Left Gatekeepers

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The key takeaways are that left gatekeepers promote certain establishment agendas while ignoring issues like government conspiracies and that true patriotism exists across the political spectrum.

Left gatekeepers are described as faux liberals who promote certain establishment views while ignoring issues like government conspiracies. They are also said to be funded by corporate elites. Their role is to limit political freedom and diversity of thought.

Waco involved a standoff between the Branch Davidians religious sect and federal law enforcement that ended in a raid where the FBI admitted to using pyrotechnic gas grenades. The author argues the federal government used excessive force and murdered innocent people there.

Left Gatekeepers

The following is about left gatekeepers. The Nation, Z magazine, The Progressive, Mother
Jones, Alternative Radio and Democracy Now are example of left gatekeepers. Left
Gatekeepers are faux liberals (they claim to be real liberals) who promote the agenda of the
establishment (like the war on terrorism, the United Nations, population control, etc.). They
also are funded by the same corporate elite that they supposedly rail against. The Left
Gatekeepers usually won’t expose 9/11 as an inside job, FEMA concentration camps, or any
discussion of the more than 133 two-mile deep underground city/bases located all over
America which every state governor and every member of congress has a ticket to enter. The
good news is that people from across the political spectrum have rightfully exposed these
individuals completely. Some of innocent militia was demonized by the media. Back in 1994,
Phil Donahue set out to demonize legitimate militia groups that weren't racist or extremist at
all. Donahue denied that folks planned to have global government when elitists like David
Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, and others are quoted to call for an one world government (or a
new world order) for decades from around the world. For example, Rear Admiral Chester Ward,
who was the Judge Advocate General of the Navy from 1956-1960 and a former member of the CFR
who pulled out after realizing what they were all about, warned the American people about the
dangers of this and similar organizations (such as the Trilateral Commission). He said, "The most
powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common--they want
to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of
the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR . . .
comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily,
they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the
control of global government." Brzezinski calls for a piecemeal "movement toward a
larger community of the developed nations . . . through a variety of indirect ties
and already developing limitations on national sovereignty." (Source: Brzezinski,
Between Two Ages, p. 296) Donahue and much of his audience supported what happened in
Waco. Here is what Waco was about. David Koresh wasn't perfect and falsely claimed to be
God. Now, Koresh walked down the side of his compound freely on many times, he expressed
his intentions, and was accessible. The local authorities could of easily developed a warrant
to arrest Koresh on many occasions. They didn't. What happened was that the Federal
government (in violation of Posse Comitatus) used helicopters and tanks to bomb plus
murder innocent men, women, and children. In 1993, the Posse Comitatus Act was again
waived, this time by President Bill Clinton. In Waco, Texas, an armed religious sect known as the
Branch Davidians mounted a standoff against the FBI. Three Delta Force operators were allowed at
the site of the standoff. Two served as trainers and technical advisors to the FBI on a classified piece
of surveillance equipment. The BATF was involved as well. Another served as an observer. These
people died at the hands of the Feds and even some FBI agents admitted to errors revolving around
their conduct during the Waco raid of 1993. I was in the 4th grade during that time. The FBI admitted
that the fed utilized pyrotechnic Flite-Rite CS gas grenades in the raid (against the Mount Carmel
church location). A pro-ADL person was there in the Donahue show forgetting that Hitler's Nazis stole
guns from innocent Jewish citizens. This was one of the many reasons why the Holocaust existed in
the first place. That ADL person tried to intimidate the black militia man. These same skeptics like Phil
Donahue are now in 2009 harping against the Bush administration for their violation of our civil
liberties. Their harping is legitimate, but this doesn't excuse their slander of real Patriots back in 1994.

George Soros is a perfect example of a Left Gatekeeping shill. He isn't representative of all
liberals just like Rush Limbaugh is not a true conservative. He is an extremist. George
supports not only abortion, but partial birth abortion. Soros loves the ideas of globalism,
euthanasia, and rabid gun control in the world. Consequently, he has internationalist ties as well.
Soros owned Harken Energy when the firm bailed out George W. Bush by buying his failing oil
company for an inflated price. George Soros is a notorious investor in the Carlyle Group. The Carlyle
Group (made up of high level politicians, bankers, and other elites) is one of the big instruments of the
military industrial complex funding this contrived, murderous, and evil war on terror. The Carlyle
Group is an investment firm with dealings with the Bush and Bin Laden families for many
years. Stephen Norris is one of the co-founders of the firm. This group is worth billions of
dollars. George Soros is mentioned to be worth at least 7 billion dollars. Soros is also a
member of the CFR, the Bilderberg Group, and is apart of the World Economic Forum with
many Rockefeller interests. Hence, Soros is definitely apart of the establishment. The
establishment is headed by the Vatican/Jesuits network and the oligarchical families (which
are based in the UK, the Black Nobility families, and others in Europe). Soros is one of what in
medieval days were called Hofjuden, the "Court Jews," who were deployed by the
aristocratic families. Soros reportedly played a part in undermining banks and currencies during the
Asian financial crisis of 1997 (He also made over $1 billion in speculation against the British pound
back in the early 1990‘s. Some believe he had links to the Rothschilds, Mark Rich, and Rafi Eytan).
Soros (according to William Engdahl) allegedly “spent the war in Hungary under false
papers working for the Nazi government, identifying and expropriating the property of
wealthy fellow Jews.” Soros is allied with the Open Society group. Soros, the Ford Foundation fund
these left gatekeepers (from MoveOn, Pacifica Radio, Salon, the Nation, Chomsky, etc.) in order
to not expose the root of our problems plus find real solutions. One example is that most left
gatekeepers believe in the official story of 9/11 and aren't truly anti-war (as evident with most
of their support of the battles in Afghanistan. Some of them are silent on globalization, etc.).
#"Some have accused the Soros connected Open Society as facilitating the election of the dictator
(and US asset) Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. The Rose Revolution caused the election
of Mikhail to happen and Soros' Open Society Institute bankrolled the Georgian government in
1994 (The Open Society bragged about being the backbone of the Rose Revolution that
caused Saakashvili to be in power of Georgia). Saakashvili has been caught suppressing
dissidents and provoking the Georgian preemptive strike against innocent Russian
peacekeepers. It is suspected that George Soros did these things, because he disagreed with
the leadership (and agenda) of Russia. Some believe that the Anglo-American establishment
in general want to control or pacify the areas of Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. Although, Hugo
Chavez is united with Pope Benedict XVI. Chavez have called for the new world order, so I
don‘t trust Hugo Chavez at all. Even Pope Benedict XVI have called for the new world order as
well. Other famous scapegoats include conservative Christians, National Sovereignty, and real
capitalism (since the market crisis was caused by the FED monopoly, theft, fraud, and
overprinting of devalued currency. Lying, theft, overprinting of currency, etc. have nothing to
do with real free market capitalism at all).

Howard Zinn said even more ignorant comments about 9/11. Zinn claims to be cutting edge,
but he's another left gatekeeper. He told an audience that he didn't care if 9/11 was an inside
job. Also, he commented that 9/11 truth activists are fanatics who are wasting their time. At a
lecture at UQAM unversity in Montreal, Zinn asked again he would support a new 9/11
investigation. Zinn said that although 9/11 deserves to be more investigated, but he doesn't
believe that what happened in 9/11 is the most important question we can ask. He's a liar since
he claimed that strong 9/11 Truthers only concentrate on what happened on 9/11. The reality is
people in the 9/11 Truth Movement concentrate on a wide spectrum of issues from 9/11, the
war on terror, our civil liberties, biometrics, and the list goes on and on. The reality is that
people have every right to decipher what happened during 9/11, the crimes of the Bush
administration, and other things, so we don't repeat the same mistakes again. Zinn’s exact
words about 9/11 were: "I don’t know enough about it (the 9/11 conspiracy) and the truth is I
don’t much care, that’s past." Even leftist Noam Chomsky dismissed researching 9/11. 9/11
was one of the major reasons why the elite facilitated its aggressive and bad foreign and
domestic agenda. Without 9/11, the war on terror might not exist, there might not be a war in
Afghanistan (or Iraq), lives would be saved, the Patriot Act wouldn't exist, and other evils would
disappear for the time being. Typically, these left gatekeepers have huge followers that close
their minds to align with Chomsky plus Zinn at every function. It is our responsibility to not
only care about what happened in 9/11, but figure out the truth dealing with 9/11. Left
gatekeepers like Zinn and Chomsky are devices that the globalists utilize to continue the
left/right paradigm. Even Amy Goodman of Democracy refuses to question the official story of
9/11, but now wants an independent investigation of what occurred.

The ACLU is a real mystery to folks. Over 500,000 people are members. They claim to want to
protect all of America's civil liberties. Is this the case? When you look at the fact, that isn't
totally true. The person who founded the ACLU was Roger Baldwin. Many founders of the
ACLU are either related to Communists, socialists, or inside the CFR including Felix
Frankfurter (CFR member and according to Dr. Burns, a member of the Intercollegiate
Socialist Society), Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Scott Nearing, Morris L. Ernst, William Z. Foster,
etc. Roger Baldwin is the most prominent founder and evidence points to him as a supporter
of the Communist party. In fact Communist Emma Goldman tutored him in Lenin and praised
her. After his release from prison for draft evasion, many Communists attended his party like
Agres Smedley [who would become a Soviet espionage agent in China], Norman Thomas (the
patriarch of the Socialist Party), Louis Bundenz, Carliss Lamont, Soctt Nearing, etc. Roger
Baldwin directed the ACLU for 30 years and in 1935 said that:

“I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself
as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of
property, the abolition of the properties class and social control of those who
produce wealth. Communism is the goal.” (“Billy Braham and His Friends: A
Hidden Agenda?” by Dr. Cathy Burns, pg. 14 plus Burns used tons of sources
to derive that quote.)

Dr. Cathy Burns also reported that Baldwin sent a letter to Louis Lochner in 1917, head of the
Bolshevik People’s Council of America praising socialism and wrote in favor of Joseph Stalin.
The ACLU President in 1996 was apart of the CFR as well. They even aided citizens in defense
of those who helped Castro and supported the PFLPC (Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine), a radical Marxist branch of the PLO. The ACLU’s supporters believe that Baldwin
rejected socialism later on. An ACLU attorney appealed the 1987 decision of deported
members of the PFLPC out of America. ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero is a
member of the CFR being a homosexual activist attorney and previously was a top staff
member at the Ford Foundation. Stanley Steinbaum was a long time patriarch of the ACLU in
Southern California, one of the organizations’ most influential chapter, is a CFR member. The
ACLU was a smokescreen of being pro-Constitution on the surface, but is Communist, anti-
liberty in reality. You can look at the time in a matter of decades to expose the ACLU’s

In 1952, they led a campaign against exposing the Communist element in the entertainment
industry. In 1962 they eliminated voluntary school prayer and Bible reading throughout the
public schools and they endorsed Doe v. Bolton and Roe v. Wade in 1973 to have abortion on
demand. The ACLU helped to ban the teaching of creationism in public schools at 1982 and
argued against prayers before High School games in 1986. Even today, the ACLU support
eliminating religious displays which is the freedom of religion, love pornography to be
expressed even by children, etc. The ACLU is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations,
a globalist group. According to Mark Mays’, “The ACLU Socialist Front”, [in its] the “first 60
years 80% of ACLU Board and Committee Members had Communist affiliations or involved in
defending Communists.” Today in 2009, the ACLU tried to eliminate religious expression in
California and across the country.

*I will say that the ACLU is correct on opposing the USA Patriot Act and disagreeing with the
pro-torture polices. On the other hand, the ACLU are essentially controlled opposition. The
Neo Cons claims that the ACLU is solely liberal, but the ACLU is part of a bigger network
promoting globalization, a Pan American Union, and a new world order.

The left gatekeepers typically ignore the reality that patriotic people exist all across the
political spectrum not just some in one political philosophy. Also, these left gatekeepers
accurately describe the crime of American/Western imperialism. Yet, they give the wicked
proposals of abortion on demand, population control, gun control, a Big Brother government
run society, and possible global government interrelated with the UN as solutions (when they
aren‘t real solutions to our problems at all). These proposals are supported the corporate elite
they supposedly condemn. These gatekeepers including Horowtiz (from the so-called "right")
have infiltrated sincere activists in order to limit true political freedom in the world. The more
diversity in the banking system and power in general in society, the better freedom we can
have. That's why the central banks (who are owned by these same families or interest groups
from the CFR, Bilderbergers, etc. The same bloodlines marriage each other in order to spread
their to descendants information about the occult, power, emotion, and control of society)
want to centralize money into their own limited hands. Tying concepts together are important
to develop a great outline of the truth.

By Timothy

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