Heat Capacity Mapping Mission Press Kit

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I /kS/ News
Nalional Aeronaulcs and
Space Administration

Washington, D C 20546
AC 202 755-8370



Press Kit Project Heat


(NASA-News-_eiease-78-60) H C ._,_SATELLITE TO N78-21507

Aeronautics and Space Ad ministration) 47 P
CSCL 2_A _nclas
00/43 13277

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GENERAL RELEASE ................................ 1-7

MISSION DESCRIPTION ............................ 8-10

THE SPACECRAFT ................................. 11-13

PAYLOAD ........................................ 14-17

SPACECRAFT ACTIVATION .......................... 18

LAUNCH VEHICLE ................................. 19-21


DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING ................. 23-26

HCMM INVESTIGATIONS ............................ 27-38

AEM-A/HCMM/SCOUT MISSION TEAM .................. 39-40

CONTRACTORS .................................... 40

April 20, 1978

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

Washington, DC 20546
AC 202 755-8370

For Release:

Dick McCormack
Headquarters, Washington, D.C. IM24EDIATE
(Phone: 202/755-8583)

Joe McRober ts
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
(Phone: 301/982-4955)



The first spacecraft built to test the feasibility of

measuring variations in the Earth's temperature is scheduled

to be launched from the Western Test Range, Vandenberg Air

Force Base, Lompoc, Calif., aboard a Scout launch vehicle

no earlier than April 25, 1978.

Called the Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) , this

experimental satellite will travel in circular, sun-synchronous

620-kilometer (385-mile) orbit that allows for measuring mid-

latitude test areas of the Earth's surface for their minimum

temperatures and then measuring those same areas' maximum

temperatures about ii hours later.


A two-channel scanning radiometer will acquire images

in the visible and near infrared spectrum during the day

and in the thermal infrared spectrum both day and night.

Resolution of the two channels will be about 0.5 by 0.5 km

(1,800 feet) as the spacecraft acquires data along a 700-km

(435-mi.) wide swath.

HCMMis the first of a series of low-cost, modular-

design spacecraft built for the Applications Explorer Mis-

sions (AEM) -- small experimental spacecraft in special

orbits to satisfy mission-unique experimental data acquisi-

tion requirements. This mission was designed to allow

scientists to determine the feasibility of using day-night

thermal infrared remote sensor-derived data for:

• Discrimination of various rock types and possibly

locating mineral resources.

• Measuring and monitoring surface soil moisture


• Measuring plant canopy temperatures at frequent

intervals to determine transpiration of water

and plant stress.

• Measuring urban heat islands.


• Mapping surface temperature changes on land and

water bodies.

• Deriving information from snow fields for water

runoff prediction.

HCMMdata will be correlated with that received from

other satellites, especially from Landsat, the Earth resources

spacecraft, and with ground observations, to provide a better

insight into detecting temporal temperature variations of
the Earth's surface.

The spacecraft is unique in that its day-night heat

measurement sequence permits readings of temperature changes

associated with solar heating during the daytime and radia-

tive cooling at night. This temperature difference is re-

lated to the properties of the surface layer approximately

5-10 centimeters (2-4 inches) deep being measured. For

instance, some types of rocks such as shale have a wide

day-night temperature difference, while other types of

rock such as quartz have a smaller day-night temperature

Test sites for HCMMmeasurements are located in various

parts of the Continental United States, Western Europe and

Australia. Twelve American and 12 foreign investigators

are participating in the program.


Some of the planned experiments are to:

• Discriminate among rock types and identify such

features as subsurface faults or fracture not seen

in the visible spectrum. For instance, some types

of rock formations may emit similar radiation charac-

teristics in the visible spectrum due to weathering

erosion, or silt cover, whereas the thermal spectral

band, by measuring temperature differences, may

indicate structural and compositional differences.

• Survey soil moisture of cultivated areas including

some with extensive irrigation. For example, wet

soils have a very low temperature variation during

the day-night period, while dry soils and sand reach

very high temperatures during the day and become

quite cold at night.

• Determine whether plants are "running temperatures"

by observing the changes in temperature readings of

the vegetated areas. When a plant has adequate

water, its use of that water -- transpiration --

keeps it cooler than the surrounding air. A de-

hydrated plant exhibits a higher temperature, thus

indicating plant stress.


• Map flood runoff and thermal effluents into coastal

zones and the Great Lakes by measuring water tem-

perature differences. Such data are expected to

improve the monitoring from space of environmental

and ecological disturbances to fresh and tidal water

resources, i.e., animal, fish and plant life.

• Study "heat islands" -- concentrations of heat

rising from large metropolitan areas. It is known

that the higher temperatures associated with heat

from cities can affect their local weather, but it

is not known whether these higher temperatures can

cause long-lasting changes in regional climate.

• Measure snow fields. Many areas of the country

depend on melted snow for their water supplies.

Other areas are threatened by floods caused by

melting snow. Although snow field areas have been

monitored for a number of years by Landsat and

other satellites, HCMMshould add improved temper-
ature measurements to these snowmelt data and

assist scientists in calculating the time and rate

of snowmelt.


The HCMMis made up of two parts: (1) the instrument,

the Heat Capacity Mapping Radiometer (HCMR) and its unique

supporting gear; and (2) the spacecraft base module, or bus,

containing the necessary data handling, power supply, com-

munications and command and attitude control subsystems to

support the instrument module.

The spacecraft bus is based on a state-of-the-art

modular concept that keeps its cost relatively low, about

$5 million. Its single hydrazine motor provides the space-

craft with the capability to alter its orbit altitude for

experiments requiring special orbits or early engineering

evaluation of mission sensors. The bus weighs about 100

kilograms (220 pounds). Its solar panels provide an orbital

average power of 50 watts. A three-axis control of 1 to 2

degrees enables the satellite to keep pointed toward the

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.,

is responsible for the design, integration and testing of

the satellite and data processing. HCMMdata will be col-

lected in real time when the satellite is within reception

of the following NASA receiving stations -- Merritt Island,

Fla.; Goldstone, Calif.; Fairbanks, Alaska; Orroral, Aus-

tralia; Madrid, Spain; and the Goddard Center Engineering

Test Center at Greenbelt.


The base module was built by the Boeing Aerospace Co.,

Seattle, Wash., and the instrument by the International

Telephone and Telegraph Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.

NASA's Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va., manages

the four-stage, solid fuel rocket which will place the

spacecraft in orbit. Scout is built by the Vought Co.,

Dallas, Texas.

The launch window is 5:20 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. EST.





HCMM, or the Applications Explorer Mission-A (AEM-A),

spacecraft is scheduled to be launched on April 25, 1978,
by a four-stage Scout-D solid fuel launch vehicle from the
Western Test Range (WTR) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in
California. It will be injected into near-Earth 620 kilo-
meter, circular Sun-synchronous orbit, with a nominal 2:00
p.m. local Sun time at the ascending mode and a 97.86 degree
inclination. An orbit adjust motor is provided for proper
circularization of the orbit. The spacecraft is stabilized
in three axes so that the instrument is Earth pointing.
The expected useful lifetime of the spacecraft is one year
from launch.

The orbit for the HCMM will permit the measurement of

near maximum and minimum surface temperatures occurring
during the diurnal cycle which is about 1:30 p.m. and 2:30
a.m. in the middle northern latitudes. This orbit will
also allow for reflectence measurements during daytime
passes. From the nominal orbit altitude of 620 km (385 mi.)
the spatial resolution of the visible and thermal infrared
radiometer channels will be approximately 500 by 500 meters
(1,840 by 1,840 feet). The ground swath of data coverage
along the track will be 700 km (435 mi.) wide as shown in
Figure i.

The nearly polar Sun synchronous HCMM orbit will cover

every area of the Earth's surface between 85 degrees north
latitude and 85 degrees south at least once during the day
and once during the night within a 16-day interval. Both
day and night passes over selected areas within 12 hours
will repeat at 5- or 16-day intervals, depending on the
latitudes of the areas. The areas between 20 degrees and
32 degrees latitude (north and south) will receive only 36-
hour day/night coverage (Figure 2).

The objective of the AEM-A (HCMM) mission is the

acquisition of visible and infrared (IR) images at a scale
of 1:4,000,000 (approximately 23 cm 2 for 700 km2 frame)
for investigations in geology, plant stress, soil moisture
and hydrology. Heat capacity, or the ability to retain
heat (technically "thermal inertia"), will be estimated
from the satellite measurements. It is known that low-heat
capacities (high day/night temperature difference) are
characteristic of certain rock types such as shale and dry
soils, while high-heat capacities (low day/night tempera-
ture difference) are characteristic of other rock types
such as quartz and wet soils.


Figure i

/ •

Figure 2


HCMM Typical Coverage




The HCMM (AEM-A) is a small, versatile, low-cost type

spacecraft which uses three-axis stabilization for the Earth-
viewing instruments carried by it. The spacecraft structure
primarily consists of two major components: a base module
which contains the necessary attitude control, data handling,
communications, command and power subsystems for the instru-
ment module, and an instrument module containing the HCMR
and its supporting equipment. Two solar paddles are mounted
on the spacecraft structure along the velocity vector.
A yo-yo despin system is
located on the base module cone section and below the solar
array. Despin is accomplished by the transfer of some or
all of the spacecraft's angular momentum into increased
momentum of the yo-yo weights and cables (shown on Figure 3).
Weight release will be initiated by the spacecraft timer
soon after the fourth-stage burnout. Listed below are the
weights, physical description and pertinent parameters of
the spacecraft.



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Figure 3

Shape Six-sided prism

Base module 63.5 cm (25 in.)
Overall height including 161.85 cm (63.7 in.)

Base module and adapter 97.8 kg (215.6 lb.)
Instrument module 36.5 kg (80.5 lb.)
Spacecraft total 134.3 kg (296.1 lb.)

Power Dissipation

Base module operating 50 W Operates about

20 min/orbit

Instrument module operating 22 W

Base module standby 25 W

Instrument module standby 25 W

Orbit Adjust System Hydrazine,_V 259 ft/sec

Attitude Control

Despin Yo-yo system

Three-axis stabilization Active reaction wheel

magnetic torquing system

Command and Data Handling

PCM 136 MHz, i00 percent duty 1024 or 8192 bits/sec
S-band 2248 MHz, 25 per cent 480 + 80 kHz subcarrier
duty 800 + 80 kHz subcarrier
70 T 7.5 kHz subcarrier

Command 149 MHz, 600 bits/sec

A picture of the flight spacecraft with the solar

panels folded in the launch configuration is shown in
Figure 4.



The instrument module is located on the spacecraft so

that the Heat Capacity Mapping Radiometer (HCMR) is Earth
pointing. An optical diagram for the HCMR is shown in
Figure 5.

The basic radiometer instrument is a modified spare

Surface Composition Mapping Radiometer similar to that
flown on Nimbus 5. The HCMR will have a small geometric
field of view (less than 1 by 1 milliradians), high radio-
metric accuracy and a wide enough swath coverage on the
ground so that selected areas are covered within the 12-
hour period corresponding to the maximum and minimum of
temperature observed.

The instrument will operate in two channels, at ap-

proximately 0.5 to i.i micrometers (visible and near IR)
and 10.5 and 12.5 micrometers (IR), providing measurements
of reflected solar energy and equivalent black-body

It is planned that the spatial resolution of both

channels will be 500 by 500 m (1,840 by 1,840 ft.) at
nadir with registration between channels to 0.2 resolution
elements. A summary of the principal parameters are
listed below:

Heat Capacity Mappin 9 Radiometer Summary

Orbital Altitude 620 km (nominal)

Angular Resolution 0.83 milliradians

Resolution 500 by 500 m at nadir

Scan Angle 60 degrees (full angle)

Scan Rate 14 revolutions/second

Scan Period 0.07 seconds/revolution

Sample Rate One sample/resolution element

Sampling Interval 9.2 microseconds

Swath Width 700 km


Figure 5


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'_ >,R W,NDOWS

_4r._ _IR FILTER



Optical Diagram for HCMR


Data Rate 105 kHz

Thermal IR Channel 10.5 to 12.5 micrometers

Visible and Near IR Channel 0.5 to 1.1 micrometers

Scan Mirror 45 degree elliptical flat

Nominal Telescope Optics 2O cm


View Ports Clear view downward to

one side

Calibration View of dark space and

seven-step staircase
electronic calibration
plus blackbody calibration
once each scan

The HCMR is composed of four major subassemblies

mounted in a common housing (Figure 6). These subassemb-
lies are scan mirror and drive, optics, electronics and
radiant cooler. The scan mirror drive assembly provides
a cross-course scanning of the instantaneous field of view
with reference to the subsatellite ground track. The
optical subassembly provides increased ground resolution
and spectral definition of the three channels. The elec-
tronics subassembly contains the data amplifiers and
housekeeping telemetry; it formats the analog sensor data
such that it is compatible with the HCMR data system. The
radiant cooler subassembly provides detector operating
temperatures of approximately 115 degrees K.


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The HCMM (AEM-A) spacecraft will be launched with

only the power supplies, command and telemetry subsystem
operating. When spacecraft separation has occurred about
10.5 minutes after launch, it is despun by a yo-yo system
consisting of a pair of weights, cables and release mech-
anisms located at diametrically opposed facets, to main-
tain balance torques during despin. Weight release is
initiated by a separation switch activated timer on board
the spacecraft. Despin is accomplished by the transfer
of some of the spacecraft angular momentum into the yo-yo
system weights and wires. Despin is to 1 rev/min.

Approximately i0 seconds after despin is initiated,

the solar arrays are deployed to a pre-fixed angle. The
spacecraft begins stabilization operations, and up to five
orbits may be required to enable it to stabilize in three-
axes with the original spin axis aligned along the local
vertical. Depending on the initial orbit achieved, orbit
injection errors will be removed through a series of
maneuvers, beginning, at the earliest, 12 hours after in-
jection. This will be accomplished by firing the orbit
adjust subsystem to change the perigee and/or apogee.
Orbit injection error removal may require a series of orbit
adjusts for a period of approximately two weeks.

The orbit parameters for the HCMM mission are as


Circular orbit 620 km (385 mi.)

Orbit period 97.2 minutes

Sunsynchronous 2 PM ascending mode

Inclination 98.87 degrees



The Scout launch vehicle is the smallest of the launch

vehicles and was designed to provide a reliable and rela-
tively inexpensive launch vehicle for small payloads. The
launch vehicle has four stages, is 22.86 m (75 ft.) in
length (less the spacecraft) and has a maximum diameter
of 1.01 m (3.3 ft.) at its widest cross section. The Scout
is the only U.S. launch vehicle which uses solid propellants
exclusively. The Scout launch vehicle characteristics are
listed in Table 1 and an outline drawing is shown in Figure 7.

Table 1
Characteristics of the Scout Launch "Vehicle

Item First Stage Second Stage Third Stage Fourth Stage

Name Algol Ilia Castor IIA Antares IIA FW-4S Altair IIiA

Impulse (newtons/see) 32,142,784 10,304,114 3,257,937 762,972

Fuel type Solid Solid Solid Solid

Fuel weight (kg) 12,684 3762 1161 275

Gross weight (kg) 14,175 4433 1272 301

Guidance Aerodynamic tip I[2Cz. reaction H202 reaction Unguided, spin

and let vane con- Jets Jets stabilized
trol surfaces

Tracking aids ]:t adar beacon* Radar beacon* Radar beacon* w

Telemctry S-band IlIIG** S--band IRIG** S-band IRIG** Spaccc r,'dt system***


*Trackin Z is avatlablo up to ignition of fourth stage using a 500-watt, single-telemetry pulse radar
beacon on the launch vehicle third stage.

**Launch vehielc telemetry system is standard [RIG PAM/FM/FM at frequency of 2200 to 2300 hiHz.

"**Fourth-stage parameters telemetered through spacecraft VIIF telemetry llnk.

The propulsion motors are arranged in tandem with

transition sections between the stages to tie the struc-
ture together and to provide space for instrumentation.

The launch vehicle is guided from launch through

third-stage burnout by a three-axis gyro reference system.
Yaw and roll orientation are maintained about an initial
reference established at launch. Pitch orientation is
changed during flight by a series of commands timed from
launch to follow the zero lift or gravity turn trajectory.


t AEM -A








Figure 7 Scout-D Launch Vehicle


Yaw orientation can be changed during flight to

obtain correct orbit inclination. Control during the
first-stage boost is provided by jet vanes and aero-
dynamic fin tips.

Following burnout of the third-stage motor, the

third stage spins up the fourth stage/spacecraft combi-
nation to 170 + 20 rev/min prior to the third stage

The third stage separation actuates two switches

located in the fourth stage for the timing of burns, and
the fourth stage ignition occurs shortly after third stage
separation. The fourth stage is retained for a period of
time after primary burnout to allow for small, residual
burning (approximately 300 + 20 seconds after third stage
separation.) The spacecraft base module then provides the
timing and electrical impulses needed to actuate the pyro-
technic separation bolt cutters. The planned sequence of
launch events that will occur from liftoff through vehicle/
spacecraft separation is listed in Table 2. The mission
ground track is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 HCMM Ground Track


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After spacecraft stabilization -- about two weeks --

HCMM data will be collected in real time when the satel-
fete is within reception range (figure 9) of the NASA
receiving station located at Fairbanks, Alaska; Goldstone,
Calif.; engineering Test Center at Goddard Space Flight Cen-
ted Greenbelt, Md; Merritt Island, Fla.; Madrid, Spain; and
Orroral, Australia. These stations will receive, record,
discriminate, decode, and decommutate telemetry data and
transmit these data in real time to GSFC for spacecraft
health and performance evaluation. The real-time HCMR
S-band (analog) data will be recorded on tape and shipped to
GSFC (usually by air) for data processing.

Minitrack tracking support will be provided by Orroral,

Australia, and Winkfield, England, and the data transmitted
to GSFC for orbit computations. Command of the spacecraft
can be either by real time or from the stored command memory
from the GSFC control center.

After the S-band analog HCMR tapes arrive at the God-

dard Space Flight Center, the first phase of data processing
will involve the calibration of the data. The instrument
will be calibrated before launch and monitored during its
lifetime with an onboard black-body temperature reference.
The visible channel data will be reduced to reflected
energy and digitized.

1 1 t L I I l l I L 1 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I L I 1 I
9_BO 170 160 1.5,0 140 130 '120 110 100 90 O0 70 &O 50 40 30 ,20 I0 0 10 20 310 40 ,50 6_3 70 BO 90 100 110 120 130 140 1_ 1_ 170 180

Figure 9. IiCMM Tracking Station Data Acquisition Circles


The thermal infrared channel will be calibrated to ra-

diance by using space viewing as a cold reference and an
on-board black body at approximately 300°K as a hot reference.
Data digitized in units of energy to eight bits equivalent
to a temperature range to 260 degrees to 340 degrees K.

All data will be processed to maximum geometric fidelity

by taking into account satellite orbit and attitude infor-
mation. Geographic referencing of the data will be accom-
plished using information from the satellite ephemeris and
attitude tapes. Because resampling of data to a standard
grid tends to degrade slightly the accuracy of the radiance
values, unresampled data will also be available in digital

During the initial phase of the mission, the prepro-

cessed data will be fed directly to high resolution film
recorders and an image data recording system for quick-look

The second phase of data processing deals with the

registration of day and night thermal infrared data. Data
registration will be achieved by inspection of day and night
thermal imagery of selected areas for identification of
features such as shorelines, lakes, rivers, cities, and sig-
nificant topography. Following identification of such
features, a digital procedure will be used to define more
precisely the offsets between corresponding day and night
representations of these features. Following computation of
a number of tiepoints, the night thermal images will be re-
mapped to overlay day images. These remapped images will
also be available in digital tape format.

The registered day and night thermal infrared data will

be archived at the Goddard Space Flight Center and used to
produced day/night temperature difference data in both
image and digital computer tape format.

The production of thermal inertia image data is the

last phase of data processing. This will be accomplished by
applying an algorithm to the registered day-night thermal
infrared data for the production of a simulated depiction of
thermal inertia as an indicator of geologic features or soil

Processed data from the HCMM will be available in three


- more -

Black-and-white imagery as 241 mm prints or trans-

parencies at a scale of 1:4,000,000.

Computer compatible tapes (CCTs) of calibrated and geo-

metrically corrected data.

Computer compatible tapes of calibrated but geome-

trically uncorrected data.

Figure i0 provides a functional overview of the data

collection and control center systems. A further expansion
of the HCMR data processing in GSFC Image Processing Facility
is shown in Figure ii.


ANAtOG TAPE [ ,_C,E 1 '_--_

Et_. H_aR_r _ PROctss'NG -_

_ ot_Ens. A,r mA,L _'-----_ ,AC,_,TY ]----'(Z_

G'' @,


sensor J I"J_'TCK-M/T I I I OtIBIT l _ SPACECRAFT L.--

._ OnR GDS

Figure i0.

- more -






i _ DATA
[_ FIt.M





.... J_',l



Figure ii •


Following a NASA Announcement of Opportunity April 14,

1975, a number of investigators were selected to conduct ex-
periments using the HCMR data. The selected investigators
represent both U.S. and foreign government agencies, univer-
sities and industry.

The 12 U.S. investigations are as follows:

Applications of HCMM Satellite Data to the Study of

Urban Heating Patterns

Principal investigator is Dr. Toby N. Carlson, Depart-

ment of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, Pa.

The objective of the experiment is to utilize data from

HCMR as input to mesoscale wind model to study urban heat
islands. The approach used will be to develop a surface heat
flux model suitable for use in atmospheric prediction schemes,
acquire satellite and aircraft data to study the patterns of
surface heating in urban areas and measure surface albedo,
evaporative potential and thermal inertia as inputs for the

Anticipated results will be made available for further

studies in urban meteorology. Test sites are located in
Los Angeles, Calif.; St. Louis, Mo.; Houston, Texas; and
Washington, D.C.

Freeze Damage Assessment, Plantin@ Date. Advisor _ and


Principal investigator is Dr. Craig L. Wiegand, U°S.

Department of Agriculture-ARS, Weslaco, Texas.

The objectives of the experiment are to use optimum

day and night HCMM data for freeze damage assessment, plant-
ing data advisory and evapotranspiration. Analysis will be
made of HCMM data in relation to ground truth and aircraft-
obtained data. Continuous measurements of solar radiation,
total hemispherical radiation, wind movements, air tempera-
ture, vapor pressure and soil temperature in wet and dry
plots will be obtained.


Anticipated results are to identify areas of least

freeze hazard for growing temperature-sensitive crops,
maximize harvestable yield from freeze-damaged crops, assess
freeze damage to citrus relative to HCMMdata, relate HCMM
temperature versus soil water depletion and days since irri-
gation, determine whether canopy temperature differs charac-
teristically among crops and relate nighttime soil tempera-
ture to major soil texture variations over the Rio Grande
Valley. Test site is located in Texas.
Remote Detection of Soil Moisture Using Data From HCMM

Principal investigator is Dr. Ray D. Jackson_ U.S.

Department of Agriculture-ARS, Water Conservation Laboratory,
Phoenix, Ariz.

Objectives are to demonstrate the usefulness of soil

temperature and albedo data measured from a space platform
in assessing soil moisture over large areas for the purpose
of improving agricultural resources management practices.

The approach is to use multilevel sampling to evaluate

the feasibility of transferring ground proven methods for
measuring soil moisture to spacecraft use. Ground truth and
airborne measurements of reflected sunlight and infrared
radiances will provide the basis for interpreting the space-
craft data.

Anticipated results are to demonstrate the ability to

detect and monitor soil moisture from space, and maps of
soil moisture and soil temperature. Test site is located
in California.

Data Use Investigations for Applications Explorer Mission-A

Principal investigator is John R. Schott, Calspan

Corp., Buffalo, N.Y.

Objectives are to study the thermal properties of the

Great Lakes as they relate to water quality, lake hydrology
and energy exchange; study urban heat islands (Buffalo,
Rochester and Syracuse).

Approach is to relate remotely sensed water quality

data to the thermal properties of water by examining in spring
and fall the thermal bars on the lakes which form between the
warm, nutrient rich inshore waters and the cold mid-lake water,
and to use day and night HCMM data to detect and map the
extent and magnitude of the heat islands.

-29 -

Anticipated results are to determine: if the quality

of surface water is significantly affected by solar heating;
to what extent quality has an effect on solar heating; and,
whether inertia properties and the use of thermal properties
assist in mapping hydrologic conditions and to study the
effects of current and upwelling conditions on the lakes'
trophic state; to map the physical structure of the city
(heat island) and to use HCMMdata to aid in studying the
factors that lead to the formation of the heat islands and
the factors that help to alleviate its effects. The test
site is the Great Lakes.

Geological and Geothermal Data Use Investigations for

Application Explorer Mission-A

Principal investigator is Prof. Ronald J. P. Lyon,*

Department of Applied Earth Science, Stanford University,
Stanford, Calif.

Objectives are to investigate the type and complexity

of thermal models needed for remote sensing of rock and soil
parameters and to develop the capability thereby to utilize
airborne (U-2) and satellite (HCMM) thermal data for these
purposes; to conduct field measurement programs at test sites
to test the validity of those thermal models; and to relate
the overflight data over test sites to localized calibration
sites at these localities.

Approach: Landsat/U-2 and HCMM data will be used in

_onjunction with each other to use the thermal parameters
related to rock density to devise a clear discrimination
between terrain with altered, clay-bearing rocks stained
with ferric oxides derived from sulfides and volcanics with
ferric oxide coatings derived from magnetite.

Anticipated results are to better discriminate rock

types for better mineral exploration searches. Test site
is located in Nevada.

Geologic Applications of Thermal Inertia Mapping From Satellite

Principal investigator is Terry W. Offield_ U.S.

Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior.

Objectives are thermal mapping for discrimination of

geologic units and energy or mineral resource areas and
evaluation of thermal modeling and satellite mapping techniques.


Approach: The thermal model to be developed will

consider the effects of topography using digital topographic
information. Satellite and aircraft measurements will be
compared to evaluate the effects of scale and resolution
versus topography at different scales.

Anticipated results: a refined thermal model; estab-

lish techniques for producing thermal inertia maps, evalua-
tion of thermal inertia data for detecting soil moisture
variations, rock types and alteration areas, and geothermal
energy areas. Test sites are located in eastern Wyoming
and southwestern Arizona.

Geologic Application of Thermal Inertia Imaging Usin_ HCMM Data

Principal investigator is Dr. Anne B. Kahle,*Jet Pro-

pulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Objective is the investigation of the feasibility of

using thermal inertia inferred from remotely sensed tempera-
ture data to complement Landsat reflectivity data for recon-
naissance geologic mapping and mineral exploration.

Approach will be day and nighttime thermal images, as

well as daytime reflectance data from HCMM used in conjunc-
tion with surface meteorological information as applied to
the JPL thermal model to construct thermal inertia images
and maps of three test sites in the western United States.

Anticipated results are to demonstrate the utility of

thermal data, thermal inertia data and the combination of
thermal and reflective MSS data for lithologic mapping and
mineral exploration. Test sites are located in Pisgah,
Calif.; Walker Lane, Nev.; and Death Valley, Calif.

HCMM Energy Budget Data as a Model Input for As sessin_

Regions of High Potential Groundwater Pollution

Principal investigator is Dr. Donald G. Moore_ Remote

Sensing Institute, South Dakota State University, Brookings,

Objective is the development of a remote sensing method

for rapid and accurate detection and monitoring of regions
with shallow water tables which are susceptable to ground-
water contamination.


Approach: Ten "intensive" test sites will be selected

on the basis of water table depth, aquifer thickness, ground-
water flow rate and landuse. Soil temperatures will be mea-
sured with thermocouples and data related to HCMM, Landsat
and aircraft information.

Anticipated results: Thermal inertia, temperature,

albedo information will be used to predict water table
depths and other aquifer properties which can be used to
locate regions having a high potential for groundwater
contamination. Test site is located in eastern South Dakota.

Investigation of Methods to Use HCMM Thermal Data in Snow

Hydrology Programs

Principal investigator is James C. Barnes2 Environ-

mental Research and Technology, Inc.

Objectives are to determine the capability of HCMM

thermal data to provide accurate measurements of the distri-
bution and surface temperature of snow cover; determine how
the HCMM measurement can be incorporated with visible data
into a snow hydrology program related directly to snowmelt
runoff prediction; and develop an approach toward an automated
data processing for snow hydrology.

The approach is to correlate HCMM data to ground truth

and other data using methods similar to those used by the
ERT scientists in previous studies.

Anticipated results are development of improved tech-

niques for mapping and analyzing snow cover using spacecraft
acquired data. Test sites are located in the Sierra Nevada,
Calif.; Salt Verde, Ariz.; Cascades, Wash.; Columbia Basin,
Idaho; and upper Mississippi-Missouri River Basin.

Applications of HCMM Data to Soil Moisture, Snow and

Estuarine Current Studies

Principal investigator is Donald R. Wiesnet,*National

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental
Satellite Service, Environmental Sciences Group.

Objectives are to chart tidal currents in estuaries,

thermal inertia, soil moisture measurements/thermal emission
of snow.


The approach will be comparison of HCMMdata analyses

with ground truth.

Anticipated results will be synoptic tidal current

charts; evaluation of contamination of thermal signature
of snow by forest cover in winter and by type of tree.
Test sites are the Potomac River, Md.; Cooper River, S.C.;
Cranberry Lake, N.Y.; and Luverne, Minn.

Plant Canopy Temperature and Soil Moisture Experiment

Principal investigator is Dr. J. C. Harlan, Remote

Sensing Center, Texas A & M University, Prairie View, Texas.

Objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing

HCMM derived plant canopy temperature and soil moisture data
as a measure of cultivated crop condition in ungaged dryland
farming areas where temperature and precipitation measurement
do not exist.

The approach is to use HCMM data processing to deter-

mine mean and variance for large delineated areas followed
by multiple regression analysis against ground truth to pro-
vide correlation information towards creation of inputs to
crop production models.

Anticipated results: The reliability of HCMM derived

parameters will be determined. Test sites are located in
Oklahoma and Kansas.

Soil Moisture in Relation to Geologic Structure and

Lithology in Northern California

Principal investigator is Dr. Ernest I. Rich, Stanford

University, Stanford, Calif.

Objectives are to identify rock types via seasonal

thermal changes, identify linear features buried under
alluvial fill and to determine the optimum time of year to
record geothermal heat. Approach: HCMM data will be com-
pared to Landsat and aircraft data. Seasonal recognition
criteria will be established and criteria will be translated
to other regions in northern California.

Anticipated results: Aid to mineral exploration in

deverse climate, topography and geologic settings, establish
rock type recognition criteria. Test site is located in
northern California.


The 12 foreign investigations are as follows:

Investigation Usin _ Data From HCMM

Principal investigator is Dr. P. Y. Deschamps, Group

De Recherches D'Oceanographie Spatiale, University de Lille,

Objectives are to map the various thermal gradients

in the Coastal Zone of France in relation with natural
phenomena (upwellings estuaries) and manmade thermal effluents;
study the tidal gradients appearing in the English Channel
using both HCMM and NOAA-VHRR; contribute in the modeling of
diurnal heating of sea surface temperature and its influences
on the thermal strafication of the oceanic surface layer.

Approach: VHRR data, A/C radiometer and surface mea-

surements will be utilized to assess the improvements of
HCMM data in terms of spatial resolution, temperature accu-
racy and calibration. HCMM data will be used to study the
evaluation of thermal gradients in estuaries, mesoscale cir-
culation in the Golfe du Lion, tidal gradients in the English
Channel and diurnal heating of sea surface.

Anticipated results: maps of the evolution of thermal

gradients generated by three main estuaries will be produced.
The possible effect on ecosystems of a probable increase in
temperature due to new power plants will be assessed. Maps
of the mesoscale circulation in the Golfe du Lion in relation
to upwellings generated by strong coastal winds will be pro-
duced to help in planning of future tidal power plants. Test
sites are located in the Atlantic Coast of France and Golfe
du Lion.

Investigation Using Data From HCMM

Principal investigator is Dr. Jean-Yves Scanvic,

Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans,

Objectives are to investigate the existence of regional

thermal anomalies related to different magmatic areas; the
ability of spatial thermal images to discriminate limestones
from dolomites and to discriminate other rock types; to detect,
under temperate climate conditions (soil, weathering, vegeta-
tion) an eventual thermal anomaly due to small temperature
differences in vicinity of ore bodies (sulphide) and to use
visible/IR bands to detect tectonic and geological map changes.


The approach will be an analytical study of thermal

energy imagery acquired day and night and at different sea-
sons of the year to detect anomalies.

Anticipated results are the detection of potential

active volcanic zones and/or geothermal anomalies which can-
not be detected from thermal IR images from aircraft; dis-
crimination of limestone from dolomite as a guide for mineral
exploration, geohydrology and petroleum exploration and im-
provement of geologic (rock-type) maps. Test site is Massif
Central, Bretagne, France.

Topoclimatolo_ical and Snowhydrolo@ical Survey in Switzerland

Principal investigator is Dr. Matthias Winiger, Depart-

ment of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland.

Objectives are to delineate and map cold air masses,

fog layers and dust layers; determine influence of built-up
areas on the heat flux; map the areal extent of the snow
cover and its changes, snow melting conditions and melting
water runoff.

Appraoch: Project will rely upon already existing

observation networks, test sites, organizations, instruments
and techniques. Extensive field measurements, continuous
automatic measurements of meteorological data, aircraft over-
flights and weather satellite data will be utilized. Visual
interpretation of HCMM visible and thermal data will be used
for the delineation and mapping of the selected elements. A
determination will be made as to the accuracy of the different
measuring processing and mapping methods, and to the correla-
tion of HCMM data to ground truth and remotely sensed data.

Anticipated results are processing and interpretation

techniques which may be used in operational topoclimatological
surveys and water runoff predictions; an estimate of the in-
fluence of the topographic situation, seasons and weather
situations on observed features; particular statements on
the usefulness of HCMM data (spectral bands, spatial resolu-
tion, sequence of satellite passes); indications on possible
reductions of the ground observation network; a set of the-
matic maps showing distribution and changes of cold air masses,
fog layers, thermal distribution, snow and amount of melting
water; correlation of the mapped elements to selected features
such as phenological observations, vegetation time, frost
damages, etc. Test sites are located in Switzerland and
parts of France, Germany, Austria and Italy.


Monitoring Large Scale Pollution Effects in the North Sea

Principal investigator is Dr. Gilbert Fielder, Depart-

ment of Environmental Sciences, University of Lancaster,

Objective is the investigation of the feasibility of

monitoring marine pollutants, mainly oil.

The approach is to determine if it is possible to

recognize an anomalous area of sea known to be polluted
in a certain way. The pollutant will be tracked and its
composition determined if possible.

Anticipated results: temperature and thermal inertia

anomalies will be recognized and specific pollutants identi-
fied. Demonstration of the feasibility of using HCMM data
for ocean pollutant monitoring. Test sites are located in
various parts of Great Britain.

Soil Moisture and Heat Budget Evaluation in Selected European

Zones of Agricultural and Environmental Interest (Tellus Project)

Principal investigator is Dr. S. G. Paratesi, Joint

Research Center of the European Communities.

Objectives: A consortium of several European investi-

gators (Tellus) will conduct studies of soil moisture, vege-
tation, evapotranspiration and the nature of the land surface
to determine the features which can be successfully monitored
by the HCMM's radiometer.

Approach: Laboratory and ground calibration of instru-

ments; verification of existing thermal inertia models for
bare soil; construction of an on-ground agrometeorological
measuring network and aircraft and ground truth measurements.

Anticipated results: Seasonal mapping of soil moisture;

monitoring of vegegation stress relationships between soil
moisture, groundwater and erosion; frost tendency monitoring
and effect of local effluents on heat budget. Test sites
are located in southern Italy, Sardinia and central Europe.


Multidisciplinary Application of Thermal Data

Principal investigator is Dr. Rupert Haydn, Central

Laboratory for Geophotogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Objectives are to apply HCMM data to studies in the

fields of geology, ecology, hydrology and climatology and
to develop processing and analytical methods.

Approach: HCMM thermal and visible data will be used

in conjunction with studies of urban heat islands, manmade
thermal influences in alpine valleys, temperature conditions
relative to angiosperms, interpretation of subsurface mor-
phology and soil moisture variations, lithological mapping
in southern Italy and detection of submarine fresh water

Anticipated results are the determination of effec-

tiveness of use of HCMM data in accomplishing investigation
objectives. Test sites are located in West Germany, Italy
and Morocco.

Investiqation of User Applications of HCMM Data in the

Australian Environment

Principal investigator is Dr. K. G. McCracken, CSIRO,

Division of Mineral Physics.

Objective is to develop a thermal inertia model suit-

able for HCMM data; applicability of thermal inertia mapping
to geology, vegetation and soil moisture characteristics of
arid regions; classification of wetlands; and extrapolation
of frost data.

Approach: Multidisciplinary evaluation of HCMM data


Anticipated results: Determination of the suitability

of HCMM data in providing information for geology, vegetation
and soil moisture. Test sites are located in various parts
of Australia.

Use of Repetitive Thermal Imagery of Two Selected Areas in

Italy for Geological and H[drological Applications

Principal investigator is Prof. R. Cassinis, Instituto

Per La Geofisica Della Litosfera.


Objectives are the determination of the thermal inertia

of rock types, definition of discontinuities (faults), detec-
tion of thermal anomalies, investigation of coastal and legunar
water circulation patterns.

The approach is to use temporal comparisons to enhance

faults and study anomalous heat flows, especially in the
coastal areas.

Anticipated results: Improved knowledge of the geology

and structure of Sicily and of the water circulation patterns
in two coastal areas. Test site is located in Italy.

Use of the Resultant HCMM Data

Principal investigator is Paul D. Scully-Power, Royal

Australian Navy Research Laboratory.

Objectives are to study the life span, advection rate,

formation, decay and aggregation of mesoscale ocean eddies.

The approach is to use the temperature gradient and

spatial resolutions of the HCMR and the synopticity of the
swath to resolve the ocean processes that control the life
span, advection rate, formation, decay and aggregation of
mesoscale ocean eddies.

Anticipated results: Determination of the life span,

advection rate, formation, decay and aggregation of meso-
scale ocean eddies. Test site: Tasman Sea, Australia.

Mineral Exploration, Energy Resources, Range Resources

Principal investigator is Dr. Monica M. Cole, Bedford

College, London, England.

Objectives: Rock discrimination for mineral explora-

tion, detection of geothermal heat sources, moisture content
assessment for rangeland management.

Approach: HCMM data to be compared to known mineral

deposits, aircraft, Landsat and Skylab data and checked in
the field. Discrimination of rock types will be done with
ground investigation of anomalous areas. Thermal inertia
maps will be constructed.

Anticipated results: Discrimination and mapping of

rock types with eventual value to geologic surveys and
mining concerns; identification of geothermal hot spots and
variations in soil moisture. Test site is located in


Soil Moisture Estimating in Agricultural Areas From

Thermal Emission Measurements

Principal investigator is Dr. Joseph Cihlar, Canada

Centre for Remote Sensing.

Objectives are to evaluate the usefulness of the thermal

inertia concept to estimate soil moisture from remote sensing

Approach is to study soil moisture from remotely sensed

data using the thermal inertia concept to prepare a model
for spring wheat yield prediction. Soil type effects, atmos-
pheric conditions, seasonal effect, crop cover, aircraft
versus satellite measurements of same soil type will all be

Anticipated results: Answers will be obtained to

questions regarding soil moisture measurement, soil type
effects, environmental (atmospheric) effects, algorithm
determination and thermal inertia applications. Test sites
are located in various parts of Canada.

Mapping, Geothermal Source Location, Natural Effluents

and Plant Stress in Mediterranean Coast of Spain

Principal investigator is Dr. Ing. Rodolfo Nunez de

las Cuevas, Instituto Geografico y Catastral, Madrid, Spain.

Objectives are thermal mapping, geothermal source

location, natural effluents detection and plant stress

Approach is to form correlative analyses of HCMM data

with multidisciplinary ground truth information to determine
the utility of thermal infrared satellite data in Earth
resources exploration.

Anticipated results will be a thermal map of test site

showing rock type discrimination and plant stress and indica-
ting the location of geothermal energy sources and natural
effluents into the sea. Test site is located in eastern Spain.

*Investigators also members of HCMM Experiment Team (HET) .

The HET advises NASA on the science related aspects of

the mission such as data products output and format, develop-
ment and testing of algorithms for apparent thermal inertia,
assisting in post launch activities such as sensor evaluation,
data processing software validation and future applications.



NASA Headquarters

Dr. Anthony J. Calio Associate Administrator for Space

and Terrestrial Applications

Pitt G. Thome Director, Resource Observation


Dick S. Diller AEM Program Manager

John F. Yardley Associate Administrator

for Space Transportation

Joseph B. Mahon Director, Expendable Launch

Vehicle Systems

Paul E. Goozh Scout Program Manager

Goddard Space Flight Center

Dr. Robert Cooper Director

Robert Lindley Director, Project Management

Carl Wagner AEM Project Manager

Dr. John C. Price HCMM Project Scientist

Ronald O. Brittner Deputy Project Manager/Technical


Frank L. Heddinger Deputy Project ManagerTechnical


Ronald R. Felice Mission Operations Manager

Morton Friedman Spacecraft Manager

McLean Grant Systems Integration Manager

James M. Williamson Project Operations Director

Jack Evans Instrument Manager

Robert G. Sanford Mission Support Manager


Kennedy Space Center

Lee Scherer Director

George F. Page Director, Expendable Vehicle


H.R. Van Goey Manager, Western Operations Office

C.R. Fuentes Manager, HCMM Spacecraft Operations


Langley Research Center

Donald P. Hearth Director

Lee R. Foster Manager, Scout Project Office

Larry R. Tant HCMM Coordinator Project Office

Donald E. Forney Manager, LaRC Mission Support

Field Office


Boeing Aerospace Co. Base Module Contractor

Seattle, Wash.

International Telephone & HCMR Instrument Contractor

Telegraph Co.
Ft. Wayne, Ind.

- end -


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