JIDE Components Developer Guide
JIDE Components Developer Guide
JIDE Components Developer Guide
PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................ 2 WHAT IS JIDE COMPONENTS............................................................................................................... 2 PACKAGES ......................................................................................................................................... 2 DOCUMENT PANE .............................................................................................................................. 3 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................................ 3 WHAT DOES A TABBED-DOCUMENT INTERFACE LOOK LIKE?..................................................................................... 3 THE USER INTERFACE ....................................................................................................................................... 4 THE APIS....................................................................................................................................................... 6 The Document ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Document Group .................................................................................................................................... 9 DocumentComponentEvent ................................................................................................................... 9 PERSISTENCE ................................................................................................................................................ 10 UI DEFAULTS USED BY DOCUMENTPANE............................................................................................................ 11 STATUS BAR ..................................................................................................................................... 12 STATUSBAR AND STATUSBARITEM.................................................................................................................... 12 PROGRESSSTATUSBARITEM ............................................................................................................................. 12 LABELSTATUSBARITEM................................................................................................................................... 13 BUTTONSTATUSBARITEM ............................................................................................................................... 13 TIMESTATUSBARITEM .................................................................................................................................... 13 MEMORYSTATUSBARITEM .............................................................................................................................. 14 RESIZABLESTATUSBARITEM ............................................................................................................................. 14 GENERAL COMMENTS ON STATUSBAR .............................................................................................................. 15 Size of StatusBarItem ........................................................................................................................... 15 Border of StatusBarItem ...................................................................................................................... 15 UI DEFAULTS USED BY STATUSBAR ................................................................................................................... 15 COLLAPSIBLEPANE ............................................................................................................................ 15 USING SEVERAL COLLAPSIBLEPANES AS A GROUP ................................................................................................. 19 OUTLOOKTABBEDPANE/FLOORTABBEDPANE .................................................................................... 20 ALERT .............................................................................................................................................. 21 BALLOONTIP .................................................................................................................................... 22 DIFFERENT BALLOON SHAPE............................................................................................................................. 22 SHADOW STYLE............................................................................................................................................. 23 EXPANDEDTIP .................................................................................................................................. 24 NAVIGATION COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................. 25 NAVIGATIONLIST ........................................................................................................................................... 26 NAVIGATIONTREE ......................................................................................................................................... 26
NAVIGATIONTABLE ........................................................................................................................................ 27 BREADCRUMBBAR ........................................................................................................................... 28 CUSTOM ANIMATION ....................................................................................................................... 29 INTERNATIONALIZATION SUPPORT ................................................................................................... 29
The table below lists the packages in JIDE Components. All packages are in jidecomponents.jar Packages com.jidesoft.document (in jide-components.jar) com.jidesoft.status (in jide-common.jar) com.jidesoft.pane (in jide-components.jar) com.jidesoft.alert (in jide-components.jar) com.jidesoft.tooltip (in jide-components.jar) com.jidesoft.animation Description DocumentPane tabbed-document interface implementation similar to what you see in Visual Studio .NET IDE StatusBar A generic status bar implementation. CollapsiblePane, FloorTabbedPane, OutlookTabbedPane etc. Alert component BalloonTip and ExpandedTip component Animation related classes
(in jide-components.jar) com.jidesoft.navigation (in jide-components.jar) Navigation related components, such as BreadcrumbBar, NavigationList, NavigationTree and NavigationTable
Document Pane
Most software applications have a document concept. For example, in a typical Java IDE, the Java file is the document. In a photo processing application, an image file such as a gif or jpeg is the document. The document is usually the center of an application, so selecting the right model to manage those documents is very important. Looking at the history of how applications organize documents, there are two popular models, known as SDI and MDI. SDI Single-Document Interface Most of early IDEs used SDI - they can only deal with one document at a time. If you want to open another document, you must either close the current one or open a completely new instance of the IDE. Notepad.exe is an example of this type of application. Simple as it is, the drawbacks are obvious. One big drawback is that the user can only view one document at a time. However, because SDI is simple to use there are still a lot of applications using SDI, especially applications for consumers and home users. MDI Multiple-Document Interface In MDI applications, you can view/edit multiple documents at the same time. You can either use a Windows menu or hotkeys (such as Ctrl-Tab) to navigate between those documents. MDI overcomes the major drawbacks of SDI, but has some drawbacks of its own. The two biggest issues are that it wastes screen space if not maximized because there will be unused space around child windows, and that it is difficult to navigate if maximized. Many users are frustrated when child windows are locked into the parent window in an MDI interface and find it very hard to use. Pure MDI got popular for several years and then died down because of those drawbacks. If your application is complicated and you are considering using an MDI interface, you should investigate alternative, MDI-like designs. We provide a Tabbed-Document Interface (TDI) to satisfy this need. In JIDE Components, we looked at a new way to view/edit multiple documents TabbedDocument Interface. We didnt invent this approach; many IDEs already use an interface of this kind, such as Visual Studio .NET, IntelliJ IDEA, and JBuilder. However, its an obvious trend in recent software applications. We just want to make it so that everyone can have it.
optional icon. You can use the icon to indicate the document type, such as a Java file or XML file. Several document tabs form a document group. Our implementation allows multiple document groups, so that you can view multiple sets of documents at the same time.
The screen shot above shows a context menu that appears when a user right-clicks on the Readme tab. In the menu, Close means close the currently selected document and Close All means close all documents (i.e. all the tabs that are within the document tabbed pane). The x button to the right is the equivalent to Close. The Next and Previous buttons mean set the focus on the next and previous document, respectively. New Horizontal Group means create a document group and put the currently selected document into that new group. Using the screen shot above as an example, after you choose New Horizontal Group, there will be three document groups, with each group having one document. Move to Next Tab Group means move the selected document to next document group. Please note that the context menu only lists actions that are allowed (see below for another example). Since there is only one document group in the example below, you are allowed to create a new document group either vertically or horizontally. Thats why you see both New Horizontal Group and New Vertical Group in the context menu.
In the next example, there is no menu choice for either New Horizontal Group or New Vertical Group. Since there is only one document in the current document group, it doesnt make sense to create another group. However, you can move it to another group.
Another, simpler way to move windows and create groups is to use drag and drop. Drag a document tab horizontally within a tab area and the tab order will change.
Dragging a tab and dropping it near the south border or east border will create a new horizontal or vertical tab group, respectively.
Dragging a tab and dropping it in another document groups tab area will move the document to that document group.
Dragging a tab and dropping it in the middle of a document will popup a menu allowing you choose what to do.
The APIs
The Document In order to represent the document concept, we introduced a class called DocumentComponent. It represents the concept of a document in a DocumentPane. It may not be the actual document in your application. But no matter what kind of document you are dealing with, you can easily wrap it into DocumentComponent. A typical usage is to read in a document, create a java.awt.Component that views/edits it, construct a DocumentComponent around the Component, and pass the DocumentComponent to your DocumentPane.
You must give a unique name to each document component, even if you open the same document twice. If you add a document with a duplicate name, you will get a run-time exception. Its up to you whether you want to catch it or not. You can always check to see if the name is in use by calling isDocumentOpened(String name). Note that this isnt a significant restriction because the name is only a default value for the visible strings. The class for tabbed-document interface is com.jidesoft.document.DocumentPane. To open a document (i.e. display it in a given pane), call openDocument(DocumentComponent document).
DocumentPane panel = new DocumentPane(); panel.openDocument(new DocumentComponent( new JScrollPane(createTextArea("Readme.txt")), "Readme", "Readme", fileIcon));
To close a document (i.e. remove it from the panel), call closeDocument(String name). To close all documents, call closeAll(). To activate a document, call setActiveDocument(String name). To retrieve the current active document, call getActiveDocument() or getActiveDocumentName(). The former will give you the DocumentComponent; the latter will give you just the name. If there is no active document, both return null. To navigate between open documents, you can use nextDocument() and prevDocument(). Right mouse clicking on the tab will pop up a context menu. We provide a default menu, but you can customize it by calling setPopupMenuCustomizer(PopupMenuCustomizer).
public static interface PopupMenuCustomizer { void customizePopupMenu(JPopupMenu menu, final IDocumentPane pane, final String dragComponentName, final IDocumentGroup dropGroup, final boolean onTab); }
The getDocumentNames() method will give you an array of all opened documents, in the order that they were added.
At any time, if you know the name of the document, you can call getDocument(name) to get the DocumentComponent. If you have a reference to the actual component, calling getNameOf(component) will give you the name if the component is opened. You can also customize the appearance of the title. For the example below, the title of the Java file is too long, so we put in the middle to replace some characters. You can still tell or guess where the file is located and what the file name is.
We understand you may have different requirements, so we allow you to customize both the content and format of the title. Depending on what you want to customize, you can use one of two methods: If you just want to display a title with different text but keep the color and style the same (bold for active document and plain for other documents), you can call DocumentPane.setTitleConverter(StringConverter). StringConverter is an interface that can convert from an input string to an output string. The input string is the actual title and the output string is what is to be displayed. If you want a complete customization of the title, including color, style and text, you can write your own class extending DocumentComponent and override the getDisplayTitle() method. Since you can use html in the returned display title, you have a lot of flexibility. Below is example source code for coloring the title. In this example, not only is in the beginning of the title, rather than the middle, but also the color is changed.
Document Group DocumentPane supports grouping several documents as a document group. There is an IDocumentGroup interface for it. By default, we put all documents in the same group in a subclass of JideTabbedPane - TdiGroup. In fact, you can also use other components to represent document groups such as split pane. You can do that by overriding createDocumentGroup method of DocumentPane. The reason for document groups is for the user to view two documents side-by-side. If your application is simple and there is no requirement to view two documents at the same time, you can disable the feature by calling setGroupAllowed(false). You can also call setRearrangeAllowed to disable the whole drag-n-drop or context menu to create new group. This only affects the user. As a developer, you can still use the API to create document group. There is also a setReorderAllowed which allows you to disable the drag-n-drop to reorder the document order in the same document group. To create a new document group programmatically, you can call newDocumentGroup. Please note, we dont allow an empty document group. You must put at least one DocumentComponent in the group. Thats why the newDocumentGroup method takes a document name as the first parameter as it will put that document into the newly created document group. Please note, there is no removeDocumentGroup method. When you remove or close the last document from the group, the document group will be removed automatically. By default, the tabs of documents are on top. However you can call setTabPlacement(DocumentPane.BOTTOM) to change them to be at the bottom. If you want more control, you can customize it by creating your own TabbedPaneCustomizer. Call setTabbedPaneCustomizer() to set your customizer. DocumentComponentEvent We also provide listener and event support. A DocumentComponentEvent is fired before closing, after opening, after closed, after activated, or after deactivated. Opening a document means openDocument is called; closing it means the user triggered the close button or closeDocument was called. If you handle the before-closing event (DOCUMENT_COMPONENT_CLOSING), you can call setAllowClosing(false) to prevent the document from being closed. Note that this function only affects the current attempt to close. If the user tries to close again, you will need to call setAllowClosing(false) again to prevent closing again. Closed means the document was just closed. Activated means the document is selected and deactivated means the opposite. Only one document can be selected or activated at a time. We support five events that are specific to document components. DOCUMENT_COMPONENT_OPENED DOCUMENT_COMPONENT_CLOSED DOCUMENT_COMPONENT_CLOSING DOCUMENT_COMPONENT _ACTIVATED DOCUMENT_COMPONENT _DEACTIVATED
Call addDocumentComponentListener(listener) on any DocumentComponent instance to add a listener. You can use the same or different instances of listeners on different document components.
We provided a very easy way to persist the opened documents. The things we persist include the exact number of document groups and exact documents in each group, selected document in each group, the active group, orientation of the splits, and the dimension of each group. However, since the DocumentPane doesnt know how to create DocumentComponent, its your responsibility to remember the list of opened documents when the application closes and create them when the application starts. Lets use an example. Say you have three files opened in your DocumentPane when application exits. You need to call documentPane.getDocuments() to get an iterator of all opened documents, save it somewhere. You should keep enough information so that next time you can create those DocumentComponents. After that, call documentPane.getLayoutPersistence().saveLayoutData(). When the application starts, you need to recreate those DocumentComponents, add them to a java.utils.List, and set it to the DocumentPane (see below)
// Create a list of DocumentComponent List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(documentComponent1); list.add(documentComponent2); list.add(documentComponent3); .... documentPane.setOpenedDocuments(list); // load the layout of DocumentPane documentPane.getLayoutPersistence().loadLayoutData();
The LayoutPersistence is the same class we used to persistent the layout for JIDE Docking Framework and JIDE Action Framework. Knowing that, you can find many ways to save and load the layout. For example, if in your application, you can easily persist a String, you can use documentPane.getLayoutPersistence().getLayoutData() to get the layout as a String and save it somewhere. When the application starts, you can call documentPane.getLayoutPersistence(). setLayoutData(String) to reload the layout. For those who also use JIDE Docking Framework or JIDE Action Framework, if you want to save all those layouts information in a single file, you can do it too. Just create a LayoutPersistenceManager and add all instances of LayoutPersistence to this manager.
_layoutPersistence = new LayoutPersistenceManager();
_layoutPersistence.addLayoutPersistence(getDockableBarManager()); // action _layoutPersistence.addLayoutPersistence(getDockingManager()); // dock _layoutPersistence.addLayoutPersistence(_documentPane.getLayoutPersistence()); DocumentPane // call _layoutPersistence to save and load layout // In this case, layoutPersistence.saveLayout() will save the layouts of // command bars, dockable frame and documents layout in DocumentPane // in a single layout file. //
Status Bar
A StatusBar is never a central part of an application but almost every application has it. A well-designed status bar can make a user interface more user-friendly because it gives immediate, non-intrusive responses to user actions.
ProgressStatusBarItem is usually the widest item on status bar. It can display a text message or it can display progress in an optional progress bar. You can activate the progress bar by calling setProgressStatus to some string. This method call will show the built-in progress bar, then you can set the percentage finished using setProgress(int). In the below status bars, the second one is in running mode.
Description Set the status such as Ready in the screen shot above Set the status mode when progress bar is visible, such as Running in the screenshot above int is a value from 1 to 100, representing the percentage on the progress bar. When this reaches 100, the progress bar will be hidden automatically (so you might want to round down).
setCancelCallback(CancelCallback) At the end of progress bar there is a Cancel button. You can add a callback to do something if the user presses the Cancel button. If the cancelCallback you passed in is null then the Cancel button will not be shown. See interface CancelCallback in the JavaDoc for more details.
If you just want to display a text on status bar, you can use this. It is simply a JLabel inside a JPanel. Below is an example.
Description Sets the text to be displayed on the label Sets the tool tip to be displayed on the label Sets the icon to be displayed on the label
addMouseListener(MouseListener) Adds the specified mouse listener to receive mouse events setAlignment(int) getComponent() Sets the alignment. The value can be JLabel.CENTER, JLabel.LEFT, or JLabel.RIGHT. Gets the actual component - in this case its the JLabel.
This is similar to LabelStatusBarItem, just replace the JLabel with a JButton.
Description Sets the text to be displayed on the button Sets the tool tip to be displayed on the button Sets the icon to be displayed on the button
addMouseListener(MouseListener) Adds the specified mouse listener to receive mouse events getComponent() Gets the actual component - in this case its the JButton.
TimeStatusBarItem is used to display a clock or calendar on the status bar. You can customize the format and display characteristics of the time and date.
Method setUpdateInterval(int)
Description How often to do a refresh, in ms (the default is 500 ms). If you dont display the seconds field, or you just display the date then you can change the interval to a much larger number. Set the DateFormat that formats the text displayed on the status bar. Note: you can use a localized version of DateFormat to do the localization. Set the DateFormat that formats the text of the tool tip displayed when the mouse hovers over the date.
setTooltipFormat (DateFormat)
TimeStatusBarItem extends LabelStatusBar so it also has all methods of LabelStatusBarItem that you can use.
We borrowed the idea of MemoryStatusBarItem from IntelliJ IDEA. The MemoryStatusBarItem is used to display currently used memory vs. total memory in the current JVM. It also allows the user to manually run garbage collection by pressing the garbage can button. In the example below, 3M is the amount of used memory and 4M is the total memory.
ResizableStatusBarItem is a special status bar item that can be dragged to resize the JFrame. It should be used as the last status bar item on status bar. If the JFrame is not maximized and resizable is true, you will see a triangle shadow like below to indicate you can drag to resize (the first screenshot below). If the JFrame is maximized thus not resizable, the triangle shadow will disappear to indicate it is not resizable (the second screenshot below).
CollapsiblePane, as the name indicates, is a pane which can be collapsed (see below for an example). Before collapsing
After collapsing
Its actually very easy to create a CollapsiblePane - see below for the code that creates the CollapsiblePane shown above. All you need to do are to set the title bar title (and title bar icon if any) and the content pane. Then the content pane will be hidden or shown when user clicks on the collapse button on title bar.
CollapsiblePane panel = new CollapsiblePane("File and Folder Tasks"); JPanel labelPanel = new JPanel(); labelPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 1, 1, 0)); labelPanel.add(createHyperlinkButton("Rename this file", SampleIconsFactory.getImageIcon(SampleIconsFactory.CollapsiblePane.RENAME))); labelPanel.add(createHyperlinkButton("Move this file", SampleIconsFactory.getImageIcon(SampleIconsFactory.CollapsiblePane.MOVE))); labelPanel.add(createHyperlinkButton("Copy this file", SampleIconsFactory.getImageIcon(SampleIconsFactory.CollapsiblePane.COPY))); labelPanel.add(createHyperlinkButton("Publish this file", SampleIconsFactory.getImageIcon(SampleIconsFactory.CollapsiblePane.PUBLISH))); labelPanel.add(createHyperlinkButton("Email this file", SampleIconsFactory.getImageIcon(SampleIconsFactory.CollapsiblePane.EMAIL))); labelPanel.add(createHyperlinkButton("Delete this file", SampleIconsFactory.getImageIcon(SampleIconsFactory.CollapsiblePane.DELET))); labelPanel.setOpaque(true); labelPanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); panel.setContentPane(labelPanel); return panel;
CollapsiblePane has a corresponding Component UI class, called CollapsiblePaneUI. Here are keys of the UIDefaults which you can customize.
Name CollapsiblePane.background CollapsiblePane.foreground CollapsiblePane.border CollapsiblePane.font CollapsiblePane.contentBorder CollapsiblePane.titleBorder CollapsiblePane.titleFont CollapsiblePane.collapseText Type Color Color Border Font Border Border Font String Background Foreground Border of the collapsible pane Font Border of the content pane Border of the title bar Font of the title bar. Text for the collapse/expand button Description
ToolTip of the collapse/expand button Icon of the button when it means collapse Icon of the button when it means expand
When the content pane is collapsed or expanded a CollapsiblePaneEvent will be fired. There are four types of events, which will be fired at different times. When the content pane begins to expand, COLLAPSIBLE_PANE_EXPANDING is fired. When it finished expanding, COLLAPSIBLE_PANE_EXPANDED will be fired. Correspondingly when content is collapsed, there COLLAPSIBLE_PANE_COLLAPSING and COLLAPSIBLE_PANE_COLLAPSED events will be fired. You can use these events to control the content pane - to initialize, load or save etc. You just call collapsiblePane.addCollapsiblePaneListener to add such a listener. To enrich the visual effect, you can also set a different style to CollapsiblePane. For example, if you call pane.setStyle(CollapsiblePane.TREE_STYLE), you will see a tree-style CollapsiblePane as shown in the screenshot below. There are three styles available DROPDOWN_STYLE, TREE_STYLE and PLAIN_STYLE. The default style is DROPDOWN_STYLE. You can see an example of three styles in the picture below.
You can also set an icon for the CollapsiblePane, which will appear on the title bar before the title text. Although this uses a gap of 4 pixels by default, you can change this by calling setIconTextGap(). In addition, you can set different alignments by calling setVerticalAlignment(), setVerticalTextPosition(), setHorizontalAlignment(), or setHorizontalTextPosition(); CollapsiblePane has a special model called emphasized mode. In this mode, the title bar of collapsible pane will have different background and foreground from regular modes so that it can stand out among other collapsible panes. To set this mode, simply call setEmphasized(true).
CollapsiblePane supports several different LookAndFeels such as regular Windows L&F, Windows XP L&F, Eclipse L&F and Metal L&F (see below)
Both OutlookTabbedPane and FloorTabbedPane extend JTabbedPane. A typical tabbed pane has many panels and corresponding tabs. The user can click on a tab to choose which panel to view. Although an OutlookTabbedPane or a FloorTabbedPane also has many panels, instead of using tabs, it just uses buttons to switch between panels. The buttons are organized vertically, as floors in a storied building (thats how it gets the name of FloorTabbedPane). In the case of OutlookTabbedPane, the button position remains at the same location. In the case of FloorTabbedPane, the button location changes. One famous example of it is the Outlook Navigation Pane in the Microsoft Outlook product. FloorTabbedPane implements the navigation pane style in Outlook 2000. OutlookTabbedPane implements the same navigation pane in Outlook 2003. Although OutlookTabbedPane and FloorTabbedPane extend JTabbedPane, there are no additional public methods on them, so you can use it in place of an existing JTabbedPane. There is no corresponding ComponentUI of this class. The buttons will have the same style as the JideButton, and the components will have whatever style was specified when the user created them. In case you want to provide your own button replace the buttons used by FloorTabbedPane, you can extend FloorTabbedPane and override createButton() method. This is the default implementation.
protected AbstractButton createButton(Action action) { return new FloorButton(action); } private class FloorButton extends JideButton implements UIResource { public FloorButton(Action a) { super(a); setButtonStyle(TOOLBOX_STYLE); } }
In your overridden implementation, you can create whatever button you want. However the button must implement UIResource. If not, our code will check it and throw an IllegalArgumentException.
For OutlookTabbedPane, there are two types of buttons the full size buttons that appear on top and the icon only buttons which appear on the bottom panel. You can customize those two buttons by overriding customizeButton(AbstractButton button) and customizeBottomButton(AbstractButton button) respectively. Depending on the available vertical space, OutlookTabbedPane can be adjusted to show tabs as full size buttons or as icon only buttons. OutlookTabbedPane also allows user to choose which tabs are visible as well as the tab order.
Alert is a special popup component which can be used to display messages such as new email notification, warning or error messages. The function is very similar to Swing's JOptionPane message box except Alert component doesn't block. For example, you just want to inform your user that a job they submitted a while ago is completed. You could use StatusBar but in this particular case, you want something more obvious than StatusBar as people tend to ignore the message on StatusBar. Before you have Alert component, you will use JOptionPane with OK button. From usability point of view, this is a bad design because user has to stop what he/she is working on and click on the OK button to dismiss the dialog. If you use Alert in this use case, it will be much better. User can still work on whatever he/she is working on and just take a peek at the Alert and know the job is complete. After a few seconds, the Alert window will disappear automatically. To make it interesting, Alert supports all kinds of custom animations when entering and exiting. For example, it supports fly-in or fly-out, fade-in or fade-out. You can also position it any location of the screen including nice pre-set locations (four corners, four sides and center). When it flies in or out, you can also set different path - straight line or curve or wave. All those features will enhance the appearance and effect of Alert so that it can deliver the right message to end users.
To create your own Alert, you just need to new Alert(), then add contents to its content pane. You probably should setup a few things such as setTimeout(int ms) so that it will hide automatically after a few seconds. To display the Alert, you call one of the showPopup() methods. If you didnt set the custom animation, no animation will be used. If you want to learn how to create CustomAnimation, please see next section.
BalloonTip is a special tooltip that has a balloon shape. See below.
You can put any component inside a BalloonTip. It can be done either through the constructor or use setContentPane() method. Then all you need to do is to call show(owner, x, y) to display it. Please note the x and y position is relative to the owner
They are RoundedRectangularBalloonShape, RectangularBalloonShape, RectangularShape, OvalShape and RoundedRectangularShape, and respectively. You can also define your own shapes by implementing BalloonShape interface or extending one of our existing shapes with overridden methods. The RoundedRectangularBalloonShape and RectangularBalloonShape supports adjustments of several values. See below for a few examples.
Shadow Style
BalloonTip also support two different kinds of shadows perspective shadow and drop shadow. It can be changed using setShadowStyle. Same as BalloonShape, ShadowStyle is also an interface. You can use one of the existing ShadowStyle we created or you can create your own style. For our default shadow styles, you can adjust various settings.
ExpandedTip makes a component showing an expanded tool-tip when the mouse is a node or a cell. ExpandedTip is the base class and has subclasses to implement the feature for different components. It is useful for JList, JTree and JTable when they are narrow but the content is wide.
It is extremely easy to use. If you have a JList, JTree, or a JTable, Just call
ExpandedTipUtils.install(table); ExpandedTipUtils.install(table.getTableHeader());
For the table, it doesn't help too much if only the cell values are shown. That's why we also make it possible to show the expanded tip for the table header along with the cells. The ExpandedTipUtils will call the corresponding ListExpandedTip, TreeExpandedTip and TableExpandedTip. Of course you can use these classes directly if you want. It would be
new ListExpandedTip(list);
ExpandedTip is general enough to handle any component that is inside a JScrollPane. You can subclass ExpandedTip and implement the following two methods.
protected abstract Rectangle getRowBounds(int index); protected abstract int rowAtPoint(Point point);
Because the tip is expanded horizontally outside the scroll pane, that's why it expected the component can be sliced into rows. First, ExpandedTip will install a mouse motion listener and call rowAtPoint to find out which row the mouse is on. We called it row but it doesn't have to be row. For the JList, it will be the row; For the JTree, it will be the tree node; for a text area or code editor, it could be the line. Then getRowBounds will be called to figure out if the bounds is larger than the visible bounds. If it is smaller, do nothing as it means the content of the row is fully visible. If the bounds is larger than the visible bounds, ExpandedTip will prepare a tip window and paint the content that is outside the viewport of the scroll pane. For example, let's say you have a large image JLabel inside a JScrollPane and the image is only partially visible. You can write code like below.
JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel(an image); new ExpandedTip<JLabel>(imageLabel){ protected Rectangle getRowBounds(int index) { return new Rectangle(0,0, imageLabel.getWidth(), imageLabel.getHeight()); } @Override protected int rowAtPoint(Point point) { return 0; } };
Node that I treat the whole thing as just one row and the row bounds is the whole label's bounds. If you run the code, you will see the whole image is expanded outside the JScrollPane so that you can see the whole image when the mouse is over it.
Navigation Components
Navigation Components are components that are designed to assist navigation in the user interface. Navigation components are often displayed on the left hand side of the application to help guide users to various items inside the application. Major Java IDEs and many other famous
applications such as Microsoft Outlook and iTunes do it this way. The navigation components could be a list, a tree, or a table. However, in Swing, the regular JList, JTree and JTable are not friendly enough to be used for the navigation purpose. For example, in JTree, the selection only highlights the node. If the tree node is very narrow, the selection is barely noticeable. Or the opposite when the tree node is very wide but the tree is narrow - the user can't see the whole node except by scrolling it horizontally (or using the ExpandedTip feature described above). In order to make these components more suitable for navigation, we changed their default behavior and created three subclasses - NavigationList, NavigationTree and NavigationTable. All three have a unique selection/rollover effect. The NavigationTree even has the tree icon fading effect that you can find on Windows 7's File Explorer. If you happen to use JList, JTree or JTable as your navigation components, you can replace them directly with these new components without breaking the existing code.
NavigationList is a special JList that is designed for the navigation purpose. It has the following features that are different from what JList has. It has row rollover effect. This feature gives user a clear indication of what will be selected when he/she clicks. The row selection covers the whole row. This feature will show the selected item more clearly. This feature is optional and can be turned off using setWideSelection(false). The selection highlight is different when focused and not focused. If several components are used in the navigation area, this feature will allow user to find out which component is currently active when they all have selection. It supports expanded tip so that content is still visible when the component is very narrow. This is very important as in most cases the navigation area is narrow. This feature is optional and can be turned off using setExpandedTip(false).
The selection and rollover effect is painted inside the paintComponent methods of the NavigationList after the original list content is painted. We don't to use the cell renderer to paint the effect as users might create their own cell renderer. However in order to prevent the cell renderer from painting the default selection effect, we set a custom cell renderer that extends DefaultListCellRenderer and pass in false for the cellHasFocus and isSelected parameter in when calling getListCellRendererComponent method. If you have your own cell renderer, please make sure you do the same thing.
NavigationTree is a special JTree that is designed for the navigation purpose. It has the following features that are different from what JTree has. It has row rollover effect. This feature gives user a clear indication of what will be selected when he/she clicks. The tree icons will be hidden when the mouse is not over and the tree is not focused. And it has fade effect when the mouse moves away from the tree. This feature is to
avoid the icons cluttering the user interface. This feature is optional and can be turned off using setFadeIcon(false). The tree lines are hidden by default. This is again to avoid the cluttering of the user interface. This feature is optional and can be turned off using setShowTreeLines(false). The row selection covers the whole row. This feature will show the selected item more clearly. This feature is optional and can be turned off using setWideSelection(false). The selection highlight is different when focused and not focused. If several components are used in the navigation area, this feature will allow user to find out which component is currently active when they all have selection. It supports expanded tip so that node content is still visible when the component is very narrow. This is very important as in most cases the navigation area narrow. This feature is optional and can be turned off using setExpandedTip(false).
The selection and rollover effect is painted inside the paintComponent methods of the NavigationTree after the original tree content is painted. We can't use the cell renderer to paint the effect as it is beyond the bounds of the cell renderers. So in order to prevent the cell renderer from painting the default selection effect, we override isRowSelected(int) method to always return false. If your code depends on this method to find out if a row is selected, you can use isRowSelectedOriginal(int) method.
NavigationTable is a special JTable that is designed for the navigation purpose. It has the following features that are different from what JTable has. It has row rollover effect. This feature gives user a clear indication of what will be selected when he/she clicks. The row selection covers the whole row instead of each cell has selection individually in the case of JTable. The selection highlight is different when focused and not focused. If several components are used in the navigation area, this feature will allow user to find out which component is currently active when they all have selection. It supports expanded tip so that content is still visible when the list is very narrow. This is very important as in most cases the navigation area are narrow. This feature is optional and can be turned off using setExpandedTip(false).
The selection and rollover effect is painted inside the paintComponent methods of the NavigationTable after the original table content is painted. However in order to prevent the cell renderer from painting the default selection effect, we override prepareRenderer method to pass in false for both isSelected and hasFocus methods when getting the renderer component from the cell renderers. We have many table subclasses in JIDE Grids product. Unfortunately Java doesn't multiple inheritance so we have to create NavigationSortableTable and NavigationTreeTable to archive
the navigation feature in SortableTable and TreeTable respectively. We could do it for all other table subclasses but we think these two are more likely to be used for the navigation purpose.
Breadcrumbs are navigation aids used in user interfaces. They allow users to keep track of their location within programs or documents. The term comes from the trail of breadcrumbs left by Hansel and Gretel in the popular fairytale. Both Windows 7 and Mac OS X introduced breadcrumb components in the file explorer and the finder respectively. JIDE's BreadcrumbBar implements the breadcrumb component using Swing. To leverage the existing Swing code, it uses the exactly the same TreeModel used in JTree as the model class. The path displayed in the breadcrumb is simply the current TreePath. If you know how to setup a TreeModel and are familiar with TreePaths, you will find it extremely easy to use the BreadcrumbBar component. BreadcrumbBar implements the breadcrumb user interface in Swing. To leverage the existing code, it uses the exact TreeModel as used in JTree as the model class. The path displayed in the breadcrumb can set or get using getSelectedPath and setSelectedPath. There is a great advantage of using TreeModel as many applications already got TreeModel for the things they want. For example, if you have a TreeModel that represents the file system, just set it to BreadcrumbBar, you will get the same breadcrumb bar as you can find on Windows 7 or Vista's file explorer.
There are several segments in a BreadcrumbBar. In each segment, there are a node component and a node separator. Usually when you press the node separator, it will show a drop down menu which has the children nodes of the node. But if you don't want to have such a drop down menu, you can disable it using setDropDownAllowed(false). When the drop down menu is shown, we change the icon from the left arrow to the down arrow. Both icons can be changed using setNextIcon and setDropDownIcon respectively.
Custom Animation
CustomAnimation defines the basic attributes of an animation. Currently we support three kinds of animations - fly, zoom, and fade - we call it effect. They all can be used during enter and exit animation type. There are a lot of options you can control how the animation looks like. Those options include speed, smoothness (the number of frames in the animation, the more frame, the smoother), and location. In the case of fly effect animation, you also have options such as direction, start location, end location, function x and function y. Function x and function y here are just like function in mathematics. Both functions together will define the path of the fly in or fly out. Here is an example. Say the animation will start at x coord 0 and end at x coord 100. To make it simple, let's assume there are 100 steps in this animation. If you use linear functionX, it will move steadily because in the linear function, calculate(step, totalStep) simply returns ((double) step) / totalStep. This means at step 1, move to x coord 1, at step 2, move to x coord 2 and so on. Now if you use pow2 function, it will move differently. FUNC_POW2 function returns Math.pow((double) step / totalStep, 2.0). If you calculate manually, you will find it moves slowly at the beginning and faster at the end. FUNC_POW_HALF function on the other hand will be opposite. It will be faster at the beginning and slower at the end. Please note, this is just the functionX which controls the movement on x coord. If the y coord of start and end location are different, the y coord will change along with x coord change. Combining the both functionX and functionY, it's possible to achieve any moving track as you want from the starting location to end location. Just to make it interesting, we pre-built FUNC_BOUNCE or FUNC_VIBRATE functions you can use to create a bouncing or vibrating effect. In the case of fade effect animation, you only have the option of end location as it stays at the same location. However you do have a function to control the fade speed at different stage. For example, if you choose FUNC_POW_HALF, it will fade faster at the beginning and slower at the end. If you choose FUNC_POW2 or FUNC_POW3, it will be the opposite.
Internationalization Support
All of the Strings used in JIDE Components are contained in properties files as listed below. com/jidesoft/swing/swing.properties
com/jidesoft/plaf/basic/basic.properties com/jidesoft/status/status.properties com/jidesoft/document/document.properties com/jidesoft/pane/pane.properties Some users contributes localized version of these files and we put those files inside jideproperties.jar. If you want to support languages other than those we provided, just extract those properties files, translated to the language you want, add the correct postfix and then jar them back into jide-properties jar. You are welcome to send the translated properties file back to us if you want to share it.