IEEE Format For Written Report.: Marco Gallardo, José Ulises Romero Varela, Rodrigo Gárate

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IEEE format for written report.

Marco Gallardo, Jos Ulises Romero Varela, Rodrigo Grate

ITESM CEM Atizapn de Zaragoza, Mxico [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Abstract - In this paper we are going to set the basis to generate written reports based on the IEEE format. In this part is important to add a summary with high standards so the reader can get interested. Keywords - report, format, IEEE, written. This part has to have related words to the file because it is a representative wordlist of the work. be with last names so we can have no confusions. If there is more than one author the names goes divided by a coma. Below the authors line goes the name of the institution (it must be written) and below this line, the e-mails of each author without hyperlink. The authors names, the institution and the e-mails go in bold letters. The whole work must be written in Times letter or kind of. The letter size depends of the theme, the table I will show you how it must be. Al this information has to go centered. C. Tables and Images



The elaboration of written reports always starts with an introduction. This part is very important because here you set the hole idea of the file and you talk a little bit of the topic and subtopics. This type of report is important to us as students because it is related to electric and electronic engineering and teaches how to elaborate a report based on the IEEE format.



All the material must be in the impression area and in a two column format, the text should be justified and must be all the report in the same font type. In this part you are going to present the whole topics but you have to mark at the beginning (BODY). Also you can put subtopics if the topic has some other concepts. You can mark subtopics that help you to add specific information about the central topic. A. Sheet dimensions

If the report contains more than a page, we can decide to put or to omit the page number. If the paper work includes any external elements such as tables, images, equations, etc. These elements must be in order and must contain identification data. For example, if we are writing an equation, before or after the equation the number of the equation must be written between parenthesis, and for images, graphics or conceptual maps we must write below the image Fig. #. Title of the image, for tables Table. #. Title of the table. In case we should put some huge tables, or images these should be at the bottom of the page and at the whole page width. The references should be written as recommended by the APA.

TABLE I. Types of Font

Size 8 Regular Table contents, picture titles, object references e-mail (courier) Subtopics Authors name Work title Bold Bold Italic Italic

Italic Italic Italic

215.9mm (8.5") width, 279.4mm (11") large. Margins: o 19mm (0.75") top. o 25.4mm (1") lower. o 17.3mm (0.68") left/right. - Sheet must have two columns with an intermediate space od 4.22mm (0.17"). B. Sheet style

10 11 24

As well, the images used in this document must be centered in the column and they cannot have more size than the two columns. If the image is too long you can paste it in the size of the two columns, but never more, also they must be at the top or bottom of the page.

The title goes on top of the page on bold letter and in in a bigger font size than the rest of the report. The title must have every word with capital letters, but not short words like: a, and, in. The authors names (with no professional titles) go two lines below the title with a font size a bit smaller than the title and have to umber=5445959 [4] Gerasimov,D.Sidorenko,A. Povernov,E.(2012) System of Automated Process Control of Vacuum Drying.Retreived from: umber=6310214 Pastushenko,V. Stetsenko,A.(2009). Development and modeling of automated control system of agricultural cultures water well being. Retreived from: umber=4839780


Fig. 1 Example of an image, Chevelle.

When you set an image you must be careful about the colors you are using, it is necessary to use standard colors (red, blue, green, yellow), otherwise some formats could have troubles. Every image must have the title Fig. and the number of the image, all this with letter size 8. The title of the image must be centered. When you set an image you have to check the quality of the image, the quality of the colors and that text can be read easily. D. References.

In this section the size letter has to be of 8, bold and italic and every single reference has to have Arabic consecutive numbers beginning with 1 and locked by [ ].



In this part you have to present a summary of the main topics. You have to place short sentences based in the previous theory. Is very important to us as students to know how to elaborate a paperwork based on the IEEE format because is very likely we in many subjects are intended to do some researches and to reports them to our professors

[1] Funk, D. G. (n.d.). Applying on-line computer-aided control system design to the manufacturating industry enhances control performance. In Retrieved from 5.pdf?tp=&arnumber=288895&isnumber=7179&tag=1 Mengshui, S. (n.d.). Research on cascade predictive control in hydraullic agc of cold rolling mill. In Retrieved from umber=4318917 Pastuchenko, V. Stetsenko,A. (2012) Development, modeling and technical implementation of automated control system of soils moistness by underground irrigation. Retreived from: http://0-



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