Attachments For Your Information:: Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Attachments For Your Information:: Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Attachments For Your Information:: Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
January 2013 To: All M.Sc. (Safety, Health & Environmental Technology) students 1. Attachments for your information: Instructions for online module registration Class timetable for Semester 2, AY2012/2013 Course requirements and module listings Academic Calendar for Semester 1 & 2, AY2012/2013
Online Module Registration You are required to select your modules for this coming Semester. You may do so through the computer, either on campus or through the convenience of your computer at home or in the office. You are required to do this exercise only if you are reading module(s) for this Semester. If you plan to take leave of absence for the Semester, please file your application online via MyISIS website at before the end of the Instructional Week 2 of the semester. Otherwise, you will be liable to pay fees for the Semester. Students who are not on approved leave of absence and who fail to register for any module are assumed to be no longer interested in the course and their M.Sc. candidatures would be deemed to be dismissed. The attached note gives the instructions for carrying out this exercise. Please register for your modules early to avoid disappointment (as popular modules may be over-subscribed). Do ensure that you do not encounter either class time-table or examination date clashes when you select to read your modules for the semester. The University imposes an add/drop period for modules on all graduate students. Please take note of the various deadlines (as summarised in the attached instructions) to avoid being penalised for dropping module(s) late. Students who drop their module(s) from 4 March 2013 (inclusive) will be awarded with Grade F. If you intend to read a module offered by another Engineering Department within the Faculty of Engineering or another Faculty, you will not be able to register for these modules online. Instead, please approach Ms Sharon Lum at ChBE office, E5-02-09 for an application form. The completed form must reach your Departments Office no later than 24 January 2013 (5.00 pm). Your request would be considered on a case-by-case basis according to the relevance of the module to your degree of study, module availability, ChBEs approval as well as the teaching departments approval. A copy of this Form (GSE 2/2005) can be downloaded from the web site:
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Handbook for Master of Science You are reminded to be familiar with the contents of the Handbook for Master of Science in Engineering, issued earlier by the Graduate Studies in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
Notice Board (adjacent to E5-02-38) Please refer to the notice board for notices that may be posted from time to time.
Briefing-cum-Welcome Tea A briefing-cum-welcome tea for new students will be held on 7 January 2013, 6.00 pm at E5-03-19/20. You will have the opportunity to meet your fellow course-mates and the lecturers teaching the modules in the program.
May I take this opportunity to wish you success in the coming Semester!
Yours sincerely
A/Prof SC Foo Program Manager M.Sc (Safety, Health and Environmental Technology)
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Drop Module Period (without Penalty) Drop Module Period (With 'W' grade) ** Drop Module Period (with 'F" grade) **
Students who have yet to receive the status of their cross dept/faculty modules by the 24 January 2013 (5.30pm) should contact ChBE Office (Sharon, Tel: 6516 3103).
** W denotes Withdrawn, and F denotes Fail grade. Students who drop their module(s) from 4 March 2013 (inclusive) will be awarded with Grade F.
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2. WHERE? (a) (b) in your home or office at anytime; or on campus, using the PC (1 unit will be allocated for this) at the GSEs Office located at Blk EA, Level 6 Room 16, during office hours (anytime between 8.30 am 5.30 pm during weekdays).
3. WHAT DO I NEED? You will need a computer with facilities to access the Online Module Registration System on the INTERNET. You will need your NUSNet UserID (format either A0xxxxxx or g0xxxxxx) and your password to gain access to the Online Module Registration System. If you have forgotten your login password, you may reset your password by: a) SMS you may refer to for details on how to do so; or Calling in person at ITCare Counter. Please take note of the operating hours below:
Opening Hours
(for NUSNET password enquiries)
You will need to get to the Online Module Registration System on the Internet at using a browser, e.g. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
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If you encounter problems on: (a) the computer network, you may contact the NUS IT Care
Location Level 1, Computer Centre Building
For Phone & Email Assistance 8.30am - 8.00pm (Mon - Fri) 8.30am - 6.00pm (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays) Only For Counter Walk-In Service 8.30am to 5.30pm (Mon - Fri) 8.30am to 1.00pm (Sat) Closed on Sun & Public Holidays 6516 2080 6872 5231 [email protected]
(b) Online Module Registration System, you may send an e-mail to our staff at: [email protected].
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MODULE TITLE Optimization of Chemical Processes Inorganic Nanomaterials for Sustainability (This module is only for MEng & PhD students) Hazard Identification & Evaluation Techniques
LECTURER Dr Lee Dong-Yup Dr Mukta Bansal Dr Lu Xianmao Dr Xie Jianping Dr Leong Tai Wei David A/P Rajagopalan Srinivasan
100% CA
Monday, 6-9pm
Prof Farooq Shamsuzzaman Prof IA Karimi Mr Joe Eades A/P Foo Swee Cheng Mr Sin Siang Meng Ivan
Project Engineering
Wednesday, 6-9pm
CN5040 SH5004
E5-03-20 E5-03-19
A/P Loh Kai Chee Dr Dieter W Trau Dr Yang Kun-Lin A/P Ting Yen Peng
Prof Kang En-Tang Mr Chui Heng Tak Mr Ong See Hee Mr Sin Siang Meng Ivan
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MASTER OF SCIENCE (SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY) Course Requirements The graduation requirements include obtaining a minimum Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of 3.0 (equivalent to an average of Grade B-) for the best 40 MCs, inclusive of core modules, where required. Of the 40 MCs, at least 30 MCs must be at graduate level within the subject or in a related discipline, the remaining credits may be from other levels in the same or other disciplines as approved by the Department. A candidate (full-time and part-time) must successfully complete a programme of study consisting of four Foundation modules and six elective modules. Depending on the background of the candidate, the Department may allow the waiver of Foundation modules on a case-by-case basis. In such instances, the candidate must make up for these modules by choosing from either group 1, 2, 3 or 4. The four Foundation modules are: SH5000 Basic Sciences for SHE SH5002 Fundamentals in Industrial Safety SH5003 Fundamentals in Environmental Protection SH5004 Fundamentals in Industrial Hygiene
The four groups of Elective modules are: Group One (Industrial Hygiene Option) SH5101 Industrial Toxicology SH5102 Occupational Ergonomics SH5104 Occupational Health SH5105 Noise in the Occupational Environment SH5106 Radiation SH5107 Industrial Ventilation SH5108 Chemical Hazard Management SH5109 Biostatistics and Epidemiology SH5110 Chemical Hazard Evaluation SH5880 Topics in Industrial Hygiene Group Two (Process Safety Option) SH5201 Hazard Identification and Evaluation SH5202 Quantified Risk Analysis SH5203 Emergency Planning SH5204 Safety Engineering SH5205 Incident Management SH5206 Human Factors in Process Safety SH5881 Topics in Process Safety Group Three (Environment Protection Option) ESE5202 Air Pollution Control Technology ESE5204 Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management ESE5205 Sludge and Solid Waste Management
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Industrial Wastewater Control Water Reclamation & Reuse Pollution Minimisation and Prevention Topics in Environment Protection
Group Four (Common Safety, Health and Environment Protection Modules) SH5401 SHE and Quality Management Systems / ESE5602 Environmental Management Systems SH5402 Advanced SHE Management SH5403 Independent Study SH5404 Safety Health and Environmental Project (8MCs) * Not all modules listed are necessarily available in any one year, and new modules may be available from time to time.
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Brief Description of Core Modules SH5000 Basic Sciences for SHE This course provides foundation knowledge of basic sciences including organic, inorganic and physical chemistry, physics, human physiology, toxicology, Boolean algebra, probability theory, characteristics and reliability of work and production processes upon which advanced safety, health and environment protection knowledge can be built. Fundamentals in Industrial Safety The course provides basic industrial and process safety knowledge for safety, health and environment protection practitioners. It covers the life-cycle (birth-to-death principle) approach in preventing safety, health and environment problems in industry. Techniques required in risk management such as hazard identification, risk assessment, risk evaluation and risk treatment will be covered. Other topics covered include system safety, inherently 57 safe design, process intensification, layer of protection analysis, equipment/process reliability and maintainability, redundancy and common cause failures, human errors and behavioural-based safety in the prevention of industrial accidents. Fundamentals in Environmental Protection The course provides basic protection knowledge for safety, health and environmental protection practitioners. It will cover air emission control and assessment, water emission control and assessment, waste minimisation, energy conservation, product stewardship, trade effluent, toxic industrial waste, theories behind current thinking on the effects of pollution on the environment to include ozone destroying CFCs, volatile organic compounds, particulates, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen etc. Other topics will include waste disposal techniques including incinerators, environmental impact assessments and the dispersion effects of pollutants on ecosystems and the public at large. The module is not for students with environmental engineering background. Fundamentals in Industrial Hygiene The course provides basic industrial hygiene knowledge for safety, health, and environmental protection practitioners. It will review the chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic hazards in the workplace and their potential effects on human health, employee exposure monitoring, sample analysis and data analysis. The control of hazards and exposure in the workplace through elimination, substitution, engineering, administrative and personnel control will be discussed.
Brief Description of Elective Modules SH5101 Industrial Toxicology The course covers the absorption of chemicals into human bodies, their bio-transformation, excretion and adverse effects on the target organs. Other topics covered including toxicological studies and the application of toxicological information in the prevention of occupational diseases in the workplace. Students must have a chemistry background or basic understanding of chemical safety measures at the workplace. Occupational Ergonomics The course covers human capability and job demands. The principles of job design and analysis, and their application in the prevention of occupational disorders arising from the mismatch worker and job will be covered. Other topics cover including anthropometry, biomechanics, work physiology and work psychology, job factors and environmental factors in occupational disorders.
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Occupational Health The course aims to familiarise the non-medical practitioners in safety, health and environmental protection with a working knowledge of how to identify, manage and prevent occupational issues arising from the workplace, enabling the practitioners to make knowledgeable and informed decisions with respect to the provision of occupational health services in the workplace. Topics covered include occupational health in general, occupational diseases, assessment and management of occupational health issues in workplace, shift work, occupational stress management, occupational lung diseases, occupational cancer, occupational dermatology. Noise in the Occupational Environment This course will review the physics of noise. Techniques for estimating noise levels from process equipment and the potential noise exposures to employees and the community will be reviewed. The engineering techniques for the control of noise at its source or at the receiver will be studied. The effect of noise on the hearing of employees, audiometry and hearing protection programmes and protective dress will be introduced. Radiation This course will review the physics on ionising and non-ionising radiation applicable to the use of the radiation sources in an occupational environment. Types of radiation sources used in the industry, e.g., X-rays, radioactive sources, microwaves, UV, IR and lasers will be studied. The potential adverse health effects, exposure monitoring, engineering controls and personnel controls will be reviewed. Industrial Ventilation Ventilation systems used for the protection of the employee health will be studied. The design of effective ventilation systems from the capture hood, ducting, air cleaning equipment, fans and exhausts will be studied. The testing and maintenance of existing ventilation systems will be reviewed. Chemical Hazard Management This module covers the chemical hazards mitigation, control and management principles on chemicals selection, use, storage, handling, hazard communication to workers, administrative measures, transportation and disposal. The proper implementation of engineering controls & selection, administrative control, and selection, use and limitations of respirators for personal protective equipment are discussed. Biostatistics and Epidemiology This module covers principles, methods, and quantitative techniques building on basic concepts of epidemiology. It prepares students to research in and interpret published reports from the specialized areas of occupational induced diseases and physiological conditions in the workplace as well as the use of statistical methods in the analysis of outcome studies and quality improvement. Chemical Hazard Evaluation This module is on concepts and techniques related to the evaluation of occupational exposure to gases, vapors, and aerosols. Covered topics include air flow measurements, aerosol science, particulate sampling with and without size separation, optical microscopy, active and passive sampling of gases and vapors, direct reading instruments, sampling strategy and statistical evaluation of exposure data, occupational exposure limits and threshold limit values.
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Hazard Identification and Evaluation Different types of hazard identification techniques, factors influencing selection, methods for using qualitative results in decision-making and use of PC software will be covered. The following techniques are a sample of those that will be covered in the course. Hazard and Operability Analysis, What-if analysis, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Event Tree Analysis. Quantified Risk Analysis The course will cover: Hazard evaluation, frequency and probability, probit concept, logic diagrams, failure rate data, FAR concept and criteria of acceptability, assessment of individual and societal risk. Source term estimation. Fire and explosion. Vapour, liquid and two phase release rate models. Hazard analysis case study, hazard control and mitigation. Atmospheric dispersion modelling, puff, plume and dense gas models. Consequence assessment of release, flammable and toxic releases, vapour cloud explosion, BLEVE. Radiant heat flux, blast and missile. Emergency Planning This course will cover generic emergency and crisis management planning, fire protection (active and passive), pre-fire planning, fire water hydraulics, all types of extinguishing systems, emergency communication centres, fire and gas detection and alarm systems, oil spill prevention, control, dispersion and recovery techniques. Safety Engineering Biased toward the process industries (petroleum, refining, chemical), this course covers reliability engineering, process design, pressure relief, effluent disposal, explosion prevention, electrical area classifications and types of electrical equipment, automation, emergency shutdown systems and lightning protection. The course will focus on inherent design concepts to minimise events that could affect health, safety and the environment. Incident Management This module provides the fundamentals of incident management, essential for effective industrial incident management covering: Incident Command System; Emergency Leadership, Emergency Risk Management, Mutual Aid & Joint Operations; Crisis Organisation & Management; Response Functions & Priorities; Media Management; Scene & Security; Damage Assessment; Salvage & Repair; Business Continuity; Employee Assistance; Incident Investigation; Cleanup & Restoration; and Incident Termination. Human Factors in Process Safety An introduction to the human factors that arise from the interaction of the characteristics in the operators, organizations and facilities or equipment. Human factors influence the performance of the operators and the risk of the operators to commit human error in the industry. The course covers the identification and evaluation of these characteristics in the operators, organizations and facilities, as well as methods for preventing the human error in process safety. SHE and Quality Management Systems The course will include an assessment of all the elements covered in current worldwide codes, standards, and legislature. The different models will be compared to determine overlaps and omissions. Models that will be covered in detail include ISO 9000 series, BS 7750/ISO 14000, OSHA Process Safety Management Rule, CCPS Technical Safety Management of Chemical Process Safety, API 750, Singapore Legislation of Management Systems related to the shipyards and construction industries, Management systems required under CIMAH type regulations. In
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addition, the course will cover auditing techniques and the skills required when undertaking audits. ESE5602 Environmental Management Systems This module covers historical perspective of environmental management and the basics of environmental management systems (EMS), including an introduction to environmental management, EMS models and key elements, environmental review, environmental policy, identifying and evaluating environmental aspects and impacts, legal requirements, objectives, targets and management programmes, implementation of EMS requirements, monitoring and measurement, EMS audits, management review and continual improvement. Practical sessions will be included covering identifying and evaluating environmental aspects and impacts. Advanced SHE Management The course provides professional management knowledge for safety, health and environmental protection practitioners. It covers the analysis and application of human organisational behaviour in safety, health and environmental protection in the industry, including cognitive theory, behaviour theory, social learning theory and organisational learning theory. Other topics covered include, individual, group and organisational culture, motivation and leadership in safety, health and environmental protection. Independent Study This module involves supervised self study over one semester on a topic approved by the Department. The work may relate to a comprehensive literature survey and critical evaluation, safety, health or environmental engineering study, industrial field study, or a combination of these. The study area is to be finalised, after consultation with the supervisor. The student has to find a suitable supervisor. The student must acquire interpret, evaluate relevant information in the area of study, and formulate a practical solution. Approval will be granted by the Program Manager. Students shall carry out the study within the semester. Safety Health and Environmental Project This module involves a supervised project over two semesters, on a topic approved by the Department. The work may relate to safety design and analysis, safety engineering case study, field study, or a combination of these. The study area is to be finalised, after consultation with the supervisor. The student has to find a suitable supervisor. The student must acquire interpret, evaluate relevant information in the area of study, and formulate a practical solution. Approval will be granted by the Program Manager. The student shall carry out the project within the period of his/her candidature. Topics in Industrial Hygiene Advanced topic in Industrial Hygiene that is of current interest. The course will be conducted by NUS staff and/or visitors. Topics in Process Safety Advanced topic in Process Safety that is of current interest. The course will be conducted by NUS staff and/or visitors. Topics in Environment Protection Advanced topic in Process Safety that is of current interest. The course will be conducted by NUS staff and/or visitors.
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Air Pollution Control Technology This module covers several topics in air pollution control including the nature and sources of air pollutants in the indoor and outdoor environments, air pollution models, regulations, technical methods and measures to remove/suppress the emissions of air pollutants. The physical, chemical, and physico-chemical characteristics of pollutants in the atmosphere are described. The principal industrial sources of atmospheric pollution and the technological conditions for the formation of solid and gaseous substances in emissions are defined. Technical principles, basic processes, and equipment employed to limit and eliminate particulates, volatile organic compounds, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides are discussed in detail. Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management This course introduces the advanced concepts of toxic and hazardous waste management issues. Major issues are quantification and characterisation, toxicity, impact on human health, state-of-theart reduction technologies and ultimate disposal. This course will expose students to the risks faced by urban environmental ecosystems and human beings exposed to toxic and hazardous wastes generated through various human activities and the selection of treatment and disposal facilities, their design, construction, operation and maintenance principles. Sludge and Solid Waste Management This course introduces the advanced concept of sludge and solid waste management. It covers collection, quantification, characterisation, processing, treatment, disposal and resource recovery in relation to sludge and solid waste. It will equip students with in-depth knowledge on principles of various treatment and disposal facilities along with engineering, institutional, legal and financial infrastructures. Industrial Wastewater Control This module introduces students to the theories and processes commonly used in industrial wastewater control. Topics covered in this course include characteristics of industrial wastewater, control theories and methods, and treatment of specific industrial wastewaters. The module will enable students to understand the particular problems associated with industrial wastewater control. The students will also gain the knowledge that is required for the design of treatment processes to effectively solve environmental problems relating to industrial wastewater discharge. Water Reclamation & Reuse This module provides students with the insight of water reclamation and reuse from technology, quality and regulation aspects. Planning, health effect, reclamation systems and relevant practice will be covered. The module will enable students to understand the contaminants in reuse systems and treatment technologies for water reclamation. Health risks assessment in wastewater reuse practices is also highlighted. Students will learn the technological and social considerations in relation to water reclamation and reuse for different purposes with the health effect and regulation aspects properly addressed.
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Pollution Minimisation and Prevention This module introduces to the students key concepts related to industrial pollution prevention and sustainable development, and their applications to specific industries and processes. Pollution prevention refers to the design of new processes or modification of existing processes to eliminate the creation of pollutants and wastes at the source. This module covers technical aspects of pollution prevention, engineering methods for source reduction, reduction and elimination of waste streams, waste management through energy conservation, health and safety management, green chemistry, and life-cycle analysis. Case studies are presented to show how pollution prevention can be achieved in specific industries and processes.
For description of any other modules offered in Semester 2, 2012/2013, please browse the NUS Bulletin website: (online module search engine).
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