Philosophy of Man

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PHILOSOPHY OF MAN PHILOSOPHY Pythagoras ( ) 570 BC, Samos.

495 BC Metapontum

Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy Sentenced to death by drinking a mixture containing poison hemlock.

SOCRATES LIFE According to Plato, Socrates father was Sophroniscus. His mother Phaenarete Socrates married Xanthippe Lamprocles, Sophroniscus and Menexenus In Xenophons Symposium, Socrates is reported as saying he devote himself only to what he regards as the most important art or occupation: discussing philosophy. In The Clouds Aristophanes portrays Socrates as accepting payment for teaching and running a sophist school with Chaerephon. He chose to stay for several reason to face death because: He believed such a flight would indicate a fear of death, which he believed no true philosopher has. If he fled Athens his teaching would fare no better in another country as he would continue questioning all he met and undoubtedly incur their displeasure. Having knowingly agreed to live under the citys laws, he implicitly subjected himself to the possibly of being accused of crimes by its citizens and judged guilty by its jury. To do otherwise would have caused him to break his social contract with the state, and so harm the state, an act contrary to Socratic principle. The unexamined life was not worth living, Were would be the worth in your existence? The most important task in life was caring for the soul. A persons soul was the real person, Socrates believed that the most important task people faced was realizing their potential as persons. A good person could not be harmed by other people, the most important part of a person is the soul and the soul is not physical but inward then the soul cannot be harmed. Since the knowledge is born, virtue, likewise is a natural endowment, not an artificial convention or habit of action to be acquired by education. Virtue indeed can be taught, but it is not introducing foreign to the mind but merely awakening the seeds of good deeds that

Three types of man Lover of Pleasure Lover of Success Lover of Wisdom

Philia- Love Sophia- Wisdom According to Pythagoras Man cannot perfectly possess a comprehensive understanding of all meant by wisdom. Man can only continually pursuit the meaning of wisdom. Only God can be called wise. We can only be lovers of wisdom and we can never be wise.

Philosophy As Science it seeks to acquire the knowledge of the causes of things. As Science of all things- deals with concrete, real and contingent things It is a thing that is not self-existent. A being that is not self-existent owes its existence to something other than itself.

As Known in Light of Reason- seeks the first causes of things as far as they can be rationally established by the human mind. DIVISION OF PHILOSOPHY Metaphysics- is the study of reality (beings and being) Epistemology- is the study of validity of human knowledge Ethics- is the study of the morality of human action. Cosmology- is the science of the universe Theodicy- a philosophical study of God or Divine Being/s Logic- is the study of correct reasoning. METHOD OF PHILOSOPHY It uses the human reason as its method. It uses this method to inquire about the nature of things. The Greek wisdom on man c. 469/ 470 BC, Deme Alopece, Athens 399 BC (age approx. 71) Athens -




perhaps lie dormant I the mind and heart of man. Since virtue is inborn in the mind and selfknowledge is the source of all wisdom, then the only way to acquire virtue is simply to know what is in the mind, in the self. Virtue then depended on knowledge and could be defined as true knowledge of ones self. Famous Socratic saying: KNOWLEDGE IS VIRTUE: IGNORANCE IS VICE True knowledge is the application of this knowledge. Evil is the result of ignorance. Evil which is mostly moral evil is due to ignorance or to the limitation and imperfection of mans present knowledge. In the definition of virtue: Socrates did not give credence to instinct and passion which can fly in the face of the true good. As the poet Ovid sings: We know the better course, but we often choose to do the worse. c.428-427 BC, Athens c. 348-347 BC (age approx 80) Athens Rhetoric, art, literature, epistemology ,justice, virtues, politics, education, family, militarism His father wad Ariston Platos mother was Perictione Grammar, music and gymnastics He first became acquainted with Cratylus (a disciple of Heraclitus, a prominent pre SocraticGreek philosopher) and the Heraclitean doctrines. Another tradition suggest that Plato died at a wedding feast. But according to Tertullian, Plato simply died in his sleep. Heraclitean doctrines

THE ONE AND THE MANY The true lover of wisdom is always looking for the ON Greek for being, one It is the idea behind the things that we see. This theory is called IDEALISM The individual things that we perceive exist in space time. These are not real since they change. It is the idea behind these changeable, individual, and finite things that alone is real. Men are external manifestations, the reflections and the replicas of the unseen universe, immutable and eternal idea. Man knew all things by direct intuition. Thus man was omniscient, all knowing But his separation from the paradise of truth and knowledge and his long exile on earth, he forgot most of the knowledge he had. By constant remembering and doing good, he can regain his former perfections. Man should live a life of virtue in which true human perfection consists. HAPPINESS is the fruit of virtue Is attained by the constant imitation of the divine exemplar of virtue, embodied in his former perfect self. It is the communion of the mind with the universal and external ideas. It will free himself (doing contemplation) from his space-time confinement to ascend to the heaven of ideas and there commune with the immortal, the external, the infinite and the divine verities. Contemplation means recollection or remembering of past perfect knowledge of all things which the soul had already acquired directly by intuition before it was joined to the body.








Flux- all things pass and nothing stays and comparing existing things to the flow of a river, he says you could not step twice into the same river. (Plato Cratylus 402a= A6) THE IDEAL MAN, THE PERFECT MAN Man in his present earthly existence, is only an imperfect copy of his real original self. The perfect man is in the realm of ideas. Man, now imperfect, can be perfect again by constant recollection and imitation of his former perfect self. During his long earthly exile and his imprisonment in the body as a punishment for sin.

CONTEMPLATION AND IMITATION Contemplation does not mean passive thinking and or inaction, much less mere speculation. It is not just knowing or appreciating the GOOD, but constant doing of the GOOD. It means imitating the Good Exemplar and Living the Good by leading a good life. Happiness consist not merely in constant feeling of goodness but in being and doing good.

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