompanying table describes the individual bands, their spatial resolution, and their
meteorological applications.

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Section 2.11 Weather Satellites/Sensors Page 56

GOES Bands

Wavelength Spatial
Band Application
Range (>µm) Resolution
0.52 - 0.72 cloud, pollution, and haze detection; severe
1 1 km
(visible) storm identification
identification of fog at night; discriminating
water clouds and snow or ice clouds during
3.78 - 4.03
2 4 km daytime; detecting fires and volcanoes; night
(shortwave IR)
time determination of sea surface
6.47 - 7.02 estimating regions of mid-level moisture
3 (upper level 4 km content and advection; tracking mid-level
water vapour) atmospheric motion
10.2 - 11.2 identifying cloud-drift winds, severe storms,
4 4 km
(longwave IR) and heavy rainfall
11.5 - 12.5
identification of low-level moisture;
(IR window
5 4 km determination of sea surface temperature;
sensitive to
detection of airborne dust and volcanic ash
water vapour)

The 19 channel sounder measures emitted radiation in 18 thermal infrared bands and
reflected radiation in one visible band. These data have a spatial resolution of 8 km and 13-bit
radiometric resolution. Sounder data are used for surface and cloud-top temperatures, multi-
level moisture profiling in the atmosphere, and ozone distribution analysis.


NOAA is also responsible for another series of satellites which are useful for meteorological,
as well as other, applications. These satellites, in sun-synchronous, near-polar orbits (830-
870 km above the Earth), are part of the Advanced TIROS series (originally dating back to
1960) and provide complementary information to the geostationary meteorological satellites
(such as GOES). Two satellites, each providing global coverage, work together to ensure that
data for any region of the Earth is no more than six hours old. One satellite crosses the
equator in the early morning from north-to-south while the other crosses in the afternoon.

The primary sensor on board the NOAA satellites, used for both meteorology and small-scale
Earth observation and reconnaissance, is the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR). The AVHRR sensor detects radiation in the visible, near and mid infrared, and
thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, over a swath width of 3000 km.
The accompanying table, outlines the AVHRR bands, their wavelengths and spatial resolution
(at swath nadir), and general applications of each.

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Section 2.11 Weather Satellites/Sensors Page 57


Wavelength Spatial
Band Application
Range (µm) Resolution
1 0.58 - 0.68 (red) 1.1 km cloud, snow, and ice monitoring
0.725 - 1.1 (near water, vegetation, and agriculture
2 1.1 km
IR) surveys
sea surface temperature, volcanoes,
3 3.55 -3.93 (mid IR) 1.1 km
and forest fire activity
10.3 - 11.3 (thermal
4 1.1 km sea surface temperature, soil moisture
11.5 - 12.5 (thermal
5 1.1 km sea surface temperature, soil moisture

AVHRR data can be acquired and formatted in four operational modes, differing in resolution
and method of transmission. Data can be transmitted directly to the ground and viewed as
data are collected, or recorded on board the satellite for later transmission and processing.
The accompanying table describes the various data formats and their characteristics.

AVHRR Data Formats

Format Transmission and Processing
APT (Automatic Picture low-resolution direct transmission
4 km
Transmission) and display
HRPT (High Resolution full-resolution direct transmission
1.1 km
Picture Transmission) and display
low-resolution coverage from
GAC (Global Area Coverage) 4 km
recorded data
selected full-resolution local area
LAC (Local Area Coverage) 1.1 km
data from recorded data

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Section 2.11 Weather Satellites/Sensors Page 58

Although AVHRR data are widely used for

weather system forecasting and analysis,
the sensor is also well-suited to observation
and monitoring of land features. AVHRR has
much coarser spatial resolution than other
typical land observations sensors (discussed
in the next section), but is used extensively
for monitoring regional, small-scale
phenomena, including mapping of sea
surface temperature, and natural vegetation
and crop conditions. Mosaics covering large
areas can be created from several AVHRR
data sets allowing small scale analysis and
mapping of broad vegetation cover. In
Canada, AVHRR data received at the Prince
Albert Receiving Station Saskatchewan, are used as part of a crop information system,
monitoring the health of grain crops in the Prairies throughout the growing season.

Other Weather Satellites

The United States operates the DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) series of
satellites which are also used for weather monitoring. These are near-polar orbiting satellites
whose Operational Linescan System (OLS) sensor provides twice daily coverage with a swath
width of 3000 km at a spatial resolution of 2.7 km. It has two fairly broad wavelength bands: a
visible and near infrared band (0.4 to 1.1 µm) and a thermal infrared band (10.0 to 13.4 µm).
An interesting feature of the sensor is its ability to acquire visible band night time imagery
under very low illumination conditions. With this sensor, it is possible to collect striking images
of the Earth showing (typically) the night time lights of large urban centres.

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Section 2.11 Weather Satellites/Sensors Page 59

There are several other meteorological satellites in orbit, launched and operated by other
countries, or groups of countries. These include Japan, with the GMS satellite series, and the
consortium of European communities, with the Meteosat satellites. Both are geostationary
satellites situated above the equator over Japan and Europe, respectively. Both provide half-
hourly imaging of the Earth similar to GOES. GMS has two bands: 0.5 to 0.75 µm (1.25 km
resolution), and 10.5 to 12.5 µ m (5 km resolution). Meteosat has three bands: visible band
(0.4 to 1.1 µm; 2.5 km resolution), mid-IR (5.7 to 7.1 µm; 5 km resolution), and thermal IR
(10.5 to 12.5 µm; 5 km resolution).

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Section 2.12 Land Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 60

2.12 Land Observation Satellites/Sensors


Although many of the weather satellite systems

(such as those described in the previous section)
are also used for monitoring the Earth's surface,
they are not optimized for detailed mapping of the
land surface. Driven by the exciting views from, and
great success of the early meteorological satellites
in the 1960's, as well as from images taken during
manned spacecraft missions, the first satellite
designed specifically to monitor the Earth's surface,
Landsat-1, was launched by NASA in 1972. Initially
referred to as ERTS-1, (Earth Resources
Technology Satellite), Landsat was designed as an
experiment to test the feasibility of collecting multi-spectral Earth observation data
from an unmanned satellite platform. Since that time, this highly successful program
has collected an abundance of data from around the world from several Landsat
satellites. Originally managed by NASA, responsibility for the Landsat program was
transferred to NOAA in 1983. In 1985, the program became commercialized,
providing data to civilian and applications users.

Landsat's success is due to several factors, including: a combination of sensors with spectral
bands tailored to Earth observation; functional spatial resolution; and good areal coverage
(swath width and revisit period). The long lifespan of the program has provided a voluminous
archive of Earth resource data facilitating long term monitoring and historical records and
research. All Landsat satellites are placed in near-polar, sun-synchronous orbits. The first
three satellites (Landsats 1-3) are at altitudes around 900 km and have revisit periods of 18
days while the later satellites are at around 700 km and have revisit periods of 16 days. All
Landsat satellites have equator crossing times in the morning to optimize illumination

A number of sensors have been on board the Landsat series of satellites, including the
Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) camera systems, the MultiSpectral Scanner (MSS) systems,
and the Thematic Mapper (TM). The most popular instrument in the early days of Landsat
was the MultiSpectral Scanner (MSS) and later the Thematic Mapper (TM). Each of these
sensors collected data over a swath width of 185 km, with a full scene being defined as 185
km x 185 km.

The MSS senses the electromagnetic radiation from the Earth's surface in four spectral
bands. Each band has a spatial resolution of approximately 60 x 80 metres and a radiometric
resolution of 6 bits, or 64 digital numbers. Sensing is accomplished with a line scanning
device using an oscillating mirror. Six scan lines are collected simultaneously with each west-
to-east sweep of the scanning mirror. The accompanying table outlines the spectral
wavelength ranges for the MSS.

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Section 2.12 Land Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 61

MSS Bands
Channel Wavelength Range (µm)
Landsat 1,2,3 Landsat 4,5
MSS 4 MSS 1 0.5 - 0.6 (green)
MSS 5 MSS 2 0.6 - 0.7 (red)
MSS 6 MSS 3 0.7 - 0.8 (near infrared)
MSS 7 MSS 4 0.8 - 1.1 (near infrared)

Routine collection of MSS data ceased in 1992, as the use of TM data, starting on Landsat 4,
superseded the MSS. The TM sensor provides several improvements over the MSS sensor
including: higher spatial and radiometric resolution; finer spectral bands; seven as opposed to
four spectral bands; and an increase in the number of detectors per band (16 for the non-
thermal channels versus six for MSS). Sixteen scan lines are captured simultaneously for
each non-thermal spectral band (four for thermal band), using an oscillating mirror which
scans during both the forward (west-to-east) and reverse (east-to-west) sweeps of the
scanning mirror. This difference from the MSS increases the dwell time (see section 2.8) and
improves the geometric and radiometric integrity of the data. Spatial resolution of TM is 30 m
for all but the thermal infrared band which is 120 m. All channels are recorded over a range of
256 digital numbers (8 bits). The accompanying table outlines the spectral resolution of the
individual TM bands and some useful applications of each.

TM Bands

Channel Application
Range (µm)
soil/vegetation discrimination; bathymetry/coastal
TM 1 0.45 - 0.52 (blue)
mapping; cultural/urban feature identification
0.52 - 0.60 green vegetation mapping (measures reflectance
TM 2
(green) peak); cultural/urban feature identification
vegetated vs. non-vegetated and plant species
TM 3 0.63 - 0.69 (red) discrimination (plant chlorophyll absorption);
cultural/urban feature identification
0.76 - 0.90 (near identification of plant/vegetation types, health, and
TM 4
IR) biomass content; water body delineation; soil moisture
1.55 - 1.75 (short sensitive to moisture in soil and vegetation;
TM 5
wave IR) discriminating snow and cloud-covered areas
vegetation stress and soil moisture discrimination
10.4 - 12.5
TM 6 related to thermal radiation; thermal mapping (urban,
(thermal IR)
2.08 - 2.35 (short discrimination of mineral and rock types; sensitive to
TM 7
wave IR) vegetation moisture content

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Section 2.12 Land Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 62

Data from both the TM and MSS sensors are used

for a wide variety of applications, including resource
management, mapping, environmental monitoring,
and change detection (e.g. monitoring forest
clearcutting). The archives of Canadian imagery
include over 350,000 scenes of MSS and over
200,000 scenes of TM, managed by the licensed
distributor in Canada: RSI Inc. Many more scenes
are held by foreign facilities around the world.


SPOT (Système Pour l'Observation de la Terre) is a

series of Earth observation imaging satellites designed
and launched by CNES (Centre National d'Études
Spatiales) of France, with support from Sweden and
Belgium. SPOT-1 was launched in 1986, with
successors following every three or four years. All
satellites are in sun-synchronous, near-polar orbits at
altitudes around 830 km above the Earth, which results
in orbit repetition every 26 days. They have equator crossing times around 10:30 AM local
solar time. SPOT was designed to be a commercial provider of Earth observation data, and
was the first satellite to use along-track, or pushbroom scanning technology.

The SPOT satellites each have twin high resolution visible (HRV) imaging systems, which
can be operated independently and simultaneously. Each HRV is capable of sensing either in
a high spatial resolution single-channel panchromatic (PLA) mode, or a coarser spatial
resolution three-channel multispectral (MLA) mode. Each along-track scanning HRV sensor
consists of four linear arrays of detectors: one 6000 element array for the panchromatic mode
recording at a spatial resolution of 10 m, and one 3000 element array for each of the three
multispectral bands, recording at 20 m spatial resolution. The swath width for both modes is
60 km at nadir. The accompanying table illustrates the spectral characteristics of the two
different modes.

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Section 2.12 Land Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 63

HRV Mode Spectral Ranges

Mode/Band Wavelength Range (µm)

Panchromatic (PLA) 0.51 - 0.73 (blue-green-red)
Multispectral (MLA)
Band 1 0.50 - 0.59 (green)
Band 2 0.61 - 0.68 (red)
Band 3 0.79 - 0.89 (near infrared)

The viewing angle of the sensors can be

adjusted to look to either side of the
satellite's vertical (nadir) track, allowing off-
nadir viewing which increases the
satellite's revisit capability. This ability to
point the sensors up to 27° from nadir,
allows SPOT to view within a 950 km swath
and to revisit any location several times per
week. As the sensors point away from nadir,
the swath varies from 60 to 80 km in width.
This not only improves the ability to monitor
specific locations and increases the
chances of obtaining cloud free scenes, but
the off-nadir viewing also provides the
capability of acquiring imagery for stereoscopic coverage. By recording the same area from
two different angles, the imagery can be viewed and analyzed as a three dimensional model,
a technique of tremendous value for terrain interpretation, mapping, and visual terrain

This oblique viewing capability increases the revisit

frequency of equatorial regions to three days (seven
times during the 26 day orbital cycle). Areas at a latitude
of 45º can be imaged more frequently (11 times in 26
days) due to the convergence or orbit paths towards the
poles. By pointing both HRV sensors to cover adjacent
ground swaths at nadir, a swath of 117 km (3 km
overlap between the two swaths) can be imaged. In this
mode of operation, either panchromatic or multispectral
data can be collected, but not both simultaneously.

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Section 2.12 Land Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 64

SPOT has a number of benefits over other

spaceborne optical sensors. Its fine spatial
resolution and pointable sensors are the
primary reasons for its popularity. The three-
band multispectral data are well suited to
displaying as false-colour images and the
panchromatic band can also be used to
"sharpen" the spatial detail in the
multispectral data. SPOT allows applications
requiring fine spatial detail (such as urban
mapping) to be addressed while retaining the
cost and timeliness advantage of satellite
data. The potential applications of SPOT data
are numerous. Applications requiring frequent
monitoring (agriculture, forestry) are well
served by the SPOT sensors. The acquisition
of stereoscopic imagery from SPOT has
played an important role in mapping
applications and in the derivation of
topographic information (Digital Elevation
Models - DEMs) from satellite data.


The Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite series, combines features from both the Landsat
MSS/TM sensors and the SPOT HRV sensor. The third satellite in the series, IRS-1C,
launched in December, 1995 has three sensors: a single-channel panchromatic (PAN) high
resolution camera, a medium resolution four-channel Linear Imaging Self-scanning Sensor
(LISS-III), and a coarse resolution two-channel Wide Field Sensor (WiFS). The accompanying
table outlines the specific characteristics of each sensor.

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Section 2.12 Land Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 65

IRS Sensors

Wavelength Range Spatial Swath Revisit Period (at

(µm) Resolution Width equator)
PAN 0.5 - 0.75 5.8 m 70 km 24 days
Green 0.52 - 0.59 23 m 142 km 24 days
Red 0.62 - 0.68 23 m 142 km 24 days
Near IR 0.77 - 0.86 23 m 142 km 24 days
1.55 - 1.70 70 m 148 km 24 days
Red 0.62 - 0.68 188 m 774 km 5 days
Near IR 0.77 - 0.86 188 m 774 km 5 days

In addition to its high spatial resolution, the panchromatic sensor can be steered up to 26°
across-track, enabling stereoscopic imaging and increased revisit capablilities (as few as five
days), similar to SPOT. This high resolution data is useful for urban planning and mapping
applications. The four LISS-III multispectral bands are similar to Landsat's TM bands 1 to 4
and are excellent for vegetation discrimination, land-cover mapping, and natural resource
planning. The WiFS sensor is similar to NOAA AVHRR bands and the spatial resolution and
coverage is useful for regional scale vegetation monitoring.


Although this tutorial concentrates on satellite-borne sensors, it is worth mentioning a couple

of Canadian airborne sensors which have been used for various remote sensing applications,
as these systems (and others like them) have influenced the design and development of
satellite systems. The first is the MEIS-II (Multispectral Electro-optical Imaging Scanner)
sensor developed for the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. Although no longer active,
MEIS was the first operational use of pushbroom, or along-track scanning technology in an
airborne platform. The sensor collected 8-bit data (256 digital numbers) in eight spectral
bands ranging from 0.39 to 1.1 µm, using linear arrays of 1728 detectors per band. The
specific wavelength ranges were selectable, allowing different band combinations to be used
for different applications. Stereo imaging from a single flight line was also possible, with
channels aimed ahead of and behind nadir, supplementing the other nadir facing sensors.
Both the stereo mapping and the selectable band capabilities were useful in research and
development which was applied to development of other satellite (and airborne) sensor

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.12 Land Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 66

CASI, the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager, is a leader in airborne imaging, being
the first commercial imaging spectrometer. This hyperspectral sensor detects a vast array of
narrow spectral bands in the visible and infrared wavelengths, using along-track scanning.
The spectral range covered by the 288 channels is between 0.4 and 0.9 µm. Each band
covers a wavelength range of 0.018 µm. While spatial resolution depends on the altitude of
the aircraft, the spectral bands measured and the bandwidths used are all programmable to
meet the user's specifications and requirements. Hyperspectral sensors such as this can be
important sources of diagnostic information about specific targets' absorption and reflection
characteristics, in effect providing a spectral 'fingerprint'. Experimentation with CASI and other
airborne imaging spectrometers has helped guide the development of hyperspectral sensor
systems for advanced satellite systems.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.13 Marine Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 67

2.13 Marine Observation Satellites/Sensors

The Earth's oceans cover more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface and play an important
role in the global climate system. They also contain an abundance of living organisms and
natural resources which are susceptible to pollution and other man-induced hazards. The
meteorological and land observations satellites/sensors we discussed in the previous two
sections can be used for monitoring the oceans of the planet, but there are other
satellite/sensor systems which have been designed specifically for this purpose.

The Nimbus-7 satellite, launched in 1978, carried the first sensor, the Coastal Zone Colour
Scanner (CZCS), specifically intended for monitoring the Earth's oceans and water bodies.
The primary objective of this sensor was to observe ocean colour and temperature,
particularly in coastal zones, with sufficient spatial and spectral resolution to detect pollutants
in the upper levels of the ocean and to determine the nature of materials suspended in the
water column. The Nimbus satellite was placed in a sun-synchronous, near-polar orbit at an
altitude of 955 km. Equator crossing times were local noon for ascending passes and local
midnight for descending passes. The repeat cycle of the satellite allowed for global coverage
every six days, or every 83 orbits. The CZCS sensor consisted of six spectral bands in the
visible, near-IR, and thermal portions of the spectrum each collecting data at a spatial
resolution of 825 m at nadir over a 1566 km swath width. The accompanying table outlines the
spectral ranges of each band and the primary parameter measured by each.

CZCS Spectral Bands

Channel Wavelength Range (µm) Primary Measured Parameter

1 0.43 - 0.45 Chlorophyll absorption
2 0.51 - 0.53 Chlorophyll absorption
3 0.54 - 0.56 Gelbstoffe (yellow substance)
4 0.66 - 0.68 Chlorophyll concentration
5 0.70 - 0.80 Surface vegetation
6 10.5 - 12.50 Surface temperature

As can be seen from the table, the first four bands of the
CZCS sensor are very narrow. They were optimized to
allow detailed discrimination of differences in water
reflectance due to phytoplankton concentrations and
other suspended particulates in the water. In addition to
detecting surface vegetation on the water, band 5 was
used to discriminate water from land prior to processing
the other bands of information. The CZCS sensor ceased
operation in 1986.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.13 Marine Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 68


The first Marine Observation Satellite (MOS-1) was launched by Japan in February, 1987 and
was followed by its successor, MOS-1b, in February of 1990. These satellites carry three
different sensors: a four-channel Multispectral Electronic Self-Scanning Radiometer (MESSR),
a four-channel Visible and Thermal Infrared Radiometer (VTIR), and a two-channel
Microwave Scanning Radiometer (MSR), in the microwave portion of the spectrum. The
characteristics of the two sensors in the visible/infrared are described in the accompanying

MOS Visible/Infrared Instruments

Sensor Wavelength Ranges (µm) Spatial Resolution Swath Width

MESSR 0.51 - 0.59 50 m 100 km
0.61 - 0.69 50 m 100 km
0.72 - 0.80 50 m 100 km
0.80 - 1.10 50 m 100 km
VTIR 0.50 - 0.70 900 m 1500 km
6.0 - 7.0 2700 m 1500 km
10.5 - 11.5 2700 m 1500 km
11.5 - 12.5 2700 m 1500 km

The MESSR bands are quite similar in spectral range to the Landsat MSS sensor and are
thus useful for land applications in addition to observations of marine environments. The MOS
systems orbit at altitudes around 900 km and have revisit periods of 17 days.


The SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide-Field-of View Sensor) on board the SeaStar spacecraft is
an advanced sensor designed for ocean monitoring. It consists of eight spectral bands of very
narrow wavelength ranges (see accompanying table) tailored for very specific detection and
monitoring of various ocean phenomena including: ocean primary production and
phytoplankton processes, ocean influences on climate processes (heat storage and aerosol
formation), and monitoring of the cycles of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen. The orbit altitude is
705 km with a local equatorial crossing time of 12 PM. Two combinations of spatial resolution
and swath width are available for each band: a higher resolution mode of 1.1 km (at nadir)
over a swath of 2800 km, and a lower resolution mode of 4.5 km (at nadir) over a swath of
1500 km.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.13 Marine Observation Satellites/Sensors Page 69

SeaWiFS Spectral Bands

Channel Wavelength Ranges (µm)

1 0.402 - 0.422
2 0.433 - 0.453
3 0.480 - 0.500
4 0.500 - 0.520
5 0.545 - 0.565
6 0.660 - 0.680
7 0.745 - 0.785
8 0.845 - 0.885

These ocean-observing satellite systems are important for global and regional scale
monitoring of ocean pollution and health, and assist scientists in understanding the influence
and impact of the oceans on the global climate system.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.14 Other Sensors Page 70

2.14 Other Sensors

The three previous sections provide a representative

overview of specific systems available for remote sensing
in the (predominantly) optical portions of the
electromagnetic spectrum. However, there are many other
types of less common sensors which are used for
remote sensing purposes. We briefly touch on a few of
these other types of sensors. The information is not
considered comprehensive but serves as an introduction
to alternative imagery sources and imaging concepts.


Although coarser in spatial resolution than traditional photography or digital imaging, video
cameras provide a useful means of acquiring timely and inexpensive data and vocally
annotated imagery. Applications with these requirements include natural disaster
management, (fires, flooding), crop and disease assessment, environmental hazard control,
and police surveillance. Cameras used for video recording measure radiation in the visible,
near infrared, and sometimes mid-infrared portions of the EM spectrum. The image data are
recorded onto cassette, and can be viewed immediately.


Forward Looking InfraRed (FLIR) systems operate in a similar manner to across-track thermal
imaging sensors, but provide an oblique rather than nadir perspective of the Earth´s surface.
Typically positioned on aircraft or helicopters, and imaging the area ahead of the platform,
FLIR systems provide relatively high spatial resolution imaging that can be used for military
applications, search and rescue operations, law enforcement, and forest fire monitoring.

Laser fluorosensor

Some targets fluoresce, or emit energy, upon receiving incident energy. This is not a simple
reflection of the incident radiation, but rather an absorption of the initial energy, excitation of
the molecular components of the target materials, and emission of longer wavelength
radiation which is then measured by the sensor. Laser fluorosensors illuminate the target with
a specific wavelength of radiation and are capable of detecting multiple wavelengths of
fluoresced radiation. This technology has been proven for ocean applications, such as
chlorophyll mapping, and pollutant detection, particularly for naturally occurring and accidental
oil slicks.


Lidar is an acronym for LIght Detection And Ranging, an active imaging technology very
similar to RADAR (see next paragraph). Pulses of laser light are emitted from the sensor and

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.14 Other Sensors Page 71

energy reflected from a target is detected. The time required for the energy to reach the target
and return to the sensor determines the distance between the two. Lidar is used effectively for
measuring heights of features, such as forest canopy height relative to the ground surface,
and water depth relative to the water surface (laser profilometer). Lidar is also used in
atmospheric studies to examine the particle content of various layers of the Earth´s
atmosphere and acquire air density readings and monitor air currents.


RADAR stands for RAdio Detection And Ranging. RADAR systems are active sensors which
provide their own source of electromagnetic energy. Active radar sensors, whether airborne or
spaceborne, emit microwave radiation in a series of pulses from an antenna, looking obliquely
at the surface perpendicular to the direction of motion. When the energy reaches the target,
some of the energy is reflected back towards the sensor. This backscattered microwave
radiation is detected, measured, and timed. The time required for the energy to travel to the
target and return back to the sensor determines the distance or range to the target. By
recording the range and magnitude of the energy reflected from all targets as the system
passes by, a two-dimensional image of the surface can be produced. Because RADAR
provides its own energy source, images can be acquired day or night. Also, microwave energy
is able to penetrate through clouds and most rain, making it an all-weather sensor. Because of
the unique characteristics and applications of microwave remote sensing, Chapter 3 covers
this topic in detail, concentrating on RADAR remote sensing.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.15 Data Reception, Transmission, and Processing Page 72

2.15 Data Reception, Transmission, and Processing

Data obtained during airborne remote sensing missions can be retrieved once the aircraft
lands. It can then be processed and delivered to the end user. However, data acquired from
satellite platforms need to be electronically transmitted to Earth, since the satellite continues
to stay in orbit during its operational lifetime. The technologies designed to accomplish this
can also be used by an aerial platform if the data are urgently needed on the surface.

There are three main options for transmitting data acquired by satellites to the surface. The
data can be directly transmitted to Earth if a Ground Receiving Station (GRS) is in the line of
sight of the satellite (A). If this is not the case, the data can be recorded on board the satellite
(B) for transmission to a GRS at a later time. Data can also be relayed to the GRS through the
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) (C), which consists of a series of
communications satellites in geosynchronous orbit. The data are transmitted from one satellite
to another until they reach the appropriate GRS.

In Canada, CCRS operates two ground receiving stations - one at Cantley, Québec (GSS),
just outside of Ottawa, and another one at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan (PASS). The
combined coverage circles for these Canadian ground stations enable the potential for
reception of real-time or recorded data from satellites passing over almost any part of
Canada's land mass, and much of the continental United States as well. Other ground stations
have been set up around the world to capture data from a variety of satellites.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.15 Data Reception, Transmission, and Processing Page 73

The data are received at the GRS in a raw digital format. They may then, if required, be
processed to correct systematic, geometric and atmospheric distortions to the imagery, and
be translated into a standardized format. The data are written to some form of storage
medium such as tape, disk or CD. The data are typically archived at most receiving and
processing stations, and full libraries of data are managed by government agencies as well as
commercial companies responsible for each sensor's archives.

For many sensors it is possible to provide customers with quick-turnaround imagery when
they need data as quickly as possible after it is collected. Near real-time processing systems
are used to produce low resolution imagery in hard copy or soft copy (digital) format within
hours of data acquisition. Such imagery can then be faxed or transmitted digitally to end
users. One application of this type of fast data processing is to provide imagery to ships
sailing in the Arctic, as it allows them to assess current ice conditions quickly in order to make
navigation decisions about the easiest/safest routes through the ice. Real-time processing of
imagery in airborne systems has been used, for example, to pass thermal infrared imagery to
forest fire fighters right at the scene.

Low resolution quick-look imagery is used to preview archived imagery prior to purchase. The
spatial and radiometric quality of these types of data products is degraded, but they are useful
for ensuring that the overall quality, coverage and cloud cover of the data is appropriate.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.16 Endnotes Page 74

2.16 Endnotes

You have just completed Chapter 2 - Satellites and Sensors. You can continue to Chapter
3 - Microwave Sensing or first browse the CCRS Web site for other articles related to
platforms and sensors.

For instance, the Remote Sensing Glossary1 has platform and sensor categories that contain
more information about various platforms and sensors and their use around the world. The
glossary also has optical and radar categories of terms, to allow you to focus on these
aspects of remote sensing technology.

Our receiving stations at Prince Albert2, Saskatchewan and Gatineau3, Quebec receive data
from a number of satellites. See which satellites are received and what data reception
coverage4 and services5 they provide.

If you are curious about detecting targets which are smaller than a pixel, see a detailed
discussion6 in one of our "Images of Canada".

Until 1997, CCRS owned and operated a Convair 5807 aircraft which carried a number of
research instruments including a Synthetic Aperture Radar8 (SAR) sensor. There are a
number of images from this instrument on our Web site, one of which is of the Confederation
Bridge9 between PEI and New Brunswick taken while it was under construction.


Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Did you know? Page 75

2. Did You Know?

2.1 Did You Know?

„ High wing aircraft are preferable to low wing aircraft for hand-held aerial photography.
„ The 'drop hatch' in aircraft such as the DeHavilland "Beaver" and "Otter" are convenient
to use for vertical aerial photography without performing aircraft structural modifications.
„ Oblique aerial photography can preferably be done through an open window rather than
through window glass/plastic.
„ Photography through the aircraft door opening (having removed the door prior to flight)
is also frequently done.
„ Tethered balloons provide an inexpensive photography platform for long-term
monitoring of a specific site.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Did you know? Page 76

2.2 Did You Know?

"...the forecast calls for scattered clouds with the possibility of rain..."

...most of the images you see on television weather forecasts are from geostationary
satellites. This is because they provide broad coverage of the weather and cloud patterns on
continental scales. Meteorologists (weather forecasters) use these images to help them
determine in which direction the weather patterns are likely to go. The high repeat coverage
capability of satellites with geostationary orbits allows them to collect several images daily to
allow these patterns to be closely monitored.

...satellites occasionally require their orbits to be corrected. Because of atmospheric drag and
other forces that occur when a satellite is in orbit, they may deviate from their initial orbital
path. In order to maintain the planned orbit, a control center on the ground will issue
commands to the satellite to place it back in the proper orbit. Most satellites and their sensors
have a finite life-span ranging from a few to several years. Either the sensor will cease to
function adequately or the satellite will suffer severe orbit decay such that the system is no
longer useable.

2.3 Did You Know?

If the IFOV for all pixels of a scanner stays constant (which is often the case), then the ground
area represented by pixels at the nadir will have a larger scale then those pixels which are off-
nadir. This means that spatial resolution will vary from the image centre to the swath edge.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Did You Know? Page 77

2.5 Did You Know?

" just can't have it all!..."

...that there are trade-offs between spatial, spectral, and radiometric resolution which must be
taken into consideration when engineers design a sensor. For high spatial resolution, the
sensor has to have a small IFOV (Instantaneous Field of View). However, this reduces the
amount of energy that can be detected as the area of the ground resolution cell within the
IFOV becomes smaller. This leads to reduced radiometric resolution - the ability to detect fine
energy differences. To increase the amount of energy detected (and thus, the radiometric
resolution) without reducing spatial resolution, we would have to broaden the wavelength
range detected for a particular channel or band. Unfortunately, this would reduce the spectral
resolution of the sensor. Conversely, coarser spatial resolution would allow improved
radiometric and/or spectral resolution. Thus, these three types of resolution must be balanced
against the desired capabilities and objectives of the sensor.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Did You Know? Page 78

2.7 Did You Know?

"...let's take a look at the BIG PICTURE..."

...that the U.S. Space Shuttles have been used to take photographs from space. The
astronauts onboard the shuttle have taken many photographs using hand-held cameras,
similar to the type you would use for taking family photos. They have also used much larger
and more sophisticated cameras mounted in the shuttle's cargo bay, called Large Format
Cameras (LFCs). LFCs have long focal lengths (305 mm) and take high quality photographs
covering several hundreds of kilometres in both dimensions. The exact dimensions depend (of
course) on the height of the shuttle above the Earth. Photos from these passive sensors need
to be taken when the Earth's surface is being illuminated by the sun and are subject to cloud
cover and other attenuation from the atmosphere. The shuttle has also been used several
times to image many regions of the Earth using a special active microwave sensor called a
RADAR. The RADAR sensor can collect detailed imagery during the night or day, as it
provides its own energy source, and is able to penetrate and "see" through cloud cover due to
the long wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation. We will learn more about RADAR in
Chapter 3.

... although taking photographs in the UV portion of the spectrum is problematic due to
atmospheric scattering and absorption, it can be very useful where other types of photography
are not. An interesting example in wildlife research and management has used UV
photography for detecting and counting harp seals on snow and ice. Adult harp seals have
dark coats while their young have white coats. In normal panchromatic imagery, the dark
coats of the adult seals are readily visible against the snow and ice background but the white
coats of the young seals are not. However, the coats of both the adult and infant seals are
strong absorbers of UV energy. Thus, both adult and young appear very dark in a UV image
and can be easily detected. This allows simple and reliable monitoring of seal population
changes over very large areas.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Did You Know? Page 79

2.8 Did You Know?

"...backfield in motion..."

There is a photographic parallel to the push-broom scanner. It is based on the "slit camera".
This camera does not have a shutter per se, but a slit (A) running in the across-track direction,
which exposes film (B) which is being moved continuously (C) past the slit. The speed of
motion of the film has to be proportional to the ground speed (D) of the aircraft. Thus the film
speed has to be adjusted for the flying circumstances of the moment. The slit width (E) in the
along-track direction is also adjustable so as to control exposure time. There are no individual
photo 'frames' produced, but a continuous strip of imagery. Stereo slit photography is also
possible, using a twin-lens system aimed slightly apart from parallel and each exposing one
half of the film width.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Did you know...? Page 80

2.10 Did You Know?

"...scanning for warm-bodied life forms, captain... "

...that, just as in aerial photography, some thermal scanner systems view the surface
obliquely. Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) systems point ahead of the aircraft and scan
across the scene. FLIR systems produce images very similar in appearance to oblique aerial
photographs and are used for applications ranging from forest fire detection to law

...many systematic, or predictable, geometric distortions can be accounted for in real-time

(i.e. during image acquisition). As an example, skew distortion in across-track scanner
imagery due to the Earth's rotation can be accurately modeled and easily corrected. Other
random variations causing distortion cannot be as easily modeled and require geometric
correction in a digital environment after the data have been collected. We will discuss this
topic in more detail in Chapter 4.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.Did You Know? Page 81

2.12 Did You Know?

"...Land, Ho, matey!..."

...the ERTS (Earth Resources Technology Satellite) program was renamed to Landsat just
prior to the launch of the second satellite in the series. The Landsat title was used to
distinguish the program from another satellite program in the planning stages, called Seasat,
intended primarily for oceanographic applications. The first (and only) Seasat satellite was
successfully launched in 1978, but unfortunately was only operational for 99 days. Even
though the satellite was short-lived and the Seasat program was discontinued, it collected
some of the first RADAR images from space which helped heighten the interest in satellite
RADAR remote sensing. Today, several RADAR satellites are operational or planned. We will
learn more about RADAR and these satellites in the next chapter.

...originally the MSS sensor numbering scheme (bands 4, 5, 6, and 7) came from their
numerical sequence after the three bands of the RBV (Return Beam Vidicon) sensors.
However, due to technical malfunctions with the RBV sensor and the fact that it was dropped
from the satellite sensor payload with the launch of Landsat-4, the MSS bands were
renumbered from 1 to 4. For the TM sensor, if we look at the wavelength ranges for each of
the bands, we see that TM6 and TM7 are out of order in terms of increasing wavelength. This
was because the TM7 channel was added as an afterthought late in the original system
design process.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2.Did You Know? Page 82

2.15 Did You Know?

"...I'm receiving you loud and clear..."

... Canada's ground receiving stations have been in operation since 1972 in Prince Albert,
Saskatchewan and 1985 in Gatineau, Quebec. These two stations receive and process image
data from several different satellites (NOAA, Landsat, RADARSAT, J-ERS, MOS, SPOT, and
ERS) from five different countries or group of countries (USA, Canada, Japan, France, and

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 83

2. Whiz Quiz and Answers

2.2 Whiz Quiz

What advantages do sensors carried on board satellites have over those carried on aircraft?
Are there any disadvantages that you can think of?

As a satellite in a near-polar sun-synchronous orbit revolves around the Earth, the satellite
crosses the equator at approximately the same local sun time every day. Because of the
orbital velocity, all other points on the globe are passed either slightly before or after this time.
For a sensor in the visible portion of the spectrum, what would be the advantages and
disadvantages of crossing times (local sun time) a) in the early morning, b) around noon, and
c) in the mid afternoon?

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 84

2.2 Whiz Quiz - Answers

Answer 1: Sensors on board satellites generally can "see" a much larger area of the Earth's
surface than would be possible from a sensor onboard an aircraft. Also, because they are
continually orbiting the Earth, it is relatively easy to collect imagery on a systematic and
repetitive basis in order to monitor changes over time. The geometry of orbiting satellites with
respect to the Earth can be calculated quite accurately and facilitates correction of remote
sensing images to their proper geographic orientation and position. However, aircraft sensors
can collect data at any time and over any portion of the Earth's surface (as long as conditions
allow it) while satellite sensors are restricted to collecting data over only those areas and
during specific times dictated by their particular orbits. It is also much more difficult to fix a
sensor in space if a problem or malfunction develops!

Answer 2: An early morning crossing time would have the sun at a very low angle in the sky
and would be good for emphasizing topographic effects but would result in a lot of shadow in
areas of high relief. A crossing time around noon would have the sun at its highest point in the
sky and would provide the maximum and most uniform illumination conditions. This would be
useful for surfaces of low reflectance but might cause saturation of the sensor over high
reflectance surfaces, such as ice. Also, under such illumination,'specular reflection' from
smooth surfaces may be a problem for interpreters. Inthe mid afternoon, the illumination
conditions would be more moderate. However, a phenomenon called solar heating (due to the
sun heating the surface), which causes difficulties for recording reflected energy, will be near
maximum at this time of day. In order to minimize between these effects, most satellites which
image in the visible, reflected, and emitted infrared regions use crossing times around mid-
morning as a compromise.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 85

2.3 Whiz Quiz

1. Look at the detail apparent in each of these two images. Which of the two images is of a
smaller scale? What clues did you use to determine this? Would the imaging platform for the
smaller scale image most likely have been a satellite or an aircraft?

2. If you wanted to monitor the general health of all vegetation cover over the Canadian
Prairie provinces for several months, what type of platform and sensor characteristics (spatial,
spectral, and temporal resolution) would be best for this and why?

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 86

2.3 Whiz Quiz - Answers

Answer 1: The image on the left is from a satellite while the image on the right is a
photograph taken from an aircraft. The area covered in the image on the right is also covered
in the image on the left, but this may be difficult to determine because the scales of the two
images are much different. We are able to identify relatively small features (i.e. individual
buildings) in the image on the right that are not discernible in the image on the left. Only
general features such as street patterns, waterways, and bridges can be identified in the left-
hand image. Because features appear larger in the image on the right and a particular
measurement (eg. 1 cm) on the image represents a smaller true distance on the ground, this
image is at a larger scale. It is an aerial photograph of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa,
Canada. The left-hand image is a satellite image of the city of Ottawa.

Answer 2: A satellite sensor with large area coverage and fairly coarse spatial resolution
would be excellent for monitoring the general state of vegetation health over Alberta,
Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The large east-to-west expanse would be best covered by a
sensor with a wide swath and broad coverage. This would also imply that the spatial
resolution of the sensor would be fairly coarse. However, fine detail would not really be
necessary for monitoring a broad class including all vegetation cover. With broad areal
coverage the revisit period would be shorter, increasing the opportunity for repeat coverage
necessary for monitoring change. The frequent coverage would also allow for areas covered
by clouds on one date, to be filled in by data collected from another date, reasonably close in
time. The sensor would not necessarily require high spectral resolution, but would at a
minimum, require channels in the visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum.
Vegetation generally has a low reflectance in the visible and a high reflectance in the near-
infrared. The contrast in reflectance between these two regions assists in identifying
vegetation cover.The magnitude of the reflected infrared energy is also an indication of
vegetation health. A sensor on board the U.S. NOAA (National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration) series of satellites with exactly these types of characteristics is
actually used for this type of monitoring over the entire surface of the Earth!
Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 87

2.4 Whiz Quiz

1. Hyperspectral scanners (mentioned in Chapter 2.4) are special multispectral sensors which
detect and record radiation in several (perhaps hundreds) of very narrow spectral bands.
What would be some of the advantages of these types of sensors? What would be some of
the disadvantages?

2. If the spectral range of the 288 channels of the CASI (Compact Airborne Spectrographic
Imager) is exactly 0.40 µm to 0.90 µm and each band covers a wavelength of 1.8 nm
(nanometres, 10-9 m), will there be any overlap between the bands?

2.4 Whiz Quiz - Answers

Answer 1: Hyperspectral scanners have very high spectral resolution because of their narrow
bandwidths. By measuring radiation over several small wavelength ranges, we are able to
effectively build up a continuous spectrum of the radiation detected for each pixel in an image.
This allows for fine differentiation between targets based on detailed reflectance and
absorption responses which are not detectable using the broad wavelength ranges of
conventional multispectral scanners. However, with this increased sensitivity comes
significant increases in the volume of data collected. This makes both storage and
manipulation of the data, even in a computer environment, much more difficult. Analyzing
multiple images at one time or combining them, becomes cumbersome, and trying to identify
and explain what each unique response represents in the "real world" is often difficult.

Answer 2: The total wavelength range available will be 0.90-0.40 µm = 0.50 mm. If there are
288 channels of 1.8 nm each, let's calculate the total wavelength range they would span if
they did not overlap.

1.8 nm = 1.8 x 10-9 m

1.8 x10-9 m X 288 = 0.0000005184 m

0.0000005184 m = 0.5184 µm

Since 0.5184 is greater than 0.50, the answer is YES, there will be have to be some overlap
between some or all of the 288 bands to fit into this 0.50 µm range.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 88

2.5 Whiz Quiz

Suppose you have a digital image which has a radiometric resolution of 6 bits. What is the
maximum value of the digital number which could be represented in that image?

2.5 Whiz Quiz - Answers

The number of digital values possible in an image is equal to the number two (2 - for binary
codings in a computer) raised to the exponent of the number of bits in the image
(i.e. 2# of bits). The number of values in a 6-bit image would be equal to
26 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64. Since the range of values displayed in a digital image normally
starts at zero (0), in order to have 64 values, the maximum value possible would be 63.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 89

2.9 Whiz Quiz

How would thermal imagery be useful in an urban environment?

2.9 Whiz Quiz - Answers

Detecting and monitoring heat loss from buildings in urban areas is an excellent application of
thermal remote sensing. Heating costs, particularly in northern countries such as Canada, can
be very expensive. Thermal imaging in both residential and commercial areas allows us to
identify specific buildings, or parts of buildings, where heat is escaping. If the amount of heat
is significant, these areas can be targeted for repair and re-insulation to reduce costs and
conserve energy.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 90

2.10 Whiz Quiz

If you wanted to map a mountainous region, limiting geometric distortions as much as

possible, would you choose a satellite-based or aircraft-based scanning system? Explain why
in terms of imaging geometry.

2.10 Whiz Quiz Answers

Although an aircraft scanning system may provide adequate geometric accuracy in most
instances, a satellite scanner would probably be preferable in a mountainous region. Because
of the large variations in relief, geometric distortions as a result of relief displacement would
be amplified at aircraft altitudes much more than from satellite altitudes. Also, given the same
lighting conditions, shadowing would be a greater problem using aircraft imagery because of
the shallower viewing angles and would eliminate the possibility for practical mapping in these

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Section 2 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 91

2.12 Whiz Quiz

Explain why data from the Landsat TM sensor might be considered more useful than data
from the original MSS sensor. Hint: Think about their spatial, spectral, and radiometric

2.12 Whiz Quiz - Answers

There are several reasons why TM data may be

considered more useful than MSS data. Although the
areal coverage of a TM scene is virtually the same as a
MSS scene, TM offers higher spatial, spectral, and
radiometric resolution. The spatial resolution is 30 m
compared to 80 m (except for the TM thermal channels,
which are 120 m to 240 m). Thus, the level of spatial
detail detectable in TM data is better. TM has more
spectral channels which are narrower and better placed
in the spectrum for certain applications, particularly
vegetation discrimination. In addition, the increase from
6 bits to 8 bits for data recording represents a four-fold
increase in the radiometric resolution of the data.
(Remember, 6 bits = 26 = 64, and 8 bits = 28 = 256 -
therefore, 256/64 = 4). However, this does not mean that TM data are "better" than MSS data.
Indeed, MSS data are still used to this day and provide an excellent data source for many
applications. If the desired information cannot be extracted from MSS data, then perhaps the
higher spatial, spectral, and radiometric resolution of TM data may be more useful.

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Section 3.1 Microvaves Introduction Page 92

3. Microwave Remote Sensing

3.1 Introduction

Microwave sensing encompasses both active and passive

forms of remote sensing. As described in Chapter 2, the
microwave portion of the spectrum covers the range from
approximately 1cm to 1m in wavelength. Because of their long
wavelengths, compared to the visible and infrared,
microwaves have special properties that are important for
remote sensing. Longer wavelength microwave radiation
can penetrate through cloud cover, haze, dust, and all but
the heaviest rainfall as the longer wavelengths are not
susceptible to atmospheric scattering which affects shorter
optical wavelengths. This property allows detection of
microwave energy under almost all weather and
environmental conditions so that data can be collected at any time.

Passive microwave sensing is similar in concept to thermal remote sensing. All objects emit
microwave energy of some magnitude, but the amounts are generally very small. A passive
microwave sensor detects the naturally emitted microwave energy within its field of view. This
emitted energy is related to the temperature and moisture properties of the emitting object or
surface. Passive microwave sensors are typically radiometers or scanners and operate in
much the same manner as systems discussed previously except that an antenna is used to
detect and record the microwave energy.

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Section 3.1 Microvaves Introduction Page 93

The microwave energy recorded by a passive sensor can be emitted by the atmosphere (1),
reflected from the surface (2), emitted from the surface (3), or transmitted from the subsurface
(4). Because the wavelengths are so long, the energy available is quite small compared to
optical wavelengths. Thus, the fields of view must be large to detect enough energy to record
a signal. Most passive microwave sensors are therefore characterized by low spatial

Applications of passive microwave remote sensing include meteorology, hydrology, and

oceanography. By looking "at", or "through" the atmosphere, depending on the wavelength,
meteorologists can use passive microwaves to measure atmospheric profiles and to
determine water and ozone content in the atmosphere. Hydrologists use passive microwaves
to measure soil moisture since microwave emission is influenced by moisture content.
Oceanographic applications include mapping sea ice, currents, and surface winds as well as
detection of pollutants, such as oil slicks.

Active microwave sensors provide their own

source of microwave radiation to illuminate the
target. Active microwave sensors are generally
divided into two distinct categories: imaging and
non-imaging. The most common form of imaging
active microwave sensors is RADAR. RADAR is
an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging,
which essentially characterizes the function and
operation of a radar sensor. The sensor transmits
a microwave (radio) signal towards the target and
detects the backscattered portion of the signal.
The strength of the backscattered signal is measured to discriminate between different targets
and the time delay between the transmitted and reflected signals determines the distance (or
range) to the target.

Non-imaging microwave sensors include altimeters and scatterometers. In most cases

these are profiling devices which take measurements in one linear dimension, as opposed to
the two-dimensional representation of imaging sensors. Radar altimeters transmit short
microwave pulses and measure the round trip time delay to targets to determine their distance
from the sensor. Generally altimeters look straight down at nadir below the platform and thus
measure height or elevation (if the altitude of the platform is accurately known). Radar
altimetry is used on aircraft for altitude determination and on aircraft and satellites for
topographic mapping and sea surface height estimation. Scatterometers are also generally
non-imaging sensors and are used to make precise quantitative measurements of the amount
of energy backscattered from targets. The amount of energy backscattered is dependent on
the surface properties (roughness) and the angle at which the microwave energy strikes the
target. Scatterometry measurements over ocean surfaces can be used to estimate wind
speeds based on the sea surface roughness. Ground-based scatterometers are used
extensively to accurately measure the backscatter from various targets in order to

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Section 3.1 Microvaves Introduction Page 94

characterize different materials and surface types. This is analogous to the concept of spectral
reflectance curves in the optical spectrum.

For the remainder of this chapter we focus solely on imaging radars. As with passive
microwave sensing, a major advantage of radar is the capability of the radiation to penetrate
through cloud cover and most weather conditions. Because radar is an active sensor, it can
also be used to image the surface at any time, day or night. These are the two primary
advantages of radar: all-weather and day or night imaging. It is also important to understand
that, because of the fundamentally different way in which an active radar operates compared
to the passive sensors we described in Chapter 2, a radar image is quite different from and
has special properties unlike images acquired in the visible and infrared portions of the
spectrum. Because of these differences, radar and optical data can be complementary to one
another as they offer different perspectives of the Earth's surface providing different
information content. We will examine some of these fundamental properties and differences in
more detail in the following sections.

Before we delve into the peculiarities of radar, let's first look briefly at the origins and history of
imaging radar, with particular emphasis on the Canadian experience in radar remote sensing.
The first demonstration of the transmission of radio microwaves and reflection from various
objects was achieved by Hertz in 1886. Shortly after the turn of the century, the first
rudimentary radar was developed for ship detection. In the 1920s and 1930s, experimental
ground-based pulsed radars were developed for detecting objects at a distance. The first
imaging radars used during World War II had rotating sweep displays which were used for
detection and positioning of aircrafts and ships. After World War II, side-looking airborne radar
(SLAR) was developed for military terrain reconnaissance and surveillance where a strip of
the ground parallel to and offset to the side of the aircraft was imaged during flight. In the
1950s, advances in SLAR and the development of higher resolution synthetic aperture radar
(SAR) were developed for military purposes. In the 1960s these radars were declassified and
began to be used for civilian mapping applications. Since this time the development of several
airborne and spaceborne radar systems for mapping and monitoring applications use has

Canada initially became involved in radar remote sensing in the mid-1970s. It was recognized
that radar may be particularly well-suited for surveillance of our vast northern expanse, which
is often cloud-covered and shrouded in darkness during the Arctic winter, as well as for
monitoring and mapping our natural resources. Canada's SURSAT (Surveillance Satellite)
project from 1977 to 1979 led to our participation in the (U.S.) SEASAT radar satellite, the first
operational civilian radar satellite. The Convair-580 airborne radar program, carried out by the
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing following the SURSAT program, in conjunction with radar
research programs of other agencies such as NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA),
led to the conclusion that spaceborne remote sensing was feasible. In 1987, the Radar Data
Development Program (RDDP), was initiated by the Canadian government with the objective
of "operationalizing the use of radar data by Canadians". Over the 1980s and early 1990s,
several research and commercial airborne radar systems have collected vast amounts of

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Section 3.1 Microvaves Introduction Page 95

imagery throughout the world demonstrating the utility of radar data for a variety of
applications. With the launch of ESA's ERS-1 in 1991, spaceborne radar research intensified,
and was followed by the major launches of Japan's J-ERS satellite in 1992, ERS-2 in 1995,
and Canada's advanced RADARSAT satellite, also in 1995.

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Section 3.2 Radar Basics Page 96

3.2 Radar Basics

As noted in the previous section, a radar is essentially a
ranging or distance measuring device. It consists
fundamentally of a transmitter, a receiver, an antenna, and an
electronics system to process and record the data. The
transmitter generates successive short bursts (or pulses of
microwave (A) at regular intervals which are focused by the
antenna into a beam (B). The radar beam illuminates the
surface obliquely at a right angle to the motion of the platform.
The antenna receives a portion of the transmitted energy
reflected (or backscattered) from various objects within the
illuminated beam (C). By measuring the time delay between
the transmission of a pulse and the reception of the
backscattered "echo" from different targets, their distance
from the radar and thus their location can be determined. As the sensor platform moves forward, recording and
processing of the backscattered signals builds up a two-dimensional image of the surface.

While we have characterized electromagnetic radiation in the visible and infrared portions of the spectrum primarily
by wavelength, microwave portions of the spectrum are often referenced according to both wavelength and
frequency. The microwave region of the spectrum is quite large, relative to the visible and infrared, and there are
several wavelength ranges or bands commonly used which given code letters during World War II, and remain to this

„ Ka, K, and Ku bands: very short wavelengths used in early airborne radar systems but uncommon today.
„ X-band: used extensively on airborne systems for military reconnaissance and terrain mapping.
„ C-band: common on many airborne research systems (CCRS Convair-580 and NASA AirSAR) and
spaceborne systems (including
„ ERS-1 and 2 and RADARSAT).

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Section 3.2 Radar Basics Page 97

„ S-band: used on board the Russian ALMAZ satellite.

„ L-band: used onboard American SEASAT and Japanese JERS-1 satellites and NASA airborne system.
„ P-band: longest radar wavelengths, used on NASA experimental airborne research system.

Two radar images of the same agricultural fields

Here are two radar images of the same agricultural fields, each image having been collected using a different radar
band. The one on the top was acquired by a C-band radar and the one below was acquired by an L-band radar. You
can clearly see that there are significant differences between the way the various fields and crops appear in each of
the two images. This is due to the different ways in which the radar energy interacts with the fields and crops
depending on the radar wavelength. We will learn more about this in later sections.

When discussing microwave energy, the polarization

of the radiation is also important. Polarization refers to
the orientation of the electric field (recall the definition
of electromagnetic radiation from Chapter 1). Most
radars are designed to transmit microwave radiation
either horizontally polarized (H) or vertically polarized
(V). Similarly, the antenna receives either the
horizontally or vertically polarized backscattered
energy, and some radars can receive both. These two
polarization states are designated by the letters H for
horizontal, and V, for vertical. Thus, there can be four
combinations of both transmit and receive polarizations
as follows:

„ HH - for horizontal transmit and horizontal receive,

„ VV - for vertical transmit and vertical receive,
„ HV - for horizontal transmit and vertical receive, and
„ VH - for vertical transmit and horizontal receive.

The first two polarization combinations are referred to as like-polarized because the transmit and receive
polarizations are the same. The last two combinations are referred to as cross-polarized because the transmit and
receive polarizations are opposite of one another. These C-band images of agricultural fields demonstrate the
variations in radar response due to changes in polarization. The bottom two images are like-polarized (HH and VV,
respectively), and the upper right image is cross-polarized (HV). The upper left image is the result of displaying each
of the three different polarizations together, one through each of the primary colours (red, green, and blue). Similar to
variations in wavelength, depending on the transmit and receive polarizations, the radiation will interact with and be

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Section 3.2 Radar Basics Page 98

backscattered differently from the surface. Both wavelength and polarization affect how a radar "sees" the surface.
Therefore, radar imagery collected using different polarization and wavelength combinations may provide different
and complementary information about the targets on the surface.

C-band images

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Section 3.3 Viewing Geometry and Spatial Resolution Page 99

3.3 Viewing Geometry and Spatial Resolution

The imaging geometry of a radar system is

different from the framing and scanning
systems commonly employed for optical
remote sensing described in Chapter 2. Similar
to optical systems, the platform travels forward
in the flight direction (A) with the nadir (B)
directly beneath the platform. The microwave
beam is transmitted obliquely at right angles to
the direction of flight illuminating a swath (C)
which is offset from nadir. Range (D) refers to
the across-track dimension perpendicular to the
flight direction, while azimuth (E) refers to the
along-track dimension parallel to the flight
direction. This side-looking viewing geometry is
typical of imaging radar systems (airborne or spaceborne).

Near range

The portion of the image swath closest to the nadir track of the radar platform is called the
near range (A) while the portion of the swath farthest from the nadir is called the far range

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Section 3.3 Viewing Geometry and Spatial Resolution Page 100

Incidence angle

The incidence angle is the angle between the radar beam and ground surface (A) which
increases, moving across the swath from near to far range. The look angle (B) is the angle at
which the radar "looks" at the surface. In the near range, the viewing geometry may be
referred to as being steep, relative to the far range, where the viewing geometry is shallow. At
all ranges the radar antenna measures the radial line of sight distance between the radar and
each target on the surface. This is the slant range distance (C). The ground range
distance (D) is the true horizontal distance along the ground corresponding to each point
measured in slant range.

Unlike optical systems, a radar's spatial resolution

is a function of the specific properties of the
microwave radiation and geometrical effects. If a
Real Aperture Radar (RAR) is used for image
formation (as in Side-Looking Airborne Radar) a
single transmit pulse and the backscattered signal
are used to form the image. In this case, the
resolution is dependent on the effective length of
the pulse in the slant range direction and on the
width of the illumination in the azimuth direction.
The range or across-track resolution is
dependent on the length of the pulse (P). Two
distinct targets on the surface will be resolved in the range dimension if their separation is
greater than half the pulse length. For example, targets 1 and 2 will not be separable while
targets 3 and 4 will. Slant range resolution remains constant, independent of range. However,
when projected into ground range coordinates, the resolution in ground range will be
dependent of the incidence angle. Thus, for fixed slant range resolution, the ground range
resolution will decrease with increasing range.

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Section 3.3 Viewing Geometry and Spatial Resolution Page 101

The azimuth or along-track resolution is determined by the angular width of the radiated
microwave beam and the slant range distance. This beamwidth (A) is a measure of the width
of the illumination pattern. As the radar illumination propagates to increasing distance from the
sensor, the azimuth resolution increases (becomes coarser). In this illustration, targets 1 and
2 in the near range would be separable, but targets 3 and 4 at further range would not. The
radar beamwidth is inversely proportional to the antenna length (also referred to as the
aperture) which means that a longer antenna (or aperture) will produce a narrower beam and
finer resolution.

Finer range resolution can be achieved by using a shorter pulse length, which can be done
within certain engineering design restrictions. Finer azimuth resolution can be achieved by
increasing the antenna length. However, the actual length of the antenna is limited by what
can be carried on an airborne or spaceborne platform. For airborne radars, antennas are
usually limited to one to two metres; for satellites they can be 10 to 15 metres in length. To
overcome this size limitation, the forward motion of the platform and special recording and
processing of the backscattered echoes are used to simulate a very long antenna and thus
increase azimuth resolution.

This figure illustrates how this is achieved. As a target (A) first enters the radar beam (1), the
backscattered echoes from each transmitted pulse begin to be recorded. As the platform
continues to move forward, all echoes from the target for each pulse are recorded during the
entire time that the target is within the beam. The point at which the target leaves the view of
the radar beam (2) some time later, determines the length of the simulated or synthesized
antenna (B). Targets at far range, where the beam is widest will be illuminated for a longer
period of time than objects at near range. The expanding beamwidth, combined with the
increased time a target is within the beam as ground range increases, balance each other,
such that the resolution remains constant across the entire swath. This method of achieving
uniform, fine azimuth resolution across the entire imaging swath is called synthetic aperture
radar, or SAR. Most airborne and spaceborne radars employ this type of radar.

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Section 3.4 Radar Image Distortions Page 102

3.4 Radar Image Distortions

As with all remote sensing systems, the viewing

geometry of a radar results in certain geometric
distortions on the resultant imagery. However, there
are key differences for radar imagery which are due
to the side-looking viewing geometry, and the fact
that the radar is fundamentally a distance
measuring device (i.e. measuring range). Slant-
range scale distortion occurs because the radar is
measuring the distance to features in slant-range
rather than the true horizontal distance along the
ground. This results in a varying image scale,
moving from near to far range. Although targets A1
and B1 are the same size on the ground, their apparent dimensions in slant range (A2 and
B2) are different. This causes targets in the near range to appear compressed relative to the
far range. Using trigonometry, ground-range distance can be calculated from the slant-range
distance and platform altitude to convert to the proper ground-range format.

This conversion comparison shows a radar image in slant-range display (top) where the
fields and the road in the near range on the left side of the image are compressed, and the
same image converted to ground-range display (bottom) with the features in their proper
geometric shape.

Similar to the distortions encountered when using cameras and scanners, radar images are
also subject to geometric distortions due to relief displacement. As with scanner imagery,
this displacement is one-dimensional and occurs perpendicular to the flight path. However,
the displacement is reversed with targets being displaced towards, instead of away from the
sensor. Radar foreshortening and layover are two consequences which result from relief

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Section 3.4 Radar Image Distortions Page 103

When the radar beam reaches the base of a tall feature tilted towards the radar (e.g. a
mountain) before it reaches the top foreshortening will occur. Again, because the radar
measures distance in slant-range, the slope (A to B) will appear compressed and the length of
the slope will be represented incorrectly (A' to B'). Depending on the angle of the hillside or
mountain slope in relation to the incidence angle of the radar beam, the severity of
foreshortening will vary. Maximum foreshortening occurs when the radar beam is
perpendicular to the slope such that the slope, the base, and the top are imaged
simultaneously (C to D). The length of the slope will be reduced to an effective length of zero
in slant range (C'D'). The figure below shows a radar image of steep mountainous terrain
with severe foreshortening effects. The foreshortened slopes appear as bright features on the

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Section 3.4 Radar Image Distortions Page 104

Layover occurs when the radar beam reaches the

top of a tall feature (B) before it reaches the base
(A). The return signal from the top of the feature
will be received before the signal from the bottom.
As a result, the top of the feature is displaced
towards the radar from its true position on the
ground, and "lays over" the base of the feature (B'
to A'). Layover effects on a radar image look very
similar to effects due to foreshortening. As with
foreshortening, layover is most severe for small
incidence angles, at the near range of a swath, and
in mountainous terrain.

Both foreshortening and layover result in radar shadow. Radar shadow occurs when the
radar beam is not able to illuminate the ground surface. Shadows occur in the down range
dimension (i.e. towards the far range), behind vertical features or slopes with steep sides.
Since the radar beam does not illuminate the surface, shadowed regions will appear dark on
an image as no energy is available to be backscattered. As incidence angle increases from
near to far range, so will shadow effects as the radar beam looks more and more obliquely at
the surface. This image illustrates radar shadow effects on the right side of the hillsides
which are being illuminated from the left.

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Section 3.4 Radar Image Distortions Page 105

Red surfaces are completely in shadow. Black areas in image are shadowed and contain no

Radar shadow effects

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Section 3.5 Target Interaction and Image Appearance Page 106

3.5 Target Interaction and Image Appearance

The brightness of features in a radar image is dependent on the portion of the transmitted
energy that is returned back to the radar from targets on the surface. The magnitude or
intensity of this backscattered energy is dependent on how the radar energy interacts with the
surface, which is a function of several variables or parameters. These parameters include the
particular characteristics of the radar system (frequency, polarization, viewing geometry, etc.)
as well as the characteristics of the surface (landcover type, topography, relief, etc.). Because
many of these characteristics are interrelated, it is impossible to separate out each of their
individual contributions to the appearance of features in a radar image. Changes in the
various parameters may have an impact on and affect the response of other parameters,
which together will affect the amount of backscatter. Thus, the brightness of features in an
image is usually a combination of several of these variables. However, for the purposes of our
discussion, we can group these characteristics into three areas which fundamentally control
radar energy/target interactions. They are:

„ Surface roughness of the target

„ Radar viewing and surface geometry relationship
„ Moisture content and electrical properties of the target

The surface roughness of a feature controls how the microwave energy interacts with that
surface or target and is generally the dominant factor in determining the tones seen on a radar
image. Surface roughness refers to the average height variations in the surface cover from a
plane surface, and is measured on the order of centimetres. Whether a surface appears rough
or smooth to a radar depends on the wavelength and incidence angle.

Simply put, a surface is considered "smooth" if the

height variations are much smaller than the radar
wavelength. When the surface height variations begin
to approach the size of the wavelength, then the
surface will appear "rough". Thus, a given surface will
appear rougher as the wavelength becomes shorter
and smoother as the wavelength becomes longer. A
smooth surface (A) causes specular reflection of the
incident energy (generally away from the sensor) and
thus only a small amount of energy is returned to the
radar. This results in smooth surfaces appearing as

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Section 3.5 Target Interaction and Image Appearance Page 107

darker toned areas on an image. A rough surface (B) will scatter the energy approximately
equally in all directions (i.e. diffusely) and a significant portion of the energy will be
backscattered to the radar. Thus, rough surfaces will appear lighter in tone on an image.
Incidence angle, in combination with wavelength, also plays a role in the apparent roughness
of a surface. For a given surface and wavelength, the surface will appear smoother as the
incidence angle increases. Thus, as we move farther across the swath, from near to far range,
less energy would be returned to the sensor and the image would become increasingly darker
in tone.

We have already discussed incidence or look angle in relation

to viewing geometry and how changes in this angle affect the
signal returned to the radar. However, in relation to surface
geometry, and its effect on target interaction and image
appearance, the local incidence angle is a more appropriate
and relevant concept. The local incidence angle is the angle
between the radar beam and a line perpendicular to the slope
at the point of incidence (A). Thus, local incidence angle takes
into account the local slope of the terrain in relation to the radar beam. With flat terrain, the
local incidence angle is the same as the look angle (B) of the radar. For terrain with any type
of relief, this is not the case. Generally, slopes facing towards the radar will have small local
incidence angles, causing relatively strong backscattering to the sensor, which results in a
bright-toned appearance in an image.

As the concept of local incidence angle demonstrates, the relationship between viewing
geometry and the geometry of the surface features plays an important role in how the radar
energy interacts with targets and their corresponding brightness on an image. Variations in
viewing geometry will accentuate and enhance topography and relief in different ways, such
that varying degrees of foreshortening, layover, and shadow (section 3.4) may occur
depending on surface slope, orientation, and shape.

The look direction or aspect angle of the radar describes the orientation of the transmitted
radar beam relative to the direction or alignment of linear features on the surface. The look
direction can significantly influence the appearance of features on a radar image, particularly
when ground features are organized in a linear structure (such as agricultural crops or

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Section 3.5 Target Interaction and Image Appearance Page 108

mountain ranges). If the look direction is close to perpendicular to the orientation of the
feature (A), then a large portion of the incident energy will be reflected back to the sensor and
the feature will appear as a brighter tone. If the look direction is more oblique in relation to the
feature orientation (B), then less energy will be returned to the radar and the feature will
appear darker in tone. Look direction is important for enhancing the contrast between features
in an image. It is particularly important to have the proper look direction in mountainous
regions in order to minimize effects such as layover and shadowing. By acquiring imagery
from different look directions, it may be possible to enhance identification of features with
different orientations relative to the radar.

Features which have two (or more) surfaces (usually

smooth) at right angles to one another, may cause
corner reflection to occur if the 'corner' faces the
general direction of the radar antenna. The orientation of
the surfaces at right angles causes most of the radar
energy to be reflected directly back to the antenna due
to the double bounce (or more) reflection. Corner
reflectors with complex angular shapes are common in
urban environments (e.g. buildings and streets, bridges,
other man-made structures). Naturally occurring corner
reflectors may include severely folded rock and cliff
faces or upright vegetation standing in water. In all cases, corner reflectors show up as very
bright targets in an image, such as the buildings and other man-made structures in this radar
image of a city.

The presence (or absence) of moisture affects the electrical properties of an object or
medium. Changes in the electrical properties influence the absorption, transmission, and
reflection of microwave energy. Thus, the moisture content will influence how targets and
surfaces reflect energy from a radar and how they will appear on an image. Generally,
reflectivity (and image brightness) increases with increased moisture content. For example,
surfaces such as soil and vegetation cover will appear brighter when they are wet than when
they are dry.

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Section 3.5 Target Interaction and Image Appearance Page 109

When a target is moist or wet, scattering from the topmost portion (surface scattering) is the
dominant process taking place. The type of reflection (ranging from specular to diffuse) and
the magnitude will depend on how rough the material appears to the radar. If the target is very
dry and the surface appears smooth to the radar, the radar energy may be able to penetrate
below the surface, whether that surface is discontinuous (e.g. forest canopy with leaves and
branches), or a homogeneous surface (e.g. soil, sand, or ice). For a given surface, longer
wavelengths are able to penetrate further than shorter wavelengths.

If the radar energy does manage to penetrate through the topmost surface, then volume
scattering may occur. Volume scattering is the scattering of radar energy within a volume or
medium, and usually consists of multiple bounces and reflections from different components
within the volume. For example, in a forest, scattering may come from the leaf canopy at the
tops of the trees, the leaves and branches further below, and the tree trunks and soil at the
ground level. Volume scattering may serve to decrease or increase image brightness,
depending on how much of the energy is scattered out of the volume and back to the radar.

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Section 3.6 Radar Image Properties Page 110

3.6 Radar Image Properties

All radar images appear with some degree of what we call radar speckle. Speckle appears as
a grainy "salt and pepper" texture in an image. This is caused by random constructive and
destructive interference from the multiple scattering returns that will occur within each
resolution cell. As an example, an homogeneous target, such as a large grass-covered field,
without the effects of speckle would generally result in light-toned pixel values on an image
(A). However, reflections from the individual blades of grass within each resolution cell results
in some image pixels being brighter and some being darker than the average tone (B), such
that the field appears speckled.

Speckle is essentially a form of noise which degrades the quality of an image and may make
interpretation (visual or digital) more difficult. Thus, it is generally desirable to reduce speckle
prior to interpretation and analysis. Speckle reduction can be achieved in two ways:

„ multi-look processing, or
„ spatial filtering.

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Section 3.6 Radar Image Properties Page 111

Multi-look processing refers to the division of the radar beam (A)

into several (in this example, five) narrower sub-beams (1 to 5).
Each sub-beam provides an independent "look" at the
illuminated scene, as the name suggests. Each of these "looks"
will also be subject to speckle, but by summing and averaging
them together to form the final output image, the amount of
speckle will be reduced.

While multi-looking is
usually done during data
acquisition, speckle reduction by spatial filtering is
performed on the output image in a digital (i.e. computer)
image analysis environment. Speckle reduction filtering
consists of moving a small window of a few pixels in
dimension (e.g. 3x3 or 5x5) over each pixel in the image,
applying a mathematical calculation using the pixel
values under that window (e.g. calculating the average), and replacing the central pixel with
the new value. The window is moved along in both the row and column dimensions one pixel
at a time, until the entire image has been covered. By calculating the average of a small
window around each pixel, a smoothing effect is achieved and the visual appearance of the
speckle is reduced.

Speckle reduction using an averaging filter

This graphic shows a radar image before (top) and after (bottom) speckle reduction using an
averaging filter. The median (or middle) value of all the pixels underneath the moving window
is also often used to reduce speckle. Other more complex filtering calculations can be
performed to reduce speckle while minimizing the amount of smoothing taking place.

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Section 3.6 Radar Image Properties Page 112

Both multi-look processing and spatial filtering reduce speckle at the expense of resolution,
since they both essentially smooth the image. Therefore, the amount of speckle reduction
desired must be balanced with the particular application the image is being used for, and the
amount of detail required. If fine detail and high resolution is required then little or no multi-
looking/spatial filtering should be done. If broad-scale interpretation and mapping is the
application, then speckle reduction techniques may be more appropriate and acceptable.

Another property peculiar to radar images is slant-range distortion, which was discussed in
some detail in section 3.4. Features in the near-range are compressed relative to features in
the far range due to the slant-range scale variability. For most applications, it is desirable to
have the radar image presented in a format which corrects for this distortion, to enable true
distance measurements between features. This requires the slant-range image to be
converted to 'ground range' display. This can be done by the radar processor prior to creating
an image or after data acquisition by applying a transformation to the slant range image. In
most cases, this conversion will only be an estimate of the geometry of the ground features
due to the complications introduced by variations in terrain relief and topography.

A radar antenna transmits more power in the mid-range portion of the illuminated swath than
at the near and far ranges. This effect is known as antenna pattern and results in stronger
returns from the center portion of the swath than at the edges. Combined with this antenna
pattern effect is the fact that the energy returned to the radar decreases dramatically as the
range distance increases. Thus, for a given surface, the strength of the returned signal
becomes smaller and smaller moving farther across the swath. These effects combine to
produce an image which varies in intensity (tone) in the range direction across the image. A
process known as antenna pattern correction may be applied to produce a uniform average
brightness across the imaged swath, to better facilitate visual interpretation.

The range of brightness levels a remote sensing system can differentiate is related to
radiometric resolution (section 2.5) and is referred to as the dynamic range. While optical
sensors, such as those carried by satellites such as Landsat and SPOT, typically produce 256
intensity levels, radar systems can differentiate intensity levels up to around 100,000 levels!
Since the human eye can only discriminate about 40 intensity levels at one time, this is too
much information for visual interpretation. Even a typical computer would have difficulty
dealing with this range of information. Therefore, most radars record and process the original

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Section 3.6 Radar Image Properties Page 113

data as 16 bits (65,536 levels of intensity), which are then further scaled down to 8 bits (256
levels) for visual interpretation and/or digital computer analysis.

Calibration is a process which ensures that the radar system and the signals that it measures
are as consistent and as accurate as possible. Prior to analysis, most radar images will
require relative calibration. Relative calibration corrects for known variations in radar
antenna and systems response and ensures that uniform, repeatable measurements can be
made over time. This allows relative comparisons between the response of features within a
single image, and between separate images to be made with confidence. However, if we wish
to make accurate quantitative measurements representing the actual energy or power
returned from various features or targets for comparative purposes, then absolute
calibration is necessary.

Absolute calibration, a much more involved process than relative calibration, attempts to
relate the magnitude of the recorded signal strength to the actual amount of energy
backscattered from each resolution cell. To achieve this, detailed measurements of the radar
system properties are required as well as quantitative measurements of the scattering
properties of specific targets. The latter are often obtained using ground-based
scatterometers, as described in section 3.1. Also, devices called transponders may be
placed on the ground prior to data acquisition to calibrate an image. These devices receive
the incoming radar signal, amplify it, and transmit a return signal of known strength back to
the radar. By knowing the actual strength of this return signal in the image, the responses
from other features can be referenced to it.

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Section 3.7 Advanced Radar Applications Page 114

3.7 Advanced Radar Applications

In addition to standard acquisition and use of radar data, there are three specific applications
worth mentioning.

The first is stereo radar which is similar in concept to stereo mapping using aerial
photography (described in section 2.7). Stereo radar image pairs are acquired covering the
same area, but with different look/incidence angles (A), or opposite look directions (B). Unlike
aerial photos where the displacement is radially outward from the nadir point directly below
the camera, radar images show displacement only in the range direction. Stereo pairs taken
from opposite look directions (i.e. one looking north and the other south) may show significant
contrast and may be difficult to interpret visually or digitally. In mountainous terrain, this will be
even more pronounced as shadowing on opposite sides of features will eliminate the stereo
effect. Same side stereo imaging (A) has been used operationally for years to assist in
interpretation for forestry and geology and also to generate topographic maps. The estimation
of distance measurements and terrain height for topographic mapping from stereo radar data
is called radargrammetry, and is analogous to photogrammetry carried out for similar
purposes with aerial photographs.

Radargrammetry is one method of estimating terrain height using radar. Another, more
advanced method is called interferometry. Interferometry relies on being able to measure a
property of electromagnetic waves called phase. Suppose we have two waves with the exact

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Section 3.7 Advanced Radar Applications Page 115

same wavelength and frequency traveling along in space, but the starting point of one is offset
slightly from the other. The offset between matching points on these two waves (A) is called
the phase difference. Interferometric systems use two
antennas, separated in the range dimension by a small
distance, both recording the returns from each resolution
cell. The two antennas can be on the same platform (as
with some airborne SARs), or the data can be acquired from
two different passes with the same sensor, such has been
done with both airborne and satellite radars. By measuring
the exact phase
difference between the
two returns (A), the
path length difference can be calculated to an accuracy
that is on the order of the wavelength (i.e centimetres).
Knowing the position of the antennas with respect to the
Earth's surface, the position of the resolution cell,
including its elevation, can be determined. The phase
difference between adjacent resolution cells, is
illustrated in this interferogram, where colours
represents the variations in height. The information contained in an interferogram can be used
to derive topographic information and produce three-dimensional imagery of terrain height.

The concept of radar polarimetry was already alluded to in our discussion of radar
fundamentals in section 3.2. As its name implies, polarimetry involves discriminating between
the polarizations that a radar system is able to transmit and receive. Most radars transmit
microwave radiation in either horizontal (H) or vertical (V) polarization, and similarly, receive
the backscattered signal at only one of these polarizations. Multi-polarization radars are able
to transmit either H or V polarization and receive both the like- and cross-polarized returns
(e.g. HH and HV or VV and VH, where the first letter stands for the polarization transmitted
and the second letter the polarization received). Polarimetric radars are able to transmit and
receive both horizontal and vertical polarizations. Thus, they are able to receive and process
all four combinations of these polarizations: HH, HV, VH, and VV. Each of these "polarization
channels" have varying sensitivities to different surface characteristics and properties. Thus,

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Section 3.7 Advanced Radar Applications Page 116

the availability of multi-polarization data helps to improve the identification of, and the
discrimination between features. In addition to recording the magnitude (i.e. the strength) of
the returned signal for each polarization, most polarimetric radars are also able to record the
phase information of the returned signals. This can be used to further characterize the
polarimetric "signature" of different surface features.

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Section 3.8 Radar Polarimetry Page 117

3.8 Radar Polarimetry

Introduction to Polarization

When discussing microwave energy propagation and scattering, the polarization of the
radiation is an important property. For a plane electromagnetic (EM) wave, polarization refers
to the locus of the electric field vector in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
While the length of the vector represents the amplitude of the wave, and the rotation rate of
the vector represents the frequency of the wave, polarization refers to the orientation and
shape of the pattern traced by the tip of the vector.

The waveform of the electric field strength (voltage) of an EM wave can be predictable (the
wave is polarized) or random (the wave is unpolarized), or a combination of both. In the latter
case, the degree of polarization describes the ratio of polarized power to total power of the
wave. An example of a fully polarized wave would be a monochromatic sine wave, with a
single, constant frequency and stable amplitude.

Examples of horizontal (black) and vertical (red) polarizations of a plane electromagnetic wave

Many radars are designed to transmit microwave radiation that is either horizontally polarized
(H) or vertically polarized (V). A transmitted wave of either polarization can generate a
backscattered wave with a variety of polarizations. It is the analysis of these transmit and
receive polarization combinations that constitutes the science of radar polarimetry.

Any polarization on either transmission or reception can be synthesized by using H and V

components with a well-defined relationship between them. For this reason, systems that
transmit and receive both of these linear polarizations are commonly used. With these radars,
there can be four combinations of transmit and receive polarizations:

„ HH - for horizontal transmit and horizontal receive

„ VV - for vertical transmit and vertical receive

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Section 3.8 Radar Polarimetry Page 118

„ HV - for horizontal transmit and vertical receive, and

„ VH - for vertical transmit and horizontal receive.

The first two polarization combinations are referred to as "like-polarized" because the transmit
and receive polarizations are the same. The last two combinations are referred to as "cross-
polarized" because the transmit and receive polarizations are orthogonal to one another.

Radar systems can have one, two or all four of these transmit/receive polarization
combinations. Examples include the following types of radar systems:

single polarized - HH or VV (or possibly HV or VH)

dual polarized - HH and HV, VV and VH, or HH and VV
alternating polarization - HH and HV, alternating with VV and VH
polarimetric - HH, VV, HV, and VH

Note that "quadrature polarization" and "fully polarimetric" can be used as synonyms for
"polarimetric". The relative phase between channels is measured in a polarimetric radar, and
is a very important component of the measurement. In the other radar types, relative phase
may or may not be measured. The alternating polarization mode has been introduced on
ENVISAT - relative phase is measured but the important HH-VV phase is not meaningful
because of the time lapse between the measurements.

These C-band images of agricultural fields demonstrate the dependence of the radar response
on polarization. The top two images are like-polarized (HH on left, VV on right), and the lower
left image is cross-polarized (HV). The lower right image is the result of displaying these three
images as a colour composite (in this case, HH - red, VV - green, and HV - blue).

Both wavelength and polarization affect how a radar system "sees" the elements in the scene.
Therefore, radar imagery collected using different polarization and wavelength combinations
may provide different and complementary information. Furthermore, when three polarizations
are combined in a colour composite, the information is presented in a way that an image
interpreter can infer more information of the surface characteristics.

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Section 3.8 Radar Polarimetry Page 119

Illustration of how different polarizations (HH, VV, HV & colour composite) bring out different
features in an agricultural scene

Polarimetric Information

The primary description of how a radar target or surface feature scatters EM energy is given by
the scattering matrix. From the scattering matrix, other forms of polarimetric information can be
derived, such as synthesized images and polarization signatures.

Polarization Synthesis

A polarimetric radar can be used to determine the target response or scattering matrix using
two orthogonal polarizations, typically linear H and linear V on each of transmit and receive. If a
scattering matrix is known, the response of the target to any combination of incident and
received polarizations can be computed. This is referred to as polarization synthesis, and
illustrates the power and flexibility of a fully polarimetric radar.

Through polarization synthesis, an image can be created to improve the detectability of

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Section 3.8 Radar Polarimetry Page 120

selected features. An example is the detection of ships in ocean images. To find the best
transmit-receive polarization combination to use, the polarization signature of a typical ship and
that of the ocean is calculated for a number of polarizations. Then the ratio of the ship to ocean
backscatter is computed for each polarization. The transmit-receive polarization combination
that maximises the ratio of backscatter strength is then used to improve the detectability of
ships. This procedure is called "polarimetric contrast enhancement" or the use of a
"polarimetric matched filter".

Polarization Signatures

Because the incident and scattered waves can take on so many different polarizations, and the
scattering matrix consists of four complex numbers, it is helpful to simplify the interpretation of
the scattering behaviour using three-dimensional plots. The "polarization signature" of the
target provides a convenient way of visualising a target's scattering properties. The signatures
are also called "polarization response plots".

An incident electromagnetic wave can be selected to have an electric field with ellipticity
between -45º and +45º, and an orientation between 0 and 180º. These variables are used as
the x- and y-axes of a 3-D plot portraying the polarization signature. For each of these possible
incident polarizations, the strength of the backscatter can be computed for the same
polarization on transmit and receive (the co-polarized signature) and for orthogonal
polarizations on transmit and receive (the cross-polarized signature). The strength is displayed
on the z-axis of the signatures.

Co-polarized signature Cross-polarized signature

Polarization signatures of a large conducting sphere.

P = Power, O = Orientation (degrees), E = Ellipticity (degrees)

This figure shows the polarization signatures of the most simple of all targets - a large
conducting sphere or a trihedral corner reflector. The wave is backscattered with the same
polarization, except for a change of sign of the ellipticity (or in the case of linear polarization, a

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Section 3.8 Radar Polarimetry Page 121

change of the phase angle between Eh and Ev of 180o). The sign changes once for every
reflection - the sphere represents a single reflection, and the trihedral gives three reflections, so
each behaves as an "odd-bounce" reflector.

For more complicated targets, the polarization signature takes on different shapes. Two
interesting signatures come from a dihedral corner reflector and Bragg scattering from the sea
surface. In the case of the dihedral reflector, the co-pol signature has a double peak,
characteristic of "even-bounce" reflectors. In the case of Bragg scattering, the response is
similar to the single-bounce sphere, except that the backscatter of the vertical polarization is
higher than that of the horizontal polarization.

Data Calibration

One critical requirement of polarimetric radar systems is the need for calibration. This is
because much of the information lies in the ratios of amplitudes and the differences in phase
angle between the four transmit-receive polarization combinations. If the calibration is not
sufficiently accurate, the scattering mechanisms will be misinterpreted and the advantages of
using polarization will not be realised.

Calibration is achieved by a combination of radar system design and data analysis. Imagine the
response to a trihedral corner reflector. Its ideal response is only obtained if the four channels
of the radar system all have the same gain, system-dependent phase differences between
channels are absent, and there is no energy leakage from one channel to another.

In terms of the radar system design, the channel gains and phases should be as carefully
matched as possible. In the case of the phase balance, this means that the signal path lengths
should be effectively the same in all channels. Calibration signals are often built into the design
to help verify these channel balances.

In terms of data analysis, channel balances, cross-talk and noise effects can be measured and
corrected by analysing the received data. In addition to analysing the response of internal
calibration signals, the signals from known targets such as corner reflectors, active
transponders, and uniform clutter can be used to calibrate some of the parameters.

Polarimetric Applications

Synthetic Aperture Radar polarimetry has been limited to a number of experimental airborne
SAR systems and the SIR-C (shuttle) mission. With these data, researchers have studied a
number of applications, and have shown that the interpretation of a number of features in a
scene is facilitated when the radar is operated in polarimetric mode. The launch of
RADARSAT-2 will make polarimetric data available on an operational basis, and uses of such
data will become more routine and more sophisticated.

Some applications in which polarimetric SAR has already proved useful include:

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Section 3.8 Radar Polarimetry Page 122

„ Agriculture: for crop type identification, crop condition monitoring, soil moisture
measurement, and soil tillage and crop residue identification;
„ Forestry: for clearcuts and linear features mapping, biomass estimation, species
identification and fire scar mapping;
„ Geology: for geological mapping;
„ Hydrology: for monitoring wetlands and snow cover;
„ Oceanography: for sea ice identification, coastal windfield measurement, and wave slope
„ Shipping: for ship detection and classification;
„ Coastal Zone: for shoreline detection, substrate mapping, slick detection and general
vegetation mapping.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 3.9 Airborne versus Spaceborne Radars Page 123

3.9 Airborne versus Spaceborne Radars

Like other remote sensing systems, an imaging radar sensor may be carried on either an
airborne or spaceborne platform. Depending on the use of the prospective imagery, there are
trade-offs between the two types of platforms. Regardless of the platform used, a significant
advantage of using a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is that the spatial resolution is
independent of platform altitude. Thus, fine resolution can be achieved from both airborne and
spaceborne platforms.

Although spatial resolution is independent of altitude, viewing geometry and swath coverage
can be greatly affected by altitude variations. At aircraft operating altitudes, an airborne radar
must image over a wide range of incidence angles, perhaps as much as 60 or 70 degrees, in
order to achieve relatively wide swaths (let's say 50 to 70 km). As we have learned in the
preceding sections, incidence angle (or look angle) has a significant effect on the backscatter
from surface features and on their appearance on an image. Image characteristics such as
foreshortening, layover, and shadowing will be subject to wide variations, across a large
incidence angle range. Spaceborne radars are able to avoid some of these imaging geometry
problems since they operate at altitudes up to one hundred times higher than airborne radars.
At altitudes of several hundred kilometres, spaceborne radars can image comparable swath
widths, but over a much narrower range of incidence angles, typically ranging from five to 15
degrees. This provides for more uniform illumination and reduces undesirable imaging
variations across the swath due to viewing geometry.

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Section 3.9 Airborne versus Spaceborne Radars Page 124

Although airborne radar systems may be more susceptible to imaging geometry problems,
they are flexible in their capability to collect data from different look angles and look directions.
By optimizing the geometry for the particular terrain being imaged, or by acquiring imagery
from more than one look direction, some of these effects may be reduced. Additionally, an
airborne radar is able to collect data anywhere and at any time (as long as weather and flying
conditions are acceptable!). A spaceborne radar does not have this degree of flexibility, as its
viewing geometry and data acquisition schedule is controlled by the pattern of its orbit.
However, satellite radars do have the advantage of being able to collect imagery more quickly
over a larger area than an airborne radar, and provide consistent viewing geometry. The
frequency of coverage may not be as often as that possible with an airborne platform, but
depending on the orbit parameters, the viewing geometry flexibility, and the geographic area
of interest, a spaceborne radar may have a revisit period as short as one day.

As with any aircraft, an airborne radar will be susceptible to variations in velocity and other
motions of the aircraft as well as to environmental (weather) conditions. In order to avoid
image artifacts or geometric positioning errors due to random variations in the motion of the
aircraft, the radar system must use sophisticated navigation/positioning equipment and
advanced image processing to compensate for these variations. Generally, this will be able to
correct for all but the most severe variations in motion, such as significant air turbulence.
Spaceborne radars are not affected by motion of this type. Indeed, the geometry of their orbits
is usually very stable and their positions can be accurately calculated. However, geometric
correction of imagery from spaceborne platforms must take into account other factors, such as
the rotation and curvature of the Earth, to achieve proper geometric positioning of features on
the surface.

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Section 3.10 Airborne and Spaceborne Radar Systems Page 125

3.10 Airborne and Spaceborne Radar Systems

In order to more clearly illustrate the differences between airborne and spaceborne radars, we
will briefly outline a few of the representative systems of each type, starting with airborne

The Convair-580 C/X SAR system developed and operated by the Canada Centre for
Remote Sensing was a workhorse for experimental research into advanced SAR applications
in Canada and around the world, particularly in preparation for satellite-borne SARs. The
system was transferred to Environment Canada in 1996 for use in oil spill research and other
environmental applications. This system operates at two radar bands, C- (5.66 cm) and X-
(3.24 cm). Cross-polarization data can be recorded simultaneously for both the C- and X-band
channels, and the C-band system can be operated as a fully polarimetric radar. Imagery can
be acquired at three different imaging geometries (nadir, narrow and wide swath modes) over
a wide range of incidence angles (five degrees to almost 90 degrees). In addition to being a
fully calibratable system for quantitative measurements, the system has a second antenna
mounted on the aircraft fuselage to allow the C-band system to be operated as an
interferometric radar.

The Sea Ice and Terrain Assessment (STAR)

systems operated by Intera Technologies Limited of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, (later Intermap
Technologies ) were among the first SAR systems
used commercially around the world. Both STAR-1
and STAR-2 operate at X-band (3.2 cm) with HH
polarization in two different resolution modes. The
swath coverage varies from 19 to 50 km, and the
resolution from 5 to 18 m. They were primarily
designed for monitoring sea ice (one of the key
applications for radar, in Canada) and for terrain
analysis. Radar's all-weather, day or night imaging capabilities are well-suited to monitoring
ice in Canada's northern and coastal waters. STAR-1 was also the first SAR system to use
on-board data processing and to offer real-time downlinking of data to surface stations.

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Section 3.10 Airborne and Spaceborne Radar Systems Page 126

The United States National Aeronautics

and Space Administration (NASA) has
been at the forefront of multi-frequency,
multi-polarization synthetic aperture radar
research for many years. The Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California
has operated various advanced systems
on contract for NASA. The AirSAR
system is a C-, L-, and P-band advanced polarimetric SAR which can collect data for each of
these bands at all possible combinations of horizontal and vertical transmit and receive
polarizations (i.e. HH, HV, VH, and VV). Data from the AirSAR system can be fully calibrated
to allow extraction of quantitative measurements of radar backscatter. Spatial resolution of the
AirSAR system is on the order of 12 metres in both range and azimuth. Incidence angle
ranges from zero degrees at nadir to about 70 degrees at the far range. This capability to
collect multi-frequency, multi-polarization data over such a diverse range of incidence angles
allows a wide variety of specialized research experiments to be carried out.

With the advances and success of airborne imaging radar, satellite radars
were the next logical step to complement the optical satellite sensors in
operation. SEASAT, launched in 1978, was the first civilian remote sensing
satellite to carry a spaceborne SAR sensor. The SAR operated at L-band
(23.5 cm) with HH polarization. The viewing geometry was fixed between
nine and 15 degrees with a swath width of 100 km and a spatial resolution of
25 metres. This steep viewing geometry was designed primarily for
observations of ocean and sea ice, but a great deal of imagery was also collected over land
areas. However, the small incidence angles amplified foreshortening and layover effects over
terrain with high relief, limiting its utility in these areas. Although the satellite was only
operational for three months, it demonstrated the wealth of information (and the large volumes
of data!) possible from a spaceborne radar.

With the success of the short-lived SEASAT mission, and

impetus provided from positive results with several airborne
SARs, the European Space Agency (ESA) launched ERS-1
in July of 1991. ERS-1 carried on-board a radar altimeter, an
infrared radiometer and microwave sounder, and a C-band
(5.66 cm), active microwave instrument. This is a flexible
instrument which can be operated as a scatterometer to
measure reflectivity of the ocean surface, as well as ocean
surface wind speed and direction. It can also operate as a
synthetic aperture radar, collecting imagery over a 100 km
swath over an incidence angle range of 20 to 26 degrees, at
a resolution of approximately 30 metres. Polarization is

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Section 3.10 Airborne and Spaceborne Radar Systems Page 127

vertical transmit and vertical receive (VV) which, combined

with the fairly steep viewing angles, make ERS-1 particularly sensitive to surface roughness.
The revisit period (or repeat cycle) of ERS-1 can be varied by adjusting the orbit, and has
ranged from three to 168 days, depending on the mode of operation. Generally, the repeat
cycle is about 35 days. A second satellite, ERS-2, was launched in April of 1995 and carries
the same active microwave sensor as ERS-1. Designed primarily for ocean monitoring
applications and research, ERS-1 provided the worldwide remote sensing community with the
first wide-spread access to spaceborne SAR data. Imagery from both satellites has been used
in a wide range of applications, over both ocean and land environments. Like SEASAT, the
steep viewing angles limit their utility for some land applications due to geometry effects.

The National Space Development Agency of Japan

(NASDA), launched the JERS-1 satellite in February of
1992. In addition to carrying two optical sensors, JERS-
1 has an L-band (23.5 cm) SAR operating at HH
polarization. The swath width is approximately 75 km
and spatial resolution is approximately 18 metres in
both range and azimuth. The imaging geometry of
JERS-1 is slightly shallower than either SEASAT or the
ERS satellites, with the incidence angle at the middle of
the swath being 35 degrees. Thus, JERS-1 images are
slightly less susceptible to geometry and terrain effects.
The longer L-band wavelength of JERS-1 allows some penetration of the radar energy
through vegetation and other surface types.

Spaceborne SAR remote sensing took a giant leap forward

with the launch of Canada's RADARSAT satellite on Nov.
4, 1995. The RADARSAT project, led by the Canadian
Space Agency (CSA), was built on the development of
remote sensing technologies and applications work carried
out by the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS)
since the 1970s. RADARSAT carries an advanced C-band (5.6 cm), HH-polarized SAR with a
steerable radar beam allowing various imaging options over a 500 km range. Imaging
swaths can be varied from 35 to 500 km in width, with resolutions from 10 to 100 metres.
Viewing geometry is also flexible, with incidence angles ranging from less than 20 degrees to
more than 50 degrees. Although the satellite's orbit repeat cycle is 24 days, the flexibility of
the steerable radar beam gives RADARSAT the ability to image regions much more frequently
and to address specific geographic requests for data acquisition. RADARSAT's orbit is
optimized for frequent coverage of mid-latitude to polar regions, and is able to provide daily
images of the entire Arctic region as well as view any part of Canada within three days. Even
at equatorial latitudes, complete coverage can be obtained within six days using the widest
swath of 500 km.

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Section 3.10 Airborne and Spaceborne Radar Systems Page 128

Imaging options over a 500 km range

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Section 3.11 Endnotes Page 129

3. Endnotes

3.11 Endnotes

You have just completed Chapter 3 - Microwave Sensing. You can continue to Chapter 4 -
Image Interpretation and Analysis or first browse the CCRS Web site for other articles related
to microwave remote sensing.

You can get more information about remote sensing radars by checking out an the overview1
or the more detailed technical specifications2 of Canada's own microwave satellite:
RADARSAT. You can even see photos3 of the satellite being built, watch a video of the
launch and see the very first image!4 As well, learn how microwave remote sensing is used for
various applications such as agriculture5, forestry6, and geology7, and see international
applications8 of RADARSAT imagery.

Learn about a new way of reducing speckle9 in a radar image that was developed by
scientists at CCRS in co-operation with scientists in France. As well, learn how a digital
elevation model can be used to correct topographic distortions10 in radar images or how a
radar image is calibrated using precision transponders11 and see the mysterious movement of
the transponder12 when shown in an image!

A training manual13 has been prepared on how radar data can be used to obtain stereo
images. Interferometry14 is another fascinating technique studied extensively at CCRS. It has
been tried with both airborne and satellite data and applied to detecting changes in the land15,
glacier movement16 and ocean studies17.

Our Remote Sensing Glossary has extensive terminology and explanations of microwave-
related concepts which can be accessed through individual term searches18 or by selecting
the radar" category.


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Section 3.11 Endnotes Page 130


Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 3 Did you know? Page 131

3. Did You Know?

3.1 Did You Know?

'S' band magnetrons are typically used for microwave oven power sources. They operate in
the range of 2-4 GHz. The corresponding wavelengths are 15 cm to 7.5 cm. The screening
mesh used on microwave oven doors is sufficiently fine (much smaller than 7.5 cm) that it
behaves as a continuous, thin, metal sheet, preventing the escape of the radar energy, yet
allowing good visibility of the interior (using visible wavelengths, which are much shorter yet).

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Section 3 Did you know? Page 132

3.2 Did You Know?

"....Just what do those numbers mean?!"

Typical output products (e.g. RADARSAT imagery) have used 8-bit or 16-bit data formats
(digital numbers) for data storage. In order to obtain the original physically meaningful
backscatter values ( sigma nought, beta nought) of calibrated radar products, it is
necessary to reverse the final steps in the SAR processing chain. For RADARSAT imagery,
this must include the squaring of the digital values and the application of a lookup table (which
can have range dependent values). Thus, as you can see, the relationships among the digital
numbers in the imagery are not that simple!

3.4 Did You Know?

"...look to the left, look to the right, stand up, sit down..."

...although a radar's side-looking geometry can

result in several image effects such as
foreshortening, layover, and shadow, this geometry
is exactly what makes radar so useful for terrain
analysis. These effects, if not too severe, actually
enhance the visual appearance of relief and terrain
structure, making radar imagery excellent for
applications such as topographic mapping and
identifying geologic structure.

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Section 3.Did you know? Page 133

3.5 Did You Know?

"...rivers in the Sahara desert?'re crazy!..."

... that an L-band radar (23.5 cm wavelength) imaging from the orbiting space shuttle was
able to discover ancient river channels beneath the Sahara Desert in Northern Africa.
Because of the long wavelength and the extreme dryness of the sand, the radar was able to
penetrate several metres below the desert surface to reveal the old river beds during ancient
times when this area was not so dry.

3.7 Did You Know?

"...we've picked up an unidentified moving object on the radar, sir..."

... besides being able to determine terrain height using interferometry, it is also possible to
measure the velocity of targets moving towards or away from the radar sensor, using only one
pass over the target. This is done by recording the returns from two antennas mounted on the
platform, separated by a short distance in the along-track or flight direction. The phase
differences between the returns at each antenna are used to derive the speed of motion of
targets in the illuminated scene. Potential applications include determination of sea-ice drift,
ocean currents, and ocean wave parameters.

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Section 3 Did you know? Page 134

3.8 Did You Know?

That many other polarizations can be transmitted (or received) if a radar system can transmit
or receive the H and V channels simultaneously. For example, if a radar system transmits an
H and a V signal simultaneously, and the V signal is 90o out of phase with respect to the H
signal, the resulting transmitted wave will have circular polarization.

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Section 3 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 135

3. Whiz Quiz and Answers

3.2 Whiz Quiz

How could we use radar images of different

wavelengths and/or polarizations to extract
more information about a particular scene?
Think back to Chapter 1, the general
characteristics of remote sensing images,
and Chapter 2, interpretation of data from
optical sensors.

Explain how data from a non-imaging

scatterometer could be used to extract more
accurate information from an imaging radar.

3.2 Answers

1. Much the same as with optical sensors that have different bands or channels of data, multi-
wavelength and multi-frequency radar images can provide complementary information. Radar
data collected at different wavelengths is analogous to the different bands of data in optical
remote sensing. Similarly, the various polarizations may also be considered as different bands
of information. Depending on the wavelength and polarization of the radar energy, it will
interact differently with features on the surface. As with multi-band optical data, we can
combine these different "channels" of data together to produce colour images which may
highlight subtle variations in features as a function of wavelength or polarization.

2. A scatterometer is used to precisely measure the intensity of backscatter reflected from an

object or surface. By accurately characterizing (i.e. measuring) the intensity of energy
reflected from a variety of objects or surface types, these measurements can be used to
generate typical backscatter signatures, similar to the concept of spectral signatures with
optical data. These measurements can be used as references for calibrating imagery from an
imaging radar sensor so that more accurate comparisons can be made of the response
between different features.

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Section 3 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 136

3.3 Whiz Quiz

Explain why the use of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is the only practical option for radar
remote sensing from space.

3.3 Answer

The high altitudes of spaceborne platforms (i.e. hundreds of kilometres) preclude the use of
real aperture radar (RAR) because the azimuth resolution, which is a function of the range
distance, would be too coarse to be useful. In a spaceborne RAR, the only way to achieve fine
resolution would be to have a very, very narrow beam which would require an extremely long
physical antenna. However, an antenna of several kilometres in length is physically
impossible to build, let alone fly on a spacecraft. Therefore, we need to use synthetic aperture
radar to synthesize a long antenna to achieve fine azimuth resolution.

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Section 3 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 137

3.5 Whiz Quiz

If an agricultural area, with crops such as wheat and corn, became flooded, what do you think
these areas might look like on a radar image? Explain the reasons for your answers based on
your knowledge of how radar energy interacts with a target.

3.5 Answer

Generally, image brightness increases with increased moisture content. However, in the case
of flooding, the surface is completely saturated and results in standing water. Areas where the
water has risen above the height of the crops will likely appear dark in tone, as the water acts
as a specular reflector bouncing the energy away from the radar sensor. Flooded areas would
generally be distinguishable by a darker tone from the surrounding agricultural crops which
are not flooded and would scatter more diffusely. However, if the wheat and corn stalks are
not completely submersed, then these areas may actually appear brighter on the image. In
this situation, specular reflections off the water which then bounce and hit the wheat and corn
stalks may act like corner reflectors and return most of the incoming energy back to the radar.
This would result in these areas appearing quite bright on the image. Thus, the degree of
flooding and how much the crops are submersed will impact the appearance of the image.
Section 3 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 138

3.6 Whiz Quiz

Outline the basic steps you might want to perform on a radar image before carrying out any
visual interpretation.

3.6 Answer

Before visually interpreting and analyzing a radar image, there are several procedures which
would be useful to perform, including:

„ Converting the slant-range image to the ground-range plane display. This will remove
the effects of slant-range scale distortion so that features appear in their proper relative
size across the entire swath and distances on the ground are represented correctly.
„ Correcting for antenna pattern. This will provide a uniform average brightness of image
tone making visual interpretation and comparison of feature responses at different
ranges easier.
„ Reducing the effects of speckle to some degree. Unless there is a need for detailed
analysis of very small features (i.e. less than a few pixels in size), speckle reduction will
reduce the "grainy" appearance of the image and make general image interpretation
„ Scaling of the dynamic range in the image to a maximum of 8-bits (256 grey levels).
Because of the limitations of most desktop computer systems, as well as of the human
eye in discriminating brightness levels, any more grey levels would not be useful.

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3.8 Whiz Quiz

Can sound waves be polarized?

3.8 Answer

Polarization is a phenomenon which is characteristic

of those waves that vibrate in a direction
perpendicular to their direction of propagation. While
electromagnetic waves vibrate up/down, side to side
and in intermediate directions, sound waves vibrate in
the same direction as their direction of travel, so
cannot be polarized.

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Section 3 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 140

3.10 Whiz Quiz

A particular object or feature may not have the same appearance (i.e. backscatter response)
on all radar images, particularly airborne versus spaceborne radars. List some of the factors
which might account for this.

3.10 Answer

The backscatter response, and thus the appearance of an object or feature on a radar image,
is dependent on several things.

„ Different radar wavelengths or frequencies will result in variations due to their differing
sensitivities to surface roughness, which controls the amount of energy backscattered.
„ Using different polarizations will also affect how the energy interacts with a target and
the subsequent energy that is reflected back to the radar.
„ Variations in viewing geometry, including look/incidence angle, the look direction and
orientation of features to the radar, and the local incidence angle at which the radar
energy strikes the surface, play a major role in the amount of energy reflected.
Generally, these differences can be quite significant between airborne and spaceborne
„ Changes in the moisture content of an object or feature will also change the amount of

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Section 4.1 Introduction Page 141

4. Image Analysis

4.1 Introduction

In order to take advantage of and make good use of remote sensing data, we must be able to
extract meaningful information from the imagery. This brings us to the topic of discussion in
this chapter - interpretation and analysis - the sixth element of the remote sensing process
which we defined in Chapter 1. Interpretation and analysis of remote sensing imagery involves
the identification and/or measurement of various targets in an image in order to extract useful
information about them. Targets in remote sensing images may be any feature or object which
can be observed in an image, and have the following characteristics:

„ Targets may be a point, line, or area feature. This means that they can have any form,
from a bus in a parking lot or plane on a runway, to a bridge or roadway, to a large
expanse of water or a field.
„ The target must be distinguishable; it must contrast with other features around it in the

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Section 4.1 Introduction Page 142

Much interpretation and identification of targets in remote sensing imagery is performed

manually or visually, i.e. by a human interpreter. In many cases this is done using imagery
displayed in a pictorial or photograph-type format, independent of what type of sensor was
used to collect the data and how the data were collected. In this case we refer to the data as
being in analog format. As we discussed in Chapter 1, remote sensing images can also be
represented in a computer as arrays of pixels, with
each pixel corresponding to a digital number,
representing the brightness level of that pixel in the
image. In this case, the data are in a digital format.
Visual interpretation may also be performed by
examining digital imagery displayed on a computer
screen. Both analogue and digital imagery can be
displayed as black and white (also called
monochrome) images, or as colour images (refer
back to Chapter 1, Section 1.7) by combining different
channels or bands representing different

When remote sensing data are available in digital format, digital processing and analysis
may be performed using a computer. Digital processing may be used to enhance data as a
prelude to visual interpretation. Digital processing and analysis may also be carried out to
automatically identify targets and extract information completely without manual intervention
by a human interpreter. However, rarely is digital processing and analysis carried out as a
complete replacement for manual interpretation. Often, it is done to supplement and assist the
human analyst.

Manual interpretation and analysis dates back to the early beginnings of remote sensing for

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Section 4.1 Introduction Page 143

air photo interpretation. Digital processing and analysis is more recent with the advent of
digital recording of remote sensing data and the development of computers. Both manual and
digital techniques for interpretation of remote sensing data have their respective advantages
and disadvantages. Generally, manual interpretation requires little, if any, specialized
equipment, while digital analysis requires specialized, and often expensive, equipment.
Manual interpretation is often limited to analyzing only a single channel of data or a single
image at a time due to the difficulty in performing visual interpretation with multiple images.
The computer environment is more amenable to handling complex images of several or many
channels or from several dates. In this sense, digital analysis is useful for simultaneous
analysis of many spectral bands and can process large data sets much faster than a human
interpreter. Manual interpretation is a subjective process, meaning that the results will vary
with different interpreters. Digital analysis is based on the manipulation of digital numbers in a
computer and is thus more objective, generally resulting in more consistent results. However,
determining the validity and accuracy of the results from digital processing can be difficult.

It is important to reiterate that visual and digital analyses of remote sensing imagery are not
mutually exclusive. Both methods have their merits. In most cases, a mix of both methods is
usually employed when analyzing imagery. In fact, the ultimate decision of the utility and
relevance of the information extracted at the end of the analysis process, still must be made
by humans.

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Section 4.2 Elements of Visual Interpretation Page 144

4.2 Elements of Visual Interpretation

As we noted in the previous section, analysis of remote sensing imagery involves the
identification of various targets in an image, and those targets may be environmental or
artificial features which consist of points, lines, or areas. Targets may be defined in terms of
the way they reflect or emit radiation. This radiation is measured and recorded by a sensor,
and ultimately is depicted as an image product such as an air photo or a satellite image.

What makes interpretation of imagery more difficult than the everyday visual interpretation of
our surroundings? For one, we lose our sense of depth when viewing a two-dimensional
image, unless we can view it stereoscopically so as to simulate the third dimension of
height. Indeed, interpretation benefits greatly in many applications when images are viewed in
stereo, as visualization (and therefore, recognition) of targets is enhanced dramatically.
Viewing objects from directly above also provides a very different perspective than what we
are familiar with. Combining an unfamiliar perspective with a very different scale and lack of
recognizable detail can make even the most familiar object unrecognizable in an image.
Finally, we are used to seeing only the visible wavelengths, and the imaging of wavelengths
outside of this window is more difficult for us to comprehend.

Recognizing targets is the key to interpretation and information extraction. Observing the
differences between targets and their backgrounds involves comparing different targets based
on any, or all, of the visual elements of tone, shape, size, pattern, texture, shadow, and
association. Visual interpretation using these elements is often a part of our daily lives,
whether we are conscious of it or not. Examining satellite images on the weather report, or
following high speed chases by views from a helicopter are all familiar examples of visual
image interpretation. Identifying targets in remotely sensed images based on these visual
elements allows us to further interpret and analyze. The nature of each of these interpretation
elements is described below, along with an image example of each.

Tone refers to the relative brightness or colour of objects in an image. Generally, tone is the
fundamental element for distinguishing between different targets or features. Variations in

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tone also allows the elements of shape, texture, and pattern of objects to be distinguished.

Shape refers to the general form, structure, or outline of individual objects. Shape can be a
very distinctive clue for interpretation. Straight edge shapes typically represent urban or
agricultural (field) targets, while natural features, such as forest edges, are generally more
irregular in shape, except where man has created a road or clear cuts. Farm or crop land
irrigated by rotating sprinkler systems would appear as circular shapes.

Size of objects in an image is a function of scale. It is important to assess the size of a target
relative to other objects in a scene, as well as the absolute size, to aid in the interpretation of
that target. A quick approximation of target size can direct interpretation to an appropriate
result more quickly. For example, if an interpreter had to distinguish zones of land use, and
had identified an area with a number of buildings in it, large buildings such as factories or
warehouses would suggest commercial property, whereas small buildings would indicate
residential use.

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Section 4.2 Elements of Visual Interpretation Page 146

Pattern refers to the spatial arrangement of visibly discernible objects.

Typically an orderly repetition of similar tones and textures will produce a
distinctive and ultimately recognizable pattern. Orchards with evenly
spaced trees, and urban streets with regularly spaced houses are good
examples of pattern.

Texture refers to the arrangement and frequency of

tonal variation in particular areas of an image. Rough textures would
consist of a mottled tone where the grey levels change abruptly in a small
area, whereas smooth textures would have very little tonal variation.
Smooth textures are most often the result of uniform, even surfaces, such
as fields, asphalt, or grasslands. A target with a rough surface and
irregular structure, such as a forest canopy, results in a rough textured
appearance. Texture is one of the most important elements for distinguishing features in radar

Shadow is also helpful in interpretation as it may provide an idea of the

profile and relative height of a target or targets which may make
identification easier. However, shadows can also reduce or eliminate
interpretation in their area of influence, since targets within shadows are
much less (or not at all) discernible from their surroundings. Shadow is
also useful for enhancing or identifying topography and landforms,
particularly in radar imagery.

Association takes into account the relationship between other

recognizable objects or features in proximity to the target of interest. The
identification of features that one would expect to associate with other
features may provide information to facilitate identification. In the
example given above, commercial properties may be associated with
proximity to major transportation routes, whereas residential areas would
be associated with schools, playgrounds, and sports fields. In our
example, a lake is associated with boats, a marina, and adjacent recreational land.

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Section 4.3 Digital Image Processing Page 147

4.3 Digital Image Processing

In today's world of advanced technology where most remote sensing data are recorded in
digital format, virtually all image interpretation and analysis involves some element of digital
processing. Digital image processing may involve numerous procedures including formatting
and correcting of the data, digital enhancement to facilitate better visual interpretation, or even
automated classification of targets and features entirely by computer. In order to process
remote sensing imagery digitally, the data must be recorded and available in a digital form
suitable for storage on a computer tape or disk. Obviously, the other requirement for digital
image processing is a computer system, sometimes referred to as an image analysis
system, with the appropriate hardware and software to process the data. Several
commercially available software systems have been developed specifically for remote sensing
image processing and analysis.

For discussion purposes, most of the common image processing functions available in image
analysis systems can be categorized into the following four categories:

„ Preprocessing
„ Image Enhancement
„ Image Transformation
„ Image Classification and Analysis

Preprocessing functions involve those operations that are normally required prior to the main
data analysis and extraction of information, and are generally grouped as radiometric or
geometric corrections. Radiometric corrections include correcting the data for sensor
irregularities and unwanted sensor or atmospheric noise, and converting the data so they
accurately represent the reflected or emitted radiation measured by the sensor. Geometric
corrections include correcting for geometric distortions due to sensor-Earth geometry
variations, and conversion of the data to real world coordinates (e.g. latitude and longitude) on
the Earth's surface.

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Section 4.3 Digital Image Processing Page 148

The objective of the second group of image processing functions grouped under the term of
image enhancement, is solely to improve the appearance of the imagery to assist in visual
interpretation and analysis. Examples of enhancement functions include contrast stretching to
increase the tonal distinction between various features in a scene, and spatial filtering to
enhance (or suppress) specific spatial patterns in an image.

Image transformations are operations similar in concept to those for image enhancement.
However, unlike image enhancement operations which are normally applied only to a single
channel of data at a time, image transformations usually involve combined processing of data
from multiple spectral bands. Arithmetic operations (i.e. subtraction, addition, multiplication,
division) are performed to combine and transform the original bands into "new" images which
better display or highlight certain features in the scene. We will look at some of these
operations including various methods of spectral or band ratioing, and a procedure called
principal components analysis which is used to more efficiently represent the information in
multichannel imagery.

Image classification and analysis operations are used to digitally identify and classify pixels
in the data. Classification is usually performed on multi-channel data sets (A) and this
process assigns each pixel in an image to a particular class or theme (B) based on statistical
characteristics of the pixel brightness values. There are a variety of approaches taken to
perform digital classification. We will briefly describe the two generic approaches which are
used most often, namely supervised and unsupervised classification.

In the following sections we will describe each of these four categories of digital image
processing functions in more detail.

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Section 4.4 Pre-processing Page 149

4.4 Pre-processing

Pre-processing operations, sometimes referred to as image restoration and rectification, are

intended to correct for sensor- and platform-specific radiometric and geometric distortions of
data. Radiometric corrections may be necessary due to variations in scene illumination and
viewing geometry, atmospheric conditions, and sensor noise and response. Each of these will
vary depending on the specific sensor and platform used to acquire the data and the
conditions during data acquisition. Also, it may be desirable to convert and/or calibrate the
data to known (absolute) radiation or reflectance units to facilitate comparison between data.

Variations in illumination and viewing geometry between images (for optical sensors) can be
corrected by modeling the geometric relationship and distance between the area of the
Earth's surface imaged, the sun, and the sensor. This is often required so as to be able to
more readily compare images collected by different sensors at different dates or times, or to
mosaic multiple images from a single sensor while maintaining uniform illumination
conditions from scene to scene.

As we learned in Chapter 1, scattering of radiation occurs as it passes through and interacts

with the atmosphere. This scattering may reduce, or attenuate, some of the energy
illuminating the surface. In addition, the atmosphere will further attenuate the signal
propagating from the target to the sensor. Various methods of atmospheric correction can be

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Section 4.4 Pre-processing Page 150

applied ranging from detailed modeling of the atmospheric conditions during data acquisition,
to simple calculations based solely on the image data. An example of the latter method is to
examine the observed brightness values (digital numbers), in an area of shadow or for a
very dark object (such as a large clear lake - A) and determine the minimum value (B). The
correction is applied by subtracting the minimum observed value, determined for each specific
band, from all pixel values in each respective band. Since scattering is wavelength dependent
(Chapter 1), the minimum values will vary from band to band. This method is based on the
assumption that the reflectance from these features, if the atmosphere is clear, should be very
small, if not zero. If we observe values much greater than zero, then they are considered to
have resulted from atmospheric scattering.

Noise in an image may be due to irregularities or

errors that occur in the sensor response and/or
data recording and transmission. Common forms
of noise include systematic striping or banding
and dropped lines. Both of these effects should
be corrected before further enhancement or
classification is performed. Striping was common
in early Landsat MSS data due to variations and
drift in the response over time of the six MSS
detectors. The "drift" was different for each of the
causing the
brightness to be represented differently by each
detector. The overall appearance was thus a 'striped'
effect. The corrective process made a relative correction
among the six sensors to bring their apparent values in
line with each other. Dropped lines occur when there are
systems errors which result in missing or defective data
along a scan line. Dropped lines are normally 'corrected'
by replacing the line with the pixel values in the line
above or below, or with the average of the two.

For many quantitative applications of remote sensing data, it is necessary to convert the
digital numbers to measurements in units which represent the actual reflectance or emittance
from the surface. This is done based on detailed knowledge of the sensor response and the
way in which the analog signal (i.e. the reflected or emitted radiation) is converted to a digital
number, called analog-to-digital (A-to-D) conversion. By solving this relationship in the
reverse direction, the absolute radiance can be calculated for each pixel, so that comparisons
can be accurately made over time and between different sensors.

In section 2.10 in Chapter 2, we learned that all remote sensing imagery are inherently subject

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Section 4.4 Pre-processing Page 151

to geometric distortions. These distortions may be due to several factors, including: the
perspective of the sensor optics; the motion of the scanning system; the motion of the
platform; the platform altitude, attitude, and velocity; the terrain relief; and, the curvature and
rotation of the Earth. Geometric corrections are intended to compensate for these distortions
so that the geometric representation of the imagery will be as close as possible to the real
world. Many of these variations are systematic, or predictable in nature and can be
accounted for by accurate modeling of the sensor and platform motion and the geometric
relationship of the platform with the Earth. Other unsystematic, or random, errors cannot be
modeled and corrected in this way. Therefore, geometric registration of the imagery to a
known ground coordinate system must be performed.

The geometric registration process involves identifying the image coordinates (i.e. row,
column) of several clearly discernible points, called ground control points (or GCPs), in the
distorted image (A - A1 to A4), and matching them to their true positions in ground
coordinates (e.g. latitude, longitude). The true ground coordinates are typically measured from
a map (B - B1 to B4), either in paper or digital format. This is image-to-map registration.
Once several well-distributed GCP pairs have been identified, the coordinate information is
processed by the computer to determine the proper transformation equations to apply to the
original (row and column) image coordinates to map them into their new ground coordinates.
Geometric registration may also be performed by registering one (or more) images to another
image, instead of to geographic coordinates. This is called image-to-image registration and is
often done prior to performing various image transformation procedures, which will be
discussed in section 4.6, or for multitemporal image comparison.

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Section 4.4 Pre-processing Page 152

In order to actually geometrically correct the original distorted image, a procedure called
resampling is used to determine the digital values to place in the new pixel locations of the
corrected output image. The resampling process calculates the new pixel values from the
original digital pixel values in the uncorrected image. There are three common methods for
resampling: nearest neighbour, bilinear interpolation, and cubic convolution. Nearest
neighbour resampling uses the digital value from the pixel in the original image which is
nearest to the new pixel location in the corrected image. This is the simplest method and does
not alter the original values, but may result in some pixel values being duplicated while others
are lost. This method also tends to result in a disjointed or blocky image appearance.

Bilinear interpolation resampling takes a

weighted average of four pixels in the original
image nearest to the new pixel location. The
averaging process alters the original pixel values
and creates entirely new digital values in the
output image. This may be undesirable if further
processing and analysis, such as classification
based on spectral response, is to be done. If this
is the case, resampling may best be done after
the classification process. Cubic convolution
resampling goes even further to calculate a
distance weighted average of a block of sixteen
pixels from the original image which surround the
new output pixel location. As with bilinear interpolation, this method results in completely new
pixel values. However, these two methods both produce images which have a much sharper
appearance and avoid the blocky appearance of the nearest neighbour method.

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Section 4.4 Pre-processing Page 153

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Section 4.5 Image Enhancement Page 154

4.5 Image Enhancement

Enhancements are used to make it easier for visual interpretation and understanding of
imagery. The advantage of digital imagery is that it allows us to manipulate the digital pixel
values in an image. Although radiometric corrections for illumination, atmospheric influences,
and sensor characteristics may be done prior to distribution of data to the user, the image may
still not be optimized for visual interpretation. Remote sensing devices, particularly those
operated from satellite platforms, must be designed to cope with levels of target/background
energy which are typical of all conditions likely to be encountered in routine use. With large
variations in spectral response from a diverse range of targets (e.g. forest, deserts,
snowfields, water, etc.) no generic radiometric correction could optimally account for and
display the optimum brightness range and contrast for all targets. Thus, for each application
and each image, a custom adjustment of the range and distribution of brightness values is
usually necessary.

In raw imagery, the useful data often populates only a small portion
of the available range of digital values (commonly 8 bits or 256
levels). Contrast enhancement involves changing the original values
so that more of the available range is used, thereby increasing the
contrast between targets and their backgrounds. The key to
understanding contrast enhancements is to understand the concept
of an image histogram. A histogram is a graphical representation of
the brightness values that comprise an image. The brightness values
(i.e. 0-255) are displayed along the x-axis of the graph. The
frequency of occurrence of each of these values in the image is
shown on the y-axis.

By manipulating the range of digital values in an image, graphically represented by its

histogram, we can apply various enhancements to the data. There are many different
techniques and methods of enhancing contrast and detail in an image; we will cover only a

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Section 4.5 Image Enhancement Page 155

few common ones here. The simplest type of enhancement is a linear contrast stretch. This
involves identifying lower and upper bounds from the histogram (usually the minimum and
maximum brightness values in the image) and applying a transformation to stretch this range
to fill the full range. In our example, the minimum value (occupied by actual data) in the
histogram is 84 and the maximum value is 153. These 70 levels occupy less than one-third of
the full 256 levels available. A linear stretch uniformly expands this small range to cover the
full range of values from 0 to 255. This enhances the contrast in the image with light toned
areas appearing lighter and dark areas appearing darker, making visual interpretation much
easier. This graphic illustrates the increase in contrast in an image before (left) and after
(right) a linear contrast stretch.

A uniform distribution of the input range of

values across the full range may not always
be an appropriate enhancement, particularly
if the input range is not uniformly distributed.
In this case, a histogram-equalized
stretch may be better. This stretch assigns
more display values (range) to the
frequently occurring portions of the
histogram. In this way, the detail in these
areas will be better enhanced relative to
those areas of the original histogram where
values occur less frequently. In other cases,
it may be desirable to enhance the contrast
in only a specific portion of the histogram.
For example, suppose we have an image of the mouth of a river, and the water portions of the
image occupy the digital values from 40 to 76 out of the entire image histogram. If we wished
to enhance the detail in the water, perhaps to see variations in sediment load, we could
stretch only that small portion of the histogram represented by the water (40 to 76) to the full
grey level range (0 to 255). All pixels below or above these values would be assigned to 0 and
255, respectively, and the detail in these areas would be lost. However, the detail in the water
would be greatly enhanced.

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Section 4.5 Image Enhancement Page 156

Spatial filtering
another set of
digital processing
functions which
are used to
enhance the
appearance of an
image. Spatial filters are designed to highlight or suppress specific features in an image based
on their spatial frequency. Spatial frequency is related to the concept of image texture, which
we discussed in section 4.2. It refers to the frequency of the variations in tone that appear in
an image. "Rough" textured areas of an image, where the changes in tone are abrupt over a
small area, have high spatial frequencies, while "smooth" areas with little variation in tone
over several pixels, have low spatial frequencies. A common filtering procedure involves
moving a 'window' of a few pixels in dimension (e.g. 3x3, 5x5, etc.) over each pixel in the
image, applying a mathematical calculation using the pixel values under that window, and
replacing the central pixel with the new value. The window is moved along in both the row and
column dimensions one pixel at a time and the calculation is repeated until the entire image
has been filtered and a "new" image has been generated. By varying the calculation
performed and the weightings of the individual pixels in the filter window, filters can be
designed to enhance or suppress different types of features.

A low-pass filter is designed to emphasize larger, homogeneous areas of similar tone and
reduce the smaller detail in an image. Thus, low-pass filters generally serve to smooth the
appearance of an image. Average and median filters, often used for radar imagery (and
described in Chapter 3), are examples of low-pass filters. High-pass filters do the opposite
and serve to sharpen the appearance of fine detail in an image. One implementation of a
high-pass filter first applies a low-pass filter to an image and then subtracts the result from the
original, leaving behind only the high spatial frequency information. Directional, or edge
detection filters are designed to highlight linear features, such as roads or field boundaries.
These filters can also be designed to enhance features which are oriented in specific
directions. These filters are useful in applications such as geology, for the detection of linear
geologic structures.

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Section 4.5 Image Enhancement Page 157

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Section 4.6 Image Transformations Page 158

4.6 Image Transformations

Image transformations typically involve the manipulation of multiple bands of data, whether
from a single multispectral image or from two or more images of the same area acquired at
different times (i.e. multitemporal image data). Either way, image transformations generate
"new" images from two or more sources which highlight particular features or properties of
interest, better than the original input images.

Basic image transformations apply simple arithmetic

operations to the image data. Image subtraction is often
used to identify changes that have occurred between
images collected on different dates. Typically, two images
which have been geometrically registered (see section 4.4),
are used with the pixel (brightness) values in one image (1)
being subtracted from the pixel values in the other (2).
Scaling the resultant image (3) by adding a constant (127 in
this case) to the output values will result in a suitable
'difference' image. In such an image, areas where there has
been little or no change (A) between the original images, will
have resultant brightness values around 127 (mid-grey tones), while those areas where
significant change has occurred (B) will have values higher or lower than 127 - brighter or
darker depending on the 'direction' of change in reflectance between the two images . This
type of image transform can be useful for mapping changes in urban development around
cities and for identifying areas where deforestation is occurring, as in this example.

Image division or spectral ratioing is one of the most common transforms applied to image
data. Image ratioing serves to highlight subtle variations in the spectral responses of various
surface covers. By ratioing the data from two different spectral bands, the resultant image
enhances variations in the slopes of the spectral reflectance curves between the two different
spectral ranges that may otherwise be masked by the pixel brightness variations in each of
the bands. The following example illustrates the concept of spectral ratioing. Healthy
vegetation reflects strongly in the near-infrared portion of the spectrum while absorbing
strongly in the visible red. Other surface types, such as soil and water, show near equal
reflectances in both the near-infrared and red portions. Thus, a ratio image of Landsat MSS
Band 7 (Near-Infrared - 0.8 to 1.1 mm) divided by Band 5 (Red - 0.6 to 0.7 mm) would result
in ratios much greater than 1.0 for vegetation, and ratios around 1.0 for soil and water. Thus
the discrimination of vegetation from other surface cover types is significantly enhanced. Also,
we may be better able to identify areas of unhealthy or stressed vegetation, which show low
near-infrared reflectance, as the ratios would be lower than for healthy green vegetation.

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Section 4.6 Image Transformations Page 159

Another benefit of spectral ratioing is that, because we are looking at relative values (i.e.
ratios) instead of absolute brightness values, variations in scene illumination as a result of
topographic effects are reduced. Thus, although the absolute reflectances for forest covered
slopes may vary depending on their orientation relative to the sun's illumination, the ratio of
their reflectances between the two bands should always be very similar. More complex ratios
involving the sums of and differences between spectral bands for various sensors, have been
developed for monitoring vegetation conditions. One widely used image transform is the
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) which has been used to monitor vegetation
conditions on continental and global scales using the Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor onboard the NOAA series of satellites (see Chapter 2, section

Different bands of multispectral data are often

highly correlated and thus contain similar
information. For example, Landsat MSS
Bands 4 and 5 (green and red, respectively)
typically have similar visual appearances since
reflectances for the same surface cover types
are almost equal. Image transformation
techniques based on complex processing of
the statistical characteristics of multi-band
data sets can be used to reduce this data
redundancy and correlation between bands.
One such transform is called principal components analysis. The objective of this
transformation is to reduce the dimensionality (i.e. the number of bands) in the data, and
compress as much of the information in the original bands into fewer bands. The "new" bands
that result from this statistical procedure are called components. This process attempts to
maximize (statistically) the amount of information (or variance) from the original data into the
least number of new components. As an example of the use of principal components analysis,
a seven band Thematic Mapper (TM) data set may be transformed such that the first three
principal components contain over 90 percent of the information in the original seven bands.
Interpretation and analysis of these three bands of data, combining them either visually or

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Section 4.6 Image Transformations Page 160

digitally, is simpler and more efficient than trying to use all of the original seven bands.
Principal components analysis, and other complex transforms, can be used either as an
enhancement technique to improve visual interpretation or to reduce the number of bands to
be used as input to digital classification procedures, discussed in the next section.

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Section 4.7 Image Classification and Analysis Page 161

4.7 Image Classification and Analysis

A human analyst attempting to classify features in an image uses the elements of visual
interpretation (discussed in section 4.2) to identify homogeneous groups of pixels which
represent various features or land cover classes of interest. Digital image classification
uses the spectral information represented by the digital numbers in one or more spectral
bands, and attempts to classify each individual pixel based on this spectral information. This
type of classification is termed spectral pattern recognition. In either case, the objective is
to assign all pixels in the image to particular classes or themes (e.g. water, coniferous forest,
deciduous forest, corn, wheat, etc.). The resulting classified image is comprised of a mosaic
of pixels, each of which belong to a particular theme, and is essentially a thematic "map" of
the original image.

When talking about classes, we need to distinguish between information classes and
spectral classes. Information classes are those categories of interest that the analyst is
actually trying to identify in the imagery, such as different kinds of crops, different forest types
or tree species, different geologic units or rock types, etc. Spectral classes are groups of
pixels that are uniform (or near-similar) with respect to their brightness values in the different
spectral channels of the data. The objective is to match the spectral classes in the data to the
information classes of interest. Rarely is there a simple one-to-one match between these two
types of classes. Rather, unique spectral classes may appear which do not necessarily
correspond to any information class of particular use or interest to the analyst. Alternatively, a
broad information class (e.g. forest) may contain a number of spectral sub-classes with
unique spectral variations. Using the forest example, spectral sub-classes may be due to
variations in age, species, and density, or perhaps as a result of shadowing or variations in
scene illumination. It is the analyst's job to decide on the utility of the different spectral classes
and their correspondence to useful information classes.

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Section 4.7 Image Classification and Analysis Page 162

Common classification procedures can be broken down

into two broad subdivisions based on the method used:
supervised classification and unsupervised
classification. In a supervised classification, the analyst
identifies in the imagery homogeneous representative
samples of the different surface cover types (information
classes) of interest. These samples are referred to as
training areas. The selection of appropriate training areas
is based on the analyst's familiarity with the geographical
area and their knowledge of the actual surface cover types
present in the image. Thus, the analyst is "supervising" the
categorization of a set of specific classes. The numerical information in all spectral bands for
the pixels comprising these areas are used to "train" the computer to recognize spectrally
similar areas for each class. The computer uses a special program or algorithm (of which
there are several variations), to determine the numerical "signatures" for each training class.
Once the computer has determined the signatures for each class, each pixel in the image is
compared to these signatures and labeled as the class it most closely "resembles" digitally.
Thus, in a supervised classification we are first identifying the information classes which are
then used to determine the spectral classes which represent them.

Unsupervised classification in essence reverses the supervised classification process.

Spectral classes are grouped first, based solely on the numerical information in the data, and
are then matched by the analyst to information classes (if possible). Programs, called
clustering algorithms, are used to determine the natural (statistical) groupings or structures
in the data. Usually, the analyst specifies how many groups or clusters are to be looked for in
the data. In addition to specifying the desired number of classes, the analyst may also specify
parameters related to the separation distance among the clusters and the variation within
each cluster. The final result of this iterative clustering process may result in some clusters

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Section 4.7 Image Classification and Analysis Page 163

that the analyst will want to subsequently combine, or clusters that should be broken down
further - each of these requiring a further application of the clustering algorithm. Thus,
unsupervised classification is not completely without human intervention. However, it does not
start with a pre-determined set of classes as in a supervised classification.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 4.8 Data Integration and Analysis Page 164

4.8 Data Integration and Analysis

In the early days of analog remote sensing when the only remote sensing data source was
aerial photography, the capability for integration of data from different sources was limited.
Today, with most data available in digital format from a wide array of sensors, data integration
is a common method used for interpretation and analysis. Data integration fundamentally
involves the combining or merging of data from multiple sources in an effort to extract better
and/or more information. This may include data that are multitemporal, multiresolution,
multisensor, or multi-data type in nature.

Multitemporal data integration has already been

alluded to in section 4.6 when we discussed image
subtraction. Imagery collected at different times is
integrated to identify areas of change. Multitemporal
change detection can be achieved through simple
methods such as these, or by other more complex
approaches such as multiple classification
comparisons or classifications using integrated
multitemporal data sets. Multiresolution data merging
is useful for a variety of applications. The merging of
data of a higher spatial resolution with data of lower
resolution can significantly sharpen the spatial detail
in an image and enhance the discrimination of features. SPOT data are well suited to this
approach as the 10 metre panchromatic data can be easily merged with the 20 metre
multispectral data. Additionally, the multispectral data serve to retain good spectral resolution
while the panchromatic data provide the improved spatial resolution.

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Section 4.8 Data Integration and Analysis Page 165

Data from different sensors may also be merged,

bringing in the concept of multisensor data fusion. An
excellent example of this technique is the combination
of multispectral optical data with radar imagery.
These two diverse spectral representations of the
surface can provide complementary information. The
optical data provide detailed spectral information useful
for discriminating between surface cover types, while
the radar imagery highlights the structural detail in the

Applications of multisensor data integration

generally require that the data be geometrically
registered, either to each other or to a common
geographic coordinate system or map base. This
also allows other ancillary (supplementary) data
sources to be integrated with the remote sensing
data. For example, elevation data in digital form,
called Digital Elevation or Digital Terrain Models
(DEMs/DTMs), may be combined with remote
sensing data for a variety of purposes. DEMs/DTMs
may be useful in image classification, as effects due to terrain and slope variability can be
corrected, potentially increasing the accuracy of the resultant classification. DEMs/DTMs are
also useful for generating three-dimensional perspective views by draping remote sensing
imagery over the elevation data, enhancing visualization of the area imaged.

Combining data of different types and from different sources,

such as we have described above, is the pinnacle of data
integration and analysis. In a digital environment where all the
data sources are geometrically registered to a common
geographic base, the potential for information extraction is
extremely wide. This is the concept for analysis within a digital
Geographical Information System (GIS) database. Any data
source which can be referenced spatially can be used in this
type of environment. A DEM/DTM is just one example of this
kind of data. Other examples could include digital maps of soil
type, land cover classes, forest species, road networks, and
many others, depending on the application. The results from a classification of a remote
sensing data set in map format, could also be used in a GIS as another data source to update
existing map data. In essence, by analyzing diverse data sets together, it is possible to extract
better and more accurate information in a synergistic manner than by using a single data
source alone. There are a myriad of potential applications and analyses possible for many
applications. In the next and final chapter, we will look at examples of various applications of
remote sensing data, many involving the integration of data from different sources.

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Section 4.9 Endnotes Page 166

4. Endnotes

4.9 Endnotes

You have just completed Chapter 4 - Image Interpretation and Analysis. You can continue
to Chapter 5 - Applications or first browse the CCRS Web site for other articles related to
Image Interpretation and Analysis.

By browsing the "Images of Canada"1, you can learn in detail about the visual elements of
interpretation and test yourself with a variety of remote sensing questions and answers.

We have a downloadable tutorial2 and exercise on the topic of digital images and digital
analysis techniques that makes a good start into this field.

See how the Intensity, Hue and Saturation (IHS) transformation, as applied to 3-D images are
used to help visualize terrain relief3. As well, an IHS transformation can also be used to
exploit the synergy of two different image data sets; in the case shown here, to study the
hydrogeology4 of an area. Image fusion5 of data from different sensors is well demonstrated
in an image of Canada's Capital - Ottawa.

Image compression is important for storage and transmission of large images. One
compression technique developed at CCRS uses multiscale methods6 to compress images
and reduce file size.

There are many other image manipulation / interpretation techniques demonstrated on the
CCRS Web site. You may also want to check our Remote Sensing Glossary for terms in the
"techniques"7 category.


Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 4 Did you Know Page 167

4. Did You Know?

4.2 Did You Know?

"...What will they think of next ?!..."

Remote sensing (image interpretation) has been used for archeological investigations.
Sometimes the 'impression' that a buried artifact, such as an ancient fort foundation, leaves
on the surface, can be detected and identified. That surface impression is typically very
subtle, so it helps to know the general area to be searched and the nature of the feature being
sought. It is also useful if the surface has not been disturbed much by human activities.

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Section 4 Did you Know? Page 168

4.3 Did You Know?

"...our standard operating procedure is..."

... the remote sensing industry and those associated with it have attempted to standardize the
way digital remote sensing data are formatted in order to make the exchange of data easier
and to standardize the way data can be read into different image analysis systems. The
Committee on Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS) have specified this format which is widely
used around the world for recording and exchanging data.

4.5 Did You Know?

An image 'enhancement' is basically anything that makes it easier or better to visually

interpret an image. In some cases, like 'low-pass filtering', the enhanced image can actually
look worse than the original, but such an enhancement was likely performed to help the
interpreter see low spatial frequency features among the usual high frequency clutter found in
an image. Also, an enhancement is performed for a specific application. This enhancement
may be inappropriate for another purpose, which would demand a different type of

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Section 4 Did you Know? Page 169

4.7 Did You Know?

"...this image has such lovely texture, don't you think?..."

...texture was identified as one of the key elements of visual interpretation (section 4.2),
particularly for radar image interpretation. Digital texture classifiers are also available and can
be an alternative (or assistance) to spectral classifiers. They typically perform a "moving
window" type of calculation, similar to those for spatial filtering, to estimate the "texture" based
on the variability of the pixel values under the window. Various textural measures can be
calculated to attempt to discriminate between and characterize the textural properties of
different features.

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Section 4.Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 170

4. Whiz Quiz and Answers

4.2 Whiz Quiz

Take a look at the aerial photograph above. Identify the following features in the image and
explain how you were able to do so based on the elements of visual interpretation described
in this section.

„ race track
„ river
„ roads
„ bridges
„ residential area
„ dam
4.2 Answers

„ The race track in the lower left of the image is quite easy to identify because of its
characteristic shape.
„ The river is also easy to identify due to its contrasting tone with the surrounding land
and also due to its shape.
„ The roads in the image are visible due to their shape (straight in many cases) and their
generally bright tone contrasting against the other darker features.
„ Bridges are identifiable based on their shape, tone, and association with the river - they
cross it!
„ Residential areas on the left hand side of the image and the upper right can be
identified by the pattern that they make in conjunction with the roads. Individual houses
and other buildings can also be identified as dark and light tones.
„ The dam in the river at the top center of the image can be identified based on its
contrasting tone with the dark river, its shape, and its association with the river - where
else would a dam be!

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Section 4 Whiz Quiz Page 171

4.3 Whiz Quiz

One 8-bit pixel takes up one single byte of computer disk space. One
kilobyte (Kb) is 1024 bytes. One megabyte (Mb) is 1024 kilobytes. How
many megabytes of computer disk space would be required to store an 8-bit
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image (7 bands), which is 6000 pixels by
6000 lines in dimension?
The answer is ...

4.3 Answers

If we have seven bands of TM data, each 6000 pixels by 6000 lines, and each pixel takes up
one byte of disk space, we have:

7 x 6000 x 6000 = 252,000,000 bytes of data

To convert this to kilobytes we need to divide by 1024, and to convert that answer to
megabytes we need to divide by 1024 again!

252,000,000 (1024 x 1024) = 240.33 megabytes

So, we would need over 240 megabytes of disk space just to hold one full TM image, let alone
analyze the imagery and create any new image variations! Needless to say, it takes a lot of
storage space and powerful computers to analyze the data from today's remote sensing

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Section 4 Whiz Quiz Page 172

4.4 Whiz Quiz

What would be the advantage of geometrically correcting an image to geographic coordinates

prior to further analysis and interpretation?

4.4 Answers

The advantage of geometrically correcting an image prior to further analysis and interpretation
is that it would then allow proper measurements of distances and areas to be made from
features in the image. This may be particularly useful in different applications where true
measurements are necessary, such as in urban mapping applications. Also, the geographic
locations of features could be determined. Once an image is geometrically registered to a
known geographic base, it can be combined with other mapped data in a digital environment
for further analysis. This is the concept of data integration which is discussed in section 4.8.

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Section 4 Whiz Quiz Page 173

4.7 Whiz Quiz

You want to perform a classification on a satellite image, but when examining its histogram,
you notice that the range of useful data is very narrow. Prior to attempting classification, would
you enhance the image with a linear contrast stretch?

4.7 Answer

An 'enhancement' of an image is done exclusively for visually appreciating and analyzing its
contents. An enhancement would not add anything useful, as far as the classification
algorithm is concerned. Another way of looking at this is: if two pixels have brightness values
ust one digital unit different, then it would be very difficult to notice this subtle difference by
eye. But for the computer, the difference is just as 'obvious' as if it was 100 times greater.

An enhanced version of the image may help in selecting 'training' sites (by eye), but you
would still perform the classification on the unenhanced version.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.1 Introduction Page 174

5. Applications

5.1 Introduction

As we learned in the section on sensors, each one was designed with a specific purpose.
With optical sensors, the design focuses on the spectral bands to be collected. With radar
imaging, the incidence angle and microwave band used plays an important role in defining
which applications the sensor is best suited for.

Each application itself has specific demands, for spectral resolution, spatial resolution, and
temporal resolution.

To review, spectral resolution refers to the width or range of each spectral band being
recorded. As an example, panchromatic imagery (sensing a broad range of all visible
wavelengths) will not be as sensitive to vegetation stress as a narrow band in the red
wavelengths, where chlorophyll strongly absorbs electromagnetic energy.

Spatial resolution refers to the discernible detail in the image. Detailed mapping of wetlands
requires far finer spatial resolution than does the regional mapping of physiographic areas.

Temporal resolution refers to the time interval between images. There are applications
requiring data repeatedly and often, such as oil spill, forest fire, and sea ice motion
monitoring. Some applications only require seasonal imaging (crop identification, forest insect
infestation, and wetland monitoring), and some need imaging only once (geology structural
mapping). Obviously, the most time-critical applications also demand fast turnaround for
image processing and delivery - getting useful imagery quickly into the user's hands.

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Section 5.1 Introduction Page 175

In a case where repeated imaging is required, the revisit frequency of a sensor is important
(how long before it can image the same spot on the Earth again) and the reliability of
successful data acquisition. Optical sensors have limitations in cloudy environments, where
the targets may be obscured from view. In some areas of the world, particularly the tropics,
this is virtually a permanent condition. Polar areas also suffer from inadequate solar
illumination, for months at a time. Radar provides reliable data, because the sensor provides
its own illumination, and has long wavelengths to penetrate cloud, smoke, and fog, ensuring
that the target won't be obscured by weather conditions, or poorly illuminated.

Often it takes more than a single sensor to adequately address all of the requirements for a
given application. The combined use of multiple sources of information is called integration.
Additional data that can aid in the analysis or interpretation of the data is termed "ancillary"

The applications of remote sensing described in this chapter are representative, but not
exhaustive. We do not touch, for instance, on the wide area of research and practical
application in weather and climate analysis, but focus on applications tied to the surface of the
Earth. The reader should also note that there are a number of other applications that are
practiced but are very specialized in nature, and not covered here (e.g. terrain trafficability
analysis, archeological investigations, route and utility corridor planning, etc.).

Multiple sources of information

Each band of information collected from a sensor contains important and unique data. We
know that different wavelengths of incident energy are affected differently by each target -
they are absorbed, reflected or transmitted in different proportions. The appearance of targets
can easily change over time, sometimes within seconds. In many applications, using
information from several different sources ensures that target identification or information
extraction is as accurate as possible. The following describe ways of obtaining far more
information about a target or area, than with one band from a sensor.

The use of multiple bands of spectral information attempts to exploit different and independent
"views" of the targets so as to make their identification as confident as possible. Studies have
been conducted to determine the optimum spectral bands for analyzing specific targets, such
as insect damaged trees.

Different sensors often provide complementary information, and when integrated together,
can facilitate interpretation and classification of imagery. Examples include combining high
resolution panchromatic imagery with coarse resolution multispectral imagery, or merging
actively and passively sensed data. A specific example is the integration of SAR imagery with
multispectral imagery. SAR data adds the expression of surficial topography and relief to an
otherwise flat image. The multispectral image contributes meaningful colour information about
the composition or cover of the land surface. This type of image is often used in geology,

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Section 5.1 Introduction Page 176

where lithology or mineral composition is represented by the spectral component, and the
structure is represented by the radar component.

Information from multiple images taken over a period of time is referred to as multitemporal
information. Multitemporal may refer to images taken days, weeks, or even years apart.
Monitoring land cover change or growth in urban areas requires images from different time
periods. Calibrated data, with careful controls on the quantitative aspect of the spectral or
backscatter response, is required for proper monitoring activities. With uncalibrated data, a
classification of the older image is compared to a classification from the recent image, and
changes in the class boundaries are delineated. Another valuable multitemporal tool is the
observation of vegetation phenology (how the vegetation changes throughout the growing
season), which requires data at frequent intervals throughout the growing season.

"Multitemporal information" is acquired from the interpretation of images taken over the same
area, but at different times. The time difference between the images is chosen so as to be
able to monitor some dynamic event. Some catastrophic events (landslides, floods, fires, etc.)
would need a time difference counted in days, while much slower-paced events (glacier melt,
forest regrowth, etc.) would require years. This type of application also requires consistency in
illumination conditions (solar angle or radar imaging geometry) to provide consistent and
comparable classification results.

The ultimate in critical (and quantitative) multitemporal analysis depends on calibrated data.
Only by relating the brightnesses seen in the image to physical units, can the images be
precisely compared, and thus the nature and magnitude of the observed changes be

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.2 Agriculture Page 177

5.2 Agriculture

Agriculture plays a dominant role in economies of both developed and undeveloped countries.
Whether agriculture represents a substantial trading industry for an economically strong
country or simply sustenance for a hungry, overpopulated one, it plays a significant role in
almost every nation. The production of food is important to everyone and producing food in a
cost-effective manner is the goal of every farmer, large-scale farm manager and regional
agricultural agency. A farmer needs to be informed to be efficient, and that includes having
the knowledge and information products to forge a viable strategy for farming operations.
These tools will help him understand the health of his crop, extent of infestation or stress
damage, or potential yield and soil conditions. Commodity brokers are also very interested in
how well farms are producing, as yield (both quantity and quality) estimates for all products
control price and worldwide trading.

Satellite and airborne images are used as mapping tools to

classify crops, examine their health and viability, and monitor
farming practices. Agricultural applications of remote sensing
include the following:

„ crop type classification

„ crop condition assessment
„ crop yield estimation
„ mapping of soil characteristics
„ mapping of soil management practices
„ compliance monitoring (farming practices)

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.2.1 Crop Type Mapping Page 178

5.2.1 Crop Type Mapping

Identifying and mapping crops is important for a number of reasons. Maps of crop type are
created by national and multinational agricultural agencies, insurance agencies, and regional
agricultural boards to prepare an inventory of what was grown in certain areas and when. This
serves the purpose of forecasting grain supplies (yield prediction), collecting crop production
statistics, facilitating crop rotation records, mapping soil productivity, identification of factors
influencing crop stress, assessment of crop damage due to storms and drought, and
monitoring farming activity.

Key activities include identifying the crop types and delineating their extent (often measured in
acres). Traditional methods of obtaining this information are census and ground surveying. In
order to standardize measurements however, particularly for multinational agencies and
consortiums, remote sensing can provide common data collection and information extraction

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing offers an efficient and reliable means of collecting the information required, in
order to map crop type and acreage. Besides providing a synoptic view, remote sensing can
provide structure information about the health of the vegetation. The spectral reflection of a
field will vary with respect to changes in the phenology (growth), stage type, and crop health,
and thus can be measured and monitored by multispectral sensors. Radar is sensitive to the
structure, alignment, and moisture content of the crop, and thus can provide complementary
information to the optical data. Combining the information from these two types of sensors
increases the information available for distinguishing each target class and its respective
signature, and thus there is a better chance of performing a more accurate classification.

Interpretations from remotely sensed data can be input to a geographic information system
(GIS) and crop rotation systems, and combined with ancillary data, to provide information of
ownership, management practices etc.

Data requirements
Crop identification and mapping benefit from the use of multitemporal imagery to facilitate
classification by taking into account changes in reflectance as a function of plant phenology
(stage of growth). This in turn requires calibrated sensors, and frequent repeat imaging
throughout the growing season. For example, crops like canola may be easier to identify when
they are flowering, because of both the spectral reflectance change, and the timing of the

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Section 5.2.1 Crop Type Mapping Page 179


Multisensor data are also valuable for increasing classification accuracies by contributing
more information than a sole sensor could provide. VIR sensing contributes information
relating to the chlorophyll content of the plants and the canopy structure, while radar provides
information relating to plant structure and moisture. In areas of persistent cloud cover or haze,
radar is an excellent tool for observing and distinguishing crop type due to its active sensing
capabilities and long wavelengths, capable of penetrating through atmospheric water vapour.

Canada vs. International

Although the principles of identifying crop type are the same, the scale of observation in
Europe and Southeast Asia is considerably smaller than in North America, primarily due to
smaller field parcel sizes. Cloud cover in Europe and tropical countries also usually limits the
feasibility of using high-resolution optical sensors. In these cases high-resolution radar would
have a strong contribution.

The sizable leaves of tropical agricultural crops (cocoa, banana, and oil palm) have distinct
radar signatures. Banana leaves in particular are characterized by bright backscatter
(represented by "B" in image). Monitoring stages of rice growth is a key application in tropical
areas, particularly Asian countries. Radar is very sensitive to surface roughness, and the
development of rice paddies provides a dramatic change in brightness from the low returns
from smooth water surfaces in flooded paddies , to the high return of the emergent rice crop.

Case study (example)

The countries involved in the European Communities (EC) are using remote sensing to help
fulfil the requirements and mandate of the EC Agricultural Policy, which is common to all

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.2.1 Crop Type Mapping Page 180

members. The requirements are to delineate, identify, and measure the extent of important
crops throughout Europe, and to provide an early forecast of production early in the season.
Standardized procedures for collecting this data are based on remote sensing technology,
developed and defined through the MARS project (Monitoring Agriculture by Remote

The project uses many types of remotely sensed data, from low resolution NOAA-AVHRR, to
high-resolution radar, and numerous sources of ancillary data. These data are used to classify
crop type over a regional scale to conduct regional inventories, assess vegetation condition,
estimate potential yield, and finally to predict similar statistics for other areas and compare
results. Multisource data such as VIR and radar were introduced into the project for increasing
classification accuracies. Radar provides very different information than the VIR sensors,
particularly vegetation structure, which proves valuable when attempting to differentiate
between crop type.

One the key applications within this project is the operational use of high resolution optical
and radar data to confirm conditions claimed by a farmer when he requests aid or
compensation. The use of remote sensing identifies potential areas of non-compliance or
suspicious circumstances, which can then be investigated by other, more direct methods.

As part of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), remote sensing data
supports the development and management of databases, which include cadastral
information, declared land use, and parcel measurement. This information is considered when
applications are received for area subsidies.

This is an example of a truly successfully operational crop identification and monitoring

application of remote sensing.

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Section 5.2.2 Crop Monitoring & Damage Assessment Page 181

5.2.2 Crop Monitoring & Damage Assessment

Assessment of the health of a crop, as well as early detection of crop infestations, is critical in
ensuring good agricultural productivity. Stress associated with, for example, moisture
deficiencies, insects, fungal and weed infestations, must be detected early enough to provide
an opportunity for the farmer to mitigate. This process requires that remote sensing imagery
be provided on a frequent basis (at a minimum, weekly) and be delivered to the farmer
quickly, usually within 2 days.

Also, crops do not generally grow evenly across the field and consequently crop yield can
vary greatly from one spot in the field to another. These growth differences may be a result of
soil nutrient deficiencies or other forms of stress. Remote sensing allows the farmer to identify
areas within a field which are experiencing difficulties, so that he can apply, for instance, the
correct type and amount of fertilizer, pesticide or herbicide. Using this approach, the farmer
not only improves the productivity from his land, but also reduces his farm input costs and
minimizes environmental impacts.

There are many people involved in the trading, pricing, and selling of crops that never actually
set foot in a field. They need information regarding crop health worldwide to set prices and to
negotiate trade agreements. Many of these people rely on products such as a crop
assessment index to compare growth rates and productivity between years and to see how
well each country's agricultural industry is producing. This type of information can also help
target locations of future problems, for instance the famine in Ethiopia in the late 1980's,
caused by a significant drought which destroyed many crops. Identifying such areas facilitates
in planning and directing humanitarian aid and relief efforts.

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing has a number of attributes that lend
themselves to monitoring the health of crops. One
advantage of optical (VIR) sensing is that it can see
beyond the visible wavelengths into the infrared, where
wavelengths are highly sensitive to crop vigour as well
as crop stress and crop damage. Remote sensing
imagery also gives the required spatial overview of the
land. Recent advances in communication and
technology allow a farmer to observe images of his
fields and make timely decisions about managing the
crops. Remote sensing can aid in identifying crops
affected by conditions that are too dry or wet, affected
by insect, weed or fungal infestations or weather
related damage. Images can be obtained throughout
the growing season to not only detect problems, but also to monitor the success of the
treatment. In the example image given here, a tornado has destroyed/damaged crops
southwest of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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Section 5.2.2 Crop Monitoring & Damage Assessment Page 182

Healthy vegetation contains large quantities of

chlorophyll, the substance that gives most
vegetation its distinctive green colour. In referring to
healthy crops, reflectance in the blue and red parts
of the spectrum is low since chlorophyll absorbs this
energy. In contrast, reflectance in the green and
near-infrared spectral regions is high. Stressed or
damaged crops experience a decrease in
chlorophyll content and changes to the internal leaf
structure. The reduction in chlorophyll content
results in a decrease in reflectance in the green
region and internal leaf damage results in a
decrease in near-infrared reflectance. These
reductions in green and infrared reflectance provide
early detection of crop stress. Examining the ratio of reflected infrared to red wavelengths is
an excellent measure of vegetation health. This is the premise behind some vegetation
indices, such as the normalized differential vegetation
index (NDVI) (Chapter 4). Healthy plants have a high NDVI
value because of their high reflectance of infrared light, and
relatively low reflectance of red light. Phenology and vigour
are the main factors in affecting NDVI. An excellent
example is the difference between irrigated crops and non-
irrigated land. The irrigated crops appear bright green in a
real-colour simulated image. The darker areas are dry
rangeland with minimal vegetation. In a CIR (colour
infrared simulated) image, where infrared reflectance is
displayed in red, the healthy vegetation appears bright red,
while the rangeland remains quite low in reflectance.

Examining variations in crop growth within one field is possible. Areas of consistently healthy
and vigorous crop would appear uniformly bright. Stressed vegetation would appear dark
amongst the brighter, healthier crop areas. If the data is georeferenced, and if the farmer has
a GPS (global position satellite) unit, he can find the exact area of the problem very quickly,
by matching the coordinates of his location to that on the image.

Data requirements
Detecting damage and monitoring crop health requires high-resolution imagery and
multispectral imaging capabilities. One of the most critical factors in making imagery useful to
farmers is a quick turnaround time from data acquisition to distribution of crop information.
Receiving an image that reflects crop conditions of two weeks earlier does not help real time
management nor damage mitigation. Images are also required at specific times during the
growing season, and on a frequent basis.

Remote sensing doesn't replace the field work performed by farmers to monitor their fields,
but it does direct them to the areas in need of immediate attention.

Canada vs. International

Efficient agricultural practices are a global concern, and other countries share many of the
same requirements as Canada in terms of monitoring crop health by means of remote
sensing. In many cases however, the scale of interest is smaller - smaller fields in Europe and
Asia dictate higher resolution systems and smaller areal coverage. Canada, the USA, and

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Section 5.2.2 Crop Monitoring & Damage Assessment Page 183

Russia, amongst others, have more expansive areas devoted to agriculture, and have
developed, or are in the process of developing crop information systems (see below). In this
situation, regional coverage and lower resolution data (say: 1km) can be used. The lower
resolution facilitates computer efficiency by minimizing storage space, processing efforts and
memory requirements.

As an example of an international crop monitoring application, date palms are the prospective
subject of an investigation to determine if remote sensing methods can detect damage from
the red palm weevil in the Middle East. In the Arabian Peninsula, dates are extremely popular
and date crops are one of the region's most important agricultural products. Infestation by the
weevil could quickly devastate the palm crops and swallow a commodity worth hundreds of
millions of dollars. Remote sensing techniques will be used to examine the health of the date
crops through spectral analysis of the vegetation. Infested areas appear yellow to the naked
eye, and will show a smaller near infrared reflectance and a higher red reflectance on the
remotely sensed image data than the healthy crop areas. Authorities are hoping to identify
areas of infestation and provide measures to eradicate the weevil and save the remaining
healthy crops.

Case study (example)

Canadian Crop Information System: A composite crop index map is created each week,
derived from composited NOAA-AVHRR data. Based on the NDVI, the index shows the health
of crops in the prairie regions of Manitoba through to Alberta. These indices are produced
weekly, and can be compared with indices of past years to compare crop growth and health.

In 1988, severe drought conditions were prevalent across the prairies. Using NDVI values
from NOAA AVHRR data, a drought area analysis determined the status of drought effects
on crops across the affected area. Red and yellow areas indicate those crops in a weakened
and stressed state, while green indicates healthy crop conditions. Note that most of the
healthy crops are those in the cooler locations, such as in the northern Alberta (Peace River)
and the higher elevations (western Alberta). Non-cropland areas (dry rangeland and forested
land) are indicated in black, within the analysis region.

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Section 5.3 Forestry Page 184

5.3 Forestry

Forests are a valuable resource providing food, shelter,

wildlife habitat, fuel, and daily supplies such as medicinal
ingredients and paper. Forests play an important role in
balancing the Earth's CO2 supply and exchange, acting as a
key link between the atmosphere, geosphere, and
hydrosphere. Tropical rainforests, in particular, house an
immense diversity of species, more capable of adapting to,
and therefore surviving, changing environmental conditions
than monoculture forests. This diversity also provides habitat
for numerous animal species and is an important source of
medicinal ingredients. The main issues concerning forest management are depletion due to
natural causes (fires and infestations) or human activity (clear-cutting, burning, land
conversion), and monitoring of health and growth for effective commercial exploitation and

Humans generally consider the products of

forests useful, rather than the forests
themselves, and so extracting wood is a wide-
spread and historical practice, virtually global in
scale. Depletion of forest resources has long
term effects on climate, soil conservation,
biodiversity, and hydrological regimes, and thus
is a vital concern of environmental monitoring
activities. Commercial forestry is an important
industry throughout the world. Forests are
cropped and re-harvested, and the new areas
continually sought for providing a new source of
lumber. With increasing pressure to conserve
native and virgin forest areas, and unsustainable forestry practices limiting the remaining
areas of potential cutting, the companies involved in extracting wood supplies need to be
more efficient, economical, and aware of sustainable forestry practices. Ensuring that there is
a healthy regeneration of trees where forests are extracted will ensure a future for the
commercial forestry firms, as well as adequate wood supplies to meet the demands of a
growing population.

Non-commercial sources of forest depletion

include removal for agriculture (pasture and
crops), urban development, droughts, desert
encroachment, loss of ground water, insect
damage, fire and other natural phenomena
(disease, typhoons). In some areas of the world,
particularly in the tropics, (rain) forests, are
covering what might be considered the most
valuable commodity - viable agricultural land.
Forests are burned or clear-cut to facilitate
access to, and use of, the land. This practice
often occurs when the perceived need for long
term sustainability is overwhelmed by short-term
sustenance goals. Not only are the depletion of species-rich forests a problem, affecting the
local and regional hydrological regime, the smoke caused by the burning trees pollutes the

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Section 5.3 Forestry Page 185

atmosphere, adding more CO2, and furthering the greenhouse effect.

Of course, monitoring the health of forests is crucial for sustainability and conservation issues.
Depletion of key species such as mangrove in environmentally sensitive coastline areas,
removal of key support or shade trees from a potential crop tree, or disappearance of a large
biota acting as a CO2 reservoir all affect humans and society in a negative way, and more
effort is being made to monitor and enforce regulations and plans to protect these areas.

International and domestic forestry applications where remote sensing can be utilized include
sustainable development, biodiversity, land title and tenure (cadastre), monitoring
deforestation, reforestation monitoring and managing, commercial logging operations,
shoreline and watershed protection, biophysical monitoring (wildlife habitat assessment), and
other environmental concerns.

General forest cover information is valuable to developing countries with limited previous
knowledge of their forestry resources. General cover type mapping, shoreline and watershed
mapping and monitoring for protection, monitoring of cutting practices and regeneration, and
forest fire/burn mapping are global needs which are currently being addressed by Canadian
and foreign agencies and companies employing remote sensing technology as part of their
information solutions in foreign markets.

Forestry applications of remote sensing include the following:

1) reconnaissance mapping:
Objectives to be met by national forest/environment agencies include forest
cover updating, depletion monitoring, and measuring biophysical properties of
forest stands.
z forest cover type discrimination
z agroforestry mapping

2) Commercial forestry:
Of importance to commercial forestry companies and to resource management
agencies are inventory and mapping applications: collecting harvest
information, updating of inventory information for timber supply, broad forest
type, vegetation density, and biomass measurements.
z clear cut mapping / regeneration assessment
z burn delineation
z infrastructure mapping / operations support
z forest inventory
z biomass estimation
z species inventory

3) Environmental monitoring
Conservation authorities are concerned with monitoring the quantity, health,
and diversity of the Earth's forests.
z deforestation (rainforest, mangrove colonies)
z species inventory
z watershed protection (riparian strips)
z coastal protection (mangrove forests)

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Section 5.3 Forestry Page 186

z forest health and vigour

Canadian requirements for forestry application information differ considerably from

international needs, due in part to contrasts in tree size, species diversity (monoculture vs.
species rich forest), and agroforestry practices. The level of accuracy and resolution of data
required to address respective forestry issues differs accordingly. Canadian agencies have
extensive a priori knowledge of their forestry resources and present inventory and mapping
needs are often capably addressed by available data sources.

For Canadian applications requirements, high accuracy (for accurate information content),
multispectral information, fine resolution, and data continuity are the most important. There
are requirements for large volumes of data, and reliable observations for seasonal coverage.
There is a need to balance spatial resolution with the required accuracy and costs of the data.
Resolution capabilities of 10 m to 30 m are deemed adequate for forest cover mapping,
identifying and monitoring clearcuts, burn and fire mapping, collecting forest harvest
information, and identifying general forest damage. Spatial coverage of 100 - 10000 km2 is
appropriate for district to provincial scale forest cover and clear cut mapping, whereas 1-100
km2 coverage is the most appropriate for site specific vegetation density and volume studies.

Tropical forest managers will be most concerned with having a reliable data source, capable
of imaging during critical time periods, and therefore unhindered by atmospheric conditions.

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Section 5.3.1 Clear Cut Mapping & Deforestation Page 187

5.3.1 Clear Cut Mapping & Deforestation

Deforestation is a global problem, with many implications. In industrialized Europe, pollution
(acid rain, soot and chemicals from factory smoke plumes) has damaged a large percentage
of forested land. In the former Czechoslovakia, one half of the forests are destroyed or
damaged from pollutants. Similar effects are felt in Germany, Poland, and even the
Scandinavian countries. In tropical countries, valuable rainforest is being destroyed in an
effort to clear potentially valuable agricultural and pasture land. This has resulted in huge
losses of tropical rainforest throughout Latin America (Central America, southern Mexico,
Haiti), South America (Brazil), Africa and Asia. In both Haiti and Madagascar in particular, the
results have been devastating. The loss of forests increases soil erosion, river siltation, and
deposition, affecting navigation, fisheries, wildlife habitat, and drinking water supplies, as well
as farming productivity and self-sufficiency.

Sensitive estuarine environments are protected by mangrove forest, which is cut or lost to
urban growth, aquaculture, or damaged by pollutants or siltation. Monitoring the health of this
forest is a step towards protecting the coastlines from erosion and degradation, and nearby
inland areas from flooding.

The loss of forests also affects the genetic diversity of species on Earth, which controls our
intrinsic ability to adapt to changing conditions and environment. Rainforests account for
approximately one half of the plant and animal species on Earth, and destroying large
sections will only serve to reduce the gene and species pool.

The rate and extent of deforestation, as well as monitoring regeneration, are the key
parameters measured by remote sensing methods.

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing brings together a multitude of tools to better analyze the scope and scale of
the deforestation problem. Multitemporal data provides for change detection analyses. Images
of earlier years are compared to recent scenes, to tangibly measure the differences in the
sizes and extents of the clearcuts or loss of forest. Data from a variety of sources are used to
provide complementary information. Radar, merged with optical data, can be used to
efficiently monitor the status of existing clearcuts or emergence of new ones, and even assess
regeneration condition. In countries where cutting is controlled and regulated, remote sensing
serves as a monitoring tool to ensure companies are following cut guidelines and

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Section 5.3.1 Clear Cut Mapping & Deforestation Page 188

High resolution data provide a detailed view of forest depletion, while radar can provide a view
that may otherwise be obscured by clouds. All remote sensing devices, however, provide a
view of often remote and inaccessible areas, where illegal cutting or damage could continue
unnoticed for long periods of time if aerial surveillance wasn't possible.

Data requirements
Global monitoring initiatives, such as rain forest depletion studies, depend on large area
coverage and data continuity, so it is important to use a sensor that will have successive
generations launched and operational. Clear cut mapping and monitoring also require regional
scale images and moderate or high resolution data depending on whether cuts are to be
simply detected or delineated. As for many multi-temporal applications, a higher resolution
image can be used to define the baseline, and coarser resolution images can be used to
monitor changes to that baseline.

Canada vs. International

Optical sensors are still preferred for clear cut mapping and monitoring in Canada because
forest vegetation, cuts, and regenerating vegetation have distinguishable spectral signatures,
and optical sensors can collect sufficient cloud-free data.

Comparison of photo (bottom)andSAR image (top)

of forest cuts along road.

Radar is more useful for applications in the humid tropics because its all weather imaging
capability is valuable for monitoring all types of depletion, including clear cuts, in areas prone
to cloudy conditions. Cuts can be defined on radar images because clear cuts produce less
backscatter than the forest canopy, and forest edges are enhanced by shadow and bright
backscatter. However, regenerating cuts are typically difficult to detect, as advanced
regeneration and mature forest canopy are not separable. Mangrove forests generally occur
in tropical coastal areas, which are prone to cloudy conditions, therefore a reliable monitoring
tool is required to successively measure the rate of forest depletion. Radar has been proven
to differentiate mangrove from other land covers, and some bands have long wavelengths
capable of penetrating cloud and rain. The only limitation is in differentiating different
mangrove species.

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Section 5.3.1 Clear Cut Mapping & Deforestation Page 189

Case study (example)

In Alberta, much of the province's forestland has been sold

to offshore investors who are interested in selling pulp and
paper products. Around the area of Whitecourt, clear cutting
of conifer forest has been occurring for decades. In recent
years however, the increasing demand for wood products
has accelerated the cutting of the forests, resulting in a
dissected and checkered landscape. Besides cutting for
wood supply, forest depletion is also occurring due to cuts
for seismic lines for oil and gas exploration and extraction.
Both optical and radar sensors have been used to monitor
the clear cuts and regeneration.

Optical and Radar scenes of forest clear cutting.

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Section 5.3.2 Species Identification & Typing Page 190

5.3.2 Species Identification & Typing

Forest cover typing and species identification are critical to both forest conservation managers and
forestry companies interested in their supply inventory. Forest cover typing can consist of
reconnaissance mapping over a large area, while species inventories are highly detailed measurements
of stand contents and characteristics (tree type, height, density).

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing provides a means of quickly identifying and delineating various forest types, a task that
would be difficult and time consuming using traditional ground surveys. Data is available at various
scales and resolutions to satisfy local or regional demands Large scale species identification can be
performed with multispectral, hyperspectral, or airphoto data, while small scale cover type delineation
can be performed by radar or multispectral data interpretation. Both imagery and the extracted
information can be incorporated into a GIS to further analyze or present with ancillary data, such as
slopes, ownership boundaries, or roads.

Hyperspectral imagery can provide a very high spatial resolution while capturing extremely fine
radiometric resolution data. This type of detailed spectral information can be used to generate signatures
of vegetation species and certain stresses (e.g. infestations) on trees. Hyperspectral data offers a unique
view of the forest cover, available only through remote sensing technology.

Data requirements
Requirements depend on the scale of study to be conducted. For regional reconnaissance mapping,
moderate area coverage, with a sensor sensitive to differences in forest cover (canopy texture, leaf
density, spectral reflection) is needed. Multitemporal datasets also contribute phenology information that
may aid in interpretation by incorporating the seasonal changes of different species.

For detailed species identification associated with forest stand analysis, very high resolution,
multispectral data is required. Being able to view the images in stereo helps in the delineation and
assessment of density, tree height, and species. In general, monitoring biophysical properties of forests
requires multispectral information and finely calibrated data.

Canada vs. International

Current sources of data used operationally for forest cover typing and species identification applications
within Canada are aerial photography, orthophotography, Landsat TM, and SPOT data. Landsat data are
the most appropriate for executing reconnaissance level forest surveys, while aerial photography and
digital orthophoto are the preferred data source for extracting stand and local inventory information.
Airphotos are the most appropriate operational data source for stand level measurements including
species typing. SAR sensors such as RADARSAT are useful where persistent cloud cover limits the
usefulness of optical sensors.

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Section 5.3.2 Species Identification & Typing Page 191

In humid tropical areas, forest resource assessments and measurements are difficult to obtain because
of cloudy conditions hindering conventional remote sensing efforts, and difficult terrain impeding ground
surveys. In this situation, reliability of data acquisition is more crucial than resolution or frequency of
imaging. An active sensor may be the only feasible source of data, and its reliability will facilitate regular
monitoring. Radar will serve this purpose, and an airborne sensor is sufficient for high resolution
requirements such as cover typing. This type of data can be used for a baseline map , while coarser
resolution data can provide updates to any changes in the baseline.

Case study (example)

Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Province of British Columbia, Canada

This is an example of the operational requirements and procedure for a provincial department involved in
a number of forestry applications using remote sensing technology.

The Inventory Branch is responsible for maintaining a database of Crown Land information concerning
historical, stand, and sustainable forest management information which is used for determining timber
volumes and annual allowable cuts. The inventory itself is performed every ten years with 1:15,000 scale
aerial photography, and updated with satellite imagery every two years.

The Inventory branch requires geocoded, terrain corrected data. For most studies, the branch currently
buys precision geocoded data, and for large scale mapping projects, they will cut costs by obtaining
systematic versus precision geocoded data. Further processing is done in-house on workstations. Some
location data are now being provided by the private sector, conducting field traverses with GPS (global
positioning system) data.

Present planimetric accuracy requirements are 20 m, but will be more demanding in the near future.
Airphotos and orthophotos meet requirements and are good for interpretation but are limited by expense.
Data continuity is important, as monitoring will be an ongoing operation. TM data for updating maps is
reasonable in cost and information content for interim monitoring.

Much of the updating in the Ministry of Forests is done with TM data, either brought digitally into a
MicroStation workstation to perform heads-up digitizing, or in transparency form with the image overlain
onto existing maps using a projection device. The Ministry of Forests is presently investigating the
potential of a number of data sources with various levels of processing applied, and integration
possibilities to assess accuracy versus cost relationships.

The Ministry of Forests in B.C. employs an expert system SHERI (System of Hierarchical Expert
Systems for Resource Inventories) to provide a link between remotely sensed data, GIS and growth and
yield modelling. The end to end information flow is complete with the generation of final products
including forest cover maps incorporating planimetric and administrative boundary information.

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Section 5.3.2 Species Identification & Typing Page 192

Case study (example)

Hyperspectral image and recent stem count from hyperspectral imagery

Forest companies use hyperspectral imagery to obtain stem counts , stand attributes, and for mapping of
land cover in the forest region of interest. These images depict a false colour hyperspectral image of a
Douglas fir forest on Vancouver Island at a resolution of 60 cm. The imagery was acquired in the fall of
1995 by the CASI (Compact Airborne Imaging Spectrometer). Attributes obtained from the imagery (a
subset is shown) include:

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Section 5.3.2 Species Identification & Typing Page 193

„ Stand Area (hectares) 9.0

„ Total number of trees 520
„ Tree density (stems/ha) 58
„ Crown closure (%) 12.46
„ Average tree crown area (sq m) 21.47

The corresponding land cover map contains the following classes:

„ Dark green: conifers

„ Green: lower branches
„ Light purple: gravel
„ Yellow: deciduous
„ Orange: dry ground cover
„ Red: wet ground cover
„ Blue (light): water
„ Blue (dark): deep or clear water

All imagery courtesy of MacMillan Bloedel and ITRES Research Limited.

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Section 5.3.3 Burn Mapping Page 194

5.3.3 Burn Mapping

Fire is part of the natural reproductive cycle of many forests revitalizing growth by opening
seeds and releasing nutrients from the soil. However, fires can also spread quickly and
threaten settlements and wildlife, eliminate timber supplies, and temporarily damage
conservation areas. Information is needed to help control the extent of fire, and to assess how
well the forest is recovering following a burn.

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing can be used to detect and monitor forest fires and the regrowth following a
fire. As a surveillance tool, routine sensing facilitates observing remote and inaccessible
areas, alerting monitoring agencies to the presence and extent of a fire. NOAA AVHRR
thermal data and GOES meteorological data can be used to delineate active fires and
remaining "hot-spots" when optical sensors are hindered by smoke, haze, and /or darkness.
Comparing burned areas to active fire areas provides information as to the rate and direction
of movement of the fire. Remote sensing data can also facilitate route planning for both
access to, and escape from, a fire, and supports logistics planning for fire fighting and
identifying areas not successfully recovering following a burn.

Years following a fire, updates on the health and regenerative status of an area can be
obtained by a single image, and multitemporal scenes can illustrate the progression of
vegetation from pioneer species back to a full forest cover.

Data requirements
While thermal data is best for detecting and mapping ongoing fires, multispectral (optical and
near-infrared) data are preferred for observing stages of growth and phenology in a previous
burn area. The relative ages and area extent of burned areas can be defined and delineated,
and health of the successive vegetation assessed and monitored. Moderate spatial coverage,
high to moderate resolution, and a low turnaround time are required for burn mapping. On the
other hand, fire detection and monitoring requires a large spatial coverage, moderate
resolution and a very quick turnaround to facilitate response.

Canadian vs. International

Requirements for burn mapping are the same, except where cloud cover precludes the used
of optical images. In this case, radar can be used to monitor previous burn areas, and is
effective from the second year following a burn, onwards.

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Section 5.3.3 Burn Mapping Page 195

Case study (example) Northwest Territory Burn

Burned and burning forest near Norman Wells, NWT

In the western Northwest Territories along the Mackenzie River, boreal forest covers much of
the landscape. Natives rely on the forests for hunting and trapping grounds, and the sensitive
northern soil and permafrost are protected from erosion by the forest cover. In the early
1990's a huge fire devastated the region immediately east of the Mackenzie and threatened
the town of Fort Norman, a native town south of Norman Wells.

The extent of the burned area, and the areas still burning, can be identified on this NOAA
scene, as dark regions (A). The lake in the upper right is Great Bear Lake, and the lake to the
lower right is Great Slave Lake. The distance represented by the yellow line is approximately
580 km. The course of the Mackenzie River can be seen to the left of these lakes. Fort
Norman (B) is located at the junction of the Mackenzie River and Great Bear River, leading
out of Great Bear Lake. At that location, the fire is on both sides of the river. Norman Wells (C)
is known as an oil producing area, and storage silos, oil rigs, homes, and the only commercial
airport in that part of the country were threatened. Fires in this region are difficult to access
because of the lack of roads into the region. Winter roads provide only seasonal access to
vehicles in this part of Canada. The small population base also makes it difficult to control, let
alone fight, a fire of this magnitude.

Haze and smoke reflect a large amount of energy at shorter wavelengths and appear as blue
on this image.

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Section 5.4 Geology Page 196

5.4 Geology

Geology involves the study of landforms, structures, and the subsurface, to understand
physical processes creating and modifying the earth's crust. It is most commonly understood
as the exploration and exploitation of mineral and hydrocarbon resources, generally to
improve the conditions and standard of living in society. Petroleum provides gas and oil for
vehicle transportation, aggregate and limestone quarrying (sand and gravel) provides
ingredients for concrete for paving and construction, potash mines contribute to fertilizer, coal
to energy production, precious metals and gems for jewelry, diamonds for drill bits, and
copper, zinc and assorted minerals for a variety of uses. Geology also includes the study of
potential hazards such as volcanoes, landslides, and earth quakes, and is thus a critical factor
for geotechnical studies relating to construction and engineering. Geological studies are not
limited to Earth - remote sensing has been used to examine the composition and structure of
other planets and moons.

Remote sensing is used as a tool to extract information about the land surface structure,
composition or subsurface, but is often combined with other data sources providing
complementary measurements. Multispectral data can provide information on lithology or rock
composition based on spectral reflectance. Radar provides an expression of surface
topography and roughness, and thus is extremely valuable, especially when integrated with
another data source to provide detailed relief.

Remote sensing is not limited to direct geology applications - it is also used to support
logistics, such as route planning for access into a mining area, reclamation monitoring, and
generating basemaps upon which geological data can be referenced or superimposed.

Geological applications of remote sensing include the following:

„ surficial deposit / bedrock mapping

„ lithological mapping
„ structural mapping
„ sand and gravel (aggregate) exploration/ exploitation
„ mineral exploration
„ hydrocarbon exploration
„ environmental geology
„ geobotany
„ baseline infrastructure

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Section 5.4 Geology Page 197

„ sedimentation mapping and monitoring

„ event mapping and monitoring
„ geo-hazard mapping
„ planetary mapping

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Section 5.4.1 Structural Mapping & Terrain Analysis Page 198

5.4.1 Structural Mapping & Terrain Analysis

Syncline structures (in Pennsylvania) on SAR imagery

Structural geology plays an important role in mineral and hydrocarbon exploration, and
potential hazard identification and monitoring.

Structural mapping is the identification and characterization of structural expression. Structures

include faults, folds, synclines and anticlines and lineaments. Understanding structures is the
key to interpreting crustal movements that have shaped the present terrain. Structures can
indicate potential locations of oil and gas reserves by characterizing both the underlying
subsurface geometry of rock units and the amount of crustal deformation and stress
experienced in a certain locale. Detailed examination of structure can be obtained by
geophysical techniques such as seismic surveying.

Structures are also examined for clues to crustal movement and potential hazards, such as
earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic activity. Identification of fault lines can facilitate land use
planning by limiting construction over potentially dangerous zones of seismic activity.

Why remote sensing?

A synoptic view of regional scale is a much
different perspective than point ground
observations when trying to map structural
elements. Remote sensing offers this perspective
and allows a geologist to examine other reference
ancillary data simultaneously and synergistically,
such as geo-magnetic information.

Certain remote sensing devices offer unique

information regarding structures, such as in the
relief expression offered by radar sensors.
Comparing surface expression to other geological
information may also allow patterns of association to be recognized. For instance, a rock unit
may be characterized by a particular radar texture which may also correlate with a high
magnetic intensity or geochemical anomaly. Remote sensing is most useful in combination, or
in synergy, with complementary datasets.

A benefit of side looking radar is that the illumination conditions can be controlled, and the most

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Section 5.4.1 Structural Mapping & Terrain Analysis Page 199

appropriate geometry used for type of terrain being examined. Uniform illumination conditions
provided by the sun, especially at equatorial latitudes, are usually not conducive to highlighting
relief features. An extra benefit of airborne SAR sensors is that acquisition missions can be
customized to orient the flightline parallel to the target orientation, to maximize the illumination
and shadow effect.

Data requirements
In areas where vegetation cover is dense, it is very difficult to detect structural features. A
heavy canopy will visually blanket the underlying formation, limiting the use of optical sensors
for this application. Radar however, is sensitive enough to topographic variation that it is able to
discern the structural expression reflected or mirrored in the tree top canopy, and therefore the
structure may be clearly defined on the radar imagery.

Structural analyses are conducted on regional scales, to provide a comprehensive look at the
extent of faults, lineaments and other structural features. Geologic features are typically large
(kilometre scale) and applications therefore require small-scale imagery to cover the extent of
the element of interest. Aerial photos can be used in temperate areas where large-scale
imagery is required, particularly to map potential geohazards (e.g. landslides).

Structural mapping applications generally are

not time sensitive (other than for project
deadlines!) and so a fast turnaround is not
required. Unless a time series analysis of
crustal deformation is being conducted,
frequency of imaging is not a critical issue
either. The key factor for remotely sensed
data are that they provide some information
on the spatial distribution and surficial relief of
the structural elements. Radar is well suited to
these requirements with its side-looking
configuration. Imaging with shallow incidence angles enhances surficial relief and structure.
Shadows can be used to help define the structure height and shape, and thus increasing the
shadow effect, while shallow incidence angles may benefit structural analysis.

Canadian vs. International requirements

Requirements for remote sensing parameters of structural features are fairly constant
throughout the world. Those areas of persistent cloud cover will benefit from radar imaging,
while areas at very high or low latitudes can benefit from low sun angles to highlight subtle
relief for optical imaging.

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Section 5.4.1 Structural Mapping & Terrain Analysis Page 200

Case study (example): Port Coldwell, Ontario: A case for SAR integration

The structural information provided by radar complements other spatial datasets. When
integrated together, SAR and spatial geological datasets provide a valuable source of
geological information. In this example, radioactivity information of the area of Port Coldwell,
Ontario, was provided by an airborne gamma-ray spectrometry survey, which collected
potassium, thorium, and uranium readings. This data is informative, but it is difficult to put the
information into perspective without the layout and recognizable characteristics of the
landscape. Airborne SAR image data was also acquired of the same region. The SAR image
is quite interesting in terms of micro-topography and structure, but does not provide any other
geo-technical information about the terrain. These two datasets were integrated, using an IHS
approach (intensity-hue- saturation to replace the conventional red-green-blue colour display).
The airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data are coded as the hue and saturation information,
while the SAR terrain information is coded as the intensity information. The resulting
integrated image is an excellent display of structural, relief, and natural radioactivity
information, allowing a geologist to have a comprehensive view of the data with only one

Integrated image (natural radioactivity and SAR) of Port Coldwell

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.4.2 Geologic Unit Mapping Page 201

5.4.2 Geologic Unit Mapping

Mapping geologic units consists primarily of identifying physiographic units and determining
the rock lithology or coarse stratigraphy of exposed units. These units or formations are
generally described by their age, lithology and thickness. Remote sensing can be used to
describe lithology by the colour, weathering and erosion characteristics (whether the rock is
resistant or recessive), drainage patterns, and thickness of bedding.

Unit mapping is useful in oil and mineral exploration, since these resources are often
associated with specific lithologies. Structures below the ground, which may be conducive to
trapping oil or hosting specific minerals, often manifest themselves on the Earth's surface. By
delineating the structures and identifying the associated lithologies, geologists can identify
locations that would most feasibly contain these resources, and target them for exploration.
Bedrock mapping is critical to engineering, construction, and mining operations, and can play
a role in land use and urban planning. Understanding the distribution and spatial relationships
of the units also facilitates interpretation of the geologic history of the Earth's surface.

In terms of remote sensing, these "lithostratigraphic" units can be delineated by their spectral
reflectance signatures, by the structure of the bedding planes, and by surface morphology.

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing gives the overview required to 1) construct regional unit maps, useful for
small scale analyses, and planning field traverses to sample and verify various units for
detailed mapping; and 2) understand the spatial distribution and surface relationships
between the units. VIR remote sensing provides the multispectral information relating to the
composition of the unit, while radar can contribute textural information. Multiple data sources
can also be integrated to provide a comprehensive view of the lithostratigraphy.

Stereo imagery can also facilitate delineation and identification of units by providing a three
dimensional view of the local relief. Some rocks are resistant to erosion, whereas others
erode easily. Identification elements such as weathering manifestations may be apparent on
high or medium resolution imagery and airphotos.

Images or airphotos can be taken into the field and used as basemaps for field analysis.

Data requirements
Two different scales of mapping require slightly different imaging sources and parameters.

1. For site specific analysis, airphotos provide a high resolution product that can provide
information on differential weathering, tone, and microdrainage. Photos may be easily
viewed in stereo to assess relief characteristics.
2. Regional overviews require large coverage area and moderate resolution. An excellent
data source for regional applications is a synergistic combination of radar and optical
images to highlight terrain and textural information.

In either case, frequency of imaging is not an issue since in many cases the geological
features of interest remain relatively static. Immediate turnaround is also not critical.

Canada vs. International

Requirements for this application do not differ significantly around the world. One of the

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Section 5.4.2 Geologic Unit Mapping Page 202

biggest problems faced by both temperate and tropical countries is that dense forest covers
much of the landscape. In these areas, geologists can use remote sensing to infer underlying
lithology by the condition of vegetation growing above it. This concept is called "geobotany".
The underlying principle is that the mineral and sedimentary constituents of the bedrock may
control or influence the condition of vegetation growing above.

In reality, the topography, structure, surficial

materials, and vegetation combine to facilitate
geologic unit interpretation and mapping. Optimal
use of remote sensing data therefore, is one that
integrates different sources of image data, such as
optical and radar, at a scale appropriate to the

Image example
Even once geological unit maps are created, they
can still be presented more informatively by
encompassing the textural information provided by
SAR data. A basic geological unit map can be made
more informative by adding textural and structural
information. In this example of the Sudbury, Ontario
region, an integration transform was used to merge
the map data (bedrock and structural geology
information, 1992) with the SAR image data. The
resulting image can be used on a local or regional
scale to detect structural trends within and between
units. The areas common to each image are outlined
in black.

Geological map and SAR data integrated

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Section 5.5 Hydrology Page 203

5.5 Hydrology

Hydrology is the study of water on the Earth's surface, whether flowing above ground, frozen
in ice or snow, or retained by soil. Hydrology is inherently related to many other applications of
remote sensing, particularly forestry, agriculture and land cover, since water is a vital
component in each of these disciplines. Most hydrological processes are dynamic, not only
between years, but also within and between seasons, and therefore require frequent
observations. Remote sensing offers a synoptic view of the spatial distribution and dynamics
of hydrological phenomena, often unattainable by traditional ground surveys. Radar has
brought a new dimension to hydrological studies with its active sensing capabilities, allowing
the time window of image acquisition to include inclement weather conditions or seasonal or
diurnal darkness.

Examples of hydrological applications include:

„ wetlands mapping and monitoring,

„ soil moisture estimation,
„ snow pack monitoring / delineation of extent,
„ measuring snow thickness,
„ determining snow-water equivalent,
„ river and lake ice monitoring,
„ flood mapping and monitoring,
„ glacier dynamics monitoring (surges, ablation)
„ river /delta change detection
„ drainage basin mapping and watershed modelling
„ irrigation canal leakage detection
„ irrigation scheduling

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.5.1 Flood Delineation & Mapping Page 204

5.5.1 Flood Delineation & Mapping

A natural phenomenon in the hydrological cycle is flooding. Flooding is necessary to replenish
soil fertility by periodically adding nutrients and fine grained sediment; however, it can also
cause loss of life, temporary destruction of animal habitat and permanent damage to urban
and rural infrastructure. Inland floods can result from disruption to natural or man-made dams,
catastrophic melting of ice and snow (jökulhlaups in Iceland), rain, river ice jams and / or
excessive runoff in the spring.

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing techniques are used to measure and monitor the areal extent of the flooded
areas , to efficiently target rescue efforts and to provide quantifiable estimates of the amount
of land and infrastructure affected. Incorporating remotely sensed data into a GIS allows for
quick calculations and assessments of water levels, damage, and areas facing potential flood
danger. Users of this type of data include flood forecast agencies, hydropower companies,
conservation authorities, city planning and emergency response departments, and insurance
companies (for flood compensation). The identification and mapping of floodplains,
abandoned river channels, and meanders are important for planning and transportation

Data requirements
Many of these users of remotely sensed data need the information during a crisis and
therefore require "near-real time turnaround". Turnaround time is less demanding for those
involved in hydrologic modelling, calibration/validation studies, damage assessment and the
planning of flood mitigation. Flooding conditions are relatively short term and generally occur
during inclement weather, so optical sensors, although typically having high information
content for this purpose, can not penetrate through the cloud cover to view the flooded region
below. For these reasons, active SAR sensors are particularly valuable for flood monitoring.
RADARSAT in particular offers a high turnaround interval, from when the data is acquired by
the sensor, to when the image is delivered to the user on the ground. The land / water

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Section 5.5.1 Flood Delineation & Mapping Page 205

interface is quite easily discriminated with SAR data, allowing the flood extent to be delineated
and mapped. The SAR data is most useful when integrated with a pre-flood image, to
highlight the flood-affected areas, and then presented in a GIS with cadastral and road
network information.

Canada vs. International

Requirements for this application are similar the world over. Flooding can affect many areas of
the world, whether coastal or inland, and many of the conditions for imaging are the same.
Radar provides excellent water/land discrimination and is reliable for imaging despite most
atmospheric limitations.

Case study (example):

In 1997, the worst Canadian flood of the 20th century inundated prairie fields and towns in the
states of Minnesota, North Dakota, and the Canadian province of Manitoba. By May 5th,
25,000 residents of Manitoba had been evacuated from their homes, with 10,000 more on
alert. The watershed of the Red River, flowing north from the United States into Canada,
received unusually high winter snowfalls and heavy precipitation in April. These factors,
combined with the northward flow into colder ground areas and very flat terrain beyond the
immediate floodplain, caused record flooding conditions, with tremendous damage to homes
and property, in addition to wildlife and livestock casualties. For weeks emergency response
teams, area residents, and the media monitored the extent of the flood, with some input from
remote sensing techniques. It is impossible to imagine the scale of flooding from a ground
perspective, and even video and photographs from aircraft are unable to show the full extent.
Spectacular satellite images however, have shown the river expand from a 200 m wide
ribbon, to a body of water measuring more than 40 km across. Towns protected by sand-bag
dikes, were dry islands in the midst of what was described as the "Red Sea". Many other
towns weren't as fortunate, and home and business owners were financially devastated by
their losses.

Insurance agents faced their own flood of claims for property, businesses, and crops ruined or
damaged by the Red River flood. To quickly assess who is eligible for compensation, the
insurance companies can rely on remotely sensed data to delineate the flood extent, and GIS
databases to immediately identify whose land was directly affected. City and town planners
could also use the images to study potential locations for future dike reinforcement and
construction, as well as residential planning.

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Section 5.5.1 Flood Delineation & Mapping Page 206


captured the scale and extent of the flood. The
AVHRR sensors onboard the NOAA satellites
provided small-scale views of the entire flood area
from Lakes Manitoba and Winnipeg south to the
North Dakota - South Dakota border. Some of the
best images are those taken at night in the thermal
infrared wavelengths, where the cooler land appears
dark and the warmer water (A) appears white.
Manmade dikes, such as the Brunkild Dike (B), were
quickly built to prevent the flow of water into southern
Winnipeg. Dikes are apparent on the image as very regular straight boundaries between the
land and floodwater. Although the city of Winnipeg (C) is not clearly defined, the Winnipeg
floodway (D) immediately to the east, paralleling the Red River at the northeast end of the
flood waters, is visible since it is full of water. The floodway was designed to divert excess
water flow from the Red River outside of the city limits. In this case, the volume of water was
simply too great for the floodway to carry it all, and much of the flow backed up and spread
across the prairie.

RADARSAT provided some excellent views of the

flood, because of its ability to image in darkness or
cloudy weather conditions, and its sensitivity to the
land/water differences. In this image, the flood water
(A) completely surrounds the town of Morris (B),
visible as a bright patch within the dark flood water.
The flooded areas appear dark on radar imagery
because very little of the incident microwave energy
directed toward the smooth water surface returns
back to the sensor. The town however, has many
angular (corner) reflectors primarily in the form of
buildings, which cause the incident energy to
"bounce" back to the sensor.

Transportation routes can still be observed. A railroad, on its raised bed, can be seen amidst
the water just above (C), trending southwest - northeast. Farmland relatively unaffected by the
flood (D) is quite variable in its backscatter response. This is due to differences in each field's
soil moisture and surface roughness.

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Section 5.5.2 Soil Moisture Page 207

5.5.2 Soil Moisture

Soil moisture is an important measure in determining crop yield potential in Canada and in
drought-affected parts of the world (Africa) and for watershed modelling. The moisture content
generally refers to the water contained in the upper 1-2m of soil, which can potentially
evaporate into the atmosphere. Early detection of dry conditions which could lead to crop
damage, or are indicative of potential drought, is important for amelioration efforts and
forecasting potential crop yields, which in turn can serve to warn farmers, prepare
humanitarian aid to affected areas, or give international commodities traders a competitive
advantage. Soil moisture conditions may also serve as a warning for subsequent flooding if
the soil has become too saturated to hold any further runoff or precipitation. Soil moisture
content is an important parameter in watershed modelling that ultimately provides information
on hydroelectric and irrigation capacity. In areas of active deforestation, soil moisture
estimates help predict amounts of run-off, evaporation rates, and soil erosion.

Why remote sensing? Remote sensing offers a means of measuring soil moisture across a
wide area instead of at discrete point locations that are inherent with ground measurements.
RADAR is effective for obtaining qualitative imagery and quantitative measurements, because
radar backscatter response is affected by soil moisture, in addition to topography, surface
roughness and amount and type of vegetative cover. Keeping the latter elements static,
multitemporal radar images can show the change in soil moisture over time. The radar is
actually sensitive to the soil's dielectric constant, a property that changes in response to the
amount of water in the soil.

Users of soil moisture information from remotely sensed data include agricultural marketing
and administrative boards, commodity brokers, large scale farming managers, conservation
authorities, and hydroelectric power producers.

Data requirements
Obviously, a sensor must be sensitive to moisture conditions, and radar satisfies this
requirement better than optical sensors. Frequent and regular (repeated) imaging is required
during the growing season to follow the change in moisture conditions, and a quick turnaround
is required for a farmer to respond to unsuitable conditions (excessive moisture or dryness) in
a timely manner. Using high resolution images, a farmer can target irrigation efforts more
accurately. Regional coverage allows an overview of soil and growing conditions of interest to
agricultural agencies and authorities.

Canada vs. International

Data requirements to address this application are similar around the world, except that higher
resolution data may be necessary in areas such as Europe and Southeast Asia, where field
and land parcel sizes are substantially smaller than in North America.

Case Study (example)

Rainfall distribution , Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada

As with most Canadian prairie provinces, the topography of Saskatchewan is quite flat. The
region is dominated by black and brown chernozemic soil characterized by a thick dark
organic horizon, ideal for growing cereal crops such as wheat. More recently, canola has been
introduced as an alternative to cereal crops.

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Section 5.5.2 Soil Moisture Page 208

Shown here is a radar image acquired July 7, 1992 by the European Space Agency (ESA)
ERS-1 satellite. This synoptic image of an area near Melfort, Saskatchewan details the effects
of a localized precipitation event on the microwave backscatter recorded by the sensor. Areas
where precipitation has recently occurred can be seen as a bright tone (bottom half) and
those areas unaffected by the event generally appear darker (upper half). This is a result of
the complex dielectric constant which is a measure of the electrical properties of surface
materials. The dielectric property of a material influences its ability to absorb microwave
energy, and therefore critically affects the scattering of microwave energy.

The magnitude of the radar backscatter is proportional to the dielectric constant of the
surface. For dry, naturally occurring materials, this is in the range of 3 - 8 , and may reach
values as high as 80 for wet surfaces. Therefore the amount of moisture in the surface
material directly affects the amount of backscattering. For example, the lower the dielectric
constant, the more incident energy is absorbed, the darker the object will be on the image.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.6 Sea Ice Page 209

5.6 Sea Ice

For people living in northern environments, ice is a common phenomenon that affects our
local activities. Most of us however, don't consider its larger regional or global implications. Ice
covers a substantial part of the Earth's surface and is a major factor in commercial shipping
and fishing industries, Coast Guard and construction operations, and global climate change
studies. Polar sea ice seasonally covers an even larger area, roughly equal in size to the
North American continent, 25 million km².

Its extensive distribution means that sea ice plays a large role in the albedo of the earth.
Albedo is a term referring to the measure of reflectivity of the Earth's surface. Ice and snow
are highly reflective and changes in their distribution would affect how much solar energy is
absorbed by the earth. Under warming conditions, the ice would melt, and less incoming
energy would be reflected, thereby potentially increasing the warming trend. The opposite
may also be true - an increase of ice due to cooler conditions would reflect even more of the
incoming solar energy, potentially propagating even colder conditions. Of course these
potential changes in sea ice distribution are of concern to scientists studying global climate
change, as are sea ice interactions with the ocean and atmosphere.

During winter in the northern hemisphere, ice creates a substantial barrier to both lake and
ocean going vessels trying to reach ports or navigating along coastlines. Ice floes, pack ice
and icebergs create potential hazards to navigation, while landfast ice hinders access to the
shore. Ice breakers are often used to create routes for ships to follow from the open water to
their ports. In Canada, two important locations for this type of operation are the Gulf of St.
Lawrence /Great Lakes and the Canadian Arctic. The Gulf is the main route for international
cargo vessels headed for Montreal and Québec, and is affected by ice through the winter and
spring. Canada's Arctic is home to mineral and hydrocarbon reserves that require shipping for
construction equipment, supplies, and transport of resources to refineries and populated
markets. In addition, the main method of re-supply for northern communities is by sea. In both
areas, information regarding ice conditions, type, concentration and movement are required.

To address these demands, ice analysis charts, daily ice hazard bulletins, seasonal forecasts,
and tactical support for observation are provided. In Canada, the Canadian Ice Service is
responsible for acquiring and distributing this information and appropriate products. They also
maintain an ice information archive which contains useful data for environmental impact
assessments, risk assessment, short-term and seasonal route planning for ships, efficient
resource transportation and infrastructure development.

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Section 5.6 Sea Ice Page 210

Remote sensing data can be used to identify and map different ice types, locate leads (large
navigable cracks in the ice), and monitor ice movement. With current technology, this
information can be passed to the client in a very short timeframe from acquisition. Users of
this type of information include the Coast Guard, port authorities, commercial shipping and
fishing industries, ship builders, resource managers (oil and gas / mining), infrastructure
construction companies and environmental consultants, marine insurance agents, scientists,
and commercial tour operators.

Examples of sea ice information and applications include:

„ ice concentration
„ ice type / age /motion
„ iceberg detection and tracking
„ surface topography
„ tactical identification of leads: navigation: safe shipping routes/rescue
„ ice condition (state of decay)
„ historical ice and iceberg conditions and dynamics for planning purposes
„ wildlife habitat
„ pollution monitoring
„ meteorological / global change research

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Section 5.6.1 Ice type and concentration Page 211

5.6.1 Ice type and concentration

Ships navigating through high latitude seas (both northern and southern) are often faced with
obstacles of pack ice and moving ice floes. Ice breakers are designed to facilitate travel in
these areas, but they require knowledge about the most efficient and effective route through
the ice. It is important to know the extent of the ice, what type of ice it is, and the
concentration and distribution of each type. This information is also valuable for offshore
exploration and construction activities, as well as coastal development planning.

Ice isn't simply ice!

Sea ice isn't a uniform, homogeneous unit. What appears to be a single cover of ice can vary
in roughness, strength, salinity, and thickness. Pack ice and ice floes consist of assemblages
of different ice types patchworked together, intersected by dynamic leads or cracks. Ice is
usually defined by its age - either as new, first-year or multi-year ice. New ice is smooth and
relatively thin (5-30 cm)and provides the least resistance to ice breakers . First year ice is
older and thicker than new ice (30-200cm) and can pose a significant hazard to all vessels,
including icebreakers. When deformed into rubble fields and ridges, first year ice types can
become impassable. Ice that survives into a second and later years, generally becomes
thicker (>2m) and declines in salinity, increasing the internal strength. This ice is a dangerous
hazard to ships and off-shore structures. Ice charts are maps of different ice types and
concentration of ice, which are distributed to those working in marine environments where ice
affects their operations.

Why remote sensing?

Observing ice conditions is best from a ground perspective, but this doesn't allow for
determining the extent or distribution of the ice. Remote sensing from airborne or spaceborne
sensors provides this very valuable view. The areas of ice can be easily mapped from an
image, and when georeferenced, provide a useful information source. Remote sensing
technology is capable of providing enough information for an analyst to identify ice type (and
thus infer ice thickness), and from this data, ice charts can be created and distributed to those
who require the information.

Active radar is an excellent sensor to observe ice conditions because the microwave energy
and imaging geometry combines to provide measures of both surface and internal
characteristics. Backscatter is influenced by dielectric properties of the ice (in turn dependent

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Section 5.6.1 Ice type and concentration Page 212

on salinity and temperature), surface factors (roughness, snow cover) and internal geometry /
microstructure. Surface texture is the main contributor to the radar backscatter and it is this
characteristic which is used to infer ice age and thickness. New ice tends to have a low return
and therefore dark appearance on the imagery due to the specular reflection of incident
energy off the smooth surface. First year ice can have a wide variety of brightness depending
on the degree of roughness caused by ridging and rubbing. Multi-year ice has a bright return
due to diffuse scattering from its low salinity, and porous structure.

Coarse resolution optical sensors such as NOAA's AVHRR provide an excellent overview of
pack ice extent if atmospheric conditions are optimal (resolution = 1km).

Passive microwave sensing also has a role in sea ice applications. Objects (including people!)
emit small amounts of microwave radiation, which can be detected by sensors. Sea ice and
water emit substantially different amounts of radiation, so it is relatively easy to delineate the
interface between the two. The SSM/I onboard the shuttle collected data in this manner. The
main drawback of passive microwave sensors is their poor spatial resolution (approx. 25km)
which is too coarse for tactical ice navigation.

Data requirements
Ocean ice occurs in extreme latitudes - the high Arctic and Antarctica. But ice also covers
prime sea and lake shipping routes in northern countries, particularly Canada, Russia, Japan
and northern European and Scandinavian countries. High latitude areas experience low solar
illumination conditions in the winter when the ice is at a maximum. This has traditionally
hindered remote sensing effectiveness, until the operationalization of radar sensors. The all
weather / day - night, capabilities of SAR systems, makes radar remote sensing the most
useful for ice type and concentration mapping.

To provide sufficient information for navigation purposes, the data must be captured
frequently and must be processed and ready for use within a very short time frame. High
resolution data covering 1-50 km is useful for immediate ship navigation, whereas coarse
resolution (1-50km), large area coverage (100 - 2000km²) images are more useful for regional
strategic route planning. For navigation purposes, the value of this information has a limited
time window. However, for playing a role in increasing our knowledge about climate dynamics
and ice as an indicator of global climate change, the data has long term value.

RADARSAT has orbital parameters and a radar sensor designed to address the demands of
the ice applications community. The Arctic area is covered once a day by RADARSAT and
systems are in place to efficiently download the data direct from the ground processing station
right to the vessel requiring the information, in a time frame of four hours. Airborne radar
sensors are also useful for targeting specific areas and providing high resolution imagery
unavailable from commercial spaceborne systems. Airborne radar is more expensive but has
the benefit of directly targetting the area of interest, which may be important for time critical
information, such as tactical navigation in dynamic ice. Winter is the preferred season for
acquiring radar scenes for ice typing. Melting and wet conditions reduce the contrast between
ice types which makes information extraction more difficult.

Future remote sensing devices are planned to provide comprehensive measurements of sea
ice extent.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.6.2 Ice motion Page 213

5.6.2 Ice motion

Ice moves quickly and sometimes unpredictably in response to ocean currents and wind. Ice
floes can move like tectonic plates, sometimes breaking apart like a rift valley or colliding in a
style similar to the Indian and Asian plates, creating a smaller version of the Himalayan
Mountains - a series of ridges and blocky ice rubble. Vessels can be trapped or damaged by
the pressure resulting from these moving ice floes. Even offshore structures can be damaged
by the strength and momentum of moving ice. For these reasons it is important to understand
the ice dynamics in areas of construction or in the vicinity of a shipping/fishing route.

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing gives a tangible measure of direction and rate of ice movement through
mapping and change detection techniques. Ice floes actually have individual morphological
characteristics (shape, structures) that allow them to be distinguished from one another. The
floes can be mapped and their movement monitored to facilitate in planning optimum shipping
routes, to predict the effect of ice movement on standing structures (bridges, platforms).Users
of this type of information include the shipping, fishing, and tourism industries, as well as
engineers involved in offshore platform and bridge design and maintenance.

Data requirements
Monitoring of ice movement requires frequent and reliable imaging. The revisit interval must
be frequent enough to follow identifiable features before tracking becomes difficult due to
excessive movement or change in appearance. Active microwave sensing (radar) provides a
reliable source of imaging under all weather and illumination conditions. RADARSAT provides
this type of sensor and is a spaceborne platform, which is advantageous for routine imaging
operations. The orbital path ensures that Arctic areas are covered daily which meets the
requirement for frequent imaging.

The resolution and imaging frequency requirements for ice motion tracking vary with the size
of floes and the ice dynamics in a region. In areas of large slow moving floes (e.g. Beaufort
Sea), 1km resolution data over 10 day intervals is adequate. In dynamic marginal ice zones
(e.g. Gulf of St. Lawrence), 100m resolution data over 12-24 hr intervals is required.

Case study (example)

The significance of the force and potential effect of ice movement was brought to light recently
with the design and construction of the Confederation Bridge, a 13km link from Prince Edward
Island, in Canada's Maritimes, across Northumberland Strait to New Brunswick on Canada's
mainland. Crossing a strait that endures ice floes moving in response to winds, currents and
tides through a narrow arm of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the bridge will have to withstand
tremendous forces from moving ice impacting its supports.

"More effort was spent related to the ice engineering aspect of this bridge
than probably on any other [similar] structure that has ever been built" Dr.
Gus Cammaert

Ice floes in Northumberland Strait are dynamic due to oceanic and atmospheric forces, yet
constricted in their movement. The result is compression collisions creating large rubbly ice
masses that extend vertically above and below the water level up to 20 m1 (each direction).
These ice masses have the potential of critically damaging any structure impeding its
movement back and forth in the strait. The design and engineering of the bridge had to take

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Section 5.6.2 Ice motion Page 214

into account both the thickness and actual constant movement of the ice. Ice information
archived at the Canadian Ice Service contributed to the understanding of the ice dynamics in
the strait, and its tensile properties, critical for setting engineering parameters.

During construction, a radar image of the bridge site was obtained to observe the impact of
the bridge supports on the flow of ice around the site. Due to the design of the supports, which
are cone-shaped at the waterline to help bend and break the ice, the ice cracked and flowed
around the supports. This is one image where ice movement can be inferred from a single
image and does not require multi-temporal scenes. In the image, the ice can be seen flowing
from bottom to the top with the wakes of rubble created by the bridge supports clearly

Remote sensing will be used to monitor the effect of the bridge on the ice movement and
ensure that ice build up isn't occurring beyond expectations. As exemplified in the image, the
bridge will have an impact on the ice dynamics, by breaking up large floes into smaller pieces
which may accumulate on the shore in piles. This effect will be monitored, as will any
subsequent effects on microclimate, which might affect the agriculture or fishing industries of

Bridge web site:

Reference: Thurston, H., 1997. Strait Across, Canadian Geographic, Vol. 117, No.2, March-
April 1997.

For more information on ice applications:

Canadian Ice Service, Environment Canada:

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.7 Land Cover & Land Use Page 215

5.7 Land Cover & Land Use

Although the terms land cover and land use are often used interchangeably, their actual
meanings are quite distinct. Land cover refers to the surface cover on the ground, whether
vegetation, urban infrastructure, water, bare soil or other. Identifying, delineating and mapping
land cover is important for global monitoring studies, resource management, and planning
activities. Identification of land cover establishes the baseline from which monitoring activities
(change detection) can be performed, and provides the ground cover information for baseline
thematic maps.

Land use refers to the purpose the land serves, for example, recreation, wildlife habitat, or
agriculture. Land use applications involve both baseline mapping and subsequent monitoring,
since timely information is required to know what current quantity of land is in what type of use
and to identify the land use changes from year to year. This knowledge will help develop
strategies to balance conservation, conflicting uses, and developmental pressures. Issues
driving land use studies include the removal or disturbance of productive land, urban
encroachment, and depletion of forests.

It is important to distinguish this difference between land cover and land use, and the
information that can be ascertained from each. The properties measured with remote sensing
techniques relate to land cover, from which land use can be inferred, particularly with ancillary
data or a priori knowledge.

Land cover / use studies are multidisciplinary in nature, and thus the participants involved in
such work are numerous and varied, ranging from international wildlife and conservation
foundations, to government researchers, and forestry companies. Regional (in Canada,
provincial) government agencies have an operational need for land cover inventory and land
use monitoring, as it is within their mandate to manage the natural resources of their
respective regions. In addition to facilitating sustainable management of the land, land cover
and use information may be used for planning, monitoring, and evaluation of development,
industrial activity, or reclamation. Detection of long term changes in land cover may reveal a
response to a shift in local or regional climatic conditions, the basis of terrestrial global

Ongoing negotiations of aboriginal land claims have generated a need for more stringent

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.7 Land Cover & Land Use Page 216

knowledge of land information in those areas, ranging from cartographic to thematic


Resource managers involved in parks, oil, timber, and mining companies, are concerned with
both land use and land cover, as are local resource inventory or natural resource agencies.
Changes in land cover will be examined by environmental monitoring researchers,
conservation authorities, and departments of municipal affairs, with interests varying from tax
assessment to reconnaissance vegetation mapping. Governments are also concerned with
the general protection of national resources, and become involved in publicly sensitive
activities involving land use conflicts.

Land use applications of remote sensing include the following:

„ natural resource management

„ wildlife habitat protection
„ baseline mapping for GIS input
„ urban expansion / encroachment
„ routing and logistics planning for seismic / exploration / resource extraction activities
„ damage delineation (tornadoes, flooding, volcanic, seismic, fire)
„ legal boundaries for tax and property evaluation
„ target detection - identification of landing strips, roads, clearings, bridges, land/water

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.7.1 Land Use Change (Rural / Urban) Page 217

5.7.1 Land Use Change (Rural / Urban)

As the Earth's population increases and national economies continue to move away from
agriculture based systems, cities will grow and spread. The urban sprawl often infringes upon
viable agricultural or productive forest land, neither of which can resist or deflect the
overwhelming momentum of urbanization. City growth is an indicator of industrialization
(development) and generally has a negative impact on the environmental health of a region.

The change in land use from rural to urban is monitored to estimate populations, predict and
plan direction of urban sprawl for developers, and monitor adjacent environmentally sensitive
areas or hazards. Temporary refugee settlements and tent cities can be monitored and
population amounts and densities estimated.

Analyzing agricultural vs. urban land use is important for ensuring that development does not
encroach on valuable agricultural land, and to likewise ensure that agriculture is occurring on
the most appropriate land and will not degrade due to improper adjacent development or

Why remote sensing?

With multi-temporal analyses, remote sensing gives a unique perspective of how cities evolve.
The key element for mapping rural to urban landuse change is the ability to discriminate
between rural uses (farming, pasture forests) and urban use (residential, commercial,
recreational). Remote sensing methods can be employed to classify types of land use in a
practical, economical and repetitive fashion, over large areas.

Data requirements
Requirements for rural / urban change detection and mapping applications are 1) high
resolution to obtain detailed information, and 2) multispectral optical data to make fine
distinction among various land use classes.

Sensors operating in the visible and infrared portion of the spectrum are the most useful data
sources for land use analysis. While many urban features can be detected on radar and other
imagery (usually because of high reflectivity), VIR data at high resolution permits fine
distinction among more subtle land cover/use classes. This would permit a confident
identification of the urban fringe and the transition to rural land usage. Optical imagery
acquired during winter months is also useful for roughly delineating urban areas vs. non-
urban. Cities appear in dramatic contrast to smooth textured snow covered fields.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.7.1 Land Use Change (Rural / Urban) Page 218

Radar sensors also have some use for all urban/rural delineation applications, due to the
ability of the imaging geometry to enhance anthropogenic features, such as buildings, in the
manner of corner reflectors. The optimum geometric arrangement between the sensor and
urban area is an orientation of linear features parallel to the sensor movement, perpendicular
to the incoming incident EM energy.

Generally, this type of application does not require a high turnaround rate, or a frequent
acquisition schedule.

Canada vs. International

Throughout the world, requirements for rural/urban delineation will differ according to the
prevalent atmospheric conditions. Areas with frequently cloudy skies may require the
penetrating ability of radar, while areas with clear conditions can use airphoto, optical satellite
or radar data. While the land use practices for both rural and urban areas will be significantly
different in various parts of the world, the requirement for remote sensing techniques to be
applied (other than the cloud-cover issue) will be primarily the need for fine spatial detail.

Case study (example)

This image of land cover change provides
multitemporal information in the form of urban growth
mapping. The colours represent urban land cover for
two different years. The green delineates those
areas of urban cover in 1973, and the pink, urban
areas for 1985. This image dramatically shows the
change in expansion of existing urban areas, and the
clearing of new land for settlements over a 12 year
period. This type of information would be used for
upgrading government services, planning for
increased transportation routes, etc.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.7.2 Land Cover / Biomass Mapping Page 219

5.7.2 Land Cover / Biomass Mapping

Land cover mapping serves as a basic inventory of land resources for all levels of
government, environmental agencies, and private industry throughout the world. Whether
regional or local in scope, remote sensing offers a means of acquiring and presenting land
cover data in a timely manner. Land cover includes everything from crop type, ice and snow,
to major biomes including tundra, boreal or rainforest, and barren land.

Regional land cover mapping is performed by almost anyone who is interested in obtaining an
inventory of land resources, to be used as a baseline map for future monitoring and land
management. Programs are conducted around the world to observe regional crop conditions
as well as investigating climatic change on a regional level through biome monitoring.
Biomass mapping provides quantifiable estimates of vegetation cover, and biophysical
information such as leaf area index (LAI), net primary productivity (NPP) and total biomass
accumulations (TBA) measurements - important parameters for measuring the health of our
forests, for example.

Why remote sensing?

There is nothing as practical and cost efficient for

obtaining a timely regional overview of land cover
than remote sensing techniques. Remote sensing
data are capable of capturing changes in plant
phenology (growth) throughout the growing season,
whether relating to changes in chlorophyll content
(detectable with VIR) or structural changes (via
radar). For regional mapping, continuous spatial
coverage over large areas is required. It would be
difficult to detect regional trends with point source
data. Remote sensing fulfills this requirement, as
well as providing multispectral, multisource, and
multitemporal information for an accurate
classification of land cover. The multisource example image shows the benefit of increased
information content when two data sources are integrated. On the left is TM data, and on the
right it has been merged with airborne SAR.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.7.2 Land Cover / Biomass Mapping Page 220

Data requirements
For continental and global scale vegetation studies, moderate resolution data (1km) is
appropriate, since it requires less storage space and processing effort, a significant
consideration when dealing with very large area projects. Of course the requirements depend
entirely on the scope of the application. Wetland mapping for instance, demands a critical
acquisition period and a high resolution requirement.

Coverage demand will be very large for regional types of surveying. One way to adequately
cover a large area and retain high resolution, is to create mosaics of the area from a number
of scenes.

Land cover information may be time sensitive. The identification of crops, for instance canola,
may require imaging on specific days of flowering, and therefore, reliable imaging is
appropriate. Multi-temporal data are preferred for capturing changes in phenology throughout
the growing season. This information may be used in the classification process to more
accurately discriminate vegetation types based on their growing characteristics.

While optical data are best for land cover mapping, radar imagery is a good replacement in
very cloudy areas.

Case study (example)

NBIOME: Classification of Canada's Land Cover

A major initiative of the Canada Centre for Remote

Sensing is the development of an objective,
reproducible classification of Canada's landcover.
This classification methodology is used to produce
a baseline map of the major biomes and land cover
in Canada, which can then be compared against
subsequent classifications to observe changes in
cover. These changes may relate to regional
climatic or anthropogenic changes affecting the

The classification is based on NOAA-AVHRR LAC

(Local Area Coverage) (1km) data. The coarse
resolution is required to ensure efficient processing
and storage of the data, when dealing with such a large coverage area. Before the
classification procedure, cloud -cover reduced composites of the Canadian landmass, each
spanning 10 day periods are created. In the composite, the value for each pixel used is the

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Section 5.7.2 Land Cover / Biomass Mapping Page 221

one most cloud free of the ten days. This is determined by the highest normalized difference
vegetation index (NDVI) value, since low NDVI is indicative of cloud cover (low infrared
reflectance, high visible reflectance). The data also underwent a procedure to minimize
atmospheric, bidirectional, and contamination effects.

The composites consist of four channels, mean reflectance of AVHRR channels 1 and 2,
NDVI and area under the (temporal NDVI) curve. 16 composites (in 1993) were included in a
customized land cover classification procedure (named: classification by progressive
generalization), which is neither a supervised nor unsupervised methodology, but incorporates
aspects of both. The classification approach is based on finding dominant spectral clusters
and conducting progressive merging methodology. Eventually the clusters are labelled with
the appropriate land cover classes. The benefit is that the classification is more objective than
a supervised approach, while not controlling the parameters of clustering, which could alter
the results.

The result of this work is an objective, reproducible classification of Canada's land cover.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8 Mapping Page 222

5.8 Mapping

Mapping constitutes an integral component of the process of managing land resources, and
mapped information is the common product of analysis of remotely sensed data. Natural
features and manufactured infrastructures, such as transportation networks, urban areas, and
administrative boundaries can be presented spatially with respect to referenced co-ordinate
systems, which may then be combined with thematic information. Baseline, thematic, and
topographic maps are essential for planning, evaluating, and monitoring, for military or civilian
reconnaissance, or land use management, particularly if digitally integrated into a geographic
information system as an information base. Integrating elevation information is crucial to many
applications and is often the key to the potential success of present day mapping programs.

Canada has been, and continues to be a world leader in mapping technology. Canada's
immense land area with a rich resource potential, coupled with a small population base has
necessitated the development of thorough and efficient mechanisms of investigating and
recording land information. Traditionally, this information was obtained through surveying and
photogrammetric techniques, which have been costly and time consuming, particularly for
periodic revision of outdated information. Recent advances in computer technology (speed,
data handling and storage capability) and a growing demand for digital databases and
computer based mapping production capabilities have encouraged the use of remotely
sensed information as a data source for cartographic applications.

There is a growing demand for the utilization of remote sensing data in map production, since
the following benefits may be provided: stereo coverage, frequent revisits, timely delivery,
wide area coverage, low labour intensity, virtually global coverage, and storage in digital
format to facilitate subsequent updating and compatibility with current GIS technology.

End users of base maps and mapping products include resource companies (forestry, mining,
oil), support and service industries (engineering), utility and infrastructure development
agencies (pipelines, telecommunications, transportation, power), government mapping
agencies, and the military. This diversification from traditionally military users to commercial
applications has resulted in a greater demand for a wider range of mapping products, with
emphasis placed upon the benefits of improved information content and scale, and accuracy
versus data costs.

Canadian companies offering mapping services are likely to be looking abroad, as the
greatest commercial potential exists within the international community. Developing countries

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8 Mapping Page 223

are currently initiating mapping programs to cover large unsurveyed areas to increase their
topographic and planimetric knowledge base. The derived information will be used to support
territorial sovereignty issues, assess and monitor resource potential and exploitation, and
encourage economic opportunity. Radar data will be relied on in tropical areas for remote
sensing mapping solutions.

Mapping applications of remote sensing include the following:

1. planimetry
2. digital elevation models (DEM's)
3. baseline thematic mapping / topographic mapping

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8.1 Planimetry Page 224

5.8.1 Planimetry

Planimetry consists of the identification and geolocation of basic land cover (e.g. forest,
marsh), drainage, and anthropogenic features (e.g. urban infrastructure, transportation
networks) in the x, y plane. Planimetric information is generally required for large-scale
applications - urban mapping, facilities management, military reconnaissance, and general
landscape information.

Why remote sensing?

Land surveying techniques accompanied by the use of a GPS can be used to meet high
accuracy requirements, but limitations include cost effectiveness, and difficulties in attempting
to map large, or remote areas. Remote sensing provides a means of identifying and
presenting planimetric data in convenient media and efficient manner. Imagery is available in
varying scales to meet the requirements of many different users. Defence applications typify
the scope of planimetry applications - extracting transportation route information, building and
facilities locations, urban infrastructure, and general land cover.

Data requirements
Very high resolution is usually a requirement for accurate planimetric mapping. Concerns of
the mapping community with regard to use of satellite data are spatial accuracy and the level
of detail of extractable information content. The concern for information content focusses not
only on interpretability of features, but on the ability to determine the correct spatial location of
a feature. An example of the latter would be the difficulty associated with defining the centre of
a river or precise location of a powerline or pipeline right-of-way in vector format, when
interpreting from a relatively coarse raster base. Spatial resolution is a critical element in this

The turnaround time of one or two weeks will generally meet the requirements for this type of
mapping, although defence requirements may be more stringent.

Canada vs. International

For general Canadian applications, the ability to provide planimetric information is best
addressed by current VIR sensors, and for large scale mapping- aerial photography. The
importance of adequate resolution and information content outweigh the need for near real
time products. Presently, TM and SPOT data provide optimal information for extracting
planimetric information for regional applications. Air photos, and particularly orthophotos when
available, are preferred for smaller, well defined areas.

Tawausar radar image

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8.1 Planimetry Page 225

For cloud covered areas, radar is the obvious

choice for providing planimetric data. The
detectability of linear features improves when they
are oriented perpendicular to the radar look
direction. This can be controlled with airborne
sensors, by planning the flightlines appropriately.
Another issue is that a balance between resolution
and speckle has to be reached. Although single
look data provides the finest resolution, speckle
can be a hindrance to interpretation, and invites
multilook processing.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8.2 Digital Elevation Models Page 226

5.8.2 Digital Elevation Models

The availability of digital elevation models (DEMs) is
critical for performing geometric and radiometric
corrections for terrain on remotely sensed imagery, and
allows the generation of contour lines and terrain models,
thus providing another source of information for analysis.

Present mapping programs are rarely implemented with

only planimetric considerations. The demand for digital
elevation models is growing with increasing use of GIS and with increasing evidence of
improvement in information extracted using elevation data (for example, in discriminating
wetlands, flood mapping, and forest management). The incorporation of elevation and terrain
data is crucial to many applications, particularly if radar data is being used, to compensate for
foreshortening and layover effects, and slope induced radiometric effects. Elevation data is
used in the production of popular topographic maps.

Elevation data, integrated with imagery is also used for generating perspective views, useful
for tourism, route planning, to optimize views for developments, to lessen visibility of forest
clearcuts from major transportation routes, and even golf course planning and development.
Elevation models are integrated into the programming of cruise missiles, to guide them over
the terrain.

Resource management, telecommunications planning, and military mapping are some of the
applications associated with DEMs.

Why remote sensing?

There are a number of ways to generate elevation models. One is to create point data sets by
collecting elevation data from altimeter or Global Positioning System (GPS) data, and then
interpolating between the points. This is extremely time and effort consuming. Traditional
surveying is also very time consuming and limits the timeliness of regional scale mapping.

Generating DEMs from remotely sensed data can be cost effective and efficient. A variety of
sensors and methodologies to generate such models are available and proven for mapping
applications. Two primary methods if generating elevation data are 1. Stereogrammetry
techniques using airphotos (photogrammetry), VIR imagery, or radar data (radargrammetry),
and 2. Radar interferometry.

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Section 5.8.2 Digital Elevation Models Page 227

Stereogrammetry involves the extraction of elevation information from stereo overlapping

images, typically airphotos, SPOT imagery, or radar. To give an example, stereo pairs of
airborne SAR data are used to find point elevations, using the concept of parallax. Contours
(lines of equal elevation) can be traced along the images by operators constantly viewing the
images in stereo.

The potential of radar interferometric techniques to measure terrain height, and to detect and
measure minute changes in elevation and horizontal base, is becoming quickly recognized.

Interferometry involves the gathering of precise elevation data using successive passes (or
dual antenna reception) of spaceborne or airborne SAR. Subsequent images from nearly the
same track are acquired and instead of examining the amplitude images, the phase
information of the returned signals is compared. The phase images are coregistered, and the
differences in phase value for each pixel is measured, and displayed as an interferogram. A
computation of phase "unwrapping" or phase integration, and geometric rectification are
performed to determine altitude values. High accuracies have been achieved in
demonstrations using both airborne (in the order of a few centimetres) and spaceborne data
(in the order of 10m).

Primary applications of interferometry include high quality DEM generation, monitoring of

surface deformations (measurement of land subsidence due to natural processes, gas
removal, or groundwater extraction; volcanic inflation prior to eruption; relative earth
movements caused by earthquakes), and hazard assessment and monitoring of natural
landscape features and fabricated structures, such as dams. This type of data would be useful
for insurance companies who could better measure damage due to natural disasters, and for
hydrology-specialty companies and researchers interested in routine monitoring of ice jams

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8.2 Digital Elevation Models Page 228

for bridge safety, and changes in mass balance of glaciers or volcano growth prior to an

From elevation models, contour lines can be generated for topographic maps, slope and
aspect models can be created for integration into (land cover) thematic classification datasets
or used as a sole data source, or the model itself can be used to orthorectify remote sensing
imagery and generate perspective views.

Data requirements
The basic data requirement for both stereogrammetric and interferometric techniques is that
the target site has been imaged two times, with the sensor imaging positions separated to
give two different viewing angles.

In virtually all DEM and topographic map generation applications, cartographic accuracy is the
important limiting factor. Turnaround time is not critical and repeat frequency is dependent on
whether the application involves change detection, and what the temporal scope of the study

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8.2 Digital Elevation Models Page 229

Canada vs. International

Aerial photography is the primary data source for
DEM generation in Canada for national topographic
mapping. For other applications of DEMs, there are
additional satellite sources such as SPOT, with its
pointable sensors and 10m panchromatic spatial
resolution, producing adequate height information at
scales smaller than 1:50,000.

The height accuracy requirement for 1:50,000 mapping in Canada is between 5 and 20 m. In
developing countries it is typically 20 m. The original elevation information used in the
Canadian National Topographic Series Maps was provided from photogrammetric techniques.

In foreign markets, airborne radar mapping is most suited for approximately 1:50,000 scale
topographic mapping. Spaceborne radar systems will be able to provide data for the
generation of coarser DEMs through radargrammetry, in areas of cloud cover and with less
stringent accuracy requirements. Stereo data in most modes of operation will be available
because of the flexible incidence angles, allowing most areas to be captured during
subsequent passes. Interferometry from airborne and spaceborne systems should meet many
mapping requirements.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8.3 Topographic & Baseline Thematic Mapping Page 230

5.8.3 Topographic & Baseline Thematic Mapping

There is a growing demand for digital databases of topographic and thematic information to
facilitate data integration and efficient updating of other spatially oriented data. Topographic
maps consist of elevation contours and planimetric detail of varied scale, and serve as
general base information for civilian and military use.

Baseline thematic mapping (BTM) is a digital

integration of satellite imagery, land use, land
cover, and topographic data to produce an "image
map" with contour lines and vector planimetry
information. This new concept of thematic
mapping was developed to take advantage of
improvements in digital processing and integration
of spatial information, increased compatibility of
multisource data sets, the wide use of geographic
information systems to synthesize information and
execute analyses customized for the user, and
increased ability to present the data in
cartographic form.

The data for baseline thematic maps are compiled from topographic, land cover, and
infrastructure databases. Appropriate thematic information is superimposed on a base map,
providing specific information for specific end users, such as resource managers. Various
combinations of thematic information may be displayed to optimize the map information for
application specific purposes, whether for land use allocation, utility site selection and route
planning, watershed management, or natural resource management and operations.

Why remote sensing?

As a base map, imagery provides ancillary information to the extracted planimetric or thematic
detail. Sensitivity to surface expression makes radar a useful tool for creating base maps and
providing reconnaissance abilities for hydrocarbon and mineralogical companies involved in
exploration activities. This is particularly true in remote northern regions, where vegetation
cover does not mask the microtopography and generally, information may be sparse.
Multispectral imagery is excellent for providing ancillary land cover information, such as forest
cover. Supplementing the optical data with the topographic relief and textural nuance inherent
in radar imagery can create an extremely useful image composite product for interpretation.

Data requirements
The prime data requirement is for high information content and a balance between resolution
and data handling ability. There is a moderate turnaround requirement for this application;
processed data should be available less than a year after imagery acquisition.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.8.3 Topographic & Baseline Thematic Mapping Page 231

Canada vs. International

VIR imagery is excellent as a base map for planimetry detail on a varied landscape, providing
information on forest, agriculture cover and gross geomorphology of the land. SAR is also
good for providing surficial topographic expression.

Case study (example) BTM's in BC

(Baseline Thematic Mapping in British Columbia)
Baseline thematic mapping involves the compilation of varied data sources, ranging from
satellite imagery to detailed forest stand information to planimetric data from the 1:250,000
National Topographic database. Base map sheets overlain by various combinations of
thematic data are produced with an aim toward resource management applications. British
Columbia's Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks routinely produces BTMs. The most
recent Landsat TM data available is used as a source for classifications of ground cover and
interpretation of land use. DEMs are also integrated into the satellite data to provide 3
dimensional perspective views. Although B.C. is quite advanced in this application, other
Canadian provinces have contemplated or are doing similar work, as are private consultants
in conjunction with forestry companies.

Baseline thematic mapping incorporates not only interpretations of ground cover data and
land use, but topographic information such as elevation contours and planimetry to provide an
optimal tool for resource management. This information may be portrayed in traditional map
format, or as an image-map, which is an excellent means of presenting spatial data to
resource managers and many other users.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.9 Oceans & Coastal Monitoring Page 232

5.9 Oceans & Coastal Monitoring

The oceans not only provide valuable food and biophysical resources, they also serve as
transportation routes, are crucially important in weather system formation and CO² storage,
and are an important link in the earth's hydrological balance. Understanding ocean dynamics
is important for fish stock assessment, ship routing, predicting global circulation
consequences of phenomena such as El Nino, forecasting and monitoring storms so as to
reduce the impact of disaster on marine navigation, off-shore exploration, and coastal
settlements. Studies of ocean dynamics include wind and wave retrieval (direction, speed,
height) , mesoscale feature identification, bathymetry, water temperature, and ocean

Coastlines are environmentally sensitive interfaces between the ocean and land and respond
to changes brought about by economic development and changing land-use patterns. Often
coastlines are also biologically diverse inter-tidal zones, and can also be highly urbanized .
With over 60% of the world's population living close to the ocean, the coastal zone is a region
subject to increasing stress from human activity. Government agencies concerned with the
impact of human activities in this region need new data sources with which to monitor such
diverse changes as coastal erosion, loss of natural habitat, urbanization, effluents and
offshore pollution. Many of the dynamics of the open ocean and changes in the coastal region
can be mapped and monitored using remote sensing techniques.

Ocean applications of remote sensing include the following:

„ Ocean pattern identification:

„ currents, regional circulation patterns, shears
„ frontal zones, internal waves, gravity waves, eddies, upwelling zones, shallow water
bathymetry ,
„ Storm forecasting
„ wind and wave retrieval
„ Fish stock and marine mammal assessment
„ water temperature monitoring
„ water quality
„ ocean productivity, phytoplankton concentration and drift

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Section 5.9 Oceans & Coastal Monitoring Page 233

„ aquaculture inventory and monitoring

„ Oil spill
„ mapping and predicting oilspill extent and drift
„ strategic support for oil spill emergency response decisions
„ identification of natural oil seepage areas for exploration
„ Shipping
„ navigation routing
„ traffic density studies
„ operational fisheries surveillance
„ near-shore bathymetry mapping
„ Intertidal zone
„ tidal and storm effects
„ delineation of the land /water interface
„ mapping shoreline features / beach dynamics
„ coastal vegetation mapping
„ human activity / impact

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.9.1 Ocean Features Page 234

5.9.1 Ocean Features

Ocean feature analysis includes determining current strength and direction, amplitude and
direction of surface winds, measuring sea surface temperatures, and exploring the dynamic
relationship and influences between ocean and atmosphere. Knowledge of currents, wind
speed, tides, storm surges and surface wave height can facilitate ship routing. Sea floor
modelling supports waste disposal and resource extraction planning activities.

Ocean circulation patterns can be determined by the examination of mesoscale features such
as eddies, and surface gravity waves. This knowledge is used in global climate modelling,
pollution monitoring, navigation and forecasting for offshore operations.

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing offers a number of different methods for acquiring information on the open
ocean and coastal region. Scatterometers collect wind speed and direction information,
altimeters measure wave height, and identify wind speed. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is
sensitive to spatially varying surface roughness patterns caused by the interaction of the
upper ocean with the atmosphere at the marine boundary layer, and scanning radiometers
and microwave sounders collect sea surface temperature data. Buoy-collected information
can be combined with remote sensing data to produce image maps displaying such things as
hurricane structure with annotated wind direction and strength, and wave height. This
information can be useful for offshore engineering activities, operational fisheries surveillance
and storm forecast operations.

Data requirements
For general sea-state information (waves, currents, winds), the data are usually time
sensitive, meaning that the information is only valuable if it is received while the conditions
exist. For forecasting and ship routing, real time data handling / turnaround facilities are
necessary, requiring two way data links for efficient dissemination between the forecast centre
and data user.

Certain wind speed conditions are necessary in order for the SAR to receive signal
information from the ocean surface. At very low wind speeds (2-3m/s) the SAR is not sensitive
enough to detect the ocean 'clutter' and at very high winds speeds (greater than 14 m/s) the
ocean clutter masks whatever surface features may be present. The principal scattering
mechanism for ocean surface imaging is Bragg scattering, whereby the short waves on the
ocean surface create spatially varying surface patterns. The backscatter intensity is a function
of the incidence angle and radar wavelength, as well as the sea state conditions at the time of
imaging. The surface waves that lead to Bragg scattering are roughly equivalent to the
wavelength used by RADARSAT. (5.3 cm) These short waves are generally formed in
response to the wind stress at the upper ocean layer. Modulation in the short (surface) waves
may be caused by long gravity waves, variable wind speed, and surface currents associated
with upper ocean processes such as eddies, fronts and internal waves. These variations

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.9.1 Ocean Features Page 235

result in spatially variable surface roughness patterns which are detectable on SAR imagery.

Case study (example)

Internal waves form at the interfaces between
layers of different water density, which are
associated with velocity shears (i.e., where the
water above and below the interface is either
moving in opposite directions or in the same
direction at different speeds). Oscillations can
occur if the water is displaced vertically resulting
in internal waves. Internal waves in general occur
on a variety of scales and are widespread
phenomena in the oceans. The most important
are those associated with tidal oscillations along
continental margins. The internal waves are large
enough to be detected by satellite imagery. In this image, the internal waves, are manifested
on the ocean surface as a repeating curvilinear patterns of dark and light banding, a few
kilometres east of the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
meet. Significant amounts of water move into the Mediterranean from the Atlantic during high
tide and/or storm surges.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.9.2 Ocean Colour & Phytoplankton Concentration Page 236

5.9.2 Ocean Colour & Phytoplankton Concentration

Ocean colour analysis refers to a method of
indicating the "health" of the ocean, by measuring
oceanic biological activity by optical means .
Phytoplankton, are significant building blocks in the
world's food chain and grow with the assistance of
sunlight and the pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll,
which absorbs red light (resulting in the ocean's
blue-green colour) is considered a good indicator of
the health of the ocean and its level of productivity.
The ability to map the spatial and temporal patterns
of ocean colour over regional and global scales has provided important insights into the
fundamental properties and processes in the marine biosphere.

Mapping and understanding changes in ocean colour can assist in the management of fish
stocks and other aquatic life, help define harvest quotas, monitor the water quality and allow
for the identification of human and natural water pollution such as oil or algal blooms, which
are dangerous to fish farms and other shell fish industries.

In general, ocean productivity appears highest in coastal areas due to their proximity to
nutrient upwelling and circulation conditions that favour nutrient accummulation.

Why remote sensing?

Remotely sensed data can provide the necessary spatial perspective to collect information
about the ocean surface on a regional scale. Optical data can detect such targets as
suspended sediments, dissolved organic matter, and discern between algal blooms and
oilslicks. SAR data can provide additional information on current, wave and mesoscale
features so as to observe trends over time when optical data are not available due to periods
of cloud cover. Many commercial fishing and aquaculture operators use this information to
predict catch sizes and locate potential feeding areas.

Remote sensing provides a near-surface view of the ocean, but is limited in the amount of
information it can derive from the water column. However, many applications of ocean colour
are in their infancy and with the recent and upcoming missions of advanced sensors, the
development and scope of applications will improve substantially.

Data requirements
Multispectral data are required for ocean colour measurements, and wide spatial coverage
provides the best synoptic view of distribution and spatial variability of phytoplankton, water
temperature and suspended matter concentration. Hyperspectral data, (collected in many and
narrow ranges of the visible and infrared wavelengths), allows for greater precision in
characterizing target spectral signatures. Monthly and seasonal imaging provides necessary

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.9.2 Ocean Colour & Phytoplankton Concentration Page 237

data for modelling. For fish harvesting activities and for fish farm operators, information is
required on a daily or weekly basis.

We are entering a new era of ocean colour data. The Coastal Zone Colour Scanner (CZCS)
on-board the US Nimbus 7 satellite collected colour data from 1978 until 1986. In 1996 after a
decade of limited data availability, the Germans launched the Modular Opto-electronic Sensor
(MOS) and the Japanese followed with the Ocean Colour Thermal Sensor (OCTS). New
sensors include SeaWiFs, launched in 1997 (NASA), MERIS (ESA) scheduled for launch in
1999, MODIS (NASA) in 2000 , GLI (Japan) in 1999, and OCI (Taiwan) in 1998. These
advanced sensors will collect data on primary productivity, chlorophyll variablity and sea
surface temperature using advanced algorithms. Their spectral channels are designed to
optimize target reflectance and support quantitative measurements of specific biophysical
properties. Most offer regional perspectives with relatively coarse (500-1200m) resolution and
wide fields of view.

Case study (example)

El Nino and the Plankton Disappearance
Understanding the dynamics of ocean circulation can play a key role in predicting global
weather patterns, which can directly impact agriculture and fishing industries around the
world. Detecting the arrival of the El Nino Current off the coast of Peru is an example of how
remote sensing can be used to improve our understanding of, and build prediction models for
global climate patterns.

El Nino is a warm water current that appears off the coast of South America approximately
every seven years. Nutrients in the ocean are associated with cold water upwelling, so the
arrival of a warm water current such as El Nino, which displaces the cold current further
offshore, causes changes in the migration of the fish population. In 1988, El Nino caused a
loss in anchovy stocks near Peru, then moved north, altering the regional climatic patterns
and creating an unstable weather system. The resulting storms forced the jet stream further
north, which in turn blocked the southward flow of continental precipitation fromCanada over
the central United States. Central and eastern American States suffered drought, reducing
crop production, increasing crop prices, and raising commodity prices on the international

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.9.3 Oil Spill Detection Page 238

5.9.3 Oil Spill Detection

Oil spills can destroy marine life as well as damage habitat for land animals and humans. The
majority of marine oilspills result from ships emptying their billage tanks before or after
entering port. Large area oilspills result from tanker ruptures or collisions with reefs, rocky
shoals, or other ships. These spills are usually spectacular in the extent of their environmental
damage and generate wide spread media coverage. Routine surveillance of shipping routes
and coastal areas is necessary to enforce maritime pollution laws and identify offenders.

Following a spill, the shipping operator or oil company involved is responsible for setting up
emergency evaluation and response teams, and employing remediating measures to
minimize the extent of a spill. If they do not have the resources, the government regulatory
agencies responsible for disaster mitigation become involved and oversee the activity. In all
spills, the government agencies play a key role in ensuring the environmental protection laws
are being met. To limit the areas affected by the spill and facilitate containment and cleanup
efforts, a number of factors have to be identified.

1. Spill location
2. Size and extent of the spill
3. Direction and magnitude of oil movement
4. Wind, current and wave information for predicting future oil movement

Why remote sensing?

Remote sensing offers the advantage of being able to observe events in remote and often
inaccessible areas. For example, oil spills from ruptured pipelines, may go unchecked for a
period of time because of uncertainty of the exact location of the spill, and limited knowledge
of the extent of the spill. Remote sensing can be used to both detect and monitor spills.

For ocean spills, remote sensing data can provide information on the rate and direction of oil
movement through multi-temporal imaging, and input to drift prediction modelling and may
facilitate in targeting clean-up and control efforts. Remote sensing devices used include the
use of infrared video and photography from airborne platforms, thermal infrared imaging,
airborne laser fluourosensors, airborne and space-borne optical sensors, as well as airborne
and spaceborne SAR. SAR sensors have an advantage over optical sensors in that they can
provide data under poor weather conditions and during darkness. Users of remotely sensed
data for oil spill applications include the Coast Guard, national environmental protection
agencies and departments, oil companies, shipping industry, insurance industry, fishing
industry, national departments of fisheries and oceans, and departments of defence.

Data requirements
The key operational data requirements are fast turnaround time and frequent imaging of the
site to monitor the dynamics of the spill. For spill identification, high resolution sensors are
generally required, although wide area coverage is very important for initial monitoring and
detection. Airborne sensors have the advantage of frequent site specific coverage on

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.9.3 Oil Spill Detection Page 239

demand, however, they can be costly. Spills often occur in inclement weather, which can
hinder airborne surveillance.

Laser fluorosensors are the best sensors for oil spill detection, and have the capability of
identifying oil on shores, ice and snow, and determining what type of oil has been spilled.
However, they require relatively cloud free conditions to detect the oilspill. SAR sensors can
image oilspills through the localized suppression of Bragg scale waves. Oilspills are visible on
a radar image as circular or curvilinear features with a darker tone than the surrounding
ocean. The detection of an oilspill is strongly dependent upon the wind speed. At wind speeds
greater than 10 m/s, the slick will be broken up and dispersed, making it difficult to detect.
Another factor that can play a role in the successful detection of an oilspill is the difficulty in
distinguishing between a natural surfactant and an oilspill. Multi-temporal data and ancillary
information can help to discriminate between these two phenomena.

Case study (example)

A supertanker, the Sea Empress, was grounded near the town of Milford Haven, Wales on
February 15, 1996. After hitting rocks, the outer hull was breached and approximately 70,000
tonnes of light grade crude oil was dispersed southward under storm conditions.

In this RADARSAT image taken a week after

the spill, the extent of the oil is visible. The
dark areas off the coast represent the areas
where oil is present and areas of lighter tone
directly south are areas where dispersant
was sprayed on the oil to encourage
emulsification. Oil, which floats on the top of
water, suppresses the ocean's capillary
waves, creating a surface smoother than the
surrounding water. This smoother surface appears dark in the radar image. As the oil starts to
emulsify and clean-up efforts begin to take effect, the capillary waves are not as effectively
damped and the oil appears lighter. Size, location and dispersal of the oil spill can be
determined using this type of imagery.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.10 Endnotes Page 240

5. Endnotes

5.10 Endnotes

You have just completed Chapter 5 - Applications. As a follow-on, you may want to browse
the CCRS Web site where you will find articles dealing with applications of remote sensing in
the fields of agriculture, geology, environmental monitoring, hydrology, ice, oceans, forestry.
As a starting point, try our 'Images of Canada'1, the RADARSAT 'Applications In Action'2, and
the articles in our Technology and R&D Section3.

Additionally, you may want to browse the terminology in our glossary4, or review some of the
technical papers5 written by CCRS staff.


Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Did You Know? Page 241

5. Did You Know?

5.2 Did You Know?

Fields in Quebec

Did you know that remote sensing of agricultural areas could give us clues about our
heritage? In Québec, farmer's field shapes are very different than in Saskatchewan. In
Québec, long thin strips of land extend from riverbanks, following French settlers' tradition.
These types of fields are also visible in Nova Scotia, where the Acadians farmed, in New
Brunswick, and in parts of Ontario. In the prairies, the fields are square and strictly follow the
township and range plan.

Fields in Saskatchewan

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Did You Know? Page 242

5.3 Did You Know?

The forest around Mt. St. Helens after the eruption

Natural disasters can also wipe out huge areas of forest. Burns can destroy several thousand
of hectares, landslides can displace trees down a slope, and excessive flooding can damage
trees. Volcanoes however, have the greatest potential for destroying forests in the shortest
amount of time. In 1980, Mt. St. Helens in northwestern United States violently erupted. The
volcanic blast, reaching 320 km/hour, levelled over 600km2 of forest.

5.3.2 Did You Know?

Forest interpretation from SAR data

Interpreting forest cover type with radar data is very similar to interpreting multispectral
images. The same interpretation elements are used (tone, texture, shape, pattern, size,
association), but texture plays a dominant role in the discrimination of different forest types.
Viewing the images in stereo helps to differentiate relative tree heights, as well as define
rivers that have specific vegetation along their banks.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Did You Know? Page 243

5.5 Did You Know?

Catastrophic flooding can happen almost anywhere. In Iceland, huge floods that carry
boulders the size of houses occur relatively frequently. These floods are called jökulhlaups,
roughly meaning "glacial flood". Iceland is situated upon the mid-Atlantic rift, an area of
frequent volcanic activity. The island itself is a product of this activity, and continues to grow in
size with each volcanic event. Covering much of the island, and some of the volcanic craters,
is an 8300 km2 ice cap. During sub-glacial eruptions, glacial ice is melted, and temporarily
dammed by either the crater or the ice itself. Eventually the pressure of the water is released
in a catastrophic flood. A flood in 1996 discharged a 3km3 volume of water, lasting 2 ½ days.
The glaciers and landscape are abruptly and extensively modified by this strong force, which
erodes channels, moves and deposits huge blocks of ice and rock, and deposits kilometre
scale alluvial fans.

Scientists can use radar imagery to create topographic models of the glaciers and extensive
outwash plains to use as baseline maps for multitemporal change detection and mapping
studies. Radar is preferred because persistently cloudy conditions limit the use of optical data.
With new monitoring methods, including the analysis of glacial dynamics related to volcanic
activity, scientists are better able to predict the timing of these extreme jökulhlaups.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Did You Know? Page 244

5.5.1 Did You Know?

It is worth your while to pay attention to the polarization characteristics of the radar imagery
that you are collecting. If your target is to map flooded versus dry land, then HH (horizontal
transmit, horizontal receive) is a much better choice than (say) VV (vertical transmit, vertical
receive) polarization. The HH imagery will produce a noticeably stronger contrast between
these two types of surfaces, allowing greater accuracy in the mapped result.

5.5.2 Did You Know?

Another part of the electromagnetic spectrum that has been used for soil moisture
measurement is the gamma ray wavelength range. Recording the natural emission of gamma
rays from the earth, aircraft carrying gamma ray spectrometers are used to detect the
attenuation or alteration by soil moisture, of the intensity of the emanation. The gamma ray
wavelength is extremely short - about 10-12 metres in length (!) and the intensity of this
natural radiation at the earth's surface is very weak. As a result satellite altitudes are not
practical for this form of remote sensing. Even the aircraft used for this purpose must fly as
close to the ground as possible.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Did You Know? Page 245

5.6 Did You Know?

"...GPS = Good Protection Sidekick..."

Accidents like the sinking of the Titanic are virtually eliminated now, with iceberg
reconnaissance (provided by the International Ice Patrol) and GPS navigation onboard ships.
And even if a ship did collide with an iceberg, search and rescue operations using remote
sensing and GPS navigation could save many lives in such an incident.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Did You Know? Page 246

5.6.1 Did You Know?

"...I like my eggs on ice..."

Creating an Ice Chart

The Canadian Ice Service of Environment Canada
(CISEC) creates charts for ice type that are
distributed to their clients on a near-real time basis.
These charts are essentially ice maps with Egg
Codes superimposed, which explain the
development stage (thickness), size, and
concentration of ice at both regional and site specific
scales. The codes used to represent the ice
information are displayed in an oval symbol,
resembling an egg, hence the term Egg Code . Egg
codes are used not only for sea ice, but also lake
ice. Also they conform to the WMO (World
Meteorological Organization) standards.

Once you understand the meaning of the various

codes, the interpretation of the ice charts is relatively

For more detailed information about the coding procedure and terminology, go to the
Canadian Ice Service homepage.1

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5.Did You Know? Page 247

Case study (example)

RADARSAT Expedites Expedition to the Magnetic North Pole!

In March of 1996, teams of Arctic adventurers set

out on an expedition to reach the magnetic North
Pole, located on the west coast of Ellef Ringnes
Island, in Canada's high Arctic. Travelling across sea
ice by ski, the teams required a route on smooth first
year ice in order to haul their gear and conserve
energy. Ice blocks, rubble and irregular relief made
deformed and multi-year ice virtually impassable.
One team relied on remote sensing - image maps
created from RADARSAT data - to plan their route.

The ScanSAR image covered the entire extent of the

route, from Resolute Bay on Cornwallis Island to the pole (78°6'N, 104°3'W). The resolution of
100m provided information about the ice cover and type, and mapped coastlines were added
following geometric processing, to provide a geographic reference. The team was also
equipped with GPS and communication technologies.

On the image map, passable ice appears uniformly dark, due to the specular reflection of
incident radiation from the radar on the smooth surface. Rubbly, rough ice that often
contained enough relief to make skiing impossible appears bright, due to the reflection of the
radar energy back to the sensor.

The team using RADARSAT image maps was the only one to complete their journey to the
magnetic North Pole. The other teams were hindered by rough ice and could not efficiently
plan their route without the synoptic view provided by remote sensing. RADARSAT, with its
sensitivity to ice type, far northern coverage, and reliable imaging was the most suitable
sensor for this type of application. Its success bodes well for future exploration endeavors!

Reference: Lasserre, M., 1996. RADARSAT Image Maps Make Arctic Expedition a Success,
Remote Sensing in Canada, Vol. 24, No. 1, June, 1996. Natural Resources Canada.

Expedition Web Site:


Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Did You Know? Page 248

5.7 Did You Know?

"...let me make this perfectly clear..."

Calgary (Landsat-TM)

This is a TM scene of Calgary, Canada, where the 1988 Winter Olympics were held. Calgary
appears quite blue; the agricultural fields to the east are red, while grazing land to the west is
green. Abutting the southwest corner of the city, is a long rectangular section of land
stretching towards the west that is darker and more monotone than the other areas around it.
This is the area of the Sarcee Reserve (T'suu T'ina) which has been held by native people,
and protected from urbanization and residential construction. Of all the land on the image, this
land is the closest to the original state of the Calgary region before agriculture and settlements
reworked the landscape. It looks like an oasis amidst suburbia and farmland.

5.8.2 Did You Know?

When you look at a stereo pair of images you perceive a virtual 3D model of the terrain or
object that was imaged. Through this 3D virtual terrain model (VTM?), it is possible to extract
cartographic information without using a DEM!

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Did You Know? Page 249

5.8.3 Did You Know?

A 'close' relative of 3D terrain mapping is 'close range photogrammetry'. Using very similar
techniques but at very close range, this method is used for 'mapping' an object like a building,
sculpture or a human face in three dimensions in order to have a precise record of its shape.

5.9.3 Did You Know?

A typical laser fluorosensor operates by emitting

radiation at a particular wavelength that will be
easily absorbed by the intended target, for
instance: oil. The energy thus absorbed by the
target is given off by emitting another wavelength
of radiation, which is then detected by a sensor
(spectrometer) linked to the laser. With aromatic
hydrocarbons, this form of fluorescence allows a
'fingerprinting' of the oil, measuring both the
spectra of the radiation given off, as well as the
decay rate of the fluorescence. Thus oils can be
differentiated from other fluorescing targets and
even identified into basic oil types (light, heavy,

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 250

5. Whiz Quiz and Answers

5.2 Whiz Quiz

Crop Circles Seen from Space!

Every spring seems to bring a resurgence of the mysterious crop circles seen in farmers'
fields around the world, often attributed to the work of aliens. Finally, these crop circles have
been observed by a remote sensing device! Landsat TM captured this view while over
southern Alberta. Look at the green circles on the image - how could they have been caused,
other than by alien activity?

5.2 Whiz Quiz Answer

The "crop circles" are in fact, healthy crops irrigated using a pivot irrigation system - not the
result of alien tricks. In the dry southern prairies, farmers rely on pivot irrigation systems to
keep the crops watered and healthy. You can see that in the corners of the fields where the
water fails to reach, the vegetation is missing or has suffered. The brownish grey areas in this
image are primarily rangeland, while the crops appear green. Crops can be successfully
grown if a regular irrigation routine is followed, but this puts a heavy demand on water
resources in a typically dry area.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 251

5.3 Whiz Quiz

Why are lines being cut out of this forested area in northern Alberta?

5.3 Whiz Quiz Answer

In northern Alberta, forests are being cut for pulp and paper mills, but they are also being cut
for another reason. Exploration and infrastructure for gas wells requires that forests be cut for
seismic lines, pipeline routing, access to sites, and pumping stations.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Whiz Quiz and Answers Page 252

5.7 Whiz Quiz

More alien circles?

These are even stranger circles than the ones we first encountered. The outer circles are tens
of kilometers across. What could have created this shape, and other than being a landing
target for UFOs, what possible land use could it serve?

5.7 Answer

You had a good guess if you thought these circles were created by an ancient civilization, like
the Aztecs, or it represents a giant teepee ring. But it's not correct. Try again.

The circles are part of a military base in southern Alberta. The land is used for practice
maneuvers and is "protected" from the ranging and farming on nearby dry grassland. The
circles identify radial distances from 'ground zero', where various real and simulated
explosions were conducted by the military.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Section 5 Whiz Quiz amd Answers Page 253

5.9.1 Whiz Quiz

What on earth is this 'feature' and how is it that RADARSAT can 'see' it?

5.9.1 Answer

Imaged over the Labrador Sea, this RADARSAT image shows a number of 'imprints' made on
the ocean surface by unusual atmospheric conditions. Though the radar beams themselves
are not affected by the atmosphere, they have recorded the ocean topographic effects from
atmospheric phenomena such as a large low pressure cell (A), atmospheric gravity waves (B)
and a region of multiple rising/falling air currents (C). In each case, where the falling air mass
dampens ocean waves, the radar backscatter is lessened, while the rising air mass induces
surface wind, which in turn increases ocean waves and therefore, radar backscatter. Higher
backscatter is shown in the imagery as brighter areas.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Credits Page 254


We would like to recognize the contributions made by several organizations and
individuals to this tutorial:

The bulk of the tutorial was prepared by Intermap Technologies Ltd. of Calgary and Ottawa,
under contract to CCRS and funded through the User Education and Training Initiative (UETI).

RADARSAT International Inc. and the Canadian Space Agency provided permission to use
much of the satellite imagery herein.

Several CCRS scientists assisted in reviewing the contents of the tutorial.

The CCRS Multimedia Applications Team produced the various versions, contributing the
coding, design, editing, graphics and quality control of the tutorial.

The following publications were used in the preparation of this tutorial:

„ Campbell, J.B. (1987) Introduction to Remote Sensing. The Guilford Press, New
„ Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (1994) Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation.
John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
„ Jensen, John R. (1986) Introductory Digital Image Processing. Prentice-Hall, New
„ Russ, John C. (1995) The Image Processing Handbook. 2nd edition. CRC Press,
Baca Raton.
„ Dougherty, Edward R. and Charles R. Giardina (1987) Matrix Structured Image

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Credits Page 255

Processing. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.

„ Computer Eye: Handbook of Image Processing. Spatial Data Systems Inc.,
„ Jain, Anil K. (1989) Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Prentice-Hall, New
„ Wahl, Freidrich M. (1987) Digital Image Signal Processing. Artech House, Boston.
„ Yu, Francis T.S. and Suganda Jutamulia (1992) Optical Signal Processing,
Computing, and Neural Networks. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
„ Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Natural Resources Canada (1997). GlobeSAR2
Radar Image Processing and Information Extraction Workbook Version 1.2.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
„ Barton, D. & S. Leonov (eds.) (1997) Radar technology encyclopedia, 511 p., Artec
House, Norwood, MA, USA, ISBN 0-89006-893-3
„ Oliver, C. & S. Quegan (1998) Understanding synthetic aperture radar images, 479
p., Artech House, Norwood, MA, USA, ISBN 089006850X.
„ Werle D. (1988 and 1992) Radar Remote Sensing - A Training Manual, 193p, 75
35mm slides, Dendron Resource Surveys Ltd, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, ISBN 0-

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Permission for Use Page 256

Permission for Use

This tutorial may be copied in any form and used for non-commercial purposes provided
that: the content of any copy is not altered and, it is clearly indicated that the Canada Centre
for Remote Sensing is the originator of this material.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Download Page 257

Download Formats
Is this tutorial available in other formats? Can I use multiple copies off-

We now have a copy of the "Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Tutorial" in HTML format that
may be downloaded via FTP. It has been compressed and formatted into a zip version and is
about 5.2MB in size. It can be downloaded and then copied onto several machines for
classroom (non-commercial) usage without an Internet connection. Please read the included
"readme.txt" file to learn about the constraints and limitations of using such a copy.

If you want to use a hard copy version of this tutorial, then download the PDF version and
print it in colour. It can be printed on either 8½" x 11" or A4 paper

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Teachers notes Page 258

Notes for Teachers and Students

What is the target audience for this tutorial?

This tutorial on remote sensing technology and applications is designed primarily for
late high school or early university students. Some previous exposure to
science, mathematics and environmental studies is a definite advantage.

What are the features of the tutorial? How does it relate to the rest of
the CCRS Web site?

The tutorial is structured as a course, with each section building on the concepts introduced in
the previous sections and chapters. The numerous images and graphics, as well as
interesting facts, help explain and illustrate difficult concepts. Each chapter also includes
several questions and quizzes to test the reader's understanding of the subject matter. These
quizzes may serve as excellent reviews of each chapter. Informative and sometimes
humorous facts in the "Did You Know?" pages are designed to complement the associated
section with anecdotes and examples of how remote sensing is used throughout the world.

Covering the material in the tutorial prepares the reader for visiting and appreciating the rest
of the CCRS Web site, wherein technical and research articles on most remote sensing topics
can be found. An extensive glossary of remote sensing terminology and other educational
modules are also available and may be of interest to the student or teacher.

Is this tutorial available in other formats? Can I use multiple copies off-

We now have a copy of the "Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Tutorial" in HTML format that
may be downloaded via FTP. It has been compressed and formatted into a zip version and is
about 5.2MB in size. It can be downloaded and then copied onto several machines for
classroom (non-commercial) usage without an Internet connection. Please read the included
"readme.txt" file to learn about the constraints and limitations of using such a copy.

If you want to use a hard copy version of this tutorial, then download the PDF version and
print it in colour. It can be printed on either 8½" x 11" or A4 paper

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

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