8 Spiritual Laws

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8 Must Know Natural/Spiritual Laws Affecting Your Life Right Now!

Introduction We humans possess the utterly awesome - and under-utilized - ability to consciously (and not so consciously) turn our thoughts into material things. We are incredible creative beings able to manifest a dazzling array of feats. From mere ideas we are able to build things like vehicles, furniture and skyscrapers to move and live in; we make our own clothes and grow our own food to sustain ourselves; we even create music, art and entertainment for amusement and personal expression. Below is a sampling from the forthcoming book written by Mark Douglas Langford entitled: I Took All My Vacation Days & Still Earned a Promotion. The excerpted digest provides descriptions as well as practical applications for using 8 of the most salient Natural/Spiritual Laws affecting you right now. Use them consciously and with positive intention and enjoy the results! _______________________________________

Our creative ability to manifest and transform is all made possible by framework
created and sustained by a set of immutable, invisible and ubiquitous Natural/Spiritual Laws regulate the Universe like an operating system runs a computer. Set into motion by a divine Source Energy, they provide a stable environment through which this living, conscious energy can experience itself in an infinite number of ways through us and what we call life. Outside of metaphysical discussions, most of us are barely aware of the existence of these Natural/Spiritual Laws, yet they regulate every facet of our creative ability at every moment throughout our lives. If knowledge conveys power, then just imagine the potential of living and working in full awareness of them. What more could you achieve

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Laws that are in effect 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year. These

by knowing these Laws and using them with maximum intention? How calming would it be to better understand why things happen the way they do? What changes would you make in your life if you knew the inner workings of the Universe? Exercising creative ability along with well-defined intentions and full awareness of the "rules of the game" is a success formula that you need to know. 1) The Law of Vibration this Law holds that absolutely everything is made up of moving energy, including your thoughts. This living energy runs through all things and connects everything together, even though things may appear separate and unrelated. The human brain is a massive transceiver of frequencies that can penetrate and influence this unified energy field and provides you with an extraordinary power to alter both you and the rest of the connected world. Practical Use: You are constantly emitting and receiving frequencies (waves of energy) as is everyone else. Recall a time when you met someone for the first time and took an instant liking to them (or vice versa). Why was that? Its because without knowing one thing about a person, you still get an instant read on their energy. From this feedback you intuit their frequency alignment to yours, sense their level of openness and feel their unseen intentions. It is commonly referred to as intuition, and it is really just the ability to interpret energy which we can all do. Therefore, stay tuned into your intuition as it is the sensor to the invisible energies that surround you. 2) The Law of Attraction - flows from the Law of Vibration and holds that like (positive or negative) that they project. The short of it is that thinking positive thoughts results in positive results, and similarly, thinking negative thoughts attracts undesirable results. Practical Use: Its dangerous to be unaware of this law. The reason is because you
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attracts like, and people attract other people, events and things that match the energy

attract what you are thinking about most of the time. If your attention is centered on things that you DONT want, you will manifest these things just as easily as those things that you DO want (think the giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in the movie Ghostbusters). Therefore, when you keep the things that you really desire in the front

and center of your conscious awareness, you will attract the situations, events, people and resources that you need to achieve them. Hint: If you are feeling good, then you are focused on things that you want and that make you happy. If you are feeling uptight, apprehensive or fearful, then you are probably focused on things you dont want. Make it a habit to monitor the thoughts coming out of that massive transmitter sitting on top of your shoulders. 3) The Law of Cause and Effect - this Law states that all happenings, or changes in energy, are a result of thought, word or deed. Cause always precedes the associated effects and every effect has a root cause. This Law holds that there is no such thing as chance, or the possibility of something happening without an originating cause. Practical Use: This law holds that humans can influence their environment and that we are creators of our own reality. As an example, exercising causes the body to be fit and over-eating is a cause for obesity. The outcome, or effect, is the result of personal choice, or cause. Align your thoughts, words and actions to your positive intentions and you will reap the benefits that this law has to offer. Accept 100% responsibility for your life and take full control of it, knowing that the things you do will result in either reward or consequence. 4) The Law of Relativity - states that nothing has value or meaning unless it is related to something else. Stated simply, the Law of Relativity is the basis for all experience. You cannot define and comprehend anything without having something else to compare it to. Practical Use: It is difficult for us to empathize with others if we have not ourselves had similar experiences. Our brains need data points in order to be able to comprehend the information provided to it by our physical senses. Telling young children that fire burns will have no meaning to them until they personally experience fire or see the effects experienced by someone else. We comprehend and understand things through the experiences afforded to us by our sensory perception. This can be put to use when communicating with others. When interacting with others, take into account that they have a unique set of metrics that they use to interpret and appreciate your meaning.

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When speaking, augment your words with analogies, references and examples. When listening, stay compassionate. 5) The Law of Polarity - states that everything has an opposite so that balance can be sustained. Hot and cold, up and down, light and dark - opposites are identical in nature and only differ in degree. Taken with the Law of Relativity, it can be understood that opposites not only exist but also that they create the possibility to have "experiences" via contrasts that exist on the physical plane. Heres a simple question that helps frame-up the Law of Polarity: How do you know what pleasure is? Practical Use: Evil, darkness, and pain all exist so that we can experience and While the undesirable exists - and you will inevitably

appreciate their opposite.

experience it - you do not have to remain mired by or attached to it. Move through bad times and problems by staying focused on good feelings and the knowledge that the polar opposite exists. succeed. 6) The Law of Transmutation - states that all energy is constantly shifting forms. Energy is never created or destroyed, it simply moves from one state into another. Your very thoughts are able to transmute energy into material and tangible creations all the time. Practical Use: The underlying principle of this Law is that the only constant is change. If you resist change, you will feel like you are swimming against a riptide in the ocean and experience difficulty and challenge. When you remain open to change, you stay receptive to new learning, improvement and growth. In tandem with the other Natural/ Spiritual Laws, the Law of Transmutation enables us to use our creative powers to affect change in the world around us. We have the ability to change despair into bliss, intolerance into compassion and even hate into love. 7) The Law of Rhythm - everything on the physical plane is subject to natural cycles. It is the cadence of the Universe breathing in and out and works in tandem with the Law

Also keep in mind that within every perceived problem there

exists a solution or set of solutions, and within every perceived failure lays the ability to

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of Polarity to provide contrast and the basis of experience and knowing different states of being. Practical Use: All energy moves in a rhythm, pulsing and swaying between the boundaries set by the Law of Polarity. The way you move through life is your personal rhythm and will enable growth, healing and ever increasing levels of awareness. Observe your emotional, mental, physical and creative patterns with regard to good and bad moods, health and sickness, strength and weakness. Notice when you feel naturally great and when you feel thoroughly thrashed. These are your personal biorhythms. Physical faculty, mental aptitude, emotional stability and creativity ability all follow natural cycles. Get in tune with your natural rhythms and accept the down-cycles with patience and grace, and make your boldest moves in the up-cycles to find ease and flow. 8) The Law of Agenda - governs how and when things get done in the Universe and holds that there is an order to manifesting all that is requested of it through human attention (focus) and intention (intensity). With billions of beings manifesting their creativity individually and collectively, its an inexplicable feat to get everything to work together to meet demand. The Universe never says no, it merely requires your patience while it works out the details. Little has been written about this obscure law because little is known of is workings. The Law of Agenda is basically the secret sauce of the Universe. It takes every desire and intention in the world and serves up individual results. It is the CPU that computes how everything gets resolved in an orderly way. Practical Use: Like an unfathomably large sliding word puzzle, the Law of Agenda moves all the pieces and parts in place to serve your desires within the limits of the other Natural/Spiritual Laws. There are 2 practical uses for being aware of this Law: 1) to keep an open mind as to what form your realized intentions may show up as, and 2) to expedite the working of this law, you need to keep your attention and intention on what it is you desire.

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Summary There are, of course, other Natural/Spiritual Laws but the 8 noted above are the ones that affect human beings the most on a day-to-day basis. By making yourself consciously aware of what they are, you will be able to make better decisions in your life and in what you choose to do. Thank you for taking the time to read this paper and I hope that it provides motivation for you to go make positive changes in your life and in the world the 8 Natural/Spiritual Laws at your disposal.
_____________________________________ About the Author

Mark Langford is Harvard MBA turned Corporate Shaman.

A self-taught corporate

thriver, Mark has 20+ years of experience working for start-up ventures through Fortune 500 companies, both domestically and abroad. His personal passion is to find ways to improve upon established policies and procedures that promote work sickness. His mission is to help reconnect people with their Source Energy in order to unlock passion, creativity and personal genius in the place where they spend the majority of their waking lives at work. His new book: I Took All My Vacation Days and Still Earned a Promotion is set to be published later this year. His web site is: http://MarkDouglasLangford.com
Copyright 2012 by Mark Douglas Langford All rights reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form, or by any electronic mechanical or other means, without permission in writing from the author.

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