39 Space Air Distribution
39 Space Air Distribution
39 Space Air Distribution
Space Air Distribution
1. Explain the importance of proper air distribution in conditioned space and define
2. List the factors to be considered in the design of air distribution devices and
explain buoyancy effects and deflection of air jets
3. Estimate throw, drop, spread and entrainment ratio of circular and rectangular,
isothermal free jets
4. List different types of supply air outlet devices and their characteristics
5. Draw the airflow patterns for ceiling, sidewall and slotted diffusers
6. Explain stratified mixing flow, displacement flow, cold air distribution and spot
cooling and heating
7. List the criteria for selection of supply air outlets.
39.1. Introduction
After the required amount of supply air is transmitted to the conditioned
space, it is essential to distribute the air properly within the conditioned space. Thus
it is important to design suitable air distribution system, which satisfies the following
where DBT is the local dry bulb temperature (in oC) and V is the local velocity (m/s).
For comfort, the EDT should be within –1.7oC to +1.1oC and the air velocity should
be less than 0.36 m/s.
⎛N ⎞
ADPI = ⎜ θ ⎟ x100 (39.2)
⎝ N ⎠
where N is the total number of locations at which observations have been made, and
Nθ is the number of locations at which the effective draft temperature is within –1.7oC
to +1.1oC.
The objective of air distribution system design is to select and place the
supply air diffusers in such a way that the ADPI approaches 100 percent. The ADPI
provides a rational way of selecting air diffusers. Studies show that the value of ADPI
depends very much on space cooling load per unit area. A large value of space
cooling load per unit area tends to reduce the value of ADPI.
T − Ts
SDEF = ex (39.3)
Tr − Ts
where Tex is the temperature of the exhaust air, Ts is the supply air temperature and
Tr is the temperature of the room air (at the measuring point). A SDEF value of ≤ 1
implies that some amount of cold supply air has not mixed with the room air and is
leaving the conditioned space as exhaust. The space air distribution is considered to
be effective if SDEF ≥ 1.0.
Table 39.1 shows the recommended supply air velocities for diffusers. Since
the air velocity at the supply air outlet is normally much higher than 0.36 m/s and its
temperature is much lower than 24.4oC, it has to mix properly with the room air
before it reaches the occupancy level. This depends on the effective design of the air
distribution system.
a) Velocity of air at the inlet to the supply diffuser: Noise criteria to be observed
e) Room Geometry
f) Room surface temperature: Lower the surface temperature (e.g. with glass)
stronger are the natural convection currents.
h) Room turbulence
Due to the buoyancy effects, a supply air stream that is cooler than the room
air will drop and supply air that is warmer than room air rises. However, from thermal
comfort point-of-view, it is important that the supply air stream does not strike at
occupancy level. Figure 39.1(a) shows the drop of a supply air jet that is cooler than
the room air.
Fig.39.1(a): Drop of a cool air jet Fig.39.1(b): Deflection of a cool air jet
⎛ ΔT ⎞
Vt 2 = gh⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (39.4)
⎝ r⎠
where ΔT is the difference between the local temperature of the fluid (Tf) element
and the room air (Tr), Tr is the room air temperature in K, g is the acceleration due to
gravity and h is the height. For equilibrium at a height H, the velocity of the fluid
element should be equal to the entrance velocity of supply air (Vo), i.e.,
Vt = Vo at equilibrium (39.5)
Then from Eqn.(39.1):
⎛ ΔT ⎞
Vo 2 = gH ⎜⎜ d ⎟⎟ (39.6)
⎝ Tr ⎠
where ΔTd is the difference between the temperature of air at supply outlet and the
room air.
gH ⎛ ΔTd ⎞
Ar = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (39.7)
Vo 2 ⎝ T r ⎠
In the above expression for Archimedes number, H may be the height of the room or
the hydraulic diameter, Dh of the room given by:
4 WH
Dh = (39.8)
2( W + H)
where W and H are the width and height of the room, respectively. Archimedes
number conveniently combines the supply air velocity at the outlet, supply to room
temperature difference and the principle dimensions of the room- important factors
that define the air distribution in a room. Several studies show that the airflow pattern
in a room is largely dependent on the Archimedes number. The Archimedes number
can also be viewed as a ratio of Grashof number to the square of Reynolds number
(Ar ≈ Gr/Re2), thus combining the effects of natural convection due to buoyancy and
forced convection due to supply air jet. Archimedes number also affects the heat
transfer between the air inside the conditioned space and the surrounding surfaces.
To avoid cold drafts in the occupied zone, the Archimedes number should not
exceed a maximum value, which depends on the room dimensions. Table 39.2
shows the maximum Archimedes number values as a function of W/H ratio.
39.2.2. Deflection:
When an air stream strikes a solid surface such as a concrete beam or a wall,
it deflects. Again from comfort criteria, it is essential to ensure that due to deflection,
the supply air does not strike the occupants before it is diffused. Figure 39.1(b)
shows the deflection of a supply air jet as it strikes a solid beam.
Blow or throw:
It is the vertical distance the air moves after leaving the supply outlet and
reaches the end of blow.
Figure 39.2 shows the meaning of drop and throw of free-stream jets.
Entrainment ratio:
As the high velocity jet (called as primary air) leaves the supply air outlet, it
entrains some amount of room air (called as secondary air). Entrainment gives rise
to motion of room air. The entrainment ratio at a distance x from the supply outlet is
defined as the ratio of volumetric flow rate of air at x to the volumetric flow rate of air
at the supply air outlet (x=0), i.e.,
Entrainment ratio at x,R x = (39.9)
Qx = 0
It is the angle of divergence of the air stream after it leaves the supply air
outlet as shown in Fig.39.3. The spread can be both horizontal as well as vertical.
Vanes are normally used in the supply air outlets. These vanes can be straight,
converging or diverging. Figure 39.3 shows the outlet with diverging vanes, for which
the horizontal spread is 60o as shown in the figure. For straight vanes and
converging the spread is equal to 19o both in horizontal and vertical directions.
Converging vanes yield a blow that is about 15% longer than that of straight vanes,
whereas for diverging vanes it is about 50% less than that of horizontal vanes.
39.4.Circular jets:
An understanding of the principle of the simple circular jet can be used to
understand the characteristics of most of the commercial supply air diffusers and
grilles. Figure 39.4 shows the airflow pattern in a circular jet. As shown in the figure,
supply air leaves the outlet at a velocity Vo. The velocity decays as the jet enters the
room and entrains the room air. Figure 39.4 also shows the velocity profile. It can be
seen that the velocity of air varies as a function of distance, horizontal x from the
opening along the centerline and the radial distance from the centerline.
Using the mass and momentum balance equations to the circular jet, it has
been shown by Schlichting that the velocity profile for the circular jet is given by:
7.41 Vo A o
V (x, r ) =
[ (
x 1 + 57.5 r 2 / x 2 )] 2 (39.10)
where Vo is the velocity at the outlet, m/s; V(x,r) is the velocity of air in the jet at x
and r, and Ao is the cross-sectional area of the outlet. From the above equation it is
easy to predict that the air velocity in the circular jet decreases as x and r increase,
and as Ao and Vo decrease. Thus a jet sustains its velocity better as the velocity at
the supply outlet increases and/or the area of opening increases. One can also
deduce that since the velocity decreases with x and r, the jet spreads as it flows, so
that the mass of air is always conserved. And from momentum conservation, it can
be deduced that entrainment of room air takes place as the jet moves away from the
supply air outlet.
Vo centreline
From Eqn.(39.10), the velocity of air in the circular jet along the centerline (r=0) is
found to be:
7.41 Vo A o
V ( x , r = 0) = (39.11)
From the above expression, the entrainment ratio Rx for the circular jet can be
written as:
∫ V(x, r ).2πr.dr
Qx r =0 0.405 x
Rx = = = (39.12)
Q x =0 A o Vo Ao
Large circular openings are rarely used in actual air distribution systems as
they travel long distances before mixing with room air. As this can cause discomfort
to the occupants, normally diffusers are used in circular jets. These diffusers provide
rapid velocity decay and large entrainment.
2.40 Vo b ⎡ 2⎛ y ⎞⎤
V ( x , y) = ⎢1 − tanh ⎜ 7.67 x ⎟ ⎥ (39.13)
x ⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
Fig. 39.5. Front view of a supply air grille with horizontal and vertical vanes
b) An integrated layout of light troffer, diffuser and return slots can be formed on
suspended ceilings
c) Improved aesthetics
d) A combination of light troffer and return slot reduces the space cooling load as
the return air absorbs a part of the heat emitted by the lights. However, they
should be designed such that the return air does not come in direct contact
with the tube so that deposition of dust on the fluorescent tube is prevented
Figure 39.8 shows a light troffer-diffuser slot that combines the light troffer, supply air
diffuser and return air slot.
In addition to the above air distribution devices, the floor mounted grilles
and diffusers, low-side wall diffusers, nozzle diffusers etc. are also used for
room air distribution.
Similar to supply air outlets, return air inlets can be classified as grilles, registers,
diffusers etc. In many commercial buildings the ceiling plenum is used as return air
plenum. In this case, return slots are used to draw the return air through the ceiling.
In return air inlets the air velocity decreases sharply as the distance from the inlet
increases. Based on noise criteria, the air velocity should be within 3 m/s if the return
air inlet is inside the occupied space and it should be less than 4 m/s if it is above the
occupied space.
a) Entrainment of room air to reduce the air temperature and velocity in the
occupied zone to acceptable levels
b) Reverse air stream in the occupied zone for an even velocity and temperature
The airflow pattern in the conditioned space is influenced mainly by the type and
location of supply air outlets. The high side outlets, ceiling diffusers and slot diffusers
are most commonly used in air conditioned buildings.
Figure 39.9 shows the airflow pattern using high side outlets installed on a
high sidewall for cooling and heating applications. As the air is discharged from the
high side outlet, due to surface effect (Coanda effect) the air jet tends to stick to the
ceiling as shown in the figure. For cooling applications, the cold supply air entrains
the room air and deflects downwards when it strikes the opposite wall. The reverse
Cooling Cooling
Side view End view
Return air
Heating Cooling
Plan view
Fig.39.9: Airflow pattern using high side outlets for cooling and heating
Figure 39.10 shows the airflow pattern using ceiling diffusers for both cooling
and heating applications. It is seen that ceiling diffusers produce a shorter throw, a
lower and more even distribution of air velocity and a more even temperature in the
occupied zone when used for cooling. However, when used for heating it is seen that
a larger stagnant area is formed due to buoyancy effect. Ceiling diffusers are widely
Side view Cooling
End view
Heating Cooling
Plan view
Figure 39.11 shows the airflow patters obtained using slot diffusers installed in
the ceiling in the perimeter and interior zones. The slot diffusers installed in the
perimeter zone discharge air vertically downwards and also in the horizontal
direction. Due to its better surface effect, the air jet remains in contact with the ceiling
for a longer period and the reverse air stream ensures uniformity of temperature and
velocity in the occupied zone. Due to their superior characteristics and better
aesthetics, slot diffusers are widely used in large office spaces with normal ceiling
heights and with VAV systems.
Stratified mixing flow for summer cooling offers the following advantages:
a) Convective heat transfer from the hot roof is effectively blocked by the higher
temperature air in the stagnant upper zone thus reducing the building cooling
b) Location of the return air inlets affects the cooling load only when they are
located in the upper zone
However, due to considerably reduced airflow rates, the air distribution and IAQ
may get affected, especially when using with VAV systems. Better insulation and
sealing of the ducts may be required to reduce losses and prevent surface
2. Shape, size and ceiling height of the building: Ceiling and slot diffusers are
ideal for buildings with limited ceiling height. For large buildings with large
ceiling heights, high side wall mounted outlets are recommended.
3. Volume flow rate per unit floor area: Sidewall outlets are limited to low
specific volume flow rates as they give rise to higher air velocities in the
occupied zone. Compared to slot diffusers, the ceiling diffusers can handle
efficiently a larger volumetric flow rates. Table 39.3 shows the specific volume
flow rate of different outlets
4. Volume flow rate per outlet: The volume flow rate per supply outlet depends
on the throw required to provide a satisfactory room air distribution. For linear
slot diffusers, the volume flow rate per unit length is important. Its value
normally lies between 23 to 62 L/s.m for linear slot diffusers. In a closed office
with a floor area of about 14 m2 and only one external wall, one ceiling diffuser
is normally sufficient
5. Throw: High side wall outlets have a longer throw than ceiling diffusers.
Square ceiling diffusers and circular ceiling diffusers have similar throw
6. Noise level
7. Total pressure drop: The total pressure loss of supply air as it flows through
a slot diffuser of 19 mm width is normally between 12 to 50 Pascals, whereas
it is between 5 to 50 Pascals for ceiling diffuser. Normally the pressure loss
across the supply outlet should not exceed 50 Pascals
8. Cost and Appearance: Finally the cost and appearance of the supply air
outlets also have to be considered depending upon the specific application
Type of outlet Specific volume flow rate Max. ACH for 3-m
L/s/m2 of floor area ceiling
Grilles 3.0 to 6.0 7
Slot diffuser 4.0 to 20.0 12
Perforated Panel 4.5 to 15.0 18
Ceiling diffuser 4.5 to 25.0 30
Ans.: b) and d)
a) The effective draft temperature increases as dry bulb temperature and air velocity
b) The effective draft temperature increases as dry bulb temperature increases and
air velocity decreases
c) A good air distribution system should yield high value of ADPI and a small value of
d) A good air distribution system should yield high values of both ADPI and SDEF
Ans.: b) and d)
a) Due to buoyancy effect a cold air stream rises and a hot air stream drops
b) The buoyancy effects become stronger as the temperature difference between the
supply air and room air increases
c) A high Archimedes number indicates a strong buoyancy effect
d) The design Archimedes number should increase as the height of the room
Ans.: b) and c)
a) The centerline velocity of air from a circular jet increases as the distance from the
outlet increases
b) The centerline velocity of air from a circular jet increases as the outlet area
c) The centerline velocity of air from a circular jet increases as the supply air velocity
at the outlet increases
d) All of the above
Ans.: c)
a) Compared to other outlet types, a grille has lower entrainment ratio and greater
b) Ceiling diffusers are recommended when the ceiling height is high
c) Sidewall diffusers are generally used in large spaces
d) All of the above
Ans.: a) and c)
a) Stratified mixing flows are recommended for buildings with high ceilings
b) Stratified mixing flow reduces the radiant heat load from the ceilings
c) Cold air distribution systems reduce the space requirement and fan power
d) Cold air distribution systems may lead to surface condensation
Ans.: d)
a) Spot cooling and heating systems are widely used in industrial applications
b) Spot cooling and heating systems provide better individual control
c) Spot cooling and heating systems reduce the total cooling load
d) All of the above
Ans.: d)
Ans.: From the DBT and air velocity (V) data, the Effective Draft Temperature (EDT)
for each point is calculated using the equation:
The calculated EDT values are shown in the table. It is seen from the table
that the EDT value varies widely from −3.31oC to +0.3oC, indicating improper
For this space the Air Distribution Performance Index (ADPI) is calculated
using the equation:
⎛N ⎞ ⎛5⎞
ADPI = ⎜ θ ⎟ x100 = ⎜ ⎟ x100 = 55.6 (Ans.)
⎝ N⎠ ⎝9⎠
where Nθ is the number of locations at which the effective draft temperature is within
–1.7oC to +1.1oC.
An ADPI value of 55.6 indicates the need for improving the design of the air
distribution system, as it indirectly indicates that only about 56% of the occupied
zone meets the comfort criteria, whereas the remaining space gives rise to drafts.
7.41 Vo A o
V (x, r ) =
x ⎢1 + 57.5⎛⎜ r
2 ⎞⎤
2 ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ x ⎠⎦
where Vo is the velocity at supply air outlet (x=0), Ao is the area of the opening, r is
the radial distance from the centerline and V(x,r) is the velocity at point (x,r). An
airflow rate of 0.12 m3/s is supplied through a circular opening at a velocity of 3 m/s.
Find the distance from the outlet at which the centerline velocity reduces to 1 m/s.
What is the total airflow rate (primary + secondary) at this point?
7.41 Vo A o
V ( x , r = 0) =
Qx = 4.446 m = Qx=0.Rx
∫ V (x, r ).2πr.dr
Q x = 4.446 r =0 0.405 x 0.405 x 4.446
Rx = = = = ≈ 9. 0
Q x =0 A o Vo Ao 0.04
2.4 Vo b ⎡ 2⎛ y ⎞⎤
V ( x , y) = ⎢1 − tanh ⎜ 7.67 x ⎟ ⎥
x ⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
where Vo is the velocity at supply air outlet (x=0), b is the width of the slot, y is the
normal distance from the central plane and V(x,y) is the velocity at point (x,y). Find
the ratio of velocity V(x,y) to V(x,y=0) at a plane x at which the spread angle is 19o.
Supply x
Ans.: The spread angle is given by 2θ as shown in the figure given above.
V ( x , y) ⎡ ⎛ y ⎞⎤
[ ]
= ⎢1 − tanh 2 ⎜ 7.67 ⎟ ⎥ = 1 − tanh 2 (7.67x0.1673 ) = 0.265
V ( x , y = 0) ⎣ ⎝ x ⎠⎦