IMAGINE Essentials 9.1 Description
IMAGINE Essentials 9.1 Description
IMAGINE Essentials 9.1 Description
IMAGINE Essentials
Overview IMAGINE Essentials offers the basic tools for image mapping, visualization, enhancement and geocorrection, including enterprise-enabled access to relational databases such as ArcSDE and Oracle Spatial. At the heart of IMAGINE Essentials is the IMAGINE Geospatial Light Table (GLT), which provides the basis for all interactive display and processing. The viewer displays, combines, geographically links, analyzes and presents multiple data sets in a single window. IMAGINE Essentials also provides a well-rounded set of tools for geocorrection and reprojection, image analysis, visualization, vector editing, batch processing and map output. Key Features Data Types and Integration There are two types of data format access: direct access to many raster data formats for the use of files in their native format without conversion and import and export routines for data exchange to a broader spectrum of data. Raster Data Direct Read
ADRG Image (.img) ADRG Legend (.lgg) ADRG Overview (.ovr) Alaska SAR Facility (.L) ArcSDE Raster ASRP (.img) AVIRIS Bitmap (.bmp) CADRG CIB DTED ENVI (.hdr) ENVISAT EOS HDF ERDAS IMAGINE (.img)
ERDAS (.lan) ERDAS (.gis) ERMapper Raster (.ers) EROS A1 (Imagesat) ESRI GRID and GRID Stack ESRI BIL, BIP and BSQ FIT Generic RAW (binary) access Geodatabase raster GeoTIFF (.tif) GIF HDF Raster HDF Scientific HYDICE (.cub) Hyperion Intergraph (.cit & .cot) JFIF (.jpeg) JPEG 2000 (including GeoJP2) MrSID* Oracle GeoRaster PCI (.pix) Portable Network Graphics (.png) RPF Silicon Graphics FIT SOCET SET Support (.sup) Space Imaging BIL, BIP and BSQ SPOT DIMAP Surfer Grid (.grd) Targa (.tga) TIFF (.tif) USRP (.img) VITEC (.vit) Fractional zoom, rectangle zoom, pyramid level zoom and continuous zoom Continuous rotate
DXF ESRI Geodatabase vector features DGN ESRI Shapefiles DWG Geography Network ERDAS IMAGINE Annotation layers (.ovr) TerraModel Project files (.pro) ERDAS IMAGINE Area of Interest layers (.aoi) VPF ESRI ArcInfo coverages (8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 3.5) Oracle Spatial Feature
Zoom to a specific scale Zoom to layer extent Font to symbol utility User-selectable resampling techniques o Nearest Neighbor o Bilinear Interpolation o Cubic Convolution o Bicubic Spline Rotation of data to user-defined angles Interactive north arrow and scale bar On-the-fly resampling Print using Map Composer templates Area of Interest (AOI) definition Use AOI layers for masking Image histogram modification o Automatic statistics calculation option o Simple brightness/contrast tools o Piecewise linear adjustments o Standard, statistically-based automatic lookup tables (LUTs) o Full graphical histogram contrast adjustment tool o Save and reload multiple LUTs Window extent statistics o Avoids poor utilization of available screen contrast o Quickly calculate statistics for current viewer Pseudo color table editing for thematic layers o Define new attribute fields o Apply color patches o Statistical report generation o Attribute-based criteria selection and display o Point-and-click attribute selection Recode class values Filtering for thematic images (Neighborhood Analysis) Filtering for continuous images o Standard smoothing, edge enhancement and edge detection filters o Custom filter editor and librarian Interpolation methods for editing image regions General raster editing tools Visual change detection between any data types o Swipe o Blend o Flicker Inquire cursor and inquire box
ERDAS IMAGINE also supports the import and export of numerous satellite, GIS and image file formats. See the chart later in document. * Availability limited to Microsoft Windows platforms only. Easy to Learn and Use
Intuitive graphical user interface throughout Common tools used throughout the suite Context-sensitive, hypertext-linked on-line help Bubble help All documentation is available within the software in Adobe PDF format
Data Visualization The IMAGINE Viewer efficiently displays, combines, analyzes and presents disparate geographic data.
Drag-and-drop data loading to the viewer (Microsoft Windows only) International 2-byte fonts supported (Microsoft Windows only) Multiple image display types Overlay multiple data types Treat multiple image layers as o Discrete, independent files o Virtual mosaic o Virtual layer stack Arrange layers index Multi-view linking by o Geographical o Spectral o Real-time roam and rotate locking User-definable projection system for data display Dynamic roam
Measurement tool o Point locations o Lengths, bearings and angles o Polygonal areas and perimeters o Cylinder lying on ground o Ellipse o Control of units and coordinate systems for reporting MGRS coordinate display and drive to Profile tools o Spectral profile for hyperspectral analysis o Spectral reference libraries o Spatial profile for cross-section, surface distance and line-of-sight analysis o Surface profile for rapid isometric surface views Image Drape Tool for creating perspective views on platforms supporting OpenGL o Rendering of DEM or any surface information as a 2.5D view o Control vertical exaggeration o Specify observer position and viewing geometry o Customizable backgrounds o Atmospheric effects o Draping of multiple data layers o Retention of geographic coordinates Annotation layers o Manually digitize objects o Objects include text, polylines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons, symbols, arcs and points o Style editor o Freehand (streaming) polyline editor o Lock annotation rotation angle Vector layers o Built-in ArcInfo, Geodatabase, Shapefile and ArcSDE vector data models o Display and present as points, polygons, polylines, tics or in combination o Select features by point-and-click, regional selection or attribute-based criteria o Style editor, including attribute-based symbolization o Display and print all or selected features only TerraModel layers o Define color palettes GPS live-link o Display location in viewer based on NMEA-0183 communication o Drive View based on GPS coordinates in real time
In addition, the IMAGINE GLT provides the following on the Microsoft Windows platform only.
Multiple viewers embedded into a single dialog for easy screen management Dedicated overview linked window, ideal for dual monitor configurations DirectX hardware acceleration Dual CPU support Thumbwheels for brightness, contrast, zoom and rotation control Percentage Look-Up Table (ideal for 16-bit data such as IKONOS and QuickBird) Dynamic Range Adjustment (DRA) with user definable clipping parameters Snail Trails Auto-roaming with regular or user-defined search paths Contextual Magnifier (lens magnifier) Auto-rotate images o Grid North o True North o Sensor Look Angle (Up is Up) o Common rotation angles (45, 90, etc.) Lock rotation angles of GLT with Overview windows Image chipping Snapshot view content to standard image format Copy view content to Windows clipboard Feature Counting Tool with user-customizable categories and icons Ruler integration (Ruler 14 and 16) Intelligent (sensor-specific) band combination selectors Session saving and loading Jump Roam to a user-selected location from overview Research and Negation tools for multi-image change detection Automatic application of MTFC kernels Spectral Mixer tool for predefined weighted band combinations
Vector Data Handling IMAGINE Essentials enables coverage data to be created and/or edited and provides extensive tools for this purpose through the viewer.
ArcSDE and Enterprise Geodatabase vector clients ESRI Shapefile, Arc Coverage and Simple Personal Geodatabase (Microsoft Windows only) read/write/create Create points, arcs, polygons and tics Digitize and split existing polygons with shared boundaries Reshape an existing shape Create and enter attribute data Cut, copy, paste and delete Unlimited undo levels User-defined symbolization Node and arc snapping Split and unsplit arcs Specify weed and grain tolerance Splining, densifying and generalization Node and polygon error detection Arc reshaping Drag and drop individual arc vertices or arc segments Continuous, hands-free roam while editing Automatic feature extraction Heads-up digitizing in viewer, digitizing tablet input or keyboard data entry Rename, copy, delete and external coverages Reproject to another projection Add hyperlinks to Microsoft Windows applications or Web pages from vector features
Record and repeat common functions Automation to provide multi-file input/output support Wildcard selection of files Drag-and-drop data loading Image Command tool for changing projection and map information
Geometric Correction IMAGINE Essentials provides an intuitive set of tools to georeference raw image data.
Automatic geometric correction from valid ephemeris information Manual georeferencing can be applied to any raster data o Affine o Polynomial (first to tenth order) o Rubber sheeting o Reprojection Edit Ground Control Points (GCPs) o Intuitive graphical user interface o GCP selection from map, image, vector or keyboard o Automatic coordinate conversion o Automatic error reporting o Independent verification of accuracy with check points o Chip extraction (magnifier) viewers o Automatic drive-to-point o Automatic point prediction o Automatically position a predicted GCP Drop point simple geocoding Image resampling to coordinate system o Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear, Cubic Convolution or Bicubic Spline resampling o User-defined pixel sizes and geographic subsets o DLL extendible Over 1000 projected coordinate systems included Over 65 spheroids and 500 datums included User may add more spheroids and datums Vertical datums, including vertical datum transformations Support for both standard and user-defined projection libraries, allowing thousands of projection systems to be defined ArcInfo Vector Transformations: affine or projective Viewer Geographic Link by reproject Viewer reproject images on-the-fly Mapmaker reproject images on-the-fly Reproject command interface Read/create World Files
Raster Data Handling Writeable raster DLLs for IMG, TIFF (including GeoTIFF and TIFF World) and ESRI GRID Stack formats Enhanced TIFF image creation for control over parameters such as compression, tiling and creation of TIFF world files in the resulting image file Support for files over 2 GB in size DLL extendible Default format filtering including All Rasters option Pyramid layer generation for rapid and visually accurate image zooming
Image Management The IMAGINE Image Catalog provides a database that serves as an image library, softcopy search and information management system.
Attribute-based querying of records (images) View image footprints on reference maps Customize reference maps Display selected images
Simple Classification Easy-to-use unsupervised classification routine (ISODATA) with only file names and the number of classes needed for input. User control of:
Number of iterations Number of classes Skip factors Initial class means on diagonal or principal axis Scaling of class ranges Color scheme initialization options Convergence threshold
File Chooser mechanism o File system and network navigation o Connection mechanism for database access o Recent list of files accessed o Go To list of directories accessed o Select multiple files at once o Preview thumbnail o Rename/delete/set permissions on files o All Rasters and All Vectors filters Enterprise database spatial selection tool, including: o User-customizable backdrop maps o MBR footprint display o Thumbnail image display o Image selection by attribute query, spatial and/or point and click criteria Quickly customize ERDAS IMAGINE to the production environment through the Preference Editor Access to peripherals and networks Text editor Layer information tools View binary data Data compression Coordinate calculator Subset tool Movie player and sequence editor Spreadsheet functionality via the CellArray Convert fonts to symbol libraries
Map Composer Create or access individual custom maps of user-defined size. Add any of the following: o Multiple data frames containing one or more data layers each o Automatically generated grid ticks, lines and graticules o Titles o Lines, bounding boxes and symbols o Annotation o Logos o North arrows o Scale bars o Automatically generated legends o User-definable styles Build customized map templates Automatically generate USGS maps at standard scales Automatically generate international map series at any scale Industry-standard printer languages and devices
Import/Export Routines Data type ADRG ADRI Alaska SAR Facility ArcSDE (Raster) ARC INTERCHANGE to GRID/Coverage ASCII ASRP ASTER EOS-HDF AVHRR (NOAA KLM, Sharp & Dundee) AVIRIS Binary (Generic BIL, BIP, BSQ & Tiled) BMP CADRG CIB Daedalus (AMS and ABS sensors) DEM (SDTS) DEM (USGS) Digital Orthophoto Quads (DOQ) Digital Point Positioning Database (DPPDB) DTED DXF to Annotation EDC Landsat 7 HDF ENVI ENVISAT ERDAS Annotation (*.ant) ERDAS Digitize ERDAS GIS ERDAS LAN ERMapper EROS A1 (ImageSat) ERS (CEOS) FIT GeoSPOT (4-band data) GIF GRASS GRID/GRID Stack HDF (Scientific, Raster and EOS) HYDICE Hyperion Intergraph CCITT Group 4 (*.cit) Intergraph COT IRS-1C & 1D (EOSAT & Euromap Fast Format C, Superstructure formats) IRS-P4 OCM (Superstructure format)
Import Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Export Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes* Yes* No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No
Data type JFIF (JPEG) JPEG200 (including GeoJP2) Landsat MSS Landsat TM Fast Format (ACRES, EROSAT, ESA, IRS, Radarsat) Landsat TM Standard Format (ACRES, EROSAT, ESA, IRS, Radarsat) Landsat 7 CEOS (Eurimage) Landsat 7 Fast-L7A (ACRES, EROS, Eurimage) Landsat 7 HDF MapInfo (*.mif & *.mid) MODIS (EOS-HDF) MODIS (IMAPP format) MrSID (Generation 2) MrSID (Generation 3 Geo Express) NASDA (CEOS) NDF (NLAPS Data Format) Oracle GeoRaster Oracle Spatial Feature PCI (*.pix) PCX PNG Radarsat (CEOS Format) RPF (CIB & CADRG) SeaWiFS HDF SeaWiFS level 1B & 2A data (OrbView CEOS format) SDTS (Raster) Shapefile SPOT 4 (CAP format) SPOT 5 (GeoTIFF) SPOT GIS GeoSPOT, SPOTView, & METROView SPOT 5 (DIMAP) SPOT XS, XI, Pan & P/XI (SPOT, ACRES, CCRS) Sun Raster Surfer (Binary, ASCII, Surfer 7) Surfer Grid files TIFF (including GeoTIFF, TIFF World, TiledTIFF, TIFF 6.0 & compression) USGS (keyword format) USRP VITEC
Import Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Export Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes** Yes** No No Yes*** Yes*** No Yes No No Yes* No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No
Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging has established itself as the industry leader in data capture, digital mapping and image processing. Its geospatial information collection tools include the most sophisticated flight planning and airborne sensors in the industry such as the ADS40 Airborne Digital Sensor and the ALS50 Airborne Laser Scanner. State-ofthe-art photogrammetric and image-processing algorithms of the Leica Photogrammetry Suite streamline production throughput for both GIS professional and photogrammetrists alike. Furthermore, ERDAS IMAGINE is the foundation of the companys geographic imaging solutions and the most powerful geographic imaging software suite in the industry.
Copyright 2005 Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging, LLC. Unpublished All rights reserved. Use, reproduction or disclosure is governed solely by the Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging, LLC standard commercial license. Contractor/Manufacturer is Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging, LLC, 5051 Peachtree Corners Circle, Suite 100, Norcross, GA 30092-2500 USA.
Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging, LLC 5051 Peachtree Corners Circle, Suite 100 Norcross, GA 30092-2500 USA Phone +1 770 776 3400